Do you look at what's going
on now in the campaigning and do you miss it any way and do you look at
them and go, you're making big mistakes? >> [LAUGH]
I don't miss it. >> [LAUGH]
>> It's always good to get out of Washington, which can
sometimes be a little depressing. What will, to get out of Washington or
to, what part is depressing? >> Well, Washington. >> [LAUGH]
>> That's, I would think so. >> Yeah.
>> [APPLAUSE] >> I mean, really. >> Yeah, no, but-
>> You're probably not kidding- >> I'm kinda not kidding. >> Yeah, I mean,
what was the biggest surprise for you when you became president,
what surprised you the most? Well, the fact is that most of the time if something reaches
my desk, it means it's really hard, which is why they bumped it up to me
cuz nobody else could figure it out. And when I came in,
the economy was collapsing. We were about to go into
a great depression. We had to make a whole bunch of decisions
about saving the auto industry or making sure that business has got back on their
feet, or the housing market would recover. And you're having to make big
bets with incomplete information. You're not sure that
everything's gonna work. And I think that part of what's
happened in this Instagram. You know, Twitter culture is
that we expect quick answers without sacrifice, without having to make
choices, and politicians play into that. But the truth of the matter is, you know
the world is a big complicated place. The good news is that we're generally
going in the right direction, and my hope is that
we'll continue to do so. >> That's everybody's hope,
but let's talk about me. I feel like. >> [LAUGH]
>> Don't you think if more people danced. >> Yes.
>> And just had fun instead of, everyone takes everything so seriously and
I think that we have these people, I'm kinda kidding there, obviously,
but I think we have people that we all have the one thing in common which
is we just want a good quality of life. >> Right.
And then we had these people that feel one
way and if someone feels another way, we tend to hate them and it's just-
>> That's not helpful. >> No, it's not helpful. >> The amount of stuff that is just
put out there on the internet or on sometimes news broadcasts that are just
factually inaccurate, is surprising. And it's really hard to catch up. Since I came into office,
we reduced the deficit by two thirds. But if you ask the average person,
they're sure that spending has shot up. And the reason is because there
are a bunch of folks who say that. We're wildly overspending
even though we aren't. >> Right.
>> And that's just one small example, but it happens all the time. And that's something that we have to fix
partly by people paying more attention to what's going on every single day. And it's hard because people are busy. They're dropping off their kids,
they're working. They're, you know, trying to figure
out how they get some exercise, do some push ups and. >> Speaking of her. >> Okay.
>> What do you and Michelle disagree on. >> [LAUGH]
>> Well. >> Like what do you fight about. >> After about, 15 years I finally figured out
that she's always right. So.
>> [APPLAUSE] >> So then surprisingly we just stopped fighting. >> And there's no more fighting. >> [LAUGH]
>> Well, she's a cheater, you know that,
when you talk about the push ups. I'm not even gonna,
I'm not gonna argue about it anymore. >> [LAUGH]
>> But she's a cheater. So look at how far down I went,
and look how- >> You're so upset about that. >> I am so
because she didn't go down all the way and she claimed she had longer arms and
so she's, listen, it was very impressive that she kept going
but she didn't go down as far as me. >> Okay.
>> Look at, look. >> She's going down pretty far. >> No, no, no. Not as far down as me. [LAUGH] Look. >> I mean those are good,
you have good form. >> I have better form than her [LAUGH] and
I. >> You have good form. [APPLAUSE]
>> All right. Listen.
Oh this made me happy.