Prince Bayaya And His Magic Horse in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] once upon a time in the faraway land the queen of a peaceful kingdom gave birth to twin boys it was a time of celebration for the court the king was still off battling in Wars but the news traveled fast as the boys grew the firstborn of the two was a little hearty earth and played outside as often as he could his brother on the other hand liked better to play indoors always tagging after his mother and only went outdoors when he followed the Queen into the garden for this reason the younger Prince became the mother's favorite [Music] which is the older one my love the Queen knew he was asking because the oldest is the first heir to the throne [Music] very well then when of age you will be the next king will we read of hearing that his brother is the future king he poured his heart out to his horse I want to see the world experience new adventures I'm so tired of hearing how my brother will be king and to his amazement since you are not happy at home go out into the world the little horse spoke in a human voice how is it that you can speak don't ask I cannot tell you I will be your friend and counselor as long as you obey me but do not go without your father's permission take no one with you and mount no horse but me I promise I promise the Prince begged and pleaded with the king but he was unwilling to see his son leave he was unwilling to let him leave after some coaxing from the Queen the King relented but the King still wanted the Prince to set forth in a manner befitting his rank with a great company of men and horses why do I need such an escort father let me have some money and I'll ride off on my own horse again the prince had to argue and plead until he finally succeeded in getting what he wanted please promise to return within a year or send word of your whereabouts I will mother farewell to all the little horse took off at a surprising pace for an old horse but this was no ordinary horse the years had not touched him at all his coat was smooth his lake strong no matter how far he traveled he was always fresh as a fawn let's go visit that City we will you will go alone to the nearby town and pretend you are dumb huh dumb couldn't I just become a handsome stranger you must never betray yourself present yourself to the king so he'll take you into his service when you need anything come to the Rock knock three times and it will open okay I should disguise myself the Prince presented himself to the king he disguised himself by bandaging one eye and making his face pale and sallow the King looks upon the pathetic prince with sympathy the King pitied his youth and dumbness and took him into his service the prince proved he was very capable it wasn't long before the king gave to him the management of the household he talks to maids offers advice to the king he hurried about the castle going from one thing to another everybody liked him and was soon calling him bhaiya because that was the only sound he made pariah the king had three daughters each more beautiful than the other stove inna the oldest Boudicca and slow veena the youngest the prince loved to be with them and he was supposed to be dumb and ugly the king made no objection to his spending time with them they liked him and were always taking him with them wherever they went and he liked them too but he likes Lavina the youngest one best everything he did was done a little better than for the others the garlands he wove richer the designs more beautiful stove ena and bood Inca tea Slovenia but she doesn't mind the jokes or the extra attention from valya one day but Yaya saw the King looking sad and by using crude sign language asked him what was the matter is it possible my dear boy that you don't know the nightmare that threatens us years ago three dragons came flying through the air and alighted on a great rock nearby the first was nine headed the second 18 headed and the third 27 headed they laid waste to the country devouring cattle and killing people the dragons attacked the city burning everything to appease them we placed all the food we had outside the gates but soon ourselves were starving in desperation I had an old wise woman called to court and asked her was there any way to drive these monsters from the land alas that way was to promise the monsters my three beautiful daughters when they reached womanhood at that time my daughters were only small children so I relieve my stricken land I promised the Dragons my daughters my poor Queen died of sorrow but my daughters grew up knowing nothing of their fate once I made the bargain the Dragons flew away and until yesterday were never again heard of again until last night the news that the dragons are again settled on their old rock and are sending out fearful roars so tomorrow I must sacrifice to them my oldest child the day after tomorrow my second then my youngest then I shall be left a poor lonely old man with nothing [Music] by yaya told the story of the dragons and kings daughters I know it was that you might rescue the princesses that I brought you here I don't understand it is your destiny early tomorrow morning come back and I will tell you what to do oh thank you little horse bye Yaya was filled with so much joy that he had to hide face to make sure