Preparing for the End Times | Jeremiah Johnson

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you are born again there is imperishable seed that's on the inside of you and he has marked us for eternity and there is an eternal cry locked up on the inside of you and here it is come lord jesus just come in the name of the lord and i pray that you would receive me in the name of the lord i don't need any titles or accolades it really is all about jesus amen we are a part of a movement called the altar global you can kind of see on my shirt it says the altar preparing for the wedding day and the altar global is a movement of christians that share a common urgency and burden for the return of the lord in the preparation of the bride for that glorious day and so if you desire to follow us online you can go to the alter global instagram facebook you can also go to the we practically carry out our mandate through having monthly meetings in charlotte the last friday of every month we partner with a local church and have altar gatherings and then every several months we host alter national where folks all over the nation gather with a series of speakers we do have a alter school of ministry i have a couple of my team here with me there are nine in all there in charlotte but skyler is on the front we wave at everybody this is our school of ministry director my personal assistant a good friend we have a school on tuesday thursday nights again centered on the end times the preparation of the bride and then we have claudia claudia will you wave claudia's our creative director she's here tonight be uh taking photos and also in the back lobby we have some resources i've written 12 books total so far my newest one actually just came out on the 20th this week called houses of glory if you're interested in any of our books our resources t-shirts you can see claudia in the lobby and then lastly just a good friend chad is here i'm a bald head he has less hair than me but he's been a good friend traveled all over the world together got us here safely and just glad to be here i'm going to preach a message tonight called prepare the way i want to share a little bit of my burden with you that god has given me for the church for what god is doing in the earth and we're just going to ask god to release a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of who he is tonight i have personally been fascinated i've been captivated by the beauty of jesus i believe that jesus is going to win the beauty contest in these last days if you didn't know it there's a great beauty contest going on in the earth there are so many things and people that are vying for our attention that are vying for our affection i'm talking politics i'm talking hollywood i'm talking about your spouse i'm talking about your kids i'm really talking about anything and anyone that you can think of and in the midst of all these great gifts that god has given us may we be careful not to turn them into gods some of life's greatest gifts so easily get turned into gods and so my desire my hope after this weekend is that we would leave these gatherings together savoring treasuring being more in love with who jesus really is than ever before if not i'm not really sure why we're here because i'm really not that great it's a humbling experience being a personal speaker my words really aren't going to change anything this weekend our good ideas in america are really not going to bring change laws are not going to change human hearts the power of the gospel of jesus christ is our only hope i'm ready to put all my marbles all my money all my i'm ready to go all in on jesus i hope that you are too let's pray together father thank you for every person that's here tonight lord we thank you for your marvelous your great people lord thank you for the born again experience god we rejoice and we thank you that you've given us a new nature lord that the oldest past the newest come lord we thank you for filling us with the holy spirit holy spirit we ask would you come and reveal jesus to us god we ask that you would remove the blinders you would remove the veils you would remove the scales from our eyes lord we know that your word says in ii corinthians 4 that the god of this world satan has come to blind the eyes of a generation god as believers gathered here even tonight lord we lift up our voice for washington north carolina god we lift up our voice for america and the nations of the earth oh god we ask lord that you would wake up a generation lord a generation that's being blinded by satan his lies his deception lord we ask let light shine tonight god break into crack houses prostitution rings god break into washington d.c our friends our family lord we appeal to you god we look to you god we lift up our voice to you lord we say god there's nothing in and of ourselves god that can change anything lord we are feeble broken sinful human beings god without you we're nothing and so lord we say collectively tonight god we're in need of you lord like blind bartimaeus we say son of david have mercy on us god have mercy on our complacency our apathy our lethargy our lack of hunger and zeal and passion for you lord i call on your name do a supernatural work in us god plants seeds of hunger for righteousness sake in this congregation lord we declare that the best is yet to come over harvest church lord i say that we haven't seen anything yet lord we ask that you would do abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine it's in the name of jesus christ he is king we pray amen if you have in your bibles would you turn to isaiah chapter 40 isaiah chapter 40. i have personally been in a season in my life where i am digesting the book of isaiah i want to share a little bit tonight about what it means to prepare the way of the lord i believe that god is raising up voices messengers he's raising up communities of people in every sphere of influence i'm not just talking about preachers on a platform i'm saying god is raising up lawyers and doctors and marketplace people he's raising up grandmas and grandpas he's giving them a voice god is going to raise up voices of clarity in the midst of confusion in the days that we're living in there is a spirit of confusion and deception that is blanketing our world today it is just as isaiah said where people would begin calling good evil and evil good so slaughtering millions of babies in the womb in america is called good the lgbtq agenda the twisting of humanity the spirit of perversion that is strangling the church today there's a twisting there's a spirit of confusion satan is coming after children he's infiltrating the education system i thank god for his house i thank god for preachers but we have got to begin to recognize that you sir and you ma'am are called to be a preacher you are called to be a voice of clarity in the midst of confusion wherever god has planted you it's hard to believe it but i'm telling you the truth there are not enough churches and preachers out there to stop the deception and the spirit of confusion that are making war in the earth today we need marketplace people we need moms and dads grandma i hope you feel empowered today you have a voice not an echo a voice and god wants to release a fresh anointing on your voice tonight that when you lift it and you confront the confusion around you breakthrough is going to happen in matthew 24 in one chapter jesus warns of deception three times and what he alludes to is this the deception is surrounding himself i want to say something to you jesus christ is the crucial end-time subject matter jesus christ is the crucial end-time subject matter i just didn't say trying to figure out the seals and the bulls and politics and end-time theology and mid-trib and post-trib and pre-mill and all mill i believe you can get all sorts of lost trying to chart your course about the end times and trying to figure out who's for god and who's not jesus christ the person who he really is is the crucial end time subject matter and in the book of john chapter 1 first john 1 he tells us how do we avoid end time deception are you ready abide in the doctrines and persons a person of christ the greatest wisdom the greatest prophetic revelation the greatest piece of advice i can give you about the days that we're living in is we must at all cost radically commit ourselves to walking and manifesting a fresh revelation of who jesus is on planet earth paul went to the church in athens goes to berea finds men who are willing to study the word concerning what he's saying and then he goes to athens and he takes note that the athenians were individuals who craved something spectacular something sensational the greek says i have to wonder if what's happened in the charismatic pentecostal church in america is if we haven't become like the athenians where we constantly crave and thirst and hunger and flock to the next latest greatest sensational new every kind of spirit and every kind of new revelation but then when we preach jesus christ and him crucified we yawn it's like give me something and tell me something new and something great i'm here to tell you something new and something great the gospel of jesus christ brother i've already heard that scripture but do the scriptures know you brother i've been saved a long time yes but are you manifesting christ throughout your daily life are we looking like are we acting like are we talking like see there's this passion in my heart that grows every day that i'm learning how to steward that brings me to tears on occasions where i recognize i get comfortable with the god i really don't even know it's like the more time i spend in his presence and i ask him to reveal himself to me he begins to confront my pride in my intellectual arrogance that thinks that i know him when he humbly suggests to me jeremiah i've been stunning the seraphim for all of eternity there are living creatures and elders and seraphim the burning ones who are around the throne right now and they're so fascinated they're so captivated with this great glorious king jesus that they've been singing the same song for all of eternity and they aren't bored holy holy holy and they're just circling the throne and if you look into the text it's like every millisecond they're getting a different angle and a different perspective of the glory of our king jesus and it's like they haven't even seen him before but they're continuing to see him so my heart cries out jesus what are they seeing that i'm not seeing that causes me to be so distracted in my walk with you jesus what are they beholding that causes me to feel like i've already heard that subject rather than carry this oil of love sickness this fascination this aw this wonder this childlike lord my greatest desire in life is to treasure you what else is there a.w tozer said what would happen if those four living creatures escaped out of heaven and showed up to a church like you near you i don't know