SESSION 6 : Church Growth And Faith

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the courts would be in session but I wouldn't be there so then the judge will call me asking me where I am and it was difficult for me to tell him but I'm at the company came to the scene so I had to come up with clever answers Wow it's very personal and if I tell you that you will be embarrassed to hear why I was not there that was what the show said I should tell ya don't lie so so that that is a personal reason and see if I tell you the ambassador [Applause] you don't want the judge to be embarrassed stick it at that I'm okay and I'm not that cannot be there and I said you two we're with Webb mission in Bamako in Mali Bamako what's the temperature and amaku 45 I mean 45 watts degrees Celsius or centigrade social status Wow desert conditions huh desert conditions desert yeah yes I said her so I'll explain it to you that the people that you are seeing as missionaries communities not that they were not happy at where he went or where they were wasn't good or there were civil water so did my greatest example of this migration to Mali or device critic oh that's got it yes I want you to know it and understand it and see nobody is looking for money we have rather brought money to Zimbabwe and life and help to Zambia and Malawi yeah all these countries we have bought properties they're brought money from outside come and party to that country thousands of dollars nobody has less than $100,000 dollars worth of money poured in there just a get in one go yeah so what are we trying to do that is it something what am I going to come and eat it there would you have many times I've not even had the cards I'm blaming myself that I've not come for in the country before that is why you people are behaving the way you are behaving so I've not decided to come soon as you see my sister Polly the country now I thought you loved even be very happy that you do you do if you seem happy that I said that I'm coming no it's just how it looks yeah are you listening Thank You Irene so the point that I'm trying to make the point that I'm trying to make is that we have to be the call of God is that is the believing the belief that makes you do what you are supposed to do and people don't really believe that least after David you believe the belief what did I say you believe the belief if you believe that believe you would do things for eternity yeah verse three through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear so by faith things that we see will be made out of things that do not appear amen the church you see is made out of something you can't see and nothing you can see is faith so that church members we can't see in our churches will come out of something invisible which we can't see but they can come physically if we can have the things so the world was created by faith so you are here because somebody believed the belief and started the church practically are you listening to me somebody believed the belief and practically started the church like Irene said she was living in Nottingham she was a lawyer going to cut all the time calling judges do you understand and God is calling her in the UK not in Ghana yeah but the church in Mali that we see today was made out of something that is not saying which is the faith of the Apostle sending the people and the faith of the missionary or they also the Apostle going to the country you have to have faith if you don't have faith things will not appear the other that you see this face message have been used mellitus you can have a car I can appear a house can appear a visa can appear money can appear but now we are looking at using it for a church can appear and church members can appear and judge booth can appear and what we don't have can appear hallelujah souls can appear hallelu are you listening to me Amen so we can do that now by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous and God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh now Abel and Cain both had sacrifices for God but the difference was faith now faith is always connected to actions and actions that are obedient actions so Abel that have been obeying something is it as the difference in the elements of obedience why with me yeah so the difference would be that Abel was obeying something and Cain was not obeying something even though both of them were sacrificing I with me now when a man ejaculates and manage accolades okay there's semen the semen that liquid you see contains a number of elements which are all important glucose fructose for the for the stems to drink energy for them to swim all the way they have to swim so many elements all right I don't want to go into order but one of the key elements as pam's spends if you're ejaculate does not have any spams the main work that it does it cannot do even though it's there so you have sometimes people before they married is I'm going to test the balance you see and they go I wanna test to see how powerful he is so when you is test them all from your inspection and your experience and your and your analysis and the ejaculation and everything that happens is normal but there is one element which makes the difference and that hidden element again is appears on something that is not seen we cannot see specs we cannot see that matter what you see are not what you see are not you cannot see it with your eye here and out of what you do not see whether I appears you appeared from what yeah so if you have a whole lot of Christian activity and it does not contain a certain essential elements yeah it's lacking something the main thing and what it must contain is the elements of faith all right and that element of faith is the element of it's like we believe is being sort of attitude oh it's like what do you believe what are you obeying so there must be an element of something you are being if it is a big sacrifice there must be an element of something you are obeying that's what makes it powerful so if the element of what you are obeying is absent then even though you are making a big sacrifices that you're very becomes nothing so the elephants of this this thing that I'm fulfilling or distant the RAM obey is what changes your great efforts do you have people who work hard when we are confronted about their work it looks as though they are not doing much because the person will send them have them to do specific things but they have done big meetings and maybe jobs and much effort much time but it's a particular thing they were absolutely the one they are not doing so the person is surprised when he is rebuked because it's like when I worked so hard all my time all my life I'm working but then that element is out doesn't say that dispense gauge equations came Ahad about 23 contractions a hotel the hotel