his cover was not blown lift up the stone under my truck and take out what you find all three seats are for you but today put on the red one but I'm not a knight have no fear cut bravely into the monster trusting to your sword and remember do not dismount me [Music] [Music] oh my we must return to father at once to let him know the news tomorrow with my turn I wonder if this night will appear from me as well although the prospect still terrified them Hope had returned to them with by aya even succeeding in making them laugh by Yaga dances around with glee reassuring the two daughters that no harm will come to them as well [Music] there he is Yaya appeared again as the unknown nice yes this time in the white plume he attacked the 18 headed dragon end after another valiant effort dispatched him another battle another surprisingly easy victory for Barack you were backward not to speak this brave night before he rode off tomorrow if he delivers me I shall kneel before him and not get up until he consents to return with me to the castle what is it by aya yes tomorrow we will all go to meet this mysterious Knight [Music] but Yaya could not refuse him especially with Lavina kneeling before him clutching the edge of his tunic and looking up at him so bewitching Li his heart melted and he was ready to do anything she asked why did you do that [Music] they must never know your identity levena and the King were greatly disappointed at their saviors hasty retreat but that quickly turned to joy as her safe arrival back at the castle shortly after this a king of great power declared war the king sent far and wide to summon together all the nobles of the land many brave Nobles now stand before the king they came and the King promised them the hands of his three beautiful daughters in return for their support this was indeed an inducement and every young noble present swore his allegiance and hurried home to gather his forces troops poured in from all sides and soon the king was ready to set forth the king leads his army into battle the king handed over the affairs of the castle to paia and entrusted him with the safety of the three princesses by yaya did his duty faithfully looking after the castle and planning diversions for the princesses to keep them happy and cheerful one day he complained of feeling sick but instead of consulting the physician he said he would go to the fields and hunt some medicinal herbs the princesses laughed at his whim but let him go the little horse wastes no time the Kings forces are weakening and tomorrow will decide their fate put on the white suit take your sword and let us be off [Music] Bojana struck right and left among the enemy and he caused such havoc that the Kings forces were instantly hardens gathering around the White Knight they fought so valiantly that soon the enemy broke and scattered and the King won a mighty victory [Music] please brave knight come with me to my tent and rejoice in victory Thank You King but I cannot when the princess has heard that the unknown Knight again appeared and saved the day they were unwilling to become the brides of any of the nobles for they thought the knight might perhaps come demanding one of them my dear comrades in arms I promise the hands of my daughters to those of you who supported me in battles all of you gave valiant support each of you deserves the hand of one of my daughters but alas I have only three daughters to decide which three of you my daughter shall marry I make this suggestion all of you stand in the garden in a row and each of my daughters will throw down a golden apple from the balcony then each princess must win the man whom her apple rolls [Music] [Music] that night a great feast butts Lavina remained in her chamber refusing to appear among the guests the little horse carried his master for the last time when they reached the castle but Yaya dismounted he kissed his faithful friend farewell Noah and the little horse vanished but Yaya would like to speak with you princess [Music] are you so angry with your bridegroom that you hide from him you are not my bridegroom bye Yaya is my bridegroom but I am by Yaya I am the invalid who wore view Garland's the knight who saved you and your sisters and helped your father in battle see here is the piece of your father's cape that he bound up my wounded foot when it all had been explained the King rejoiced the guests marveled ends Davina and boo Tinka looked at each other with gasps of envy after the wedding day Yaya rode away with Lavina to visit his parents when he reached his native town everyone was overjoyed at his return before they had long ago given him up for dead after a time valya succeeded to the kingdom he lived long and prospered and he enjoyed unclouded happiness with his wife [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 668,081
Rating: 4.5824995 out of 5
Keywords: English Fairy Tales, Prince Bayaya And His Magic Horse, Prince Bayaya, Magic Horse Story, story, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, bedtime story, story english, stories, english, english fairy tales stories, kids story in english, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english, bedtime stories for kids
Id: XdzD8sGR5hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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