if you are familiar with what they look like maybe we'll get the eagle maybe we get the lion maybe we get the one that looks like a half human being and you gave him the mic 20 21 what are they going to say what are they going to preach what are they going to teach they're going to teach and preach about the one that's been stunning them for all of eternity he is the way he is the truth he is the life he is the pearl hidden in a field where the man came and found it and it was of such great worth and when's the last time he was so sweet he was so precious there was such a longing and ache in our hearts that nothing else mattered nothing else satisfied the preachers of old would call it a divine wounding where it was like an arrow was shot out of heaven that pierced your heart that that created a cavity of eternity deep down on the inside of us that no matter where we try to fill this longing this ache this wounding lord only you can satisfy but see if the scriptures are right and i believe they're true that he put eternity inside of us we can choose to starve that or we can choose to feed it are you feeding the eternity that god put inside of you by filling yourself with the knowledge of who he is or are we starving that place by being distracted westernized christians worried about everything else except our salvation and his coming i said i've been feasting on the book of isaiah you know why i just can't get away in chapter six i think we might get there tomorrow night i'm sort of throwing out like if you don't want to hear about jesus you probably shouldn't come back it's really all i got to talk about i don't know when we started making meetings not about him but i'm i'm done with that but he he doesn't see the lord until king uzziah is removed i wonder if we're living in an important hour in america where we're failing to recognize that it's only until god removes individuals in things in our lives that will really begin to see him for who he really is see i'm gonna believe that the holy spirit tonight and tomorrow night and this weekend and even as we go back to charlotte i'm i'm gonna believe that you're gonna feel a burning down on the inside of you i'm going to believe like john g lake described he said it was a god cry there was a god cry deep down on the inside of him i'm gonna believe like william seymour a black blind man who hungered for the baptism of the holy spirit he was so hungry even racist remarks did not hinder him from getting the baptism i'm going to believe that some people god is going to stir you up so big that no offense and no racial issues in america are going to hinder you from grabbing hold of all that god has for you in this season i don't think you need permission but if you need it i want to just give you permission do not settle for anything less than what god has promised you god help us to feed the god craving it's in there i'm in a season right now of just repentance and tears just saying lord forgive me for being distracted and god is giving me grace to gaze upon him again i don't exactly know where i sort of lost him as the center but if we'll ask him and we'll humble ourselves and we'll allow him to remove people and things in our lives he'll do it so in isaiah chapter 40 where we turn it's verse the end of uh excuse me verse 3 a voice is calling clear or prepare the way of the lord we know when john the baptist comes he quotes or matthew references this passage john the baptist came as a voice prior to the first coming of jesus i believe just as god raised up john the baptist as a voice prior to his first coming god is now raising up voices prior to his second coming that are going to be voices crying out in the midst of a confused culture and again all spiritual warfare is centered on the knowledge of who god is what sells better a teaching about jezebel judas absalom water spirits submarines uh i'm reading charismatic literature it's like we've got there's a hundred and eighty spirits that somehow you can contract now and they're selling like hot cakes because we are infatuated with whatever is sensational i i i've done television i i've done the it's like i'm convinced the kookier it is the more people like it but then books on jesus christ uh ii corinthians 4 the god of this age satan is blinding unbelievers the central issue of spiritual warfare is the knowledge of god the reason why they're bound and they're broken is because satan has blinded them to who god really is somewhere along the line in their whatever their bondage their deception their demonization the core issue is somewhere in there they don't really know who god is and i'm telling you god is going to raise up voices in the earth in every sphere of society who are going to trumpet who jesus christ is and we are going to see satanic demonic possession chains break just by simply declaring the crucified lord is king i hope you'll clap because it's got to be better than 16 ways to get rid of jezebel in 28 seminars how to get loose from absalom i'm telling you if we will come back to center focus and begin to declare the god of the bible jesus christ king of kings lord of lords he has no rival he has no equal this is not satan 50 in god 50. this is not some kind of tug of war between god and the devil and we're hoping he'll win the death of jesus christ his cross made a public spectacle of the devil his death has put principalities and powers underneath his feet but brother i got a family member declare the risen christ manifest the risen christ act like and talk like and be sound in your mind that's what they need for breakthrough to last for a lifetime oh i wish we'd do it the jesus way we're just on this roller coaster in charismania just we're waiting for the next what no one else is going to rise from the dead no no one else is is going to pay your debt every other preacher and man a woman of god they're they're they're not perfect we're just we set ourselves up for disappointment ah another man of god failed so glad you learned now been hurt by the church i wish they would have told you that on day one it became imperfect the day you walked in baby a voice is calling out verse 3 clear or prepare the way of the lord make smooth in the desert a highway for our god let every valley be lifted up let every mountain be made low and let the rough ground become plain the rugged terrain of broad valley to me i'm picturing a bulldozer i'm picturing when we say prepare the way of the lord we prepare the way for the lord we are confronting we are demolishing we are taking captive every thought that sets itself up against the knowledge of god we are recognizing that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're mighty for the tearing down of strongholds concerning who god is i'm telling you our hang-ups our sins whatever you want to call them every problem in life is confronted and meets a revelation of who god is when we see him for who he really is the only thing we'll be able to do is come into perfect alignment with who he is it's my daily prayer lord remove the scales remove the veils remove the blinders remove the distractions lord what am i not seeing that they're seeing there's grace for distraction we've got to get out of the boredom realm and get into the beauty realm our friend corey russell says god is not boring you are the average video game user in america ages 18 to 42 is spending seven hours a day watching video games folks i'm telling you satan is stealing the eyes of a generation if the eyes are bad the whole body is bad spirit of revelation where we really begin to see him for who he really is blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god god is going to raise up voices in the earth i'm talking about daniels and josephs i'm talking about kingdom marketplace men and women who will separate themselves unto the lord and they're going to be called on in an hour of crisis and when they're given opportunity they're not going to bow to nebuchadnezzar nor to pharaoh nor to their boss at work they're going to be faithful witnesses to the gospel of jesus christ i'm telling you bones are going to rattle in america i'm talking about god raising up hope dealers not dope dealers i said hope dealers in neighborhoods and cities that are going to cut off the plans of the devil before they manifest we are so what were we doing in 2020 vegging out on netflix taking my liberty here but folks what a year last year either to give in to fear and paranoia to hide in our houses and become addicted to non-eternal things where we could have spent an entire year gazing and giving ourselves to pure and simple-hearted devotion to jesus we could begin to come into alignment with the prayer of david i have set the lord before me he is at my right hand therefore i shall not be shaken i'm telling you covet 19 was a pop quiz there are more pop quizzes coming to america there is more shaking but you know what i don't fear in fact the writer of the hebrew says to be in fear to death is still to be in bondage when i got born again i lost the fear of death because for me death is gain not loss see i believe over the last year and even this year there should be a triumphant joyful demon casting out tongue talking oil throwing whatever that you however pentecostal charismatic but folks this is our finest hour this is the time to arise and shine not run and hide preaching to you the king of kings the lord of lords the bright morning star the king of majesty on high who has no equal who has no rival who is not up in heaven pacing back and forth worried about what's happening in our world today in fact we know in psalms 2 he in the heaven laughs he looks down at the kings of the earth who rage against him who plot in vain he who sits in the heavens laughs as his son jesus asks for his full inheritance in the earth folks we serve a mighty god of god before me covered who i know people want to throw away the word of faith movement they want to throw away the hagans and the copelands and because of the prosperity thing and made people go sour but folks i don't see that gift of faith operating in the church today i i hardly meet saints who when they've got a prayer request they're not leaving the altar until it's answered i think we could use some of that i'm not i'm talking about faith in god not faith and circumstances i'm talking about we have inherited an unshakable kingdom we would be unstoppable we would be like men and women who would turn the world upside down and again i'm trying to tell you it's not going to come from another seminar in another conference smith wigglesworth said one day people are going to read their bible believe it and turn the world upside down oh i love jesus do you jesus we love you we honor you we adore you god our master our savior the lover of our souls god where would we be without you god restore the joy of our salvation this weekend god come and wake up your people lord god release the urgency of the our lord eternity's