hotel affected my check out so just a bit yeah but the essential element of what yes it's not there so it's like a question of what are you obeying that's something you are obeying and once that element is out is gone yeah you have fingers how different groups of singers and types of fingers I will sing so well so many things like what I like to hear or what they would obey days on believe that this man like me to believe that like in a church the pasta is the most important person as all the music is concerned I mean the one who can appoint you and who can say don't sing or sing it must be the most important base of all the people clapping as if you fastened up as it doesn't clap that's a long time you okay again so if you don't have that essential element within your activities the activity becomes blanking and useless I've heard different singers and they wouldn't sing what I want them to say but we go for a lot of rehearsals and they practice they spend on life all day they work so hard and this sweater whatever and I don't like anything that they are thinking so that is special elements of it is believing that there's a particular person who should be pleased with what we are doing and that you should even like what the path in life and do what that person wants us one at least before even all the other things you are doing when you take that element out you staking out the life of your work even at workplace you can you can you can wait whatever you wait think of your boss every boss is different just like every human being is different so everybody you work for is different and everybody has different things they present like sometimes people have queer things we have what we call eccentric people you have little quacks and things that they want you get it yeah like some British commanders in the when they were fighting in South Africa is Zulu world and so on where they sit down to eat it with a white tablecloth with glasses something glasses and I'm behind a bush oh but this is how it goes you know is it another way yes this house in the bush with a white tablecloth this does sit some pink wine glass this everything cutlery and in the bush it is how to eat but it's time for dinner they can lead to their aristocratic things now you want to say that look I'll put a pepper fully to take away you for you to just eat it take our contradict our container I eat at the table with glasses yes white tablecloth in the bush so we you must land the little things that go with bring me under somebody I've been under God there's a particular element that must be there and this is the element of faith it's like you can do a lot but you don't have faith it doesn't work well so you can do a lot that you must be believing something and obeys like a thumb here I believe that I was praying the other day and the Lord was speaking to me about what I should do with my train and how I should have trips meetings so I've been here even though you see me here preaching and all that I'm not here because my wife wants me to come here or because I don't have them up being to Zambia before all the way I'm never busy with UFOs I'd be to the travels already in my life here's ago I've been here these are not new things to be here I'm not having a camp meeting here because I'm an unfree let's say I'm free like I've lost three times like I gave you eight things that happened when you travel yes I have a lot of things that I have suspended so that I come here and I'm doing many things at the same time so but for a settled beef of something that I sell God told me has been become here and so that element that does another thing that way you are copying somebody try to know the hidden things that person is also doing that is making the attention to what he's doing because the Bible is giving us this element is he saying sample the thing to work it is not only the things that you see that our web copy well I have to say it's the healing jesus says it's like a belief that I have that God told me to go out of my cage and to preach and to share what I have outside and when I pray for the sick - I actually don't maybe they don't get healed because I had a vision where the law spoke to me clearly I was sitting down in my chair and told me pray for the sick it is always important for you too professor I can't even maybe they don't get healed what I'm concerned about that our preferred is it yes that's that the LMS is an activity that that is important to me there's an elephant in the activity yeah yeah that element that I've been told to do something and that I'm doing what I have been told to do a path of all the other things that happen when that element is fulfilled I feel okay yeah but lot that the results that they should be feasible should be killed or even healing Jesus didn't heal everybody when he came maybe people were sick when Jesus left that's how competent John had some to heal Lanisha yeah a lot of people who are not here so what I'm explaining to you is that look like if you go to wreck I'm telling you how to be promoted think about what your boss notices and what he likes and then to that one sense of death before you start cleaning the windows which he never notices in your office maybe you like clean windows so when you come to work you start cleaning the windows because that is what you really like it clean you want to see clearly or maybe you don't like the fingerprint on this on the window but your boss when he comes he likes fried lizard first it was it's rightly that is affected us when he can you al can I have my lizard but that catch leads us on the way quick and fry them freeze them and fry them when he comes and he says I do miss out in the areas oh yeah there are lives up here if you want to please your boss and if they notice what I love all the things whether you have glitter windows when I got that miss worried about you spend your mortgage with all those is anything you food is neither a frilly wick of wipe all the windows I've done this about these are the only people he killed is that any slightly that here once is ever a one Wow God boldly that was rightly that becomes more chilly on it and there are two ways to fry the fries soft of rice crispy it was crispy lizard so in the activities we are undertaking whereby it is preaching teaching pray for the depth element that I am obeying something that I've been told to do must be in it central it never compromise it is always the best thing so when Abel and Cain went out to do sacrifices and a lot of activities ample ensured the face Pat was there before all the other things that came did what was good and nice and great and he was not his boss or God was not impressed with him so you can have that but you are your pest the person who really sends you doesn't like you much and you do not like the person now remember a being appointed is also connected to be like to you see when you are when you are sent or you are appointed or you either giving something to do is connected to be liked because the person who is sending you you have to come back to the peasant so when God is sending you and resending you is like his likes you when is losing somebody to send when do something they call you you know it means not telling the person he doesn't mean see you you know so try to do that is Asia we are all doing many many things but what he has told us it's not being done go into all the world preach the gospel with the loft we agreed everything's going each other world lik big Christian marriage is the best marriages in the world for you to all the world let there be prosperity among all saints go into all the world and show one man one house one third one house one bird Wonka everyone to exchange every month with house you know the issue shop that and then also apart on the ones in the Bible there are other they are spoken they have to be believed like the spirit tells you what to believe those type of things for instance one of the Holy Spirit spoke to me some years ago to honor Bishop Duncan Williams I don't know if you do him here ya go you don't do a lot of things rather I don't know what you do when the Holy Spirit told each other that is not in the bible in the bible that is general died general things only your father your mother or this but he was like his little specific honor dispersed otherwise whatever you know and so a spiritual so it's like among the things that i do is something that is important to need to do and i do it yeah i try to do it at least I try do you see so what I'm trying to say my friends is that essential element of believing something that has been told to you doing something specific that having tools and just doing it now faith is the substance of things you can see things that appear from things that don't appear so face always has to do with things you can't see or understand all the pastors who don't do well behave in the same way they do the same things they don't have things they don't have they don't believe things that I said to them what you tell when they don't you tell them what you do where you tell them do this they don't really believe it was because the evidence is they don't see because you show me your face by your actions all of them are the same all other have had the same thing all of them don't do what they are told all of them don't obey all of them don't have pain all of them don't listen all of them are not convinced all of them are not persuaded all of them don't do what Gessle even when is very specific other than don't do when you talk ten times over all of them or badnesses who are exactly we are all the same there is no different one of the main characteristic is they don't obey they don't believe enjoyed it because because most of the time and when the obedience case into bees and face when their things are not easy to see you see like if I tell you that's a that's a cobra it's coming to the left go here you don't need face it's coming you go but if I tell you in three minutes run out of this hole it's real it's not out of this hole why I will not say a very brief enough of this oil and you check in three minutes that you are not here you did say well maybe there's a bond here which I know I saw it in a dream but I'm saying something to you by you are usual you talk you need to see all the persons who don't do they need to see as they need to understand before they obey as many of them too they are not so intelligent to see so far so because they never see they never believe and run they never believed in Allah obey the faith is something I have to do with believe it in this country they are not good at handling teach they can't feed and they are not good at killing with this they can't understand the only good when they can see it and when they can understand that it is something they can't see they are not good at it so to do well you must be good in killing with things that are not easy to see or it is I can't be seen at all yeah so that element is missing in many look at the churches today look at look at the Church of God today the Church of God is like a money machine pastors are more than I mean bank managers yeah if you want to hear a good message on financial improvements go to a church watch television Christian television because finances you can see you can see when you are rich you can see when you are poor you can see when you are suffering you can see when you are not but you can see heaven you can see hell you can see your motions you can see how it is going to be where you are dead that's one you need faithful I that is where everybody withdrawal so let's work in the realm where we see let's work in the realm where we understand let's work in the realm where things are clear to us but what is in the realm of what we cannot see then I'm sorry I'm out of it amen how many understand what I'm talking about yeah so please remember that faith is a very very important subject amen five that's fine but if you notice by which King obtained witness that he was righteous so it's like that's what makes you good doing the things you can't understand doing the things which have lack of you can't see and you can't understand why you've been told to do it that's what makes you another and by the which can obtain a witness that he was righteous so you become good before God when you are doing the things which you can't really see true yeah I can see hell I've never been to hell before I can't see heaven and I've never been to heaven before beep you know when I see people the big houses with balconies especially with balconies I just always have a finial as that's how heaven would be like your house will have a balcony do most people who build balconies don't go on the balcony they never have the opportunity to go and sit there they don't even use it it'll go out yeah when I sit before relaxing by the beaches oh I get a feeling that there might be in heaven lot of realizes like when I think about the big houses I mean the biggest houses I've ever seen in the world I in America once and I was in California golf with a bishop and I saw huge houses I said which hotel is I was asking what hotel is this said it's not a hotel is a single they call it single family dwelling single user web single dwellings a home for one person one house with 50 bedrooms entity two bedrooms single family and I want I went into one of those houses I when I was going through the house I entered I will we came children I thought it was a bedroom when I opened the door it was a basketball it's inside the house like the house has its own basketball Stadium wow yeah there's nothing like you share bathroom halloo