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inclined what we're doing is promised a purpose and that our promise is that when you start school when you leave you'll have a purpose our purpose doesn't necessarily mean take the SAT AC to get Reagan scores and go to the best college ever it means am I ready for life whatever the case may be if that's my path or if I'm going to follow a certification or if I'm going to be YouTube star you know it's that that purpose in life and you've got to know those things to like as a human being to be a positive contributors to society so yes the real big piece of that promise to purpose too is reimagine learning and what that means is how can we make learning more relevant to kids these days because the way we've been doing it is super old-school so I'm excited and this kind of summarizes my thoughts on what is school for what what is our purpose what is our wise educators why are we here obviously we have to satisfy the graduation requirements set by the Texas School of Education the Texas Education Agency T EA and that requires having certain curriculum right which will be things like math and and things that he references which is good to know for to prepare you for if in that fact you do want to go into a field that uses that later on in life so it's like building you well-rounded but also remember it's not just that information it's character you know like when you leave here climb five gratitude empathy integrity perseverance and service are you a good person do you know life things and we do a lot of our CTE classes touch upon that on doing taxes and being prepared for lives I do think education has come a long way but I do think we have a lot a lot to grow yeah so one thing that we did too was climb became a district of innovation which means we get a five year exemption I believe it's five years where we there are certain areas that we've asked exemptions for and for example the way seat time and can we do a class kind of like our blended learning and math where you come to school you come to that class twice a week three times a week but then the other two times you just it's office hours with the teacher so we're on that track but that's one class you know so I can foresee the future being a lot more varied when it comes to reimagine learning being more applicable to you guys so in the video he goes as saying that if the school system actually care about personal and academic life why don't we wake up later and research new researchers have proven that the teenage brain doesn't actually start until 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. so my question is why don't we wake up later on oh absolutely so I actually was on a committee that investigated or looked into not really investigated school start times and possibly changing them for high school kids so yes the research points to later start times would be I mean hello like it goes without saying what I don't even need research to know that it's tough to to wake up super early and to be on point another thing that you have to factor in there's so much when it comes to starting a school day in the grand scheme of things whether it be transportation so once our buses drop off they immediately go their middle school route I'm sorry the Elementary you're out then the middle score out and so what would that look like if it were flipped so it's really a logistics it's not a well we want kids to be miss miserably tired and do bad it's it's a lot of it is the logistics to also after school things jobs co-op UIL event sports you know the practices and then we talked about well we can have their practices beforehand even though like okay other schools that we play if we get out later some of our games start early then they would be missing school it's it's super logistical but yes teachers it is their job to teach us all the stuff that we need to learn throughout the school year and when each do they need different ways of learning how are they expected to learn the right way of each teacher teaches the same way into every single student right so I'm using a lot of Education words with you but I promise that we are where you're at where he's at it's called personalized learning and pathways and so we are working towards personalizing learning so I might have five kids in a class right and they might take a test and they might make an 80 on the tests all five but kid number one might be not understanding one concept kid number two a different concept it's not okay so they made it eight yeah that's a good grade they passed but they're gonna move forward and still not know that one concept and it could be different so that's what personalized learning is is to make sure that we are personalizing it for the kid and voice and choice like how do you want to learn and so people learn differently choosing that - have you ever been in a class lately that use voice and choice like choice boards on how you do your assignment yeah that's the beginning of personalized learning is a perfect no but but we're definitely trying to work on it I promise we are drag yeah because we want school to be a place where kids want to come and feel successful and learn things that are applicable to them in their lives within the confines of what we're asked you know from the state of Texas to do it in and for my last question for every every kid out there who like feels like they don't learn right or they're they're failing they think they might not being up in our life what are some words they might have for them the words that I have for those kids is that this school doesn't define you what defines you is what I know citizen you become when you get out into the real world and it's so very important to me my number one thing when I hire teachers or when I have anything with teachers is you've got to want to be here for the kids because this job is very hard and you've gotta love kids and you've got to really want to connect with them and be that inspiration for them they're why has to be about you the kid right the rest falls into place when you have those relationships when you have those teachers that you have relationships with you can learn more than just what that teacher is teaching you subject wise if that makes sense and so one of our big focuses built community and that's building relationships with our kids you know it was like the first days of school like it doesn't have to be boom boom boom boom this is the work like get to know your kids what do they like what do they not like how did they like to learn so I think we're on the right track I know we have any school systems got a lot of work to do because things have changed and it's time for us to change and we're with you we're with what's the thing Prince music Prince EA Prince EA yes yes all right thank you Miss hey welcome buddy I'm proud of you yes
Channel: WildStyleLife
Views: 2,305,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: htbIqQ4iI8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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