Primitive Fishing Survival -Hook and Line-

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hey guys today I'm gonna be showing you how to make a primitive fishing rig that's the line the hook the pole everything out of force materials down here in South Texas and then we'll see what we can catch you're in this Creek now ideally if you find yourself in a survival situation you've got some sort of survival fishing gear with you maybe a kit meet myself I keep hooks and lying inside of my EDC bracelet here but that can wear out I might not be wearing it working break in those cases being able to make this stuff from scratch can really get you by in a bind so the first material that we're going to be collecting is going to be utilized as the fishing line this is from a yucca it's Yucca with two C's now this plant is native to the south Tandi for quite a few things soap food at times and a lot of cordage can be made out of these leaves I'm gonna go ahead and cut this I usually the cordage I make it's going to be about eighth inch to quarter inch cordage refinement a little bit of practice I can get it down to about the size of a bank line so a pretty powerful stuff and very versatile so one of the tips I'd give you is that if you can find a yucca fits underneath a little bit of shade got some trees over the top you're gonna find the longest leaves the longer the leaves easier it is to make rope arguably the most important part of this fishing rig it's gonna be the hooks making it out of agave this is one from the Davis mountains of West Texas I propagated it specifically for the actual hooks that you see along the sides and I'll show you how to actually take that off in just a moment but aside from looks you can also eat these guys which is pretty awesome show you that some other time so thus far we picked up two of the three materials we'll need to build this fishing rig we've got our yucca leaf and we'll be making that into our fishing line here just a moment we also have an origami leaf and along the sides once more we have all the hooks different sizes different shapes I'll show you how to pull it off and integrate those into the line here just a moment lastly we have a pole you'll probably pick that up on site you don't want to be carrying around something that long and bulky most of the day so let's go ahead and get our line ready we're gonna be processing down this yucca it's a fairly simple thing grab on to the sharp end of the yucca or start beating the end that we cut onto something blunt in this case it's gonna be a log rock of work just about anything you can find will do the idea is we're gonna start I'm braiding this will start fraying it out more and more as we hit it we'll start bringing it down stripping it like this eventually we'll start looking like a cat of nine tails whip you'll just keep on hitting it the idea is every time you go back and strip it down a little bit further you're getting those strands smaller and smaller and you want to process this down until it is just strings tiny threads once you've got that down to threads I'll show you how to weave it together and make a really good stout cordage all right so take a look at these tips that's gonna start looking like paintbrush now with some of the cordage eighth inch quarter inch you can cut some corners and you don't have to process this sound as small or get it as fine but with this fishing line at very thin fishing line you're going to take some time so expect about thirty minutes to be taken to get enough of this brought down and rendered down thin enough before we can use it so take your time so this is what it starts to look like after another five to ten minutes of processing and you can really tell that those individual strands are starting to separate and break free at this point I can actually start to grab onto those tiny little threads and start pulling them down in order to separate them from the leaf and that's the idea and you want to go ahead and pull the smallest pieces possible you want to start out with a good material if you do that most the time you're going to have a really good product when you finish out now the real trick is pulling this thing down stripping all the way to the end and getting the longest thread possible there's a lot of times that thread is gonna break before it gets too far down the leaf now as long as that is at least 2/3 to link the leaf I'm gonna be doing really really well and check that out again this is going to be braided and to pretty much cordage the diameter a bank line so it's already fairly strong see it's got some good tensile strength on it I've got a pretty good length on it that's the idea again good material good product this is gonna take some more time but it is well worth it now leaf this size is going to be capable of making upwards of 50 60 foot of line this diameter and we're not going to be needing anywhere near that amount especially with the pole that we're using that's a good thing because it would take hours and hours to process down this leaf to that level but take some more time and probably need about sixty of these to get this project done so patience so this is the bundle of fibers that we have and we'll be twisting this together in order to make our fishing line here in just a moment now before we begin that project I want to go ahead and pull a hook or two out of this agave leaf and the idea is that I'll integrate the hook into that line as I build it and makes the first hook in the line a lot easier in the long run now you will be able to change out hooks here and there but it becomes a little bit more complicated if you do it that way now take a look at the edge of this agave leaf highly serrated some of these are Barb's and so them would make really good fishing hooks and that's why we're messing with us right now I depending on what kind of fish what size fish you're looking at these hooks usually work out really well if I'm gonna choose this hook right here with this method I'm gonna have to cut in underneath the hook cut back and up and what that's gonna allow me to do is to have this entire area this shank where I can actually tie on with my line as you're not gonna have the regular eyelet like a conventional hook to tie your fishing line on to and that's the idea and you will want to make several these hooks look around choose the right one you don't always have to take the entire leaf but if you're gonna be fishing for keeps it's easier just to take an entire leaf because there's your whole tackle box and if you fish quite a bit you know that you lose a hook every once in a while this is an easy way to keep hold of them so let's go ahead and see what we can do about pulling spokes off getting this line started doesn't have to look pretty just has to work got a pretty good