Present perfect | Learn English | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to camera english i'm christian i'm luis alvarez special guest for today it's a special guest and today we are going to be studying the present perfect so how are you those I'm good looking forward to you know learn more things about present perfect ok good I'm looking forward to teaching you so um so are you a student or yeah I'm sir then actually yeah what are you studying I'm a slightly lower in Korea but you know let's go to improving English as well yes it will be very important you can become an international lawyer yeah national court looks very appealing for to me I could good money good pay exactly I'm travelling do you like to travel I like to travel a lot so you know going to Gordon States or even in Australia would you write so yeah well in Australia we have lots of kangaroo courts that's that's a word for you to look up in the dictionary okay well um let's go and study present perfect sure present perfect so what is the present perfect while the present perfect although it says present perfect is actually really a mix between the past and the present okay and it always requires the action to start in the past so really it's a past tense okay what we're going to say it's a mix between past and present yes and also it talks about things which have a strong connection to the president so we can say in a strong link to the present okay so so this is the description of the present perfect so what is the construction for present perfect first we have the subject okay good we use the verb goods and then the participant goes one to perfect okay perfect so um can you give me an example sentence any sentence for example I mean okay lately okay good so I have B okay recently perfect so we have the subject conjugation of this and then the participle and then fantastic I've been okay and what about the the negative what's the negative of this ah it's actually not very different you just have to use a narrative form of the verb clap so I haven't been okay very good very good so here we put the knot I have not all we can use the contractions that way exactly I have not been okay and now what about the the question from the enteric ative how do we well we have to make like an inversion between the verb death and the subject so it's like how I mean okay very good excellent so we invert the verb and the subject we have being okay with the question mark okay very good girl is perfect I think that the majority of people who are learning English the problem is the difference between the present perfect and the past simple because it seems very confusing okay so let's look at the difference so the past simple okay the past simple describes a finished action and um it also describes an action at a specific time so this would be the past simple present perfect it could be a finished or non finished action okay so it's both finished or not fini and also a nonspecific time and this really this really is the key difference between the two so for example if you're using the word yesterday it's a specific time we have to use passing but we can't use present perfect or if you say I'm at at 12 o'clock it's a specific time we must use past simple but if we have a nonspecific time like for example often or recently then it's more natural to use this yeah so this really is the big difference between the two so let's sum let's look at some examples let's so let's use some examples from from your day today so what did you do this morning this morning I had practiced for example okay good right I had the very first good I had breakfast this morning good what else did you do I put this shirt on okay good okay and then after that I came to class I'm going to class very good good so you can see because because we're talking about finished actions the breakfast is finished you put the shirt on and you came to class and also because we're talking about a specific time this morning specific moment we're using the past simple okay but now if if we want to use present perfect then we have to talk about the things that you did relate to now and also add another specific time okay so for example if I ask you today have you had breakfast yes I had exactly yes I have had breakfast so I'm talking about a nonspecific period of time from from this morning to now yeah and I don't know if you finish the action if you've not finished - on so it's more natural for me to ask you like this instead of this if I say did you have breakfast it's okay but more natural have you had breakfast and you respond like this perfect I like the shirt I can ask you about your shirt so how long have you had the shirt I've had the show for six months okay good I've had so you see we have the contraction oops is the tea for six months good good so it's it's a nonspecific period of time yeah from the past until now and it's related to now strong connections now because you're wearing the shirt you will you will notice if you if you read the newspaper or if you listen to speak people talking normally they will start in the present perfect and then they will move directly into the past simple so for example I could ask you have you been to the cinema have you been to the cinema recently so I would start I would start with this because um I don't know if you've been to the cinema in the past you know when exactly you went to the cinema you know if it's true so I have to use past present perfect and then you you would reply yes yes I have exactly so you are you are copying that copying the question for your reply but now I know that you went to the cinema at a specific time in the past so then it's natural for me to switch into PI into a pacify say what did you watch so now I must use past simple because we're talking about a specific finished action I can't say what have you watched no it doesn't miss a lot correct okay so you will you will notice this when you listen to people speaking or in there on the news for example today five people have been killed in an accident and then they will switch to talk about the accident specifically the accident was at 12 o'clock for example also like these these adverbs of frequency to talk about things in the past really also it's natural to use the the present perfect so you know I have always gone to Italy on holidays so what's the difference in between because normally with an adverb of frequency use it with the present simple matter for example like for