Fairy Tales For Kids - Animated Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories || Kids Hut Stories

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join kids hat family hey Tia what are you doing I'm meeting the new school principal tomorrow so just putting my things in order oh you want to impress him as it I'm not sure about that but I don't want to disappoint him either maybe you should tell him that you're the best in class and also tell him that you're a champion swimmer and always come first in all the sports activities and that you always win all the debates and a locutions tofu I can't do that not all of that is true yes but most of it is oh boy you're acting like the Miller the Miller who is that come let me tell you a story Rumplestiltskin once upon a time the king calls the village Miller to the coat the Miller went there with a mind to impress the King by any means possible and so when he was presented in front of the King he lied that his daughter who was an excellent spinner could spin gold from straw oh that's impressive i order you to bring her to the castle tomorrow and she will spend gold for me [Music] the Miller goes back home and tells his daughter what he'd done Oh No what have you done father I cannot spin gold I don't think anyone can I know and I am sorry my child but there is no way out of it now you must go to the goat tomorrow and spend the best you can oh yes Father and so the girl went to the coat the next day [Music] your father tells me that you can spin gold out of straw in that room there is bale of straw I give you till tomorrow morning you must spin it into gold by then or you will lose your life the miller's daughter had no choice but to do as told she went into the room and locked herself in as the night wore on she didn't know what to do there was no way she could spin gold afraid that her father's live would get her punished by the king she started crying just then a strange little man appeared in the room I know what bothers you do you yes and I can help you I can spin the straw into gold for you oh oh please do it then I beg of you what will you give me in return I can give you this necklace of mine okay I will spin for you and so the little man got to the spinning wheel and started spinning within an hour he had converted all the straw into gold he then took the necklace from the miller's daughter and went out of the window [Music] the next morning the king came into the room [Music] is my goal Freddie yes your majesty [Music] very good now I have another test for you the castles barn is full of straw you will spend all that straw into gold till tomorrow morning the miller's daughter was taken to the barn once alone she was again surrounded by worries she didn't know what to do soon it was night afraid of the Kings reaction she started crying [Music] you've got a barn full of straw for yourself today the girl looked up to see the strange man from the night before [Music] yes and the King needs it to be spun into gold by tomorrow morning hmm what will you give me in exchange for it now I don't have much but I can I can give you this ring off my finger [Music] the man took the ring from her and started spinning the straw into gold [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the next morning when the King saw the shining gold his greed increased very well the castle has yet another bond bigger than this one if you value your life you will spend all the straw in it into gold by tomorrow morning if you succeed I will marry you and make you the queen and if you fail off with your head I'll ha once again the king had left the girl was taken into another barn it was bigger than any room that the girl had ever seen and so full of straws she broke down as soon as the king's men had left she knew she was surely doomed now [Music] when night fell the little man appeared again need my help again is it yes please please spin the straw into gold and save me well I could do that but what will you give me now I have nothing left to give you now you could give it to me when you have it yes I will tell me what can I give you your first born child the girl gasped but thought who knows what may happen in the future it was wiser to save her present so she agreed okay I will give you my firstborn child the strange man happily got to spinning the straw when the king came in the next morning the whole barn was full of glistening gold happy he announced his marriage with the miller's daughter soon a year passed and the new queen gave birth to a baby boys the boy was only a day old when the strange little man appeared in her room once again it is time to secondly our debt the boy is mine Oh No can't you forget this debt never please there has to be some way I will give you gold fortunes whatever you want I only want the boy but I will give you three days to guess my name if at the end of the third day you can guess it right I will leave you and this boy alone if you can't the boy will be mine as soon as the man had left her room the Queen called her trusted soldier and ordered him to gather every name he can find in the kingdom the soldier sat on his mission immediately [Music] the next evening he came and gave the Queen a list of names when night fell the little man visited the Queen again do you know my name uh is it James or Jack well is it Richard or Kenny she continued with all the names she knew and the names that the soldier had brought back from the village no no no these are not my names [Music] but the little man said no to every name [Music] that is not my name I leave you now with two days left to find what it is [Music] the Queen sent her man out yet again to go to the farthest corners of the kingdom til then she read all the books she could find hoping that one of them might give her the man's name the next night when the man came back she gave him the names her soldier had brought back and the ones she had collected from the books is your name Caspar Sheepshanks Toman none of them I leave you again I will come back tomorrow to take away the boy because you won't be able to guess my name once again the Queen implored the soldier to go out in the kingdom and find her a name the next evening before the little man would come the soldier returned to the queen with some news [Music] my lady a loss I could not find any new names in the kingdom and its neighbors however last night after I left the castle I came upon a clearing in the forest where I saw a strange little man danced around the fire he sang the strange song to she can search the land she can search the sky but a name like mine she will never come by Rumpelstiltskin that's me the moment the Queen heard the name she knew it was the one she happily waited for the strange man to come visit her have you found my name yet oh no I can only wonder what it can be is it apple tree my real or maybe Rumplestiltskin how can that be this is some sort of sorcery how did you know my name the moment the strange man heard his name he became very angry he shouted and stomped around the room in his anger he stomped so hard that there became a big hole in the ground and he fell into it the words his step I wonder if the Queen ever told her father about all this we will never know but we do know that trying to impress people may get us into big trouble oh yes that lesson I've learned today and I don't think I will ever forget it thanks dear for this wonderful story [Music] [Applause] hey guys hello [Music] what do you want can i play with you guys this is a game for big kids go away [Music] actually why don't you stay to hear a story I was about to tell my brother okay thanks [Applause] [Music] once upon a time there lived a king who had 12 beautiful daughters he loved the princesses the early but one thing about them worries him a lot I [Music] cannot understand what my daughters do because of which they need a new pair of shoe every morning how can it be that their shoes are fine through the day but in the morning they are worn out completely to find the truth behind his daughter's shoes the King announced in the kingdom that anyone who uncovered the secret would be awarded handsomely many people came but no one could understand how the princesses managed it one day an old soldier decided to go to the palace as he was walking he came across an old woman where are you going I am going to the palace I would love to solve the mystery of the princesses and become the king one day that's not very difficult here take this invisibility cloak and use it when the time is right nobody will be able to see you as long as you wear it just be wary