Printful vs Printify Review | Shirt Quality Comparison + Pros & Cons for your POD Business

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hey guys welcome back to the third in my series of supply reviews where today we're talking about printful versus print 2phi and we're going to dig into all the shirts we're gonna compare the quality of each we're gonna look at the frit the feel the fabric and the print quality in the first part of the video and in the second part of the video we're gonna take a look at everything from their pricing to their integrations to how easy they are to use so that you can make a decision about what you think is the best one to use for your print-on-demand business I've got my opinions stick around till the end to see what I think about it and follow along as we jump into it let's get started ok everyone so here we have printful that's going to stay on the left here and on the right we have print Fi now it's important to remember that with print fi they are a print on demand supplier marketplace so you're able to actually choose from multiple suppliers on their platform so in this case the supplier that we purchased through print fi is called my locker now one thing before we get into this that's really interesting about my locker is that in our previous episode with where we reviewed custom cat and printful I told you that custom cat is actually owned by a company called my locker and what's interesting is that this address is exactly the same as the package that I received from custom cap so when you see my locker my guess is that that is actually like a discount or just a different brand that comes from the same manufacturing facility so it'll be interesting to see if the quality is similar but without further ado let's get into it and like take a look at the packages if you're familiar with printful you know that they put your store name here the customers name here and they use a simple white poly bag comes the shirt will come with a light plastic clear plastic and usually a small packing slip so that's printful and then we're looking at print off' i specifically my locker same thing where they'll have your business name here your customers name here and let's see what they have inside okay so this is our first reveal from my locker and like usual we're gonna start out with looking at the merch lifestyle design it comes with this pretty big sticker on it which is kind of annoying we'll take that off okay and this is actually a Gildan ultra cotton so it's not actually the same as as the printful shirt which is a Gildan soft style so there is a slight difference in the actual print I can feel that on the my locker one it is less soft and more like a traditional cotton shirt so let's take a look at the print quality like we usually do on the merch lifestyle logo they're great that's good enough and here's our print full print that were familiar with okay so my true first impression here with printful and my locker and you guys can see this too is that the printful one is much much brighter and more vibrant than the one from print if I in my locker one thing that I like to do is compare the H because that's a really bright part of the design and if you look at it you can see how much brighter the printful one is versus kind of this faded looking one from my locker and the actual design is is I would say much much closer to this one from printful than it is to this one so I prefer a little bit brighter prints although I will say that with the with the gradients of the print if I shirt it looks like they do a little bit it I don't know if it's better or worse but just a little bit better job of having like a subtle gradient when we look at the let's see a good example here is this tea and style and if you look at the tea from printful since the colors are so bright it can look a little bit like there's just a pink and a purple whereas if you're looking at the custom cat one it is a little bit more subtle so definitely a different print style I would say not really impressed by the colors it looks the design almost looks a little bit washed out on the print if I shirt now when we look at things like the actual edge and the print quality and the sharpness of the edges I really have to give the edge to printful here you know with it with the custom cat design it's so hard to tell but there's actually a the slightest line of orange color that's kind of bleeding out from underneath this black line in the H and it's just the ever so subtle like one pixel equivalent border that's bleeding out and I can see it actually on on a lot of actually every letter has this really really small band of color underneath it from the underlying color and I don't know whether that's their their machines are laying down this base layer of color or what but I don't see any of that on printful the colors clearly end and are delineated so you know not off to a good start I would say for print if I let's take a look at the second part which is a design test right through some more difficult looking designs at the printers to see what they could do and to see what the limits of direct-to-garment technology are in regards to making designs and selling them on apparel alright and we're gonna start like usual with the star okay right off the bat with the star we can clearly see a difference in color where the printful is a deeper blue and the print are one is actually like more of a purple which is actually closer to the actual design lines are sharp on on on this design but they don't really pop out very much alright it's pretty much a wash with both with both the pool prints and the color however I mean the best way to describe this print fi shirt is that it just looks like it's been through the wash a couple times right and the colors are just a little faded I'm happy with this comparison on the diamond because I think