The Ruby Prince Story in English | Bedtime Stories | English Fairy Tales

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[Music] the Ruby prints once in faraway Persia walked a beggar on the shore of a river the river had suddenly shrunk leaving behind a lot of mud he searched for fishes which could have been left behind by the shrinking river if I am lucky enough maybe I will find at least two fishes today or or maybe even three wow this is so big and shiny I wonder how many dinners I can buy with this stone the beggar rushed to his friend who worked for the Shah in the Royal kitchen [Music] where did you find this on the shore listen friend you have helped me a lot I understand that you cannot give me any more free dinners how many dinners you think this don't get by me Stern this is a ruby you fool this could change your life take this to the shop immediately and listen ask for two big pots of gold in a pan for this Ruby two big pots yes nothing below that you understand the beggar took his friends advice and left to meet the Shah [Music] the Shah was shocked never in his life had he seen a ruby this big I will give you three parts of gold in return for this Ruby will that do three pots of gold sir this is the best day of my life the beggar took his three pots of gold and left this is precious I will give this to my daughter on her 18th birthday I am sure this will bring her great fortune he placed the stone in a big trunk and sealed it with a huge lock on the day of his daughter's 18th birthday the Shah went to get the Ruby as soon as he unlocked the trunk [Music] who are you sir I got beef you stole my precious Ruby hand it over to me right now sir what deef would steal a ruby and lock himself in the trunk instead but your Ruby is gone and that is the truth I cannot bring your Ruby back I am here in place of it I am the ruby prince and I request you not to ask me how this happened Ruby Prince you are a thief you think it's that easy I lose my precious Ruby find a man in my trunk and I am not allowed to ask how that is correct I understand your trouble sir but no matter what I cannot tell you where I came from yeah if that's the case then you leave me with no other option since I found you in a trunk in my palace you will do as I say you are now my servant yes sir the Shah wanted to have the ruby Prince executed but he couldn't the princes still eyes and his calm voice made it difficult for the shot to make any such command but he was still furious for having lost his precious ruby Shah made the prince to odd jobs like gardening and cleaning the palace but the prince never complained in fact he used every task as an excuse to go near the princess he was falling hopelessly in love with her yet that thief how dare he steal from me Oh what do I do about him wait I have an idea the next day he called for the prince listen there lives a dragon in the Persian waters he is sinking all of our ships for months our trade is severely take my sword and defeat that dragon that's an order oh my whoo that's crazy okay as you say your highness but I would need a flute I shall play it to draw the dragon out of the water in the forest all right but that won't help you he is as dangerous up on land as he is in water but this is the only way I can carry out your orders sir I cannot step into the water the SHA agreed cannot step into the water what kind of a prince is he I sent so many great warriors to fight this dragon nobody returned he will meet the same fate as theirs [Laughter] the prince took his boat and reached the forest he went to a large empty space right at the center and prepared to call the dragon out of the water land trembled as the dragon came closer as the air became warmer the prince knew that the dragon was close the dragon came down with full force the Prince didn't move and with one swift movement of his hand I will spare your life but promise me that you will not sink any more ships or trouble anyone ever again the ruby prince returned to the palace everybody was shocked to see him your highness I did what you asked the dragon will never return you are a brave Prince I am very impressed son I believe you now I don't know who you are well where you came from but I will respect your wish to never ask you that again tell me what do you want your wish will be granted sir I have fallen in love with your daughter with your permission I wish to ask her if she would marry me you have already walked me over with your bravery if she wishes to marry you Who am I to say anything Shahs daughter was equally impressed with the prince she instantly agreed to marry him the princess was a gentle lady she dearly loved her husband they both spent their days happily taking good care of their Kingdom but one question always bothered the princess my love I don't know anything about you who you really are please tell me where you came from please don't ask me that I can never tell you the day I do you will lose me forever it made the princess very sad she loved her prince and wanted to know everything about him once as they sat near the ocean she tried to ask him again once again the prince became sad and requested her to not force him but why why can't I know please please tell me you know I love you dearly I can't see you suffer like this if you must know then I shall tell you who I am I am my husband the Royal Guard searched the entire ocean but the prince was never found the princess blamed herself everyone tried to explain how this cannot be her fault but she wouldn't listen no it is my foolish questioning that took him away princess could not bear the grief and fell seriously ill many doctors came to treat her but nothing worked the Shah was worried about his daughter then one day a maid entered her bedroom with strange news your highness your highness oh my there were so many lights on the ocean last night the genies danced it was beautiful Oh what rubbish there are no genies go away but I saw him he wore the brightest ruby on his head and did did you say Ruby I know you don't believe in genies but I don't care about genies take me to that place that night princess and her maid hid behind the bushes in the forest near the ocean they waited there till it became dark then suddenly they saw some lights flying up from the ocean the lights suddenly transformed into beautiful genies and tiny young men a while after rose the king of the ocean with his men he wore a golden robe and held a scepter in his hand soon the show began genies danced and Men showed their tricks to the king but the princess didn't care about any of this her gaze was fixed upon the men standing next to the king she could never forget those ocean blue eyes the love of her life stood there like a statue then the princess did something very brave she covered her face with a veil and came out of her hideout she danced among the genies she moved so beautifully that everyone stood there speechless amazing for such a divine dance ask us whatever you want and it shall be given to you your majesty I am the daughter of the Shah wife of my ruby prince who stands beside your throne please please give me my husband back I ask you for nothing else the king was annoyed at this request and went back into the water and took the prince with him no wait princess look over there the princess rushed to the shore it was her prince before she could understand what happened the ocean spoke you can have him back but don't forget how you lost him be wiser my love the whole kingdom rejoiced the return of their ruby prince the princess was wiser from that day on she never questioned her husband about his world under the ocean she was happy to have him the princess dearly loved her ruby prince and they lived happily ever after [Music]
Channel: English Fairy Tales
Views: 889,535
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Keywords: English Fairy Tales, story, english story, fairy tales in english, bedtime stories, fairy tales, english stories, stories in english, english fairy tale, story in english, fairy tales english, bedtime story, story english, stories, english, english fairy tales stories, kids story in english, fairy tales stories in english, fairy tail, stories for kids in english, bedtime stories for kids, english tales, fairy tales stories, The Ruby Prince Story in English
Id: QS8IaGkPdls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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