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ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen good today tomorrow backwards minecraft they were placed our defense welcome back to another video I hope you guys are having a wonderful day they were playing like I said tower defence in Minecraft have you been watching my channel for a while we've done quite a bit of videos on this map probably think four or five and you guys have absolutely loved all of the videos that we've done on this you guys have been crushing it on the support so real quick before we do another video right now I'm asking for you guys to just leave a simple like on the video if you want to see another one of these videos channel the last couple videos I did over this map we did really really easy levels like we did like you know this one was like 30 waves and this one was like 20 but now we're stepping it up and we're probably not gonna win but we'll try we are going to space level 9 space this map has 60 waves and it has two different spawns in two different ends oh what is this oh my gosh I got an achievement in space that's actually an achievement why in the world is this level oh my gosh okay wait first off where did the zombies start coming from real quick if you guys aren't familiar with tower defense it's very very simple you have your spawn which kind of looks like this however I don't think that's the right one I think it's a different war speed tower there it is the spawn right there zombies skeletons creepers tons of different types of mobs are going to spawn through this if they make it all the way to the end then I lose lives and I currently only have 40 lives my goal is to create towers and protect and kill all the zombies and protect my lives and I think this is the end in here where the heck is the end I have no idea where the end is can I not go inside here can I really all wait the end is in there okay so both of the ins are in this like purple building that we can't go inside wonderful pie so I'm gonna go ahead and buy six sheep towers because sheep are my best friend there we go all right let's to go to do the first wave wave number one oh my gosh if we can actually make it to wave 60 I would flip out I I don't think it's possible simply because we don't have the most insane things than locks like look how many things we still have like locked on this on this map like all of these wave completed oh my gosh we actually completed a wave now we need to figure out where this next thing spawns so we can go ahead and start projecting it get spawns from here but I'm not sure is this where it spawns is this where the second thing spawns I think it's right here alright let's go ahead and go to the next wave here let's see what's going on down here this is a cool view I like this oh my gosh we already have zombies and creepers and we're on wave 2 this is gonna be a little bit difficult why is that where's that dude going wow it's wave 2 it's wave 2 on some of the other levels we wouldn't get that tool like wave 30 I lost the life already oh my gosh we're on wave I lost another life we run wave 2 all their invisible their invisible Oh flip we have invisible mobs coming on wave 2 oh my gosh what thank is a chicken tower whoa whoa whoa whoa stop oh my gosh already lost 12 lives alright so I'm gonna place one of these good old beacon thingamabob is right here I had no idea that the invisible mobs would come in that quickly because on all the other levels the invisible mobs would literally come in at like wave 20 okay so we have a lot of invisible mobs still and these these beacons are absolutely I lost another life I lost another life oh my gosh I feel like I'm so bad at this game like either I'm really bad at it or it's just insanely difficult like look at all these invisible mobs and I place the beacon so what the beacons do for those that don't know the beacons make the mobs visible but the problem is is the range on these beacons is so small so I'd have to place another one over there or I can just save up a little bit more for the super beacon which will cover almost the whole entire map and then I wouldn't have to buy like three normal beacons that only cover one-eighth of the map so I'm just gonna save up I think that's the best option for me to do I'm just gonna save up I think it's this one right here wow we didn't lose a life that wave are you sure that was actually a wave Oh see those little particles those are the invisible mobs then watch when they get close to the beacon then you can start seeing the outline of them and whenever you see the outline of them that means our towers can also see eat them and attack them we're just waiting there we go super beacon okay okay sell this tell this so why can I not sell you why can I not sell this is oh wait there we go yes and place a super beacon place the super beacon there we go so the super beacon is gonna give us maximum range and yeah if we could get like one more of those that'd be great oh my gosh we lost more lives guys I'm gonna try my best to make it as far as I can but I I've only so good at this at this game alright we're gonna go and start doing some fire towers and honestly the distance between the spawn and the end is really not that far like it literally starts right there and then it ends right there it's like we really don't have