example I always eat pizza and I have always eaten PSA so the difference between the two really is if we use the present simple we imply that this is now in the past and in the future it's like a habit but if we say this a voice in Pisa it has more of a strong connection to the past the future is uncertain now for incense to talk about time so we'll start with four so if we say I lived in America for one year and I have lived in America for one year what's the difference actually in for one in one the first sentence with the past simple you are not living in America Timor exactly very good do you meet that and the second one you mean that you're still it's exactly very good very good because the past simple always means the action is finished so exactly now we don't live in America but here yes we're continuing to live in America so it's a big difference yeah but with since because since is always a nonspecific period of time we we cannot use it with past simple okay because it's it's a lot of specific time whereas for can be okay so with since always present perfect with for depends what you want to say so what's the difference between the present perfect continuous and the present perfect well the the present perfect is to talk about actions that can be you know continuing now or maybe 20 years ago but the present perfect continuous is always recent so for example imagine that you see me and I'm like what do you say have you been exercising very good have you been exercising exactly so we would it's more natural to use the continuous because you know it's recent yeah because I'm and the construction is simple so we have the verb to have subject participative oh to be always a verb to be and then here I even Oliver exactly exactly exactly so and then you know the negative and the the affirmative for the same as as present perfect normal so this is the difference between between the two how do you feel now about the present perfect great I understood it now so okay cool well we're going to sit down and done and do some activities right like a call okay so now we are going to do a very um quick activity to practice present perfect so what I want you to do okay with a piece of paper and a pencil I want you to write a list of your greatest achievements okay maybe five or six that's all okay I get it fabulous so so we have one two three four five things okay so now we are just going to practice talking about them the past simple and then the present perfect depending so what's the first one in the list get through material Apple so finishing your your-your-your university entrance exams there you go okay so um now let's talk about them first impasse simple so for example last year I passed my last but you get at the exam exactly perfect very good so we're talking about a specific time and a specific action okay so now let's let's talk about your your university exams in relation to your university now so the two things are related so your your university exams will have a strong connection with now so what can you say in the prison perfect I have passed the university exams of the first course then I will be able to the tape to take the exams of the second year excellent very good okay perfect perfect exactly so you finished your exams you have finished your exams yeah related to now then you will be in the future will be able to perfect okay survivor week we thought mom survived the week without mom but completely destroyed the house well not yet easily while the house mice survived as well another three years on unit of university so you know we have to keep it safe so um is this is this your surviving now at the University and exactly okay okay um so and you were talking about this in the past yes because it's a specific time yeah but relating it to the present to talk about finished or non finished actions so have you ever lived away from your parents yes I have yeah so tell me more about them I leave without my parents doing the versity course okay so now we have two options don't we because if you say I lived if you use past simple that means now you don't live separate from them but if you say I have lived that means probably it's continuing through now so so which one is it is it I lived or I have lived away my parents in this case is I lived because once the university course is over I come to chandala to live with them okay very good again excellent okay very good so you can see how important that is to to choose the correct tense in this case okay excellent what's the next one past more than five exams at university mm-hmm and you passed yes yeah okay yeah very good and um so I saw you use the the past simple you passed exams yeah but if I'm not sure or if I want to ask you the question I could say have you passed your university exams yes they have very nice roads and have you received good scores good marks so so I thought yes that well a very good mark is a tailing 10-10-10 I had very good critic it's very exactly so I've had very good marks because it's strongly related to now because we're talking about your exams yeah okay very nice okay well I think you you're completely controlling this this tense now yeah I think I think very good during a conversation exactly exactly at the university you can use it everywhere exactly in bars to pick up girls there are asking to girl be aware you can say are you hurt cuz an angel is just won't follow from the sky and that is prison perfect and Angela has just full the world but such a thing is that good well if you would like to see any more videos about grammar pronunciation etc then don't forget to subscribe to kangaroo English like this rival and hit like subscribe and see you next time exactly yes thank you very much Luis thank you I'm dumb I'll see you in class see you bye he's a stud
Channel: Canguro English
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Keywords: kangaroo, canguro, how to learn english, learn english speaking, learn english conversation, conversation, learn english grammar learn english, learn english free, learn english online, learn english online free, learning english, learning english online, learning english online free, language acquisition, english grammar, learning, learn, lessons, teacher, school, english, grammar, lesson, education, teachers, language, free, Present Perfect, present perfect or past simple
Id: 77QJ3uX2TQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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