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if you want to kill a big dream tell it to a small-minded person i told everybody at 10 years old i was going to be on tv and i had a little problem when i said that i had a severe stuttering problem teacher called me to the front of the class i could not talk outside of my house i i i just studied profusely it was a horrible experience [Music] so when i wrote on that paper the assignment was write on a piece of paper what you want to be when you grow up i'm 10. i wrote i want to be on tv [Music] i ain't seen no way i could be on tv but i wrote it down i didn't know no better i just i'm 10 i wrote it down welcome to my show i thought i'm gonna get me a gold star cause she had everybody stand and read their paper and they named she called me to the front i'm thinking i'm going up here to get a gold star i ain't never had one before that lady didn't call me up there to give me no gold stuff she called me up there to humiliate she said why would you write something like this on your paper first of all why you call me up here you know i can't talk you already know i can't talk she said who in this school never been on tv i i who in your family ever been on tv i who in this neighborhood ever been on tv [Music] she said look at you standing there you can't even talk how they gonna put somebody like you on tv and then she called my mother and told her i'm trying to be a smart aleck in class so i got sent to my room my father came in the room he said all right this is what i want you to do what does she want you to put on your paper i said i don't know daddy like a basketball player what all the rest of the kids wrote he said well put that on the paper take that to school tomorrow and give it to him take your paper and put it in your drawer every morning when you get up read your paper and every night before you go to bed read your paper that's your paper what he told me was a principle of success that if you write it down and envision it anything you see in your mind you can hold in your hand after that every year when the teacher was living i used to send her a tv for christmas because i don't want her to miss me i want her to see what god had done for me and that little boy with the stuttering problem is on tv seven days a week yeah i'm on tv all the time you dig don't let anyone decide your future for you whether you want to be on tv on the radio or write a book whatever it is you can do it you know they couldn't see steve harvey's vision and maybe they can't see yours but that doesn't matter because you can thank you guys so much for watching that video if you enjoyed this video i want you to like it and share it with your friends so that the algorithms can push out more love and inspiration to the people who need it peace
Channel: Prince Ea
Views: 555,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prince Ea, Prince Ea (Musical Artist), Inspire, Motivate, Love, Music, HipHop, Spoken Word, Artist, Peace, Poetry, Positive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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