finishing up come in and Lulu are you still there I've been there for a long time will not come out there's nothing like that your bathroom is pink hisses blue ah fantastic there's nothing like there the television the television it is one of the many televisions in what I also watch Wow are you listening to me so I want you to have face of face I want you to have face here in Zambia and Zimbabwe fine my faith Enoch was translated translated that he should not see death because God had translated him or before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God Wow when you please God when you please God you don't even have to die so how can you please a complex person like God it's by finding the element that makes him happy may I have the feeling I haven't seen Jesus yes because God wants me to exercise faith have a feeling what I don't if if I was to see him maybe used to say certain things maybe it would even reduce my reward in heaven because all that I'm doing right by faith and yet to see him for him to say to me my son myself are sending to the nation's my son my son - I speak my word my son my son I have a life for you my son my son here is go for it my son my son Hey I believe the belief I believe that belief that God has called me I believe the belief yeah and because I believe that denieth that preciate is working [Applause] Wow are you excited about that well so verse number six it is not explaining it looks translation the sex of Hebrews 11 explains why Enoch did not die you see the spices he was translated and he before his translation he had this testimony where is the translation like if you take a book written in English and you translate it into French it doesn't mean you take the book out of English in the world you convert it into the French version so when you are translated you don't go out of the world by you are converted into another version of yourself Wow how many would like to be collected instead of dying they just converted into another vision it's a lot having to die and go into the ground but before his conversion he had this testimony that he pleased God but without faith it is impossible to please God for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him you see this verse is the one of the best places in the Bible without faith you cannot please God because we always want to know what is it that I should do like with me you know I found that people who work with me there are some things that if you don't if you don't do that I don't really come through with you but to a point I have noticed some things I don't like at all but I did I don't need what I don't like them afterbuzz gonna have come to see what I don't like so everybody is like that God is like that with time you come to finala I'll sacrifice this God prefers obedience is better than cycle if he did look at a blinking you have brought a sacrifice maybe when Cain was bringing his sacrifice maybe for some articulator Teutons of vegetables and conveyed he said under his from his father hopper said maybe the whole you happy yes with your body and what a sacrifice but maybe can able came along with a little good I love and well God saw Abraham or sacrifice he was happy said yes I shall be the Holy Sacrifice I like if when you give your whole life like the whole life of the boot is given this vegetable zombie just coming to work for God on Tuesday evening and where for him on Friday mornings I like their whole life Wow so that you will even see that something you may sink right into him or for God but somebody who has given his whole life and especially a whole life also means youth now one of the main parts of your life is when you are young I tell you what you get older you see that the last part of your life is gone already your beauty will be gone to change yes your neck will join with your soul shoulders now stomach will join with your chest that's there are one it's called YouTube yeah YouTube I the siddur your sexual desires so the old eleven that I saw power [Applause] Wow are you listening to this yeah so what I'm explaining to you when you give you a light even as a young person you are giving your beauty when your face is nice without too many pimples all not a beautiful and is truly beautiful you are giving your breath when they are fresh like plums [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're giving your stomach when it is flat like earth like a flat stream Wow you are giving your strength to the Lord when you are not with strong elections [Applause] rise up may you see that this is a man who was walking up with energy when you are lying down there just I mean just you're just nothing old age has come upon you you see your beautiful wife is like your sister no fire when you give you a life to God is to give your youth I still give everything to God so when Campbell came with a life a life which is repeated in the blood then you get a whole life he was happy because his life is in the blood so when you give blood sighs I give it a whole life where do just get his life it is all his thirties his 40s his 50s his 60s his 70s oh you get it he gave it to girls like my 30 I'll never be 34 I'll never give you 35 yes I'll never I'll never know what it's like to say life begins at 40 I'll live other what is like was it life begins at 40 yeah I'll never see what it's like to be 50 never all that he gave it away he gave his knowledge double you don't know what it's like to be to enjoy a marriage to live happily ever after in paradise paradise with your spouse adopted fantastic experiences erotica he'd never do it he gave it away he gave it away when was time for his wedding he gave it away when he was sad for him to have a beloved he killed away such a problem I gave it all I'll just go to heaven now he explained it to John and Peter and Peter said never never never never never once of your security guard I've never allowed this to be but is it this is the essential element in saving God he wants your life not little bits and pieces of vegetables here and there salad can't give God salad I mean God has not touch that he likes a lot you have bringing salad to go Wow I use less today to this so with that face and it's impossible you may do so much for God but you don't believe the beasts don't believe in things you can't see you don't believe instructions you can't understand you don't do things just told that you don't understand the implication of Booty only when you understand it yourself in your way and all those who don't do a lot that they are all like that when this one does tell me fully do never do it if you've never been blessed listening to a video or listening to an audio tape because you've never experienced when it is told to you because you have to experience everything before you obey what I was telling one of my to I