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just give me your attention i'm just going to be here for a few minutes in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 god reveals his purpose for the for making man he said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion many years ago when i read it i thought it was just saying the same thing i thought image and likeness meant the same thing god was just repeating himself as i grew i now understood that what he was revealing there is not only his three purpose for creating man it was also revealing the three levels of human capital development any human being that wants to be complete that wants to be made completely the way god made him to be there are three levels of processes you have to go through if i want to look at the aspect of purpose why we are made the first reason god made us is for himself that's why he wants a relationship with us the reason you exist is him he created us he said everyone that is called by my name for i have created him for my glory the second reason god made us is for each other he made us for one another he made us for one another you see that 43 7 everyone that is called by my name for have created him for my glory the first reason god made you is for himself what we just did now worship is part of that package that number one purpose i'm created for relationship with him i'm created to be a worshiper god loves you he created us to be the affection of his love if you notice when man messed up in the garden it wasn't hard damn that was looking for god it was god that came looking for his friend looking for his child many years ago the lord was explaining to me when i i got married and began to have children when the first child came and you know there was this strong bond and he was a girl you know i love this little one so much and the lord said that joy that that girl that little child brings to you is the same joy that you bring to my heart if anything happens to that child if whenever the child is to fall i will be the one screaming i will be the one to blame myself i want to get angry with everybody in the house for letting that happen he said you see how you protect that little girl that's how i protect you i instructed everybody in the house all the angels all the maids to look after you when you read in the bible he said he has given his angels charged over us to guide us in a way he doesn't even want us to kick our foot against the stone god is love and there is only one problem that love has love needs an object to shower itself on and you are the object of god's love that's what he created you for if you know what a children and a lovely wife means to a man if you know what a man's wife that he loves and his children means to him that's what you mean to the almighty god the number one reason god created us is because he wanted family he wanted jesus to have brothers and sisters he wanted a big family he had an only begotten son and he wanted a second child and i thought and a fought under a hundred i don't know my number but i'm glad i'm part of the family the number one reason he created you and i is for relationship god is love and the greatest need of love is relationship you are the one the lord is looking for you are the one his heart is yelling for that was why even when adam disobeyed he came into that garden and began to look for him adam where are you it was god looking for man it was a man looking for god religion is man in search of god but relationship is god initiating the search for man christianity is more than a religion if you find your 10th ticketing is a living relationship with the one who made you i want to tell everyone here tonight there is a big arm of love widespread waiting for you to come home i'm so glad for all of those ones that came out here i hope you didn't just come out because you didn't want to go to prison it's a good reason but it's not good enough you don't get married just because you know you're tired of your father's house you get married because you love that person when you just get married because you're tired of being single so you get tired of being married and you know we just heard about prison nigerian prison i think in the course of the night in the when the the you know the show and all the other things start somebody else is going to be talking to us about god's own prison that one is worse hell somebody has been there and he is bringing a a live witness it's not kokombu story god doesn't want you to go there that was why god again came in the flesh lived among men and died on the cross jesus did not come to come and redeem the oil wells of nigeria it wasn't wealthy he came for he didn't come for the gold or south africa it was you and i he came from and you know many years ago i learned that if you were the only one if you are the only sinner jesus who actually died for you the second reason he made us is for our fellow men each of us is here on an assignment to help touch other lives everything god created he created to solve problems you are a solution that god created to somebody's problem while you are busy thinking about your own life there are millions of people for which god put you on the planet and you're going to find everything you're looking for in life when you start giving those people what you are saying here to give them because of that assignment you were given certain talents because of that assignment you were giving certain abilities because of that assignment god gave you a passion and the third reason he created us is for the planet earth for the society if you check genesis chapter 2 the scripture said after god has made the heavens and the earth because man was made last after he has made everything the bible said the plants of the field before they grew the trees in the field before they grew for god has not caused rain to fall upon the earth so there was no vegetation and the reason he didn't bring grain is because there was no man to till the ground the reason he made us is to walk and his true through productivity where society dominion over creation through work and productivity we exercise dominion over the things that god has created god created us to be masters of creation to be managers of what he has created to be stewards of creation and in doing that you're going to earn a living you're going to find your money in touching other lives and in helping to steward creation you will find your world you will find your greatness so in the development of a human being god revealed three steps to go first he said make him in our image then make him in our likeness then the third let him get involved in having dominion so the image of god is what we call spiritual and moral formation when you the first part of man that god moves when god wants to change you is your heart after that he goes to the second level and molds your mind your intellect then after that he equips you with skill to walk so we call it the three hedge strategy the heart the head and the hands the image of god is god's spiritual and moral nature and that is what he wants in every human being he wants you to be born again we were made in the image of god but the fall of man damaged it and that's why there is a new message about a new of personal transformation personal rebels being born again the issue is the remaking of the human spirit the original man god made was like god he was a spirit being that had god's nature the image of god is the divine nature and the nature of god is love the nature of god is justice the nature of god is integrity you might be surprised what i'm about to say now the nature of god is humility god came down here in the flesh and he said come unto me all you the label and the heavenly living and you i will give you rest he said learn from me