Preparing for the Wedding Day | Jeremiah Johnson

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welcome to the watchmen's corner this is your host jeremiah johnson and on today's episode we're going to bring you a special message live from around our nation you know i love the corporate gathering the bible is so clear that there's power when believers gather together in person and even during coven 19 god is looking for a remnant that's going to stand on the front lines and declare the truth of who god is to a generation get ready you're about to be blessed check it out [Music] [Music] holy holy holy [Music] is the lord god almighty who was in his and is to come jesus we thank you that you're returning [Music] god i ask for supernatural grace tonight [Music] jesus you died for a bride who would make herself ready [Music] as i arrived in the city today we flew in from california i felt god begin to speak to me in my room that fresh start is transcending beyond revival weekends [Music] and you are moving into what god said were beyond the veil gatherings [Music] it's time for bridal preparation there's going to be a increase of a holy love sickness there's going to be a forerunner anointing that marks this house where end time messengers will be raised up and released that will herald the soon return of the son of man god we ask that you would release the groan more than a groan for revival god i declare a groan for our resurrected bodies [Music] god open up the beauty realm tonight holy spirit we need your help enlighten the eyes of our hearts that we might know you better and everybody said you can be seated [Music] can you keep playing whoever that was sometimes i like to ask the lord his favorite thing about people or his favorite thing about churches in particular when i asked god what his favorite thing was about fresh art it just broke something in me this is a holy place [Music] this is a a sacred desk that all messengers should fear to speak from god said to me my favorite thing about fresh start church is that the jealousy is reciprocated god said to me in many places i'm still trying to convince my people that i'm jealous for them but at fresh start i've found a people that are jealous for me [Music] [Applause] i want to make sure that you get this this is not a man who's trying to keep other men away from his wife this is a bride in this house who's making sure that no other woman and no other lover is gonna get around christ [Applause] [Music] no it's it's different it's different here if you have your bibles would you turn to revelation chapter 19. if i had a title for this message it would be called preparing for the wedding day i want to share some encounters i want to share some revelation that god has been sharing with me the last two years some people like to get into titles and are you an apostle or prophet or an evangelist all i know is that when jesus christ came into my bedroom and visited me he mantled me as an end-time messenger and told me that part of my role was to prepare the bride to meet the bridegroom i believe that god has sent me here tonight to help you and we as the bride prepare for the coming of our bridegroom king god said to me recently for many years my bride has sought to consecrate herself before me without my eternal storyline in mind they have sought to fast and pray and separate themselves from the world with only present hopes and desires of revival and awakening however in this generation i am releasing the why behind the what namely the wedding day see i am releasing a revelation of my pure and spotless bride that will stand before me one day so that my people might not grow weary and lose heart on their journey to become like me while a present focus on holiness and consecration will only last for a time a vision of the wedding day will be the power behind my consecrated bride there is a love sickness that will come upon my bride that will give her dove's eyes in these days pure and simple devotion to me will be the mark of a consecrated bride that will rise before me in the last days now i want you to buckle up your seat seatbelt because i'm going to share about five of those words in those encounters i felt like the lord just said for me to come tonight and release into the atmosphere the fragrance of the bridegroom the fragrance of the wedding day and trust the holy spirit to stir up something so deep inside of our hearts as the bride that were wrecked for days are you there in revelation 19. here's what the lord spoke to me on my journey in revival the lord said to me one day if the book of acts is a blueprint for the first century church then the book of revelation is the blueprint for the end time church i'm actually going to tell you i think we have it a little wrong i think we're we're trying to mimic a book of acts experience when god wants to manifest a book of revelation experience so over the course of this message tonight if you feel a groan in a fire a love sickness something shift inside of you that's a little bit different than what you've usually encountered i want to ask you to consider devoting a season of your life studying the book of revelation as an end-time church just as much as you read the book of acts in revelation 19 i'm going to read verses 1 through six after these things i heard as it were a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven saying hallelujah salvation and glory and power belongs to our god because we love the message of [Music] grace just giving you time to read it a shout of a hallelujah who's doing the hallelujah this is the first corporate gathering of the saints of old all those who had fallen asleep in the lord or died all of those saints of old are not now gathered along with the generation in which the lord returns i want you to picture with me every tongue every tribe every nation the great and glorious consecrated bride that jesus christ gave his life for he got a little bit of a vision and then all of a sudden there's this hallelujah salvation and glory and power belong to our god because his judgments are true and righteous the very first act of the corporate bride gathered together on the wedding day is that you and i go nuts we go insane we lose our minds concerning his judgments [Music] oh brother i didn't think that was new testament i told you that god has called me as an end-time messenger he's calling many of you in this room as an end-time messenger to prepare the bride to meet the