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I was going to guys welcome back to another video today we're doing something pretty crazy this is some next-level stuff behind me and in this world it looks like a normal world it does it's all peaceful not for long this mod that me and moose found it's called this Titan mod and if you guys have ever seen the mutant creatures mod you know where it makes zombies and the creepers all mutant and strong yeah this mod makes the mutant creatures mod literally look like a baby like no less than a baby like a baby's toe that's what it makes it look like all right guys so behind me in this little Hut over here I have all the things that are in this crazy mod now let me just say I'm just at a loss of words because I literally tried to record this video three to four other times and these mobs are so hard to beat that it's physically impossible even with the strongest armor now when I say the strongest armor I mean this armor let me let me just put this on and show you guys what this does yeah this armor look at all these potion effects oh and a sword that does um mm plus attack damage and these mobs still take about an hour each to kill not to mention them regenerating as well the reason I said that guys is because I would just really good no I probably won't be fighting these mobs in this video because literally like I said it literally takes about an hour to kill just one of these mobs and there's like 20 but if this video gets a crazy amount of likes and you guys really do want to see that then I think I will take the time to try and kill one of these guys that some of them are a little bit easy like the silverfish and stuff they only have four thousand hearts which is the least but some of these other mobs have up to half a million parts half a million hearts and they regenerate like crazy so with that being said guys let's go ahead and head into this chests room let's check out some of the mobs we got these are all the mobs now the most powerful one is the Wizards illa this guy has 500,000 hearts and the least strongest one will be the Omega fish and I believe the slime time these these guys have like 4,000 art so no big you know just 4,000 hearts compared to the one that's that's half a million art of course and these guys have some of the most insane attacks I mean they can literally kill me in creative mode yeah they can kill you in creative mode I don't know how it's pot that they can do it when I spawned in this withers ill you guys will see I'll literally die in creative mode how does that even make sense so let's start it simple with the Omega fish so this is the Omega fish let me actually like cover this thing up so we're gonna actually spawn this thing in so this guy like I said has 4,000 hearts and always going to eat the villagers right now this guy has 4,000 hearts he has a headbutt attack a tail swipe a lightning shot a tail smash a body slam and random explosions as well now his most powerful attack is the bodyslam which does 500 parts of damage um so what yeah let's throw on a little bit of armor here and let's see what this guy can do come here buddy come in you know you want some oh look he's head-butting me right now he's head-butting me oh my gosh I can't even can't even hit him holy moly see how strong these guys are and this is the least this is the least okay I did one hit on Oh got to it's on a nice night night where'd he go oh my gosh she's just like disappearing like crazy alright let's try to get come on come on come on Oh mega fish Wow Omega fish whoa Omega fish okay okay I literally I'm having trouble killing this guy um yeah this is the least strongest guy I can't get a hit on him anymore I can't you've got too much perfection I am swinging my sword I can swing my sword sword I am trying to swing my sword sword I literally can't hit this guy it's literally impossible this guy okay I did nothing to get one hit on okay so back in creative mode um that just gives you a taste of the weakest mob probably takes you about ten or so minutes to kill that guy and he already fully regenerated to you by the way so next mob is the cave spider Titan this one's pretty insane ah he's got a pretty good amount of HP as well the cave spider HP is also one of the weaker ones he has 8,000 HP which is like still insane you've got some pretty crazy attacks as well he also has a lot of minions that help them out let's see if they'll actually kill this Omega fish this is a cave spider Titan basically a massive spa okay you're just going to clear out the whole ground that's cool alright so the cave spiders became a spider Titan here has a jump attack he has a sweep attack a frontal clap here's a lightning shot a web shot of for smash a Titan attack with poison v he's doing some creo my gosh that's one of his slam attacks but as strongest tak is the Titan attack that does 300 parts of damage and he just spawned some of his little minions in right here I think this guy is just absolutely insane the only plus side about this guy about kill what the what are you doing is he doesn't regenerate super quickly he still regenerates pretty quickly but not as quickly as most the other monsters you're going to attack this guy oh snap so having a battle guys oh look it is their hand each other back and forth it looks like a the silverfish the Omega fish is using like the tail slam oh these guys are just going at it oh snap okay so I think the cave spider is using a the frontal clap I think always using actually oh my gosh what happened to the the Omega fish he's like glowing now I don't know what's going on but these guys are just going at it like crazy um yeah these guys are literally so strong that there are thrown attacks at each other that are like doing 500 hearts of damage and they're only on half health right now and like he's they're just going at it these guys are like next-level