DEATH AND VOID! Beginner Priest 1-25 Leveling Guide SoD WoW

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so lots of other people have said that they were surprised with the priest leveling experience in season of Discovery and as soon as I picked up the class I could easily see why and it made me wonder why I waited so long to give this one a try but if you held off on it like me you're lucky because it's been buffed multiple times since launch which made it even better in this video we're going to break into the full details just remember to subscribe it's a great idea now starting off level one there are not really any overpowered runes that you could go get super easily or have somebody carry you through that's totally fine because the starter ends that you get really early are insanely good we start off just mashing Smite until we get level five for wand RS that you'll probably want to pick up along the way are Penance void plague homunculus Shadow word death and prayer mending penants is your first r at level three on your gloves and that's where all other guys are going to tell you to stick with the entire game priest has the unique requirement that in order to get your first few runes you need at least one meditation buff and for the later ones you will need two there is one meditation buff for each race of priests besides dwarf and human share one you can get this buff by kneeling in the lower appropriate spot and or in order to get the other races meditations you can kneel at another player with the Buffs and they can slash prey to you and you will get them is extremely easy to maintain gain all four Buffs considering they last 4 hours and persist through death and you can easily find another fully Bluff priest in a major city there's a weak or that will automatically pre to anybody that kneels at you so you can spread the buff even if you're AFK then as you're level five you'll want to get a lesser magic wand other wands are fine but this one is best at 11 DPS and is easily obtainable because it's crafted by enchanters you'll want to get void plague around level five as well as of the December 11th patch the damage of void plague was increased by 200% it cost less Mana but does three to four times more damage than Shadow word pain you can have them both up at once but because of its 6-second cool down it makes it kind of annoying and you can't really multi dot with it getting this up is your first priority even if it won't last the entire duration usually you don't want to do that with dots but its damage is just so ridiculously overloaded lots of priests even keep this on whenever they're healing in late game after that your next Target is homunculus around level eight their damage was also buffed by 100% it's free damage and cost you absolutely nothing it doesn't even cost any Mana tons of people complain about the attack patterns of them but I didn't really find it all that annoying if you've done any escort quests before their behavior isn't really that surprising they will occasionally go off and do something weird but the major downside is they don't really notice anything 15 or 20 20 yards away from them if you accidentally pull something they can hold aggro on it but as soon as you deal damage you'll probably rip it off now for the last and most important leveling your own around level 10 you'll be able to get Shadow word death and as of December 21st its damage was increased by 103% making it always deal about a third more damage than Penance with the same coold down pennant is way more easier to use so if you're a new player it's a fine option for you to keep it on the whole time but the fun miname of perfectly executing the mods as soon as they enter the minimum damage range I found to be extremely enjoyable and rewarding you will need an add-on or weak or to tell you how much health the mobs have and if you mess it up you take full damage from the Shadow or death which you might not think is a big deal but it could easily kill you this thing hits really hard it roughly does 10 times your level in damage so at level 11 it's approximately 110 damage is which depending on your level is a significant fraction of the mob's Health maybe like a third or a half of it I highly recommend getting dark moon Fair Buff when you can because then you can mentally add 10% onto that minimum threshold level 13 you could upgrade to the greater magic wand clocking in at 17 DPS also crafted by enchanters which should not only outdamage other wands but also your non- Ru abilities and this wand will probably last you until around level 20 by rotation from the rest of the game was throwing up void plague on pull and then wanding until I could execute the mob with Shadow or death unless if it was on cool down if you're using penants instead you probably void plague on pull into penants and then wand it until it dies while you could pre-cast something before you throw up the void plague it's just so unnecessary the only weak Wars I used were this one that tracks if my homunculus are still alive and this wand bar which I made to look really cool so you can find them both in my Discord if you want you might also want something that tracks shadower death's cool down and it's entirely possible to make one that would alert you or glow whenever the mob is in the minimum kill threshold of the Shadow or death I just don't know how to