Primitive Soup Cooked Using Deer Skin - Field to Fire- Clam n' Onion

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hey guys so today I'm gonna be showing you something rather different when it comes to survival and that's how to make a primitive soup so no clay pots no metal pans nothing you would really recognize from a modern day kitchen we'll be cooking the soup entirely within an animal skin and this time it's going to be a deer hide any height will do but this is definitely a trick you want to know how to do now it's gonna be a clam and onion based soup not because those are my favorite ingredients but because those are things that I can find out here in the middle of winter time that I'm pretty sure I can get my hands on in quantities large enough to make a good soup now we're gonna go ahead and Forge as we find those ingredients hopefully we'll find a few more things to make this more colorful but we got a lot to do a lot to show and you'll definitely enjoy this let's go up now the first ingredient that we're going after our clams and we should be able to find those here in the San Antonio River have you seen some other videos you might have noticed that we have some fairly large clams way back in the clay and silt I'd go back the fish for those quite often but it is the middle of winter this is the beginning of February right now and I'm gonna attempt not to get in the water now what we're going after today are Asian clams and those are fairly small they are invasive so you pull them out eat them do away with them they don't really belong here but what we find is that those are gonna be in the roots and up underneath sandstone rocks like this they don't get down in the mud like the big ones do and they're fairly easy to get a hold of this time of year though raccoons are hungry anything a raccoon can sit on this rock and actually reach those are gonna be gone already fortunately I have longer arms all I've got to do is just kind of freeze my hands and my arms for a little while run my hands to the gravel in the mud and we'll see if we can't get a few pounds of clams all right these are what we're looking for they might not look like much but they definitely add up quarter-sized is about as big as they get out here all right getting pocket of them that's the trick with these clamps we tend to find them in clusters you hit the right soil conditions the right amount of water coming over the top of them and get a whole lot all at once so first you don't find what you're looking for do not give up keep looking there's a larger clamshell even though it's only half of one and empty I can still find and use for it it's gonna be a spoon goes in the bag one thing to watch for when you're out there collecting clamps or to make sure you're not picking up the dead ones this dark and right here is dead this lighter color one I've got some nice earth tones to it is alive so you want to collect the live ones the ones that have been long dead like this dark one right here it's not gonna hurt you hurt you because it is full of mud but you don't want your soup to taste like mud when it opens up so throw those back well I'm not nearly as dry as I'd like to have managed but after about thirty minutes we've got around three pounds worth of Asian clams which should be a pretty good meal so I'm gonna keep on moving try and dry off it's time to go dig up some onions now when it comes done yinz once you know what to look for it doesn't take much to find them just about everywhere now trick I have is to get down here in the sandy soil where it's pretty easy to dig them out okay like a pretty good cluster of onions right here they're not gonna be a very big you take what you can get it they're not gonna have flowers at this time of year just this thing to stem and a lot of times especially those nice Chris days as you walk around as you crunch over them you'll smell that onion that's what you're looking for big mouth that's what we're looking for wild onions well I've collected a little over a pounds worth of wild onion and that ought to do really well in our soup needs to be cleaned up prepared diced that's it's getting to be about that time to head back towards the cooking area get a fire started and get this stuff cooking let's go up now we're swinging by these yucca plants even though it's the middle of winter and nowhere close to the season that we would usually be harvesting these to show you something the juk has even a winner deserve a closer look so what I'm going for is this stalk back here and this stalk is from this last year about seven months ago this was actually edible for a time but beautiful white flowers big pods those have since been grown dried and falling-down been eaten what I'm going to be looking for though you just got to kind of find those stalks it's really easy we're gonna do it search down between the leaves for the pods from last year it's good good ones we're assuming that the bugs haven't got to them humidity and conditions haven't made it where they've rotted but we'll break those open just a moment chances are there's gonna be some seeds in here that we can use inside the soup they're about the size of split peas they're black and once your bone for a little while they taste like barley so something definitely add this one's much easier to get to go ahead and collect a few pieces of Mesquite you can help us out to be utensils while we cook I'll collect them before you get your fire started this may seem like overkill right now getting this much material but you want to have everything on hand once you start that cook fire up and once you get going get more than you need dad look like much yet this is gonna be our kitchen unload a bit let some firewood well I think I've got enough firewood collected but before I get any further and before I forget I'm gonna go ahead and put my clams out there in the water should have done that before I got firewood but it's nice cool day got a little bit of leniency but you want your clams to be as happy and fresh as possible [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well we got our fire going we've got to let that burn down to coals in order to start cooking you start cleaning up and getting some of our ingredients ready this is our yucca pod it's a little squish on the inside we're here to check and make sure that these seats are okay clean them up check them for holes check that out some good healthy