strong I just want to give a quick little shout to my boy moose moose crap he is actually doing the same video today to guys but I think he's going to try to fight these guys so if you want to check him out link in the description uh he's going to try to fight these guys and we'll see how he's doing I I don't know I don't know alright let's switch it up a little bit there's a couple other spider Titans like there's a spider type there's another spider time there's a spider jockey Titan but let's go to something more insane let's go - let's just go full on to the charged creeper time let's show you guys something crazy look at this hang this thing this thing is literally huge alright so let's go ahead and put this guy in let's actually throw them in the ring over here these guys are still fighting it out actually the cave spiders about to die oh is the Omegas fish gonna kill the case but oh my gosh the Omega fish's gills the case butter all right so cave spider is down oh he just dug through the ground what was that oh my gosh she's like shrinking all that poor guy there he goes and there's a ton of oh look at all that loot Oh oh my gosh in the Omega fish is still look look how fast he's regenerating right now alright so let's go ahead and spawn in the charged creeper high end now this guy has about twenty five thousand health um oh my gosh yeah he's got some pretty insane attacks oh it looks like he's actually going after the Omega fish over here it looks like these guys are gonna be fighting it out but this guy can actually do up to I believe for thousands of 20,000 hearts of damage that's how powerful it is with some of his attacks look at that look at that that is absolutely insane I mean this guy what is going on he's fighting I think he's fight oh he is fighting the old mega fish look the Omega fish is all the way up there and look at that the Omega fish hasn't even done a scratch of damage to this charge creeper so now you guys can probably see why it takes about an hour to kill just one of these guys and this is not even the strongest one this guy only has 25,000 HP the wither skeleton storm guy has 500,000 HP this guy has a lot of crazy stuff he also spawns in a lot of minions so responds in like you guys can see down here a bunch of little charged creeper friends you can see them all around here he spawns in a ton of minions and stuff like this like these little red guys oh look at that he just killed me in creative mode that's how powerful he is I that's the next level stuff alright the Omega fish is going after him oh there's two of them now I did not spawn it another one why is there a second one okay kills me in creative mode again this thing is absolutely insane where's the Omega fish the Omega fish is right there believe me they make fish is actually holding a pretty card against these guys oh my gosh what is going on holy moly okay so you guys got to get deploy the charged creeper but let me read some of his attacks there's literally a whole way we got the forward stomp we got stomp attack we got the head smash we got the cake we got the spit attack we got the UM tnc and fire charge attack we got the thunderclap we got the Titan attack and we got the self destructive explosion which does apparently 200,000 hearts of damage if it's charged what is going on I don't know what's happening I don't know what's happening right now we got the radiation poisoning we got the lightning bolt jump attack like kind of like the mutant creeper and they also have the regular jump attack so there's probably like 10 different jump attacks like 50 different attacks this thing is absolutely the same now the healing factor on this guy just killed me again in creative mode the healing factor on this guy if he's not a char creeper it's pretty medium but if he's a charged creeper he heals extremely quick so you'll probably get a solid like if you get one hit on them he'll probably heal it back within 10 seconds that's why it takes about an hour to kill one of these guys all right so that is one of the charge creepers let's see if we can actually get these guys out of our world let's go into wimp mode wit mode doesn't even get him out of here okay yeah there's no peaceful mode when you saw this mod by the way you literally can't get these guys out of your world all right so there's a lot of other guys we can check out like blaze Titans and stuff like that let's check out uh the iron golem flying because this guy actually has like 200,000 health and I want to see if he'll get rid of this creeper so here we go spawning in the iron gold and Titan there he goes oh he is attacking the creeper holy moly alright so let me show you guys some facts about this guy okay so this iron golem has 200,000 health and he does 14,000 it's cool okay I'm sorry 14,000 24,000 damage per hit every time he hits that's how much damage he does anywhere from 14,000 to 20 to 40 mm he also spawns in a bunch of iron golems as well not like those little iron golems are really gonna do anything but look at this these guys are just going to edit like crazy and none of them are even taking any damage like that's how powerful these guys are like this is just like next-level minecraft like I've never seen anything this insane and I've never seen anything kill me in creative mode like what the heck let's uh you know what guys I'll do it let's throw on some armor let's see what we can do damage wise to these guys alright so right now I got the strongest sword in the game right now I literally can't even get a hit on these guys because I have no idea where they're hit boxes are oh my gosh I literally can't see anything it's just it's just a blur everything is just a blur everything okay let's let's let's let's try to get rid of one of these iron golems oh there goes the iron gold yeah so this sword is really good but when you're trying to kill these guys with the sword it's not