not to drink the wine that one of the princesses will bring you the soldier thanked the woman and went on his way to the castle [Music] once there he went to meet the king [Music] I can find the truth behind the worn-out shoes of the princesses if you same I will have your head cut off and if I do it you will allow me to marry one of your daughters you have courage young man very well you will sleep in the princess's room tonight [Music] [Music] the soldier was introduced to the princesses and given a cozy bed in the princess's room just before he was about to sleep a princess brought him a glass of wine [Music] [Music] he only pretended to drink it and lay down on his bed and pretended to sleep [Music] after some time the eldest princess came up to him and checked if he was asleep he is fast asleep sisters let's go [Music] all the sisters got together and pulled out prettiest of their clothes and got dressed all of them were excited except the youngest one [Music] I am not sure about the sisters I think something will go wrong tonight oh you simpleton you worry unnecessarily nothing will happen now come let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] the eldest princess then went to her bed and clapped twice the bed sunk to the floor and a secret stairway opened underneath all the princesses followed one after the other the soldier also quickly got up and put on the cloak he then followed the princesses on to the staring [Music] but halfway through he accidentally stepped on the gown of the youngest princess I'm telling you sisters something is amiss someone has got hold of my down don't be a fool it might just be your name now stop crying or you will delay us all the princesses followed by the invisible soldier made their way to the bottom of the stairs they found themselves in a beautiful Grove fruit-laden trees and flowers made of silver [Music] beyond the Grove was a lake where 12 handsome princes awaited the princesses in 12 small votes [Applause] the princesses rushed to their beloved each and got into his boat [Music] the soldiers sneaked into the boat with the youngest princess the boat is very heavy today [Applause] I don't know what is happening today everything is wrong the princesses and the princes reached the other side of the lake [Applause] there was another beautiful Grove there it was lit with a thousand lamps and music wafted throughout [Music] let's go sisters everybody got off the boats and into the drone [Applause] the princesses and the princes danced with each other like there was no tomorrow the soldier hid himself in one corner and watched everything [Music] the princesses danced through the night [Music] and when morning came they returned to the palace and slept [Applause] [Music] so this is where the princesses go and this is why these shoes wear out overnight let me see what they do tonight [Music] ah the soldier waited and watched [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the same thing happened again [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next morning the soldier told the King what he'd found out the King called his daughters [Music] is it true what the soldier has to say yes Father well soldier looks like you have earned your reward which princess will you marry I'm not very young now so I would like to marry the eldest princess [Music] the soldier and the princess were married on the same day and he became the heir of the king [Music] arrogance doesn't help people too much does it dear no it doesn't I am sorry I was mean to you we'll be back here to play tomorrow why don't you come and join us then it's okay I will see you tomorrow bye for now thanks for narrating the story Tia bye bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dear I'm getting bored will you please stop reading and talk to me but how can you get bored TOEFL why don't you write a story of your own I can't think up a story idea especially when I am so bored looks like you haven't heard of Alice in Wonderland [Music] Alice in Wonderland one sunny day Alice was sitting next to her sister while she was reading her sister had been reading books all morning and Alice was very bored now she thought for a while and decided to ask her sister to stop reading she was about to do that when she saw a little white rabbit with pink eyes run past her I am late I have to hurry I am late saying so he ran into his rabbit hole Alice was suddenly interested in this turn of events and she decided to follow the rabbit [Music] she went to his rabbit hole and peered down it suddenly the whole gave away an Alice fell into it she kept falling for what seemed like a very long time what kind of a strange hole is this at last she landed with a thud in a big empty room the room had three doors of different sizes she saw the rabbit outside the smallest door before it closed shut but the door was very tiny no bigger than Alice's new pencil back home [Music] I must get on the other side of that door but how will I do that it is so small then Alice noticed a small table in the corner of the room she went to it to find a small bottle of pink portion with the label drink me on it next to it was a small little key the size of the smallest doors lock I think this key belongs to that door I wonder what this portion will do to me let me try and so Alice took the key in one hand and drank the portion from the bottle suddenly Alice could no longer see the top of the table the empty bottle of the pink portion became too heavy for her and fell out of her hand she was shrinking [Music] I am shrinking once Alice was small enough to go through the smallest door the shrinking stopped Alice quickly ran to the door opened it and ran out she found herself in the most beautiful garden she had ever seen [Music] but she could not enjoy it because she was so tiny and all the flowers and plants was so big oh I wish I was bigger hearing her the White Rabbit came to her and ordered her rather rudely go to my house and get my gloves and fan Alice didn't know why the rabbit was so rude to her perhaps he didn't like being followed nevertheless she decided to follow the instructions because she was curious and wanted to see the rabbits house [Music] when she entered the rabbits home she saw a yummy looking cake on the kitchen table it had a sticker on its plate that said eat me Alice was really hungry by now [Music] she'd even missed lunch so she decided to eat the cake as soon as she took one bite she started growing again soon she would not fit into the house she could not see the rabbits gloves anywhere but grabbed his fan and decided to run out of the house as soon as she came out she started shrinking again Oh No this will I ever be back to my normal size again one of my mushroom makes you grow tall and the other side makes you shrink Alice turn to see who was talking to her it was a caterpillar sitting on a mushroom she quickly ate a piece from the side he was pointing and came back to her normal size she thanked him for his help and asked how do I get back home could you please tell me that map leads to the Mad Hatter and the other one to the rabbits home this time it was a cat that sat in the tree that spoke Alice thanked him and took the path to the Mad Hatter she didn't want to meet the rude rabbit again I will meet you in the evening at the Queen's palace [Music] hard to go father you must answer my question correctly oh I love riddles please do ask me a question tell me why is a raven like a writing-desk Alice thought for a while but she did not know the answer to the riddle oh I don't know the answer to your question could you tell me why the Mad Hatter was taken aback never had anyone asked him the answer to his own dribble oh well I don't know either we don't know anything here you can go ahead on the path [Music] hence Alice proceeded to the Queen's castle where a game of croquet was on [Music] the Queen was very unkind and unreasonable if she didn't like someone she would instruct her soldiers to be off with his or her heads immediately her guards had made a mistake earlier in the day and so she had turned them into gods for the game when the Queen saw Alice she instructed her to play with her you will play croquet with me and if I lose it will be off with the head for you yes your majesty [Music] Alice was very careful but the Queen was terrible at the game and Alice had to try really hard to lose [Music] ha you lost if I like I will have your head for it a trumpet sounded far off and the white rabbit hopped forward the Royal Court is now in session and you will be tried tried forward I haven't even done anything you have been