it'll bring it in a little bit more clearly for us so we can see that this the blacks on the border of this print print if I diamond design are not they're not very crisp they they look a little faded out compared to the printful one where it's just like very sharp and and delineated so I do think that the print if I want has a little bit better like gradient and because it's a little more faded you can kind of tell there's this more subtle shift in color but it's just not it doesn't look sharp I mean that comes into play when we look at the LeBron parity design here being the greatest player of all time and all that being the goat he you know on the printful design we can see his features clearly and and actually on the print full or I'm sorry the print if I one you can't even see the whites of his eyes so so I can't really tell if his eyes are open or closed and the the ridges on the outline of the goat are just they look really unnatural and I don't think that's part of the I don't think that's part of the design on the shirt I think that's part of the manufacturing process and not having those clean lines to look at so not impressed and and not to mention it does look like there was a little bit of looks like it got cut off so I'll have to take a look at whether or not I was in the print boundary there or whether it was whether it was you know what there right at the edge of the design so it does look like a little bit got cut off there and that could be my fault could be the printers fault I'll have to go take a look and respond and follow up on that but I'm not going to knock them for it if I don't know it's not their fault in the last part we look at the nano logo here yikes on on this one you guys can see this like white spots here where the design is just not even fully on like if you just roll your hand over it it's just like peeling away the color is if you do that on the printful design you see it a little bit but there's not any like here I see significant spots where the design is just not there and then on the momma bear print you know I can see I can see like bands of white through through the design there they're subtle but it's like you know the peripheral one is very rich in color and you guys can see that from the video but we're here on the my locker one it just looks like you can almost see through the design a little bit to the white it's not crisp yeah I'm just I'm pretty disappointed in the print quality coming from my locker and and I know that the fabric for me the fabric feels a little bit rougher but that's not what I'm talking about I'm just talking about the the lack of sharp lines the lack of like you know the black color is not black it's like a dark gray you know I can't see can't see details on LeBrons face I have color areas that have areas of white just showing through that that aren't really acceptable to me and they don't feel high quality and the colors just don't they just don't really stand out and they're not that's not because they're not representative of the design they're just it just looks like they're saving money on ink or or whatever it just doesn't look as good and professional so if I'm selling shirts if I'm just strictly concerned about quality I would feel much more comfortable putting out a print full than I would in my locker although you know if you are just saving money and you don't really care about the quality so much you could you could go with them but you know for building a long-term brand that's not that's not the strategy I would take so let's get into the second part of the video where we talk about you know what reasons you would want to use printf i or my locker please remember that this is not a review this product is not all of prenta fight it's specifically my locker and they have many many suppliers on their marketplace but for the purposes of this review that was the cheapest one and the one that would save you the most money so with further without further ado let's get into the business side alright guys welcome to part 2 where we dig into the details of printful vs. prenta Phi which one is going to be better for your business we're going to look at things like cost integrations ease of use shipping availability all those kinds of things the first thing that you should know about these videos in each of them just a quick disclosure all of this information I list my sources in the slides I'm not compensated by any of these companies and although there may be an affiliate link if should you choose to use it for either of these companies you are totally free not to do that and if you do use them you're just supporting the show and helping me make more videos like this so no bias I'm trying to find the best supplier for my business so I can make more money that's pretty much it and I want to help you do the same so let's get right into it we're gonna cover all of these things today stick with me till the very end for an overall summary on what I think basically the big thing that you need to know right off the bat about printful versus print Fi is that printful has in-house printing and manufacturing and the ship from there as well and printe phi is different because they are a print-on-demand supplier marketplace so for example printe phi is just bringing a selection of suppliers to you so that means you're not going to necessarily have just one supplier on the platform if unless you choose to do so you know very different company structure printful a little bit bigger with over 400 employees prenta phi since they're mostly a software and customer service company they're not doing any manufacturing themselves they're between 22 and 50 employees based on what I could find if you look on the right here print if I just closed a seed round earlier this summer or they raised a million dollars to basically fund their platform there their headquarters is