The Golden Treasure Story | Bedtime Stories | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] once upon a time in the Far West in the town of fort Lang's there lived a drummer called Anthony with his wife Rose rose and Anthony were expecting a child and couldn't wait for their baby to be born one day as Rose stood in her terrace watching the Setting Sun she realized how beautiful sunshine was oh how I wished my child to have a gleam of sunshine given to it so that its future is as bright as the Sun the day finally came a stork flew over rooftops carry a little cloth bundle and landed at the couple's doorstep keeping the cloth bundled down it knocked on the door with its beak and then flew away Anthony opened the door and was delighted to see their baby the baby's hair was like gold the gleam of the Setting Sun was upon it my golden treasure my riches my sunshine what shall we call him Peter my golden treasure will be called Peter Peter oh how wonderful saying that the drummer feet a roll of joy Peter grew up to be a boy full of life and gladness with beautiful red hair he was one of the most handsome lads in the town he could sing like the birds in spring and he played the guitar like no one else in the whole of Fort Lang's the world is so beautiful the world is all we need the birds the clouds in the Sun fill my heart with joy in glee Oh my golden treasure has such a beautiful voice he should become a musician and sing in the palaces of kings and queens no I rose my son will become a soldier he would wear a uniform carry a gun and March one two one two also his hair is red and not golden but Peter knew in his heart that he wanted to be a musician more than a soldier it so happened one day that banjo the town musician was passing by the town market when he suddenly heard Peter singing I love the Sun the Sun is bright let it shine for eternity and give us life and give us hope and let us dance and see banjo was blown over Peters talent you there mister what is your name my name is Peter sir Peter you have a really nice voice and what'd you do with that guitar he is phenomenal you should be a musician as much as I appreciate your kind words I am afraid I will have to become a soldier a soldier good heavens he hurt no soldier don't you see you have such an amazing talent you could become the best musician in the whole kingdom let alone fort Lang's father won't let me sing this peter hung his head low and walked away leaving banjo concerned days passed and soon it was time for Peter to bid farewell to his parents goodbye father goodbye mother oh my golden treasure come back soon may you return harmless and with a medal remember nothing would make me prouder Peter let out a deep sigh and left Peter joined the rank of his fellow soldiers the battle soon started and it went on for days Peter's soon realized that Wars only bring devastation at last the war came to an end and peace was signed by the generals Peter returned home vowing to never take part in any battle ever again oh my golden treasure you back your blessings have saved me mother look I came back without a scratch and the middle Oh without that - it's okay my son I am sure you will get it in the next war there will be no next war wars only bring destruction and devastation and I for one would not participate in something so wrong what then what are you gonna do I will become a musician I will never allow that do not trouble my golden treasure anymore he did what you had asked him to do he joined the army and fought in the war now let him do what he wants - thank you mother we'll do what you won't just know that I am disappointed saying this Anthony walked away Peter was sad but his mother consoled him my golden treasure do not worry about your father you are too special to be upset go ahead and do what you want - I will deal with your father thank you mother you are the best so the next day Peter went to banjo who was too glad to see him look who we have here the talented Peter you came back hale and hearty it is good to see you banjo and it is good to see you too Peter tell me what brings you here Peter explained to banjo about his experience in the war and how he has vowed to never go back again father is upset with my decision but this is what I have always wanted to do finally you took a stand for yourself we should celebrate to your new beginning Linda Linda was banjo sister she entered the room and seeing her Peter was mesmerised Peter this is my sister Linda Linda Peter Peter and Linda looked at each other and smiled Linda we want to celebrate would you be kind enough to bring the best desserts from the kitchen sure brother over the next few days Peter would play his guitar and sing at banjos house where ministers and other royalties often came everyone was impressed with Peter Linda especially she fell in love with him and soon they were together hand-in-hand very much in love when banjo found out about it he was very happy my sister and my best friend I couldn't be happier Thank You banjo we want to get married soon oh how wonderful but I am afraid that we'll have to wait Peter and Linda were concerned and why is that your excellency wants you to play at his daughter's wedding that is excellent news Peter thanked banjo and as he turned he saw that Linda was not in the room anymore Peter understood that she was upset but playing for the king in the Royal Kingdom was something he had always wanted to do he went home at once and told his mother everything she was ecstatic and made him the best food for his journey he bid them farewell and left Peter played at the royal wedding and everyone cheered and clapped he became famous the kings and queens of the neighboring kingdoms who had come to the wedding wanted him to play at their kingdoms to Peter humbly accepted their requests and soon he went from Kingdom to Kingdom playing his guitar and singing his songs he became so famous that people started calling him Peter the red-haired musician but despite of the fame and recognition Peter longed for his family and Linda after the last wedding of the season Peter set out on his journey back to Fort Lang's throughout the journey he kept thinking about how he had finally achieved what he had always wanted to do when he reached home his mother dropped the utensils and ran to hug him oh my golden treasure you up back yes mother I am and see what I have brought for you Peter handed over the bag that he was carrying it was so heavy that his mother had to keep it down when she opened it she found that it was full of gold and pearls and rubies and diamonds glittering and shining oh we are rich a son has brought us a fortune Anthony however was not impressed he sat quietly in his rocking chair looking out the window Peter walked up to him and removed a medal from his pocket father this one is for you I was awarded this by the king of China Anthony took the medal and looked at it as tears rolled down his eyes he stood up and hugged his son you have made me proud son rose see I told you he should pursue music the three looked at each other and burst out laughing he married Linda and there was a grand reception where Rose decided to speak about her son my son followed his dreams and made us all proud I couldn't have asked for a better son my golden treasure thank you mother but it is time that someone told you my hair is red they're not golden Oh Peter I have been saying this my whole life oh it is not your hair that is golden my son it is your heart yeah that beautiful heart of yours that creates such beautiful music it is a gift from the Setting Sun that is why whenever you sing it fills hearts with joy and content mother why didn't you ever tell me that what can I say I was waiting for the end [Music] [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
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Keywords: English Fairy Tales, story, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, bedtime story, story english, stories, english, english fairy tales stories, kids story in english, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english, bedtime stories for kids, english tales, story for kids in english, fairy tales stories
Id: VpCCCR5wZ7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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