accused of stealing heart-shaped tarts from the Queen's kitchen first you don't know how to play croquet and then you dare steal tarts from my kitchen you should be punished off with her head this is silly I haven't even stolen anything I just reached the person and started playing with the green she looked at the white rabbit the Mad Hatter the caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat they were all looking at her and smiling what is going on Alice felt someone tapping her own it was her sister wake up Alice you fell asleep sitting next to me it's time for lunch what a strange dream I had I promise I will never complain of being bored while you read [Music] that is such a strange story dear next time you sit to read I too will write my own story instead of getting bored okay but I have to be the first one you tell it to okay tofu yes [Music] [Applause] bye Milly I'll call you later it was such a bad idea you know not move I was joining my class okay yes the one who all the teachers likes so much well not anymore they don't what do you mean - I see some of us got together and got her until you're shopping with the teacher the teachers think it was so helpful tofu that's horrible I'll put you relax you wanna know I'm very disappointed with you taking but you know what even can never win what are you talking about TIA Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs once upon a time there lived a king with his wife sadly they had no children this made the Queen very sad on a winter day when it was snowing heavily between sat in her garden and trade with all her heart to have a daughter as beautiful as the Winter Fair as snow and with lips as red as the last red rose that bloomed in the garden [Music] [Music] her prayers were answered but you're later when she gave birth to a daughter just as she wanted but the childbirth was so difficult for the Queen that she died during it leaving behind the king and their daughter Snow White as time passed the princess started asking for her mother father where is mother why don't I have a mother soon really hot one word princess the word spread in the kingdom that the king had decided to remarry families who had daughters of marriage' belay age started trying to impress the king but no maiden could win his heart till one day an enchanting woman showed up alone at the palace the King fell in love with her immediately and they were married soon my queen this whole Palace is yours it is your own home the way you like ask for whatever you want thank you kind kink but all I need is a room to store my mirror that I have brought with me yes I noticed that all you have brought is that large round mirror I am happy as long as you are happy dear oh you know what will make me truly happy what is it your death the Queen was actually an evil witch who had pretended to be nice so that the King would marry her her true motive was to have a kingdom of her own she had only one other desire to be the fairest woman in the world every day she would stand in front of her mirror which had magical powers and ask it the same question mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all it is you O queen [Music] this went on for many years the Queen ruled the kingdom without any real love for its people people suffered under her reign but no one dared say anything because they knew that the Queen was a witch the princess Snow White also had a similar fate the Queen did not even bother to look at her even once and left her alone and landing till it was no white 16th birthday mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all Snow White No how dare you say that I do not like me she must die she must die God commits one of her most trusted guards came in take Snow White and get her now but my queen she is just a child do as you are told yes my queen afraid of the queen's anger the guard took Snow White deep into the jungle to kill her but as he raised his sword to kill her he looked into her blue eyes and lost his courage to strike he just left her there and I'm lost Snow White wandered deeper into the jungle [Music] then she came across a tiny cottage she decided to enter it [Music] look at this tiny home [Music] I wonder who lives here she saw seven tiny beds a dining table with seven small chairs and a kitchen which had seven plates and tumblers there is seven of everything here I think seven people live here but why is everything so small and diming Snow White was just looking around when Seven Dwarfs entered the house it was their home who are you oh hello I don't hear you coming my name is Snow White I am the princess the princess we saw a royal God in a road here and pull its heart out yes and he was mumbling to himself but he will tell the Queen but he had gilts the princess and brought her heart for the Queen yes the Queen's God brought me him I think he wanted to kill me but ran away leaving me alone don't worry princess you can stay here with us that way you will be sick oh thank you so much Snow White started staying with the dwarf brothers in the day they would go out into the jungle to hunt and earn money while snow-white would stay home and cook for them and take care of their house they all lived happily together [Music] [Applause] mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them are Snow White you are lied to me because I didn't visit you since you said this the last time I cannot lie when you ask me something but Snow White is dead Snow White is Allah your God like that God will die and so will Snow White using her magic the Queen disguised herself as an old woman she even made the mirror tell her where snow white lived now [Music] as she entered into the jungle she saw snow white filling a jar with water from a stream I am very thirsty please give me some water yes yes here please have as much as you want [Music] thank you dear girl they speak to stop me the Apple looked so beautiful and tempting that snow-white just couldn't say no to it she took it from the old woman but she didn't know that the Queen had poisoned the Apple as soon as she took one bite of the Apple the poison affected her she fell down stopped breathing and had no heartbeat the Queen became very happy and rejoiced as she made her way back to the castle but she was too distracted by her joy and fell into quicksand with no one to help she sank and died [Music] meanwhile the dwarfs came home and saw snow white lying there dead they were heartbroken who did that to her I think the Queen found out about her look at that black half-eaten Apple I don't want to let go of her let us keep her in a glass box and saw the dwarfs kept her in the glass box in the garden near their home every day they would keep a red rose on her box one day a young prince came into the forest there he saw the Seven Dwarfs sitting by Snow White he got down from his horse and went to see [Music] his eyes fell on Snow White who was in the box who was she what has happened to her [Music] when the dwarfs had finished telling him everything the prince was sad too I am in love with her I wish I had a chance to meet her once now all I want to do is kiss her and so the Prince lifted the lid of the glass box and kissed Snow White as soon as he kissed her Snow White opened her eyes the curse of the poisoned Apple had been broken my princess you are alive Jalapa be up dear Prince encouraged by the princess support Snow White decided to go back to her Kingdom and face the Queen when she reached there she found out that the Queen was dead and the kingdom was joyous to have the princess back Snow White took over the throne with the prince by her side and even invited the dwarves to come in the castle and stay with them [Music] with her return the kingdom was joyous once again Tia can you please take me to Kate's house I have to apologize to her try the wheel I think I have been able to help a good decision tofu yes I will take you then come on let's go thanks TIA and I promise tomorrow I will tell the teacher the truth - did you have a good birthday tofu yes very much and look at all the lovely gifts you've got yes why what's wrong nothing is wrong but I just thought grandmom could have got me a better gift than the single rose flower tofu that's not a nice thing to say you didn't notice her love for you that made her fly all the way across the country to be with you today now but that's not a gift maybe you'll think differently once you hear the story of The Snow Queen [Music] The Snow Queen once upon a time in a small village lived two neighbors in four best friends - their names for Tara and K they loved each other a lot as a symbol