Preparation For The Final Crisis -- The Coming Great Depression-Jeremiah Davis

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and there have been those who have asked me they said where can we take these messages and study them sometimes there's not enough time to study all in one night you know last night i had to rush as i was getting to the end and i'm i'm there and i'm saying lord i and the lord said just take your time go through those meetings because these things we're living in are so significant brothers and sisters but sometimes we need more time and you want to be able to stop and study and pray we will have materials people have asked about eating better trying to follow the principles that we study in the book of daniel and revelation we will have cookbooks that are not only for adults but for children because when god changes anything in our lives he always wants to give us something better is that right every time god takes something away remember this every time god takes something away whether it's in diet or dress or education or recreation whatever god takes away from us he only wants to give us something better in its place and so when god takes away the foods that are making us sick and unhealthy he's not just going to give us healthy food he's going to make it taste good amen i don't know about you but i like when food tastes good and we will have some of those things available right when you go out in the back those things will be available not i hope that we don't sat in the heart of god if he's laid all these precious things out for us and we don't take advantage of it you know somebody would say pay this this thing or that you know for children we'll buy them shoes like michael jordan's hundred dollars or all of these fancy things today but but for salvation what will we do see brothers and sisters we have come to a time when the mere profession of jesus is not enough where the mere attending of church is not enough god needs to do something in our individual experience because they're going to be those who say they love jesus they say they yes that they are christians and jesus is going to look and say i never knew you and they're going to say but didn't i lord didn't i and jesus is going to literally say i i never knew who you were what do you mean god who knows everything doesn't know us and so brother since this is the greatest experience we're going to be talking depending on how much questions and answers we have we're going to begin dealing with the work of preparation because to know that a crisis is coming and not to know what to do is a tragedy that's a tragedy to see a train coming and to be in the midst of a track on the track and a train is coming and yet not move to the right or to the left that's a crisis but if we know crisis is coming and then we see what jesus told us to do and in the love of god we do it we don't have to be afraid we do not have to fear if we place our dependence on jesus christ what do you say and so tonight before we get into our question and answers and then begin to deal with some more depending on how much time we have of these events we need to go back over number six and really understand it really understand what it means somebody heard me say the virgin mary who what what was all of that about but we want to we want to see clearly from the bible brothers and sisters god has given us everything we need but the greatest work of preparation the greatest experience that we're going to have to have is a relationship with jesus christ what do you say i'll say this before we stop and pray i was reading through this book last day events maybe about 10 years ago i remember that when i gave my heart to the lord in 1997 and i made a full surrender i said lord whatever you want me to do and teach i'll do it i'll teach it i said but lord i want an experience myself and i remember i was reading through this book and i got to a place in the book that i was reading and i i literally i i could not i could not come to grips with what i was reading i'mma read it to you in a moment but i just gave my heart to god fully and completely and i said lord i want you to come this is 1997 i said lord i don't want to wait year after year after year i want you to come soon lord and you see if we be honest with god god can help us did you know that you see if we don't if we're not honest with god if we would just tell them lord i don't love you lord i don't know how to pray lord i don't know how to study lord i don't know how to surrender my life lord i don't know how to prepare i i'm more interested in watching television you know if we are honest with god god could hear us and help us but it's when we lie to god and say lord i really love you i just love doing everything i enjoy hours of this and god said now you know you're this even only yourself but if we really say lord i know that i have more interest in the world i love the dress of this world the fashion of this world and i need you to change me lord do you not think god knows our heart you know i think that god knows that we need to be changed and if we would just be honest with god he can help us and i was being honest with him i read this statement right here listen to this page 126 last day of events page 126 it says it is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger a vast responsibility is developing devolving upon men and women of prayer men and women of who a prayer throughout the land to petition that god may sweep back this cloud of evil and give a few more years of grace to work for the master somebody says what's wrong with that when i read that and i said lord i don't want to pray for you to give us just a few more years i said lord i don't want to pray that i can't pray that i literally don't want that lord i want you to come immediately now of course i didn't know what god has been revealing to me now i didn't understand in this detail the type of experience that i would need with jesus but i tell you something brothers and sisters i read this statement a few months ago and i honestly said lord i can pray this now i have no problem playing this because if god did not intervene if god did not hold back the winds just a little longer we are in the last few months did you hear what i said i am praying with all my heart now lord give us a few more years just a few more years lord just a few more years hold back just a little bit longer because the majority of seventh davis has not a clue what we're talking about right now it's not being preached from the pulpit it's not coming in our papers when the pope made his visit to america our paper said don't worry the sunny law is really not coming and i didn't say in those words but it really said this was nothing to to get excited about this is nothing new but do you understand that this present pope is a very serious pope i told you other day that when popes when they choose name benedict is not the pope's name you know that right his real name was what rat singer but anytime a pope is selected pope just when they're in that room where they're getting ready to choose he gets down his knees and he begins to make petitions for a particular name to be chosen because the catholic church believes that in that moment when that car know becomes a pope that in that moment a man makes a transformation from being a man to becoming a god and so there on his knees he said that that god he said that as the spirit impressed him of what his name should be for the pontificate benedict is 16 and that's no ordinary name brothers and sisters i've told you that when you have a benediction to a program does it come at the beginning or the end this is the pope of the end my friends this is the administration of the in america we're watching something that's going to bring the greatest change that the world has ever seen and we're not ready we're not ready our children are not ready our children right now today they find more joy playing video games they find more joy in basketball and in football they find more joy and all these things in the world and we our children have to go through this too we're not ready we should be willing to stare in our hearts and say lord as a family as individuals young people help me lord and if we'll be honest you know god can help us do you want god to help us let's pray that god will hold back i pray you know i pray lord gives this give us a few more years before this law can be passed because there's a greater work to be done in our physical and spiritual preparation that you and i have not even begun so let's ask god to help us amen if you're reverently kneel with me oh father i'm just so thankful for the love that is in your heart lord we are not worthy we're not worthy lord if it were not for the grace and the blood of jesus i could not stand before this congregation but i'm so thankful lord that you can take a man and change him and that lord you can take us sinners and make us saints that you can cause the blood of jesus to empower us to draw so close to you that we will know you and love you that will be willing to make any change any sacrifice because of love i pray lord as we study tonight as we ask questions and answer them through the bible we pray for the wisdom of heaven we pray lord that you'll make things clear that you would show us what we need to begin doing so that when the crisis breaks that we'll be secure in the arms of jesus none abide with us lord we pray remove every distraction in jesus name amen [Music] i want to begin tonight you know we said that we want to have a moment of question and answers because often times when we start studying there are a lot of things that may be a little fuzzy a lot of things that may be unclear and we might want to sometimes say well a little bit understood that but there's something i need a little more clarification on or well i'm not sure about that tell me can you give me a little bit more information about that or this point or that and we've covered a lot of information amen we've gone over 200 years in america and we have condensed it and we have covered a lot of grounds but there are a lot of points that because of the constraints we have not been able to deal with but maybe you might have some questions and we're going to do it two ways one of the ways that we're going to do is that if you have questions that you may not want to ask out loud you can write it down amen then those questions will come to us but if you don't mind then you can just simply uh take one of the microphones and ask a question we don't have a handheld do we if we can get a handout huh if do we have do we have a cordless mic no cordless mic if we can bring a cordless like mic down please and what we'll do because the save time of everybody having to walk up and come to the front we want to get those microphones to the person and just let them ask it and then we'll take it back but first thing we'll do i see a few questions here this is a question someone handed it to you okay so we'll we'll look at this one and then we'll have some questions maybe