Golden Bird in English | Story | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] once upon a time there lived a king who owned the most special apple tree in the world the tree bore apples made of gold every day the gardener would count apples and hand it over to the king an apple is missing the king was angry when the gardener informed him about the missing apples the thief will not be spared that night the gardener put his eldest son on the security of the apple tree but around midnight the eldest son fell asleep next morning again one Apple was missing I will post my second son on the security duty today night fell and the second son of the gardener too fell asleep around midnight next morning again one Apple was missing the third and the youngest son of the gardener offered to guard the tree that night come on Apple thief show yourself as the clock struck twelve he heard a rustling noise in the air and a bird came flying that was a pure goal and as it was snapping at one of the apples with its beak the guard and her son jumped up and shot an arrow at it but the other did the bird no harm only it dropped a golden feather from its tail and then flew away the golden feather was brought to the king in the morning and the council was called everyone agreed that it was worth more than all the wealth of the kingdom one feather is of no use to me I must have the whole bird who is brave enough to bring me that golden bird the gardener's eldest son took upon this task Bravo and the eldest son set out to find the golden bird and when he came to a wood and by the side of the woods he saw a fox sitting so he took his bow ready to shoot at it do not shoot me for I will give you good counsel I know what your business is and that you want to find the golden bird so hear me well you will reach a village in the evening you will see two Inns opposite to each other one of which is very pleasant and beautiful to look at the other one is very shabby to look at choose the shabby one to rest for the night but the son thought to himself what can such a beast as this know about the matter so he shot his arrow at the Fox but he missed it and the Fox ran into the wood then he went his way and came to the village where the two ends were and in one of these were people singing and dancing and feasting but the other looked very dirty and poor he thought to himself I would be very silly if I went to that shabby house so he went into the smart house and ate and drank at his ease and forgot the bird and his country to time passed on and as the eldest son did not come back the second son set out and the same thing happened to him he met the Fox he gave him the advice but when he came to the two ends his eldest brother called to him in the beautiful Inn and he went in and forgot the golden bird and his country in the same manner time passed on again and the youngest son to wish to seek is a golden bird please father let me go but his father was afraid I already lost my two sons but you won't lose me father trust me at last the gardener agreed and as he came to the wood he met the Fox and heard the same Good Counsel go to the poor house if you wish to reach the golden bird Thank You old white fox sit upon my tails and you will travel faster soon they reached the village the son went to the shabby in and rested there all night in the morning came the Fox again with another good advice now go straight forward till you come to a castle before which lies a whole troop of soldiers fast asleep take no notice of them go into the castle and you will find a room where the golden bird sits in a wooden cage close by it stands a beautiful golden cage but don't try to change the cage otherwise you will repent it then the Fox stretched out his tail again and the young man sat himself down and the Sun went in and found the chamber just as Fox had told him it will be a very droll thing to bring away such a fine bird in the shabby cage but as soon as he opened the door to change the cage the bird let out a loud scream alerting the sleeping soldiers he was taken prisoner the next morning the courts at to judge him and when all was heard it sentenced him to die o merciful King please spare my life you will be spared on one condition bring me the golden horse which could run as swiftly as the wind and I will spare your life and also give you the golden bird he set out on his journey when his friend the Fox met him you see now what has happened on account of your not listening to my counsel but you are a good lad Henson I will still help you to find the golden horse you must go straight on till you come to the castle where the horse stands in his stall by his side will lie the groom fast asleep and snoring take away the horse but be sure to put the old leathern saddle upon him and not the golden one that is close by it all went right no when the Sun looked at the horse he thought I will give him the golden saddle I am sure he deserves it but as he took up the golden saddle the years are over and cried out loud that all the guards ran in it's the prisoner and was sentenced to die but he pleaded again if you manage to bring the beautiful princess to me I will spare your life and you can also have the bird and the horse then he went his way and again let the old Fox if you had listened to me you would have carried away both the bird and the horse yet I will help you once more and go straight on and you will arrive at a castle go up to her and give her a kiss at midnight the princess goes to the bathing house and she will let you lead her away but take care you do not suffer her to go and take leave of her father [Applause] [Music] as they came to the castle all was as the Fox had said and midnight the young man met the princess and gave her the course and the princess agreed to run away with him but she begged with many tears that he would let her take a leave of her father at last he consented but the moment she came to her father's house he was taken prisoner again you shall never have my daughter unless in eight days you dig away the hill that stops the view from my window now this Hill was so big that the whole world could not take it away and after seven days and had done very little he sat there hopeless when his friend the Fox comes there to help him again go to sleep I will work for you and in the morning the hill was gone the happy king gave his daughter to him and away went the young man and the princess and again he met the Fox you can have all three the princess the horse and the bird really but how listen carefully go to the king and give him the princess then he will be very joyful and you will mount the golden horse and put out your hand to take leave of them and shake hands with the princess last then lift her quickly on to the horse and gallop away as fast as you can then go to the castle where the bird is I will stay with the princess at the door show the horse to the kind horse and he will bring out the bird and say that you want to look at it to see whether it is the true golden bird and when you get it into your hand everything happened as the Fox said thank you to your friend for your good counsel I am indebted to you if so then pray kill me what I will do no such thing you are my friend okay it is your wish but I will give you good counsel be aware of two things on your way back ransom no one from the gallows and don't sit down by the side of the river he rode on with the princess till at last he came to the village where he had left his two brothers and there he heard a great noise and uproar he saw two men are going to be hanged curious he went nearer and saw that the two men were his brothers who had turned into robbers take away all my money but spare my brothers after rescuing his brothers they all came to the woods where the Fox first met them and the two brothers said let us sit down by the side of the river and rest a while to eat and drink so agreed for getting the fox's counsel sat down on the side of the river and while he suspected nothing they came behind and threw him down the bank took the princess though the birth and went home to the king their master o Great Lord we are back with the golden bird and more all this we have won by our labor then there was great rejoicing made but the horse would not eat the bird would not sing and the princess what the youngest son fell to the bottom of the rivers bed luckily it was nearly dry but the bank was so steep that he could find no way to get out then the old Fox came once more to his rescue if you just listened to me no evil would have befallen him yet you are my friend I cannot leave you here so lay hold of my tail and hold fast he pulled him out of the river your brothers have set watch to kill you if they find you in the kingdom so he dressed himself as a poor man and came secretly to the king's court and was scarcely to through the doors when the horse began to eat and the bird began to sing and princess left off weeping then he went to the king and told him all his brothers roguery they were seized and punished and he had the princess given to him again and after the King's death he was heir to his kingdom a long while after he went to walk one day in the woods and the old Fox met him and he besought him with tears in his eyes to kill him please my friend I ask you this one favor please do it and the youngest son sat degrees as soon as the Fox was killed it was changed into a man and as it turned out the Fox was the brother of the princess who had been lost a great many years [Music] you
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 3,352,878
Rating: 4.5733447 out of 5
Keywords: Golden Bird in English, English Fairy Tales, english story, story in english, story english, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, fairy tales, bedtime stories, the golden bird, story, stories, english, fairy tales english, fairy tail, english fairy tales stories, stories english, bedtime story, fairy tales stories in english, english. story
Id: oMiayRL7Bec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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