very good like you can kill an iron golem no problem one hit but like look at this these guys have been going at it iron golem does 42000 attack damage and he hasn't even put a dent in the charged creeper yet these guys are probably going to be battling it out for a while I think I'm going to go get some coffee and I'll come back in like you know maybe you guys will be like one little inch down of health or maybe like a millimeter I should say yeah all right I think we need to spawn in some turrets how about that so we got three little turrets here they do about thirty attack damage when you spot it a lot of them actually do quite a bit let's do the anti ground one alright so we're going to spawn in a ton of turrets right now alright so look at these turrets look at these turrets oh my gosh all these currents are going insane not even doing any damage to the charge creeper not even a millimeter of damage look at his health bars the top nothing let's try some of the other turrets let's try like three other turrets oh my gosh okay it's just getting more insane alright ah yeah these turrets are crazy and not even doing an inch of damage day throughout these guys yeah and this isn't even the most powerful mob in the game you guys want to see the most powerful mob in the game let's Banamine can't believe I'm doing this right now guys but this is the most powerful mob in the game five hundred thousand hearts of health this guy has the milller attacks to do infinity damage he could do infinity damage there is no limit to how much damage he can do like it literally says on the forum page melee attack does infinity damage also this guy can delete all your stuff ban players from the game I don't even know how and he throws a ton of wither skulls everywhere also his healing factor on the forum page it says uncalculated which means this guy regenerates health so fast that they literally can't even track it so with that being said guys let's go ahead and spawn in the wither Zilla and see if he can kill or I'll just die let's go ahead and spawn in the wither Zilla oh my gosh I can't believe I'm doing this the lag is real oh my gosh guys what did I just do he said in chat thank you for breaking apart Cecile tremble before my awesome power so there's Withers illa I think he's just warming up by the way I don't even think he spawned in yet um I wonder if he's going to attack these irons on this charge creepy okay uh yeah this thing is oh my gosh what is happening that's one of his attacks by the way that's one of the is attack he's actually killing the charge creeper oh my gosh you got the charged creeper down all we just killed the charged creeper oh my gosh he just killed the charged creeper in like two weeks I can't even see the charged creeper kisses oh there's a surge creeper he's on the ground right now the wither guy just completely annihilated that guy could you imagine how long it would take to kill this wither Scylla withers of those said the answer to the secret of life the universe and everything is 42 the question is what do you get when you multiply six by nine and then he said remember the worst day of your life now imagine me replacing that and making your day bad now you understand it's all blah blah and blah your creatures don't ever realize the real okay so he's just saying a bunch of random stuff so moral the story is whether Zillah is um yeah how do you even defeat this wait why is there two of them what ones like a blue figure oh no there's a third one okay I was going on oh and also by the way wither Zilla is immune to the splash kill command you can't even do slash kill oh and all his minions are he spawns in like 50 or maybe like a hundred other Withers yeah you guys see all these with us flying around everywhere that's his little minions this thing is literally insane like this is insane like I don't know how it can get more insane than this also he can't fall out of the void he kills you in creative mode so if you guys are trying to get smart and you're like oh maybe you can kill it with the void no it can't it can't be killed by the void thing isn't saying can we go to like some normal mobs please I don't even want to like jeez okay so yeah guys that is the most powerful mob again just to just to remember just to remember 500,000 hearts of all right so let's spawn in some oh wait he just deleted everything from my inventory did you see that this guy is literally so strong I can't even do anything in creative mode alright guys let me try to get a snow golem Titan oh okay I I literally I can't even do anything that's how strong this guy is all right so I have armor on in creative mode which I really shouldn't have to do that but this guy is so flippin strong Oh any teleports do you do so you can't run away yeah good luck with that okay I spawned in a charged creeper spawned in one trudge creeper there we go holy snap oh my gosh she just killed the trench creeper in one hand the chaos is gone what I I spawned into a new world because I wanted to show you guys some of the other mobs so we're gonna have a blaze and a snow golem a fight and I'm going to explain to you guys what do you guys what these guys do so this is a snow golem Titan and then this is a blaze tire these guys are going to fight it out while I guys talk about so the blaze science has 30,000 health the blaze one he has 200 melee attacks and 150 damage with his crazy fireballs I also has a ton of minions he spawns in like blaze priests and blaze Templars and all this other crazy stuff his healing factor is also extremely fast it literally says fast on on the forum and he drops a ton of crazy stuff when he is killed now these snow golem on the other hand only has 5,000 health he does 60 60 damage with his melee and 40 with his explosive snowballs he also drops a ton of snow men as or snow golems as his little minions his healing factor is 3 HP per 20 ticks and