make that but if I find one I will throw it in the Discord for you guys as well if you're fighting really lowle mobs and void plague is only going to do one or two ticks it might be a good idea to skip it if you have Shadow word death up the key thing with death as you always want to be watching mob's health and see how quickly you could just snap execute them do not be afraid to solo extremely difficult Quest our damage is stupidly high with void plague alone you can eat through an entire Elite while just running around which is really easy to do with the world buff move speed even though I don't even have it in this clip I'd also recommend doing some dungeons because you're a Healer and to upgrade your greater magic wand and not have to buy a star collar from the auction house you can get cookie stirring rod from deadmines or the fire beler from a Wailing Caverns rare with a pretty good spawn rate the speed of the wand is the speed of the global cool down on your other abilities while you're wanding to prevent you from weaving them in because of this faster wands are better that way when you cancel the wand you can cast the death quicker and kill the mob it's a little tricky to pull multiple mobs because of your coold downs but it's entirely possible and a good idea anytime that you can manage it after level 20 you have Holy Fire so you can pre-cast that if you have a particularly hard fight but it's really not worth the 3se second cast unless if you know that you're going to have trouble there really isn't all that much else to talk about since you're pretty much doing the same thing the entire leveling experience doesn't really change but when you do hit 25 it should be pretty easy to jump into BFD as a Healer which is what I did because that's mostly what priest are good for I did 25 and went and got a few of my healing runes that I was missing like prayer amending and then got summoned into a random BFD literally 5 minutes later for your first run you ideally want the scenario where you have another geared priest with you that can almost solo heal the dungeon so you only really have to pay attention sometimes and you can just Penance on cool down and then maybe flash heal some people in wand if you know the run is going to be like this keep using homunculus and void plague just for more damage for your raid but if you do actually have to heal in your run you want to use either healing Rune on your chest and prayer mending on your legs and then just Penance and palm on cool down but ideally you want to hit up the auction house and grab up as much int gear as you can afford maybe do some prequest to get that gold and try to have like 1,800 Mana I only had like 1,400 but I kind of weasel my way into this group they had somebody leave at like the last minute and just wanted to go don't worry about plus healing or Spirit on your gear you just want a massive Mana pool that way you can keep using your two Rune abilities on cool down other people can also see your max Mana so it might be a dead giveaway that you just hit 25 if you have a really low Mana pool but with two healers this raid is extremely easy even with mediocre DPS I was waning like 90% of the time you can reach spe into inner Focus meditation and healing Focus which is the recommended raid healing spec for priest but it's fine if you forget these really don't matter that much in summary I could not believe how good this was I almost did this entire thing in one sitting and I might level another one to be honest is straight up overtuned from your damage runes to your healing runes the base values on them are just really really high which makes it an insane leveling class kind of reminds me of star surge ruid but even better this one might be the best class we just never a period where you're having a hard time or slow at doing really anything the only real downside of the class is all this crazy high base damage doesn't really end up scaling that well in raid which is what makes healing really the only viable thing to do but it is way more sturdy out on its own which is a stark contrast compared to the normal vanilla priest experience we have to see how the class plays out the rest of the game I know that they mentioned Smite priest so maybe I'll do that with this character overall I would highly recommend giving it a shot if you're bored and looking for something to do before the next phase comes out you'll be max level in no time it's extremely low effort to pug a ra as a Healer and getting that Quest wand from BFD is going to make getting to 40 even easier thanks for watching and if you're thinking about leveling another class check out my videos for the rest of them I have a big playlist right here
Channel: Kippzo
Views: 8,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Season of Discovery Priest Leveling Guide, WoW Classic Priest Leveling Guide, Season of Discovery Leveling Guide, Season of Discovery Priest Guide, Season of Discovery Priest Runes, Season of Discovery 1-25 Priest, Season of Discovery Runes, WoW Season of Discovery Class Picking Guide, Classic Season of Discovery, Classic Season of Discovery Class Picking Guide, Season of Discovery, WoW Classic Season of Discovery, Priest, WoW SOD, Classic WoW, season of discovery, wow classic
Id: e74FmUHzgL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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