Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere: Best Video Editor

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recently I was doing exactly what you're doing right now watching a bunch of YouTube videos comparing different video editing software and I realized a lot of them have weird biases towards whichever software the Creator just switched to usually they're either excited about how much faster finally like a pro is gonna be or if these cool new features that they're gonna get out of Premiere Pro also more and more I'm seeing people talk about switching to DaVinci Resolve we're not gonna address that in this video because I just feel like it's not quite there as a mainstream inally editor yet it's gonna get there if you don't spend any money it's amazing go download it now a quick thank you this video sponsor CleanMyMac X more about them later so how are you gonna choose which software to use you could just look at a list of features you're ever gonna find that premier has more things that it can do it's a longer list that's not telling the whole story at all I went and talked to some professional editors doing some of the best work in the world and they both made different software choices thomas grove carter uses Final Cut Pro when he works for trim editing based in London he works on major commercials for Nike outtie Mercedes and music videos for ed Sheeran Major Lazer and more Q have definitely seen his work he is incredible hey Tyler how you doing can you tell me a bit about why you choose to use Final Cut but I found the Final Cut 10 is the fastest way I'm able to work as an editor is the only enemy that I feel really lets me get into a proper creative flow and just keep working getting the ideas from my head onto the screen you've also probably seen some videos by Johnny Harris he is doing the Border's series on Vox media where he travels around the world in his little documentaries about countries that he's in and how they interact it's amazing stuff it's mind-blowing it's absolutely beautiful he's really advanced title sequences and he relies on Premiere Pro and After Effects to get his work done what I love about premiere is just the flexibility within it and the customization that I can edit a vlog probably in half the time with final cut if it's chronological and simple but as soon as it gets super complicated and I need four or five six tracks of video to play around with Final Cut just turns into a nightmare for me the app itself is really deep and complex I think it's kind of everything's like turned off by default all the settings are hidden or the all the functions and buttons and things are just sort of hidden away and you can pop them all out and all that complexity is there brand new editors who've never edited with anything before pick up Final Cut ten really really quickly it's people who have known normal NLE timelines you have to kind of unlearn a bit of muscle memory and the way things work as things are a little bit inverted in borders episodes there are a ton of visual effects you have a lot of map animations you have a lot of titling you have a lot going on a lot more than I do what is it about premiere in the Adobe suite - lets you do that definitely integration with After Effects is a big one for me could you do in After Effects Final Cut workflow no I could I totally could more and more I find myself rendering out MOV files for MP fours from After Effects so that I've got effectively a video file I feel like Final Cut optimizes for being up to lay down footage in the way you shot it in a way that is so much faster and so much smarter but that's not what orders it is borders is not it's not a blog it's not chronology it ends up in some janky renditions that has nothing to do with chronology it has to do with topics and story beats that are that just grouped very differently and after effects or sorry Final Cut Pro does not seem to facilitate at least to my knowledge that's sort of a workflow that's very very nonlinear when I look around I can see a lot more examples of feature films that have used premiere to edit the feature than Final Cut ten avid was was or is the standard thing that people cut in Final Cut 7 came in and sort of worked of that same meta form that became popular and I think when Final Cut ten kind of threw everything out and decided to reimagine the way things worked premiere is a great replacement for that Final Cut 7 and avid workflow it's kind of it works in the same way yeah but there have been big productions that have used final cuts and I think it's just it's a bigger commitment from the people who from the editing department I mean right where I work now there's a guy who a couple of editors are working on a like a six-part channel for Netflix drama here which they're doing their 50 shoot days they're getting rushes every single day and I think big Hollywood studios probably when things work you kind of stick with what's working there's no point rocking the boat actually did try with the intention of switching and quickly ran into a ceiling of like man I feel like I'm learning this but I don't feel like it it has the capacity to do it what I need us for my specific workflow how often do you run into performance or stability or reliability issues with Premiere I'll just have like days at a time where Premiere is just acting up where it's either freezing or it's crashing render times certainly are just it takes a long time like I'm looking at my 16 minute edit right now with just chuck full of stuff you know it's eight layers deep and like everything and I know every time I want to render or something now it's gonna be you know 35 minutes 40 minutes with my Big Mac tout beast of a laptop and there's nothing I can do about that what's something that you do feel missing from the Final Cut pipeline so the easy a collaboration with other editors whether necessarily needs to be tied to shared storage or if it's cloud-based I don't know exactly what it is but kind of a nicer I mean it works well now we have multiple editors working on projects and we've got jellyfish and we kind of share projects and stuff like that was well but it'd be nice if there was a bit more of a seamless way of doing it thanks so much for your insights Johnny and good luck with the next episode of borders so after I did these interviews I thought I had the whole story figure it out it's kind of been like this for years Final Cut is