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Love seeing this. Death Wish is one of those things I heard referenced on Civvie's channel which got me to check it out a while ago and he's not kidding about it basically being Blood 2. The mod is at least 5+ hours long your first try even if you blaze through it on easy and on Well Done, 10 is about fair. The variety of the maps and the level of polish is ridiculous for just repurposing all the sprites and such from the original game.

If you enjoyed playing Blood, definitely recommend checking it out.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/jsilv 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Where can I get Blood to play this mod? I know about fresh supply does it work on that?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RenegadeSpade 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
let the blood bathe i don't do mods on this channel i could i mean all you guys kept asking for something called h doom let me just take a quick look at oh [Music] well that's not gonna fly on youtube but the sprite work is very nice there is one mod that i've been meaning to do for a while the top tier of blood mods which is a rare thing and even with them being so uncommon you got to do a lot to be a standout blood mod with stuff like bloody pulp fiction french meat rage against the machine i remember back in the old days there was this one called bloodlines that had a level that was set in a silent german expressionist film that blew my [ __ ] mind despite the unassailable quality of these add-ons they always seem to be in the shadow of one particular project death wish and that should tell you how good death wish is this here this is the real blood too sure it still uses the build engine but to give you an idea how important death wish is night dive was testing fresh supply with it to make sure it's compatible and i'd like to say another word about fresh supply because i will be using it for this video it's pretty good now the damage seems to feel a little bit off sometimes but other than that it's not like i can blame night dive they're not exactly known for screwing up re-releases and fresh supply would still be getting updates if not for atari being [ __ ] okay but death wish there are mods for games that take what's in the original and heighten it magnify it to the point where you're amazed the original game could be that like arcane dimensions for quake death wish somehow inexplicably made by one guy over like 10 years is some of the most impressive [ __ ] i've ever seen done with the build engine and is a project of such incredible love and passion that my no mods rule is going out the window and not just because literally everyone has been asking for this for like two years i'm gonna be playing on well done again because i hate myself and because the game just doesn't feel right when the cultists are only throwing stixxa dynamite at me i need that full force that extra splash damage i really do hate myself death wish starts with a very evil dead cutscene caleb defeated chernobog in the hall of epiphany claiming the power to find dimensions for his own but by the power of the arcane heart the dreaming god's spirit continued to burn okay i'm not saying this is better than blood's cutscenes even though it is let's see what kind of first impression death wish makes holy [ __ ] ah that vintage boom shoot yes 97 a good year so i know what you're asking you're like is this hard of course it's hard it's blood which i think is the highest compliment i can give anything you're not just going through incredibly atmospheric minds on this mountaintop that caleb lives on within 10 minutes you cross it into different dimensions before you go you jump out of the mine onto the sledge to grab the moon key so you can open this out of the way super secret area with a napalm launcher this ain't normal blood where it gives you all the napalm launcher ammo because we got 20 plus years of experience to let us know that the napalm launcher is still the game's most powerful weapon ammo for it is precious we want to save it for when some cultists who don't know how to take a hit burn our friggin house down lands to the slaughter oh one summer who's next [Applause] oh my god it's just like waves of serotonin flowing into my brain this isn't exactly like blood's original level design but as you'll see moving forward some of it is just better these little glowing lights in the forest for lost highway not only is this atmosphere great there's like one big explosive set piece in every map it's nailing the kind of cartoon pseudo-realism of build games while using the kind of tricks that they didn't have the processing power or the time to implement when the game was first released and this is episode one this is the least impressive stuff in it death wish isn't quite as mean as blood i got a tesla cannon before having to really deal with a hellhound or three the enemy count is higher especially with zombies the incredibly satisfying [ __ ] blowing up in the build engine part of blood is alive and well and used more creatively than i've ever seen it and also all the time oh oh no every now and