bridegroom if we're going to prepare a bride to meet a bridegroom we want might want to put this in our theology can you imagine a people in the earth who totally reject judgment theology [Music] and they show up to the wedding day and they're told hey the very first act of the corporate bride is we're going to lose our minds because the judgments of god are righteous and true we're going to rejoice because he's god and i'm not [Music] for he has judged the great harlot who was corrupting the earth with her immorality and he has avenged the blood of his bond servants on her a second time they volley hallelujah her smoke rises up forever and ever folks you think you've seen a fire on the news [Music] and the 24 elders and the four living creatures they fell down and worshiped god who sits on the throne saying amen hallelujah i don't have to prophesy to you but according to the word of god the saints of old and the generation in which the lord returns are going to lift up a hallelujah in full agreement that the judgments of god are righteous and true that he's just not the lamb he's the lion of judah he's just not full of grace he's full of truth we don't get to pick and choose parts of him that we like we're serving the god of the bible not the god of our imagination we're serving the god of revelation this is what i dream about daydream about skip down to verse seven there's more rejoicing [Music] just if you could pause your eyes for five seconds i mean hallelujah rejoicing excitement i mean you preach this stuff now and everybody's worried it's awkward i suck the air out of the room [Music] everybody's nervous is he angry did he have a bad day was it that bad in california more rejoicing rejoice and be glad and give the glory to him for the marriage of the lamb has come and his bride has made herself [Music] ready when john writes and says that the bride has made herself ready he's talking he's talking more than outward appearance he's talking about an inward revelation of who jesus christ really is because your lifestyle tonight is a direct reflection of your revelation of who god is [Applause] [Music] your decisions what you watch what you listen to can be directly linked back to the fundamental question we must be asked in this generation is who do you say the son of man is a.w tozer would tell us it's the most important question that defines a human being who is god as a pastor for over a decade i realized that i was so frustrated with the outward actions of people and then i began to realize but if they truly saw him for who he really is we wouldn't have to beg we wouldn't have to plead we we wouldn't have to manipulate and control when a re when a generation gets a revelation of who god really is in the day of his power the people will volunteer freely in other words when a generation gets a hold of who god really is it will be out of the abundance of the encounter that the finances and the worship and the prayer and the fasting there there won't be any of [Music] where vision of jesus is present deep in continual worship will never cease deep and continual giving will never cease deep in continual sacrifice well you know that rebellious son or daughter you know those seasons in your life it's all linked back to we forgot who he really is this is why all throughout the old testament keeping the testimony of jesus on the doorposts on the forehead wrapped around their wrists they had to keep the testimony of who jesus was in a generation what would happen if these four living creatures escaped out of heaven it's gonna invite you into my fantasy world happens if there was a holy jailbreak and one of the living creatures showed up here for revival weekend eyes in front and eyes all around i don't think they do three songs i don't think they do drive through i don't think they do ten steps to a better life five steps to a better marriage i think they would prophesy and proclaim the one who sits on the throne who's worthy of all honor and all power and all praise come on let's just worship him tonight he's worthy of all glory and all honor his judgments are righteous and true [Music] [Applause] [Music] they just talk about him [Music] they're just circling the throne singing the same song never getting bored holy holy holy as our friend corey russell says god is not boring you are [Music] so lord remove the veils remove the scales break the blinders off a generation lord in america release a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of god lord raise up messengers that will preach on the life the death the resurrection the second coming the ascension lord raise up creatures and musicians who will preach on the blood again who will preach on the cross who will preach on the resurrection for it is the resurrection that turns cities and nations upside down let's give jesus the king of kings and lord of lords a shout of praise tonight come on the bride is making herself ready she's seeing him for who he really is he's glorious he's beautiful there's no one like our god [Music] he's holy he's holy he's totally other than you've never met anyone like him you might have tried church but you haven't tried jesus all these folks in america burned out tired of church you ain't tried him yet [Music] you can be seated for a minute [Music] jesus doesn't need our makeup we've become his makeup artist we think that we have to dress him up and put a costume on him so that people will like him i'm going to tell you we're way more concerned about whether people like god than god is about whether people like him because he's god [Music] so it's time for a generation not to produce christ but to introduce christ but you can't give away what you don't have see we feel like we have to manufacture him we have to pretty him up [Music] oh better not invite my family to that revival oh so now you're god [Music] it's it's bizarre people attend this church they're part of other revival movements their family comes into town and they disappear pastor yeah my church is too deep for them well listen the only person that can reveal the deep things of god isn't you it's the holy spirit who lives down on the inside of us his favorite thing to do is reveal christ [Applause] [Music] the bride has made herself ready jesus said in matthew 24 10 and then many will be offended and betray one another and will hate one another i'm deeply concerned in this generation that we're more concerned about defending a god who doesn't have to defend