said look you don't have to experience everything before you obey right I know you like to be hard and therefore children like that they want to experience it like what you say aside let me experience some to them now believe it see buddy see that that is going to make it difficult for yourself your life is going to be hot think of how many things you have to experience before you will know everything but I tell you Billy you've experienced this experience that experiences what it's like to have one leg cut off what is like to have two legs cut off was like to have one uncut or once I trust to answer to answer two legs without ears without eyes and how many things can you experience it's too much so I said that look God likes it when they something that is not understood something that is not clear I have been said but this father what you do that one rather what you do yes that's why I believe that evangelism pleases God in a setting very high way yeah I think so no evangelism good when you weren't preaching you up when you are living the next day there's nothing there's no chair there's no it's like you just have to formally with that time and energy and there is nothing to see all the places we've had to say thousands of people have come attended all over there's nothing to see for it let me to see and you'll notice if I if I callously wrong I mean Billy gray honey color dine is there see a lot of all is there I mean you just died recently a bunkie yeah yeah you see there are all old people very old like they're just there for yes so evangelism and things you can choose when you get to hell supposing it's true process I last prophet that evangelism is really what you call them maybe when I am doing it by Delia hi maybe we need more people to the Lord than all these churches that we are starting yeah because because it is by alan tudyk who said I've won more people than I in my catch yeah more people obviously and especially Muslims I've won a lot of Muslims so if it is true that well I leave them to Christ they believe and they pray and all that then hope when we get to heaven that if you build that the one thing that how I will be on path Toledo's were organizing plan walk who says we are possible telling us to study the painting ah I would avoid it I dunno percent so between it more ya know it's like it's an activity that needs paint but you see when you are passionate church you need less it goes when I pass are you love me after some time people really loved your pasta he loved you loved your pasta like everything lovers are so much really like the perfect case for me pasta because sometimes you are eating my husband doesn't care for window not really was like 597 be dead something away you are sick Oh husband or your wife that nobody's really care just show you to go to town you get er panadol dare go see the doctor whatever like that nobody sets you to come to the house there's no service you said yourself I said yourself restaurant market America American side DIY self-service serve yourself Do It Yourself this place is called do-it-yourself restaurant before people really love their pants oh my pasta after some time you used to guys do to be a pastor the loving eyes of your followers the admiration of your members because you may go further your wife who doesn't fly with you she doesn't nothing near a place like a business and you elect your legs turn of the light I I'm slipping don't touch me touch me not all that decision but for the pasta when they see you at delicious eyes of blue eyes of feeling oh there's a representative of God Wow - oh wow so after some time you see that you do the pastor with more but the evangelists why you prick and you voted nobody does yoga they don't even know your name is so healing Jesus something he doesn't see something this is really something you Wow it's a fantastic is it amazing let your hand and speak to a lot for a moment speak to the Lord for a moment speak to the Lord for a moment mandola motioned la vĂ­ctima de lama mandela better without faith with our face it is impossible to please God without faith with our face it's impossible to please God thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord without pray pray pray pray that God will give you the ability to match your actions with what you believe keep praying keep praying Wow this is the ingredient as we do many things we move around two things or the law where is the fit in it that makes what you are doing acceptable to God pray from now on you will believe [Music] and what you believe also not by your feelings faith is not feeling it's what you do what you do are you obey God are you really believe what does that make things okay I'm doing thousand things 1,000 things but I usually obey God I usually go pay the man the past that God has sent you pray that obedience face Wow oh lord help us lord help us lord help us lord help us [Music] what away cray-cray crack is also an act of peace it's only those who believe in God who have faith in God who saw their faith by the a prayer free you are going out at the setback at the pasta something must change in your ministry and this morning we are being told now what really makes what you are doing powerful is the same component that I'm doing this because I believe I can't see but I'm doing it nobody has promised remember I've not had a mission to see Souls but I am happy not by faith to go and witness and obey the weather God pray I'm starting the test I don't even know why I'm going to get that mutant place but I'm tapping out Wow God is making us into women of faith men of faith set of faith that's perfect what a blessing what a revelation Lord make us into people who believe that true sons of Abram my dog free can on that English penny corn and it on we are using our faith to build churches we are believing God that we will be rich is members we own a tough set million a process members and robots and long we will believe and do everything that we must do to build the wake of God Wow believe in heaven believe pray pray but it elevates in your relationship with him to a higher level proposition let's that's where God has always wanted you to be the start will God mission and please for your life that you rise to the level of faith [Music] as you pray things are changing as you pray God is making you into exactly the type of vessel my cartullo Vasa ramen a cable dolly ba ba ba doli body my soul I'm setting up by faith I'll train by saying I read my Bible every day ow I will obey I will obey it might be physical but I will obey it will not be easy but I'll do it I'm a man okay [Applause] what Lyapunov play that leaves you do are not always pleasant and easy at night on the contrary I am NOT offering that things you do are difficult people wonder what type of person you are but we are