that much room really what is this oh my gosh we have a bunch of coins 500 oh my gosh what is this it Luger Tower ranged far damage high permanently slows and fast enemies rarely attacks from great distance I have not seen one of these sides I just want to try oh now we got quite a bit of towers we need to focus on placing the towers up there on top and then we need to focus on upgrading we definitely need to focus on upgrading yourself wow this illusion tower is absolutely wrecking he is literally wrecking everyone okay we need to get more of these guys okay I'm gonna go ahead and get another super beacon here now we're gonna place is super beacon probably like right here I'm kinda the opposite side of the maps so that should be able to cover literally the whole entire map at least I hope so well I'm feeling confident with these illegitimate guys are solar-powered how much is its upgrade you twelve hundred and fifty gold ok we're gonna need ah do not kill him do not kill him I need I need an ocelot tower ASAP ok they come visible right there okay so our super beacon is still not working we need another one oh my gosh it's just a little bit more gold and we can get another one of these guys I want to get way more come on 750 750 these guys are so overpowered imagine if I could fill the whole entire map with these dudes are we gonna go ahead and do that now we're gonna just sell one of these sheep towers just because they're our cheapest Tower and we're gonna replace it with this there we go oh my gosh okay now I need to start placing a lot more towers up there because I don't know when that next gate is gonna open and if that next spawn gate opens and I have no towers up there then I'm gonna die like instantly so so we need to focus all our money on up there for now no no no no no oh no oh no this is not good like I said like I said we need to focus on oh my gosh where's the thing where I can buy stuff oh my gosh all the way down here oh my gosh we're so dead we're so dead I don't have enough time I don't have time come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on I'm placing some enemies obviously I can't as fast as I can oh my gosh oh my gosh we have 17 lives oh my gosh I just spent so much money on that know you know as you can see that was really an unexpected and I love how I just said okay now we need to focus money on up there because we're gonna die if we don't and then we almost died alright let's go ahead go to the next wave here really the only thing we can do is wait for more money there's there's towers up spawning up there yes I know but oh my gosh our air tower is destroyed come out we literally just need 100 more bucks less than a hundred more bucks okay I'm gonna go and go up there oh my gosh there's so many zombies wait that's the next wave we're good Oh flip that's a lot of zombies a hundred coins were stolen what wait a hundred gold was found um then I'm good right oh my gosh okay my tower should be able to beat all these guys there's not too many of them okay I really really need what is it where is it the well I mean too expensive right now but I need the ocelots hour that scares away the creepers because the problem is is of a lot of creepers spawn in then they're gonna kill my Ehlinger tower and that's not gonna be good because if he dies then we're gonna have to replace some and we might die because he died you know what I mean look at those creepers oh my gosh oh my god ah fire tower that's exactly what I was talking about oh my gosh there's Invisibles there's Invisibles Oh flip Oh flip Oh flip it's so hard to like check upstairs and like figure out what's going on I'm gonna go for more fire towers a lot more fire towers a lot more fire towers that we need upstairs there we go that's two oh my gosh dude we got a ton of them down here which I'm not too worried about okay I feel like we needed another one of these beacons all right let's just go ahead and go to the next wave okay what are these for these bread blocks because you have these with the white blocks where I can place towers but I don't know what the red ones are for and oh my god what's up flip are those how do I even fight that thing what what am I supposed to do with that oh my gosh stressed me out all right come on come on come on come on let me get an illusionary go let's get another one of these dudes okay so I'm going to sell you sir no I just want to upgrade you oh my gosh no we really need to upgrade these guys okay I want to start upgrading these elaborate art but the problem is is it's so expensive twelve hundred and fifty gold for one upgrade and those upgrades could be super simple like what if it's just a range increase or something like that I feel like it would be more helpful if we spent more money on getting more of them on the map and then upgrading them if that makes sense this space map is so cool though like it is really cool I get started off very very stressful and it is still very very stressful but like it's a cool map like it like it's sick oh my gosh wait my illage retired I'd you've got to be kidding me okay we need to place an ocelot tower ASAP I think honestly we should just place an ocelot tower two of them like right in the beginning so then we don't have to worry about any creepers that are gonna harm any of our towers so that just scares them away instantly okay