learn of me i am meek and lowly in the heart this is god if god is not humble we have been finished some of us you know some of the bad things you have done some of the things you have said to god i've seen people who have said some nasty things to god recently now somebody showed me a video kanye west is now preaching the gospel of course he made a vow that he would stop singing secular songs gonna be singing gospel out through the guy is on a crucial rocking u.s right now but this is the same kind of west that used to say he was over he was jehovah he claimed one time that he was even jesus he sent us of nonsense today he comes to christ god forgives him because one of the nature of god is forgiveness one of his nature is mercy one of his nature is compassion god wants you to be like that being born again is not joining a church meanwhile you are still mean and wicked being born again is receiving a new nature the nature of love the nature of compassion for your fellow man if you receive that nature you will be a new man you'll be different you go back to how man used to be before he fell the nature of god is the opposite of the nature of satan what many people are carrying right now is the image of satan jesus was speaking he looked at a group of jewish people he said you are of your father the devil and those guys were surprised because they were descendants of abraham and they were wondering when did the devil become our father and jesus was telling them naturally you were born of abraham but your nature inside is satan's nature he said you want to kill me a man that is telling you the truth what have i done why do you want to kill me because that's how your father is he was a murderer from the beginning he was a hater he was a liar there is no truth in him when you listen to the man that was given the testimony about prison life that nature that drove him to do all of those crimes was satan's nature it took god arrested him putting him in detention for eight years to finally get him to the place where he surrendered acknowledged that something was wrong and that he could ask god to change his nature if we want to see a new nigeria if we want to see our nation change all of us must rise up to begin to help every young man every man and woman that you meet rediscover the divine nature there is no law government can make that can change human nature they can make laws they can legislate but it's only the power of god the regenerating power of god that can change your mind from inside out if you're tired of how you you live your life if you're tired of all the bad things you've been dabbling into jesus came for that one reason to bring you a new life if anyone is in christ is a new creation a brand new creation a brand new man that's why they call it being born again or being experienced in the new bed or the new creation today we have bastardized it are born again prostitutes are born again people that are sleeping with other people's wife are born again all kinds of past fake pastors everywhere they're all born again no it's not a talk is an experience that truly changes you just like when you were born a human being but it's not just receiving salvation it that image of god is about developing the spiritual and moral competences cultivating character cultivating character that looks like the character of christ moral stamina having the ability and audacity in what fortitude to be able to resist evil to be able to say no to sin to say no to evil because from inside you are different the things you used to love you don't love anymore and if you're a christian and you're listening to me i want you to know that one of the failures of the nigerian church is failure to bring the gospel of salvation with its integrity to the people there are too many things that have distracted us in this present time and teachers cannot do it government cannot do it policemen cannot do it the highest they can do is arrest them and put him in detention traditional religion cannot do it and there is no other religion that can do it it's only christianity that has a life-changing force let us make man in our image when a man has received salvation and has begun to develop his moral character the next thing he needs is the likeness of god the likeness of god is divine functionality is not the divine nature now is the wisdom of god how god functions how god thinks even though a man is born again a man is godly he's a good man the next thing he needs is education you see human capital development you work on the heart first the next thing is the intellect it has to develop his intellectual and professional competencies because where god is taking this gentleman is to dominion that's what genesis 1 26 said the man that will have dominion is not just a good man because he's a child of god he has the nature of god he also has to be equipped with wisdom and knowledge let me ask you guys in a while which one is worse a good man that is an illiterate that is uneducated he is so godly he is so vicious he is an honest man but he is an illiterate he's uneducated he can't perform if you give him a job or an educated man that is so wise so literate but he is very corrupt he's a criminal which one do you prefer which one is better to have now i wanted to see the problem we are facing in nigeria we have thousands of people who are christians but who have not developed their intellectual their emotional competences they are not able to solve problems when you hire them you hire a problem are they good yes they won't steal your money but that is not enough to make you a success you need two legs to stand you are born again you are a child of god you have developed your character you are good you are only hanging on one leg there will be frustrations coming not for your human spirit but your for your failure to actualize dominion or success you will be having serious problems because god has a blueprint for developing the woman person and you know nigeria is blessed with two major resources we have it in abundance one is human resource the other is natural resource and we are poor see where we are poverty capital of the world why because those two resources are not developed when you develop human resources you create human capital and that is the exportable product that's the one that changes your own world changes your own country and you can even export to other countries everybody wants to run away to canada they say young man that met me pray for me i want to go to canada i said canada is not what you need school is what you need english you can speak what can you do nothing a trad market carried a few things the team failed but the problem is they think escaping to canada is what will change the game no it's not a lizard in nigeria will not become a crocodile abroad so when they get there because they have not developed professional competencies and intellectual competencies frustration will get out of hand they will jump into crime after salvation the next thing you need is education after your heart has been captured by god the next thing that he must capture is your mind we call it renewing of your mind but it's not just renewing with the bible you have to renew it with knowledge with wisdom with skill the mind is a terrible thing to waste and wherever you see illiteracy you see a crippled man wherever you see an illiterate man you see a crippled man he has everything physically but he's handicapped and i want to say this to our young people all over southeast that's why we're coming to you now you can get education by former or informal you don't need you can still get education without jump in orson did not go to university but he is a manufacturer and those that went to university cannot produce those that are graduating from mechanical engineering can produce