Giant Grubs! -Catch n Cook-

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hey guys today we're out here in the forest for a catch and cook now we're after are these right here these are long horn beetle grubs and they're what's been put in the holes in these trees behind me what's been killing them they're not much to look at but that's some really useful protein right there so I'm going to show you how to find them how to cook them and here in a bit I'll be eating them now one of the best ways to find beetle grubs is to look at the trees that are already dead and down but take a look at the holes that have been burrowed through this wood those are beetle grub holes and that means at some point in this trees past probably what killed it beetle grubs lived and fed on this tree now that doesn't guarantee that there's anything inside of there right now so we'll do after we find the holes is check onto the sides and we're going to look for holes that have a waist coming out of them also sawdust so check on down there we found one all right somebody's home there's one a delete as you tear these logs apart I'm gonna be careful down here in South Texas we deal with fire ants you can get on you and mess you up real quick and there's a lot of venomous snakes out there even though it's cold out right now we came across the coral stay warm out on the trail just wall ago so keep an eye out there we go that's what we're looking for and usually when you find one you'll find more it's not much but it's something I like to grab loose but also found fire ants do not want to mess with those things this is my worm well we haven't found as many grubs as I'd like to but if we're gonna eat them might as well do it right here in my hand I've got to chill uppity nepers they came off of this plant right back here these are about like a habanero and they're gonna be one of two ingredients will mix together in order to make a dipping sauce for our grubs the second ingredient for our dipping sauce might be prickly pear tuna this is the food off the prickly pear cactus and you definitely want to use gloves until we have a chance to burn off all those little spines but very fruity and like a raspberry lots of seeds I'll show you how to skin it well we've had our cooking fire going for a while it's starting to burn down into some nice coals and some really good cooking heat now I'd be showing you how we're gonna be cooking these drubbs over the fire in just a moment using this split stick which works out really well while these things are cooking over that fire low and slow we'll be mixing our ingredients together showing you how to make that dipping sauce we'll go ahead and cook the two larges first get those going over the fire pretty simple just wedge them right on down just splits the wood pretty easy let's go ahead and put these over heat get them started cooking turned a bit one side is done now on to the dipping sauce before we mess with this tuna right here that is the prickly pear of fruit we need to go ahead and burn the Glock gets off a bit and the Glock is are those tiny nasty hairs on there so sharp me a stick and put it over some flame a little bit of singe open flames out of burn those doors right off nice and toasty and number the thorns go ahead and peel this it's very simple take your knife I'm just gonna cut the skin one side just like that I also want to cut the ends off and there's two from there just peel back the edges I can't just pop that in your mouth because it's got seasons out of it so that's her last step it's pulling out some of these seeds and just kidding the good fruit will be around you can't live off these for a while but you do want some protein every once in a while and that's where the grubs come in go ahead and pour so you do lots of little seeds all this lift just a musher food up dice a little bit doesn't take much make it into kind of a paste take much it's pretty awesome fruit leather you have a dehydrator and we're gonna use just one chili Bateen because I'm Louis crush that with the blade of my knife just like that sweet like quite a bit of spicy rubs are nice and brown on one side flip it over and cook it on the other well the grubs are just about done but I'm wondering what this tastes like so I'm gonna go ahead and test it out see how I did I'm sweet mmm and then it's hot there's some taste some taste like plum so it starts out really sweet really watery and then the chili poutine hits you in the back your throat gives you that nice spice so I would definitely put that on chip our taste tester just showed up he saw me eating some of this tipping sauce and he thought he was missing out I think you might be doing better off with just the grubs try that okay not Aven well our drum should be effectively cooked by now go ahead and put them over some intense heat let him crisp up a little bit be ready to eat well I think our grubs are all cooked let's go ahead and pull these off the stick put the smaller ones on there go ahead try them out well my taste testers here and that means that it's time to eat what we've cooked and I'm going to claim the large one and I'm gonna be using the dipping sauce I don't think Huck wants a dipping sauce we'll see now the only thing that you need to know about these is that the head on them it's extremely hard that's capable of eating through the bark of those trees and it's pretty much to the point where you can't eat it so uh I usually bite off the body and hold on to the head and throw that away that some dipping sauce get some flavor this is when you wish you had some Cholula and enjoy very woody you definitely definitely taste up that pure calories oh you ready try thanks oh okay hug here okay okay fine miss awesome okay not happening what for me your loss okay well guys hopefully you enjoyed the video now understand insects and grubs they're not on my top ten and I dare say they're not on hooks either but in a survival situation meat is meat and I imagine giving enough hunger even the dog would be eating grubs with me now overall not a bad flavor woody smokey kind of like a jalapeno popper especially if you make your own dipping sauce a little spicy it works out pretty well and I guarantee I've eaten worse off the chiles appetizer menu a few times so it's mostly a mind game when you're eating grubs and things like that being said though given the opportunity crawdads bluegill really about a million other creatures out here in the forest I'd rather be eating before resorting to bugs and grubs so I think it's just personal preference mostly guys again hope you enjoyed it please comment tell me what you think about it you have anything you'd like to see me do ya throw it down there you never know like subscribe share the heck out of this video and as always until next time this is one of a few large healthy trees left here in the forest this is what the bark is supposed to look like before the beetles kill it and eat holes all through it this is what the trees look like after a few years of beetles you can see some of these holes that they burrowed through their eating this tree from the inside out and it's been dead for a couple years just waiting to fall down the rest of the forest you
Channel: Bob Hansler
Views: 1,027,279
Rating: 4.856648 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Hansler, Outdoorsman, Survivalist, Survival Skills, Wilderness Survival, Primitive Survival, Primitive Cooking, Primitive Foraging, Survival Food, SHTF, Catch n Cook, Catch and Cook, Outbackerish, Barely Survival, TEOTWAWKI, Cooking Grubs, Cooking Bugs, Eating Grubs, Eating Worms, Grub Worms, Entomophagy, Eat Larva, Cooking Worms, Bug War Challenge, Bug Eating Challenge, Eating Giant Larva, Eating Beetle Larva, Eat Strange Foods, Eating Giant Beetle Grubs, Edible Insects
Id: elPXuEWdb6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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