here we go Ocelot Tower okay let's see how good this thing works how good does this thing work let me see some creepers come on all right wave sixteen I've still not seen any creepers yet so cuz I wanna see how good this ocelots how it works I mainly want to see if I need to place two of them or not because if not I'll just place another illegitimate ever oh my gosh I can almost buy two allergic ours that's kind of ridiculous no I didn't mean to upgrade you why do I keep doing that oh my gosh guys look how many diamonds on these there are oh my gosh it's so laggy okay we got another illegitimate upstairs oh there's some creepers wait is it scaring them off it's it's not really scaring them alright sell the Sheep tower where did you get rid of all these sheep towers honestly like what are we doing we literally have the worst hour in the game all over the map we're getting a ton of gold now it's actually getting kind of easy just because we're getting out so much gold I know we don't have very many lives yet but it's getting easier I'm not gonna lie oh my gosh we're getting so much gold okay I'm gonna upgrade this one in the back instead of the ones in the front because if those ones get hit by creepers they'll die first I don't want my upgraded one to die first because I spit so much money on him okay range increase that's it I spent 1200 gold on just a range increase that's really hit I think I'm gonna stay away from the range increase for now until I get so much money that I don't know what to spend it on then I'll start upgrading my guys but for now I think it's more importantly to fill up the whole entire map with these illusory I'm stressing out honestly I'm stressing out because like I want to beat this you know like I want to get as far as I can okay so we got like one two three four five villages ours on this one we need to start placing more up there yeah cuz I think this side is getting wrecked honestly all right I'm gonna sell you buddy sorry air tower but the elders are coming in oh my gosh sorry do you have enough money for another one this is like the good time in tower defense when you get so much money that it's like hard to spend it all like that's what you know you're having fun and you like pretty high up in the levels oh my gosh I have a thousand right now okay I need to go spend more of this upstairs because I have way too many religious house downstairs you guys I'm sorry for the lag it's the map I mean look at these things what the heck are these are like mini tanks these elegent ours are so OB I love it oh my gosh and I'm getting so much money right now by the time I buy one sell one in place one I almost have enough money for a new one go ahead and sell you and do that whoa why did you just turn into a giant ice cube I don't like that well why they're all ice cubes whoa whoa whoa what kind of mop is that what what am I supposed to do - I drew it out no no no how do i how do i how do i unfreeze him or how do i oh my gosh having 11 lives I have 11 lives I have ten now ah poison water black holes sucks enemies in what or actually no not how do I get rid of frozen mobs how do I kill mobs that freeze my towers I don't even think I have anything await our towers sets enemies on fire did it it definitely did not set any of the enemies on fire cuz I have all these fire towers right here oh my gosh I have no idea how to defend those look my towers are still frozen can I can I like unfreeze them is that a thing it points increased to 11 I can't like unfreeze them guys you got to remember that we're on the second to last level and we don't even have all the towers unlocked we still need to unlock 1 2 3 4 5 6 there are six towers that we haven't even locked yet so there could be a tower that we place that basically heals our Tower and not lets them get frozen because there is towers like that and we have some of them unlocked but we don't have one that unfreezes our own towers we have one that freezes mobs but we don't have one that freezes unfreeze their own towers so guys I don't know what to do maybe we should just have so many towers that like the mobs can't even freeze them all try and just get as many of these images in here right now I need to start doing the wither towers I know but the problem is is the wither Towers are honestly kind of bad all the times that I've used them like they do an insane amount of damage don't get me wrong but their cooldown is so incredibly slow I'll try them though I'll get some wither towers because I know they are pretty sick they're also so expensive they're the most expensive Tower to wherever there is not illenore towers right now is where I will place the wither towers so for example this blaze I will get rid of him and there will be a wither we're gonna wave 27 right now we're almost halfway through this like level this is so sick I think we actually should remove maybe one or two allergic five withers and this one's gonna have like two so I feel like they should be even you know and I don't understand how to work these things like what do we what are we place on these I don't know we are so overpowered right now and it's honestly ridiculous guys the company withers replacing I got three actually four on this side cuz I think there's another one somewhere up there these guys are so so savage and honestly this this map is or this level