based in San Francisco but they have suppliers on their platform that are across the u.s. there are a few in the UK Canada and China as well printful is a big dog in the industry they've sold over 150 million dollars worth of product through their creators that's our sellers that sign up with our platform almost 4 million different orders fulfilled printer fight claims to have 50,000 ecommerce stores signed up I couldn't really find anything about what that means as far as volume of product as far as cost goes printful is 100% free printf i is also a hundred percent free however they do have a paid paid plan which we can pull up here that is $29 a month and you get up to 20% discounts if you choose that platform so we're going to dig into like when that would make sense for you but just know that print if I can be free for you it is it is a platform that grew on Shopify so if we look at printful down here we know they have really great reviews and that their Shopify app works works great I highlight them because Shopify is probably the biggest e-commerce store for individuals to use bigger than mu commerce and the others and if you look at prenta Phi's Shopify app that is that's where they got their their start and they seem to have really good reviews as well it'll walk you through all the products we'll get into everything that they do this is a little bit of a look at their print provider network which is basically hey you know we're bringing together these you know 15 or so companies so that you can choose the best for you and that's a really unique model and I'm excited to dig into when that would make sense for us so just remember printful the does their own manufacturing and shipping printe phi bringing together lots of companies for the purposes of this review it's a little bit hard to do a review on every one of their suppliers that would that's just not feasible so what I did is I picked the best option as far as pricing goes for a couple different price points and I'll walk through some of the differences as we go through the the review the first thing we'll take a look at is and let me move this as not cut off for you is product cost and when we look at product cost you minimize this so we can blow it up a little bit and then I'll try not to hide here we go bear with me guys okay so on the product cost we're comparing the Bella canvas 3000 one shirt again suppliers printing in-house what I'm using with printf I is the my locker option my locker I believe is a is a different brand if you're familiar with custom cat they are come from the same building and Detroit the shirts are all the same you can see the color selection is just a little smaller with printf I where it gets interesting is when we start looking at the cost so you know this cost down here is really what we care about which is the cost to not only manufacture but to ship and in this example it's to ship to the US so no printful starting about $13 and and my experience their average shipping cost for a shirt to the US about two dollars and eighty cents so on a twenty dollar sale you're gonna make a little over four dollars or about a little over twenty percent with printful which is not which is not great with my locker on the print if I free plan you can make a little over seven dollars which is a huge boost in profits like 15 percent higher and then if you're even on the print if I business plan where you are paying that twenty nine dollars a month you can boost your margins a little bit higher there too so as far as pricing goes I think we might have found a flaw in printables armor where there are definitely other options and maybe some products that we can find which would be a better strategic fit for print if I as I mean the pricing is just way way more competitive there's a no way around the fact that you can make seven or eight dollars from a twenty dollar sale versus a little over four so let's dig into a couple more examples that I found again these are the these are the total costs which includes manufacturing and Epping to the US for just one product and when we look at a hoodie this like this standard hoodie which you'll find on a lot of platforms is the Gildan G 185 and there's a really interesting opportunity here with the print if I business plan where you can get a hoodie printed and ship for under $20 from from my locker I believe is the supplier whereas with printful you know that that ship cost is almost $25 so so it only really makes sense if you're doing the business plan like that's the big incentive to switch but if you ship a lot of hoodies I think this could be an attractive price point to convince you that printe fie business is the best way to go it would only take let's see if you're saving five dollars a hoodie you know if you sell six hoodies and a month and all else is equal you would make your money back if you're on printe fie business versus printful tank tops - Wow I'm getting gouged on tank tops are beautiful the shipped cost is almost $19 and with print if I free you can save a little over $3 and with print if I business you can print and ship for under 13 which is great again all of these costs are kind of assuming that you're using the cheapest supplier which may not be the the best thing for you but as far as just pure pricing it looks attractive one thing printful has figured out that prettified doesn't have any suppliers for his hats you cannot order hats through print if i as of now when you do order an embroidered product through printful there will be a one-time like nine dollar digitization fee the first time you set that up so just be mindful of that when you're looking at pricing on a youth shirt again print if I and print if I business can save you between about about four to six dollars per item which is huge margin a phone case it you know it doesn't didn't look as attractive to me yes you can save