OCS STUDENTS REACT to Prince Ea's What is School for?

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[Applause] [Music] what is school for feel free to call me slow but I spent 16 years going to school and I still don't know when I finished I didn't know how to do my own taxes purchase a home or apply for a loan I didn't know a thing about investments building credit or getting a job I graduated at the top of my class and what did I have this fancy diploma to sit at home with my mom but luckily they did teach me some important skills like factoring trinomials and how mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell I'm so happy I remember the Pythagorean theorem cuz it helped me a lot okay I'm lying you let me stop because all the stuff they taught me truthfully I forgot mom remember when you would ask me what did you learn in school today and I would say nothing much I wasn't being modest the truth about it mom is I had already forgotten and it's not just me millions of students sing the same song how many of you guys avoid eye contact with the teacher to try not to get caught up on afraid to raise your hand for fear of being wrong which proves that school isn't an environment for learning or building up the intellect it's just a game you play for grains and how many A's you can collect when I guess what do you expect when the most commonly asked question in classes is this gonna be on the test is this gonna be on the test see if school put learning instead of testing and memorizing as the top standard then the letter F would not stand for failure it would stand for find another answer and if school was really interested in our personal and academic success students would wake up later have more freedom at homework a lot less and that's not my opinion this conclusion has been scientifically tested and proven and any teacher that doesn't believe me feel free to check my work cited page to inspect oh and I did it in MLA format because I know that's all you will accept see students would get more benefit from an extra hour of sleep than putting them to the torture of an extra s a reading 150 pages doing problems one through sixty on the worksheet and having three projects due by the end of the week not only is the pointless pain but it's also dim-witted because we get so much work but they don't teach the time management skills to deal with it see in school we are controlled by bells we have to learn in rooms with the Fung Shui of a prison cell we have to ask permission to relieve bodily functions but not before the teacher asked a million questions like why didn't you go before class I'm sorry my bladder is kind of on this old schedule and it's not always timely see teachers always say use your time wisely but that never made sense to me because these six cruel hours of our lives we call school might literally be the worst use of time management ever in history think about if the traditional teaching method is foolish no it's useless multiplied by the square root of stupid what they do is they cram information in your head force feeding you and then you throw it up on the test that's not education that's bulimia and the more bulimic you are the better you will do on their assessments so it's the wonder why so many students graduate mentally and emotionally anorexic see school teaches you how to memorize that's true education should teach you how to connect them true education teaches you how to catch a fish school teaches you yeah you caught the fish but you didn't show you work so it doesn't count throw it back I'm just asking what is school for it's not education that's just not true if you still think that you might be sniffing glue see the word education comes from the Latin root adduce meaning bring out ie bring the gifts out of a person and make them viable the school doesn't bring out much it just stuffs more facts inside of you now some of that stuff is justifiable we need reading writing and some arithmetic that's fair but are you telling me metamorphic and igneous rocks are more important than self care if suicide is the third leading cause of death of ages 10 to 24 and Harvard studies suggests the biggest predictor for success is self-control and emotional health then why the heck aren't we taught how to handle stress bullies or rejection how about anxiety or depression you know skills we need for our entire lives bro I don't even know how to cook I'm honestly surprised them it's still alive but hey at least I can name all the battles that happened in the Civil War seriously what is school for some say you need it to be successful and that's something we do not doubt but do you own a MacBook or iPhone did you know they both were created by a dropout are you watching this video on Facebook or YouTube doesn't matter which you choose they both were created by dropouts ever use snapchat whatsapp shop that wholefoods well Bank a dropout does your home furniture come from Ikea okay don't get the wrong idea he was not a dropout don't be a fool I mean how could he drop out ivar camporee founder of ikea never even went to school i know what you're thinking he's just picking and choosing as millions who didn't go to school that aren't successful who is he fooling and you're right but open your history books and start perusing you'll find the very people we idolized in school never really had formal and/or secondary schooling I'm talking George Washington Abe Lincoln America's best presidents had zero school between them Ben Franklin Thomas Edison shall I proceed Ernest Hemingway Mark Twain Teddy Roosevelt Margaret Mead now please I'm not singing drop out cuz some schools are great and many teachers are rare treasures I'm saying that there's a difference between people who is smart and people who score better I'm saying that your future is something that no tests will ever measure even if that test begins in three letters like SAT AC T is BS if they say those