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What's up guys here we are Reaction video. I just want to say I'm very excited. Shout out to nest day. Joe Joe Hodges Spencer Dennis Travis everybody who was a part of this piece this education piece I'm so happy that a lot of people are talking about it I mean this video has reached over a quarter of a billion people on Facebook and YouTube combined so Education is such an important topic if you care about poverty race relations climate change, then you better care about education So without further ado, let's get into this reaction video fine brothers. What's up? Albert Einstein once said Everybody's a genius if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree It will live it's whole life believing That it is stupid of course rigid in Ladies and gentlemen up the to roll today on trial we have modern day schooling tell me school Are you proud of the things you've done? Oh, I think I've seen one of this guy's Turning millions of people into robots. Do you find that fun? I call school to the stand and accuse him of killing creativity Individuality and being intellectually abusive. It's a great message Here's a modern-day fault recognize it here's a fall from 150 years ago big difference right stay with me Here's a car from today and here's a car from my husband. We still use the same books Here's a classroom of today and here's a class we use 150 little fearless hair now ain't that a shame and literally more than a century. Nothing has changed. Yeah Changed nobody ever brings that to light, you know How school hasn't changed. Do you prepare students for the future or the past? Everyone can experience classroom will expected No, have they seen results you were made to train people to work in factories, which explains why you put students in straight roles? Nice and neat and tell them sit still raise your head speak. Give him a short break to eat For eight hours a day. Tell them what to think. Oh I've never thought of it like that. That's terrifying So you scientists will tell you that no two brains are the same and every parent with two or more children will confirm that claim Yes That's my parents teachers should earn just as much as doctors because a doctor can do heart surgery had saved the life of a kid But a great teacher can reach the heart of that kid true True teachers do so much for the society yet. They are like the lowest pages Customized help so much cars and Facebook pages. It is our duty to do the same for education to a greater change He is like representing stance no more common core instead. Here it comes yes, no more common core sure math is important, but no more than art or Art schools are good, but countries like Finland are doing impressive things, right? They have shorter school days teachers make a decent way is Non-existent in a focus on collaboration instead of competition that is true anger I completely support this their educational system Thank you for every other country in the world while students may be 20% of our population They are 100% of our future Solicitous sure. He's right on a lot of this. There's no telling what we can achieve This is a world in which I believe a world where fish are no longer forced to climb trees. I Rest my case. That was beautiful. That's very important education is a right not a privilege There are a lot of people who are really smart but their grades just don't tell the same story some of the most successful people in our society Weren't good. Students didn't go to school the people who we look up to and learn about in school George Washington Abraham like these guys didn't even go to school There's just so much anxiety surrounding school now, it's more intense than ever I'm gonna go back to my high school and every single one of my teachers I'm gonna put this on their on their front desk and I'll be like watch this I'm gonna tell my little brother to come to school on Monday and see if it's any different so This video Artist Prince EA who makes content around issues to take a harder look at in society So what do you think was the message? He was trying to get across with this video I think he was trying to encourage students that kind of feel like failures at school stop Putting our children in like machine stopped taking the creativity out of school Everyone's different that we really need a loser push schools faster and because we're really stuck in a really stupid place Although education is important. There are also other factors like arts and stuff that helped mold Students as far as creativity goes you look expect to learn You know valuable information that's gonna help prepare you for the real world But you don't learn any of this you don't pay taxes on finding a job education systems in most of America are not working and are not Geared for the children of today the same way they were taught 5060 years ago is still how it is today traditional schooling is like You go to school. You study. You get an A and then that's it. Well, it's your right The cycle is almost like bulimia right you you you go to school you Consume they feed you this information and then you throw it up on the test. And then you go on to the next subject. It's Educational bulimia, he was criticizing us when he was pointing the finger not at teachers not at schools individually But as at the system as a whole so being a teen yourself and someone who is currently enrolled in our school system What do you think about your current education and if it is preparing you for your life as an adult? I do not think it prepares as far as our life as an adult yesterday's Common Core Hey, it was like health was gone sex ed was gone, which we really need now. They are teaching us a lot of important things Obviously, but I don't know how to like pay bills and stuff and like I need to know that well My class is like I'm not I'm not getting anything out of them. Just to be honest. I'm sort of doing the world Get that piece of paper that says I graduated my school's project-based So we learn about a topic and then we make a project off of it And that's how we learn it prepares us for life my school But it doesn't prepare us for college and so a lot of kids struggle going from our high school to a college Where do you learn how to be on your own? You know It's just like do you expect us to learn on our own because there are a lot of stuff that we can't learn by ourselves You know, I was just again when you go to school. You can't you can't find that in school either because school just teaches you just want to Buy a new customized learning initiative called ESA or education savings account. Is this something that you've heard of before no No, I haven't heard of education savings account So there's a premium as available in some states that if you can get access to it, it provides funding not just for college but even earlier for things like private schools or individualized courses or programs for a child's education almost like Customizing parts of Education if something like this worked and was able to roll out in a larger way What do you think the impact might be? I think it'll help Students more because I know a lot of people they will be struggling in classes because they don't learn the same way the teacher teaches But don't have the money to actually get tutors people went happier courses will kind of be fit to them and their specific Interests people who train the craft they want to train