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the whole church world needs a research [Laughter] we are going to get back to the apostolic times and is now i'm not talking about the future now [Laughter] you want to say something yes sir um there was something that this man said in the book that they bring said yes he hasn't left me he he said erahim or franklin hall he said the three most developed spiritually developed people in the bible who did the most powerful things you saw in the bible were people who fasted up to 40 days that is moses elijah and jesus jesus or we should put jesus first jesus moses and elijah you saw that particular fire mount retreat on mount oliver did you notice that three of them appeared there when yeah these are men that have gone but they are still appearing till today three of them you can't find their bodies you can't find elijah's body he took him to heaven you can't find moses bodies and jamaica was asked to come and get him the scriptures says he died but nobody has seen his body there are those who think he actually went like elijah too there are those who actually think that he actually died but he took his body and transmuted it of course our lord jesus you know what happened a conquered death came out there is another man that belonged to that class they normally don't add him to that because the bible did not have his record the full record inside the bible except some bible some bibles have it i have a copy of the bible that has his book his name is enoch the book of enoch is part of the bible my friends it's actually the first book of the bible i have a bible that has it yeah if you have the bible that they use in the middle east the eastern part of christianity that's where christianity came from he didn't come from africa or from america if you have to reach the bible that we're all using he has that book inside it buy a copy of it any of the orthodox eastern orthodox bible he has it yeah so enoch was the first to do that he too one time he finished having a supernatural encounter with the way he kept nobody could for weeks nobody could look at his face you notice it happened to jesus at the moment of transgression nobody could look at you notice it happened to moses i'm going to be leading another fast in the middle of the year that one will go much further i'm trying to train beginners and train some of us so now we're talking about three days to one week and then you know i'm giving them options of 21 days daniel first and then 30 days where some break in the evening there are four types of fast maybe i should talk to you about there are four types of fast the first type of fast is intermittent fast here you just fast for some hours there are more to it for example those who use it for health values you just fast for some hours in a day and if there is a way you schedule it i don't want to spend time on that because intermittent fast is intro first introduction to faster that's what you used to start drawing people to teach people abstinence and self-denial so an example is our number six to six in the evening that's eating one meal a day by six in the evening some people eat more than one so some people do in a 24 hour window they do if you remove six from 24 it's about 18 hours they do 6 18 um type of intermittent fast 18 is when they abstain within the six hour window is when they eat some people do 4 20 within a four-hour window there are different ways people organize themselves people first six in the morning till four six to three or children sometimes or people who are unhealthy sometimes start with just skipping breakfast 6 to 12. so that's introduction to fast that's not the one that i'm dealing with here the only reason i mentioned it is if you have certain health challenges that will probably not allow you to [Music] do some of the things we are recommending that is a good one for you let me give you an example somebody with diabetes cannot go off completely so they don't go into a shock so even if they want to fast they have to find a way a certain period to put glucose or whatever into their system to keep keeping balance there are those who chew biscuits they are those who but of course real fasting will destroy that oh yes so the second type is partial fast the partial first is also called daniel first uh daniel chapter 10 from verse one please put it verse one two three partial first you see what it looks like i just give you an example in the third year of cyrus king of peshawar a team was revealed unto daniel whose name was called bashes and if you notice this partial first was used to resolve to tap into revelation break into people who need to make some critical decisions or have the bible open up the spirit of that book will come on you and start opening your eyes and you start getting the author's interpretation because it's god's word the holy spirit that altered it though he used people who was that will come upon you your eyes were opened books like the book of daniel book of revelation a lot of people struggle struggle to understand those books but while i was fasting they were open to me and they were like normal books and sometimes i see how people struggle to understand it and i really wonder i realized that that's how i used to be too it was revealed to daniel but the time appointed was long and he understood that and had understanding of the vision now people have you know god trying to reach them and there's no walking they're not getting it going to her first pasha first can he will help you do that he did this for go ahead to bust you for 21 days in those days i daniel was morning three full weeks three verse three i ate no pleasant bread neither came flesh or wine into my mouth neither did i anoint myself at all till three full weeks were fulfilled okay let's look at the three components she mentioned here one all these fast food baked food uh flower-based food bread snacks and the rest of them you know eliminated two all types of meat eliminated it means i was eating white meat he said no meat came into my mouth eliminated then of course wine and drinks eliminated then he also talked about his personal grooming he knew to someone where i thought