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hey everyone welcome back to my channel and today I'm going to be sharing four super easy and quick instant pot recipes they're also delicious take no time at all to make and all of the recipes are also very family friendly hopefully this video gives you all lots of new meal ideas when you're not sure what to make and want to cook something that doesn't take you hours especially if you have young children like I do I don't have time to be on the stove for hours and hours and if you're new to this channel I would love if you subscribe I post at least one foodie video a week to give you all some meal in space so there's a lot more to come but without further ado let's get started with the first meal so the first meal I'm going to be making is a really easy quick tasty lamb stew and the first thing that I do is chop up my onions I'm using two large onions I love love onions and I will use it everywhere that I can just to get some extra veggies in and then I will grate around four to five garlic clove once all the clothes are grated I will push it to the side and make a start on peeling my potatoes [Music] once my potatoes are all nicely chopped I'll lend make a start on my carrots which I have actually washed I'm using two because this meal is only to last us one day so I don't want the meat to veg proportion to not be equal because I always get that wrong this time I got it perfect so here are the other ingredients I'm using apart from the meat and the spice I've got the onions chopped up garlic carrots and potatoes so now that everything is all chopped up and out of the way I'll start with the meal so I have my instant pot set to saute mode and I'll get my olive oil I love love cooking with olive oil and then I'll pop in my meats that has been washed have actually recently stopped using table salts based on a lot of your recommendations and I've started to use sea salt and I see a massive difference once I've added in the salt I add in white pepper because they didn't have black pepper but if you do just add that in so all I'm trying to do is brown the meat on both sides so that it has a nice color to it all so that it's not alright anymore so once that's done I just get all the meat out of the instant pot and just put in a bowl so once all the meat is out of the instant pot using the oils and all the meat juices thus left in there I'll just add the chopped onions mix it around and you see all that Brown bit that stuck underneath the pot once you add a little bit of water it loosens up and that makes a really nice gravy so you don't want to get rid of that and it gives the overall meal a great flavor and once the onions are little bit softened I'll add in the carrots the potatoes and then I'll add the lamb back in then I'll add in the grated garlic give it a little mix and then I'll start adding in our spices or one by one so we're gonna start to with cumin coriander oregano parsley and then I just chopped it up with a little bit of salt and pepper which I'm not sure I showed I'm pretty sure I didn't show it and then I added two bay leaves give that a quick mix [Music] I also like to add a little bit of the mr. onion gravy which is so delicious in any meat stew and to finish it off I add some beef stock give it one last mix close the instant pot and I make sure that the seal is on and then I use the meat stew setting on high pressure for 25 minutes and once the 25 minutes is up we are ready to serve this is how my husband had his just in a bowl like that with no bread the children and I had it with some crusty bread because we're not scared of bread we love our carbs my husband does not the next meal we're going to make is a Cajun cheesy pasta and the kids love this and we start off with chopping up some onions I only had red onions in so that's what I used so that's my onions ready I then set to my instant pasta saute mode once again put some olive oil saute the onions once the onions are sauteed and nice and softened how are this beautifully marinated chicken breasts which my husband marinated maybe a day or two ago so it's very flavorful 48 hours of marination on that chicken and then I'll just try to get a nice brown golden color onto the chicken so once the chicken is pretty much cooked I will then get it out of the instant pot put in a bowl we move on to our next step which is adding some pasta yes uncooked pasta and then you add in some water then I add in some fine sea salts told you guys to stop using table salt so thank you very much - ever is I recommended that and then I added in a knob of butter you can add a lot more or a lot less or none at all the butter is what makes the dish and I'll set the instant pots you high pressure for four minutes and have the vent on so make sure you don't forget to do that once the four minutes is up the pasta is cooked it's soaked up all that water and you can see very well cooked I add in my cheese so I have red Leicester mozzarella normal cheddar and then I add in the chicken mix it up a little bit add in a little bit of sour cream so ever I had left in the pot I don't really measure things I just desta mate so just guess depending on how much ingredients or pasta or chicken you have and the last ingredient is spinach I don't usually add spinach but because I had some spinach that we're going to go off I decided to just wash chop and add it in there doesn't kill to have a bit of veg does it so you can add whatever you like sweet corn spinach no spinach just experiment with it and this is how it looks once it's all mixed in together it smells so good and it tasted even better so my husband is here serving my youngest my 1 year old Liana and he obviously put way too much I told him he's a bit of ambitious with how much she eats so she actually ate so much of this and I was very impressed I'm very happy so that's how it turned out this is my plate so the next meal is going to be a very delicious chili con carne which is so easy to make and with the instant pot it basically cuts down the time by half maybe so I just add in some oil some beef mince and then I'm just breaking up the mince so that it gets a nice even brown color and it cooks all over whilst Leon in the background you can see is basically trash in the cupboards I don't mind because this meal is not going to take long whatsoever once the meat is browned I'll add in the onions and just make sure that I try to get the mints as fine as possible I don't like big chunks in there and then I add in some grated garlic mix it up once more [Music] once is mixed in add in this Coleman's chili con carne sashay and this is so good it's very flavorful you don't need to add other ingredients but I like to add this Perry Perry lemon and herb seasoning and I add it in 1 tablespoon of flour some salt some pepper mix all of that up together once it's all mixed in and the meat is fully coated in these spices and then I'll add in some beef stock mix it up one final time add in my veg and today I wanted to add in some sweet corn and kidney beans I usually just do kidney beans but because I wanted to make it a little bit more veggie based I didn't extra and then you can add in some chopped tomatoes or just tomato puree close the lid I put the setting on high pressure for 4 minutes exactly 4 minutes and this is how it turned out it doesn't take any time whatsoever and so this is how a Liana's plate look like I did some sour cream some grated cheddar cheese and some rice so next we are going to make another delicious recipe this one is veggie based I just wanted something that had no meat in it basically and very tasty very delicious so if you have a determine you're going to love this please try it so chop up your onions your garlic your tomatoes and then I have some spices here so I have some cumin seeds star eni's cloves and cardamom pods so add that to some hot oil I used olive oil I believe I did in my onions you don't want the whole spices to burn so you just want it to flavor the oil it just gives it a really nice smell and taste your food so I just saute the onions for a little bit and then I add in my chopped tomatoes once the tomatoes are in and give it a quick little mix and then it's time to add in your spices so I've added in tumeric to me and again I just estimate a little bit of coriander and then I had this kurai seasoning mix so I did a little bit of that it gave you a really really nice flavor so you don't need to add that if you don't have it if your pot looks quite dry instead of I didn't any more oil just like some mortar so it just gives it a nice pace I did some sea salt and then it's time to add in your washed chickpeas so I did in my chickpeas I did in my potatoes I decided to add potatoes last minute and the mix shows looking a bit dry so I added in some more water and then I forgot to show you guys the most important bit which is double cream make sure you do that have your instant pot on high pressure for 10 minutes and that's exactly how long it takes to have the perfect chickpea curry on an instant pot so once the curry is done cooking I add my coriander and it's done I hope you guys have enjoyed watching this video and if you did don't forget to subscribe give this video a like turn on your balance of vacations to be alerted when I post a new video and I'll see you in my next one
Channel: Zeinah Nur
Views: 518,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family recipes, easy instant pot recipe, zeinah nur cooking, zeinahnur recipes, 10 minute recipes, easy 10 min family recipes, how to use instantpot, instantpotofficial, beginner instantpot recipe, beginner recipes, easy halal meals, easy family meals, family meals
Id: 2ikCyfHIdvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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