of the friendship and love one day they both planted a rose plant each in their front yards every morning they would get together and water their plants and take care of them [Music] when winters gain Gerda invited Kay why don't you come over in the afternoon my grandma has promised to make us a cup of hot chocolate and tell us a story okay Gerda I will come over after finishing my chores [Music] as promised Kay went to Gerda's home in the afternoon tell us the story of The Snow Queen grandmama bah there is no Snow Queen do you still believe in such stories little did he know that the Snow Queen did exist and she had a magic mirror with which she could look at anybody and right at that moment she was looking into Gerda's living room where they sad doesn't believe in me does he I will send him my ice arrows that will turn him cold all the love will be gone from his eyes and his heart will freeze over and The Snow Queen sent her ice arrows towards Cape as soon as they entered Gerda's home they went straight for Kay's eyes and heart ouch my eyes what's happening they heard what is wrong key ouch my heart it hurts too okay what's wrong are you okay suddenly Kay's whole behavior changed towards Gerda oh stop being such a wimp Gerda nothing is wrong get away from me saying so he shoved Gerda aside and went home [Music] over the next few days he would give cold mean looks to Gerda and would never talk to her nicely he wouldn't even come to tend to the roses that they had planted one morning when girdle was watering the plants she saw kay get into a carriage with the lady who was wearing a white gown she had skin like diamonds and her hair was silver white Gerda immediately knew that it was the Snow Queen [Music] she decided to follow her but the cherub just vanished into thin air so she went to her grandmama sure take this hand Mira and follow what it tells you the mirror only tells you the truth Gerda took the mirror from her grandma and looked into it the mirror told her to find the flower garden so Gerda went looking for it [Music] meanwhile once the snow queen reached the palace she told Kate to make it his home from now on this is your home now you will never leave here and once your heart freezes over he will be mine forever back in the village Gerda found the flower garden and entered it [Music] the garden was full of the most beautiful flowers Gerda had ever seen she fell in love with them immediately but there was no smell of the flowers surprised Gerda bent down and touched one of the flowers to understand if they were real as soon as she touched one flower the fragrances of all flowers returned and the flower lady appeared in front of her thank you you have returned the fragrance of my flowers who are you I am the owner of this cutter I am the travel lady can you help me have you seen my friend Gabe pass through here it has been taken by The Snow Queen I know the Snow Queen she is one who had taken away the fragrance of my flowers I did not seek a cross from him but you should try the river outside the village Gerda thanked the flower lady and went to the river [Music] there she saw a boat waiting for her she climbed into the boat and it took her to the pirate ship aboard the ship Gerdes on many pirates including a girl pirate hello can you help me I am looking for my friend game The Snow Queen has taken him I don't know any cape and even if I did I wouldn't tell you because once about the pirate ship you can't go anywhere you have to be here no please you have to let me go James my friend I have to save him friend you say yeah well I have never had a friend okay I will help you if you promise to be my friend yes of course I would love to be your friend okay then thank my reindeer he is the fastest reindeer in the world and she knows where the snow Queen's palace is Gerda tanked the pirate girl and climbed on the back of the reindeer just as the pirate girl had promised the reindeer had Gerda outside the snow Queen's palace in no time [Music] get out got off the reindeer and went inside the palace okay okay are you in here [Music] what are you doing here I am here to take my friend back with me your friend doesn't exist anymore look at him standing there in the corner just in a few minutes his heart will freeze over and then he will be mine forever Gerda turn to see where the Snow Queen had pointed in the corner stood King his lips were blue and eyes were steely cold [Music] good I rushed to him okay it's me your friend when Kay didn't reply she reached out for his hand his old friends touch returns the color in Kay's eyes [Music] encouraged by this change Gerda pushed on remember all the times we had fun at home and her roses that we have in the front yard there is no point in all this his hat her faithful during this Gerda broke down and started crying as she was crying her tears rolled down from her eyes and on to the hands of gay as soon as that happened Kay looked up at Gerda and smiled Gerda my friend you came for me this is impossible nothing can ever turn my cars over she tried to pull further away from game and that's when grandma's Mira we're out of girders pocket when the Queen looked into it it spoke to her Snow Queen you have been mistaken there is one power stronger than your curse and it is the power of love [Applause] hearing this truth the snow cream started crying and soand dissolved in a pool of her own tears whoa now I feel so terrible Tia I think I have not been fair to grandmom well you still have time to make things better tofu yeah you're right dear I will go to her and apologize right away don't forget to give her a kiss and a big hug animals have such an easy life dear no school no rules no homework what do they have to worry about everybody has their troubled Stoffel let me tell you the story of Thumbelina once upon a time a woman lived by herself in a faraway village she was very lonely after her husband had died [Music] she always wanted to have a child but alas she didn't have any [Music] one day she went to her friend who was a witch the witch gave her a grain of barley and told her to go back home and plant it [Music] the woman did as she was told the next morning a beautiful plant had grown from the seed it had a lovely flower that looked like a tulip the woman had never seen a flower like that and was mesmerised by its beauty she gently kissed one of its petals as she did that the flower blossomed open inside it was a beautiful little girl no bigger than the size of the woman's tongue the woman instantly fell in love with her and called her Thumbelina Thumbelina took away the woman's loneliness in the day she would tell her stories and talk to her sometimes she would make Thumbelina a boat out of a tulip petal which she could roll in a plate full of water at night Thumbelina would sleep in a bed out of a walnut shell with a blanket made of the rose petal [Music] [Applause] [Music] one night as she was sleeping a fry came to her window and saw her he thought to himself what a beautiful girl she will make a lovely bride for my son and so he grabbed Thumbelina and hopped away to his home when his son saw his bride-to-be he was very happy she is beautiful father I will marry her but before that I want to build her a beautiful house okay son I will put her on the waterlily in the middle of the pond till then this way she will not be able to escape and so the Frog put Thumbelina in the middle of the pond on a water lily leaf Thumbelina tried to escape from her new home but when she couldn't she broke down crying jewel minnows was sitting under the same leaf and they heard her cry they asked her about her troubles and when she told them they decided to help her they nibbled away the lily stem soon it broke and floated away with Thumbelina just when Thumbelina thought she was free a beetle came down and took her away to his home he called over his friends to introduce them to his pretty prisoner but the beetles friends told him that she was too different than them and she didn't belong with them I agree I think I should let her go and so he dropped her in the long grass and flower Thumbelina was very happy that she was free from her captors however she still did not know where her home was she spent many days in the grass and between the flowers she would eat the pollen of the flowers and drink the dew from the leaves one day as she was walking she stumbled upon a small house made of mud it had a strange round entrance she went up to it and knocked on the door a mouse opened the door oh hello there isn't it cold up there for you today comment please thank you so much once Thumbelina was settled