Vanilla Priest Leveling Guide! Tips & Tricks for Leveling in Classic WoW

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yo guys poke around another video so there's been a bunch of demand for me to keep making leveling guides for classic I've already made two one for the hunter and one for the warrior what you guys seem to like a lot and I keep seeing comments asking me to continue making them for all the classes well asking you shall receive brothers I will bless you with the leveling guides that you desire for this one we're gonna be covering the puritanical evangelical sermons serving preacher we all love the priest the class of the holy book priests are a great end game class as I've stated consistently in many of the videos that I've made in the past alongside that priests are also very fast Levellers which may surprise you since people tend to think that healer classes are really hopeless in a solo leveling perspective so let's go over exactly what you need to do to level up effectively on a priest in classic Wow solo here's my priests leveling guide let's get into it so firstly really quick your first decision is obviously gonna be what race to pick on Alliance your choices between dwarf and human I suggest going dwarf over human for both PvE and PvP you get access to stone form and fear ward as a dwarf which is clearly superior to perception considering that there's no arenas in classic in PvE both Alliance races are great to be honest you don't have to go to warp humans have increased spirit by 5% which helps obviously with mana regeneration and there's also a talent which converts your spirit to spell power at 25 percent but dwarves bring fear Ward which is the free ticket to a raid spot but you only need a couple fear wards in the raid in total so not every priest has to be a dwarf so go human if you want as for priests specific racial abilities dwarfs and humans both have desperate pair which I'm sure most of you guys know because it's still in the game and Night Elves have star shards and of course you can go night off priest but don't be a weeb although as a night off you can use shadow meld and mind control people out of the stealth like an ambush mind control and then throw them off a cliff but I guess if you want that to be your identity as a priest you can go night elf but I wouldn't suggest it if you're tryharding for Horde you have trolls and undead I'd say it's way more clear-cut here if you want to focus on PvP people always tend to go undead I mean in the history of WoW horn beeping peers always tend to go Undead you'll get access to will the Forsaken for dropping out of fears and charms and you get bowring plague which is an undead priests specific ability which is a decently strong dot that you could stack alongside your shadow or pain and of course you got cannibalized which is pretty cool too right now when it comes to troll I'd say they're a highly underrated PvP race when it comes to being a shadow priest with the spell that they have access to called shadow guard which damages attackers like a lightning shield that we see from shamans and of course for PvE and in PvP as well they have berserk which is an offensive cooldown that gives them haste trolls in general are the clear choice for PvE as either a holy priest or shadow priest but they can also rival the undead priests when it comes to shadow priests PvP so don't underestimate the trolls ability in the PvP scene when it comes to being a shadow priests so now let's go over talents for leveling up in your early levels you'll be splitting up your talent points between discipline and shadow the two most important leveling talents in general are actually in the first tier talent slot for both of those trees so your first 10 talent points from level 10 to level 20 of course will be going 5 into shadow and 5 into discipline the shadow talent that you're going for is called spirit tab which gives you a hundred percent chance to gain a hundred percent bonus spirit after killing a mob that yields experience and following that kill you get 50% increased mana regeneration while casting for 15 seconds the discipline talent that you're looking at is called Wang specialization which obviously it's pretty self-explanatory just from the name it increases the damage of your wall strikes by 25% these two talents working together offer you the ability to sustain through mass mob killing without taking mana breaks as often as other classes spirit tap obviously because your mana will just regen stronger after downing a mob and allows your mana to regenerate while casting on the next mob that you engage for the first 15 seconds that carries over and of course improved once allowing you to use your wand more effectively which means that you can just use it more often and save mana by not actually casting spells to finish off your enemies and just using your wand not to mention the 5 second matter rule that kicks in while you're using your wand instead of actually casting spells which reduces your mana regeneration so for the first little portion of your leveling experience let's say from level to level 30 you're gonna be prioritizing discipline for the increased regen while casting inner focus reduced instant