and will be really even more adequate. That's what I think I think they would spend most of their time on that Not to worry about other things have to get good grades in it would make it much more Personalized in a much better way because the important thing is to talk to your child They're not just this blank slate that you can push into exactly what happened to you. They have their own thoughts and opinions and feelings But it's not the big issue The big issues these principles and these people that make all the legislation are so anti-technology Why can't you use your smartphone? I'm smartphone in school as a college student. I honestly cannot live without my smartphone I have all my lectures on it. I have all my slides on it. I take pictures of everything I need it's better for both me and my teacher. I think it makes sense You know a lot of teachers in class they take the cellphones away from the kids. No, don't be on yourself listen, let's put the curriculum or the lesson in the phone where their attention is, you know, let's just use technology and Enhance learning through technology. That's it makes sense to me and I've heard other teachers tell me that they want to do this But you know the way the school systems are structured They can't the finally we asked us through the adults when we covered another one of Prince EA's videos So we'll ask you as well What do you think is the impact of videos in art created by people like him that gets shared on social? Media in this way is for these important issues Compared to when you hear from let's say like a politician sadly temporary We're all going to talk about this for two weeks And then we're all just going to brush it aside politicians and that sort of whole group They just seem like a puppet to most of the country seeing these people like it's more whatever He just seems like you know He seems like a person like he's there and the way he talks like usually gets to it's coming from someone That's just like you like if someone has a camera They have a voice in most media and they can say whatever they want and have their own opinion And this person doesn't have like an agenda to push to help him run for an office He's just trying to get a message across and it's very very pure and innocent. Thanks for watching this episode. Wow. There you go So you go. Yeah a lot of people want me to run for president run for office, but I always say, you know The first thing I would do if I was president is resigned You know For me the message is about the individual, you know individual Responsibility and taking it upon ourselves So now the question is how do we fix it? I've read your comments and they say Oh Prince Yeah, you you know, you have all these great big $10 words, but you never give us any solution So you never how can we fix it? I can't Right now right here right now. Let's talk about how we fix it I have four ways on how we can fix the educational system not only in this country But in the world number one, we have to look at education Education comes from the Greek word adduce meaning to draw out as in to draw the talent out of a person school on the other hand is about putting more stuff in putting more and more stuff in so in that sense school Well education can get in the way of school it's a it's unfortunate when it's a big problem when the number one most asked question in classrooms is Is this gonna be on the test? That's not good. That's that's terrible, but it is so important to look at the cognitive Sciences and try to integrate that into the classrooms Molecular biologist John Medina, he says that if you wanted to create an educational system that was directly opposed To what the brain was good at doing then you would design a classroom a modern-day classroom You know if I told you that students should have less homework they should wake up later They should be able to take naps small naps in between classes people would call me crazy but when you look at the cognitive science, when you look at it, you'll see that these things actually enhance learning Number two, we have to bring the joy back into the classroom The brain works best when the person is happy if a student is stressed out if they're miserable How do we expect them to learn efficiently? It's not going to happen So we have to bring the joy and the happiness and the fun Back into the classroom number three, we have to look at what's working countries like Finland They they're doing something and we have to look at. Okay, what are they doing differently? How are their their scores and their students outperforming us by so so much. What are they doing? Well, it's interesting. Their whole paradigm is different. You know, what the number one most sought-after career in Finland is teaching teachers, you know that they they Finland takes care of their teachers their teachers aren't two and a half times that of what American teachers aren't and they have more rigorous standards you need a master's degree and an Experienced teaching before you can become a teacher in Finland here. You don't need that and lastly We need a more individualized approach see every child has a gift inside of them, you know a lot of a lot of people say oh I want my kid to go to a gifted school or give forget there are gifted schools that every child is gifted It's about us trying to draw that gift out of them. You know, I always say what if the cure for cancer? Exists in a in a child right now sitting in the back of somebody's classroom not being engaged You're not motivating now raising a hand but the cure for cancer exists inside of them and if that bad Potential if that idea was tapped into they can save million billions of lives but right now they're just Fish being judged by how well they can climb a tree Alright, so last thing I want to tell you guys is this these were some of the books that I use for research For my project. I just suit the school system. This one is called I love learning I hate school by Susan D bloom This is an anthropology of college amazing book. This one here is called brain rules John Medina, this is this is a great book to not only help you Understand yourself, but also a lot of teachers I think would find it Useful in their class to use some of these techniques in their classroom and this one probably the most dangerous book of all By this guy. John, taylor gatto an underground history of American education Gatto was New York's Teacher of the Year. He is probably the most well researched Academic on the subject of school where it come from the factory origins, but there's a lot more I just hope that everybody does the research for themselves that goes for teachers Principals faculty staff and even students very important for us all to learn more and more about how we can change This educational system in this country and around the world. My name is Prince, EA and peace
Channel: Prince Ea
Views: 3,986,304
Rating: 4.9385691 out of 5
Keywords: Prince Ea, Prince Ea (Musical Artist), react to the school system, reacting to teens react, suing the school system, school system reaction, react to school system, react to teens react, the school system reaction, ea, i just sued the school system reaction, teens react, teens react to school system, teens react to the school system, i just sued the school system, school system, the school system
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2016
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