then you'll find readable tomes in the maps they're like one sentence and give you hints and lore and little things that go into building a world and even a culture among the cultists there is a path to the theme park near the arena be on the lookout for this guy here you might recognize him from dark carnival death wish repurposes him as a bad omen whenever you see him pop up chernebug is up to some [ __ ] usually fireballs one of the most impressive things about death wish is that besides cutscenes it doesn't have any custom resources though speedy made some custom music for it you should check that out that's pretty good everything it has is already in blood and some stuff is carried over from beta versions but still exists in blood in the first level you'll find this red potion it gives you a couple points of health in the third map fire belly you'll find asbestos armor which cancels out fire damage and lets you walk through lava as well as softening what would otherwise be a fatal mistake when i point playing napalm these zombies what starts out as a smooth transition from the last map just like blood would do even better than duke or shadow warrior as you climb in this snowy peak and going through some build engine trick or eat across dimensions where you enter a pool of water in the basement and come out here you descend into a cultist temple where you can find a secret and this is the only one i'm gonna give away before i put up a spoiler tag and in this secret is the mysterious but totally present in blood key seven key seven is used to open secret levels in death wish and the first one is real easy to find because it's in this [ __ ] amazing arena section [Music] hey if you're open to some constructive criticism why don't you stop killing your own followers it's cool to hear churnabog's lines again originally recorded by jace hall former monolith ceo and victim of texas-based techno-cryptid john carmack it's the ones recorded for deathmatch announcements but death wish slightly incorporates them so you don't really notice the secret level is a horror theme park which reuses dark carnival textures while having its own inventive set pieces bye-bye now like this riverboat ride this glorious theater shootout and you think the level's over before it takes you to an entirely separate section in a house of horrors all this could be a simple rehash of old blood levels but it's not there's more effort put into it which leads me to the next totally awesome thing death wish does it goes into a reworked version of the map that you came from so it organically leads into the next map in this case you're back to that cultist temple except since you've been there it's snowed and you get another arena fight [Music] all the secret levels do this but the one in episode three is my favorite the next map the abyss is where it starts getting blood hard after you clear out that temple you end up in jigsaw a clear riff on the movie saw at the start but it's so much more it's the atmosphere that sells it there's so many little details a bottle here cobwebs here the outdoor area that somehow does the cool snow and the level keeps going after the original locked in the room bit these levels have been iterated on and updated over like 10 years from player feedback and a deep understanding of blood strengths is a game i'm going to put a spoiler tag up after episode 1 because i want you all to go and play this and if this next map doesn't sell you i don't know what will what lies beneath is one of those blood levels that riffs on a movie like crystal lake or the overlooked hotel except this time it's carpenter's the thing and it might be my favorite level in this entire mod you don't know it at first it gently leans into it while you're walking around in the snow oh here's a flare made to the point of being a better and more representative recreation of a flare than you'd see in earlier build games you see what we're talking about here is an organism that imitates other life forms and it imitates them perfectly why are you going on about the flare civvy because it's emblematic of death wish as a whole it's not just a flare it's the light corona around the flare it's the smoke coming off of it it's the sound of the crackling flare and the droning wind and how it contrasts with the rest of the environment it's approaching this dimly lit compound in the middle of the night and slowly realizing that this is the thing and the level knowing that you know and playing with your expectations look at this [ __ ] door blowing in the wind leading you in it's the environmental storytelling a thing that most games let alone mods ever bother with the fact that you go underground and find a spaceship and it isn't a bit out of place is why i think this map is my favorite and is an example of everything great about death wish and you blow the place up yeah [ __ ] you too somehow this leads to a city level that's also great we're like 10 for 10 all killer no filler still ends with a chiag fight and chernabog is sort of there but he disappears into a ring of explosions because the fighting caleb thing hasn't worked out for him in the past spoiler tag time go play death wish because