a little bit of money with printful coming in about 1450 and parent if I free at about two dollars cheaper than that and then print of my business at about another two dollars cheaper however the quality of the print if I phone cases I saw from the supplier WP ApS they're that supplier is uk-based and and they didn't even have the latest phone case models I got didn't see an iPhone X case on there so it doesn't really seem like that's a good play as far as posters go I do a lot of printed products printful knocked it out of the park I said the shipping options that I saw with printf I as well they're big supplier for for printed products they have a couple different ones the big one that I saw for doing printed products was CG Pro and there there are shipping prices were atrocious so I think I think you can do a little bit better with going with pretty full width for your prints and I've got an excellent feedback on the quality as far as a coffee mug goes this chart can be a little misleading because I still think the best coffee mug supplier is tea launch you can get a mug printed and shipped in the US for $8 flat so it's not even worth comparing printful and print if I sure if you're looking to do all of them together it looks like you can save a little bit of money with printer fly business but that you're asking the wrong question if you're doing mugs through these guys go with tea launch and save yourself some money there and for sublimated apparel this is something I'm interested in learning more about this sublimated is the all-over print and it looks like print if I business has a pretty attractive price point which would save you about seven dollars versus print fills la apparel PTO one print so that's definitely worth looking into so to summarize this page hoodies tank tops youth apparel and sublimation are probably things that you would want to look at prenta phi4 if you're doing any kind of excuse me significant volume and do a little bit more research so let's go look on print if I site and let's take a look at their product catalog I want to show you guys what what this looks like and what they're providing and really what the marketplace model is and how that's different than print aful so when we look at a product we can see all these different kinds of I mean a little apprentice eye here so here all the different products that they and right here is perfect okay here are the different products they're carrying right so I like the way it's organized you can go skip right to bags you can go right to accessories it's snappy I think printe Phi's website rivals print Foles and how like I like how its laid out I like how transparent the pricing is I like how snappy the website is and one of the biggest things that you'll see and one of the biggest advantages of prenta Phi's platform is that when you create a marketplace for suppliers you're bring they're bringing up a lot of transparency about important aspects of what that supplier can do let's take the Bella canvas 3000 one for example so when you look down here you'll see on prenta Phi that they have different print providers and you can actually compare what their what their real production time is so print Phi is actually tracking that time and holding them accountable to it and making it transparent which is awesome you can look really clearly and see what the printing errors are sizes colors and then the pricing is transparent as well as in addition to where the supplier is based if you want to see more information about the shipping rates the technology quality control etc that's all available right here and I think that's really valuable to see that side-by-side that's something like that other aggregators or marketplaces if you will like some of them don't share that for example t launch T launch could be using all of these suppliers or whatever one fits them best but they don't make that information transparent and they don't let you choose so I really like what prenta Phi's doing here I think that with this kind of marketplace model it forces a little bit of accountability in the manufacturing and that can only benefit us as suppliers or as as sellers which is really nice back to what they actually offer the things I think that printe Phi does differently than printful that is really nice they'll do shoes which is a which is kind of new I personally wouldn't do shoes I think personally I wouldn't buy a custom printed shoe I think my guess is that it would be really my guess is that it would be cheap and uncomfortable but I'd of course I should test that without assume but if you want to do shoes you can do that on print if I you can also do a little bit of jewelry let's scroll to that see if it's in accessories here if they have a jewelry supplier where you can do a couple different bracelets a couple different necklaces a dog tag that's not really my niche so you might have a better jewellery supplier but they're able to do it one thing that looked interesting to me was they're coasters coasters seems like they could be seemed like they could be a interesting high-margin product if you could put like a it's kind of like a classy pop socket Rent gonna buy everyone's gonna buy a pop socket and I everyone's gonna buy a coaster is seeing a different kind of audience but if you already have circle designs maybe they'll apply two coasters who knows so that's a unique product that looks like you could get some good margin out of especially like personalizing for gifts and things that one is a unique opportunity on prenta fie they also have some different gear for the bathroom I'm talking things like there's blankets like I'm like a blanket a shower curtain a bath mat right so these things are products that aren't accessible on printful it could be because they don't sell it could be because they have unique technology with these suppliers to make them so if