Jesus & The Bride - Bible Overview In 9 Minutes - Ep2

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so in the first part we have seen that the Bible contains a life-changing story that God summarized in three profound verses of his book first God created everything beautifully but we decided to live life on our own terms which led to total moral chaos and then God sent his son to die for us and speak light into our life but to be honest this is not all of it because all we see here from God is a light in the darkness and that's what most people solve for many centuries a white beam in a black space seemingly cold and merciless and only a few people called prophets perceived something completely different about the light than the rest of their peace they always pointed to something glorious a reality that nobody else could see until Jesus came on the scene and what Jesus Christ did is solve the mystery of the Old Testament and give us the solution the full answer to what God wanted so like a prism refract natural light Jesus reveals God and what God ultimately had in store for Humanity so what is that well though God wants to rescue each one of us personally and bring you and I back into a relationship with him his master plan is a lot bigger and more beautiful than that God sees you individually but also sees us collectively and this is where it gets a little crazy but here it is Jesus Christ wants to marry us I know it sounds a little bit too good to be true but that's really what he says in the Bible that's why you hear sometimes people say that the Bible is a love letter to humanity well it literally is Jesus compares the relationship he desires to have with his people with marriage he is the husband and his chosen people are his bride okay now we will for sure examine exactly whether this is biblical or not but before we do let me add one more you certainly have heard that history repeats itself it's true you can see patterns that show up again and again so today I want to show you one five fold pattern in relation to the grand theme of the divine marriage you will be able to see this pattern in the major sections of the Bible which are the five books of Moses the Torah the history books the poetic books the prophets and then the New Testament all of these sections are divided in five subsections and they tell all the same story it's a love story the divine love story now before we go any further let us be clear that the Bible is a living book it's not a cookbook or a math look so if we want to press God into a form will always fail but all I want to show here is a model pattern which God repeatedly uses to tell the same story so the story starts with Jesus as the Creator creating mankind and thus his counterpart in his I have 54 with four we read your husband is your major so until he everything is fine God even gave mankind a miniature version of his relationship in the marriage of Adam and Eve and they had no clue probably about this but they were in themselves a picture of a divine relationship but the story doesn't end happily ever after there you remember what the two verses in Genesis expressed chaos humanity turned its back on God and got imprisoned but God is the savior and God loved his unfaithful wife and rescued her out of this situation to ramaya 31:32 says I took them by the hand to bring them out and they broke my covenant although I was a husband unto them says the rule so God saved his wife but after the rescue mission God wants to prevent any alienation again and leads her into a deeper fellowship with himself his aya 62:5 says as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride so shall your God rejoice over you and the Song of Solomon 4 9 says you have captivated my heart my sister my bride you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes in John 3 29 john says about Jesus he who has the bride is the bridegroom but still she mistress and wants to sort of things on her own while he continues to love her unconditionally God speaks to man's heart as he says in Jeremiah 3:20 surely as a woman creature ously departs from her lover so you have deal treacherously with me in Isaiah 2:14 says therefore behold I will Allu her and bring her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her and God does so till she understands this unimaginable love and runs into his arms and the end is happily ever after it's the wedding of the Son of God with his blood poured human bride we read in revelation 7 let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to him for the marriage of the Lamb and revelation 21 2 says and I saw the holy city the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God made ready as a bride adorned for her husband but to be honest most of these Bible verses were from the Old Testament and we could think that God only speaks of his people like of Israel so let's go to the first verse of the Bible where it speaks about marriage even before Israel was even a nation in the Garden of Eden we read in Genesis 2:24 therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh so if this topic is so important we certainly find something very clear straightforward in God's solution book so let's go to the new Testament open Ephesians 5:25 therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh this mystery is profound and I'm saying it that it refers to Christ and the church you see how crystal-clear the bile is so we we got already the first part of the puzzle now wouldn't it be great to have a New Testament verse for each single message of our five-part sequence we would need one that says that Jesus Christ saved the bride or the church and Ephesians 5 actually says exactly this that Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her next we would need a verse where the New Testament says that the bright room wants to have fellowship with the human bride and Jesus himself said that as long as they have the bridegroom with them they let's the believers they cannot fast meaning why should the bride and the bridegroom not have a good time when they are together but the Versalles implies that there would be a time where this would not be the case and this is exactly our fourth part where the bride waits to finally marry the bridegroom it's the time of grace in which we are at the moment Paul in 2nd Corinthians 11:2 says for I feel a divine jealousy for you since I be thrust you to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ and the last part the fifth part we have already seen it's literally the last verse of the Bible that says the spirit and the bride say come whoa I mean this is so overwhelming when I first discovered this in the Bible I almost freaked out it literally changed my life Jesus loves all of us like a bride I mean imagine the creator of the universe loves you like his brightnesses in describe this real lead us to worship and give us a full assurance and that absolutely nothing will happen to his bride without him taking hundred percent note of it and helping us in every possible way what an amazing God we have and I look already forward to discussing the five fold pattern in the main section of the Bible hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you're like clicking on buttons please subscribe here on cross panes yes because clothes pain mission is to ignite a passion in people for Jesus and we believe only the Holy Spirit and Scripture can do this and hence we transform the truth in the Bible in little explainer videos and if you want to support us because they take a lot of time and efforts and coffee we you can go to a website or subscribe to the channel or share this thank you so much for all what you do and we say the videos three is already in production and we say see you later
Channel: crosspaint
Views: 62,972
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Keywords: Bible, Biblestudy, how to read the bible, learn about jesus, Grace To You, Hermeneutics, How To Study the Bible for Beginners, creation, Book Of Genesis (Book), How To Find Purpose In Life, Gospel, Church, Ekklesia, Love Story, Jesus And The Bride, Revelation 19, Ephesians 5, Wedding
Id: y5VXSiXeO48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2017
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