himself spend so much time reaching out to visitors and making phone calls we've made church so comfortable for people that now god is uncomfortable i wonder if we would go out of our way for god just as much as we go out of our way for people [Music] so i was in a season of meditating lord what does it really look like for a bride to rise in the earth that has made herself ready the lord began to say to me jeremiah it doesn't have to do with outward appearance it's about an inward revelation it's about an encounter it's about asking god to reveal himself to you every part of who he is and in 2018 for the third time in my life jesus christ walked into my bedroom i don't share these encounters very often in fact in this regard tonight i've never preached this publicly and the only reason why i'm preaching this publicly here is because the lord jesus said to me the jealousy is reciprocated in other words i have to believe that god wants to release this message for this time even in the life of this church because you are about to transcend even beyond revival meetings to be on the veil where bridal training and preparation is coming where we just won't be mantled for revival we're going to be mantled for his return [Music] [Applause] [Music] when jesus christ walked into my bedroom he had those eyes that were filled with fire his head was as white as wool he is the fairest of ten thousand he is the most beautiful person you've ever seen not very long after that i was interviewed by randy clark said jeremiah you talk so much about the fear of the lord can you give me a definition and what erupted out of me out of this encounter as i said the fear of the lord is simply beauty that makes you tremble beauty that makes you tremble he's so glorious he's so beautiful my heart aches for a generation to encounter him not just to know about him but to know him just not to sing the songs just not to read the bible and passing in this encounter i began to have a conversation with the lord that i wrote down it changed my life [Music] the lord jesus said to me jeremiah many know the lamb who went to calvary but few know the lion who is returning to devour his father's enemies [Music] jeremiah many know the lamb who went to calvary but few know the lion who is returning to devour his father's enemies he said to me the same wrath that was poured out on the cross will be the same wrath that will be poured out in judgment upon my return he continued i am releasing end time messengers who will trumpet my judgments to the church and warn of the consequences of those who only know the lamb of mercy and grace but reject the lion of judgment and wrath many only know me as the great intercessor which i am but i am also coming as the king and the judge of the earth there is more than intercessory prayer for i will teach my people in these last days how to pray kingly judicial prayers i will establish my government in the earth and make my enemies a footstool i will rule and reign with an iron scepter i even believe that this house is beginning to transcend intercessory prayer where we're not only just asking but when we shift into kingly judicial prayers we begin to decree and declare the very purposes of god in a nation and when we speak heads roll when we speak devils flee come on we need roe v wade to be overturned in america we need the shedding of innocent blood to be lifted off of this land more than asking god will you do it can we shift into another realm as kings and priests seated in heavenly places in christ [Music] jesus i want you to remain standing if you're standing i believe something that the lord wants us to decree out of this house is for him to send the rain i'm not just i'm not talking spiritual i believe that we need to pray that god will send the reign in this nation to shut down the violence and the looting i believe god is about to send storms to this nation to shut down the rioting and the looting so will you lift up your voice with me in the name of jesus christ we decree reign in washington dc we ask god would you send a storm to d.c that will shut down the riding and the looting god we ask from the north the south the east to the west send the storm scott come on there it is just two more minutes shut down the violence shut down the murder shut down the hate shut down the demonic realm in jesus name come on it's time to be demon busters not teletubbies come on we need a generation of demon busters that don't run away from a battle but run right to it we need men and women rising in their cities and their states declaring the purposes of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on 30 more seconds i'm telling you lives are at stake there's a spirit of murder over this nation there's a spirit of murder over washington d.c i'm telling you if we don't pray for the storms to come judgment's gonna come on this nation [Music] come on they couldn't impeach him so now they're going to try to assassinate them lord i ask in jesus name that wherever you want donald trump if he's not supposed to be in a city don't put him in that city if he's not supposed to be in that place we release a spirit of delay we throw up roadblocks in his path that would prevent every demonic plan of the devil in jesus name lord we decree justice on the supreme court lord we declare justice on the supreme court lord we ask that you would remove every judge who opposes your purposes lord i dare to believe that you will remove every supreme court justice that doesn't stand for life in jesus name let's give god a shout of [Applause] [Applause] praise come on there's power in your mouth there's power in your mouth there's a reason why the devil's trying to put a mask over your mouth for it's time for the church to arise and open up your mouth let the spirit of lock jaw be broken off of the church let the silence of the lambs be broken and let the roar of the lion comments jesus [Applause] [Music] come on i said let the silence of the lambs be over and let the roaring of the lions commence in this nation let such a roar be lifted in the kingdom of god [Music] come on will the real jesus please stand up will the real jesus please stand up in this nation will the real acclimacy arise and make righteous judgments at the city gates [Music] come on you're not a little kitty cat you're not a little domesticated pet that gets told what to do by the spirit of the world for we have not the spirit of the world for we have the spirit of god living