the way you're fasting dress up well i don't mean fashion i mean don't look gloomy downcast like so that people now know that you are fasting you want to advertise don't do that but at the same time you might have to get rid of this excessive obsession with personal grooming in terms of fashion i want to wear the letters cologne all those extras get rid of them you are in a time of mourning did you see the word he used investing i mourned for three full weeks fasting is a time of humbling oneself it's also a time of repentance it's a time of consecration it's a time of sanctification apart from the fact that you might be seeking for some breakthroughs and then of course uh some people stay away from all types of cook food in danish chapter one the guy explained to us how he does this special first he stays on vegetables and fruits yes 21 days vegetables and fruits why don't you go to chapter one and show them when daniel and his friends were beginning like verse 8 to 10 you will see what he did there verse 8 daniel proposing his heart that he will not define himself with the portion of the king's meat this is a very rich man's food that they give them because they're walking in they're not in government house he said nowhere nor with the wine which they drank therefore he requested of the prince of the enoch that he might not define himself another problem here is that some of these things are offered to idols as jews that were taught not to eat such things but then these are very rich tasty food to be hard to say no to such things with his three friends they started as young men to pay this kind of price that's when they developed the fasting lifestyle verse nine and you will see what he did for him now god brought daniel into favor and turned in love with the princess of the universe then and the princess of enoch said to daniel i fear that my lord the king who has appointed your meat and your drink for why would he see your face is worse than the children which are your soul that's your colleagues and then you will make endanger my head to the king if the king sees you emotion you lose weight looking somehow the guy's going to cut off my head you know that's how they do it in those days now his understanding is that fasting will make daniel look worse you know look unhealthy and the king will start acting what's wrong with these three boys or four or four hebrew children and then he will find out that they are not eating he was asked why and the butler's head will be taken off he said no no no no no no but daniel now explains something to you fasting doesn't partial fast this type it doesn't make you look you lose weight but you look fine you will glow your skin will start glowing the wrinkles will vanish some of the gray will reduce health challenges your body will vanish your strength will be restored this is one of the type of fires you do for health reason but for also spiritual reason you can see the thing who pulls the the spiritual realm you will see what he did for them verse 11. then daniel said to him today knocked i was settled by them yes verse 12. he said prove your servant i beseed you for 10 days let's just strive for 10 days if it's working then you can allow us to continue for 10 days let them give us pause to eat and water to drink you see vegetables give me another translation of verse 12. please test your servants for 10 days give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink that's partial first so this is better than the intermittent wear in the evening you load panda diamond you load you load gary and all of that so for 21 days or 30 days you just go fruits vegetables let's see the result verse verse 13 then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food and treat your servants in accordance with what you see then verse 14. so he agreed to this and tested them for 10 days verse 15 at the end of the 10 days they look healthier better nourished than any of the young men who were eating the royal food you want to renew your youth some of you will lose 10 years some of you will shed off you know 12 years some of you will come back to how you used to be when you were at your prime here is the secret this is not storytelling this is what some of us have proven okay let's leave the physical health value and go to the spiritual then verse 17. to these four young men god gave them knowledge understanding of all kinds of literature and learning and daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds he poured prophetic gifts on them so word of knowledge word of wisdom discerning of spirits plus something happened to the intellectual capacity something happens to bring your brain power to your intellectual power when you fast because this is what i've proven you break into realms then even in your career in your academic work you have higher capacity to understand [Music] you unlock divine intelligence your subconscious and super conscious mind awakens your ability to retain your ability to assimilate one of the things i've learned i learnt it the hard way when i'm fasting i don't listen to i'm going to i don't know about you but i don't take on news i don't i don't take on tv i don't do entertainment actually it's part of the requirement of the scripture isaiah 58 said when you fast don't go after your own pleasure you know those things your normal enjoyment stay away from them if not you are neutralizing the fast but by experience because i was on the fast and then i watched one or two things what i have noticed they enter inside my spirit it's not just in my mind normally when i take on information it stops here they get inside my subconscious and it becomes hard for some days to get rid of because fasting opens up the subconscious mind the super conscious mind there is this intelligence this one you carry upstairs is not all there is to a human being there is even a god-conscious mind there is a super intelligence inside you god put it on under and subdued it after man fell there is creativity there is ingenuity you are actually made like god you are made in the image of god you are capable of so much more than you know that is when i finished reading i've forgotten you don't know fasting