clock is ticking we've got to have oil in our lamps we have got to have the knowledge of who you really are god remove things i just if you will just for a minute can we just ask them lord would you expose tonight would you remove the things in our lives that are distracting and are hindering pure and simple-hearted devotion to jesus we know that you're coming you're preparing the way god let it be so in our life god release a fresh conviction in the room god release the fresh fear of who you are and our nation once again god we've grown complacent we've got grown way too comfortable in your presence holy spirit help us if you flip over real quickly to isaiah chapter 57 we just read in verse 40 a voice is crying out prepare the way of the lord it's talking about mountains being leveled and valleys being raised up this bulldozer isaiah 57 14 build up build up prepare the way remove every obstacle out of the way of my people there it is again i believe that god is going to come and remove people and things in our lives that are distracting us from a red hot love affair with him folks i believe that the answer to a compromised world is a church on fire we have a hard time getting people saved because they're looking at us last year the lord put a phrase in my mouth like a mandate to ban miserable christianity i really don't understand why so many christians they look miserable they're depressed they're lethargic and i'm running around thinking to myself like just time out like just just ponder this for a minute we are the dwelling place of god you didn't hear me like it's astounding that we haven't like blown up i'm talking about the god of the universe has taken up residence on the inside of me on the inside of you there is incorruptible seed on the inside of you that will never die i'm about to fall out this isn't good preaching this is the bible well pastor betty lou is sick in the hospital why aren't you going and praying for her i touched on this earlier but folks we have relegated christianity to preachers on platforms and you look out at the world today folks another shooting another another it's not going away i i i want to speak from the spirit of god i believe america is on course to be so overwhelmed by our inability to bring change to be stripped of our look at america that the only where to turn is the gospel our world it's spinning out of control at an accelerated rate faster than ever before it's not going to be our good ideas and our good programs and another anointed preacher and clap for them that's going to change things it's going to be the people of god you are the light of the world going to be you in your neighborhood and your city you do not have the spirit of the world you have the spirit of god living on the inside of you we do not hate we love we forgive you come on now telling you the rubbers meeting the road of what we just profess amen hallelujah praise the lord and again leonard ravenhill used to preach christians do not tell lies they just sing them in church waymaker mirror when you walk in the room what if we just freeze frame the 20 30 minutes of worship tonight and refuse to go on until it became more than words in a lifestyle what keeps me going is this picture of the glorious spotless bride who knows her bridegroom king is coming oh song of solomon your love is better than the wine of this world it's this bride this people that are so in love with jesus that they just can't help but manifest him in the earth it's not a struggle anymore it's not miserable christianity anymore it's just god whatever you need in my life to make room for you it's not even a sacrifice anymore it's a desire man and that great when your marriage gets to the point where what was once hard and you sacrificed for one another just simply became a desire for love not honey look what i've done for you but honey thank you that i get too oh i had to throw another 40 in the offering plate ugh oh god thank you that we get to like what are we talking about folks it's his money he just gives it to us and lets us lend it back to him he who gives to the poor hallelujah lord do a supernatural work in our hearts fill us with your joy father fill us with your love overwhelm us amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me god help us not to remember help us not to forget where we came from lord if we've grown self-righteous and entitled thinking that you owe us something god would you forgive us lord i don't want to be like a spoiled brat in your kingdom i don't want to be like a bridezilla making all these demands on the bridegroom lord i'm just i'm thrilled i'm grateful that you've included us in your eternal plan for all of the ages verse 14 remove every obstacle we can't really see him and behold him and encounter him until he removes every obstacle lord i want to know you i want to see you lord i want your fire put something on the altar lord i'm hungry i'm thirsty i want to grow i'm going to learn folks church attendance isn't going to cut it remove every obstacle out of the way of your people i believe that jesus is going to win the beauty contest in these last days the vying for our attention on our affection the ward the wrestle inside of us god's gonna win that wrestle this weekend he's gonna become our treasure it's i don't believe in doing this evangelism stuff where we ask people do you know god i mean folks hello you know god we know god we all know god what does that even mean anymore we knock on doors and we