you have some from the floor but one of this says what does it mean to pray in the most holy place what does it mean to pray in the most holy place now my brothers and my sisters when we talk of the most holy place what are we dealing with where is the most holy place what is that about that's in that sanctuary is that right now what i'm going to do is because i'm going to try to deal with a lot more questions that are dealing directly with what we've been studying amen now if we just have some questions we'll try to come back to them we'll do some more questions and answers as we move on but tonight because of time restraints and and so forth we want to try to focus specifically on the studies that we've been studying amen then we'll go on as we have more time we'll answer some more of these questions but i'll say this i believe it's most important because if we don't know how to pray we'll never be ready for the crisis we found that it's very important now in the same trade the bible tells us and we're going to deal with this maybe wednesday night but the bible says thy will god is in the sanctuary now the century has three places what are the three places of the sanctuary outer court the holy place and the most holy place and each of these three places there is a particular work that needs to be done if you have a house how many rooms do you just have one room in your house or more than one room why do you have three rooms in your house because they're different works that needs to be done is that right you don't try to use the bathroom in the bedroom at least i hope not or you don't try to go to sleep as it were in the bathroom at least you're not trying to you see and so these different rooms are because they're different functions they're different works their different duties and so when you pray each one of those rooms have different functions that need to be done there's something that is done in the outer core there's something that's done in the holy place there's something that's done in the most holy place and if you begin to study you begin to see that every part of your life changes as you move through that sanctuary there are certain things that you can eat in the outer court that you can't eat in the holy place there are certain things you can eat in the holy place that you cannot eat in the most holy place there are certain things that you can wear in the outer court that you can't wear in the holy place there are certain things you can wear in the holy place that you cannot wear in the most holy place if you want to stay there there are certain things that you can do in the outer court as it relates to recreation all the rest there's certain things you can do in the holy place but there are certain things that on the day of atonement than the most holy place you cannot do are you with me and so with prayer there's certain works that needs to be done and unless you are praying for the work that is to be accomplished in the most holy place then you're not praying in the most holy place are you with me so the only way that you can pray in the most holy place is by beginning to learn what is the work that is accomplished in the most holy place are you with me well we don't have time to get into detail that tonight but i want to give you an encouragement this is how if you've asked this question that tells me you studied a little bit about the sanctuary amen because the person who hasn't they wouldn't even ask this question so i just want to encourage you if you begin studying the work of the most holy place then you begin to learn how to pray in the most holy place all right what does eating clean meat have to do with your salvation well this has to that's just again dealing with what we talked about in the saints where you see whenever you're eating flesh or any type of animal i told you before god has a plan is that right and in god's plan he's trying to bring us back into the image of jesus christ i think that's a wonderful plan what do you say where he can take a sinner and through the plan of redemption restore in him the perfect image of jesus christ now i want to ask you something the purpose of redemption is to take us to the place that when god finishes with us we can live with him in heaven is that right now in heaven are there going to be any killing in heaven revelation 21 1-4 says there will be no death in heaven will there be any killing of fish in heaven will there be any killing of beef in heaven will there be any eating of of of chicken in heaven so these things won't be done in heaven so that means that god's work is to bring us back to the place where in our diets we leave flesh completely alone we leave meat completely alone so that we will be prepared for our heavenly lifestyle because in heaven nobody is going to be running with a pitchfork after the cows amen nobody's going to be running fishing in the river of life for fish to eat i don't care how good we love and search somebody said the other day well didn't jesus eat fish yes he did when he was an outer court is that right he did not eat it in the most holy place he will not eat in the most sort of place it did not happen it won't happen you see if you're an outer court you can eat fish it's all right but if you go into the most holy place where there's some things you have to let go now if you want to hold on to that that simply means you can't go in the most holy place and in the most holy places where the seal is placed on the foreheads so you have to decide whether you love food more than you love jesus or whether you love jesus more than you love anything else so with diet dress and everything in this world there are some people that love adornment more than they love jesus and so they'll be willing to hold on to those things and jesus simply says if you come where i am in the most holy place all of that adornment is laid aside and in the most holy place when you're trying to get the jesus and those people they're going to be saved the bible says they're going to follow the lamb where's the lamb right now if you love jesus you want to be where he is and whatever sacrifice that means you're willing to make it so that you can be with jesus do you see this is the secret to be with jesus this is the point if you love god love is revealed in sacrifice it's revealed and laying no things that those things aside that will get in the way between the one you love it's an issue of love the whole the whole plan of redemption if you love him you're going to do what he says if you don't love him you may say you do but you won't obey are you following me jesus says if you love me keep my commandments okay now that answered that question um i want to move is there any question in the congregation yes i have a question uh you've been uh talking about the financial crisis right i i'm gonna go to 29 and i'll go back to some things that you said in 1929 the financial crisis before i took that black tuesday everyone was buying stock would i be correct or wrong on that you you are correct and there was an up it was a down and it was a up and it was a doubt and those men that had money to 21 go down they appease the people and they put their own money in now my question is coming you talked about you told you do you remember you talking about jake uh and joseph talked about the lean corn the fat hog i mean the fed dogs fat calves and so forth i want to you for you do you see a similarity or do you think that the crisis that we're in now will will fluctuate or act like the same in 1929 that's a good question now the key is to understand the economy you see in 1929 the stock market was not the foundation of the economy do you understand the stock market goes up and down not the economy there are booms and bluffs that are created as a result of contraction of money or an expansion of money but the economy is very constant you see the economy is constant so when you look at 1929 economists today say that the stock market crash is not really what caused the great depression there was something else that caused the great depression and you remember that the federal reserve system in fact there's documentation i have literally right now today i have documentation from the federal reserve themselves where one man was being tried after the 1930s by the government and they asked him did the federal reserve cause the stock market crash and he said yes we caused it based on our policy the way we run the government i have an actual uh statement right here from the federal government themselves they caused it and they said so the stock market going up and down any you can create a stock mark going up and down you know why a few weeks ago the stock market went down 778 points and then up a thousand points it's because of the people who invest their idea of what happens all the stock market is it's not something complicated all the stock market is is the stocks in between inside of companies and all the dow jones is that talks about the fluctuation going up and down the dow jones is just an average of about 30 of the top industrial companies that that they give an indication of what's happening in the economy and so they take an average of that and that's what they call the dow jones and so when it goes up and down that is not really indicating the the the idea of the economy all that is doing is giving spurts or booms and busts it gets catalysts but it does not change the economy do you follow me so what i do see is i do see there will be a continuum of fluctuation in the stock market that's true there will be a fluctuation just like it happened 778 down then a few weeks it did what thousands so in the we will see a fluctuation in the stock market up and down but tell me something when you saw the gas prices they were up at about three dollars almost four and it went down to two dollars do you think that made the economy get better do you see see it is a deception of the devil to have us focus and think that that's what the foundation is but the bible says the axe must be laid to the root of the tree so what is the root of the economy not the stock market you can close the stock market down and the economy can still function you know that right but if you shut down the federal reserve system the economy cannot function so satan says according to psalms 11 3 if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do so yes i see a fluctuation in the stock market that will make people think that things are getting better and worse and better and worse but the reality is if you understand what we study about the monetary system that we have which is based on the federal reserve system which is a monetary system of fractional reserve banking that tells us that it's just getting fraction and more fraction and when the country put that 700 billion dollars in what really happened to our economy we are struggling in vain to place in a more secure basis so it will look as if it's fluctuating but the bible says it's just going to get worse and worse so we have two things going on one what looks like before society another