will clear up a lot of those jokes you know fasting brings you in contact with the holy spirit and you know one of the holy spirit he will teach you all things and he will bring to your remembrance the things human [Music] you open up the hard disk and start unlocking the resources of wisdom so i'm very careful when i'm fasting the things because things you ingest go down it doesn't just stop with the mind it goes down to the subconscious to your spirit you have to be very careful about it and so the heavenlies unlock spiritual gives unlock visions and revelation you know all kinds of innovative gifts and so on unlock if i tell you the things i have is you know one thing is to read the bible another thing is to walk into the experience to enter into a spiritual knowledge god has given me direction on all kinds of things business decisions financial decisions construction even things that has to do with construction that i had a group of professionals like architects and engineers working for me on their site and it was during the first ev every morning i i see things they are not able to bother the profession and when i come and tell them i said i send them a message early in the morning they say oh sorry sir that's actually what you have been done and the idea of making all the mistakes and you know why sometimes they don't have time to think they are busy with the activity of work and i'll tell them that i said you know and they will and they will tell you this is actually the professional evil health issues one time we told the doctor you're not supposed to give this kind of drugs i said i want to know if i'm right or wrong he said that's actually true he said this is dangerous somebody could have died over this i said well why did you do that prescribe a dangerous drug for a pregnant woman what the bible said is that the holy spirit will teach you all things all things all things and bring to your remembrance like students are people who still writing exams and they have a lot of things on there and they forget first of all clear up your mind these guys these boys danielle and his three friends the bible said at the end of the training they went for in babylon they were found 10 times better than all the people in their generation in their classmates all the magicians all the astrologers what was the secret fast partial fast and this is good for people who are you know pursuing intellectual activities academic activities because you get the food you need to function you get the energy you need to function but you avoid all this sugar and all these things that are constantly destroying people's health all these things that are poisoning our bodies what people do is that they go on vegetarian diets when they do partial fast for that period and passion for sometimes is juice fast they you know make juice and drink it and they don't even they don't eat throughout the period but the difference now is that they don't have to wait till six in the evening probably they are walking while they are fasting they can drain their juice in the afternoon drink in the evening and just go on and do their work they get natural things and blend them and with this type of fast after 21 days there was the prince of peace the power the priests principality that was ruling over the region collapsed because of one man's prayer or maybe three people spread four people's prayer so when it comes to opening up our intellectual faculties and breaking into spiritual gifts revelation gives this is very very making decision getting direction lord what do i do about this i need clarity this is it and of course the third type of first is water first [Laughter] um this is the jesus fast this is what jesus did luke chapter four verse one and two luke chapter four verse one and two uh a water fast is actually the most effective type of fast it's most effective three days to one week of that can give you farm that's what you will do for your health and do for your spiritual life is beyond what i can discuss here addictions will break health and toxins in the body will be excreted health problems will be resolved bondage to pornographic bondage to to demonic activity bondage to sexual and we break bond alcohol cigarettes and and drug addiction breaks ladies and gentlemen i want you to take note of what i'm saying in the retreat we just came from one particular day people addicted to different things were breaking there's one now and he's a pastor he's one of our pastors in new york he said immorality his own problem he broke and he was telling me he said i have tested myself after this you taught this i've subjected myself to test i have not had any problem with loss or job messing around with women all these years he traveled to germany state in germany pursued their course two years came back he said even in white man's land i didn't see that's how i can even call his name then in this year's retreat this particular year this january the one that just passed different people different types of addiction they broke just within three to five days you do water fast it's the most beneficial type of fast just drink water your body will be renewed all kinds of things will happen and then this is the one especially that is done for spiritual power oh yes i'm for spiritual authority i'm for revival people who want to break into a new realm of spiritual experiences all the other ones have different levels of delivery jesus being full of the holy spirit returned from jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness or desert verse 2 where for 40 days he was tempted by the devil in those days he ate nothing during those days he didn't say he drank nothing if you check it in matthew 4 and at the end of it he was hungry he was not tested notice that and i think jesus said this example for our sake i don't recommend fasting without water except you are just doing one day fast because i'm going to talk about dry fast that's the last type of fast if it's just one day drive fast can do very well and if you push drive fast maximum three days if you take it beyond three days you will get yourself harmed you harm yourself it will you might be making progress spiritually but