praying everybody whether you are believe down or you are standing lift your hands to heaven and they Lord I surrender my heart my life my understanding my my tendencies my my my inside everything Lord I lift it up to you from today when you look down from heaven you will see me as a child of faith and Sunday daughter of age a person who police who are the things but police who are themselves but belief who has enlisted but believe that it will get away it will wake it as well it will not face Rajasuya God who saw up for to make its way it is good to wake my baby still awake that powell's grow that try to awake the tattoo like this pray the Lord make it possible for me my God my god calabaza live malaguti bah ah we are definitely Tripathi it's wonderful what account what account I wanna see Ukraine back to la la la cosa que que levantar Louisville vikulova land a treatise upon dilemma la practica brand a comprar day by faith by faith by faith I am believing God Oh Lord Maitreya and faith by faith I'm breaking away from that man that's not politically we can stop it from today it is over even if I don't get money again God will take care of me by faith I'm stopping a penny of volume by faith I'm patent attorney purity by saying I'm moving away from this life and I am AB stopping every act of obedience by faith pray God will answer your prayer you'll be amazed how God is going to take care of that situation it will surprise you suddenly you'll be a possible text you'll put you go to church one family and who has that people are people now because you believe a year ago and you take that way that you are supposed to eat you doesn't not now when you a man of faith you move and you act this is friend auntie free man Tobiah tomba kappa we are not about to give up actually it has just started I call it has just begun the ministry has just begun I felt the workout just begun we are cause man who moved and - and cocaine prey la la la baa que pasa la Paix [Music] Kappa Kappa Kappa because of faith what was difficult would be easy because of faith what people are moving away from you will embrace it so that you can get upgrade as Wednesday brought by faith please believe he believes what a lacrosse if you talk of us we are going to embrace it and let God's will be done [Music] [Applause] this real vida was that the capsule passed away but he believed the word of God it is God who sent into the egg my dear friend from today you are constitute critical thing that's who you say satisfy but after you because why a man of faith I thought oh what a present what a blessing what a blessing what a blessed mockup alibi ah ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba can you imagine we're a separate who believe except and Rupali Hey and that would cost out with me we be happy not in place but I get a soul or not I am obeying and blowing up witness God would glorifying love Angela kita Papa Legba aunt Allah Papa leave da Papa I'm going on I will do it I will obey I will obey I will obey it doesn't make sense but I'm going to obey ladies and gentlemen doesn't have to be created the Kindle whether the path to Christmas pray pray we are going to start being static so we are going to begin the work of the ministry then the foundation there can be no better polish Lipitor ray manta lama temple Appa fiddly baby Papa Zulu Mazda liebe yamaha yama llevaba mr. Hartigan Angeles let's say a final prayer just pre-party qotb la bola de Lima da da la da da amaw Lobo Sydney reveal grandma Khandala papa thank you Jesus what a blessing what a blessing you may please be seated [Music] [Music] have a message from the Lord she will hand me through you are you ready for this do you wanna hear it I have a message from the Lord Jesus sent me to you are you ready do you want to hear me I said have a better firm Lord Jesus s me for you are you ready to mix it on the side do you wanna hear this I have a message for the Lord she's not sent me to you are you ready to listen give me away if you wanna do you wanna hear it I can take when I choose you should I have to another person or another one how many times for the liking you visa and powerful conviction until you don't obey the reason why yeah I skip this question you take you too lightly so you take your politely oh if I give my life for you will you give your life for me my time for you will you die for me and if I shed my blood for you Oh what do you to it your treasure me so what is the point of show so much love when I get to little feedback from the person I love so dearly I wanna do a bit hope it's nothing to you what I'm singing does it touch you don't you care about my be sure the reason why I have asked you this question you take it too lightly you take me is a lively so if I give my life for you alright will you give your life Bobby and if I die for you Oh will you die for me and if I share my blood for you what will you do it where are you God were you translate your Palazzo a while educator is only pick up Jesus [Music] [Applause] don't cover there you'd love to water and why don't we make a Staters Jesus died on the cross for fitter the reason why I'm caught in description because you're forgotten all of our bare if I give my life for you will you give your life Bobby and if I die for you will you try to be you and if I shed my blood for you Oh what will you do with it we are defined by our W treasure be Jesus gave his life for you what did you do with it [Music] did you love let's get his life boys what did you do it love you too I happy person school for back pain do you know how long I'll be waiting how I did pay for the thing really love you the reason why speak it this way come you broke my heart and you took me for granted so if I give my life for you will you give your life bro be my god for you all your time for me to get my love for you what are you doing well your decide [Music] [Music] hallelujah Oh clap they're not beautiful one day you also be acquiesce in a talented solo artist a man a man but I feel that this morning a very major foundation is being laid can you sense it yeah many many have stepped out to do the ministry without this yeah and you can do the ministry without these things it's possible to be accepted or a pasta waiting for God without the fifth element it's possible as some have already started doing that things without the faith element but what type of pasta will you be giving you yet Bischoff mentioning 20 members that's the level you can it is possible to be a shepherd and not be a shepherd of faith a man of faith you can we are not saying that without it you can't be but the kind of results we are looking for we cannot afford to pick one step without faith we need that foundation amen and that faith we are being taught this morning about it's not feelings that if you follow feelings