don't ask him do you know god i ask him do you treasure him not talking about knowing about god knowing him i have a brother in a federal prison serving a long-term prison sentence grew up a pastor's son just like me what happened he knew about god but he never really experienced god he refused to allow god to remove things in his life that were hindering love see god wants to remove the pornography he wants to remove the video game addiction he wants to remove the things you know what what i found about god is this the deeper we go in god the less we can take with us it's like he literally wants to swallow us up in such a way where he doesn't take away your oxygen he wants to become your oxygen oh man he's not trying to get you to give up he wants you to give in oh it's so much better his way we have got to stop telling god by our actions and our decisions that we are wiser than him i was in the gym the other day watching a television program and it was some ted talk about why you shouldn't discipline your children and there's a little crowd gathered around and i'm literally sitting to myself saying there is an anti-christ agenda just it's everywhere stopped at a coffee place on the way here looked on the billboard a life group for those struggling with homosexuality everywhere that we go in our world today there's this come over here come over here come over here let me temporarily satisfy your needs but really i'm gonna make you more lost than you were before the exchange see i i want this this is this is what i want in in in first john you don't have to turn there but this this is oh did i mention i've got four kids nine seven five two [Music] yeah lord bless you brother let's take up the offering again what what what what is it about like burning for jesus when we're single and then we get married and the fire goes out and then we have kids and do 9-5 and 401ks and yeah but brother we still attend church yeah but that fire that passion that love that desire for prayer and intimacy and the word of god it just unless we fight for it see folks i i don't i don't know i gotta believe there's testimonies in this room of a marriage that struggled and years past you have to fight you have to fight it's a covenant not a contract i'm not feeling it it's not bible language it's a young man on the internet couple years ago infatuated with jeremiah johnson wouldn't leave me alone email me brother i love your ministry i love the television and the travel and you're around all these famous people i wanna you know get to know you do he just wore me down to be honest with you i said yeah come on come spend one day with me he shows up and he says what time are we going to wake up tomorrow i gotta believe you probably wake up at three or four to pray i said nah i'll just wake up when the baby cries she cried about 6 am changed her diaper kids ready for school took him to school jump in the truck for school had some errands took him on the date night with my wife awkward and at the airport the next day he's like like where was the secret to the sauce i said it's called a life of faithfulness love the lord your god love your spouse love your kids be a fan like that's a mighty man of god some of us are like yeah man i mean i'm i'm with you like love jesus and but i've got a family i've got a wife you don't know about this i've got a job i've got a i'm telling you the central issue in all of that is the knowledge of god one encounter with him changes everything my best example that i tell people is when i met my wife i would like to consider myself a very busy bachelor at the time taking 18 credit hours i cleaned toilets 40 hours a week in college i wasn't one of those wealthy kids who mommy and daddy paid for everything i was totally on my own had to go to bed early to get up to start the shift at 4 00 am before class at 7 15 this girl morgan dilly shows interest on campus and it was like all of a sudden i wasn't that busy all of a sudden i didn't have to go to bed early in fact we would stay up talking till four or five in the morning for weeks and somehow i find the strength and the resolve to keep going to work and keep passing tests what happened i had an encounter hello you had that kind of encounter yet with jesus i can't i got this and this and this and this and folks i just i know when his love touches our hearts it's not what time is service over it's all man we've got to leave my mind is my life has been transformed by encounters like knowing you're supposed to pray you need to pray and i went set the alarm clock i showed up i gritted my teeth i bared you know this is what men of god do i'm crying out to the lord saying god i know there's there's got to be more than duty just this religious going through the motions and lord there's you know he said to me jeremiah i love to hear the sound of your voice when when you open up your mouth i hear my boy i'm not a busy dad in the sky that doesn't have time for you i'm attentive to your cries folks i literally went from the guy gritting my way through prayer trying to shut off the alarm at 6 am to up at four with the smile on my face couldn't wait to spend time with dad because i knew when i lifted up my voice he heard me and i was special to him first john promise i'm landing the plane a guy said a preacher gets three closes before they're a liar first john 1 what was from the beginning what we have heard what we have seen what we have beheld with our hands handled concerning the word of life and