what is producing hello i know that many of us might not get that opportunity but you need to go there are different ways to get education for example the ebolas are blessed by one of the best form of education called apprenticeship that's one of the jewish traits that we carry here and the young man will go and serve under somebody the only problem here is when you are going to serve and understudy somebody remember that a disciple cannot be greater than his master so check the person you are about to serve if it is not a success you are going to waste your life going there i don't think you heard me two brothers they sent one to a billionaire to go and serve him so they sent the second one to another man that was an image of poverty and when the other man finished training that one he sent poverty degree but gave him 10 000 naira to start his life that young man kept going from one problem to another aunty years after i came out of the university and i began to talk to him you can still change this thing go back to school now we can pay your school fees go back to school he got very angry initially are you putting you having me because i didn't have but finally after a while he went back to school he got a degree and i watched his life change from that guy doing petite trading he's now an international businessman the other one that was sent to a rich man came out and became rich naturally there was no need because the man because you can grow beyond what you are taught one thing i want you to see god said let us he's talking about the trinity god's business is making human beings let us make them we'll make them to be like us morally and spiritually we also make them to be wise and competent like us then we'll give them a dominion monday they can go and control creation god did not create anybody to be a failure god did not create anybody to be poor i'm not saying he made everybody to be billionaires or millionaires no but he did not create anybody to be a poor man or to be struggling he did not create anybody to die prematurely he don't create anybody to be in prison one kissing and neither did he create anybody to go to hell so you notice that after developing your spirit man the next thing is your intellectual and emotional competencies that needs to be developed if you want to be successful and the reason i'm telling you you need to do an assessment in your life and know where the problem is and go and solve it even that one that went to a place it was making money but there's some other aspect of his life that wasn't a mess i challenge him after being an old guy a boss with boys under him has built a company he went back to unilad and got a degree in business administration and after that he went back and got a master's degree in business administration i watched his business change these were two traders i'm from anambra state so you know the story of anambra you might have money but the quality of your life is totally in a mess because other aspect of your life is not developed in ebola we value money more than education but we say we are jews but god told the jewish people that wealth is important but wisdom is more important he told them wisdom is the principal get education get knowledge get wisdom he said if you impress her she works out you that's proverbs chapter four from verse seven if you love wisdom it will also put well to your pockets thank god that immune state is a little ahead immunostate is ahead it's ahead of you an unbreak when it comes to these areas we need to pass a law in anambra any young man that jumps out of primary school into the market should be arrested anyone that jumps out of secondary school into the market should be arrested let them get a degree even if it's hnd or ond when they finish and go into business they will be world-class businessmen i love what governor pablo did with uh acquiring states they catch you going to do house girl i need to look at that place any white bomite you see now all those girls there are hearts my friend governor peter we went to marry one of them that's where his wife is from you see them they are so beautiful they are going to school and they say they've redefined the destinies of those young people by giving them education don't cheat yourself out of life because you think you are rushing somewhere for those of you who can still do something about it and guess what everybody can still do something about it do something about your own human capital don't buy a raw material refine yourself into a capital product that is exportable that is bankable you know i got somewhere to speak to a group of our brothers every nation you go to you go to south africa go to the prison 70 percent of the nigerians they're eboos everywhere you go the same problem you got to talk to them and they'll be telling you they're born our market they shot down our market who is still talking about markets shopping is now online and you are the one that will lead it the young man that makes my clothes it was only once i finally met him it was online and i said just make one or two let me see he said make a deposit of this small amount we made because you see the designs he made the clothes and they delivered it at my doorstep so after that we then paid him and i started talking to myself how how come where is your shop in lagos he said i'm not in lagos i said where are you is that me naked i said is that possible he said because i came to lagos i could not afford the shops i was just a young teller trying to start so i went back to my father's house he saw me in my father's house i operate from one room but the internet is what i use to conquer the whole country he said i'm making for cinetosia i'm looking for people everywhere and now i have wanted to hire any shop i like and now he has built a house he said but i don't want to hustle myself this one coming to pay tax come on peter this one coming to harass me like i don't want that i said so how do you distribute he said i have people in every major city when there is an order from the city we finish making we use this transporter to send it to this guy the guy takes it to the person and once we are paid he gets 10 percent so i have people working for me everywhere but i don't put them on suddenly i put them on percentage because they only get paid when something happens so i don't want to be accumulating rent she said i've eliminated rent to landlord i've also eliminated salary for staff when you work you are paid so i told all of them the marketing be looking for people so they are in every city looking for people who want goods these guys have sacked me for wearing suits they retired me from suits and that boy is a child of god that's what i'm talking about but he doesn't just have character because anything he tells you he delivers he has integrity but now he has competence because his mind is developed some of us here you will show one thing and send to the person you cheat your customer once but you know after that you have closed that door do you know how many of that doors i opened for him you think you're being wise you're sending fake products to people selling fake drugs you're being stupid when you are cheating your own customer you are digging the grave of your business it's actually illiteracy no company becomes world class by customer cheating they become world class by customer service and of course if you read that genesis 1 26 he said we make him in our image which is the divine nature we make him in our likeness so he start functioning the way god functions which is the wisdom of god the divine functionality now they will end up having dominion the man will become a success the man will be a success let me talk to you a little about dominion a little just a little god created every man to have dominion and i'm going