Reactions that Matter | INDIAN teachers react to What is school for? | ft. Prince ea

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[Music] what is school for feel free to call me slow but I spent 16 years going to school and I still don't know when I finished I didn't know how to do my own taxes purchase a home or apply for a loan I didn't know a thing about investments building credit or getting a job I graduated at the top of my class and what did I have this is fancy diploma to sit at home with my mom but luckily they did teach me some important skills like factoring trinomials and how mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell I'm so happy I remember the Pythagorean theorem cuz it helped me a lot okay I'm lying it let me stop because all the stuff they taught me truthfully I forgot mom remember when you would ask me what did you learn in school today and I was saying nothing much I wasn't being modest the truth about it mom is I had already forgotten and it's not just me millions of students sing the same song how many of you guys avoid eye contact with the teacher to try not to get caught up on afraid to raise your hand for fear of being wrong which proves that school isn't an environment for learning or building up the intellect it's just a game you play for grains and you can collect when I guess what do you expect when the most commonly asked question in classes is this gonna be on the test is this gonna be on the test see if school put learning instead of testing and memorizing as the top standard then the letter F would not stand for failure it would stand for find another answer and if school was really interested in our personal and academic success students would wake up later have more freedom and homework a lot less and that's not my opinion this conclusion has been scientifically tested and proven and any teacher that doesn't believe me feel free to check my work cited page to inspect oh and I did it in MLA format because I know that's all you will accept see students would get more benefit from an extra hour of sleep than putting them to the torture of an extra s a reading 150 pages doing problems one through sixty on the worksheet and having three projects due by the end of the week not only is the pointless pain but it's also dim-witted because we get so much work but they don't teach the time management skills to deal with it see in school we are controlled by bells we have to learn and rules with the Fung Shui of a prison cell we have to ask permission to relieve bodily functions but not before the teacher ask a million questions like why didn't you go before class I'm sorry my bladder is kind of on its own schedule and it's not always timely see teachers always say use your time wisely but that never made sense to me because these six cruel hours of our lives we call school might literally be the worst use of time management ever in history think about it the traditional teaching method is foolish no it's useless multiplied by the square root of stupid what they do is they cram information in your head force-feeding you and then you throw it up on the test that's not education that's bulimia and the more bulimic you are the better you will do on their assessments so it's the wonder why so many students graduate mentally and emotionally anorexic see school teaches you how to memorize that's true education should teach you how to connect them true education teaches you how to catch a fish school teaches you yeah you caught the fish but you didn't show your work so it doesn't count throw it back I'm just asking what is school for it's not education that's just not true if you still think that you might be sniffing glue see the word education comes from the Latin root adduce meaning bring out ie bring the gifts out of a person and make them viable but school doesn't bring out much it just stuffs more facts inside of you now some of that stuff is justifiable we need reading writing and some arithmetic that's fair but are you telling me metamorphic and igneous rocks are more important than self care if suicide is the third leading cause of death of ages 10 to 24 and Harvard studies suggests the biggest predictor for success is self-control and emotional health then why the heck aren't we taught how to handle stress bullies or rejection how about anxiety or depression you know skills we need for our entire lives bro I don't even know how to cook I'm honestly surprised them it's still alive but hey at least I can name all the battles that happened in the Civil War seriously what is school for some say you needed to be successful in something we do not doubt but do you own a MacBook or iPhone did you know they both were created by a dropout are you watching this video on Facebook or YouTube doesn't matter which you choose they both were created by dropouts ever use snapchat whatsapp shop that wholefoods well thank a dropout does your home furniture come from Ikea ok don't get the wrong idea he was not a dropout don't be a fool I mean how could he drop out invar camper and founder of IKEA never even went to school I know what you're thinking he's just picking and choosing as millions who didn't go to school that aren't successful who was he fooling and you're right but open your history books and start perusing you'll find the very people we idolized in school never really had formal and or secondary schooling I'm talking George Washington Abe Lincoln America's best presidents had zero school between them Ben Franklin Thomas Edison shall I proceed Ernest Hemingway Mark Twain Teddy Roosevelt marker and Mina please I'm not singing drop out cuz some schools are great and many teachers are rare treasures I'm saying that there's a difference between people who are smart and people who score better I'm saying that your future is something that no tests will ever measure even if that test begins in three letters like SAT AC T is BS if they say those determine your li f e know your destiny is in your hands you must shape it to be great so don't expect school to open doors cuz it's more likely to slam them in your face sometimes I wonder about all the dreams lost in school and how much potential goes to waste if it wasn't for music and YouTube than I would have been just another lost case everybody watching this please close your eyes imagine a child sitting in the back of some teachers class and sometime he never raises his hand he fails most of his classes but inside of him there is a passion and if nurtured and brought out will lead to discover the cure for cancer but you see I'm afraid that that's house gift will never come out he will never win the Nobel Prize of War because in class he was ignored and his worth was judged only by his scores so teachers principals parents advisors and students I ask one more time what is school for I just realized while editing the video that you guys need to know something and what I mean is you need to go rewatch the video from this timestamp all the way at this one and what you will see is and what I want you to see actually is the actual video in the corner instead of the reaction and I'll wait for you just going to rewatch stop stop done great so here I quote there are some great schools and some teachers for real treasures and I need to tell you that I am been so fortunate to have being a part of such a school which is I can't even put into words it's really great like what can I work more can I say so and the other thing is that the teachers that you are about to see in an interview are the teachers well I have found to be the best treasures of my schooling years that given me tools and skill sets and what have you to deal with life and I want that knowledge to be passed on to the entire world so here goes the actual video and I wanted to tell you