you would even do the things without feelings you are doing it sometimes it has you are sad but you are doing it that's a man of faith yes your period has come you I am pained by you and moving out to evangelize because you believe that somebody is waiting for you that if you don't go now and the person misses you somebody's destiny is things so you take your medicine and you are outside but somebody else is conflicted because the feelings are not good if you are a man of faith you move and an act and obey it's beautiful let's put our hands together once again for either again [Applause] [Music] let's take a walk together with our Savior Jesus happy time she and I let's cherish every moment Jesus kissed up oh but I'm happy back I offer great when I'm here now I fight this [Music] I [Music] [Music] oh I [Music] Cherry Street I'm so cray the runs off the dying the dog away so many lost the doctor they've never heard of Jesus I tell them I hope when I am healthy party if I could just leave [Music] I [Music] cherish the rare [Music] [Music] you must believe you're corny do the will of God has it had you ever worn don't think that you can walk away from your reason a party time Catholic die when you pray you my help you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go into all the world and preach the gospel until your life to stop if you love him obey the Great Commission will judge this everywhere in every town every promise every 5000 Prakash shall be safe I have a baby baby baby ooh yaaaaah oh do you we can't blow but I told you I told you build up a catcher and I called you have a burden vision your vision we feel but all you do it EE to just roll because your mind is on other things I hope you pick a secret but up with this I bought you I wanna say hey jump Elisha replace you break it up but down because I have a feeling that I've waited baby waiting for you - Oh baby Oh [Music] for you to do my wing so am I gonna waited for your love am I gonna wait for your love where am I gonna wait for your number so why I do Oh heart and why are you so difficult why don't you wanna come on Doc you wanna share [Applause] [Music] like I said for a long time I was calling out for you there's always an excuse a megachurch you always have an excuse more and for excusing honestly my golden thank you luv do your heart rip software l forgive to love thee hey keeps you happy hey you told baby you would work much harder [Music] I have to see that shut up wait Hey for you to all baby I have a feeling about witty today replace didn't say for you to do what I say got it Ashley Cooper skip we gonna waited late for your love for your love can be gone away did paper gonna throw you gotta you gotta eat we gonna if she gonna if you go to wear a fake ask yourself can see gonna he gotta if you gotta keep the gun up if you gotta waiting think about it if you gotta you gotta keep see gonna see gonna keep each other with how long have to big if you got a bigger like a speaker and his dua we need [Music] if you're gonna say hey you gotta wait [Music] take it through your there but we gotta we gotta we gotta we gotta wow wow is he gonna wait in vain hey Matthew chapter 15 is he gonna wait in vain he's got a feeling I hope the feeling is wrong feeling that is gonna wait in vain Banksy now I'm sharing with you about faith and church growth all right Pat - then Jesus went then and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon this little scripture is usually used for miracle services but I'm using it for church growth today and behold a woman of Canaan came out of the coasts and cried unto him saying have mercy on me O Lord o son of David my daughter is previously vexed with a devil but he answered her not a word and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she cries after us but he answered and said I have not sent alright I have not sent isn't it but unto the lost house of Israel then came she and worshipped him how many would like to go to Israel how many have not been to Israel you'd like to go to Israel all this side are not interested in ninja have you been to Israel before with everybody put down this section have you been to Israel how many one who go to Israel then why don't you eagerly lift up your hand we want to go to Israel Wow are you suffering from hunt pain painful health Wow huh we're gonna go by God's grace glow where I got now but he answered and said I have not sent but unto the lost house of Israel is that where I was then came she worshiped him saying lord help me but he answered and said it is not meet to take the children's bread amen to take the children's bread and to cast it to the dogs Wow and she says truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs Wow which fall from the master's table go rely God then jesus answered and said unto her a woman great is thy face amen great is thy what great is I faith be it unto thee even as our world and her daughter was made whole from that very hour amen now notice this is great face and I'm talking about face and the beggar church all right faith and the megachurch isn't it are you there no four pillars there are four pillars of a pasta who has great faith and I want to explain these four pillars to you and these four pillars right these four pillars are going to greatly affect your pastoral ministry your church growth effort your church growth efforts your faith and your great efforts for church growth hallelu pillar number one how many want to do the four pillars of great faith pillar number one traveling traveling this woman traveled all right to find Jesus there's a syrophoenician woman - they tie the coasts of Tyre and Sidon all right this lady traveled all the way to find Jesus you are out of jurisdiction she was out of her coverage area she was out of location now a sign of low faith is when people are not prepared to move like those of you in the babbling cannot come to the camp I didn't write the Bible so don't be angry with me please yeah unless you have faith you not move and phase is the believing the beef and you believe the belief in such a way that you move to get something you can see the time we are living here you will be poorer financially than when you set out to come is it not true you'd have spent money this is why it is a it is a revelation of faith when you see somebody traveling for something traveling to homecoming traveling for algebra and traveling for a cub traveling for anything and that is where you can see the evidence of a belief system that is there the people that Oh Charlie we are booing because this is happening there we are excited and they are coming voluntarily so we will sleep on the floor we will stay they will still that cow who sit in the roof will be in the boot we are going and this woman was traveling from far to come and see Jesus and