down on the inside of us and my bible says that the righteous are bold as lions they're fierce they're warriors let's call a generation forth tonight [Music] come on shake something loose tonight shake yourself loose tonight stir yourself up in your most holy faith my god is yahweh he's the lord strong and mighty he's a man of war he's coming to wage war on every other lover [Applause] [Music] come on in revival the church goes from dormant to militants in revival the church goes from dormant to militants come on just 30 more seconds we plead the blood over every corner of this nation we decree revival in europe we decree an outpouring of the holy spirit in germany god we ask for the salvation of the jewish people lord we pray that you would invade the middle east god break into the 10 40 window in jesus name come on come on look at the news what we've been doing isn't working we're not going back to business as usual drive-through church is over sermonettes produce christianity and god is raising up a remnant in the earth [Applause] they know their god says daniel and they will be strong and they will do great exploits but you got to know your god if you don't know your god this is just pep rally if you don't know your god this is just emotionalism you'll go watch pornography on monday you'll go cuss out your wife on tuesday come on it's time for a generation to have real active living encounters with yahweh it's time for marriages to be saved it's time for our kids to grow up and the fear and the admonition of the lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on just 30 seconds i i feel that the lord is kissing us tonight he's kissing us tonight i don't know what we're supposed to pray here what comes to you but there's some governing authority we have right now in this nation [Music] [Music] [Music] come on there's healing in the blood there's healing in the blood william seymour said that the color lines are washed away in the blood of jesus we declare that there's no justice without jesus there's no justice without jesus lord we pray for the healing of racism in our land can we just lift up our voices for 30 minutes seconds lord we're going to walk together hand in hand every tongue every tribe every nation [Music] [Applause] just sit down for a minute sit down for a minute i'm going to go off the script what's new we're in the hebrew calendar of the mouth it's time for a bride to find her voice [Music] again [Music] how many of you read the dream i had with dr fauci [Music] i had a dream in early march when the pandemic began to make its way around the world and in this dream i was standing at a press conference and donald trump and mike pence and dr fauci were there and donald trump was a ten attempting to make a prophetic proclamation over the nation that it was time for the saints to gather again and all of a sudden in the dream dr fauci turned into a giant rat and in the dream i run to the side of the stage bewildered thinking what in the world is going on and behind him was a line of asian looking businessmen handing him money immediately i heard god speak in the dream and say there is an attempt on donald trump trump's life to make him a puppet and not the trumpet i've called him to be i immediately began to recognize more than a virus this is a war on authority now regardless of what you think of the man we're called to pray for those in authority well he doesn't have any authority well the bible says to pray for those in authority so i automatically began to recognize there was a dueling of the mouths and upon further research i discovered that fauci means mouth then we discovered that this year in china it is the chinese new year of the rat [Music] says in daniel 7 25 that the devil would speak out against the lord's anointed and that he would attempt to wear the saints down and he would intend to make alterations to the time i'm telling you right now the two major wars in this nation is a war on the timing of god and the war on the authority of god [Music] these lockdowns these extensions there's a fight for the timetable in america there is demonic principalities and powers that are waging war against the authority of christ in this nation against his timeline [Music] wouldn't you know just go ahead and put a mask on your mouth just shut up just hide in your house [Applause] today we learned on fox news probably every news that apparently medical officials don't really have a problem with you attending a protest literally it says a hundred people but you can't go to church with more than 10. listen how about this we're here for a protest we're here to protest the kingdom of darkness and tell the devil you are a liar a deceiver you have been defeated jesus christ holds the kingdom to death hell in the grave and no man can guard his purposes in this nation come on give the lord a shout of praise come on i can't hear you i said give the lord a shout of praise you know recently east recently i was at a youth rally you can stand or sit whatever this youth rally the kids went they went off the walls i began to talk to them about sexual perversion just confronting openly sin and deception and the false gospel of accommodation that jesus isn't a salt and pepper shaker that adds flavor to your life because he is the life he is the way and he is the truth see the power comes from purity the life comes from death they went bananas altars demons manifesting screaming and an old man came up to me in the back and tried to rebuke me i know what are you doing this is like an emotional what is this this is the flesh [Music] something erupted on the inside of me i always try to honor the fathers and speak well of them but i felt that this was a divine confrontation not just for this moment but for a generation i said sir you know why we're lifting up our voices we're lifting up our voices for the 60 million babies in america that never had a voice that never got to cry that never got to scream that never got to have the life that god so we're going to shout when we want to we're going to sweat and get a little crazy when we want to we're going to make the devil pay we're going to make the devil pay we're going to lift up our mouth and say jesus christ is worthy may he get the full inheritance in the earth where were we [Music] in this encounter with the lord he said to me jeremiah many will be offended at my return for they have created a god in their own likeness and image and will deny me when i come