which is the actual real economy was taking place and yes that is exactly what is going to take place and it's going to send us into a great depression worse than what we saw in 1929 all right let's have another question i'm a mother of small children and i was wondering based on what you're saying about the economy should we then not be preparing for our children's education or our 401ks or what should we now be doing that's a good question now i am eventually going to explain a little bit more when we deal with practical principles of preparation but i will say the idea of a financial crisis is not so that we don't educate our children no matter what we need to give our children education is that right but it needs to be a right education it needs to be a true education there's a difference between true education and false education is that right and so what we need to be doing the the the closer we see the smaller amount of time we have the more intensity we should be in trying to educate our child more and more upon the true principles of christian education this is what daniel's mother did you remember that the mothers in zion when they recognized that a crisis was going to come and their children were going to be thrown down in captivity and they were going to go through a horrible crisis the mothers knowing that that crisis was coming you know they begin doing they begin to start to educate their children like never before was daniel educated but he was the most educated person that they had in that time babylon came down never saw anybody as educated as daniel and you have to understand babylon had just beat up on egypt and egypt had some of the wisest men in the world and for daniel to stand 10 times higher god wants us to be the most educated people on the face of this planet but the type of education is based on a christian bible education the bible education education should be the foundation of all the bible should be the foundation of all by education now i will tell you it is not safe to send our children to public schools at this point inspiration tells us that both the bible and the spirit of prophecy says it is not safe to do it we will lose our children by sending them there uh you if you you need to be praying diligently lord whatever i need to do and sometimes it may be unsafe to send to some christian schools you have to pray and say lord you tell me what school and if it has to be my own house then you tell me because we're told in volume six of the testimonies page 195 and 196 that before this crisis really breaks that god's people are going to have to grab their children into their own homes and begin educating them upon the principles that will prepare them for this final crisis and how to live in the midst of a time when no man can buy or sell this is true education uh okay so we will deal with that a little bit more in detail but no we don't want to put we don't want to put our education off we want to make sure we give them the right kind of education do you see uh our retirement plans well i'll just tell you there's no retirement plan right now you know that right there's no 401k literally do you know do you understand that right i saw a cartoon one time on the newspaper and they had baby they had a man that was surfing on a surfboard and then they had a wave coming on the man surfing it said social security and benefits then it had a wave coming on the way they said baby bombers you know what that meant baby was getting ready to wipe out all of that do you know that when the baby boomers come there is 53 trillion dollars of liability that the baby boomers bring beginning from 2008 move into 2011. 53 trillion dollars you know how much 53 trillion is no we don't know do we 53 today presently america as a whole 10 trillion 53 trillion that's over four times the amount of all that america has done and if that is just the baby boomers do you think we have 53 trillion dollars to put toward retirement right now we don't have 53 trillion dollars even for our economy so there is no retirement plan that is just a promise that we cannot come through books have been written one is called the coming generation storm the other is called running on empty it is not it literally is not there the only retirement plan we can have is by trusting in the lord jesus christ and making provision the way he said there is a way to prepare for what's coming joseph talked about preparation we need to be preparing but we need to say now lord what is your plan of preparing for this crisis that's here because this regardless of what the america does it will it will not be able to bring us out of the crisis when there's nothing they're struggling in vain so our a retirement plan must be based on a principle that god gave us about preparing for this uh last day issue okay let's have a another question let's go with someone who has not answered yet and then we'll okay [Music] yes okay i said it really fast but uh the night before we talked about it i i gave a french word you does anybody remember what the french word is laissez faire does anybody remember what lanza's fair means friendship no regulation that means hands-off uh and what it was was it was a form of government that was in vogue in america you have to understand when america was started they wanted to start because the pilgrims left from england and they wanted to get away from a type of situation where they were controlled by religion by popes and priests and a type of situation where they were controlled by governments kings and priests so they wanted to set up a government where there was little regulation in their social life and their economical life and their government life and their religious life they wanted the government to take their large space freedom of religion freedom of government freedom of sociality so that as long as we're not hurting anybody else let us do what we want to do free market that's what they were saying but in 1929 before that they were lobbying trying to keep losses fair but in 1929 the depression of the economy got so bad that the people said we need the government to interfere we want the government where it was hands on don't help us we said now we need government help do you know that welfare came out of the new deal did you know that all of our social security came out of the new deal social security welfare uh associate all of this what we talk about as benefits benefits for the people from the government all came out as a result of the new deal it was government intervention where before they didn't want government intervened and what i said was we are going to that same time now that we've been longing saying hands off for the government we don't want the government to touch us we want freedom but as of 2008 as we begin to go down and it's going to get worse and worse the crisis is going to become so for severe that for sake of help the people are going to say we want again an intervention of the government do you see but this time not just the government is going to intervene it is going to be an innovation intervention of both church and state we're going to want not only the government because they're going to say the government cannot intervene and help us by themselves we need also the church power to help us so that we can get back into favor with divine favor and temporal prosperity and this new deal that's going to be offered as an image of the beast a union of church and state by the enforcement of a national sonny law and they believe that's going to bring them out of the depression that's what bible says that's what spirit prophecy says but is it going to bring them out of the depression you know what inspiration says that when they pass a sunday law that national apostasy is the sign of national ruin it's actually getting much worse and people who thought because the evangelicals today believe in something called a secret rapture have you ever heard of the secret rapture the secret rapture is so secret that the bible doesn't even know anything about it but but my friends the bible says every eye is going to see jesus when he comes now guess what happens when the son-in-law passes and before satan was sending storms but when the sunny law passes actually god is going to start sending storms and he's going to pull back his hand completely over the united states of america and it's going to go into national ruin and then the people are going to think that they've missed the rapturing and we've moved into the tribulation period because they've been always taught that they're not going to be here for tribulation so they don't have to get ready for any time of trouble or tribulation or you're going to miss that so when the triple-a trouble starts the time of trouble starts the people are going to say maybe we have not been raptured out and so they're going to think that they're in the midst of that tribulation period they are going to be in tribulation but there's going to be no rapture and so then it's going to be time for somebody to bring members of the remnant church or understand this and can explain to the sincere christians who now see that the sunday law was not what they should have done and many of them even legislators are going to give up uh their belief in the son-in-law judges pastors of different denominations and other faiths priests all the rest many members and other churches are going to see that they have been deceived and they're going to start studying the bible follow what god says they're going to stay take this stand among those who believe god and jesus christ all right imagine this i just wanted to bring to your attention that the communication department is concerned that they're recording the program so anyone asking a question needs to come to the might amen amen all right we just want to make sure you know if you've ever been hearing a message and sometimes you can't hear the questions have been asked when you're listening so they just want to make it so that everybody can hear what's going on all right can we take another question yes i would like to know i believe everything that you have said concerning the time of trouble but what will precipitate this time of trouble what is the role of the seventh-day adventist message in precipitating the time of troubles i keep i keep hearing about the sunday blue law but i observe the sabbath so i've got a a problem here i'm either going to be loyal to the commandments or go along with what but if i'm not going to be loyal now i won't be loyal when the pressure comes that's right amen amen so my question is what will precipitate all this bloodshed okay what will precipitate the bloodshed that's what what we said was now remember now i put up on i put up on the handout the other day i showed you where it says at the same time anarchy is you know what anarchy is that's how long i said that you know it says anarchy is seeking to sweep with all law not only divine but human the centralizing of what so watch now watch cause and effect if if i if the wind blows and then you see uh curtain move