to isolate one aspect of dominion because for example there is political dominion our governor is there many people are there but not everybody will get to that one but it's economic dominion financial dominion god wants you to be successful and god wants you to be prosperous prosperity is not a bad thing nigerian ministers and nigerian christians have bastardized it that even some of us that have value for integrity don't want to touch it but tonight i'm going to talk to you about prosperity but relax first i'm not when we talk about prosperity people's hard job because they think somebody's about to raise money no we're not here to raise money we are here to empower you for success what is this issue wrong with the way they are preaching prosperity a lot of commentaries are going on today you don't hate prosperity because that's why you want a job you want to prosper you don't have prosperity that's why you want your salary to be increased that's why you want promotion you don't hate that god doesn't hate it god created you to be prosperous but what is wrong with the way nigerians understand prosperity and i want this to go through all the airwaves here is the problem everything that is god made god made not man-made everything that is god made is a trinity god himself is a trinity we know his father son and the holy spirit a friend was you know talking he said you christians worship three gods and that's one of the problems we have with you guys i said okay you have problem with trinity he said yes it's three gods i said don't worry i will explain it to you i said everything made by the almighty god has a signature the signature of the creator of the universe is this trinity signature anything that doesn't have it is not god made it's man-made or satan made look at you sitting down listening to me you are a trinity you are a spirit soul and a body look at the material universe it's a trinity is made up of electron that's matter electron proton and neutron look at water is a trinity it exists as liquid water that we drink it exists as gaseous water if you don't know what god should want a boy or a ketu let it reach 100 degrees you will see it coming up that he exists as solid water ice if i take the gaseous water whatever throw it at you it will just evaporate from my hand but if i take eyes and throw it at you it will do to you what stone will do because it's solid so the solid version of god the one that we touched we could handle is the person you call jesus it was when god came in the flesh the gracious version of god the invisible one is why you call the holy ghost hello [Music] know many years ago i used to have problems i loved jesus i loved the holy spirit you know years ago i started listening to messages of the holy spirit i love the holy spirit the person i was afraid of was the father because i thought he was the main guy the one who has that big brother looking for who to flock everything he's looking for is your fault one sin so he can throw you into hell it was one day the lord was talking to me with the lord the voice of jesus he said you you love me i say yes he said everything you see me i got it from the father i said he said i am my father we are one if you think i'm nice my father is nicer if you think i'm a healer he's the ultimate healer actually one time jesus said my father is greater than i i said so he's nice like you he said that's where i got my nature from it's like when you pluck an orange from a tree that orange if he's sweet he cut it from the mother tree that's why if you go again and pluck a second one it will be sweet like that one he said that's where i got it from i proceeded out of my father and did something with the holy spirit everything god created is a trinity we're enjoying light on this thing light is a trinity anytime you see light the visible light that helps you to read your books is one inside is fire if you get to the filament you see that it's hot that's why sometimes you said the ball burnt inside is fire that is creating the light then around it is heat so you have light you have heat then you have the fire that's how the sun is so sometimes you can be inside your car it's tinted you block off the sunlight but the heat still comes in because jesus came in the flesh and became like a man there were many places he could not be at the same time but the gaseous form of god the holy spirit is everywhere at the same time that's why if i want to do healing service now it doesn't matter where you are seated doesn't matter where you are at the last part of it you just released the holy spirit picks the man up that draws pulls him out of the wheelchair if you look at material world it exists in three dimensions his length is wheat and bread whether it's height or depth whatever way once you cross the third dimension you enter the spirit world so when you come to knowledge knowledge is a trinity knowledge is information is understanding assimilation and then it's totally execution that's application so bible calls it knowledge understanding and wisdom wisdom is the application level so let's talk about prosperity prosperity 2 is a trinity and anything that is a trinity like that like a triangle you pull out one angle and isolate it you create a problem that's what is happening with nigeria what is the trinity of prosperity prosperity the three dimension of prosperity is personal prosperity corporate prosperity and public prosperity individual prosperity organizational prosperity and societal prosperity is the thought now in nigeria the only thing we understand is individual prosperity me making it that's why you go and rob your neighbor collect his car and think you have become prosperous you actually move to a lower level of poverty than where you were we don't understand how this tree interrelates what is the use of having 20 cars when we have bad roads when there is no room to drive it the individual is prospering but his whole community is pothole inability to understand the trinity the three dimension of prosperity is the reason somebody will get a job he is only interested in his salary and he doesn't care about his company's success how are you going to be paid when the organization has not made sales how are you going to be paid when the organization is not moving forward gandhi the founding father of india's independence is said for the prosperity of a family sacrificed individuals for the prosperity of a community sacrificed families and for the prosperity of a nation sacrifice communities he's not saying kill communities he's saying pros i'm even seeing india look at it think emo think prosperity but make sacrifice is there a new governor americans said it a different day take not what your nation will do for you start thinking about what you will do for your nation prosperity graduates this entrance stage is individual prosperity but you must move to organizational prosperity if you are wealthy i want to see one institution that you built where is the business or company that is behind our world and you are just world you and i can't see something you build that is creating jobs for others that is feeding other people that is touching other people there is no prosperity individual prosperity is why we cannot do team playing in the southeast in all this part of the country most talented people most gifted people when it comes to capturing political power problem when it comes to anything that requires unity to do problem why we succeed at individual level and that's where it ends there are many things you cannot accomplish that way that's why you start a church you have 12 pastors working there or you know in that ministry 12 of them are thinking about starting 12 different churches their own churches so after a while go to urban see it is warehouse churches everywhere when