the life was manifested and we have seen and bear witness and proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the father and was manifested to us what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also that you also may have fellowship with us and indeed our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ see how it was tangible see i don't want to just be a good american christian that goes to church and i know god you know i wanna have that personal relational tasted touched grab hold of interacted with and the wonder of it all that this great and glorious almighty god would share fellowship with you and i when's the last time you've cried lord bring tears back to your church i fear we've grown more prideful and arrogant through this past election season i fear that we've become mouthy not the humble bride but the mouthy bride i feel that so many in the church have a need to give their opinion and to act out on what they feel rather than humbling ourselves before the lord recognizing jesus is the hope of the world i want to close by just asking you who is jesus to you who is he really god yes but even that if you didn't know is up for debate online jesus isn't god that's what they say remember when i told you that jesus christ is the crucial end-time subject matter telling you the anti-christ spirit that's raging in the earth and by the way is already in the church it's going to challenge who jesus really is see there's this war in the church concerning do you believe the god of the bible or are you in love with the god of your own imagination does our god look like and act like and talk like and agree with everything we have to say i hope not see we now associate truth with feelings so if it doesn't make me feel good it can't be the truth when i'm going to tell you in our world today the more it doesn't make you feel good the more it is the truth what's wrong with gays and lesbians and trans they're in love see we justify and we have made way for a gospel of feelings bound in deception that is breaking open the pit of hell and again i want to go here one more time folks the days of relying on the pulpit preach it preacher some places we travel they say tell the truth and shame the devil folks the hour we live in you preach it preacher telling you there's this honey i love you you're my daughter i raised you in church but if you continue to sleep with him and drink you're not staying in this house see that there's this battle that's knocking on doors and you're in your workplace where the spirit of the age and the antichrist agenda in a false gospel god will forgive you do whatever you want it used to be where no now now preachers are preaching this false prophets and teachers filling churches telling people what they want to hear as if making people feel good was the goal of the gospel lord i want to i want to know a god who came who died who rose again but more than a homeboy jesus is my homeboy more than a friend folks he's god and we're not treating sin casually creates casualties those were the words of steve hill at the brownsville revival that ignited a tremendous harvest of souls do you want to see souls come into the kingdom in washington be faithful to preach the god of the bible and not the god of this culture the goal was never to put butts in seats excuse my language rear ends the goal is to make disciples we're not looking for fans of jesus we're looking for followers what is love brother this doesn't seem loving love tells the truth love confronts love is more concerned with where someone will spend eternity than offending them now love cares more about where someone will spend eternity than appeasing them right now who is god to us a.w tozer says what comes into our minds when we think about god is the most important thing about us what a statement what comes into our minds when we think about god is the most important thing about us man's spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of god for this reason the greatest question before the church is always god himself isaiah said to whom can we compare to you o god we sang it tonight to whom can we count your equal psalms says the lord is high above all the nations his glory above the heavens who is like the lord our god get this who humbles himself to be concerned with the affairs of men it's like what are we even talking about have you ever contemplated that god literally humbles himself to gaze into your life this just makes me want to love them all the more see some people get offended god doesn't need you it makes me love them more that a god who didn't need me chose to have friendship with me anyways god sends your power god doesn't send power he is power hello he doesn't like give off ten percent battery life and have to go charge back into the throne room and hook up he's just a hundred percent at all times all-powerful all-knowing all glorious he's matchless he's wonderful this great and glorious god he's immortal he's invisible he dwells in unapproachable light that god has chosen to have friendship and relationship i'm so thankful oh did we just treasure him a little bit tonight we just love on them just uh you just want to pinch them give him a few more kisses a few more hugs see folks when when god becomes the most important thing in our lives i believe praise and worship will overtake entire communities like do you realize when when we have the right view of god that this entire sanctuary will erupt be like the old