Travelling Companion in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] once upon a time there lived a young boy Jack who lived in a small town Jack always wished to travel the world he was very kind at heart over many years of hard work he has managed to save 25 gold coins and thus one day he gathered all his money in a small pouch and left to fulfill his wish he walked for days till he came across an old house who would build a house so deep into the forest I am sure nobody lives here I can rest here for tonight oh this coffin looks new compared to this dusty house it's so strange to find it here Jack sat near the door he was so tired that he instantly fell asleep in his dream he dreamt of a girl she was wearing a white gown she had long silky hair and beautiful black eyes Jack instantly fell in love with her but then he realized that something was wrong she was crying [Music] save me but before Jack could take her head he woke up huh what what happened what there is nobody here to listen to us oh you were right let's quickly take out all his jewels wait what are you doing who are you my name is Jack why are you opening this poor man's coffin or men he borrowed money from us and never gave it back we are only here to take his jewels and get our money back No so what if he is not alive anymore it's wrong to break his coffin here these 25 gold coins are all I have take it and leave but don't break his coffin let him rest in peace this is too much he owes us much more than this but all right we will make do we will not break his coffin goodbye my friend Jack had no money left now but he was not sad at all he knew he did the right thing he tried to go back to sleep and dream about the beautiful girl again but the dream was gone and so was the girl as morning broke Jack picked up his belongings and left the house he walked for a long time enjoying the fresh air after a while he saw something strange where should I stand this place is beautiful I should come here often well of course till hello are you lost [Music] it's not possible for me to be lost because I am NOT going anywhere I decided to travel this world and go wherever the wind takes me uh that's great I am traveling the world - would you like to join me like a traveling companion oh yes why not and thus began the journey of Jack and his traveling companion wait did you hear that I can see it - it's an old woman it seems she broke her ankle she needs our help jack let's go and help her out jack quick open my bag and take out the blue bottle I can't it's what that I can jump my feet are better than before Oh noble one how can I repay you how about you give me that long blunt stick this oh sure take it thank you so much what do you need this stick for I love collecting things everything is useful Jack found his new companion very interesting they both walked ahead and came across a hill I think we must climb this what this what's that Oh looks like a bird's wings birds don't leave their wings behind maybe the bird knew I would need his wings for something did you see that they flew on their own your bag is magical is it I don't know I never noticed let's go they both reached a small town the traveling companion asked Jack to wait by the road while he found the best hotel for them to stay as Jack waited quietly he heard a loud and stern voice who the princess is coming what no can this be what happened she is the girl I dreamt of back at the old house jack narrated the entire dream to his new friend I see you must go see the princess tomorrow and that's what Jack did at the first ray of the Morning Sun Jack went to the palace it was a very dull looking old Palace Jack wondered if anyone lived there at all as he entered there were no guards to stop him he saw the Kings sitting sadly upon his throne Jack bowed to the king Your Majesty I have come here to ask for your I know I know you must have come here to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage yes sir wait here my daughter must be coming jack was confused but he dared not questioned the king he waited there patiently shortly enough the princess arrived she wore a black robe her eyes were dull and her face was thinner than the previous night but Jack did not care he was hopelessly in love with her my princess I am here to ask for your hand in marriage all right but you have to pass a test first come with me Jack happily followed the princess he was already dreaming of a future with her as he entered the balcony on the back of the palace he saw a lake below what a beautiful lake I am glad you liked it or if you fail my test you will be thrown in this lake just like the ones before who came to marry me now listen closely you will be called to the palace every morning at nine o'clock for three days each day you will have to show exactly what I am thinking of if you show me the wrong thing even once you'll be thrown in this lake and if you guess it correctly and show me what I am thinking of all the three times then I shall marry you do you agree oh you agreed you are crazier than I am I didn't know what else to do I love her if I don't marry her that I might as well live in that lake with the crocodiles alright go to sleep now I will think of something Jack's travelling companion was worried for him as soon as Jack fell asleep he took out a bow and the long stick out of his bag he then put on the bird's wings and flew towards the palace he wanted to find out the truth behind the mysterious Palace and its princess as he came closer to the princess's room he hid behind a tower he saw the princess come out of her room onto the balcony to his the she opened her black wings and flew away she is no ordinary princess I have to follow her the companion took out his bow and a long stick he aimed at the princess and shot the stick at her as she turned he hid behind a tree and peeped out what he saw next shocks her her eyes were green she is under a spell the traveling companion kept following her the princess flew down and went into a cave she walked inside until she came to a big opening there on a throne sat a big green monster Master a young boy named Jack wishes to marry me another would you don't have to worry take this this is what he must show you yes master the next morning when the clock struck nine Jack came to the palace with a box in his hand he stood before the princess show me Jack what am I thinking of my beautiful princess you are thinking about this how can this be because my love for you is pure enough come back tomorrow the princess was very confused no one has ever been able to guess it right but the princess didn't know that Jack's traveling companion had watched the monster give her the glove that night she flew out again with the and in follow she went to the cave and narrated the incident to the monster he was equally shocked but this can be a coincidence he thought to himself this time he gave her three marbles the princess bowed down to her master and left the next morning once again Jack guessed it right the palace rejoiced they thought Jack was a magician that night back at the hotel tomorrow is the last day my friend what do you think she will be thinking of we will know that tomorrow that night the companion knew he had to do something about the monster when Jack fell asleep he flew towards the cave the princess was already there impossible how can he test it right all right go back to your palace five minutes before 9:00 my goblin will come to you with a box nobody will be able to guess what's in it go now go to the forest and look for a flower that has all the seven colors of the rainbow there is only one such flower in this whole world find it and give it to the princess tomorrow morning even if the boy guesses it right he will never be able to show it to her ha ha ha ha horse you cute let's go next morning the princess was waiting for the Goblin near her window it was five minutes to nine but the Goblin never appeared where is the goblin princess the king wants to see you now it's nine o'clock back in the hall the entire kingdom gathered waiting to see the miracle the princess came out but something was different about her she looked distracted my love for the last two days you were not thinking of anything you were merely doing what was asked of you but today you are thinking of something and I know what that is what is it what is it your majesty your daughter is thinking of this missing goblin what how did you [Music] Oh Jack you broke the spell thank you sir I am a soldier of this palace the evil monster was in love with the princess but he could not have her as I tried to save the princess he cast a spell on us both only a man who passes his test could destroy him and today you have freed us of his cruel magic well I didn't my friend your did princess meet my friend wait I never asked you your name you helped me over and over and I don't even know your name I feel so ashamed of myself how can I be so selfish you are anything but selfish Jack I came back only because of you came back what do you mean Jack you never asked me how I knew your name I forgot to ask you that too I know it because you said it out loud in my house while saving me from those thieves you gave them all your money Jack your 25 gold coins only so that I could rest in peace you have a very big heart my friend and now my worth there is done you found your princess it's time B to go Jack was sad but he knew he would never forget his dear friend the kingdom rejoiced for their new Prince Jack and the princess lived happily ever after the end [Music] you [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 977,176
Rating: 4.5558238 out of 5
Keywords: Travelling Companion in English, English Fairy Tales, bedtime stories, english story, bedtime story, fairy tales in english, english stories, story in english, english fairy tale, stories in english, story english, fairy tales english, bed time story, english tales, english fairy tales stories, stories english, fairy tales stories in english, bedtime stories in english, fairy tale in english, english storys, fairy tail english, english fairy tail, fairy tale english, Story
Id: Lyce12bZDKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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