frustrated frustration gets out of hand they start telling lies false prophecies in the name of god lying to people to get money out of them instead of building a team the only thing they understand is one-man game that's what is killing nigeria i will make it at the expense of the common good i will make it at the expense of social well-being so one man takes the money that should be used to build hospitals and flies abroad and dumps it and is building the economy of another country he is creating national and societal prosperity for another nation the bank where he dumps it is causing the bank to prosper as a corporation creating jobs paying the salaries of people of another nation instead of starting a bank instead of building a school it's not usually to build a hospital he thinks he will not affect him and one day it is his grandmother one day is his sister the young lady has an accident they rush her to the same hospital he failed to equip and she dies and then he will go abroad to bring some of the ones left to come and conduct food around a governor but he's late he built a road one of the nigerian rules he built as a governor i passed that road when you get to the bridge when you are speeding just like 60 70. this thing will throw you your car will almost almost miss out because instead of finishing that area where they left that bridge that is done with concrete and didn't feel the road to balance so when you're on the road you get to that point it's like hitting a rock jumping on top of a rock and people were complaining people have had accidents some people are falling into the water self and now he finished because while they were in office you know plane carried them up and down in all this security everywhere he finished he came out and he was traveling and they got to that same bridge and they were on speed you know how they move the car started tumbling when they finished tumbling on the side he was wounded beyond repairs they put him on a chartered flight to fly him away abroad he died on earth what's the use of having a big mansion everybody around you is poor and then you have to spend millions to put mobile policemen for security meanwhile just creating development for the communities you don't have to build managers for them just provide capacity beauty train the young people give direction to their life you will need all those mobile policemen because the highest form of security is peace with your neighbor once you remove divine protection the highest form of security is touch your own community in the book of jeremiah the jewish people had suffered defeat in war when the babylonians invaded them and many of them were carried down to the nation of babylon they came they are slaves they came there as they are living there as foreigners so it's not their own country their own country were destroyed and jeremiah by the inspiration of god wrote a book and sent to them a letter and here's the message that jeremiah sent to them he said seek the peace and the prosperity of that land where i the almighty god caused you to be carried down as slaves he said for in the prosperity thereof is your prosperity seek the prosperity seek the progress seek the peace of the nation where you are dwelling even though you are a foreigner for in the prosperity thereof is your prosperity don't go down there and stop pimping their girls don't go there i'm from i'm robbery gang don't go there i'm nothing gang don't go there and form a rapist gang don't go there and form drug trafficking gang get a meaningful engagement and begin to contribute to the development of the land where you live and the bible taught us a major lesson from that if in a foreign land where they were slaves god said seek the prosperity of that nation what about your own land and he says seek the prosperity the peace of the city we have caused it to be carried away captain pray to the lord for it don't pray against it for in the peace thereof shall you have peace then look at the next verse verse 8. no no no no verse six verse by six take wives begot sons and daughters take wives for your children give your daughter to husband that they may be your sons that you may be increased there and not diminish go to verse five verse five build houses dwell there in plant gardens and eat the fruit thereof when he said build houses that's property development plant gardens that's the days of agriculture is getting involved in business today you say get involved in agriculture become productive don't sit down and be watching and this is how you contribute to the prosperity of your land find something to do make enough money build your own house stop living under a landlord's oppression get married give your children to be married seek the peace of that land nigerians have to learn the balance between personal prosperity and common good public prosperity we have to learn the balance between personal prosperity and corporate prosperity where you work or the organization that you even started for example you start a business you are not your business you're a different entity that business is a different entity you need to make that business succeed you cannot be choosing the business money or income or funds like your personal income put yourself on an allowance or salary grow that business it's an organization and it's going to fit many people it's going to pay the salaries of many other people it's going to cost those people working for you to send their children to school you might end up being the one that created an organization that is providing food for 500 families that is god's idea of prosperity you start doing well take your community as a project find some problems in that community and invest a light chunk of what god has blessed you to begin to solve it in luke chapter 12 there is a story about a rich man jesus told a parable first of all he was two brothers their father died and they were fighting over properties and then one of them came to jesus from verse 13 luke chapter 12. he said tell my brother that he was sharing inheritance with us they are fighting and i want jesus to come and start settling family warriors people try to do that to me but i've learned from jesus not to gamble into but to address the most fundamental thing they were going around to get involved in family warriors what jesus said he said beware of covetousness a man's life does not consist of the abundance of what he has this scripture shook me many years ago because even when i went into ministry as a young man i wanted to make it i wanted to be successful i wanted to be you know to prosper what initially you know the driving force was not to go and help people it was for me to succeed because that's what i saw that's the kind of language i showed around me self-absorbed self-driven self-centered living and the lord said he said you see a man's life does not consist of the abundance of what you have life is not measured by possession life is measured by contribution is the impact you made on others life is not measured by consumption life is measured by donation life is not measured by accumulation don't let anybody confuse you the measure of your life is the impact that life made on other lives how many toys you have acquired he told him about the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentiful he's a businessman he's a farmer and he made so much profit that year verse 18 and he thought with 17 he talked with himself saying what shall i do with all this money all this world because i have no room where to bestow my fruits verse 18 be looking at all his ideology about what it's all me me me me me me i i i and he said this is what i would do i will pull down my balance i will build greater ones and there i will bestow all my fruits and all my goods he has fruits harvest of his