hook here it's time to go ahead and start making our line start out with a few of the strands real thin ones different sizes work out really well you're gonna want at least three of them to begin with try and get to about the middle frogs mate those strands put your hook up to it this is gonna be the top portion the tie on to the hook you're gonna wrap it around okay your strands have been out for a while you might actually have to wet them down but I can go ahead or not it's a simple overhand to make sure that that doesn't come undone just like that okay hooks attached should all be a good go all right from here we start to twist this is gonna be a standard two strand twist and I'll show you how to add on or these strands in just a moment what you're gonna do is take the one clump of strands closest to you and you're gonna twist to the inside here then I'm gonna take the far set of strands throw it over the top grab a hold of it and again twitch to the inside each time you're locking it off can I brought that out opposite end right over the top towards me twist the inside flip it twist it flip it twist it and you just keep on going with it now the practice comes down and you'll get faster at it also whenever you're messing with anything that's this then you're going to have to work really hard at keeping the diameter of this strand constant so once you start getting to the end maybe one of your shorter threads you're gonna want to integrate and another strand immediately you don't want to make this fishing line thinner or a weaker than it needs to be and you don't want to make it any thicker no bulk here than it needs to be so it's gonna be lots lots of practice in order to get it just right so right here I really got to the point where I'm making it anything or just yet I don't want to risk it okay I've got some real good thin line to start out with so find yourself another strand again kind of approximate the middle I'm gonna do stick that middle right there between the two and so this leg of it is now gonna be part of this strand get a leg it's gonna be part of that strand so I'll just twist it in and I keep on going as I did before and by incorporating additional strands in every once in a while you'll continue to lengthen your piece of cordage this ought to be an upline getting tie off this end the better fishing pole you have the longer the fishbowl you have the less line you need and once you start making this you find out that it really really sinks a lot of your time a pole is a must although if you really wanted to you could just get the line and hand fish there you go line hook all we have left go get a pole find some worms gets fish so admittedly I did not have cam holes when I was in the desert mountains of West Texas cleaned up makes a heck of a fishing pole so we're taking the next half hour to allow our fishing line to rinse down here in the creek if you remember that fishing line is made out of yucca leaves and yucca leaves contains opponents a bunch of the chemical compounds that don't taste or smell good to fish not at all so the more resident you can get off of those the better luck a better chances you have of actually catching fish now while we're waiting for that to rinse off I've gone ahead and made a primitive bobber out of cane I've saw above a segment and below a segment what that does is it makes this entire tube right here a vessel that is mostly air and watertight it's wherever you see a segment on a piece of cane you look down to that tube you're gonna see that it is plugged that's natural so segments are plugs pretty much just a wall of wood and that allows us to have that vessel now up here I saw a little bit higher and I've drilled a hole and that's where I'd have fixed my fishing line onto the bobber works out pretty well now I've done a few other primitive bobbers sometimes made out of dried gourds tying on to the husk I've used an old dead raccoon leg the leg bone worked out pretty well for a little while at least but really and truly what you should get out of this is that if you're gonna go out you're going to play survival game you want to be prepared and bring yourself a fishing kit even if it's an emergency fishing kit it will be better than nothing now on top of bobbers you also want to have something for weights this allows your line to get down where it needs to go I've used rocks in the past little ones with holes in them ternary you can find those use them long skinny rocks I can tie on to those work as well in this area I have clam shells so if I dig around in the clay and gravel for a little while I'll start to find clam shells and those work out really well so if I take one of the dead ones just like this I take a little while with a sharp sharp knife I can whittle a hole right through it and it's not much weight to it kind of like a little slip shot but you can add as many of these to your line as you need works out really well also if you find the dead shells dig around for a little bit longer and you ought to find the live clams and what you can do with those is actually open them up and take your sharp knife and go down through to the crease you're gonna find out that clams are mostly muscle in there and that can be a source of bait and it works out pretty well although these guys are kind of get to live today I'll put them back because I've already dug up some worms but clams are pretty useful and if you really suck at fishing you can always spend half a day collecting the clams and making me a lot of that so always have a fallback but again be prepared pack yourself a fishing kit well this is the spot why I'd love to do now is to secure my line to my Pole and I've collected some worms use whatever bait works best for the area that you find yourself in whatever baits you can get your hands on so flip some logs roll over some rocks dig around a little bit in the dirt and usually find something creature likes to eat keep it simple at first now eventually I will be showing you all some of the more advanced hooks some of the larger stuff capable of catching some pretty good pretty large bear [Music] again keeping it simple that's the main idea here now one of the interesting things that you're gonna have to do with a hook like this is that uh it has no barb it's like a catch-and-release hook so you're not gonna be able to just keep the fish on there once you set the hook a lot of times I'll actually have to pop the fish out of the water and get it on bank so it adds a level of skill to fishing that you otherwise would not have with conventional hooks that have barbs on them so it might take a little bit of practice some of these fish will have just the right mouth size where it will get caught inside the mouth so you'll definitely have those fish alright now I'm putting a worm onto my hook