even though what lies beneath is my favorite level i'm not sure it's the most impressive one maybe not even your favorite due to some atari related mishaps the secret exit in level 5 to the second secret level threw me back into the menu meaning i had to start the other secret level shutter island with only a pitchfork so then death wish pulls out phantom express on steroids they're all dead they just don't know it yet the armada which is kind of like a train level except this time with napalm turrets and somehow even more gratuitous explosions it's less like a train and more like that tank battle from last crusade jumping between vehicles and i must stop this train jesus christ this is good it's still a train level so it's written in the sacred text that you have to crash it and then you blow stuff up even more foreign avoid some radioactive waste go into the secret behind this building and get all this [ __ ] because jump boots are as precious as napalm ammo i know what you're thinking out to launch awful pun but par for the course for 90s fps game or a mod for a 90s fps game but you can't possibly be going to spanx our alien inspired deep space adventure in blood yes death wish didn't even wait until the fourth or the tenth part to go into space and the results are a lot better than you'd expect look it's the monstromo the monstromo gilbee's are stand-ins for horrible space monsters and as a general rule because this is technically a vehicle caleb has to destroy it i don't know what his deal is with transportation maybe richard trevitha killed his dog or something but he has to set the place to self-destruct and you run out before the place explodes or if you're like me you don't even know that there's a secret exit in this map leading to an alien's inspired map or guild beasts or stand-ins for horrible space monsters it's not easy to get to because you're running away from explosions and you have to backtrack to the beginning of the level grab key seven and head back towards cargo bay to open another pod before the place blows up around you cool aliens level though back on earth you go into this massive cultist castle with the statue that turns into don't oh no don't go in the water oh god damn it i never knew there was a feather falling power up in blood but here we are i'm starting to think the secret levels are a bit excessive because there's another secret exit in this map where you jump along these pillars here [Music] there's always something behind the corner it's blood [Music] okay baby god damn it this takes you to dreadfaction an offshoot of the regular cult that shut up shut up where you get onto a train and then off of a train and can you guess what happens to that train locked yeah crashes but that's not the end of the level there's still a lab complex to go through death wish is long like i played this for 10 hours to get through three episodes and not just because i kept dying because it's blood and that's what you do and the map loops around to connect back to the previous map where you get to fight cerberus and it's snowed again cerberus can't be comfortable in this climate [Music] [Music] [Applause] this has my favorite effect in the whole game too there was one of those tomes that said the cabal was experimenting on people to turn them into gilbies uh-huh you get some catacombs a [ __ ] ghost pirate ship i'm trying to give an honest opinion here without going on and on about how cool all of this is and then it brings out the ghost pirate ship [Music] this all leads up to the black tower which you would think would be the last level of the episode scene is how it's a giant thing with a million monsters and you saw it in the intro cut scene for the episode and it has a mean face on it yup that's a save [Music] oh [ __ ] you bocky this might be the largest level you've got five different things you have to do before it'll let you access all this really impressive looking stuff that leads you to the boss level legion the hardest map of death wish for me anyway look at this [Music] bow down [Music] two cerberuses cerberai hey did i do that joke in cryptic passage why would i know that you're trying to destroy this thing the arcane heart which is the thing you need to do don't question [Music] i want some more the final showdown draws near chernobyl grows stronger and will soon reclaim his divine form caleb must return to the hall of epiphany it's time for episode three war is hell sleep ophelia jump caleb join me in paradise okay okay is this a follow the rabbit situation i know a secret when i see it i'm pulling a santa and dropping in [Applause] okay got a life seat out of it so affiliates being more helpful than she was in blood too cut me loose and i'll give you a whole cherry pie i still just take this boat across the river over to silent hill i have a bad feeling about this even the indoor parts of this map are foggy i'm not complaining this is great oh yeah this is the mind fuckiest level too episode three goes all in as you'd expect locked locked over yeah [Music] it feels like a journey one where i have to pitch for choking hands to save ammo which i never look forward to [Applause] okay just one hi doggy this