the curtain didn't move by itself are you with me what was the cause of the curtain moving the wind so you have to look at cause and effect watch the cause we're watching is the centralizing of wealth and power now watch the effect of this the vast combinations for the enriching of the few at the expense of the now watch the if when the few come together to enrich themselves and leave the majority out what are they going to do the majority the combinations of the poor classes for the defensive entry in other words they're saying all the few those rich financiers who have been stealing all the money away james 5 talked about it they've been keeping back their money by fraud now they are crying out and it's getting ready to cause a revolution the ones who have nothing now they're going to say wait a minute you've been stealing all of our money this system has been cheating us this reserve system with no reserves because we put all of our money in the bank and now there's no money we put all of our money into retirement and now we are baby boomers we've come to the time we need that money and now there's no money there do you know there's going to be a man army can you imagine you working all your life to to have an essay to retire on and then all of a sudden the bank says there's nothing you say wait a minute you mean there's nothing that if the the combination of the poor class for the defense of their interests and claims the spirit of unrest what else of riot and bloodshed so what caused the spirit of unrest and right and bloodshed what did it see but come on what would it say this centralizing of so this whole thing will begin to hoard the money and put it within the hands of the few likers now right now today while the majority of people are losing their money do you think that there's still some people that are still getting rich i showed you where it says what now while the rich is getting richer what has happened to the majority of america where is my paychecks are stringing he's using the tweezers paychecks are shrinking for how many millions of americans what does this mean for your future well we know exactly if you study the prophecy if your child alive we study this what this means for your future is that it's getting ready to break out a revolution that just took place in france like we saw there a revolution of the poor classes for the defense of their interests we're going to see labor unions coming together like never before we're going to see rioting in this season they say wait a minute you're not paying us nobody's picking up the trash you've been seeing this reason have you no truck man no no nobody picking up trash no man working in the offices businesses shutting down it's going to be terrible now this is what is getting ready to take place and i told you the other night that most people think that the the catholic church is the largest uh group of people in america i read this where it says here it talks about the catholic church and it says that there's about 67 million members of the catholic church in america but is there any other larger group than that we showed you where it said this is from time magazine of 2000 in time magazine of 2000 they did a special store on the baby boomers did you ever get it look what this says the baby boom has always made its what it's always from the very beginning of time they move through it says and now it's redefining growing old from work to family to money here's how boomers are writing the next chapter so who's the one who's going to really write the next chapter the baby boomers now watch what this says the 50 things started hiking well i'm going to jump past this without that much time go down it says for so long the generation born between 1946 and what 1964 an estimated 78 million so the catholic church 67 million america but the baby boomers how many 78 million it says and uh has been in collective denial as the years added up boomers couldn't be getting older although amazingly everyone else seemed to but while they're still inclined to moments of self-delusion in other words uh they're saying baby when we're trying to deceive themselves make them think that they're they're young and then they really are have you ever seen anybody do that do we have any baby boomers in here do we i'm gonna keep going it says no one ever guessed that i would be fifty they can no longer escape into intimations of their own mortality the oldest bloomers will turn 55 next year talking about 2001. and then it says in asia when many people begin thinking seriously about retirement then it says even the youngest members of the over chronic chronicle cohort are on the gus of grecian formula time but my point is that the greatest amount of americans today are baby boomers the popular demand is going to be for the son-in-law and we know that at the root of everything is the love of now tell me if you are getting ready to retire when do you need the most money when you're working or when you retire when do you think satan's going to pull the plug when do the baby boomers start retiring he said is it going to happen that has already began do you understand we're on a time clock that the time is ticking now where there's only it's an impending crisis that's over us there is inevitable this financial crisis that we cannot get away from it because the moment the baby rumors are retiring it begins to add 53 trillion dollars because of medicare because of social security because of all the things that they're exposed to and we don't have that this is what the whole thing is about when i showed you in the paper when i showed you this when it said when one nation under death from usa today it says when the baby boom generation begins retiring in 2008 the us government social security and medicaid costs will skyrocket and this is unbelievable we have already begun this we are on a clocking time that's going down down down and they said the crisis years is between 2008 and 2011 because then the brave woman should go for for retirement that can happen before that are you following me but what we're seeing here is an inevitable impending crisis that we cannot escape from now when the economy goes down that's inevitable when the crisis finally breaks and the economy fails what do you think that's going to mean for our social life in america you have the greatest amount of people who need the most amount of money with children and family with nothing i'm not even going to tell you see if all i used to do i could say this is getting ready to happen i don't even have to say it anymore i just put up the paper and they tell you it's happening you know they said it's going to happen i got this in 1999. i was doing a meeting like this in 1999 explaining what's going to happen now watch what this says and i put up the education 228 we just read that but watch what this says it says if large numbers of americans are going financially belly up and boom times because remember this is the 90s in the 90s we were in the longest expansion of so-called timber prosperity that america had ever seen is that right the 90s booms many became millionaires and the 90s booms get into the stock market and just throwing their money up and all of it was quiet fake money but then nevertheless they were using it and people were accepting it but the countries are now beginning to wise up and recognize that america's money is now no longer as good as gold i told you now today we were coming back from bermuda during the meeting something like this and we're coming back from vermillion bermuda they don't even want as much american money as the way they used to did you know that they have things where they're changing saying wait a minute you better get some of this money we don't we don't we don't want this money anymore the the the public are beginning to wake up around the world that this is they're pulling back because of this crisis now this says why have americans abandoned the practice of setting aside surplus money in other words that people are no longer putting they're not saving the money anymore most people today are living on debt did you know that they're using credit cards they're using uh different debt loans and so forth in order to live and to make things living but what happens when those loans are contracted and taken back now this says they're not saving surplus money at times plenty tied them over during the lean years interestingly they use the expression the lean years then it says perhaps americans don't believe that the good times are ever going to end does the bible say it's going to end the spirit prophecy is going to end is it beginning to end now where we are in 2008 now watch what's gonna happen on the ends this is what they say this is this is the height of the boom in 1999. they say or that there is indeed such a thing as an addiction to shopping is there such a thing as addiction to shopping or perhaps buying things have become the antidote to growing to a growing sense of depression however temporary the relief the point is this if large numbers of americans are going financially very up during times of boom what's going to happen when the economy weakens you don't really want to think about it because standing behind today's over-the-line deadbeat is an army of ordinary people who just make ends meet on a month-to-month basis is that right one little push of financial adversity a family illness a loss of job and uninsured debt theft and they're over the edge many economists are both mystified and worried about the virtual disappearance of the american savings ethic so do you see the fear they're saying what happens if all these people these millions of people who are living from paycheck to paycheck if their financial adversity comes and on times of booms they were going bankrupt what is going to happen if we go through a real depression now watch then it says however while the popular culture likes to portray america as a nation of shareholders in truth only a minority are actively tied into wall street you know do you understand what they're saying in other words they're saying when the wall street loses money that's not really the common people you know that right most people don't have a large amount of money in the stock market that don't have a lot of money you follow me so when the stock market goes up and down that's not really affecting the large populace are you following me so when you watch this talking about go up and down don't let that fool you my friends because most people don't have their money in the stock market that are really the ones that are living for paycheck to paycheck they don't have enough money to barely make it they're not putting money in the stock market so the stock market going up and down it's not really affecting them you're following me there is somebody else that's affected when the stock market's getting hit it's the rich people they're getting infected now i want to go there tonight anyway it goes here to say it says a minority actually a time in wall street a mere four and 10 americans can own