cast mana cost improved shield and also getting spirit tap and improved shadow word pain in the shadow tree once you complete the base you can start working into your shadow tree working towards more offensive spells like mind Flay although I wouldn't prioritize going from mindfully until you have access to rank three mindfully because it won't outperform your smite until rank three in your late level 30s you can also opt to respect and push deeper into the shadow tree in order to prioritize more damage and just get a couple based talents and discipline you're of course gonna be getting improved wands and you could push a bit further beyond that it depends on what you're comfortable with if you want to drop the mid tier discipline talents that you've prioritized early for the mid tier Shadow talents at that point it's a pretty good idea but it is fine either way you aren't absolutely forced to respect shadow at that point you can just build on top of the early talents that you've already selected but in general I'd say respecting into shadow from level 36 to level 40 is probably the best route to go and just take improved wands and the basic little things that you need and discipline and focus deeper into shadow now just a little tidbit addition here in relation to the first tier shadow talent that we spoke about named spirit tab this makes spirit your number one priority while leveling up even over intellect in terms of itemization you want to be stacking as much spirit as possible how the effectiveness of the stat becomes inflated with that talent passive mana regen is your number one priority while leveling to increase your pace alright so now that you understand the strength of spirit tap and wands and how that affects your leveling process let's transition that into the preferred attack rotation that you want to be using while blasting your way through mobs so the first thing you do regardless of your talent build you pretty much always do this is throw a shield on yourself and situationally stack or renew on top of that shield as well but keep in mind that you don't want to renew yourself figure out full HP already with the shield applied I mean if you renewed yourself with an extra shield on top and your full HP the majority of that renew the ticks will probably just go to waste and then up over healing you at that point cast it on yourself later once the shield's broken and you can pop it on yourself to just have a passive heel going while you're taking strikes from the enemy mob the next part is engaging the mob so at first you cast the smite into a shadow word pain on the target followed by wand damage to just finish the target alongside your shadow or paintings so you just have that passive damage going from your dot the shadow word pain with the wand strikes going in over and over and over again and that's why the improved want talent is so important but as you level you get access to two new spells in holy fire and mine blast when you get holy fire you want to be opening up with that instead of smite so you'll shield yourself first and renew if applicable then cast a holy fire into a shadow or pain applying double damage over time effects on to the target then following up with a quick mind blast as the mob is running to you since mind blast is a pretty fast cast and complementing that passive damage with your wand strikes til the mob is down pretty simple I mean open up with your classic spells stack your dots and just wand wand wand wand and wand away yeah lots of wanting get used to it though that's pretty much what you're going to be doing as level as your leveling as a priest by the end of it you'll be dreaming of wands in your sleep Oh Wingardium Leviosa ah now once you start prioritizing your shadow tree in later levels so late level 30s early level 40s once you get access to rank three mindfully and enough talents and your shadow tree to make it worth it your rotation changes a little bit this is where casting power would shield on yourself before engaging in a fight is super crucial so at this point you play more like a traditional Shadow Priests you want to pop a shield on yourself renew if you aren't deep enough into shadow to actually get shadow form because if your respect as shadow is your new priority you can't actually renew yourself without leaving shadow form so that aspect becomes no that aspect of your rotation is just not something you're going to be doing because going in and out of shadow form takes a ton of mana now let's say for this example that you did actually respect into shadow and you do have access to shadow form this changes your rotation to where you're only gonna shield yourself on the opener without a radio as I just stated so you'll shield yourself mind blasts into a shadow or pain the typical opener followed by a mine Flay which is what it's what's expected from a Shadow Priests now when it comes to how many mind plays you should be casting before defaulting to your wand damage I'd say about two but keep in mind that you should only use mind play if you have a shield applied onto yourself the shield itself will stop your spell casts from being pushed back by the pushback mechanic when attacks are coming in from the enemy that