determine your li fe know your destiny is in your hands you must shape it to be great so don't expect school to open doors cuz it's more likely to slam them in your face sometimes I wonder about all the dreams lost in school and how much potential goes to waste if it wasn't for music and you two'll than I would have been just another lost case everybody watching this please close your eyes imagine a child sitting in the back of some teachers class and sometime he never raises his hand he fails most of his classes but inside of him but there is a passion and if nurtured and brought out will lead him to discover the cure for cancer but you see I'm afraid that that child's gift will never come out he will never win the Nobel Prize a war because in class he was ignored and his worth was judged only by his scores so teachers principals parents advisers and students I ask one more time what is school for so just gonna ask you a few questions okay yeah we're like to question how did that video make you feel like it's all tiny just feel like I want you better yeah it's taking anymore having someone feels like do better it made me question like what school is for it here's kind of a few spitting some facts don't like it's real like you start to think cuz then you realize like what are you saying like what's a kind Instagram like oh like the iPhones - they're created by dropouts - you're like really thinking do you really need to go through all this cool to actually like make money and I've always agreed with this like that this concept that I'm not going to like school is pointless but like school is pointless like that there's no like reason to be here um the part I really could like really choose when he said about how his mom would ask him like what did you learn at school oh well I could relate to it because a lot of subjects I feel like I'm learning things that I'm never gonna use in my life but I also believe that knowledge helps you like be creative we really kind of brought me to like sure I don't really learn things at school I kind of just do them and even when I do like even when I do go to school and like I would say I learned something like that's so like like I never learnt and I was like that's so bear like so many times I literally go in class and I'll sit and I'll be on the back on my phone doing nothing and like nobody even really notices they kind of just like dismiss it like care for me to like like they always say they care for me to succeed but like do they really found you're honest I'm not doing anything every class school like kills creativity in some aspects but it also can help you fuel that creativity because of a knowledge that you have but I feel like some of these subjects are these teachers don't they don't recognize your strengths as soon as you don't get a good mark on tests that's it you're not good at this subject and I think a lot of students their favorite subjects are the ones that they're doing good in because like they feel like the teacher like recognizes them I'm doing like one like online class like one elearning class and I'm learning so much more I'll not than eminence Mike roses yeah he is like it like forces you to actually do it and like read this stuff I'm doing it like on psychology and stuff which is I think stuff is like good to know but um but like it's like way better than like like once a week I'll have like a serious class yeah what do you think school is for Fausta gator education right so we want to conflate I mean like when students attempt school it brings money for the economy as like as much as this video is actually true like we don't really need to know things like the Pythagorean theorem like when we grow up and that's we're gonna be like an engineer so it's like or like some high-level work so it's like they teach all of us the these like really complex things like say in math and science or whatever but like most of us will probably not even going to it because I feel like the work that they give us it kind of makes us hate the subject like it's like way too much it's kind of just to keep us busy when schools were put together like the curriculum was made during the industrial age they were preparing kids to work in factories basically the most important subjects were English or language languages and math because you need to know how to communicate and how to build some but now not everything is just industrial like there's so many jobs for everything there's like a million things you can do now and like I think they should change the curriculum because it's not like it's a new generation you know I guess they're trying like they say they're trying to prepare us for you know real life or whatever but I don't think anything can really like prepare you for it you have to I think school is a pastime for kids from the ages of 4 to 18 and if you really want to continue their education you would go on Iona continue into University in college and all that post-secondary education it's to help you learn like mathematical stuff and scientific stuff yes careers don't just start out of nowhere like if you want to be a doctor or like something like service if you have to go to school so it's not useless like there's obviously a purpose for school but at the same time I kind of get what he's saying because I kind of relate [Music]
Channel: OCS Live
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Keywords: reaction, reaction time, reactions, reaction video, queen reaction, neymar reaction, reacting, indonesia reaction, react, soo reaction, reaction jack, song reaction, reaction queen, pogba reaction, korean reaction, misthy reaction, reaction misthy, tik tok reaction, trailer reaction, dio reaction jojo, reacting to, bom diggy reaction, reaction channels, funny reactions, ocs reacts, ocs live, students react, FBE, wake up ocs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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