you'll be damaging your health some medical professionals recommend drive first maybe for a day or two you know because it has an additional benefit when it comes to burning fat fat particularly it burns it faster but water first does that and the waterfalls has an advantage that it helps you to flush out all of those things so here in dominion city we always look for a way people can gain not just spiritually but physically you gain because your spirit lives in a body you don't destroy the body you have a water in a glass you destroy the glass water will pray away go to heaven and meet god so we don't recommend access and i'm going to say this because people you are listening from all over the world from different places because there are people bent on excesses there are people we don't do that wisdom is profitable to direct and i have done drive first or of different types but i'm i'm telling you when you finish you come out people wonder what happened to you you'll be looking much older looking you know famished looking all that what's the use when you can achieve the same thing and look younger so during this 40 days he ate nothing that jesus that's what jesus did there there was a man who did drive fast and took it beyond you know three days he actually took it to 40 days his name is moses yeah yeah um some years ago i read that record you know i don't know whether i should show it to you or not but i read that record and put that for us twice in the book of exodus exodus 34 was also put there exodus 34 was when he did it the second time if you actually added two it's like 80 days but there was a gap between the two first anyway so it's not 80 days fast 40 days fast twice he did the first one got the table of stone where he came down the people made a golden calf he broke the table of stone by the time they finished dealing with what just happened he had to go back to god to get that table of stone he broke it in anger god said another 40 days fast that's what he will take you before you finish writing all the things i'm giving you 40 days will pass anywhere he did that so some years ago i was still a very young christian and i i used to fast a lot and i told myself i think i need to do like moses thank god there was an elderly person around who knew what i was and then how to correct me he said you will join them in heaven if you if you try that will come and carry your body and bury because a man can live 40 days without food three days without water one day without hope but he cannot venture beyond more days without water [Music] i hope you know what leads to suicide once a man looks out he can't see any other that's when life ends that's why even if you are not able to help somebody get healed help somebody get a breakthrough just help him keep hope alive you can keep him a living dog is better than a dead lion but when you introduce things like fasting things like faith then breakthrough is going to occur changes work out so it's not just being alive hoping this one definite results will follow so of course the last one is dry fast and you know in most places where it's done in the bible is one day especially to bad judgment somebody has done something wrong and he wants to repent he's not just god sorry oh and he knew that some consequences would follow this drive first it's called chastising myself you want god's punishment to be lifted here you you put yourself through some discipline through a process of repentance and show that you're safe that it lifts the judgment is averted there are many cases on that first king chapter 21 verse 27 let me show you this is where a prophet of god and this is a prophet once he says something because he's an authentic prophet it comes to pass his name is elijah he went to a very wicked king first king 21 from verse 27 a wicked king by the name of ahab and pronounced judgment you're going to die this one will happen this one will happen watch what happened read from verse 27. and he came to pass when he have heard those words that he rent his clothes and put cyclot upon his flesh and fasted and lay his cyclot and went softly so usually you use this to humble your soul you can also use water first to do the same thing humble your soul to pursue repentance and to bring change to your own personal life this is to correct issues moral issues sinful issues not just lord i'm sorry oh and tomorrow you are back in the same mess no no no if you truly want to change this height is done and then to prevent judgment especially when people know something has gone wrong and is bringing judgment on my life his consequences are coming this is yes go ahead and verse 28 28 and the word of the lord came to elijah the tishbite saying sees that how he have humbled himself before me because he humbled himself before me i will not bring the evil in his days but in his songs days will i bring the evil upon his house so the punishment was lifted to future generation what if somebody teaches the future generation they can push it again [Music] if you see what this man and his wife jesus did that's one person god shouldn't forgive but you see her fasting with humility humbling and fasting is the way to humble your soul i repentance god lifted because the judgment you know let me give you another example of that you know in john chapter 3 that case of jonah uh we we studied it the other time the prophet jonah declared that in 40 days the city of nineveh will be destroyed you show them that's true so 40 days somebody a whole nation will be destroyed yes verse 3. so john arose went to the universe according to the word of the lord then verse four yeah yes and jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey and he cried and said yet 40 days and nineveh shall be overthrown so this is also done apart from advertising judgment when people really need desperately they are in desperate situation in crisis they want to one days to three days they turn away from water they turn away from food they don't want anything at all yeah i i wouldn't tell you there is soft version of it there is hard version of drivers because in the soft version you can still let your skin absorb water when you take your bath when you wash