farm but he also has goods properties he has acquired then verse 18 and i will say to my soul soul now has much good led up for many years you don't need to walk again for the rest of your life you have financial security your children's children are settled for many years take thy ease eat drink and be merry and enjoy and then the next verse and god said to him thou fool what shocks me god called the man a fool that was a very successful businessman made so much money enough to take care of future generations now you call him a fool i thought that is the guy i want to make it this is my guy this is my drinker i want to make it like this guy i want to retire at 25. i want to retire tired and i don't have to walk i cannot enjoy travel around the world just seeing places is that you fool this night your soul shall be required from thee then who shall those things be which you have provided you are dying tonight god just called the angel that controlled nepal in heaven you know human life says switch off switch take take light from this man he's on his finish he said he's now going to enjoy for you let's see who will not enjoy what he has built at that moment i got very sober god just busted all my dream of being rich all my dream of being great all the big things i was planning an ambra guy even if you don't want your family will be pushing you you can come back here god just busted my bubble and i began to i got depressed and i left the bible i didn't complete the reading it was letter later later i didn't deny jesus i didn't leave the faith but later the lord opened my eyes and he brought me back to that scripture he said you were full and he said do you know why he's a fool i said no i don't i thought he was wise he said verse 21. says so is anyone so is he that laid of treasure for himself but is not rich towards god everybody say that with me so is he the lad of treasure for himself but is not rich towards god you see what the foolishness is his own idea of prosperity is me me me me that's what is destroying nigeria that's what is leading our politicians into the mess corruption that's what is leading our young people into crime that's what is leading some pastors astray turning them into fake ministers let me pick out just you just you individual individual prosperity there are ten levels of individual prosperity i'll give it to you first so you can check yourself and actually know if you're prosperous number one is your spirit spiritual prosperity is salvation are you born again are you saved are your sins washing the blood of the lamb are you a child of god have you received back the divine nature number two is your mind intellectual prosperity that is gaining knowledge and wisdom wisdom is more important than money if you get good education and develop yourself beyond just what they teach in the classroom you already prosperous if you have salvation and you are developing yourself spiritually and becoming more and more like jesus you're already a prosperous man a man that has the presence of god that walks in the favor of god is more prosperous than the one that lines up rolls royce number three is your emotion your soul emotional prosperity do you have peace of mind do you have joy are you a happy person or are you grumpy and bitter you a bitter water you are a problem to everybody that comes around you are you in depression are you filled with malice filled with unforgiveness if that's how you are you're not prosperous a prosperous soul looks like this now we keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee for he don't trust in thee and prosperous soul walks in love a prosperous soul has joy a prosperous soul has peace of mind number four your body physical prosperity is health if you are healthy you are prosperous you have something more important than money be grateful for it thought john 2 said beloved i wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as you're so prosperous god is saying before you make it financially you have to make it intellectually and emotionally you have to develop a healthy inward man your soul need to stop prospering and then you also need to develop a healthy body so you can deploy your energy for productivity even physical prosperity like the value of youth you have it now go and hang around all people utilize it preserve it don't waste your youth to have strength to have vehicle to have health you don't know what it is number six social prosperity family friendship treasure your family more than money treasure your father and mother treasure your brothers and sisters treasure your spouse transgender your husband more than money for money many are hustling up and down jumping around into bed with married men and women messing up their marriage life for money some even threw away that aspect of their life and this is what i face all the time pastor pray for me i want to marry how old are you i'm 52 i'm 48. oh i have a case i told person about it i went for an event in lagos and a woman came he said please i need a husband i said my how old are you 64. i looked at her she's aging i can see what age has done to her but i looked at her i can tell that she was such a pretty woman the effects are still there i said do you have any picture when you are younger show me she showed me so pretty i said what happened he said ah shoot us everywhere but i didn't have time for that i was pushing my career she valued money financial prosperity above every other thing he said you have time for god i didn't have time for all these guys he said they were begging me there were people even kneeling down because i just was he said now anything at all don't tell god anything once he's a man please he said what are you sure anything i can take he said i've been telling god for the past three years and nothing is happening she has blown her capital her youth she told me how she used to do abortion just like this he said now even though i'm single i want to get pregnant i've tried little no greek at least let me be one thing i'm holding now is i used to remove the thing like nothing he said even if you blow me i'll get pregnant before she has blown she forgot that there are times and seasons in life thank god sometimes god gives people a second chance but don't bank on second chances you know some of you know you are very pretty you're of age to get married the mango is ripe and you know when mango is ripe the color is he has that attractive color everybody he catches attention everybody's begging no no but you are in a highway your beauty has entered your head here's a person i don't know what you're pushing you're pushing a career moving industry you're pushing your singing career you want to climb the corporate ladder you know the day the bank will drop you all they will tell you is that letter we are downsizing that's all and all your years you use driving that you slept with every big man to bring deposit they will remember it now the most important thing you need somebody in your life who will love you but they were all there now you look for gems ah my boyfriend in school marriage you look for oh okay okay cannot do it by me okay has four kids now you look for i didn't say you should marry anybody that passes bio but when customers are praising good there is a season it's not one year it's not two years it's a period and when that season completes passes what used to be easy becomes hard it becomes prayer points and then that's where you start going prophet after prophet lia prophet you stupid prophet everything you see now you don't care about jesus anymore you're just looking for who can bring this in and sometimes you end up damaging your soul again cause you're looking for husband okay social prosperity the importance of family and good friendship and good relationships even if you're not