Prayers For God to Give You A Beloved! | Dag Heward-Mills

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Thank You hallelujah prayer secures angelic intervention every sitting please get your coffee get your tea we are still praying amen and I feel like one has to pray because maybe you don't look so beautiful your shape is not the classic shape your face is not that outstanding face maybe your nose is a little shop your mouth is a little round to write to Naru I don't know whatever but I feel that God is going to bless with amazing marriages from this next prayer that we are praying now about that time acts 12 Herod the King stretched out his hand and he killed James the brother of John and when he saw that it pleased the Jews he took Peter ok verse 5 Peter was kept in prison but what prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God and when Herod would have brought him forth the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers bound with two chains so it's like your beloved is between two soldiers and bound with two chains and they keep up before the door kept the prison so two soldiers two chains and they keep as before the door of the prison holding back your beloved and your breakthrough and behold the angel of the Lord now those of you who feel you're ready and married you don't it doesn't apply to you just just just I don't know what to tell you I don't know what to tell you I don't know what to tell you people are wicked oh you know when you have a problem and you're seems to be solved you don't care about other people's problems now other wordpress Peter was sleeping okay behold the seven the angel of the Lord came directly responds to the prayer angelic intervention prayer secures angelic intervention and releases the impossible releases your your thing that has been bound and is being guarded Wow and a light shine and he smoked meat on the side and raise him up hey arise up quickly and is he like sleeping I repeat I slept all the time and his chains fell off from his hand and the angel said to him get thyself and pine on thy sandals and he did and he's and said to him cast on a gonna dress up quickly and follow me Peter and he went out and follow thee and with know that he was true it was done by the angel but he Tony was a vision were you not praying the why you surprised that an angel has intervened pray a secure angelic intervention I feel there's an intervention coming and I want us to pray specifically concerning your beloved which has been held up the impossible he's coming she is coming and I see a wave of marriages I don't know what I was going to be by zoom or by whatever lonely people are going to be happy again even all the people who look very lonely God is going to answer this prayer specifically you don't believe don't just ten of the things you like it people who don't believe such things yes Wow amen and he went out and and when they were passed the pheasant a second where they came to the iron gates which appeared to them of his own accord the gate was come movie by itself and forthwith he went out and passed through one street and fought with the angel departed from her now so when you don't need a supernatural event then an angel moves off so the angel left him I needed him to move to all the gates and all the security barriers the impossible is happening by angelic I just want you to know how your prayers answered okay jolly so you'd be surprised that an angel moved things to bring a beloved to you yes this one was struck here this almost struck yet this one a second you were carried from Liberia to Ghana Wow God is Wado and angels Musa you to T now I met someone I was then I walked across here and I met somebody no angels were moving is it amazing yes so I believe that there's going to be some more angelic activity and Angelika interventions well jesus said do you not think I cannot pray to my father and there will be angels so whatever is impossible that has been locked up in your life your business your finance it looks secured with God's and change angels are being released angels are being released said do you know that I cannot pray to my father and what would my father do he will send angels every standing mockable ARA Rahman de la moneda listen if you are not married and you are watching me pay for it lord I pray to you my father send angels organize the Bulava out of prison wherever he's been locked up anything locked up belonging to you does been seized by somebody and somebody is holding on to it angels are be released right now lift your hands mokou-san de la mama le paradis a Cassata Jory reveille me Anna Rasika for Zoran immediate Oh Samana nama ready Vikas and Ababa la Towanda be cosa Joran MeV vez hasta pronto cosas de Merville justo render Becca send Rama nama Cassandra baba no Shivaji a copper area rather Casanova [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mama drama copper area da ba ba ma sha la la baby lipid Wakasa rabo de novo see Rico parody and a vanilla mercy red copper area rabisu Rocco remain a cosa Lea Lea Medea Vasant a green so no mozzie under brahma devaya : sorry Apollo Holly Sando LUMO measured area deco Roseau Minnesota law parody atossa we control Alamosa Kapil all alone Reina mean Aneesa en cuanto la ma zouri Aveda boku Jorah debe cosa lesson debe de la maison de la mer daily drama mama ma zouri Omarosa rent FL salam oh no steadily a motel