your hands wash your face the hard version they don't touch water at all they don't bat those three days they don't they even do you refuse to brush their mouths they just stay locked away somewhere they don't near food they don't even cook for another they just stay away they don't want to smell a desperate situation life and death issues and all kinds of things and usually they bring it with humility with repentance it breaks it will always break it 40 days a nation will be destroyed what happened what did these people do so the people of nineveh believed god and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them even to the least of them were six forward came unto the king of nineveh and he arose from his throne and he laid his robe from him and covered himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes by seven and he caused it to be proclaimed and published through nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles saying let neither man no beasts heard no flock test anything let them not feed nor drink water do you see no food no water this time they included animals human beings and animals of course you know if that war or natural disaster were to hit those animals will still die so the king humbled himself came down from history sat on the floor to show humility put on a circle remove all the ropes all these royal robes that's part of what i was saying in the beginning you know what is fashion the all these whatever you have to be on cologne your nails must be like the eagles for you to come and you know if i don't have makeup four layers of makeup i cannot come out to my friend you are not serious when you are ready to fast you will leave those things behind some of you won't remember saloon not win a display situation is around some of you will remember colognes now jesus said of course some basic things like if you're going to walk or you're going to meet people you can't go out there and not brush your mouth if you're going to walk you have to put on your lawn and don't go around smelling but this is a situation where people can afford maybe to sit down in one place sit in their house or whatever if you have that you can do whatever you want to do but if you're going to go out and interact with people and brush your mouth take your back go out you know don't let anybody know that you're fast go there smile and do what you have to do it's tougher for people whose work are tedious there's some type of fats that this is not recommended that they are doing water fast uh for a few days yes but vegetable fats for longer days if you are doing some work that is strenuous on your body because they need the basic energy to still get their job done so you can imagine someone like danny who was a prime minister and was fasting for 21 days so that was what he did to be able to keep that and keep his job [Music] the king caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout the universe by the decree of the king and his noble saying let neither man no beast nor head nor flock test anything let them not feed nor drink water actually you know adverse age that's eight but let man and beast be covered with suck lot and cry mightily unto god yeah let them turn everyone from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hands that's one of the things i've noticed with nigerian christianity people fast in january but they don't recommend some of these important principles the first thing must go with humility humbling of yourself and must go with turning away repentance that's why people don't get what they're looking for you cannot be fasting and still be committing all kinds of atrocities and be into violence this is one of the same that city was known for violence and bloodshed and oppression the king everybody must stand for if we do this in nigeria our dead will repentance and humanity we will have a brand new country in three days old what we do religious fast without any repentance without any change [Music] and that is exactly what happened god spared that nation and a major revival that lasted for 270 years a new season instead of destruction a new season that's how to fast to change history to turn around circumstances impossible situation i'll give you one more example and then i probably will stop with it esther chapter 4 from verse 16. now genocide a decree has been passed to wipe out the jewish people it's like what hitler did the first hitler to try that was herman was a man in authority he walked with the king and the passage decree all jews will be annihilated from the face of the head when that decree has been signed into law esther had it look at what what happened yes so esther said go gather together all the jews that are present in shushan and fast for me and neither eat nor drink three days do you say that no food no water three days night or day i also am no breaking in even you know and then yeah in this kind of first you don't do that this type is a desperate i say you are going to die genocide is an emergency and sometimes it could be they've given you three days to live they might be doctors now if it's a health challenge i won't tell you to remove water it's good that you can add water drink only water but here esther said neither eat nor drink for three days that's the maximum number i have seen drive first that is called tutor first in the bible that's except the music situation that i was talking about that elderly man now came to meet me he said heard you want to do whatever for copy moses i say yes sir he said we'll come to get your body because you will join moses and others in heaven i said but it's in the bible that a human being is not a human being like me he said if you meet the condition under which he did it you can do it do it under the glory crowd the glory crowd covered the mountain he went inside it he said because in that state your physical whatever functions of your body are suspended you are living like in a supernatural state the woman was even preaching and the glory of god descended and she froze with her hand lifted up for days so nobody's talking about eating or drinking she froze like this under the glory of god for days all the functioning of her body