with all my glory and power and splendor you must warn the church of the scoffing spirit that will come of the over emphasis of my goodness and never teaching on my severity of never proclaiming and warning of my wrath and judgment that is here now and is yet to come i believe that there is a scoffing mocking spirit in the culture that has come to twist your mind some of you are under a right now concerning who god is and i believe that god wants to break that spirit off of your life right now he wants to bring a purity a cleansing fire he wants to give you the mind of christ every perverting twisting worldly doctrine may it be broken off of your mind right now some of you are being bullied and intimidated during this time some of you had to finish school online and i say good because you've got more time to prepare for when school is back in session and you're gonna show up with one who shows up in the midst of the fire and you might have been like peter last year were you denied the lord but i'm prophesying to you there's a pentecost that's coming to schools in america where the presence and the power of the holy ghost is going to disrupt and is going to overturn a virus might have shut them down but the king of kings and lord of lords says it's time to open up open up o ye gates for the king of glory come on in jesus christ [Music] i got a virus that ain't corona it's called christ and it's just not going to come and go he's with me forever i'm a man or woman of god possessed on a mission to declare the majesty the supremacy of christ to a generation the only time you're putting me in a box is when i go under the ground [Applause] i'm telling you there's a generation coming forth out of the wilderness they're fiery they're zealous they're passionate come on who's tired of frozen chosen with pastor frigidaire come on some of you need to move churches you need to move cities the lord says i'm releasing a divine reset in the earth you weren't born to rot on the back of a pew you were born for the altars come on fathers it's time to rise up and begin to govern your home come on moms it's beginning to pace the floors and plead the blood of jesus come on grandma and grandpa it's not time for retirement it's time for refinement [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you might see dry bones but i see an army [Applause] [Music] i see the philistine giant in this nation and he's yelling at the church he's yelling from the abortion clinic i'm essential and you're not he's yelling from the liquor stores i'm essential and you're not and god is looking for the church of jesus christ to rise up and mobilize in his house and in the streets of america lifting up a shout of praise before the lord [Music] [Applause] there's one million people that are predicted to ascend in washington dc soon one million angry hurt if the world can mobilize a million people why can't we mobilize 10 million [Music] come on is jesus christ the hope of the world or is he not is he the good news or is he not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want to prophesy to you the lord told me that if the church does not rise up and outnumber those in the streets we will lose the battle on time we need worship we need prayer we need holy disruption we need a church mobilized in the house of god and in the streets of america i prophesy to you signs wonders and miracles are coming to a city near you there's revival and then there's riot come on somebody give god a shout of praise [Applause] [Music] you can be seated let me try to land the plane [Music] whatever that even means as god began to share with me about many being offended at his return which if you don't know is in the bible he says it timothy wrote about it said there's an actual reward for those who will love his appearing there's an actual crown of righteousness for a bride who will yearn for and long for his return there was deep grief deep intensity in his eyes i'm telling you god wants to mark end time messengers in this room whether you're 12 or you're 72 god wants to mantle and brand a generation with the fire that's in his eyes with the real deal encounter but god said to me after the encounter i felt led to fast and pray he said this to me in the last days there will be two dueling brides that will arise in the earth [Music] the lord said to me out of this encounter that in the last days there will be two dueling brides there will be a consecrated bride and then there will be a harlot bride [Music] i'm telling you in these last days when you look at churches and ministries there's either oil in their lamp or there's not i'm telling you some ministries and churches will never recover from the pandemic you're seeing department stores you're seeing places that have been in business for years not recover so it will be in the church for god is exposing many who do not have oil in their lamps they look more like disney world and the club it's more about entertainment and making sons of hell rather than calling a generation up out of their sin you were formally darkness but now you are sons and daughters of the light [Music] i don't see any harlot bride here telling you so many people are backsliding because they never front slid [Applause] well brother they lost their salvation i'm not really sure they ever met him [Music] [Applause] every head bowed and every eye closed not in the bible come on i'm looking for more than converts i want born again blood bought holy ghost field devil stomping kingdom of god men and women who are not afraid to open up their mouth in their neighborhood and in their city and in their nation and say jesus christ is lord [Applause] [Music] jesus christ is lord and donald trump is not come on i'm going to check you i'm going to check you come on political people are not answers to spiritual matters it doesn't matter who's in the white house it matters who sits above the circle of the earth i don't vote democrat or republican i vote biblical values [Applause] [Music] got some wild ones in here come on elijah the wild one from tish bites who came up out of the wilderness and threw jezebel down who confronted powers of darkness who crucified the false prophets of bell [Applause] my god it's time to repair the broken altar of the lord in america it's time to draw a line in the sand you're either in or you're out you're either a fan or you're a follower you're either lukewarm or you're not it's time to get on fire come on i'm telling you we're