Pressing the Worlds RISKIEST Mystery Button..

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what would you do if you were offered the chance to press the mystery button which if press had the chance for great rewards or extreme loss but you also only had 10 seconds to decide if you press it we asked our team that very question 10 9 8 7 they'll have the chance to win twenty thousand dollars or lose their car no there's no way i'm good absolutely not i just bought it nope and they all said no except one ten dude no okay i don't want to get my car crash but seven my [Music] dude i'm actually in shock right now so why did we do this we just crushed a perfectly good car and now michael doesn't have a way to get home well we wanted to give back to our team for all their hard work this year so we created an extreme challenge to find the most danger team member who we will be surprising with his very own brand new dream car ain't about his old car we actually tested exactly where the 5 000 pound block would land so it hit right in the center of the vehicle leaving the major components like the engine intact which we're going to sell so they will still be usable and that just leaves a question about how michael will get home if anyone's wondering this is actually my car i bought this two years ago we didn't buy another car to do this so michael throughout this video you have the chance to win your car's worth back and more but at any time you can walk away with whatever you want okay deal nice i think about it michael your first chance to win some money back is this 100 button challenge each button contains five dollars press as many as you want but there's one bankrupt button so if you press the wrong one the challenge is over and you're out of money all right five okay 15 20 25 30. you're going too fast oh you realize the more buttons you press the bigger chance you have to get the bankrupt i'm the guy who just pressed the button and got his car smashed 120 125 130. it's fun it feels like it feels like whack-a-mole but i just win money oh you got a big one you literally only lost 135 bucks it's not gonna put a huge debt don't worry there's more challenges let's move on okay michael this is the fun part this is a button shop each bun worth a different amount of money so if you want this button you pay one dollar you want this button you pay five thousand dollars the buns could activate something good or something bad and this gold button is guaranteed to be worth more money than you pay for it or we spend over ten thousand dollars for a punishment that you're going to have to endure if you decide to buy that button well come back to this later because you got no money this next challenge is guaranteed for michael to win some money but there's also a chance that he could get a punishment there's a button at the top of each work wall and if he chooses which one to press wisely then he can grab all the cash and avoid the punishment i 100 all right it's that blind tattoo dude that means you have to get a tattoo that no one you don't even get to know what it is oh my gosh dude michael that was kind of sketchy you don't have to do it you can stop yeah yeah yeah put some gloves on give myself a minute here i'll be all right 200 all right so you have 300 that you can take to your bun shop and buy a button if you want all right i'm going to the bud shop all right so these could be punishments or prizes exactly should i do hundred first order of the dollar to do the dollar throw it first you win a nintendo switch all right whoa here you go see one dollar one other deal that's that's actually a net loss all right on to the next challenge all right michael how you feeling i'm feeling good i'm nervous to see what it is [Music] dude if you want to see us press this giant mystery button in a future video get this video to 200 000 likes and subscribe so you don't miss it so you currently don't have a whole lot of money you can't buy a car yet okay we've got five doors here behind four of them there are money prizes you're going to want to get all four money prizes if you want to for the gold button at the end i'm really scared oh and you're going to want to put this on so uh good luck i'm going to open the red door he's so scared he's just crazy oh looks like there's nothing back there one thousand dollars one thousand dollars dang dude you can buy a big bun with that i'm gonna do the yellow door yellow door i'm really scared look at me yeah another button another button dang you're stacking the money now all right what's next michael that's me in the red door 50 chance of death i want this door why do i want this door who knows i'm going my first thought i have fifteen dollars let's go here let me show you what you have later come over here okay all right don't shoot oh my gosh thank you for not shooting me sir what is this thing this gun has 320 rounds wow dude you keep going dude you earned some money and you just avoided that's like one of the worst things at this point michael's looking pretty good he's earned a total of three thousand two hundred and four dollars not enough to buy a new car yet so he decided to head over the button shop to try his luck michael wants to buy some buttons and you got several thousand dollars choose wisely my friend at three thousand two hundred four so spend a little bit save a little bit i'm gonna go for the thousands you want people on fire oh dude you have to get lit fire dude what we're like safely right we brought in a professional team that is gonna set you on fire oh yeah the fire guys are here we're gonna go meet him light him up no he's gonna be safe right we hope i'm kidding you're in good hands all right so uh we'll be signing him on fire at 4 30. let's go ahead and see if you can win some more money all right let's do it while we waited for the perfect lighting for the fire challenge michael successfully completed two other challenges winning him another four thousand dollars towards this total but now the only way he can continue is by completing the set on fire challenge all right so we got our team over there getting michael all set up some of the gear they're using similar to what an f1 driver would be wearing under their suit so this is all the protective layers underneath to keep them safe we cannot have you trying this at home this team here that we have is literally top in the business michael's in really good hands all right michael you're about to be late on fire feeling good i look cold but i'm ready we did this with your youtube buddies team edge we let three of them on fire it was good only two went to the hospital so no worries michael you should be okay okay this guy is about to get lit up he is on fire right now dude he looks like a boss he's just he's just walking along no problem michael you did it all right michael ready to make some more money we'll see and so now michael avoided all the punishments here and won four prizes a ski trip a brand new tv that doesn't fit on his tv stand at home a ps5 and pierced ears oh wait that's not really a prize it's more of a punishment crystal butterfly okay michael this next challenge is going to be worth the most amount of money that you've gotten so far whoa so you're going to take this polaris you're going to just drive on that way okay you're going to be looking for a mystery button okay there's also going to be a lot of people trying to shoot you so mr butt could be anywhere anywhere so uh you can take this there's six shots in it so i'm gonna go head that way all right i'm gonna take this spot here hey yeah it's wabbit season and michael's a little wabbit today he just plowed right through and went to the button dude you did it uh yeah nice press it again let's see what it says [Music] 7 145 all right let's head to the button shop and we'll see what that adds up to and now michael has 99999 which is very unfortunate because if you didn't buy the one dollar button in the beginning he would have been able to afford the ten thousand dollar button so we told him in order to earn the final one dollar he has to go skydiving for a dollar one dollar for skydiving all right let's go i just got here how are you dealing i'm a little nervous yeah like now that we're here like i was pretty good in the drive over and i'm like [Music] [Music] going on down way gnarlier than i thought it was gonna be i'm not gonna lie oh yeah everyone online was like oh it's like you're floating dude i was falling dude i was sort of falling you did it you did it you got one dollar michael successfully completed the skydiving challenges finally giving him enough money to press the gold button congratulations and just when michael thought the game was over it was time to surprise him with his dream car he had no idea we were doing this over a month ago i asked him in a casual conversation what his dream car was so this totally caught him by surprise dude this is crazy michael this is your brand new car what so we felt bad for destroying a car so we bought you a new one so not only do you get 20 grand but you get this brand new car there you go that's the key oh thank you guys dude that's crazy man this is insane dude i've never had a new car dude and that wasn't even the most heartwarming moment michael decided to give away his bonus earnings to the entire dangee bros team what a guy yeah [Music]
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 5,109,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 mystery button box, 10 seconds to decide, mystery button challenge, cash, money, win, game, $100000, dangie bros, would you rather, tiktok, crush your car, skydiving for $1
Id: HOx5wgsAGYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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