it can even own stock and of that group a rather large percentage have portfolio so small that they are they they add little people they're not really rich to have uh stock market or stocks it's not really much to really affect anything then it goes down and says of course many of the blessed few with major stock gains have accelerated their spending based only on paper profit should the market take a dive the stock only family would still be responsible for making payments in its new forty thousand square foot mansion while the wealth upon which they confidently made but basically saying they won't be affected they may have to sell a corvette but what does that mean they get rid of they have ten core vests they leave one down well okay you know they have 10 hours they give up one that that's not really affecting them but then it goes on they say it says we should i'm looking at that last paragraph we should be worrying about the people who don't own anything but think that they do we return to the late night tv commercial couple who act and live like middle class homeowners based solely on the ability to borrow lots of money so he said don't worry about those people who are having all that you need to be worried about the people who don't really own anything but they think that they do then it says they it says men owners based on their ability to borrow lots of money the reality is that they are so far into debt that they don't even own the termite holes in their houses that's serious isn't it they don't even want to turn my holes in their houses unfortunately there are an awful lot of them now watch when the economy goes into reverse now this is 1999 booming it says when the economy goes into reverse as it will inevitably do what does inevitably mean so we can't it's an impending crisis we can't avert it even if we put 700 more billion dollars in because they were asking for another stimulation package now i take the stimulation i use it for the lord's word but brothers and sisters that's not helping the economy they're talking about another one even they put another 700 billion or a trillion that's only making matters worse when you understand money is giving us fraction fraction fraction to where we have nothing now brothers and sisters nothing we can do when the economy goes into reverse as it inevitably will do america is going to have a serious social mess on its hands that's right my friend we are headed there when do you understand in 2008 and you say in 1929 they didn't think that they were getting ready to go through a depression you know that right it was prosperous they had been going through about a nine year prosperity in the 20s they called the roaring twenties they were prospering everybody was doing everything women would be given rights it looked like everything was going good it looked like the underclass were becoming privileged the woman for the first time we're getting ready to be able to vote and inequality and we come back now do we see not now look like we're coming to a good inequality or quality we come to the same pressure and now everything's about to churn i hope anybody if you do don't forget i did a meeting like this a few weeks back and another place and i called one of the series the new deal and all of a sudden a man just about two days ago he emailed us some information he said you won't believe it's absolutely unbelievable he said do you know that on the front cover of time magazine that's getting ready to come out that they have obama dressed in federal frank franklin d roosevelt's hat with a cigar in his mouth and then it says the new new deal the man said how can we how could you have ever known long before it happened because we were preaching about this new deal almost a year ago and about the christ is the actual name a year ago but before that we've been preaching years ago this was happening but we gave it a new deal name about a year ago they said how did you know but jesus told there's not no wisdom in us jesus said i tell you before it come to pass so that when it come to pass you might we are entering the beginning of this and in 1929 you went to stock market field they never could have believed in just a few months that people would lose everything people jumping out of the windows killing themselves it was it was terrible we are going there now my brothers and my sisters and unless we make the preparation we might start doing the same thing everybody else is doing amen all right now you ask that question you say well while i go all that i want to cover a little bit that tonight anyway amen so i wanted to kind of put that in the same time as the question now is there any other question all right see your hand here this is a two-part question and you may get to it in your following sermons but i'm doing the outline of the events that are happening before the second coming yes and if we're looking at the financial crisis now as adventists we've been taught for years that it's going to be a time of trouble and just recently i've heard that they're actually too a small time and a great time is that in fact true or is it just one time of trouble and where does it fall in the line of the events that's that is a very good question did everybody understand what you were saying now i am going to have to deal with that a little bit more uh another time but i'll put this up there just to help us a little bit just so we can get it a a deeper understanding of this then as a there's a more detailed chart here since 1844 was taking place now the national sunny law is right here you see that we are about right here do you follow me because when i look we showed you that the national sunny large starts the mark of the beast just before the voice that shakes the powers of the heaven and so that means the marketplace has to go before that and then we saw a financial crisis it's just before the president's senate in fact the financial crisis is the last thing that has to happen in the secular world before it gives the ability of the threefold union the roman catholic church protestants and spiritualism to unite so that they bring on the image of the beast the new deal the national sonny law so this is the last secular event before the last piece of spiritism comes in with a new deal but so this is here now in the national sunny law the national sunny law starts what is called the little time of trouble little time of trouble all right now we can call it you can call it many names the reason why we said little this time we can because we also talk about the big time trouble trying to differentiate it you see in daniel 12 1 it says and there shall be a what now go to daniel 12 1 for a moment daniel 12 1. look at what it says it says in daniel the 12th chapter beginning in verses 1 daniel 12 beginning and verses 1. the bible says and at that time shall what michael stand up who's michael according to the bible this is jesus michael should stand up the great prince was standing for who the children of thy people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that is found written in the book now we must understand that time of trouble when michael stands up you know when you study all throughout the bible of daniel 11 and 12 when when whenever a power stands up that means that the kingdom has just switched hands kingdom stand and ryan one king will rise you read from daniel 11 all the way to daniel 12 it always talks about kings standing standing and every time a king stand it makes it means now he takes the throne he ascends the throne and so when michael stands up it means the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our our god at the same time it recognizes the close of probation not just for the remnant but the close of probation for the entire so daniel 12 1 does not take place at the national sunny law daniel 12 1 takes place uh down here at the close of probation for the whole world are you following me so you can call this a little time of trouble or you can call this an early time of trouble meaning it comes before that starts at the national sunday law are you following me but when the sunny law is passed there are going to be people in the first day churches that are going to church on sunday that love god is that right some of the people who passed the sunday law they would not have known that they had been enforced in the mark of the beast is god going to just give up on them and say no more for you no ignorance god wings had it so at that time from the national sunday law to the general code of probation we're going to have the people who have been faithful in the remnant church the ones who have been faithful are going to be shaken out receive the mark of the beast the ones who have been faithful are going to receive the seal of god they're going to be in power with the latter rain they're going to give the loud cry in other words they're going to give the final message to every nation kindred tongue and people that's what it's going to happen and they're going to give it to all the different churches and different ones who had never understood the truth and after the son-in-law going to hear for the first time and make their stand now during the national sunny law from the time of the national sunny law all the way into the general closing probation they're going to be many people that are killed and martyred for their faith they're going to be put in prison some are going to be paid fine some are going to be tortured heinous things many deaths but the ones who know jesus they're going to make it through and they're not going to be afraid at all if they know jesus but if you don't know jesus it's going to be at times of so severe trouble that you're going to wish you did at that time then people who had not been paying attention people who are not interested in the bible who are not interested in coming to church who are more faithful with the world and everything else then they're going to say i want to know jesus but it's going to be too late for some of them now when the whole world makes a decision either to accept the seal of god or the mark of the beast then god is going to stop his work in the most holy place throw down his sensor and say it's done and at that moment as soon as jesus steps back in between man and the wrath of god the first plague starts falling from the seven last place and plague one starts plague two takes place and then the people gonna say unless we can read the people of those ones that are standing for the seventh commandment unless we can read the whole world of them we're in trouble and so they put what is called a death decree to try to kill every remaining person who believes in the creator god and is standing for the seven day sabbath and in one night they're going to try to kill every member every person who believes in the truth for these last days but praise the lord god's not going to let him do it he's going to intervene at that point with a seven plague his voice is going to be heard he's going to shake everything cause the great earthquake and then uh well it's so big