those are in your niche this could be a good place to get them one thing that I've been looking for to source outside of create space is journals right so if everyone's making the the no content books you know why can't we sell journals and spiral notebooks etc on our own stores and throughout different channels too so rent if I does have journals I'm kind of surprised that printful doesn't to be honest you would think that printing on a standard notebook would be fairly simple for them to integrate I don't know whether the demands not there or not but it does look like you know with this supplier you know you could get one printed and shipped for 1250 in the US which might leave you some room if you're selling a $20.00 notebook but up to you that's a new one other things that print print if I can do that that I don't see on printful is if you're into into like a duvet cover you can do that I don't really know when that would be applicable for myself and then also you can do water bottles I know some people have been asking about water bottles and tumblers and you can do it a couple different kinds of products on here I know tea launch does a good job with the with the drink ware products - so no glassware which is one thing I'm still looking for but definitely a good range of products on here even when you look at something like a sweatshirt actually hoodies a good one I see a lot of different a lot of different kinds of hoodies on here a lot of different options you know a lot of different price points and I think that's really good so the more options the better for us as sellers really like some of these different things that print if I is bringing to the table I think someone looked pretty good as far as product categories that print fool has that print if I doesn't printful does a lot of leggings one thing that I really like is that on printful people can leave reviews of the product when they order a sample so for example let's go to look the women's clothing and leggings okay so we can see that these leggings have 68 reviews and we can read from people who have actually bought them right and we can see what they look like which is really really nice that's one thing I don't trust yet about print if I is that I don't have any verified reviews and I would have to buy samples to see but these are real people printables validating their reviews you can really dig into depth about sizing and things so again printful can do leggings hats and then crop tops as an option this is one thing I would really like to see print if I integrate is more of a product based review for me leggings this looks like an awesome review distribution and I would I would go with leggings from printful with those reviews okay so next let's talk about the packaging and branding we already went over how they come in a white poly bag from both suppliers and they're pretty much white labeled so that you only see the store name for each of them and the customer name here we get on it's a little bit better on on the branding side I do think printful is stronger you can do a little bit of a picture on your packaging if you choose you can you can have an insert go in the package you can have a packing slip go in there with a little bit of a message for me like on my Etsy products I sell through print fall be like hey guys thanks so much for your order you're supporting a small business you know if there's anything wrong let me know immediately so I can fix it for you but if there you love it then you would help me out a ton by leaving a review and eventually that packing slip will translate to me being hey I've got a you know when I have my own Shopify store set up or what have you hey come on over to my store we've got a 20% coupon just for you and then hey don't buy own ad see you next time bye on my brand so I can get your email things like that you know printful can also do package inserts if you want to add something to your package and send it to your customer kind of an advanced branding strategy the reason they can do that is because they have manufacturing in-house and they can have somebody walk over and to the bin and put it in there and whereas prenta phi doesn't have that level of control over the manufacturer as far as labeling goes peripheral has a lot of labeling options various products inside label outside label sleeves gratify has the same it's a bit difficult to compare just by looking at because because there are so many suppliers in play however it print off' ID does make it really easy to see the options just like excuse me just like you can on printful because it's right here to printing areas on each one so for example if you wanted this particular shirt and you needed your customer really wanted a sleeve print all you would be you would know that you would want to go with 5th 5th and that would be your supplier so easy to compare on both that's something I really like about each so as far as packaging and branding goes if you're looking for a more advanced play printful seems to be a bit better on shipping okay both can ship worldwide printful we've covered in depth they have tracking this available in Y worldwide I personally have had shipments go out last month to places as far away as like Norway South Korea Austria all over the world all over the US Canada and it's been excellent from printful i they get tracking my customers are generally happy we've had only one mix-up before where it got lost at the post office but that really wasn't printables fault and they refunded me for it anyway their standard shipping you can read it on the table there you know anywhere from three to five business days for the us one thing printful does is they since they do have a EU based facility they can fulfil from the EU when it's faster or more cost-effective which is nice print if I offers worldwide shipping however you have to look at it