going to marry that guy keep all your relationships in school law you see let me tell you where you find husband where you find wife how many of you like to know number one family relationships and connections see all those boys some of them come to your house sometimes they even play see your wife where you who play no children they don't want to finally that boy is the next one that becomes a doctor that's that boy that becomes and there's something about boys when they finally move through certain stages they start remembering childhood friends school friends and all that number two classrooms school god put you there so you can meet that man you will need tomorrow the principle is just be nice to people be careful how you treat people you don't know where you meet them again number three church that's another family because he's singing with you in the choir that's how you just despise her and that's why some people finish despising their eve tomorrow they go and marry steve right god brings your eve to your garden all you need to do is wake up from slumber and see her and for ladies god brings you down to your garden first garden family second school third church the fourth and the final is workplace even if they made you a manager if you're a lady be cautious when you are treating the guys it might be that guy answering you sir oh my that guy is when you have blown this for garden of eden that god created you now start doing internet chat and end up with yahoo yahoo marriage is somebody hearing what i'm saying say i hear the purpose of all those garden is you know the person before you enter his boss okay prosperity we're talking about you see having a good family your children are growing you're raising them you are more prosperous than that person driving up and down or jumping up from one hotel room to another with one scenario one at la forget that she has a jeep and you have your small car abacious now financial prosperity let's not mention it it's important lest nobody tell you that is not and then right after that we have what is called influential prosperity everyone say influence everyone say inflation type of prosperity is that the impact your life made on others this prosperity financial prosperity will come through your job your business your career and all of that but this one comes when you pursue your purpose when you begin to carry out the ministry that god sent you here that's different from doing your career to any living this is not doing what you are created to do every pursuit of purpose is a ministry everybody is called to do ministry everybody's not called to be on the pulpit how many people you impacted impact this is this prosperity impact how many people you influence how many souls you want how many disciples you made how many people you have to go to school how many people you help to find jobs how many people you change you have to experience life personal transformation how many people and finally when you stand before god that one is going to be one of the most important thing the bible says blessed are the dead that die in the lord from henceforth for their works do follow them any prosperity that is not portable is not serious prosperity if something happens there is war and you have to move to another country what are those things you can carry with you there are real prosperity there are durable worlds those things you can't carry can you carry your car no what if you are dead now and you have to go to eternity to appear before god what are those things you can take with you that's why he said blessed are the dead that die in the lord when people die in christ he said for their works do follow them there are things we do here we can take with us we are going to be rewarded for it that day you are going to be exchanging it for heavenly value you know if you have to travel to abroad now you can still take your certificate you take your skill you will take your values you will take the knowledge you will take the wisdom you will take your salvation all the things of course if you're a wise person and your mother you have children you also need to take your family with you those other ones the fire burns your house those things that fire can burn are temporary worlds those things fire cannot burn fire burns your hands you come out you outside and you are screaming and then you say everything i work for as well it's not true genuine wealth is portable you carry it with you you carry your values the wealth of values that's another prosperity i need to mention that moral prosperity what is that character integrity you know the bible said a good name is better than riches a lot of us don't know what it means reputation capital reputation capital reputation capital i was in abuja and a young man got arrested on the express in one of the states in this southeast nigeria and somehow they put him and they were taking him away somewhere he picked a phone and died me so i said please give it to the officer and i said good afternoon officer i am dr david you say which doctor david i said pastor david he said good afternoon sir ah daddy daddy are you sure you are the one i've been looking for your number for the past three years is this one the real number i said yes but release the guy first we will talk after he said let me okay die die back i'll put it to my father die back and be sure that i'll get you so he loaded the number on his phone died me i picked he said oh the guy is already released the bible said at the name of jesus every night the name of jesus opens up every knee shall bow my name cannot do that but my name can open small small doors the reason i have a good name is because i have integrity integrity reputation capital you don't know there are people there are two things that give you a good one is character the other is competence they know you that you deliver they know you that when they give you the job is done the other one is that they know you that you are trustworthy don't play with character character is gold character is more important than silver don't sell your integrity for a piece of silver and gold and then there's another prosperity i'm winding up called generational prosperity that is letting what you work for live beyond you living a legacy generational prosperity transgenerational prosperity is legacy is having a succession you know pastor david my time comes and i go and then dominicity dies that's failure success without succession is failure where are the other people you raise where are the people who will continue with what you started training your children well raising your successes growing leaders leaving a legacy behind then you succeed beyond the grave and then beyond that one is what is called the ultimate prosperity and the ultimate prosperity is eternity making heaven after all said and done here paul said if only in this life that we have hope we are of most men miserable when this life is over where are you going to be if you go to hell that will be the greatest mistake of your life it will be the worst thing that you did to yourself because it's not for one week it's not for five years you know you know you know you know evangelical was talking about spending eight years in prison and he was supposed to spend more than ten years and then finally ate that place they don't reduce sentence is forever forever in what condition it's better that you spend your whole life in nigerian prison parked like sardines one person's this way the other person this way being beaten with mosquitoes sleeping with your pupu and and urine if you visit some of these prisons you will see the condition human beings are living it's in that you die eating even your faces than to go to hell if you go to hell that's the worst mistake of your life people who care about eternity