moving into days in the earth we're just going to church on sundays we'll not cut it because there's gonna be that whisper and that pull from the world that if you don't get baptized i'm not talking about save i'm talking about baptized with the holy spirit and fire so that you can combat darkness you can combat temptation [Applause] i'm talking about an apostolic witness being released in the earth power evangelism [Music] [Applause] [Music] the consecrated bride the bride has made herself ready the consecrated bride will marry herself you could be seated for just one more minute the consecrated bride will marry herself to the bridegroom king the man of war but the harlot bride will marry itself to the world and look like babylon [Music] in early march i was scheduled to preach in australia at an apostolic prophetic conference we were just coming back from canada and the lord said to me as i got off the plane crisis is creating the correct environment to call forth end-time messengers in the earth crisis has created a climate in the earth where there's a people who have been geared toward emergency there's a people who haven't fit in to status quo that in the midst of the silence of the quarantine they have chosen to engage in spiritual violence in the midst of the silence god is looking for a remnant to engage in spiritual violence you might have not fit in before the quarantine but i declare to the post quarantined church arise and shine for your light has come for even as gross darkness covers the earth the light of god will shine brighter and brighter for the word of god says that the path of the righteous it gets brighter and brighter so actually the increase of darkness in our nation is a prophetic sign to the church that now is the time to arise and shine not run and hide while i'll watch the livestream at my house no you're at bedside baptist with pastor sheets you're not engaged you're not participating the fire isn't burning hot you're growing lazy and lethargic that this isn't a pandemic this is a poor endemic [Music] oh we're disciplining the young men we're talking to the young people and they're more bound up right now than they were before we went in i'm telling deliverance ministers all hands on deck you got to get this generation delivered of their demons of lust now we've got to get them delivered from their hate and their unforgiveness from their brothers and sisters of another color i say let the ministry of deliverance commencing the church of jesus christ let it get messy let the services go too long let the stinking pot roast burn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on they said hallelujah glory and power and dominion belongs to our god may the lamb receive full reward of his suffering jesus everything that you died for i want released in my life [Applause] i'm not going to settle for anything less than the best come on don't make me quote vanilla ice anything less than the best is a felony come on there's felony charges that are being brought against the people of god by the devil himself he's trying to beat you up in your shame and your guilt and your condemnation and you could be here tonight and you're not where you want to be you might have slipped up and made a mistake but i declare to you that there is the lamb of god who shed his blood for the sins of the world he's the lion of judah and he's roaring from his throne saying come on young lions come on young lionesses come and rule and reign with me and establish my kingdom upon the earth come and destroy the works of the devil [Music] the devil is a liar he's a deceiver he's a stealer i love jesus christ but i hate the devil the power comes from purity it doesn't come from gifting [Music] god's been talking to me about the anointing of the donkey the lamb of god is looking for some donkeys that he can ride upon into cities and nations i have a need of thee but you know balaam the superstar prophet who had the word of the lord in that story the donkey can i tell you by experience and conversation that there are many ministries in america that have no word of the lord because they can't scam people anymore because they don't have money [Applause] i had a leader call me the other day if i told you his name you'd know it right away in deep tears and pain saying jeremiah i don't have a ministry and i sort of laughed and said well yeah brother most of us aren't traveling during the pandemic he said no you don't understand he said i realize during this time that i don't have a ministry because the gospel that i preach doesn't work i can't preach free upgrades and free breakthroughs and sow a seed and there are 66 people in here if you sow a 666 seed you're going to have the back of the devil broke off the 16th baloney [Music] [Applause] it's no word of the lord in this generation because we have people who fear man more than they fear god see we gotta buy the truth and refuse to sell it you gotta get sold out so you don't sell out i'm not bowing to any man or any god or any mammon because i've been bought with a price my head is as hard as flint the only god i'm bowing down to is yahweh [Applause] i said the power comes from purity not gifting the lord is dealing with pulpit idolatry in america [Music] he is levying judgment upon the pulpits in america who are pimping people with their gifting rather than laying prostrate on their face getting a real rhema word come on i'm tired of the croutons i'm tired of the stale bread i want a nice steak i want something hot i want something fresh i want something that cuts i want something that circumcises my [Applause] [Music] flesh they began to mock jeremiah in chapter 23. prophet tell us what is the burden of the lord and you know what jeremiah says to them you are a burden to the lord [Music] god is dealing with the false prophets in this nation he's dealing with the scammers he's dealing with the pimping and the prostituting and the spirit of hofney and phineas he's addressing the eli's the fathers who refuse to confront wickedness and sin in a generation he's raising up the samuels not those who will prop up the souls for a little bit of pocket change and a nice honorarium he's raising up prophetic voices that will settle for nothing less than the love and affirmation of their father god i've seen too many good men fold in front of a camera tested in obscurity failed in notoriety be careful that those doors and those lights that you so long to preach under don't become the