Priest Leveling Guide in Season of Discovery Classic WoW

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hello everyone and welcome to my classic season of Discovery priest leveling guide in this guide I'll talk about different tips and tricks the talent treats I like to level with how I will gear up as I'm also gaining a ton of experience and last but not least the best race for each individual faction when I level up then I like to use three different builds one where you mainly use your War to deal damage another one where you'll be focused on doing Shadow damage and the last one where you spend a lot of turns into the holy tree to mainly deal damage with your Smite and holy fire so the first build is also the one that I prefer the most this is where you spend Five Points into improving your War damage so you get a total of 25% increased damage with your wants this is going to be so insane in the beginning as you will never go out of Mana so you can always heal or cast spells for example Your Shadow with pain next you spend points into the shadow tree but I never spend any points into blackout it's way better to start spending points into Spirit tab when you max out this then there's 100% chance that your spirit will be doubled for 15 seconds and during this duration your Mana will also continue to regenerate at a 50% rate while casting in the next row you have two decent options either to spend points into Shadow Focus or to improve your Shadow weight pain you don't really want to reduce your threat generation for example if you're solo level then this will be useless and you would rather like to go for something like this at max level when you need to do higher level dungeons or maybe even your First Rate so what I tend to do is to spend three points into Shadow Focus so the targets pretty much never resist my shadow spells and then I've spent two points into improving the duration of my shadow weight pain next I'll reach level 25 and then I can spend a point into mind FL or maybe reeg into something else in my next build I spent most of my points into the holy tree so I don't spend any points into one specialization however I do spend the first five points into the shadow tree to get Spirit T and then I will be spending points into the holy tree the first five points I will actually spend into increasing my crit so I don't go for healing Focus also because I don't plan to cast many heals I would rather like to kill the enemies quicker and on top of this I don't need improved renew because I've shield and already a decent amount of healing so holy specialization is what I always choose then in the next row I for divine Fury so I can cast my Smite Holy Fire and other things a bit quicker this is also way better than spending points into spelling as this will only benefit me when I'm going to fight casters and this is not going to allow me to kill an enemy a bit quicker why I sometimes like this build is because then I'm not forced to use my w instead I'll be able to cast a lot more for example my Smite and holy fire and I will still benefit from Spirit tab whenever I kill an enemy the last build I like to use is where I go full Shadow Five Points into Spirit tab so in the beginning I try to get many items which spirit in the next row I'll then go for reducing their resistance by 6% suspending three points into Shadow focus and then two points into improved Shadow word pain so by the time I reach level 20 I can also unlock mine flight right away to deal a lot of additional damage and then all the remaining points will be spent into reducing the cool down of my mind blessed next up is some useful tips and tricks as a priest this class can get so many new spells in classic season of Discovery for example Shadow word death an instant attack that will deal a high amount of damage and also deal damage to the priest if you don't manage to kill the target with the spell but why the spell is so insane at least in PP is mainly because you will take damage so if a Target is about to CC you for example with a polymorph then you can use Shadow death on the Target and because polymorph lands and there's a delay on the damage you take then the damage will also break the polymorph effect the next one is not only for priest but for any player that uses a war when you get a new war it might be an upgrade but you got to remember that different enemies might be immune to different schools or have resistance so even though you get a big upgrade then I would highly recommend you to always keep your previous want just in case you have to fight an enemy with a lot of resistance talking about wars then I would also highlight something that is quite annoying if you spam your War ability then it might also cancel the next shoot instead what you should do would be to make a macro that says slash cast exclamation mark shoot why this is going to be important is because what you can now do is to spam this it will continue to cast your want and try to cast it as fast as possible without canceling the next one when you're going to level up your priest then I would also highly recommend you to head into dungeons so you can collect your healer and DPS gear on your way to 25 the first dungeon I would head into would be dead mindes because in dead mines we can collect four amazing items a staff with stamina intellect and spirit a chest with a bit of stamina but a lot of spirit and even a ring with agility what the second stat being intellect and this is actually a lot of intellect at this level and you can can also get yourself a war so if you have spent Five Points into war specialization in the discipline tree then this will also benefit you a lot on your way to 25 next I would head into wailing carens where I would try to obtain this ring from the final bus and when you kill him you also get the glowing shot that starts a short Quest chain when you complete the final part you get these amazing Club shoulders with three stamina and six intellect the last dungeon you should head into is Shadow fan keep and Silver Pine for forest all of these clo items provide so much intellect and the chest also a lot of stamina and spirit and don't forget to also craft the spider boots if you have leveled up your own tailoring else find a tailor right away so what is the best race to choose in classic season of Discovery all priests might be able to unlock fear W from a rune if this is the case then dwarf priest won't be as overpowered as they used to be in classic but here you can see what each race Ed usually unlock at level 10 and 20 as a DWF you get desperate prayer an ability you can use to instantly heal yourself you also get fear W this you can cast on yourself and other party members super useful in Dungeons and raids we feere mechanics as a human you also get desperate prayer and even a new spell feedback whenever someone successfully cast a spell at you you will drain some of the Mana and do Shadow damage equal to the amount you burned as a idol priest you unlock Star shards but this spell isn't that great it's honestly going to be better just to apply a shadoww pain and use your W and Al loon's Grace won't really benefit your leveling that much both of these racials will also not benefit your rate so at level 25 they're pretty much also going to be useless as a troll priest your racials isn't too bad for PP I like them a lot and hex of weakness is quite good in PVE as well under is definitely still useful especially if you plan to play as a shadow priest the wiring plague is an ability you can use to add an additional damage over time there is of course a long cool down but it can be quite useful so like I mentioned earlier it will be important to do the different dungeon quest to gain more experience but also amazing loot as you're leveling up but the thing is that some of these will also require you to travel around or do different prequests before you can acquire them therefore I use an add-on to make sure I do all the necessary things the name of this add-on is rested experience and there's a free trial version you can download right now by using the link below the video it also comes with a leveling guide just in case you don't know how to level and of course a full version you can also purchase with a lot of other features for example in the future how to acquire your most important rooms at level 25 if you wish to get the full version you can even get a discount by using the link and of course also Al applying my discount code guide MMO but the main reason why I mentioned the add-on was simply just so you knew where to pick up the different dungeon Quest what prequest you might also need to do so you can plan all of this in your level 1 to 25 route if you're mainly interested in classic season of Discovery then on my channel you can find a ton of different videos and soon also a lot more for example tips and tricks gold making and even leveling guides so if you're interested in that kind of content then I would highly recommend you to also subscribe and hit the notification Bell so you get notified the next time I post a video
Channel: GuideMMO
Views: 25,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season of discovery priest guide, season of discovery priest leveling guide, wow classic class picking guide, wow season of discovery class picking guide, classic season of discovery, classic wow, wow classic season of discovery, season of discovery class changes, priest, warrior, mage, druid, rogue, wow class changes, warlock, hunter, shaman, paladin, wow season of discovery class changes, wow classic season of discovery changes, wow classic, wow, wow season of discovery, guidemmo, wow sod
Id: Ym60PdZggVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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