supplier by supplier that they do provide tracking info for everything or they make their suppliers provide tracking information except for ones that are located in the UK based on information from their help page they said that it normally takes them three to five days for regular shipping in the US and as far as international shipping goes it really varies for example if we're looking at this next level shirt you can see that my locker will charge you you know eight dollars shipping to Canada whereas this Canada based one will charge you six dollars and fifth son will charge you something different if you wanted to ship internationally with them they'll charge you 13 so it really varies by supplier that's that's one of them but the advantages and disadvantages of prenta fie is that they're going to have that variation based on how you pick and they're not just controlling and making it easy for you here shipping cost I'm not going to dig into the details ton here other than to say that with printful I have been enjoying making some extra margin on their live rates which are about 80% cheaper than a flat rate what I've got a couple questions on this one what that means is they're on their website it's as a t-shirt is five dollars to ship it however when I'm shipping a t-shirt through my WooCommerce and integration on my own domain I will get charged somewhere between two dollars and seventy five cents and three dollars to ship that shirt because they're passing on the difference of that shipping cost to you and you can use that to make an extra margin it does depend on which integration you choose there's extensive information on their site if you are interested in that level of detail print a file like we just covered varies by supplier but in my research it was generally a little bit cost less cost effective than printful and you definitely don't want to get yourself in a situation where you're committing to fulfill international orders and you haven't done your research on on how much that's going to cost you because some of these suppliers like for example we look at this fits on one you know $13 for International shipping for a shirt that's that's gonna eat up probably everything that you everything that you earned on that so be a little bit careful with choosing a good printer on print if I as far as the manufacturing process goes printful does everything from direct to garment sublimation which is all over print they do screen printing embroidery print if I'd has the capability to do direct-to-garment printing and sublimation technology so let's let's take a chance while we're kind of going over this section to look a little bit more and learn a little bit more about print if I and what they're actually doing in the manufacturing process so if we look on their site they're basically saying here you get to pick the product that we have you upload your design you can get samples although they won't give you free shipping on samples and they they're they're kind of cagey about how much of a free sample credit they give you and then you can integrate it on your shop and then they're doing the fulfillment and selling so they say we handle the billing and manufacturing of us and shipping so you don't have to but really what they're doing is they're just passing that along to another manufacturer to do the shipping it's exactly what I do with my with my YouTube influencer business however like there's definitely no question that they're adding value by connecting you with a manufacturer they do take care of customer service and they are kind of building a software platform that allows these manufacturers to access sellers so there's no question that they are bringing value to the table you just have to be a little bit skeptical when they're not owning their own manufacturing and they're just kind of passing along the information for you you know we look at the contains like max print area you know printer fie the suppliers are all over the board so it's not super helpful to compare they will be able to get the job done on a normal t-shirt there's standard processing time for what I was able to find on printer Faiz website one to five business days versus print fools there's about two to two to five business days where they're saying fifty percent of their orders ship within three business days I can confirm that's what I'm continuing to see with printful I really do think that their shipping times have been fast I've gotten a lot of good feedback on that so far both from their orders fulfilled in EU and in the US so take that with a grain of salt from printf I every supplier will have some different data and you can review that when you go to the supplier selection and you see this average production time all right so you can use that to make an assessment about which one would be best for you as far as expedites most of their suppliers do offer expediting for printf i and with printful if your customer does select that expedited shipping option they will move your order to the front of the line which is really nice so I do like that printf I it makes that an option because sometimes you have a customer that just they'll just they'll just pay for it whatever cost and then it's nice to be able to have that flexibility and then yes you can cancel orders with both before they go to production so there's usually like a small waiting period where the order is kind of in this queueing until they're ready to release another batch to manufacturing at which point once its release manufacturing you're not going to be able to cancel that and get your money back they're just not going to work with you on it and I think that's fair regarding customer service this is a big question I have with print if I is the customer service so you know they don't own the manufacturing and when I looked on their site and we can do this live to go