very thing that exposes you we've got a generation ready to take on goliath that has never fought the lion or the bear come on we've got to get processed we've got to get fathered we got to learn how to persevere and get some integrity and character we gotta learn how to love our spouse we gotta learn how to be present for our children we gotta get off the porn and the sexual perversion and social media getting married won't help you it'll only expose the devil inside of you i declare to a generation there is freedom and deliverance from addiction by the blood of jesus i'm talking about ministry addiction i'm talking about being addicted to a platform and a microphone because you don't know who you are in god [Music] if you need to be in ministry you shouldn't be in ministry of all the addiction that we're talking about in the earth why are we not talking about ministry addiction and he's dealing with it right now church is over [Music] he's trying to rip the feeding tube from your mouth to a pulpit how many fathers have been exposed because they don't know how to disciple their own children because they were more comfortable with pastor doing it how many parents treat kids church with a twisted hannah syndrome you drop them off in a temple and then blame the youth pastor or the kids pastor for when they stray away from god because you never paid the price to disciple your own children [Applause] come on i sense a mighty revival in the house tonight i sense an awakening i sense a stirring i sense a sobriety i sense a remnant that's ready to roar let me just briefly mention the harlot bride because the lord got real specific with me wish i could share a dream with you about the dna of the consecrated bride maybe i'll share that at the gatekeepers conference the lord said to me that there would be five specific attributes of the harlot bride number one sexual immorality number two drunkenness number three tolerance number four greed and number five pride james reveals the core of the harlot bride when he writes you adulteress do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward god therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of god the consecrated bride is in love with the bridegroom and has developed a special relationship with him there's an encounter that the consecrated bride has there's a love sickness that comes upon her where they agree with the writer of the song of solomon your love is better than the wine of this world i'm not talking about religion i'm not talking about duty and obligation i'm not talking about getting burned out on roller coaster christianity because when someone preaches holiness or a standard we just get all fired up and try to meet the standard listen the standard his name is jesus christ and when you fall in love with him you begin to understand the deeper you go in god the less you can take with you the deeper you go in god the less you can take with you so what you once thought was okay isn't okay any longer because you've experienced a degree of affection and love and something that's touched you deep down on the inside of you where you stop sinning not because you're afraid you're gonna make god angry you stop sinning because you don't want to break his heart see there's a friendship there's a camaraderie there's a place of encounter that's going to set a generation free from sin cycles from worldly relationships it's not about you jumping through more religious hoops it's about you encountering the son of man where he wraps his arms around you where he speaks to your identity and your purpose and your destiny and you will not bow to any other lover [Applause] you know someone's bound in legalism when they repent for breaking the rules oh there's so much more than rules and laws there's deep love relationship folks i've done meetings across the country powerful moves of god and then we want to go drink alcohol after the meetings i want to throw a couple back want to have a few cigars whatever [Music] and i'm the young guy so all the fathers try to get me to do this with them and i'm sitting there thinking wow have you not encountered god to such a degree where his love is literally better than any substance on the face of the earth drunkenness one or two it does i'm not here to argue about can you have one you know how how close can i get to the line and still get into heaven no how about asking the question how much of heaven can i have on this earth and still have oxygen in my lungs come on it's time to get off the fence it's time to get out of the gray and live a life of black and white sin is sin i've been pornography free for 17 years [Music] i've never tasted alcohol in my life i was a virgin when i got married am i now boasting to you about my flesh absolutely not i'm here to declare to you that i am a trophy of god's grace i'm not here to condemn or manipulate anyone if you messed up praise god for the blood of jesus but i didn't get to where i am by rules and regulations and being afraid that i was going to hell or god didn't love me i got wrapped up in such a passionate hot love affair with jesus where when i stared into those eyes of fire when i saw a head that was white as wool when i saw the sacrifice that he paid on the cross so many things never became an issue [Music] the fathers asked well why not a drink i'm in love with a man and i'll just leave it at that come on are you in love with a man are you in a hot passionate love affair with jesus where the fire and the oil just leak out of you where his love compels you to preach the good news of the gospel oh i think we got some folks upset there's more there's more there's more the thing that's keeping you from a deeper encounter is you thinking you already had it sit down one more time i promise [Music] let me just finish this in revelation 18 babylon remember the harlot bride mary's babylon is described as having fallen before the wedding day says in revelation 18 2-3 and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit in a prison of every unclean and hateful bird for all the nations have drunk of the wine of her passion of her immorality the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality the harlot bride will be heavily involved and participating in worldly systems john first john 2 15 do not love the world nor the things of the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life is not from the father but is from the world we reach this final chapter in revelation 