though this is trippy because you're forced to pick up a dummied-out blood item called the delirium shroom which replicates the effects of being bitten by a brown spider or if you get extremely drunk kitty [ __ ] why are you talking about silent hill i always smash these thick and the mini calebs are gonna come out postmortem traumatized me the title of this map is a lie because it's a lot of rooms including a subway i would love to go over every level of this but it would take years for me to stop and say look at this cool thing i mean look at this cool thing amateurs battle teacher shade haven is a highlight of episode 3 which really says something another huge cultist temple but there's still things to surprise you aside from hit scanners that's not the fun part of the level so i expect many caleb's from mirrors but not from little cracks in the wall the mini calebs are actually a hint to solve a puzzle to get through this map because okay you have to find a shrink shroom that'll allow you to get in there yeah you get a shrunk section in a build game that isn't duke 3d and you fight giant spiders or i guess normal sized spiders for a change another really nice thing is that these look like the mother spiders but they rarely appear as the tanky ass spider birthing version instead of just being extra large spiders which is greatly appreciated so you get a key and a growth shroom to leave i needed to mention this it's so weird and inventive and there are a million ways it can go wrong in a fan made project but it doesn't this map leads to my second favorite map in death wish bogey beach an extensive boardwalk across the shore you can exit via this boat if you want to miss the secret level a tricky strafe jump from the liquor store will get you there whoa nightmare is a secret level made up of broken areas from previous maps but they don't play anything like they used to so i don't care about it being a copy and paste job since all the lighting and the paths are different and the world seems to be melting all over itself and it wouldn't be a secret level without a huge battle [Music] no not that one because there's a connecting map where you go back to bogey beach that's the battle [Music] [Applause] and once that's over you go into my third favorite map duck and cover reminiscent of the first half of blood episode three with the city setting reminiscent to world wars because of these things on the beach and the actual warlike atmosphere complete with bombings [Music] the action's getting heavy it's ramping up until oh a minefield [Music] so [Music] next up inferno this is more of a lake than oh oh okay oh god hit scanners in the water i was worried this was being too easy on me i got killed by a bloated butcher that's [Music] mortifying [Music] good some actual mother spiders show up and you think tesla cannon no there's lava everywhere and they get bounced around by explosives this section is blood hard fanatics mother spiders lava everywhere the asbestos armor to let you walk on it and get this cool secret here because i need it because my health is low because it's blood leading a gill beast and a zombie into ghost versions of themselves so the door opens to a cerberus this is some end to episode [ __ ] i mean how much more can there be a lot because there's another secret level demon isle it's not a gimmick level it's just another good map to play except this part which combines drowning hit scanners and hit scanners falling into water in a straight shot if i'm quick enough on the draw with the napalm launcher which i'm not i can do it this and the connecting level lead you into last rites this is it the beginning of the end coming up on the hall of epiphany this is a short and simple level where you landed a dock at this temple in the sky and go thermonuclear on the cabal just one last time [Music] is back more powerful and with the most build engine explosions i've ever seen thank you let's kill him [Music] dude this is your house he send in his new chosen after me just because they can ground pound doesn't mean [ __ ] i have electricity [Music] oh god is that all you got [Music] wait he's not here he's not in his closet end of the line you know how this ends boggy i think you do there easy he's dead now i'm kidding i thought this would end disappointment too i have to kill him again and have this way cooler than it should be flight in the dark and then he explodes a lot [Music] his followers are done and i've played almost 10 hours of awesome blood content where maybe 30 minutes of that was frustration go download this go play this and as i'm making this video the creator is releasing an updated version for halloween meaning you're going to get to play a better version of this already awesome thing next time we got more horror and it gets groovy i don't like using that word it was outdated when the thing i'm referencing did it [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 909,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cv11, civvie11, civvie's dungeon, pro blood, death wish, monolith, retro, fps
Id: q8BSMtCESno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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