if you read great conversation so sweet the the rainbow that goes around god's people the people that the enemy is going to be trying to attack them uh men in the form of demons with weapons that is going to fall harmless to the ground they're going to back up off of them they're going to fall at the feet and worship them who they persecuted oh it's gonna be a wonderful time if you're connected with christ but before that it's gonna be a most terrible time until god delivers his people now we'll go back to that i went through quickly but the national senate law starts that now between the national sunday law and the what starts the closer probation is what is called the universal sunday law when we say remember when i first started i showed you the last act of drama is the national senate law but then it's going to become worldwide remember i showed you that volume 7 144 revelation 13 is said to start in america with the two armed beasts then it says that the whole world what one wrath of the beast that will receive his mark so it's going to start as a national song in america but it's also going to go until the sunday law is not going to only be in america but it's going to be what so we can call that a universal sunny law international sonny law worldwide sunday law that at that point is going to be when everyone is testing on that the whole world is going to make the decision either for the seal of god the mark of the beast eternal that's any set and then the angel's going to go back to heaven and say the sealing work is complete for the whole world and at that point jesus is going to say it's done are you following me so as we look at that we see in between the national standalone universal saying law it can be anywhere between about a year to a little over three three years did you know that and some people think some people think that running after the sunday law is going to be about two weeks and then jesus is going to come but it's not like that there's going to be some time of living that we're going to have to do at this sunday lord's past and if you cannot buy ourselves it's going to be a very serious thing if you i mean to not buy yourself for three weeks is serious that right but to not be able to buy and sell for a year or more than that because inspiration says we will have time to grow small fruits and vegetables now have you ever grew fruit before i have a strawberry patch back where i live in the country and on the first year when you plant it the strawberries don't really that's small fruit they don't really grow that that profusely the first year you know that right when you start looking at this the small fruits it takes several months for the smallest vegetable i had some green turnip green oh some of the sweetest tournament you ever taste turnip roots before it tastes bitter i'll turn the roots taste so sweet can't wait to go back and get some amen but but but when you when when they start growing collard greens they take it takes a good little while when you start growing these things and so you begin to start seeing you you're talking fruit trees and the rest and we have some dwarf trees that are growing and we put them in start making sure that that we get them as soon as they come and you you follow the principles but the point is it can be anywhere between one year to a little bit more than three years and i'm telling you most people don't know how they're going to live during that time they say well god will just take care of me is that right but what if noah had said well god would just hold me in the palm of his hand so i'm not going to build an ark would that have been faith that would have been disobedient is that right faith says whatever you tell me to do i'll do it and has god told us what we should be doing for food has he told us what we should be doing during this time in the national sunny law but most of us we don't know what it is or if we know we say it's not for me now and let me tell you this let me just quickly say this oh i'm looking at the time getting away and i say oh they want to go home but brothers and sisters when i really look at this and i see the crisis that's taking place going to the country is not for hiding did you know that some people you represent the purpose of country living oh well somebody has to be on the front line they try to make it like they're tough they're going they're going to stay in the city and somebody has to brave it out where is that in the bible where is that in the spirit of prophecy you want me let me tell you what this prophecy says let me let me just let me just quickly deal with that just for a moment now you didn't ask this question but but let me answer it amen let's see what it says book evangelism page 78 listen to this this is from last day events page 96. let's know what it says it says for years i have been given special light that we are not to center our work in the cities the turmoil and confusion that fill these cities the conditions brought about by the labor unions and the strikes now we know the time that's going to happen knowing when the economy goes what so we're beginning now the working class are beginning to to line themselves up for this i've seen papers where they're already talking about strikes on major levels because of not getting the money that they need now this says it will prove a great hindrance trying to work the cities are to be worked from our post say that with me outpost now the very idea of outpost is that you're not in you are outpost said the messenger of god shall not the cities be warned shall somebody tell the people yes shall not they be warned yes not by god's people living in them but by their visiting them to warn them of what is coming upon the earth i mean think about it this way here i am and i'm saying a great crisis is about to take place in this city they say where do you live why live right down the street from you do you see a problem no saying it's going to rain it's going to rain a great storm is coming well the people say well what are we going to do and they're looking around north said well you know i don't know i guess well i just been preaching struck us because destruction is coming noah had an ark that went along with this preaching is that right something that was in direct relationship to the crisis because think about it he didn't have a plane because he was preaching that what was coming so he had whatever he was building testified that he believed and what he was preaching was coming are you following me and we're not preaching water is coming we're preaching that a time is coming when the saint law is passed where no man can so that that means if we believe that the life that we should be building the ark that we should be building is a way of life where we can live when no man can or do you see does it make sense so that we can go through that crisis just the way that ark took north through his crisis because northern just preach he built is that right and his building testified that he believed what he was and so we're not only the priests that a son-in-law is coming in the time of joseph the jews just say a fireman is coming and so well we just let god take care of us did joseph do that did he make practical preparation and got ready for those lean years did god take him through but he took him through by following the counsel that god had given him so today god is the one to take us through but he's going to take those through who believe and follow what he has said amen amen now let me read one more let me just get to the point it says when iniquity abounds in a nation there's always to be heard some voice giving warning and instruction as the voice of lot was heard in sodom the voice of lot was her aware i wanted to actual question can somebody say well somebody has to be like lot and sodom did lot lose his family was there a better way than what lot did i don't know about you but i want a better way i don't want to warn and then lose my family do you listen please lord we don't we don't mean it lord we just ask for angels to be with us still thank you lord in jesus name amen it says yet lot could have preserved his family from many evils had he not made his home in this wicked polluted city did you hear that so while i was in this city he lost his family it said he could have still did that without him living in the city all that lot and his family did in sodom could have been done by them if they had lived in a place some distance away from the city so it's not telling us that we should not work in the city all of our churches should be in the city all of our restaurants should be in the city but our schools our publishing houses our homes our evangelists evangelistic centers of training and work should all be located outside the cities should we forget the people in the city we're to go into this city to do work do you know that's the lifestyle of heaven you know angels don't live on earth do you know that angels would not live here you know that right angels live in heaven early writings say they have a golden card the angels that leave heaven that they present at the gate when they come in and out of heaven heaven is a place of perfect order they use golden cards coming in and out of the city they live in a pure environment but they work in a polluted area and so those that are going to do the work of angels flying in the midst of heaven that come down to warn the cities they won't be living in these wicked cities they'll be living outside of the cities coming into the cities to warn them what's coming we don't live in the city but aren't we here in the city warning because some people say well deadness processes some people will flee from the cities what if right now the sun will always be passed i will be right here in the city even though i live in the country and if i flee from the city i'll be fleeing not because i live here but because i've been coming in and out working are you following me so when we read those quotations and say that god's people will be fleeing the city that necessarily mean because they were living there but if we are working back and forth brothers and sisters it may be that god may allow the sunlight to be passed while we're doing the work in the city it's all right if we're in the line of duty but a fireman a fireman his life is dependent upon him getting in to do his work in the burning building and then staying there or what brothers and sisters once i get in i'm trying to get up i come in to do this city i was in california and the person i was doing at some meetings in las vegas not last vegas but uh san francisco we came through san francisco getting ready to do some meetings in that area and as he was in there it was wicked polluted everywhere you turn sin abomination i'm coming down from l.a even in l.a during the meetings you look and everywhere you go it is it is terrible and as i was getting in somebody said do you wanna do you want us to show you the city i said no i didn't come in this city to watch the city i came here to do some work to get in and guess what