to find out more about like help and contacting them and how they're gonna get how they're gonna get your customers taken care of you know they just kind of pointed me towards this this order submission form and I didn't see a phone number and I don't think that they have a very responsive customer support team you know they have website live chat and some stuff but it really is concerning that if I had a problem I would need to submit a form I really like to see that a company is investing and having people man the phones even if it's just regular business hours so printful does that I've had a couple issues with them before but they've always taken care of me so so big kind of question for me from printf eyes you know what level of service are you gonna get when you've got to go through not only this supplier marketplace but you've also got to get them to talk to the manufacturer to solve the problem in my experience professionally and in print on demand that's tough and it might be tough to rango people for a ten dollar order you know so customer service I haven't tried it just a fee on print if I both will replace defects for free both will not offer size exchanges that their expense however you can do that at your own expense if you choose one thing that I found was a little unique about prenta Phi's content policy is that let's see it says we let's go to the quality check section what is okay so so print if I has this IEP policy where they're like hey when an item is ordered for the first time it's going to undergo this quality check which which this is we're going to determine if the files are suitable for manufacturing and printful kind of automates this where they look at the deep the decibel the dots per inch or the pixels per inch of the image and they tell you or kind of automatically whether or not it's gonna meet the print guidelines and it's really snappy what I what I suspect with print fi is that the main reason they do this is because the it says the order will be cancelled if it is suspected to be infringing on somebody's copyrights if the order was forwarded to production you may not be eligible for replacements so I I don't really like a platform that doesn't trust me to get that right I don't want Big Brother looking over my shoulder and telling me what I can and can't print unless out of everyone everyone falls differently on that line like printful you know takes a pretty decent line on preventing things like hate speech and IP violations - but they don't think they have like a manual check system this is a hot topic in tech right now I've you know how far is too far unlike content and what you're gonna put on there but long story short prettify is trying to do the right thing it looks like but they will be looking for your at your designs at least the first time so save your savior Rick and Morty like stolen designs for another platform if you're looking for one that's gonna do that for you because it doesn't look like print if I will as far as integrations go and stick with me we've got integrations and bonus round and then a summary so we're almost there with integrations printful does all the big ones Shopify as the WooCommerce and Amazon print off' i does a bunch of different ones they just added etsy actually which is really interesting so they're on Shopify WooCommerce and Etsy so that's really interesting because is there are a couple products on Etsy I would like to think about swapping out and testing to save a little bit of money I do a lot of tank tops on on Etsy for example with printful and and the margins aren't very good on those I've been looking for a solution so maybe with this print if is the integration I'll have a have an answer to that to drive a little bit more profitability so it's good to see that they're there at least in the big stores it's for shipstation marketplaces that's that that's not something print if I was playing in yet I didn't see anything on printer Faiz API access however printable does have one you can build on top of if you like both do manual orders the mock-up generator for printful we've gone over that in previous episodes it's snappy its quick its responsive the prettify mock-up generator is is is decent the mock-ups can have looked a little bit dated before but I but I liked it better than custom cat and print Ora so mock-up generator is gonna be just fine for print if I the file library is very standard in print if I print foals one I just say it's its best in class because it's really easy to sort out your files by which store there are and and it gives you some information about each design so the general experience when I'm using printful to integrate with different things has been really really nice with the exception of getting there Amazon seller central integration to work that's that was a mess but everything else has been nice print if I does take some getting used to but I found it I think it'll work decently and they do have some good support and some videos on how to integrate an Etsy Etsy shop or or do other integrations as well so let's wrap up with the bonus round what about like blog content do these people know what they're talking about we've covered printful in their blog before it's really nice they're always coming out with new articles they did this fantastic article the other day about embroidery which i think it was this one that linked to oh gosh they linked to this 2018 state of fashion report which was really really interesting and I and I'm blanking okay I'm blanking on which article actually okay here is this one about how to grow your brand with product customization like they link to this fashion report which is like this massive like 50 page McKinsey and company report on like different fashion trends across the world and it's um it's a fantastic read I found so many good things in there like CEOs of Levi Strauss and