at least is it feels like it's getting easier and easier like I have not seen very many mobs get close to the end of recently which is good you know that's really really good now I think I'm gonna start replacing more of these elders with some withers and we also need start upgrading these guys as well create this illusion our real quick there we go range increased I just actually figured out check it this out so there's the Speed Tower now there's another one of these up there and this is actually an enemy Tower look at this speed tower is an enemy Tower you can't upgrade those so this guy actually helps the other mobs and makes them faster wow that's at that savage you're savage bro I thought you were on my side but whatever imagine all of these withers and all of these alleged like I think we would definitely make it to the end then oh snap there's a lot of mobs coming through right now it is getting more tough as we go this is insane though I've never gotten this far good work and all the videos that we've done on this game it's finally paying off but finally getting really really far and if we beat this level oh my gosh well wouldn't we're just about halfway there this is gonna take a while but guys definitely be sure to stick around and watch the whole entire video to see if I can pull it off and actually beat this level we've never beat a level in this game by the way so yeah it's a pretty hard game it really is so I just upgraded the range on this wither tower and look he turned like orange it looks really really scared what is the next one mm gold for the next one the illah Jers next upgrade is 2,000 gold as well so it's about to get really expensive this guy's still frozen I don't know how to help you can I sell you can I get rid away I don't think I can wait you're an enemy tower aren't you I think this guy is actually an enemy tower yeah look he'll tower is an enemy tower so this guy actually heals that's savage so maybe my guys are freezing I don't know super super weird okay wait I want to try to upgrade one of these images that I've already upgraded because I have $2,000 now I want to see what the next upgrade is what is a damage increase okay oh my gosh the lag is real what the flip are those a hundred plus health what does this one say what what are you how much health do you have now there's some there's like black text I can't I can't read it we got another damage increase on this one what is the next upgrade after that 3,000 gold there's still more oh this is not good that's not good that's not good okay I probably need to start upgrading towers on this side this dude is still frozen to like oh my god in the onslaught that guy's been frozen for like ten waves I'm not even kidding I mean it's not I mean it's not a big deal with ocelot towers frozen because like no creepers have killed any of my elegant hours here yet so like it's it's not too big of a deal but it is kind of like wow bro are you good bro honestly what are you what are you doing here you're just standing there do you kid like can I help you if you need anything roads hit me up oh my gosh wait all these guys are frozen now oh no no no no no no no no no no no no upgrade you upgrade you upgrade you and a second come on oh my gosh there's so many diamonds oh they only have two nails nevermind oh it's those frozen guys again I don't know I don't you guys have like 300 health are you flipping serious right now oh my gosh oh my gosh I have four lives oh my gosh I'm upgrading you I am upgrading you oh my gosh guys we have three lives left I just want to let you guys know that this is pretty pretty scary I'm not gonna lie ah ah sorry I had to the new flip shirts are out you know you guys gotta check my link at the description WW God's people deco oh my gosh we got an extra life we are on way 44 right now and let me just say that stuff is getting interesting this dude is just walking past everyone I don't know how oh wait they are attacking um of the elders are doing the fangs thing okay guys we're 15 waves away from winning this level oh my god what does flip are those what are those white sign up for this oh my gosh I just lost i just lipping lost well GG honestly I lost I didn't make it all the way to the 60 waves but I got a lot farther than I thought I would I really really did I'm proud of myself honestly guys if you want to see another video on this map I would love to do so I think we only have two or three more levels that we haven't done yet one of them being level 10 the hardest level which has like 70 waves I think oh gosh we'll try our best leave a like if you guys want to see another episode on this thank you guys so much for watching and also like I was saying the new flip shirts are out we have so much new merchandise out not just the flip shirts we have so many more we have also different colors of the flip shirts we have many many new products on the store if you guys want to check it out go to www.sceeto.com theres a link up at the top of the description but thank you guys so much have a safe and fantastic rest your day and i'll see you guys tomorrow [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 1,437,287
Rating: 4.9223738 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: 6x-pWyf64p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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