comfortably in the Mouse's house he asked her about who she was Thumbelina told him her entire story [Music] [Music] do not worry you can stay here as long as you like so Thumbelina started staying in a newfound home to make herself useful in the house she would cook for the mouse and tell him stories after a few days the mouse said he had invited a guest over he is the richest mouse in all the land he is a very good friend of mine that night the mouse's friend came over for dinner [Music] they all talked and had a very good time during the course of dinner the friend fell in love with Thumbelina and declared that he would marry her Thumbelina had no choice but to go along with what was happening when the friend offered to show her his home she agreed to visit his house and the three of them set off together [Music] on the way they entered a tunnel [Music] [Music] there they found an injured swallow lying on the ground the mouse's friend kicked it and rudely said serves her right what is she doing in the tunnels he should have stayed in the air Thumbelina was shocked to see that someone could treat another like this unseen by the mice she ran away from there once she was sure that the mice had left she came back and attended to the swallow she took great care of her [Music] then she was faked to fly again [Music] it begins spring by the time the swallow could fly again she told Thumbelina I have to join my family and friends they have flown away to a warmer place I cannot stay here come with me but Thumbelina had had enough adventure and did not want to go anywhere else and so the swallow flew away a few months had passed when the lovestruck friend of the mouse found Thumbelina again oh my beloved I have been looking for you everywhere now I have found you and must marry you Thumbelina knew there was no way out of it for her so she asked him if she could spend one last day out in the open air before she was confined to living the rest of her life underground with [Music] as she roamed in the open fields for one last time she heard a familiar voice come away with me where your spirit will always be free Thumbelina saw her old friend who had returned for her this time around she agreed and hopped on the path of the swallow and they took off they flew over land and water and fields of green when they reached the land of the flowers the swallow landed Thumbelina on a beautiful flower petal this is the kingdom of the flowers and that is their king Thumbelina saw a handsome young king with beautiful wings he was surrounded by lovely flowers as soon as she saw him she knew she wanted to call this place home her presence attracted the King's attention [Music] he took fell in love with her immediately will you marry me yes as happiness spread across her face she drew a beautiful pair of wings and became the flower Queen oh wow dia I don't know what I would do if I would live in such a strange world I think I am happy where I am [Music] dear aren't you going to your friend's party no tofu mummy has asked me to stay home with you tonight because she and Papa will be returning home late oh no I'm sorry dear because of me you can't go to your party it's so gay tofu sometimes we have to sacrifice things for the ones we love just like The Little Mermaid Little Mermaid is it a story tell me Tia please The Little Mermaid [Music] once upon a time there was a sea Kingdom at the bottom of the sea the king of the Seas had six beautiful daughters who were mermaids [Music] they were all very beautiful but the youngest of them was the prettiest of them all she had a gentle face big round eyes and a voice sweeter than anyone elses in the world when the Little Mermaid turned 15 years old her grandmother called her to her room come my darling today you have turned 15 and from now onwards you can go to the world above just remember the people above are very different from us they do not have a beautiful fishtail like us instead we have two legs Thank You grandmother I have waited for this day for so long when I return I will tell you about everything I see above [Music] that night The Little Mermaid went to the surface of the water the sight of the stars and the cool breeze that touched her face took a breath away she was just getting used to the feeling when she saw a big ship crossed in front of her aboard it were many men and they were celebrating the birthday of the young prince who had just turned 16 The Little Mermaid was mesmerised with the handsome looks of the prince she couldn't take her eyes of him as the ship sailed past her she was so lost in him that she did not notice the storm build up in the sky and the sea begin to rage the ship had only sailed a little further when the storm shook it up the sailors tried to stir it to safety but many men including the Prince fell into the sea the Little Mermaid rushed to him and saved him from drowning she took him ashore don't worry you are safe open your eyes but the prince lay unconscious the mermaid decided to get help when she couldn't get any she came back to where the prince was [Music] [Applause] she saw him surrounded by many people a beautiful princess was kneeling by him as others worked to awaken him the prince opened his eyes and the Little Mermaid was relieved that her prince will be saved now you saved my life thank you the prince knew nothing about the Little Mermaid he didn't even know that it was she who had actually saved his life this broke the mermaids heart she went back to her father's home [Music] she told her sisters and grandmother what had happened [Music] forget him child humans and we are very different to be with him forever you will have to get him to love you more than anything else he loves in the world even more than his own parents how will that ever happen think about it but the Little Mermaid could not forget the handsome prince every night she visited the spot where she had laid him after saving his life one day she decided to visit the witch in her father's Kingdom maybe she knew away that the mermaid could be with the prince [Music] [Music] yes there is a way I can send you to the land about the sea you will lose your fishtail and hot legs it by the second sunset you can get the Prima see love you more than he loves his parents then you can be with him forever otherwise you will die I become full in the sea but in return you must give me your voice but without my voice hollow me the prince fall in love with me you shall have your pretty face and eyes you will also be the most beautiful dancer and one has ever seen now go in a flash the mermaid found herself on the land a fish tail turned into human legs it caused her pain but she could not even scream because the witch had taken her voice a vain [Music] somehow the mermaid made her way to the princess castle there was a big celebration going on there but the gods would not let the mermaid enter because they didn't know who she was and she couldn't answer them when they asked her about it so she was not allowed to enter [Music] some when the castle music started playing remembering what the witch had said about dancing Little Mermaid started dancing [Music] oh I have never seen anyone dance so beautifully maybe she has come to dance for the royal family in the celebrations oh she is a dancer let me take her to the goat once the mermaid reached the Royal Court she saw that the celebration was for the wedding of the prince Little Mermaid was heartbroken she thought the only way of meeting the Prince now would be to dance and draw his attention towards her and so she performed a beautiful dance for the royal family [Music] [Music] when the prince saw her he came up to her hello young lady I have seen you in my dreams who are you in his heart the Prince hoped that she would be the one who had saved him from drowning he longed to hear the voice that had saved him when he was dying but no sound came out when the Little Mermaid tried to reply forgive me I think I'm confused between you and someone else but please do join us the Prince led her to the ship on which the wedding was going to take place many people spoke to her but she could not answer anyone the princess was especially kind to her and took special care of her I know you said the prince that day thank you because a few I have found the love of my life please always stay with us The Little Mermaid saw that the princess and the prince loved each other and were very happy together she decided not to pursue the prince anymore he belonged to another woman although her heart ached to let him go she happily attended the wedding and all the celebrations that went on