sorry guys that's what fish eat and they like it this is the part where cross their fingers and see how we do so wishes look see how we do all right our line is securely affixed to the end of our poll our worm is on our hook all that's left is to see if our fish will actually go and bite bring it out there that hook and wear them go down we'll just have to see okay sickly yeah there's one worm number four though yeah this is an issue I've been having and actually ended up with one of my hooks getting broken check that out that is a red swamp craw fish and several times now they have drug it into their little holes got holes in other water and it makes it really difficult to pull the hook out get stuck and they also tear the worm right on off and as you can see they don't let go hardly at all sometimes when you put them on the ground don't let go but I don't know trade a worm for a crawdad on a bad trade medium sized crawfish the water snake banded water snake and hopefully hopefully he thinks I'm a friend or at least not potential food because he's got his head right up next to me and he smelled me right now I want to share the waters back up son you're a little too curious check it out they're not afraid of me at all famous creepers I might try and show you just a moment but you can catch small fish you can actually rigged up a bowl and a small fish to catch an even larger water snake and that's the game when your survival if you can trade something small out for something even bigger go for it so take a look we've had to do a little bit of repair on this hook and expect to have to change them around to repair them and switch them out but pulling the hook out of one of the crawfish holes actually ripped off the barbed that was down here that was my primary hook now I designed the system so that once this broke off you can come back here and trim a little higher and use the next part up and that works out pretty well but before going and resorting with that I've taken some thorns off of a mesquite branch any kind of thorns will work but I push the thorn up through what's left of the agave leaf and I've got a hook back you might also notice that I've lost a lot of the integrity at the back of this hooks and once I start pulling it let's go at the fish now to actually balance that out and I've just been pushing those skeet thorns into my row in my hat what I'll do is since that one's coming out that way I want to balance it out with a thorn going the opposite way so I'll push that up and through and I want to get a pretty good angle that's not the best angle I could ever get on it but one way or another if a fish comes up there and now they've got to be large enough to grab on you're looking at a pretty tight fit but this is effectively a gouge hook all right so not the best it could be that is what it is as far as quick hooks this is pretty fast I'll have to show you some of the other ones that I can build some of the cat claws used for panfish works pretty well some of the multi piece hooks that you can catch larger fish with and they're pretty pretty substantial they take a little more time and of course I've got some bone hooks that you can carve or even the ones I like which are made out of armadillo or turtle legs which have a pretty interesting feature on that allow you to make a pretty awesome hook but you know you're you're racing time if you can catch small fish using rig like this go for it you swallowed it that's gonna keep her if you're surviving that would be a meal too hot in this water yep you all right bud well I didn't see it I blinked but the fish went flying that's your little bass and I creeks that way see how far it flew go bass well the hooks lasted pretty well up to this point now I've had to go ahead and trim that last section off and I'm down to my second-to-last hook this is worked really really well having a thorn in the backside being able to have a secondary hook and kind of push up on and feed off of so you want to adapt as you go and use what works so right there that's been working so I didn't really intend on catching as many bats as we have for every fish you have seen me pull out I've probably lost ten of them yanked him out of the water and they fall them back in so see how long that'll work alright so real quick check it out catch the day I did not expect to get anything this large I'm sure what he is but he never really can tell what's gonna come up from the river whenever it floods so we'll put that back y'all idea you know I'm done at least for this part there's it's gonna be a little hard to top that one well guys hopefully you've learned a few things now depending on where you find yourself whether that's a survival situation or you're just out honing your bushcraft and skills it's pretty unlikely that you're gonna have the same resources that you've seen me use here today now in those instances you need to be able to improvise looking around at the trees the rocks maybe even some of the animals in the immediate area and be able to utilize them in different ways to find your way around it it's all about problem-solving now whether you're gonna be fishing or even if you have a Creek stream or river suitable for fishing you need to be able to make those decisions you might actually go towards the path of setting traps fish traps work really well or maybe even hunting the creatures that come after the fish but most of survival is being able to incur and try lots of things having lots of options until you find one that works and that's the best piece of advice I can give you now that is a very simple simple hook and if my eyes are gonna get better we're still having issues lots of issues hopefully I'll be able to show you some of the more intricate ones where I put the two barbs back-to-back and do some cool little knots some of the larger hooks I mentioned various leg bones and things like that you can make some absolutely fantastic hooks but for a quick fix this will get you by so guys thank y'all so much for watching please like subscribe and as always until next time
Channel: Bob Hansler
Views: 125,258
Rating: 4.9032817 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Hansler, Survivalist, Outdoorsman, Survival Skills, Primitive Skills, Bushcraft, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Outbackerish, Barely Survival, Wilderness Survival, Primitive Survival, Survival Fishing, Primitive Fishing, Primitive Hook, Primitive Fish Hook, Survival Fish Hook, How to make a fish hook?, How to build a fish hook?, How to catch a fish?, Fishing for survival, Primitive Technology, Prepper, Primitive Fishing Rod, Catch and Release Fishing, Cane Pole Fishing, Hook and Line Fishing
Id: IoqoZl7_8ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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