Inside My Stable: Karl Cook & Kaley Cuoco

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hi we're the cooks and we're a Pomponio ranch with Ricky in danger and we're going to show you around the barn and more importantly how we treat our horses and how we we are in the barn aisle now and this is absolute my horses live Rancho Santa Fe yep this is my wife this is not my barn just FYI this is Carl's barn Oh big yawn is it [Music] this barn is 24 stalls and then we have another barn on the side of our property oh and so I think right now we're in the somewhere the thirties of horses but of horses that are mine I think there are like 15 that are here between home breads and active show horses and this is common occurrence here tank likes to go to each horse and let them bite his butt mm-hmm and there goes tink that's what you get all righty look at this [Music] you versus Neal's six times today so three times they get hay and three times they get hard feet or grain for the grain we have these little doors that open up people's brain in and then you put them back up and it's very easy we have carts we wheeled down with the computer and the horse is always nikkor when the doors open I know what that means we are at room so this is you know where we do the hard feed yard grain or something that's all that sort of thing fun fact is I actually got dressed in here for our wedding because we had the wedding you know in the barn house we actually got dressed yourself my gown in this room it's important to be organized we have our p.m. feet our amv we have all our feet here and inside here are our buckets everything's organized everything we have to sink over there between the buckets supplements are here you like your schedule everything is organized everything is clear I do the same thing for Carl's feedings yeah it's important [Music] this is our very ugly but functional bit trunk because you know we got traveling and this is just jammed of bits and time all together so if I I didn't they would take up this entire floor but they're all tightly said tied together also you know what he's done before we go like shopping different stores and stuff and he'll if he sees a bit that he finds to be just disturbing and should not be on a horse he who by the wall that no one else can buy we're like wait we have to buy those so no one else this was a gift that I really wanted if there's even a tea on here for temblor and Carla's yet to go to the show ring with this I don't know why I see you kiss what is it laughing no no I love this she would look beautiful in this any girl would feel beautiful wearing this you could also wear it as a necklace she just would just be this queen so eventually you're gonna see Carl with the world go early you guys know what married life is like it's it's all brow babies [Music] our cross ties we're in San Diego so we're lucky enough that to be able to this is where I dress Carl for events outdoor cross I'm up in the crossed I put a suit on him yes he like moves around so obvious joke hi I am down gotta clean its feet out okay now before we head to the shows oh this is our crop size but again everything's clean and everything's ordered we have all our things in you know our spray buckets and you know it's just important that everything is organized and ordered and clean so that it functions properly and the horses care can happen appropriately accurately and you know and I keep Carl clean and organized so he functions properly are you ready for studio laughing that's a real outdoor actually yeah studio less you're not all there no it's real laughter all right now get out of my friend so this trip was very special to me because he used to have no cell service and no Wi-Fi so I could come in here until I came along and she couldn't get in touch with me because there was no service it caused a bit of a rift so we put in Wi-Fi now she could talk it's not okay I'm not a psycho I just all of a sudden you just disappear off the planet now there's Wi-Fi in here and now I'm fine with it you can put your wood smithing days in front of you if she annoys me no I'm glad that says Wi-Fi I'll call you later look animate Woodsmith I think so No one of our neighbors took down a tree I asked for the trunk and I used two of my chainsaws and I carved into a metal block I mean it's amazing you are such a good woodsman I'm not high five up high high no this is also great for getting out people's backs you're such a jerk god it's the worst let's go up the ponies out go for their run he's way over there so I have two at home as well we have Schmoe she is very famous life wish ma she started our love for minis and then we just rescued Blanca another dwarf pony and this one Ricky Bobby and danger and Blanca and when she all came from the same place the peeps foundation in Kentucky they do amazing work with Dorf ponies that are neat homes and that have a lot of physical problems this is not a normal breed we really do not promote people to go get these ponies there are a lot of work and a lot of them have a lot of health problems that you just yes they look cute and fun but it comes with a price and it's not a pet in other words it's we've had a lot of people come at us I'm gonna get one for my kids it's a lot more work than people think so she would take them on a little run all right okay before anyone says something I know and I'm shoes on but I don't like running without with the shoes and honestly I just don't care we're up here on one of my favorite parts of the whole property this is my bank we built it where we redid the arena we had a lot of extra dirt and so I've always wanted a bank because I think working on slopes is so important for the horses so unlike places like Kentucky or Virginia where you have slow slope we don't we have a flat property so this Bank I designed with particular slopes for for the horses I mean I'm sure you can see the background our grass doesn't look like grass we aerated an added sand to smooth out some areas so I got it doesn't look like grass but that's all part of caring for grass I've learned it's very hard and we got married right there so I like this oh don't go down that oh my god you are not going down that oh my god oh that made me very nervous oh my god look out oh god oh god Wow very impressed Carlton TAC guys don't try this at home please [Music] oh my god [Music]
Views: 1,312,650
Rating: 4.8275285 out of 5
Id: 0n4uD0Pg5dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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