throughout the next day soon it was evening [Music] the second sunset was about to happen The Little Mermaid knew she would die and become fall on the scene as she stood there looking at the prince and his princess she heard some voices behind her she turned around to see her sisters were there in the water but all of them had very short hair now instead of the long flowing locks they used to have earlier sisters what are you doing here we have come to save you we went to the witch in exchange of her hair she gave us this knife if you stop the prince through his heart before sunset you can be saved handing the knife to the youngest sister all the other sisters vanished under the water once again the little mermaid stood there holding the knife to her heart she looked at the newlyweds once again she knew what she had to do at the sunset she tossed the knife into the sea goodbye my love and so for the happiness of her beloved Prince the Little Mermaid sacrificed her own life and joined the sea as foam [Music] Tiye this is such a beautiful story it shows how much the Little Mermaid loved the prince thank you for not going to the party and staying with me that's because I love you my little brother I love you too my darling sister TIA [Music] look at that man Tia he looks so scary I wouldn't want to be around him that is not a nice thing to say to a fool just because he scares you doesn't mean he's not kind and caring let me tell you a story of the Beauty and the Beast [Music] the Beauty and the Beast been lived in a village with her father Morris who was an inventor one morning as she was returning from the market a hunter named Gaston stuffed her Gaston was an arrogant young man everybody in the village knew he always got what she wanted but no one ever dared stand up against him because his father was the village head the only person who paid no attention to Gaston was bell but Gaston was obsessed with her and wanted to marry her beau let me watch your holy i'll Gaston no thank you I can go home myself I insist I have to talk to your father about something important to Belle continued walking ignoring Gaston who started walking with her once home Bell quickly went inside moriss moriss come out I have to talk to you what is it it is your lucky day I am going to marry Belle you have lost your mind go away Gaston Belle is never going to marry you just then there was a loud explosion in maurices life and he took off towards it well also ran towards her father's land seeing that there was no one he could push around Gaston left [Music] I am right I have done it well my experiment was successful I am leaving for the fair in the nearby village immediately you will see my child people are going to love this and so Morris left on his hostel ik and rode off but as he was crossing the forest he got lost [Music] after a few hours Phillip and he landed in front of a huge lonely castle there was no one in sight so Morris died Phillip to a pole at the entrance and went inside the castle it was pitch dark inside a few candles were lit in the corners hello is anyone here I am lost can you help me a large shadow came across the wall as it came into light Morris saw that it was not a man but a huge angry beast with an ugly scar across his face how dare you enter my castle you need help I will help you I'm sorry I will leave immediately i Morris started running back the way he had come but the Beast caught him and started dragging him he took him down on the staircase and locked him in the dungeon please please let me go please let me go you will stay here forever this dungeon is your world now [Music] a whole day had passed and Morris hadn't returned Bell got worried and decided to go to the nearby village to look for her father [Music] but she too got lost in the forest and landed up at the same castle Philip was still there tied to the pole Belle decided to go inside just in case her father was there hello papa anybody here how dare you enter my castle get out right away before I lock you in the dungeon too suddenly the Beast moved out of the shadows and stood in front of Belle she was terrified of him but did not run somewhere from far away she could hear another wise it was her father please please let me go let me go please open this door let me go please do you have my father can you please let him go Hey what are you saying I will stay instead of him please let him go hearing this the beasts took Belle's hand and dragged her up the stairs [Music] he led her into a huge room so be it your father is free and you shall be my prisoner forever and so it was no matter how much Morris protested the bees threw Morris out of the castle and into the forest with Phillip [Music] when dinner time came bail did not join the Beast for dinner instead she stayed in her room crying the Beast entered her room and said if you are going to stay in this castle you have to follow its rules you're expected at dinner don't you dare miss it next time you are a monster you didn't even let me see my father one last time go away I hate you seeing Belle heartbroken the Beast felt bad he pulled out a hand mirror from his coat and gave it to her in the mirror she would be able to see whomever she wanted to see at that moment Belle looked into the mirror and saw her father finally leaving from the castle and riding into the forest but to her horror she saw he and Philip had suddenly been attacked by a pack of wolves she gave out a loud cry and ran downstairs out of the castle gates and towards her father soon she found herself and her father Morris surrounded by ferocious wolves just as the Wolves were about to attack Belle a large four grabbed one of them by the neck and threw it away the Wolves now turned on the beasts who had decided to follow Belle and help her save her father the be scared them off but not before they had fit into his arm an injured Morris - he put Morris on Philip who took off riding as soon as his master was secured the beasts tried to walk towards the castle but fainted and fell [Music] he woke up two days later to find Belle sitting by his bedside in his room the wounds on the arm had been bandaged you you didn't go you are awake I hope you're feeling better thank you for saving our lives over the next few days Belle nursed the beast back to health as the spend time together they realized that he wasn't as mean as he appeared to be the first day they had met in turn the Beast learned to change his ways and became gentler and kinder [Music] soon they became very good friends one day Beth asked the Beast if she could see her father in the mirror the Beast had read and give her the mirror in the mirror Belle saw all the villagers storming her house they thought that Morris had gone mad and wanted to send him to the doctor nobody believed him when he kept insisting that Belle had been kept as a prisoner by a beast worried about her father been requested if she could go to the village for a day just to save her father and though the beast knew that she might never return he agreed go but take this mirror with you in case you ever want to see me [Music] [Music] once Bell reached her house she stood between her father and the villagers and tried to explain the truth but the angry mob led by Gaston who wanted revenge from Morrison Bell for turning his wedding proposal down wouldn't listen Gaston grabbed Belle's hand and tried to get her out of the way as she struggled to free herself the beasts mirror fell out of her pocket in it was the Beast looking right at them all goodness she shown the Beast the way to the village we must go and get him before he comes here the angry mob started marching towards the castle with fire torches and swords they left behind Morris and Bell locked up in their house soon they stormed the castle gates Gaston went upstairs and challenged the Beast to a fight but the beasts had had a change of heart he did not wish to fight so he came out of the balcony unarmed and tried to talk to the villagers but Gaston wouldn't have it he wanted to kill the Beast and so he attacked him his sword pierced through the beasts stomach shocked the Beast swung his arm to protect himself scared Gaston stepped backwards and fell off the balcony and died somehow Belle had escaped from her house and reached the balcony just as the Beast fell on the floor I love you Belle I love you too please don't go suddenly the castle lit up with thousands of candles as Belle still lay crying by the Beast he turned into a handsome young prince well it's me you freed me from the witch's spell to break the spell I had to love and win the love of another you loved me