zoria me cope re ro - assalam o en toka poly resin de novo manchala macquarie grande de cosas proto so terry pratchett allen-bradley belly on a reminiscence Omo Jorah be a tow rope Antonelli rapattoni zoria semana zuriat' OSA robo de Lomo Otto controllable xenomania drama no more mentor EOS a rabbit Alamo zoria the pro rata sellin we are parody and oliver jorielle every reputable mMmmm a rock opera dia Murari and oh no ma zouri and ll ma Rambabu sandal reimu-san da bomb Robert oh no ma zouri on delivery yeah co-op Salem oh yeah co-op Salalah moon we octonal Obama here Colin Oh mom oh yes Oliver Morton oh mama mama mama pozole many rebel MMA Sharia Papa rocket--oh jimandelle MMA Yasuhara baba Baba Shonda gray pasanda Racicot para Wilbury rebel zoria no Baba man Dotel official Mandela leprosy marinara Moshe Rama Rama Rama Rama Soriano nama-rasa couple area raivo Sunday remark Athaliah la Papa Papa Rizzoli adobo wretched MMA ecotone Alana Dick Costolo Lana Murari and LM ma zouri and LM ma zouri Amana Roche kappa roche copa mousikova mousikova [Music] yoshiya Copa Lucia Copa de cosas me on a montolo Bosa rico per area jorian del mmm Marian del L M ma zouri and ll mmm Romano Kesari Jove rocky solo - and el-amin Olli Rehn demenna cosas para dia Jose Herrera Biondo Renta Kober area Romina Casa tele llamosa Reba Dahlia robust a coat a jaw remain Iago roshanda Baba Tom OC lamoco Paula leonova Raymond Amma Barra de su barra de hacer but idea so parodius a bar Aria so my mama mama sandal ah buh buh ray sapele Oh Braco sorry echo pratically no zambra rocky on a zebra Diaco Tony Mona cosa lebar idiotic lamagno la SOTA Vladimir ESO roshanda Baucom Romana Kota zoria Vania team righto cop re ready emissary here Quattro lava Zord enemy and a Jory Arabica brocco bomb Mendel Mme Mendel Obama zoria and Ababa pasaría Soria rebel so Coco Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Coco Marie Ramos a marina mosey Randall mmm a real mama mama horrible cosas from dolly oh ho pronto lyoko from da Lyoko Rondo Lyoko pronto Lyoko suriname OSA parody kozo Jorian davao ramicus Olie Brava mino-san de coca tea remade elevation D Bharara baba Romanus or a racer a poco Rosaura Baba yattawan de Lomo Randy Bella Dorian della mae rhai mama mamas surah Baqarah zoria ba ba ba ba na koto mo samba really thunderian a Rhema mama Georgia area [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Romana Sunday by Makoto Lobo zoom and le renard Alamo zoria dilemma rocket Oliver toriana Baba rubbish and abhava here to and Oliver moon rima così Allah Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa kasoori ah da ba ba da SoLoMo until available until availabl MMA women tell em ma zouri and LM ma ma ba ba ba ba ba Romanus or a Jorian Davo friend abhi cosas friend LM a Sunni friend Elaine McCollum or friend LM LM a friend la mejor no more romano cochon de ya - and Aloha moon [Music] sorry brioche and avocado race acaba zoria la ba ba roto quarry erotic warning what the warning what the worid what the quani what the corniche what the quarry what's up Lauren what according was sequani mama mama baba Baba Rosso tell Amelia Rama so very rare a racial copper area Robeson de la Roca moto LUMO Jorian del MMA promotion Deborah kochevar Obama promises la ropa de novo Rico so Liara roba Italia Jorian Ababa Rica - attorney Rico - inshallah we got to assaleh mama da ba ba la luce ratio core area righto Kapolei ramadasa here - ah tell mmm mandala ba ba ba la paura DRO chuckles rats and Amazon brahmanyam or metallic watch I met Sarah McWhorter Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Rama Italian Abba moussaka paralia le Farian domo Joseph couch Allah may venture Omo cosas Romana Kioto resume Nene Randy Amano so Reba dasa Rob Amitabh all acapella Lea global Akiyama zento c'mon reminisce and Aban Delacroix palawan palawan palawan palawan Murali atossa Tom Brady women and women Obamas Jorah rocket a serial ababa alone to Azusa allude to a deuces alert reduces a lot reducing Colorado Muslims free pass and a bonds Ramanna mama Kasahara mama jorielle Ababa Mottola more women a casa da ba ba Baba Yaga Baba o allah rasool allah by allah ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba cosa vandala samehada [Music] Rama Rama Rama Rama sir Ibaka sorry Jessica Romo Jessica no moon Jessica no more Jessica no more Romina Kota Rama mana no se Renton WA : dobrynya soma potala more Soria Bekasi grant Ananda mania Romana Maiasaura a usable econo a usable ami on a USL PRO : Raymond and I ma zouri on de la mama de Monaco saya Tavarua demo tavern Rondo Loman cavalry on de Lomo Safari a dorama Rama Nicosia Ramachari on a resume resume Oh grazie Mille grazie Mille grazie Mille rata me oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh oh eh ah me Oh grazie Mille grazie Mille grazie Mille grazie Mille Romeo Romeo Romeo grêmio grêmio grêmio grêmio rickets a little boy he approached an enemy with my under linen a threesome Ileana Varela Mariana who is shikoku rich Amma and O Rama Rama Sri anama ma RIS Romania Romana ciondolo jorian annamaya rocket arrow Moya's repair amia nama-rasa yamaha yama yamaha yama yamaha yama yamaha yama na sandoval bench umbrella me a mansion branimir mention romania mention Romany Romany Romany Romany Romany Romany Romany mention brahminy mentioned romania mention brahminy mentioned romanian mentioned romania mention brominium honest and own a Ferrari Robin a la mama