seeds still which is pretty surprising now one of the things a lot of folks don't understand about these yucca pods is this mushy stuff I'm not sure I would trust at this late this season but when you break it open you smell it it's like bananas or maple syrup it's all full of sugar so you can actually make bread out of the pulp that is holding the seeds in place before that dries out kind of chancing it this late food doesn't stay fresh that long and go ahead and get all these seeds out and get our pot ready as it were and start soaking these that's like barley it's time to go ahead and make our pot so we can put some water in it start soaking our barley this is the part where you German folks are really not gonna like this again and we're gonna be using a hide to make the bowl or rather the pot that we're gonna be cooking into soup in you can only get these hides so clean especially as you move around out here in the woods you get dirt you get grass you get a hair on it really the lesson here needs to be don't leave home without a pot ever this is how it used to be done [Applause] you fill that full of water throw our yucca seeds in there keep on getting some of our ingredients ready [Applause] I understand in a survival situation I'd be dicing up the entire onion and eating all of it after I cooked it of course but I could afford to be picky right now and you might have already noticed out of pile of rocks here collected before I got to this cooking area and these are not just any rocks but these are special rocks that I picked out a little earlier these are gonna be our hot rocks we're gonna be using to cook with so they're not wet they didn't come out of the creek bed and they're solid as our cooking rocks heat up go ahead and build some tongs so I can handle them this is a piece of young Mesquite let's see if it'll work it's time to go ahead and start heating up and cooking our soup I've got two more ingredients so I want to add one is a chili poutine pepper and those have been dried from this last season just crunch those up put them in there if you're not sure what a chili patina is it's about as hot as a habanero so it's no joke but they grow out here wild now the second ingredient our mushrooms and these are moisture mushrooms I understand it's survival I do not do not encourage people to go out and pick mushrooms they enhance flavor but they are not very calorie rich these are a few that I propagated myself if you're the log so I am absolutely sure of what they are in a real situation would not chance it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] typically takes about three minutes to cook clams it's one of the last ingredients you want to add check that out with these clams as they get cooked they'll actually open up and if you get it boiling hot enough and the middle actually disengage from the shell and all you've got to do is pick the shells out there's your little piece of meat right there if thumb-sized I know it seem like a lot it's a good piece of protein shut that out throw the clam shell away you're left with [Music] like take pictures here but I'm not sure he's gonna go for this you really didn't like the hot stuff but here is our clam soup this is after about 15 minutes of cooking if you cook clams you know they only need about three minutes to open up and be fully cooked but in these circumstances it's better to be safe than sorry you got to balance that between not cooking them enough perhaps getting sick and cooking this too much to the point where the skin actually burns through because you can't cook this pot so let's go ahead and try this out start out with the clams if you boil these things hard enough the Asian clam actually comes apart from the meat you gotta do is let me off separates easily there you go it's a little morsel you can pull all these shells out one by one put the meat back in the soup and eat it that way I think how can I are gonna go ahead and try it just with the meat okay it's not that hungry but Elliot our feet okay try it okay he's not gonna do it go ahead try it out it's a lot of onion a little bit of a kick you can definitely taste that clam in there you get anything out of this it's that takes a lot more effort to make this all happen be prepared try not to leave home without a pot or a pan or some kind of metal convenience where you can cook things over a fire easily but there's a lot out there that our ancestors did put up with before they got that tech so guys hope you learn something hope you enjoyed the heck out of this eat on this for a little bit longer but like subscribe comment share the heck out of this video tell me what you think and as always until next time pick the dog you won't eat it I will okay just give it a try how'd you like it I'm too bad do you see in there it's not a piece of grass it's got his arms up but the waters still a little cold hey this is Plan B if you clam soup doesn't work out you can always start flipping rocks and trying to find crawdads you're not that fast well I say that got him so look there's moss they travel up and down through the sandstone pretty good size for this Creek going dry but have lots of babies probably see him again in the springtime your flat rocks down here are perfect hiding places for these crawdads now if you're gonna be at a place for an extended period of time we've actually gone ahead and taken some of these flat rocks and placed him out here for this purpose but you can make habitats for the creatures in the water and so they get a home and if you get hungry you know where to find them and go ahead and lift this one up I know they're under there and there you go hopefully you can see that here we go that's the second one here we go good-sized claws all right put your home back it's not gonna be the same but there you go just big enough for a rack and can't pick it up and flip it you
Channel: Bob Hansler
Views: 486,941
Rating: 4.8913064 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Hansler, Bushcraft, primitive Survival, Survival cooking, Primitive cooking, Campfire cooking, Survival Skills, Field to fire, Catch n cook, Clam onion soup, Survival soup, Primitive soup, Rock boil water, Bushcraft cooking, Primitive cooking technology, Cook clams, Wild onions, Yucca seeds, Boil water with rocks, Cook soup with rocks, Hot rocks
Id: sxO0nh-2sZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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