even through I was a beast you saved me Belle you saved me it really is you as they hugged each other they saw the rest of the castle and the forest bloom with beautiful trees and flowers so you see tofu you should never judge people by the way they look I'm sorry dear I'll always remember this now [Music] [Applause] you know my friend John stays with his cousins yesterday he came late to the class and the teacher scolded him a lot [Music] John said his cousin brothers made him finish their course before the little D for school she said they always trouble him and make him too a lot of housework oh no he must feel really bad John is a very nice boy he doesn't disobeyed anyone he is very nice to his cousin brothers despite the way they treat him that is very nice of him we should always forgive people for their mistakes have you heard the story of Cinderella [Music] [Applause] [Music] once upon a time they lived a young girl called cindrella cindrella mother had died and so her father had married another woman who had two daughters [Music] one day Cinderella's father went to work and never returned Cinderella was left at the mercy of her stepmother and two stepsisters who made her do all the work of the hums Cinderella it's morning already where is a breakfast just a moment stepmother I am just bringing it out as soon as Cinderella had laid the breakfast the stepmother and stepsisters started eating it Cinderella served her own plate too and was about to eat when her stepsister pushed her own plate away yuck I hate it yes now that you mention it it surely is horrible mother do something Cinderella are you trying to kill us what kind of food is this but stepmother I have made it the way always make it how dare you argue with me go and make new breakfast for us don't you dare do anything else and we have had a breakfast and this is what went on in their house every day the stepmother and stepsisters troubled Cinderella without any reason [Music] but Cinderella loved them still and never ever complained [Music] [Applause] one day an announcement was made in the village let everybody know there will be a royal ball at the palace tomorrow night and the king's son prince charming will marry a maiden from amongst the guests everybody from the villages invited the whole village was excited even syndrom her stepmother and stepsisters couldn't stop talking about it in the house and that is how Cinderella found out about the ball the royal ball prince charming the whole village is invited I will finish my work quickly so we can all go together wouldn't it be just wonderful you who said anything about you going you will stay here and polish our shoes till you can see your face in them and so with a heavy heart Cinderella saw her stepmother and stepsisters dress up and leave for the royal ball the next day [Music] once they had left she cried bitterly suddenly her room lit up and cindrella saw the most beautiful fairy she could imagine she held in her hand a delicate one who are you get up child I am the fairy godmother I am here to get you to the royal ball really I never knew I had a fairy godmother but how will I get to the ball I don't have anything to wear you don't worry about that my child [Music] [Music] and so in just a few minutes Cinderella was ready for the royal ball [Music] as she packed her fairy godmother and got aboard the chariot she received a word of caution from the fairy godmother remember to be back home at 12:00 otherwise the Spelvin fare us [Music] so Cinderella arrived at the palace as she entered the great ballroom everyone turned to look with this beautiful maiden was nobody could recognize her [Music] not even her own stepmother and stepsisters Prince Charming walked to her may I have this dance with you yes your highness and so Cinderella and Prince Charming danced together throughout the evening [Music] til Cinderella heard the clock strike fairy godmothers words came back to her she needed to get out of there before the clock struck twelve [Music] without saying a word she tore away from the princess grasp and ran out of the palace the Prince ran after her wait wait what is wrong why are you running I don't even know your name but Cinderella dead not wait or even look back her beautiful gown was already turning into rags again her hair was coming loose from the perfect button that the fairy godmother had made for her she didn't even stop when one of the glass slippers came off her foot and fell in the palace driveway she ran out of the palace gates and vanished into the darkness on a path that led to her home once home she went back to polishing the shoes that had been given to her and decided never to speak to anyone about the ball a few days later two men from the palace showed up at their toe the lady that Prince Charming fell in love with left behind her glass slipper at the royal ball the prince believes that such a beautiful slipper could fit only his beloved and so we're asking all the girls in the village to try the slipper the one whom it fits would be the one the prince will marry if you have any girls in the house please ask them to try the slipper oh yes yes I am sure it was one of my daughters the slipper would fit one of them and so both the stepsisters tried to fit their foot into the slipper one by one they pushed and pushed but couldn't get their foot in looks like it wasn't your daughters after all is there any other young lady in the house no there isn't you can leave as the king's men made ready to leave suddenly the door of the house was thrown open and Prince Charming himself stood there who is this beautiful girl in the upstairs window Madame you have lied to us I demand that the girl be called fault and try the slipper yes yes but she is only a servant girl nevertheless cindrella cindrella come down here at once yes stepmother the moment Prince Charming saw Cinderella he knew he had found his beloved he took the slipper from the king's man and slipped it on to her foot himself the slipper fit perfectly in a moment Cinderella was once again transformed into the beautiful maiden from the night of the ball Prince Charming took her to the palace with him [Music] [Applause] [Music] he ordered that the stepmother and stepsisters be punished for lying to the king's men and treating Cinderella's so badly and rudely but being the kind hearted person that she was Cinderella asked for them to be forgiven the Prince fell in love with her even more for her generosity and they lived happily ever after Wow Tia how wonderful is it to forgive people thank you for telling me the story I will tell it to John too I'm sure he will like it okay shall we go home now I think it's getting late [Music] [Music] Tiye yesterday in our class my friend ben forgot to bring one of his textbook and ted offered to share his textbook with him been promised ed to help him in learning football after school but after school when Ted asked Ben to help as promised instead of helping Ben left for his home that's bad one should always stand by the promises but Tia today again Ben forgot his textbook and when he asked Ted to help Ted refused tofu we should be sensitive towards every human being you know we should always help people around come I'll tell you a story once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess in the kingdom of a very humble King the princess was so pampered by her father that she turned out to be a little proud of the fact that she is a princess [Music] many a times the king asked her to be more humble towards the people around her because that's the way a princess should be I know my little princess that you are my pampered child but you should be little more empathetic towards other people everybody is same it's just that some are fortunate some are not but the princess just ignored what her father had to say and went out to play with the golden ball that a father had gifted her on her birthday she loved the ball but no sooner had she started playing that her ball bounced and went into a pond Oh God my favorite golden ball I would give anything to get back my favorite ball anything hearing the princess cry out loudly a frog leaped up and sat on a lotus leaf and said princess I just saw what happened I will get the golden ball back for you but you have to promise me something how in the world did this slimy frog talk the princess only wanted her ball back so she hurriedly said yes what is it that you want in return I want you to take me back to your palace and pamper me I would eat with you play with you and sleep in bed with you the princess was horrified at the very idea and had no intention