Tory Burch get reviewed it talks about all these all these really great things so like printful is just they really know what they're talking about and they they can really connect you with some good resources I'm constantly impressed by the quality of that content and then when I look at print a Phi's blog let's see if they see if we can find print a phibes blog okay so so I know they have one it's you know the post that they did have up there they looked like pretty in-depth but they're a little bit dated you know they had one that announced their funding but they've only had one since then and it was about two months ago so look if you're not staying on top of it it's not really going to be resourced people are going to use super often so I don't think their blog is super great it is their print if I does not do warehousing a fulfillment printful does as far as design services go you know printful has people on staff to help with that print if I it's just kind of like you know like hey there's some free resources you know go get them right so like hey go use it's free Photoshop you know hey go go use behance or dribble or hire someone to do it so pretty pretty hands-off approach to how actually helping people you know get good design work there but they at least they recommend something I did not find that print if I had a mobile app print Foles iOS app continues to get pretty decent ratings one thing I like with printful is their ability to do sample orders and disk I got this really nice two foot by three foot print that came out beautifully for it was I don't know it was like sixteen dollars with free shipping and I came quickly you know that's really nice whereas print if eyes kind of like hey you're gonna get this you're gonna get this credit on a business plan it's a one-time credit it doesn't repeat I couldn't find anything about how much that credit is it's just kind of vague so take that for what you will and as far as sales tax goes print aful printable is charging value-added tax and they will charge your sales tax on orders to California and North Carolina however you can configure your listings to push that on to customers in places like WooCommerce in your own store which is nice and which is what I do and in print if I you know and when you go looking for you know tax guidance on print if I you you know they're just kind of like hey we're not accountants go go look at tap tax jar you go pay taxes when you're supposed to you know that's it great so so pretty standard approach everyone kind of stiff arms on taxes if they're not getting paid to tell you about it so take that for what you will let's wrap up which one which one are you guys gonna choose which one am I going to choose so they're completely different businesses like like print if I is this marketplace and I can really see that if they get some better suppliers like if they can go steel tea launches mugs supplier if they can go you know just bring some more people on other platform and start implementing reviews so we can start to trust the suppliers and they they can bring that data and leverage it so we can make informed decisions I think that's super powerful and I think that brings a lot of value to the table however I do have doubts about their ability to control the customer service and to actually be an advocate on your behalf when they're just kind of passing through that order to manufacture that we don't know what their relationship is with them so I do have some doubts about kind of the quality of the print like we saw with the my locker print again that's not representative of every prettify supplier but it was not encouraging so you can save some good money it's worth a test on my Etsy store or my personal store to do a couple of those shirts I can save money on like like a tank top or a hoodie and then if that goes well maybe we'll do a print if I business plan but then again I really don't like paying a subscription for this for the ability to sell on a platform that just strikes me the wrong way as a seller when there are great free options so for me printful beats print if I on the print quality as far as the my locker supplier their integrations are better the overall experience is cleaner i do think printful is going to have a challenge on their pricing and their margins like they provide a really high level of service but but you definitely pay for that and there are opportunities to save money elsewhere so I might start having to cherry pick different products on printful and really challenge whether they're giving me the whole value that I need for my business you know they do a lot of things for me as far as integrations on different platforms but if I'm losing you know 10 15 percent of margin on products I sell a lot of that's a conversation worth having that's something worth figuring out so for me edge printful although print if I will get better over time check in with them and continue to see what they bring if you've stuck around to the end of this video or this podcast please let me know in the comments what you're going to do let me know what you'd like me to cover differently we've got a bunch of suppliers I still have left to do and dig into and let me know what you think is print if I you know an interesting model that that you can see some value with having tried print if I and and who is gonna who's gonna dethrone printful I'm still looking for that magical supplier to take them down so to speak right so anyway thank you for watching thank you for listening and we'll catch you guys next time peace out
Channel: Merch Lifestyle
Views: 190,194
Rating: 4.9054089 out of 5
Keywords: printful vs printify, printify review, printful review, printify vs printful, print on demand, mylocker, mylocker review
Id: UThHhE1mqwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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