faster and can get the job done easier it's a little more elegant but Premiere is more versatile and just has more stuff that it can do in total in fact I already tried to record this video two times basically saying that test test and then something weird happened before I was able to release the video I got this text message from Johnny just out of nowhere Hey I'm in a coffee shop finishing up borders we'll get into that in a second but first I want to thank a sponsor of this video Mac paws latest Mac cleaning software CleanMyMac X it helps you clean out all the clutter on your machine and get it back to running the way that it did on the day that you bought it and I guarantee if you're a video editor you have some clutter sitting around and it can definitely help with that I've been using it for years and years and it's always been able to help me clean out some of my hard drive find some extra space when I don't have any left and I know there is some sketchy Mac cleaning software out there but Mac paw is an important part of the developer community and the software has been notarized by Apple as being malware free and it was even voted app of the month on producthunt I put it on all of my machines because with the click of a single button it can do work that takes you hours to do on your own in the finder so to find out more click the link in the description below and thanks again to CleanMyMac x for supporting this video hey Tyler I'm in a coffee shop finishing up orders and I just outputted the final which I mean look at this thing it's ginormous these episodes usually take like 30 to 40 minutes to output and they just output it into the 10 minutes and this is like an 18 minute episode so it's like longer than it's ever been I don't know what so out of nowhere premieres performance got way better and then I saw this other video by Matthew Morris where she was comparing some really powerful modern pcs to the MacBook Pro in getting really surprising results so I called up Matthew I want to know what happened I was really surprised so when I ran these tests I did two specific tests I render a video and then play back because how is the timeline gonna feel when we're editing a video is it going to be slow are we gonna have a frustrating experience and to my surprise the MacBook Pro beat out all the laptops except for my crazy specked out desktop PC and it did it by a considerable amount of time and then when I did the playback test you know premiere still drops a lot of frames but the MacBook Pro happened to drop the least amount of frames so now it's interesting I mean it makes it a little bit harder to choose if premiere isn't so much slower it takes one of the advantages away from Final Cut and while all of this was happening then I saw on Twitter that Jonathan Morrison is also working on a video comparing Final Cut and Premiere so I had to give him a call to see what he was finding did you find anything really interesting in your test like is there anything that you didn't expect to see I think probably what I was most surprised with is how maybe how hard Adobe's working on the Mac side of things where I feel like there's this narrative that you know if you want to use premiere you have to get a PC because it's optimized to work better and we built this custom rigged PC build that it's an awesome machine it's super powerful but you know if don't like the 20 atti in there that's a really expensive card and it's powerful for sure but the performance for what you would think you would get on the PC side of things it's not as drastic as you might think after doing all this did you find any simple way to break down a recommendation for somebody if they have no predisposition to premiere or final cut what's something that could help them choose for me if you're on a Mac you should use Final Cut just point blank I don't think there's a better option in terms of just get out of the way speed it's really smart you know with premiere that was another thing that I noticed where even you know shooting sixteen by nine using two to one frames and then dropping that and a project is one thing but when I was actually shooting two to one video in Premiere it won't auto scale it to the project so it'll just drop it in and won't know the difference right and Final Cut you drop it in it scales it appropriately and those little things where you're not thinking about it yeah I think in the in the end it's not really that interesting whether people want to get really excited and angry about different brands but like in the end you know right she was something that you end up feeling good about and when you're using it you feel like you're able to focus on the job and not so much on the conversation about members PC cuz it's not it's not actually that interesting conversation already I feel like I could make an equally awesome video in Premiere it's not that it's a bad program I just obviously I'm comfortable in Final Cut and you know they make great things in Premiere just it depends on how you use it the machine you're using it and I don't think you know it's as unoptimized or as bad as some people including maybe my older self would have would have given it a hard time for I wanted this to be a pretty straightforward video if you want these features choose final cut on these features choose premier but you know what it's actually kind of hard to choose these days but I hope this has helped inform you a bit about why you might prefer one or the other in the end they can both do absolutely anything you want them to you won't be limited by using either piece of software but the conversation doesn't have to stop there all these people have been guests on my podcast as well and we've gone way more in depth on topics like this another creative up schools photography filmmaking development design whatever it is you do we've probably talked about it on the show Stallman podcast calm I'll see you guys over there I'll hear you guys or someone see you or hear you gotta find a better sign off
Channel: Tyler Stalman
Views: 443,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final cut pro x, premiere pro, Johnny Harris, Johnathan Morrison, Thomas Grove Carter, Matthew moriz, final vs premiere, best video edi, best video editing software, Mac video editing, comparison, adobe premiere, 2019
Id: gEtqyfTx_jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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