stopped including her mind after three days the thing lifted from her she continued the message she was preaching from where she stopped and continued of course what happened is that within that three days the news went up people what the crowd has tripled people when they think because the move of god broke out everywhere his revival healings miracle people went out and they were breaking people on witch so by the time and they were sat there waiting for her she stood there frozen those who tried to help the family they couldn't she was frozen at the end of the third day she continued the message from where she stopped it was after they were telling her she thought she just blinked an eye and continued she continued the message she didn't it's not even like i'm breaking it fast she didn't even know that she had fasted or done anything if you stay under that kind of whatever then you can try such a thing go and read the record the glory of god was was there and god himself was there you can imagine what was flowing out of his presence for when was this even came down from the mountain he wasn't even acting give me water please i've been fasting no no it wasn't like that i read enoch's own case study he came from the experience infinity his face was shining they couldn't come near him just like moses and then his children methuselah they begged him to give him food and what he said oh early appetites i had gone i don't have any such for another 30 days he didn't eat he didn't have appetite he didn't have okay they said let's make you venison so that you can bless and perhaps somebody he said i will bless you i've accepted what you're offering but i don't have happy times for anything ugly oh yes there is a place you cross after the first three days in fasting like whatever you lose appetite all these hunger that is disturbing you will vanish and you'll be stronger you know some sometimes when you start the first you have headache you have dizziness you are weak all of them will vanish it's just gravity that was put there to hold human beings in the flesh three days is what it takes to break through it your plane will break into the other realm and you're a free human being and then if you conquer addiction food addiction because you don't know how addicted we are to food then other types of addiction will start breaking as you move forward from sex sexual addiction then to this issue of pride and our ego you want to you want to conquer pride some of you don't know how pride for you are it's when you are corrected it's when you rebook you the thing is [Laughter] some wonder giving instruction the peacock will rise up that's how it is these are the things that hold us in the flesh check the three temptations jesus faced when he was fasting the lust of the flesh appetite of the body from the wound from food to sex the loss of the eye which is greed money acquisition you buy this one you won the next one you buy this one you wonder and the pride of life yes stumbledness pride rebellion they will break you become a sanctified human being so fasting the first thing it does is actually change you fasting does not change god it changes you but you move the hand of god [Music] so esther said you fast for me i also and my medicines will fast likewise the same way no food no water three days so i will go in unto the king which is not according to the lord if i perish i perish anyway um you know that decree was reversed and then the table turned and the jews had victory over the enemies it doesn't matter the kind of desperate situation you're facing this year a one day total fast drivers to three days i recommend water even for your three days but people can do dry up to three days then longer first three to seven days three to five to seven days but water and then longer ones you start moving into higher dimensions three to seven days what i recommend for now you want to do much longer i recommend like partial fast like danielle two to one days can you do 21 days only water pure great you can can you do 40 days only water yes but the bible says jesus was led of the spirit into the wilderness be led of the spirit and be guided by knowledge by wisdom [Music] don't just be reckless i want to give some guideline as we begin to conclude if you want to fast do these three things number one decide the purpose the reason why you are fasting and write it down what is the goal what do you want to achieve with the fast because here we are talking about consecrated fast not just fasting to lose weight but if you're just fasting to lose weight also make it clear what you're trying to do consecrated fast is fasting for spiritual reason fasting fasting consecrating and fast unto god that means it will go beyond the physical benefits you want to achieve some major things in your life so that's what i'm recommending it's general anybody can always fast to lose weight and other but if you're doing a consecrated fast you also lose weight you'll gain physical set the goal is write it down what it is that you want to achieve and have it clear on paper two decide the type of fast you want to engage in and the duration how long once you decided it is three days it's seven days it's 21 days and the type of fast this one is vegetable fast partial fat or this one is water first what i need now requires water first i'm not doing vegetables then commit yourself to it and don't break it and if you do for any reason break it add more days to balance back what you have lost make sure you accomplish it i always recommend that you find an environment that will support you [Music] that's not my next instruction there are three remember because i'm going to give you two additional advice but the three instructions are the basic one you decide the goal set the goal and write it down then consecrate that fast by first deciding what type and the duration then make commitment to that that's commit that you're going to do this and commit you're not going to break it and if you do add whatever it takes to balance it back in other words if you have made a mistake along the way don't stop continue go back but add whatever it takes to help you accomplish that okay the third instruction is