you're fighting so once that power wear shield is broken through by the incoming enemy hits your mind Flay channeling will be hurt by the incoming damage causing you to lose damages the pushback will skip over mine Flay ticks so you basically want to mindful a while your shield is still active on to yourself and absorbing and once that shield is broken through you now prioritize your wand to finish the enemy seems pretty intuitive right oh and don't forget to always keep your character buffed with inner fire keep renewing it over and over again when it runs out which will obviously reduce incoming melee damage allowing your shield to last longer since you'll be taking less damage from each strike so that's pretty much what you need to know in terms of combat it's all about consistency and as I stated earlier priests are very consistent level that's pretty much what it's all about consistency and pace you have the ability to open dot wand mob after mob after mob after mob with less matter breaks than most other classes because of spirit tap and the consistent micro damage that you have access to between your dots in your wand so as we now know Wan damage is the core of your leveling experience as a priest it's what allows you to keep a good pace so let's go over some basic Wan progression while leveling up in the early levels you want to get an enchanting wand from either a friend Gilda or an enchanter or just buy it off the auction house because it's dirt cheap so we got lesser magic wand and greater magic wand in your level 20s you want to get gravestones scepter from the quest black fathom villainy in BFD near level 30 you can get access to excavation rod from armors revenge which is a quest in the wetlands in your mid level 30s you can get dancing flame on horde side in Thousand Needles or you can get on Alliance side burning sliver and hills Brad for foothills again in your late 30s you can get goblin igniter in stranglethorn fail or you can get gnomish sapper which is from the quest sunken treasure and arathi Highlands at level 41 you can get access to black bone wand which you just buy from a wand merchants in any main city in your mid level 40s you have Karen stone sliver which you get from the quest line that leads to the marrow stone in Fairless again in your mid to late level 40s we've got charged lightning rod which is from a quest line in searing gorge now this one is also in mid level 40s but it's actually a drop in a dungeon and it's called noxious shooter which drops off noxian in mérida and another drop we've got rod of corrosion which drops off shade of ironic is the last boss in sunken temple I made a video on general wan progression which I'll link in the description and I'll also link the spreadsheet with all the available ones in the game which is what I actually used to make that video so if you guys want to delve deeper into that sort of stuff then just click the links in the description but over here I feel like I mentioned all the best available ones that you can get in terms of item power in relation to their attainable level and of course ease of obtain ability all right fellas that's all I got for this one priest leveling is pretty simple it doesn't have as little details to cover like hunter leveling for example like I had to do in that guide so this one was pretty sure I know many people think healer classes struggle when it comes to a solo leveling perspective but hopefully this video dispels that notion for you guys in fact you can level as a discipline priest pretty much the whole way at a great pace priests and druids have always been my go-to healers in world of warcraft and in my opinion you can't go wrong with rolling a priest and classic so if you're hesitating don't you'll have a great time drop a comment below for which class you guys want me to cover next in terms of loving guides or if you guys have any other tips and tricks that make the leveling process that much more efficient on a priest I'd love to hear your opinions if you liked this video make sure to leave a like comment subscribe hit the notification bell to join the notification squad so you can be notified whenever I drop a new video you know the drill soldiers I'm gonna be focusing on blasting out these leveling guides now for a little bit since we're basically a month off the official release of classic I mean holy boys one month it's nuts crazy to even think about and now thanks for watching hopefully you guys enjoy this one hopefully you learned something and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Punkrat
Views: 358,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Picking Guide, What class should I play in vanilla, classic wow, classic wow launch, World of Warcraft, Vanilla, 1.12, assertonsin, asmongold reacts, Leveling Guide, gold guide, guide, mage, warrior, how to, raiding, classicast, Official Update, Announcement, farm, Class Picking Guide, Mistakes made in vanilla leveling, blizzcon, classic wow leveling tips, classic wow leveling guide, tips and tricks, 1-60, priest classic wow, priest leveling guide, priest, vanilla leveling guide
Id: Nmm9nlnHe3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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