to get out so my brothers and my sisters when we leave the country to live for the city of the country it doesn't mean that we're going to abandon and be an and herman the purpose of going to the country is not even to hide and somebody says well you can't hide because they have global positioning satellites well brothers and my sisters i don't know if you know about god and do you know about god have you read where in the bible in jeremiah 36 it said that jeremiah came into the king and wrote a letter it was so burning the letter that took place that the king tried to destroy the fire and he said who would send this he wanted to kill jeremiah and all of a sudden the bible says the lord hid jeremiah and nothing that they could do could find them if god hides you think a global positioning satellite can find you so the country is not the hive but i tell you if i'm in the country because god told me to be there if god wants to hire me he can hide me if he wants me to be saying he can want me to be saying but the purpose listen the purpose of going to the country is not i say again to hide i'm not afraid uh by god's grace of these men that are coming around and trying to find us or hear our names talking about this crisis they're going to hear it because we're going to be before the courts what we need to be doing you know what the great purpose of country living is for see y'all y'all making me get ahead of myself i didn't want to get here yet y'all want to make y'all making me go here i didn't want to get here yet but let me just let me quickly pull one of these out let me let you see this for a moment this is from the book country living page 13. this is from fundamentals of christian education 326 same quotation now listen what this says it says there is not one family now if you believe this this is this is god speaking to us through the testimony of jesus there is not how many families how many now watch there is not one family and a hundred how many is that then that's zero percent is that right that's not even 99 it didn't say there is one in the family hundred it says there is not one in a hundred which is zero percent so it says there is not one family in a hundred who will be improved what physically mentally or spiritually by residing in the city do you believe god so if you believe god there's not one person in this room they can say i'm better off in the city not one but it goes on to say faith hope love happiness do we need faith hope and love if we don't have faith in love we're not going to make it that's the greatest thing we're doing right now that's the real goal the gold of faith and love now this says can far better be gained where in retired places where there are fields and hills and you mean to tell me where you can see fields and open fields and hills and trees it's better to get faith hope and love it says take your children where away from the now what is science that has to do with what and the sounds has to do with what now television is made of two words kelly has to do with talking about what we hear like a telephone right and vision has to do what we see so that's the sights and sounds so god has a television and satan has a television satan has open box office and so does god satan has surround sound and so does god but god's is free and it's wonderful and it says take your children away from the sights and sounds of the city i wonder if there's a television if they have signs and sounds in the city away from the what rattle and then of the streetcars and the teams in their minds will become healthier it will be found what easier to bring home to their hearts the truth of the word of god do you know it says that it's almost impossible to raise children to become christians in the city and we look at our children today and say why they're not more spiritual why don't they love the bible we are the ones who have messed them up we have made it almost impossible for our children to make it in the city now this says send the children to schools located where where are most of the schools right now if you send the children to schools located in the city it didn't say only public schools it means any school is okay in the city if you do that what happens where every phase of temptation is waiting to attract and demoralize them and the work of character building is what tenfold harder for both not just the children now but for both what now i don't know about you but i have enough problems then to make it tenfold harder for me so what can make it ten times easier to become like jesus if i get out of the city into the retired place of the country not to be hermit but so i can become more like jesus and then continue to work this city from these outposts and develop these places from these outposts warning the world coming back to church in the cities where god's people are mingling with the people if we do this it makes it ten times easier to become like jesus i don't know about you but i need it ten times easier and we need to do it faster because when the sunny law passes is it time to become like jesus or what because most people you know when they want to go to the country they don't really want to live in the country now i know i'm not going to finish it's almost time to go home now so let me just let me just say this to you now brothers and sisters some person called me a few weeks ago and they saw this crisis that was taking place and some people they're moved by time instead of prophecy see we before i ever saw any time what you need to know is the event not so much the time are you following me the invent is inevitable and the event shows us what time it is for example if i told you in the morning that every morning at 5 30 in the morning a bale goes off are you with me bill goes off gone gone gone gone three times 5 30 every morning are you with me if you go to sleep you stayed up too late at night doing something and you go to sleep and you are in a deep sleep and all of a sudden you wake up and it's still dark and you don't know what time it is and you look for your watch and you cannot find it and you cannot see the clock so you don't see the time and all of a sudden you hear gong gong gong what time is it how do you know that not based on the time but based on the event so the way we are to know the time is not by looking at a watch saying september uh this time 2000 or whatever the way we know the time is based on the events and so the event says that we have come to a crisis have we come there i didn't make up there when the financial crisis the bible spirit probably told us and then we waited until that time came we're there now and this says this is just before the sunny law are you with me some person called me the other day and they said i know you are there in the country and you you're out there we want to come to the country and we have some people that are ready to come our bags are packed we're ready to come i said where you going and they said all of us a group of us we have our bags packed and we have a little place but but there's another people there with us that we don't have enough room for them so we want you to want me to what and i'm listening to them and trying to hear what they're saying you know all of a sudden they said and this is this is this literally happened i promise you then they said to me they said we have a group that they are still in the city and they believe that a crisis is coming and i said well are they have they made preparation they're trying to to get ready well they they don't have anything that they they can they don't have a scent that they can give it's okay and then i said uh what are they doing now well what they want to do i said i know people have some acreage of land that you can talk with and god can do anything you know and then they said i said well just tell me a state when do they want to leave they say well they want to wait until the crisis breaks and it should have a place to go i said no god won't help a person like that god will not help a doubting doubting person do you know that if god is going to open up the red sea you have to put your foot into the water you see if you sit down and say well i have so much bills and my children doing this and it's so inconvenient and you'll never go we had not a dollar to our name to get ready to go to the country our only supporters of god's support anyway and as we start moving forward there came a time we said lord the crisis showed us that there's a very little window left of opportunity to get out we said lord we want to make the move and everything pointed against it because brothers and sisters when the national sunny law passes do you think you can buy country land when the national senate law passes do you think it's time to develop christian characters that time over so if it makes it 10 times easy in the country that's what it's for why would you wait until after the sunny law to develop character when you need it be and so we said lord we're coming to the last little bit of this time and all of a sudden my wife and i said we need to show the lord we mean business all of a sudden we we can we start packing of everything in the house you hear what i say now every time we for years we have been stopped for years we have been started we have been starting meetings like this and we have been looking for years we never wanted to live in the city since the time we were married but you know sometimes you're not able to move immediately is that right there may be people here tonight that want to move to the country and tonight it may almost be physically impossible to make that move but you have to begin sometime is that right [Music] and so my wife and i we say listen started having all night prayer meetings we didn't wait for a church to do it my wife and i were having all my premium prayer meetings by ourselves we said honey this crisis is coming we cannot stay in these cities help us let's pray we start praying praying praying oh i said you had to show show me you mean business you know when when children leave in egypt their feet shoes on their feet their lungs were girded we start packing up everything in the house people will come to the house where are you going we're getting ready to leave this city and go to the country time it's almost finished they said but you can't leave you you you don't have it where we don't know exactly where yet but we've been praying we've been looking we would look soon as we do a meeting like this we'll go home for the whole week or two until we go to the next meeting we're looking in places place place at the place hundreds of properties we looked at and we was praying never having the money and we told the lord the very first night day we said when we find the place [Music] you're gonna have to provide the exact money for what we're gonna for what we want see it's wonderful when your money is in the bank of heaven i didn't say bank of america and so the day that we saw the place i made an offer on the place far below the main offer but i prayed and god told me a price to tell him and the