of doing any such thing she agreed to the condition as she thought the Frog would not be able to reach the palace on his own and she had no intention of taking him along with her she told him to hurry and get the ball back and waited with bated breath for her golden ball the frog jumped into the pond and in no time at all came back with the golden ball she took the ball from him and ran back to her palace as fast as she could princess come back you promised to take me with you you can't break your promise but the princess ignored to his calling and ran as fast as she could she was relieved when she reached her room and soon forgot all about the Frog at night while she was having dinner with her father there was a loud knock on the door [Music] open the dough a princess it's me the Frog from the bond you promised to keep me with you being a true princess you should keep up to your promise now who is that and what does he want the princess being a little scared of her father told him about the afternoon incidents [Music] and how she broke her promise you are a true princess my love and you should keep up to your promise no matter what feeling helpless the princess opened the door and let the Frog enter he hopped on to the seat next to her and asked her to let him eat from her plate the Frog ate till his tummy was full but the princess couldn't eat a single bite thinking about the slimy frog eating from her plate then the Frog asked her to carry him to her bedroom and let him sleep in her bed unwillingly she picked him up in her hands and went upstairs the frog jumped on her bed and snuggle cozily in her huge soft bed [Music] the next morning the princess got up to find the Frog missing from her bed happily she hopped from her bed thinking that the ordeal was over but as the night fell the knock again happened and again the Frog ate from her plate and slept in her bed [Music] feeling sad about sharing her food and bed she went to her father [Music] and asked him if she could stop now the King again told her that a promise was a promise and cannot be broken [Music] it was the third night when the Frog came in again to eat and sleep in her bed but the next morning the princess was astonished to see that the Frog was not in her bed and a handsome young prince was standing next to her bed who what who are you Faris the slimy frog dear princess it's me the Frog a witch cast a spell on me that could be broken only if a princess would let me eat in her plate and sleep in her bed for three nights you broke that spell by keeping your promise and Here I am standing in front of you I am the prince from the neighboring country would you like to be my wife not able to resist the handsome prince she said yes but had something more to say Oh Prince I would love to be your wife but how would you forgive me for being so rude to you she was guilty like hell but the prince was a humble man he said oh my dear princess I can understand your reasons and I am ready to forgive you but you have to promise me that in future you won't judge anybody by the way one looks or the job one does everyone is equal and that's how they should be treated equally saying this the prince took her in his arms and decided to take her to his kingdom where they lived happily ever after Oh Tia you are right we should always keep our promises and help people in need thanks for the lovely moral story come tofu let's go and play some games now [Music] dear I think we will take long to reach can you please tell me some interesting story why not tofu let me tell you a story about a princess and a bad fairy Sleeping Beauty a long time ago there lived a king and a queen we wished for a child for a very long time after a long long wait the wish came true a beautiful girl was born to the king and queen [Music] the king announced to his people we are blessed with a baby princess and her name is sunshine said the people [Music] [Music] as the baby girl turned one celebrations began all around a paid party had to be planned we must invite all the fairies yes we must call them all but not the black fairy she is mean she is bad [Music] [Applause] the party was a lot of fun the baby princess looked lovely all fairies brought with them some precious gifts and bless the little princess to be a clever and kind girl suddenly the castle was filled with blue smoke and nobody could see anything as soon as the blue smoke settled jingyan queen was shocked to see the blackberry she saw that a beautiful celebration was organised and everyone from the kingdom was invited for the feast including all fairies she became very angry for not being invited and that's why she cursed the baby princess on your 16th birthday before the Sun sets you prick on a spindle and die [Music] she screamed in anger and vanished [Music] everybody was shocked suddenly a young fairy who had not yet given her blessings to the little princess said I can't take away the black fairy's curse but I'll definitely try to help when the princess pricks herself she won't die instead she'll go into a deep sleep and shall only awaken with the kiss from a prince who loves her [Music] after this the king ordered to destroy all spindles and needles from the kingdom soon there were no sharp things in the castle except for one they didn't check in the tower as years passed by the baby grew under supervision of fairies and turned out to be a very beautiful young girl when she turned 16 while roaming in the castle one day she saw a magical light ball [Music] and followed the light bulb [Music] [Music] which took her to the top of the tower in the castle inside there was an old woman bent over a spinning wheel come here you must try spinning this wheel Oh what is this please let me do it as well I have never tried this but the minute she touched the needle of the spindle she fell to the ground black fairy's curse had come true old woman who was actually the black fairy laughed and laughed and then disappeared [Music] the king who remembered the words of the last fairy made her daughter the princess to lie in a room for many years to come very saw the princess sleeping and everyone thought that she was extremely beautiful they all said at once Sleeping Beauty soon this name became popular in town and everyone started to mention princess as the Sleeping Beauty the whole kingdom was sad fairies noticed this and decided let the whole kingdom fall asleep so when the princess wakes up by her prince she wouldn't be alone everyone in the kingdom fell asleep the king the Queen the servants soldiers everyone in town fell asleep even all the animals fell asleep everything in the kingdom stopped soon a thick forest grew around the castle and hid it [Music] about hundreds of years later a handsome prince was riding through the forest he saw the strange-looking castle the accompanying soldiers told the prince that this is the castle of the Sleeping Beauty he had heard stories of Sleeping Beauty and started to explore it [Music] he was surprised to see everybody in the castle sleeping when he entered more he saw even the king and queen was sleeping he looked round and saw one big pink door he tried to open the door but it was difficult to open as it was closed for so many years after trying hard he managed to open the door and to his surprise he found Sleeping Beauty lying on a beautiful bed in that room the moment he saw her he just fell in love with her I really want to do who this beautiful girl is she looks so so gentle and peaceful he said he leaned out and kissed her instantly the kiss lifted the spell and the princess woke up the King Queen and all the people and animals in the kingdom were awake again [Music] the kingdom was full of joy and there were celebrations all around [Music] the prince and the princess soon got married and lived happily ever after Wow it means no matter if bad people think bad for you there are always some well-wishers to help you out [Music] for your favorite crimes stories and more join hip hop family subscribe here [Music]
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 2,084,007
Rating: 4.163949 out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, Fairy Tales For Kids, Animated Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories, Kids Hut Stories, Animated Fairy Tales, The Rumplestilskin, Alice In Wonderland, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, Snow White, Seven Dwarfs, Fairy tales One Hours, An Hour Stories
Id: FfpRpDc42BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 15sec (9315 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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