when he's dead he only drops one pumpkin and a ton of snow so I definitely think this blaze is going to win this fight it's not a very interesting fight it just looks better just kind of like you know just like Bam Bam Bam you know they're not like doing crazy animated attacks but I'm pretty cool guys oh look you just killed the snow goal ok the snow golem is dead I'm gonna actually go in here and see if I can kill the blaze myself because it blaze only after only thirty thousand yeah only thirty thousand now alright so let's see if I can kill this blaze guy come here blaze oh no I got my crazy explodes of armor on so everything is like hello blaze come here you know you want some of this okay you oh my gosh she dude you need to calm down of the down I can't even hit him cuz he's so I up here look at his sword check this out watch this ready but okay there's so much stuff exploding right now I can't even there you go BAM okay ahh good she could you come down here a little bit buddy Oh power again hit you from all the way up there maybe I should get a bell okay or you can just throw like 155 balls any yeah literally starting out if it's five balls at me can you I can't read job all right so we're gonna spawn in a ton of turrets oh my gosh alright there we go we got turrets crazy turrets oh there's ago they're shooting at the place oh my gosh yeah so they're all shooting in the place oh the place just to econo fireballs Eddie turrets here all his minions look at his minions they're all like different types of blazes that use different types of things oh I got blindness oh my gosh this is insane and look how much damage to blaze high and I've taken yeah not to mention he's going to regenerate that probably literally okay he just regenerated that okay yeah then okay okay okay okay alright guys so there's three more than I want to show you so we got the zombie skeleton and the slime tie and hopefully they'll fight it out these guys are insane oh my gosh use a hit the slime like crazy it looks like the skeleton and the zombie are the same team here oh they just found a ton of little minions as well oh my god blew that with an arrow z shooting holy snap talk about a hack bro oh my gosh these ami is pulling on a crazy uh step that has to be a special attack and oh my gosh oh you do literally what is this let me show you guys some statistics on these guys so the zombie will start with a zombie he's got about 20,000 HP his he has so many attacks literally there's a whole list of attacks we got like sweep attack zombie smash zombie zombie super zhamuhe kick attack downward slash proto balls and there's like ten more there's a lot of attacks a lot of different crazy attacks e does he also has a ton of minions and he drops a ridiculous amount of stuff he also has some crazy anime advice Baloo that he's just like look what is this guy doing look at that I love the skeleton oh I love him the arrows he shoots so funny and then the skeleton on the other hand has the same health he has 20,000 health he does have a little bit less of a attack so he has ground punch a ground ward slash stomping attack Titan attack he has a machine-gun fire of arrows which you guys were seeing that crazy machine gun he also jumps if he gets really frustrated but his most powerful attack is the Titan attack which is 480 horse of damage he also spawns a bunch of different skeletons like skeleton priest skeleton Templars all this stuff and something interesting about his healing is the skeleton has low healing at night or I mean it day sorry so during the day he keels really slow but during night heals really fast he also drops a ridiculous amount of skeleton type stuff to like bones you know stuff like that um but these guys are killing it slime Titan I don't know okay slime times all the way over there these guys are just probably going to fight for a while they're definitely going at okay all right cool so guys with that being said that is pretty much going to wrap it up for this video I honestly do not expect this mod to be as soon as insane as it is it is I really wish I could fight these guys for you but like I said did you see how powerful those guys were like I said it would literally take an hour to kill one of these simple moms and if I tried to kill that wither that had 500,000 hearts I didn't even know how how is there even armor there's not even armor strong enough the armor that I put on this armor right here is the shrimp what the heck is going on back there okay I don't know what's going on back there I think this skeleton is kneeling down to his King okay um but anyways guys even if I put the strongest armor on up Skelton said even if I was to put the strongest armor on there's no way I could kill that weather it would probably literally take me ten hours and that guy the the wither literally regenerate if you had a sword they could kill him in one hit he would regenerate it right back like before he even died like that's how fast his regeneration is it's physically impossible to kill that guy now there may be ways around it maybe someone will find a shortcut but if someone does find a shortcut then I'll make a video on it for sure but guys what that being said this was an absolutely crazy crazy experience of a mod um and I honestly don't know what to say like this literally blew my mind I didn't think like oh the zombies going for the slime over there okay so we'll see how that goes but guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day and I'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell next to the subscribe button so you guys can be notified when I upload my new video tomorrow [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 8,758,258
Rating: 4.9346018 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft
Id: J64z_PlxVGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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