person said no they'll never take that price they reduced it over twenty thousand dollars they would never take it and i said well this is the price the lord gave me [Music] i told the person they said okay and we they said well what are you gonna give us almost like a down payment let you know that you the rest is coming all the rest and i told them this and they said okay well bring it to us tomorrow we wrote a check did not have the money say wait wait we went home and we minister all different people and there was a person that that would just happen to be passing through the state that we had helped their family so much in the past took took them in and did different things and work with them and share with them this message and he came in and we were keeping some people over our house somebody was studying for medical commissioner work they were there with us for a little while and they were passing through and the person said well i see you're busy with this passage we want to say hello we love you and they said to me make sure you read the bible before you go to bed tonight this bible on your own on your front uh table so i said all right i forgot where i spent some time talking to person i was getting ready to go to sleep my wife and i was just there and then the holy spirit said remember he said to the bible i said i wonder why he would say this i'll go over to the bible and i open up the front of the bible and there was a check we never talked about anything never said it for the exact amount that i put that i wrote the check for i don't care what you have or don't have if you're serious god will open the door i will never by the grace of god let my little daughter set foot into the schools of this world i would rather my daughter learn her abc's in heaven rather than her learn and know all the things of this world in hell you see brothers and sisters we are coming down to the final salvation and the decisions we make as adults as youth as parents are going to determine whether we're lost or saved whether we see the seal of god the mark of the beast and right now people will say oh it's not that serious i don't take it that serious but when this breaks everybody's going to take it serious the 10 virgins are going to wake up but some will have made preparation others would have failed to prepare brothers and sisters this says as we close the time is fast coming when the controlling power of the labor unions will be very oppressive again and again the lord has instructed that our people are to do what take their families away from the cities into the country where they can raise their own provisions you know what provisions mean they're food for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be what a very serious one do you know that we have begun the time the buying and selling is becoming very serious and it's going to come more and more serious and to the point where we cannot buy or sell at all it's going to be a very serious problem it's not going to be a week and then all of a sudden it doesn't matter it's going to be a serious problem not to be able to buy ourselves and those who have not left the city to go to the country many of them we're told are going to receive the mark of the beast for fear of wanting food and clothing it says in the future the prime buying and selling will be a very serious one we should win you know that was over 100 years ago begin to heed the instruction given us over and over again get out of the cities somebody said what is the message she said out of the cities whether they were here or whether they won't hear in other words some people just won't hear no matter what you say she says whether they were here or not jesus says tell them whether they don't hear a note just let them know because when it happens we're told many will wish they were not living in the cities because every one of these populations is reduced to ruining desolation fort bragg's right here do you understand do we surround it get out of the cities into rural districts where the houses are not what boy the house is sometimes so close you can look out on one window right into the house of another one is that right and where you will be free from the interference of enemies a crisis is soon come it will soon come in regard to the observance of sunday the protestant world has set up an idol sabbath and the place of god sat where god's sabbath should be and they are treading in the footsteps of what under the threefold union they're going to do that this reason because the image of the beast is about to be former sonny law is about to be passed we won't be able to buy ourselves for this reason i see the what do you know what necessity means is it is that an option i see the necessity of the people of god moving out of the cities into retired country places where they may cultivate the land and raise their own produce thus doing that type of lifestyle they may bring their children up with what this is true education simple helpful habits i see the necessity of making what you know what haste means i see the necessity of making haste to get all things ready for the crisis and if this was in 2008 do you understand what that means in 2008 that we have naturally but a few short months to get things ready for the crisis and i'm praying now lord just give us a few more years not so that we can sit down and spend more time in the world education and more careers in this world but so that we can build the art out there i have a tape series called another arctic bill talking about this out there we have series talking about beholding the glory of christ because unless we become one with jesus even if you move to the country just because you're in the country does not mean you're having country living did you know that there are people that have homes in the country that are still doing city living [Music] the country provides an opportunity the greatest opportunity but it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get it unless you take time to be alone with jesus since racist says oh how many i saw in the time of trouble without a shelter some of them were running but they didn't have a shelter they were in the country but they were not settled in jesus they had made moves but they had not moved into a relationship with jesus christ you see there's physical preparation there's mental preparation there's social preparation there's spiritual preparation but the greatest of all the preparations starts in the heart [Music] and i don't care who we are i don't care where we've been every one of us can begin tonight to make this preparation every one of us can say lord if in heart you're going to make preparation lord what do i need to be doing to get ready and even if you don't have the money by faith you're going to say lord i'm going to start moving that direction you know if you start putting your foot in the water you know what god would do open it up i can't even tell you the half of the story that wasn't even the beginning of our testimony of the country on the man nope they said they will never get i never remember on the day of the closing i'll never forget when i walked into the office of close the lawyers was all sitting down they said you're ready i'm driving in saying lord i don't have the money driving to the place to close and saying lord i don't have the money walked into the office they're all sitting down and i'm sitting there and i'm saying i don't have this money they say are you ready to sign because you know the money has to come you're right and i said wait a minute i walked outside i needed i need to talk and i picked up my cell phone and i'm saying lord have mercy help us lord good thing my wife had the baby she was out there and different other times i'll be i said lord you said that you'll provide for all my needs i go back in they say you're ready i said wait look wait a minute for now go back out again they want everything's all right yeah they said you couldn't do this you there's no way you can do when i came back in the lord provide the money we serve a good god brothers and sisters and all he wants you to do is to put your foot in the water and say lord i'm going to stop playing games tonight i want to go all the way with jesus is there somebody here that's been playing games with god and saying lord tonight i don't want to play anymore i want to go all the way nothing is going to hit me not my job not my relatives because you know sometimes a husband can enter you did you know that sometimes a wife can hinder you and if you just make a move do you know the inspiration says about lot that had he not lingered in sodom his family would have been saved but because he lingered his family had to die there are some men that are afraid to leave their homes afraid to be spiritual leaders and as a result their family going to be lost and god is going to look at them because they won't leave they are too they are too afraid to follow god they compromise for wives and children there's some women that compromise for husbands and children and god is going to say don't you love me more than you love anything else there's some that compromise for their jobs and they say well my job says i have to be at a certain time and yet god every morning tries to wake you up and you won't come there's some people that compromise for the education of this world for the careers of this world for the money of this world for the dying of this world it doesn't matter what it is if there's anything that we love more than jesus that will prevent us from spending time with jesus we may say it's good but i promise you jesus will not sit down and watch the television shows that we watch today the different things we're watching on television 30 minutes at their time and we say oh it's a joke but but but tell me hollywood is not glorifying god you think that these sitcoms are really talking about jesus you you think these sick comes to bring you closer to jesus and some people say well you have to be balanced well tell me something is balance mean balance it with the world and jesus that balance the bible speaks of unjust weights and false balances it is a false balance that believe that we need a bit of worldliness in order to stabilize the christian life balance means that everything in our life rotates around jesus you see in the solar system the only way that the planets can be balanced is that everything must rotate around what the sun and jesus is the sun of righteousness if everything in our life the earth willingness everything must rotate around jesus if it's not rotated around jesus it's not balanced and you'll know that these things that we're doing today these worldly shows are not rotating around jesus you tell me one that really has brought you closer to jesus christ
Channel: Sermons Room
Views: 32,409
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: final crisis
Id: tIIviFsJTiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 42sec (5322 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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