testament again where they didn't gather around dry dead stale churches they gathered around the presence of god my heart's burning it's like those two men on the road to him his god is so gracious he dies and he rose he raises he's alive and these brothers are like walking back from jerusalem like some of you and me and they're like man i kind of hoped he was who he said he was like the disciples who ran away from christ in his most desperate hour some of us tonight are not where we need to be not where we want to be not where we long to be and we just need to get real and raw and stop praying pharisee prayers which are meaningless long prayers that just save your breath just get real and raw we need to get to that place tonight where it's just like lord there's this thing there's this person there's there's this idol call it out there's this sin there's this distraction i need you to remove it in my life putting it here on the altar lord again knowing that you love me and you love me too much to leave you leave me the way that you found me i know come as you are can't mean stay as you are because the love of god is transformational when it gets down on the inside of you you can't go back well we want to fight about whether you were born gay or not listen i'll let you fight about that but i'm here to tell you you weren't born again gay this is there's something that when you come into contact with god almighty you can never be the same again oh and as we get transformed and we experience him and we become like him we become the greatest agents of change the world has ever known and we just can't help but share the good news have we made it too hard have we made it too difficult have we complicated this gospel maybe but you can choose tonight what you want to do with it how you want to respond but he comes back and he makes the guys who deserted him on the cross breakfast they probably thought he was coming back for the beat down you little i trained you and i taught you for three and a half years and i hit a rough patch and you say peace out bro but see there's this god that's forgiving he's gracious he's the god of second chances he's here tonight even even if you're just you're stuck but you're like help that hand from heaven can reach down into the depths of your soul and pull you out right now where you need to be and go you just gotta ask for help there's one thing that separated the godly from the ungodly in the old testament you know what it was the godly called on the name of the lord godly called on the name of the lord i want to encourage you tonight call on the name of the lord and he will hear you when you cry the men on the road do emmaus their hearts are burning and he's revealing himself through the law of the psalms and the prophets god wants to take some of you tonight on the road to emmaus he wants to reveal himself to you once again through his word i'm not talking about a dry religious i've read the bible in 365 days a year and i can't even tell you what i read i mean i'm talking about fresh fire on devotional lives i'm talking about fresh anointing on your prayer life i'm talking about hunger filling this sanctuary i'm talking about an expectation a holy expectation for the harvest of souls that god wants to bring to washington north carolina i'm talking about fresh tears all in wonder the joy of our salvation saying god how could it be the god who hung the moon the stars the god who knows every s every little thing of sand every hair on my head that god died and rose again that i could have all of him that i want and more hey it's jeremiah johnson i want to thank you so much for joining us at the altar global a growing movement of christians who have a burden a desire for the return of jesus christ and the preparation of the bride for that glorious day i want to pray for you today i know that you have needs desires things in your life that you're hoping believing that god would answer but before we do that i want to just extend an opportunity to you to partner with the altar global in your prayers your financial support god is gathering a remnant of folks who just have a desire to partner with us on a monthly basis or maybe you're even watching today and you just want to sow a one-time seed i want to let you know as the founder of this movement we're going to take the money the prayers that you sow today and sow them right back into the kingdom of god we're seeing souls save the church come alive like never before missionaries church planners being revived because of what god is doing you're going to see a number pop on your screen you can text to give you can even click on the link in the comment section and there'll be an opportunity for you to give there so let's pray today father thank you for those watching today lord thank you for the ministry of the holy spirit that is participating even with the bride saying come lord jesus but i ask that you would meet every need today lord i pray for breakthrough i pray for salvation for lost loved ones god we believe that we are living in the greatest days that we have ever known in the name of jesus amen thank you so much for joining us today stay tuned for another episode bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 3,813
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Id: MfRgfHlTB6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 55sec (5215 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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