dorean amaya morocco per area Rama Rama Rama Nasia no more Hashanah la mama Romana Kuta fire zoria Jeremiah hominy and Oh zoria Morocco great Apache anniversary and of all rap okusama vulture a devasya rocco per area [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] para llevar en la Marie Laveau cosas hallelujah hallelujah now the angel left Peter amen now listen to what the Bible says in Acts chapter 12 and verse 11 and when Peter was come to himself he said now I know for a surety that the Lord has sent his angel and has delivered me out of the hand of and from all the expectation of the people and of the Jews amen you know when you have these experiences you are not sure whether you did you see an angel oh what was it what just happened yes is amazing that's how it is so don't be worried when you have a vision or a dream and then you are not sure whether you had a vision or a dream or did you see what you saw or you were imagining so that's why he does at 9:00 know that the Lord has sent his angel now today whatever the expectation of people you know that people who are looking on you and expecting your downfall Bible says that he has sent his angel to deliver me from the expectation of the people of the Jews so whoever which is you evil or ill and who is expecting that you will never rise from where you are falling to the bible's is a lot of sent his angel so that angel has come to take you out and to intervene prayer secures angelic intervention and participation prayer secures Angelica participation in your life no prayer no angel just be then let this go naturally yes now look at verse 12 amazing the next verse it says and when he had considered the thing he came to the house of Mary the mother of John whose surname was mark where many were gathered together eating praying easy no prayer secures angelic participation and angelic intervention once priya is going on know that angels are moving all over the place and things are happening and that's why your life never becomes supernatural until you start praying but we don't pray everything goes natural natural of everything is bad have you not noticed natural is bad when you go to the toilet does natural and pure natural without any intervention it's bad it's bad true or not true yes without bad thing is natural but what natural thing is good that there needs to be supernatural intervention in your life and that's why it will look like you are being victorious it's because of the supernatural angels that are intervening you cannot and will not get corona virus not just because you are doing social distancing you trust in social distance if you trust in social let me ask you how did the virus get to certain places it has cross oh that the things are people no nobody you know I'll tell you something viruses are there are two types of virus I I know of I think in a in chicken found isn't it you are telling me the other time chickens there's one type that a nice chicken farm how what how far the trough miles or 10 miles 10 miles are we from this farm can get the virus that is in this farm yes and thus that is what they mean by airborne so they will now slaughter all the chickens in that ten-mile radius because if you are willing miles of this chicken farm I mean the virus can go to that next farm to kill the chickens there that's what the meaning of airborne so you be they're saying about doing social distancing 2 meters and pigs to also and have that they kill for miles around because you can't really tell it may help but I'm just saying that we need God's help you know we believe in science the Father you believe in science doesn't mean you shouldn't pray and doesn't mean that angels are not real when the angel saw that pizza could find his way he left there was no angel again you get it so let's pray for God to release anything that is tied up in your life any hold up anything at all I don't care what it is money beloved the house issues a crisis does been everything has been in fixated it's not letting go chains have brought a problem to you and angel is coming is getting involved in your life it's a very important prayer and I want every stunt look easy now we cannot do that sleep at this time right God pray for your soul and your life who pray this prayer for you nobody will pray for you if you don't pray for yourself cry out cry cry don't cry we are praying I tell you everybody here can relate is what I'm saying change that I've heard of something good for you Mohammed Ali Baba angels have been released prayer secured he said could I not ask my father out pray I will pray now in 12 legions will be released father let legions upon legions be released now into the eighth for your children [Music] [Music] interruption [Music] holy hangar the answer your business kalimera [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of your life and participation [Music] [Music] parody Ando parody Ando hallo hallo hallo hallo hallo hallo hallo Cooper aria yeah
Channel: FaithDigital Network
Views: 6,141
Rating: 4.951952 out of 5
Keywords: marriage, relationships, prayer, adeboaya, loveworld, jesus, christ, humility, beauty, life, Beloved, Girlfriend, boyfriend, Christian relationships, Joel Osteen, Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Johnothan Shuttlesworth
Id: R0qXbLMuCTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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