people who have their mind on eternity care about how they live now god said to that rich man you're a fool you only live for yourself tonight your soul is required for you you can see how that many politicians were producing in nigeria big fools everything in the comfort still what should be used to build school what we are supposed to use to build roads what should have been invested in community development just to dump it somewhere and is helping countries that are already prosperous prosper more why our own countrymen are roaming about looking for jobs god said you're a big fool he said tonight your soul is required how god pays such people he has a special place in hell for them people don't know they wonder about rich man and lazarus what is it that send the rich man to hell the bible did not say that he stole the bible did not say that he was sleeping with somebody's wife what was the issue after all that money he made there was a poor man that sits at his gate and dogs who go licking the poor man's wound he fell to take care of that one permanent when god blesses you he puts a lazarus near your gate near your house that last ross will decide your eternal fate you know i told you the story of the rich man in the bible god called him a fool that was another rich man called rockefeller how many of you have heard about rockefeller everyone talks about rockefeller looking for the u.s let me redelete you and that's where i leave you come on come on reverend you can help me read up look at the story of rockefeller please give him volume rock d rockefeller the richest man in the world the first millionaire in the world by age 25 he controlled one of the largest oil refineries in the nation that's u.s yes by age 31 it has become the world's largest oil refiner by 31 it has become the world's largest oil refinery by age 28 he commanded 90 percent of the oil refined in the u.s can you imagine 90 percent one young man at age 38 yes by the time of his retirement at age 58 he was the richest man in the country us by the time he died he had become the richest man in the world this is the richest man in the world at that time the beginning of his time yes as a young man every decision attitude and relationship was tailored to create his personal power and wealth do you see what drove him like the rich man in the bible his personal power personal world yes but at the age of 53 he became ill so at 53 the creator of the universe said it is now time to collect your soul you are now the richest man in the u.s but you have lived only for yourself it's time for you to go home yes his entire body became wrecked with pain and he lost all his head he lost all his head he was living in pain yes in complete agony the world's only billionaire could buy anything he wanted but he could only digest milk and crackers the only thing he could digest his stomach now is only milk and crackers and also shake he can buy anything now he can he can't he can't the money can't help him yes and also she throats he could not sleep will not smile and nothing in life meant anything to him his personal highly skilled physician predicted he would die within a year so his doctor said he has only one year to live nothing meant anything anymore there is a type of sickness and when death has fastened itself on you you will see the fertility of life ambitions you understand what solomon meant when he said all is vanity that was the weirdest man of that time too yes go ahead that year passed agonizingly slow as he approached that he awoke one morning with a vague remembrance of a dream about not being able to take any of his successes with him into the next world so one morning he woke up and he dawned on him all the money i'm about to die i can't take any of these things with me to the next world yes the man could control the business world suddenly realized he was not in control of his own life he was left with a choice he called the attorneys accountants and managers and announced that he wanted to channel his assets to hospitals research and mission work now watch he called his attorney he said i can take this thing with me now i need to channel all of it to building hospitals and equipping hospitals to academic research in universities especially in the area of health to find cure to some of these things killing people all over the world and the third one is my money is for financing missions baptist mission benefited millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars from rockefeller foundation yes go ahead he attended the baptist church he was faithful working for god in the church cleaning the house of god until he died now i wanted to see from 58 to his death cleaning in the church happily walking for god financing the gospel financing academic institutions financing health institutions watch yes on that day john d rockefeller established his foundation that's how the rockefeller foundation was established yes this new direction eventually led to the discovery of penicillin so his research the money he bombed led to the discovery of penicillin yes chaos for malaria and tuberculosis the cure for tuberculosis the cure for moralia yes but perhaps the most amazing you can imagine all of you are enjoying treatment from marelia what killed millions of people before there was no cure you are is nowadays for tuberculosis there is penicillin antibiotics now available because somebody donated these life endings to help the world save the world well watch yes but perhaps the most amazing part of rec fella's story is that the moment he began to give back a portion of all that he earned his body's chemistry was altered are you able to see the man was supposed to die but the moment he started giving and found a worthy cause and started financing mission and souls were being warned all over the world people who have now been treated in hospitals academic research and institutions universities who are benefiting god said the angel that turned the switch off put it back on and all of a sudden the incredible thing that was killing him his body commission became altered watch yes so significantly that he got better the man began began to get better yes it looked as if he would die at 53 but he leave to be 98 everybody shout hallelujah yes rockefeller learned a gratitude and gave back the vast majority of his world doing so made him whole it is only one thing to be healed it is another to be made whole before his death he wrote this in his diary i was really taught to work as well as play my life has been one long happy holiday full of work and full of play i dropped the worry on the way and god was good to me every day thank you sir this is the kind of gospel jesus christ preach this is the what nigerian society need this is what you need my brothers and sisters we have taken national you to the north to the west and we are bringing it taking it to the different states in the southeast if this is not true i will come here to tell you this reorganize your life god also wants you to be financially prosperous we're not telling you is bad but there are things that are more important than money put your priorities all right put money where it belongs meanwhile if you develop yourself develop your capital and then you add working hard to it you will have money you will money comes when you start solving problems creating products and services that will add value to other people when you start touching other people's life it doesn't come from living a self-absorbed life [Music] you
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 904
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: T5c9Psza8Dk
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Length: 94min 10sec (5650 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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