once you start a fast the devil will come to fight him if he's a consecrative first he doesn't want people to move beyond the canal level he doesn't want people to break into the supernatural he hates that so you can see when jesus started he came he will tempt you he will try different things and then when you started fast your flesh will fight you you see how spoiled that your body is that your flesh is you see how overpampered it is it will come up so this is what you do you ask the holy spirit for grace for the enablement to help you finish this fast successfully if you would do this you will see results like this week now starting from tomorrow i'm leading a group of people on seven days fast then of course get the books when you are fasting get these books i think there are about five books recommended fasting the atomic power of god by franklin hall 80 reasons or 80 benefits of fasting by the same author then there it brings fasting the key to releasing the power god's power in your life by direct praise it's a small book these are small small books like look at fasting the atomic power of god so you can easily get them then ways they can hang on on the out of prayer by kind of hugging yeah look at it you can order it google it or you know order it look at bookshops where you are and then the intercessor by liz howard liz howard l e e z howard h o w e l s liz howard's the intercessor get those books you won't be the same you will not be the same again you'll be reading them while you're faster start with the fasting books the three small books especially the atomic power of god and then the derek prince book [Music] i'm going to do something right now both at home and here in this auditorium people who want to go into accord secretary first this coming week maybe you want to join us or whatever or you want to go into any form of consecrated fast and you want the grace of god the help of the holy spirit to rest on you to help you just lift up your hands and i'm going to pray for you there will be a supernatural help the power to live the christian life is the power of the holy spirit and it's not just a grace for fasting for abstinence there is also the grace for prayer and supplication at whom you want that just lift up your hands father in the name of jesus i want to thank you for what you shared with us this morning now let the power of the holy spirit come upon everyone that is lifting their hands and all those from around the world wherever they may be in their homes wherever they are watching from who are connected and those that will connect after let that anointing let that grace let that supernatural enablement come upon them jesus was able to go all the way to 40 days because the holy spirit first came upon him there is an enablement that will enable us to conquer the flesh and to conquer the enemy i ask for the neighborhood to come upon every one of them and let the spirit of prayer and supplication rest upon them let them accomplish tremendous things during this season benefits in the physical lives and health tremendous breakthroughs and benefit in your spiritual life and let them emerge out of included with the glory and the power of god and a new level of victory we thank you for it we give you praise in jesus mighty name and may god bless you god bless you god bless you you are here or you are at home you have not given your life to christ or maybe you're backslidden at any point you want to you know consecrate your life back to him just put your hands on your chest and i'm going to pray for you say this with me jesus thank you for your word and the truth that you've brought to me today thank you for the clarity that has come now lord i repent of my sins i repent of the way i've lived my life and i asked you to forgive me and wash me with the blood of jesus christ i give you my life i surrendered completely to you come into my heart come into my life and be my lord and savior wash me with your blood and make me yours and i prom promise you and i pledge to you that i will live for you and i will serve you all the remaining days of my life now let the power of the holy spirit come upon me to enable me to begin and run this race effectively [Music] thank you lord because i know you've answered me i know that my life will never be the same again in jesus mighty name amen i pray for every one of you that pray that prayer for restoration in your life if you are backsliding and for the miracle of the new birth the miracle of regeneration to take place in you that old man be taken out of your spirit the sins be washed away with the blood of jesus and the blessed experience of eternal life and new bed will become yours may that miracle the greatest miracle of all take place in your life and may god bless you with the presence and the baptism of the holy spirit empowering you to live for him from now on in jesus mighty name amen write us let us know what god has done for you connect with us every sunday by broadcast and start growing find a book a bible and start reading it and then find a good church and start attending if there is dominion to where you are find it and then start attending it and if there is none you can team up with your friend and start one [Laughter] study as a fellowship first meet on sunday evenings or in the week and then gradually gradually you grow grow repeats in the name of the lord glory be to the name of the lord [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Dominion City
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Keywords: dominion city, pastor david ogbueli, david ogbueli, david ogbueli messages, david ogbueli 2020, breaking altars and covenants, evil altars, spiritual warfare, demonic altars, emeka nwankpa, david ogbueli prayer, rev david ogbueli, rev david ogbueli messages, ncf, pastor david ogbueli preachings, prophecy, prophetic, prophetic ministry, new covenant family, priesthood, golden heart foundation, david ogbueli messages 2020, pastor david ogbueli 2020, pcj, pastor nobs, rev dubus
Id: NaJIx1_guZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 54sec (3774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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