this before you go ahead and watch the video so that you have some great contacts so with that said let's get into the video and go it's a big question [Music] all right not to justify but squealing yes ringing - in business is about learning skills it is the most important thing the modern is really running the best technology everything is equipping it with me skills that we require so life yes it's very good to have plans in your life to have appropriate balance I graduate [Music] good job and I'll be true but on the other side yes as life skills we need to understand and learn that life is about reflections some would be opportunities some would be success some would be failure failure would give you life lessons so it is not always that he is a character son is who is the best part it's not about somebody who can do plan achieve very good on the other side where our children's there are people that are human who would make errors learn from the air Oh [Applause] according to me is this better it's okay if you don't have a plan it's okay rather the character voices don't sing me whatever comes your way say yes because you don't know what God is it's time for I believe it's more analyzed seeing the other side school is about character building it's about having good qualities in the person and it's not the subject that is important but the qualities which you get during the learning process that's what makes the difference you study a subject like chemistry or accounting or finance or economics or anything it may not have its application in real life day to day life but the qualities which you get while learning by learning a subject of commitment of hard work of being honest to your task accepting your failure learning to give a test and under performed and accepting API and try all these qualities makes a difference it's the content is important but it's secondary importance in my opinion thank you it was a nice one it's really interesting it talks about one aspect of what school is not for and what school is for is a very different aspect so I feel at a lot of places he was right that it's just not about memorizing and there is a huge part of the world which is not educated but yet successful so the biggest life lesson that anybody can learn is to understand the difference between right and wrong if you can understand that what you are doing is right whether ethically or socially culturally and will not affect somebody negatively then you know you have are a person you know you are a better human being school might teach you the difference between you know how to use your time wisely it's not just about balancing your time in life it's about knowing where to have that professional and personal life balance so when you grow up to become a successful businessman you need to balance your time in such a way that you know you're giving enough time to your profession and enough time to your personal life that is your family so that is what I think that six hours of school is teaching you right now so when you we you know as teachers tell you to work here rather than carry it home we mean this right obviously when you have homework that is just a kind of revision of what you have done so even in life there will be a time when you look back and think of what things you have done what you could not what you should not have done where you could have you know made a mistake and you know try to correct your mistakes so it's in in whom well the other thing that is talked about in the video is some things that come when you go out in the social you know in the society and you learn from the other people a lot of people have dropped out of school you learn from them but you also learn from people who have made it successfully in their life because of Education so school teaches you good things bad things and I think every aspect is important no matter what age you are life is always a test so take each day at one time and consider it to be your test every day a challenge every day and a point to learn something new every day so there is no end to learning no matter how old you are but life itself is the biggest test and challenge that one can have so school is part of it and that is why education is important if you regret it you know whatever that Bryn SIA has been talking about we firmly believe in whatever that he has said and that is something that reflects into whatever that we have been doing into our classroom we have at you know of course you know there is one question which is continuously asking what schools are meant for we firmly believe that schools are not meant for only the bookish knowledge the bookish knowledge that X books are giving you very limited knowledge which is majority of the time not contemporary something that is not useful in real life but this is useful only for the sake of let's say tests right not only that if you look at the tests tests are based only on the memory so only we are we are checking only one skill of yours and that is memorization nothing beyond that now what schools should be like of course the schools are the best schools are the ones which prepare you for life and that is why the knowledge the contemporary knowledge and the skills and that experiences is what should be offered to the students your school is something which has to have connection see and after opinion that you know school should not be limited to the knowledge because now knowledge is available on the net you know you can take up online courses you can take up you know you can learn from any teacher from around the world in that particular you know knowledge is free knowledge is everywhere what school should be school should teach skills school should give you experiences schools should just prepare you for life I think that is what school should be oh how about you suck yeah I will definitely relate to like really nice quote mentioned by one of the great American inventor named Charles kitten purr he said invention is a combination of brains and materials the more you use the more you talent so I really quite passionate about that particular code and then implementing it since my high school and I can see the big differences what I was before I was a kind of a shy open not so open I was quite isolated kind of a kid now I am completely open which is quite different so I went to a school where all this kind of infrastructure was there so I developed that particular skill so I really agree with them that skill is one of the input aspects if you go to the school one thing which pinches me very much in this particular aspect is that on one hand you know our education system is where we are asking students to kind of simply memorize whatever that is there and write it within three hours of examination time we are doing this within the school where we are not teaching you we are simply asking you to memorize it or talk of it parents and students also need additional tools to simply you know go through this particular process so as it is whatever that is happening in the school it's not good enough but we do it twice by simply going to the coaching classes and going to the tuition classes in the end all we are doing it is we are actually making our intellect inferior we are not using our head we are simply using our memory at different levels and that is what makes student an incomplete person when he or she goes out into the college or goes out to the life because we have never taught them anything other than memorization thank you very much
Channel: Ansh Bhalodia
Views: 3,197
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: princeea, school, whatisschoolfor, education, educationalsystem, system
Id: -2WNAz5qcWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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