22 verse 17. it says and the spirit and the bride say come in other words the holy spirit in these last days is going to bring the consecrated bride in agreement with himself where we are going to cry out maranatha come lord jesus listen when jesus christ returns he's not coming to crash your party he's coming to start the real party i want to tell you [Applause] there's an eternal cry in your heart right now that the holy spirit put in every born-again believer the eternal cry of our heart is come lord jesus see saints some of you you're you're feeling the waves we we've we've got stirred tonight i mean there's all sorts of stuff swirling in here we cannot get to where god wants us without the help of the holy spirit i am not preaching works of of the flesh i'm not encouraging emotionalism i'm preaching encounter i'm preaching a realm of relationship with the lord where as we walk with him his love overwhelms us and things just have to go [Music] holy spirit we need you to breathe upon the consecrated bride like never before holy spirit we need you to bring conviction not man because if man brings it it's just condemnation but we need the holy spirit to bring conviction in this room that if we have given the devil an inch we know he'll take a mile so it's time to open up our mouth and confess and repent of any area in our life where he's gone in over the last 60 days and declare from now until the end of the year or as i say until he splits the sky i'm all in i refuse to backslide because i've learned how to front slide i'm not offense rider i'm a forerunner i'm a fire brand i've been branded for crisis i'm a messenger of emergency i'm a nazarite he's pierced my soul i've separated from the things of the world for love what if there's more than revival throughout this whole encounter i've shared tonight the lord cornered me one night in my house and he said jeremiah even if all the bodies were healed even if all the eyes were opened even if all the ears even if you saw he said there would still be a longing and a void in your heart that will never be met until you meet me face to face he said revival is just a foretaste it is a down payment of the eternal glory that we will inherit when jesus christ comes and splits the sky i declare to you that there has been revival at fresh start church but i decree a new season over this house where you are about to go beyond the veil there is about to be bridal training bridal mantling where there will be a greater cry than revival that will begin saints i'm telling you there are songs that are going to be written in the earth that will allure and woo the bridegroom to return there is preaching that will hasten the return of the lord there is intercession there is such a love sickness a romance that's coming to the bride that is so much greater than religion don't you remember when you met her or him and you were on the phone for eight hours and it felt like two i mean i'm talking about such glory and such romance you forget what day it is [Music] lord send revival but i'm telling you more than revival according to romans 8 23 and not only this but also we ourselves having the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons the redemption of our body i'm telling you even more than revival there is literally an eternal groan that god wants to release in this room and the groan is to help you stay awake in the midst of the culture that's denying his second coming they're mocking and scoffing well where is he [Music] we're learning how to live between the tension of his first and second coming [Music] we're not only carriers of the good news of the gospel but we are called to groan and ache and travail for more than revival but lord jesus would you come come to us in revival come near us in our city and come for us and return i want you to put your hand on your belly we need the help of the holy spirit if you have a prayer language would you just begin to pray god i'm asking in this room that you would help us to begin to transcend beyond the veil lord i ask for the gift of travail if you begin to get a groan i want you to groan it out i believe that mothers are natural travailers because they've already given birth i want to encourage you go ahead and just begin to groan begin to travail begin to pray jesus we're asking in this room would you mark us with eternity lord we put a demand on the eternal cry of our hearts come lord jesus we cry out maranatha come lord jesus lord right now mark end time messengers mark end time musicians and singers come on lift up your voice [Music] come on some of these mamas and grandmas we gotta pass the baton of the travail to the next generation come on there's a realm of revelation beyond the travail there's a realm of encounter beyond you caring what the person next to you [Music] [Applause] thinks come on if you want it to live feed it if you want it to die starve it come on if you want this thing to come alive you've got to feed it i want to open up these altars right now if you're feeling a groan if you're feeling the fire come on down i want you to kneel i want you to lay down come on spirit of prayer would you come spirit of travail would you come god wants to mark this house with eternity wow we want to thank you for joining us on the watchmen's corner today i pray that you are blessed as you heard this special message from around our nation we're going to have a time of prayer now but i wanted to ask you to consider sowing into the ministry of the watchmen's corner by your giving we are able to reach thousands at times millions of people from around the world there's going to be a prompt that will flash on your screen now you can do text to give you can give on our website but we want to thank all our partners and friends who are carrying this burden with us to present truth to a generation without compromise let's pray together now father we thank you for this time of ministry and impartation lord we lift up every physical need every financial need god we thank you for the seed that's being sown now into this ministry and we'll give you all the praise in jesus name amen thank you for joining us on the watchmen's corner we'll see you next time bye bye you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 35,754
Rating: 4.9254661 out of 5
Id: 5UO2qX8MDK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 10sec (6130 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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