she came and she saw Jesus and she she she she got what she wanted as himself knew that this woman was out from out of state something telling this is mother he doesn't speak along with his not from here so you can see when the prostitue cannot mobilize the people to move because other people don't know much about what they are going to get at a camp so there's only video so the person does not mobilize them with try that up we have two quads that Club is very important to change your life how many believe you have been affected at this camp yeah so supposing maybe four other people were here don't you do you to help the church when you go back you not have to talk much to them understand what you are saying immediately yeah you see as we are even stating here we are becoming more disciplined when I cannot present I pity you be talking I don't know one of those people are still here huh yeah they changed why are you so difficult they've been convicted to inflict it yeah then you change that change comes so do you see that those who understand the invisible things you are going to get from what you call it from from the front from from the invisible realm and who have faith they move that's why I travel to Korea to see yonggi cho travel all the way I travel to tell for the first time I went to Tulsa I tell you I sat on so many planes and finally this small let's bring I've ever sat in with a propeller too small to arrive in Tulsa Tulsa Oklahoma yeah I've never rented a car before I rented a car never driven in America I had to drive in a big drive myself rent a car find the hotels stay there go to the program sit there listen to Kenan Hagen from far when I go to the foot I go to the hall as I was actually upstairs I said listen I came from far away I went upstairs I'm not going upstairs I'm not going upstairs I voluntarily took money and came here nobody forced me to do that I came here with the belief the mirror I am the better you cannot send the absurd I I had the other was a white man I asked other where are you from I am from I have some Caribbean somewhere yeah I said listen I've come from Africa some Lobster are you talking about going out today lbs ETA and I can go there you see a travelling being able to move people people moving for big things and so the faith we have they believe that belief of something yeah them yeah true so as I passed I that people under you don't go for it meeting is a shame to you because it shows you have not been able to impart faith to people because if it is if if your cupboard is not even buddy you even you didn't say look we are here 1.1 billion dollars buys one egg you don't have money but we will never miss account no matter what we we will be here so they started like I can't this couple we are not here even if we don't have by the discount passers-by across the tech began when I do shop come to how they can be a server happy before stay the Fed started 25 years ago what can we can and said the majority of the people will not attend and come here the camp it something very wrong with that and he showed a lack of faith in the spiritual and in the LC I believe in things you can see and you can attest and I'm telling you what God was telling me look say this important you are pray for hability and all these other things safe is very important without saying you can't make God happy the bible does not say without humility you can't make God happy it says without face you have to beat in things not to believe in things are you listening to me so travelling is a great sign and I travel to Korea yeah if I hadn't traveled to Korea sinner if I hadn't traveled to Korea and last part of my mission she wouldn't have come on doctor yogi Cho came to dedicate my church since I've been connected to yogi Cho by traveling there I've been to South America Malaysia Singapore Japan and a and I got to preach to ganas to the people from those countries even after today but just that one journey that I took to Korea I when I go to Korea I found a bus I didn't know anybody found a bus and went from the airport to wear that hat I found a hotel by the church stayed in that hotel with my wife and I was there I tell you there were seven services I attended all the seven service from 6 a.m. so 6 p.m. I was in the church attended everyone went through the offices went wrong they still get that ask people speaking in Korean to speak English communicate that Lucas 15 for yes because a man off a key camels case no weather is far for his spiritual quest is actually an indication of his face oh yeah continue it's an indication of the peasants day when you could analyze this one couldn't come this one didn't come the song colita it showed that peasants trees have gone down or it's not there that's why we're given Jesus where this woman was shouting he says send this woman away the river where the people settle in send this woman away he didn't send our way he didn't mind them no he'd notice that she had trouble so when she came there he told her he told Evan another legal reason that even the disciples it is know that apart from the fact that word is getting us you are not part of my calling you have a pail of my calling I cannot be judgment ministry I don't share my power so people are not enacting my calling by giving as I may I will he recognized the act of faith so this is the last session and God is showing you this is the last few minutes of the camp God is showing us God is showing you the importance of travel most of you have ever traveled it's leather travel before yeah you haven't travelled before number one that makes you have what we call spiritual grow kuba [Applause] do you want to go straight up go forward when you have block uber the pressure on your eyes is high but what happens that when you open your eyes you can see clearly and fast everybody else but what happens I see when you can see you can see to the side but it gets smaller and smaller so you can't see to the sides because you have glaucoma so the field that you see smaller and it's not really important to see it's also important to see wider so if you're I become like this you say I can see but this is different amen so some of you are you listening to me some of you have a problem with spiritual glaucoma in the sense that you don't see white and that is one of the things that we do when we are trying to train people to the bishops because a lot of things I do people don't know what I do they think I only do visitation prayer and preaching do you understand that there's a lot more to being a leader in the church you need whiteness of understanding and you are here in Zambia you've never been anywhere before when Zimbabwe is all you do is in Bab realism and Zambian ISM and male' we an ism you understand why do you think I came to I came here with 21 people what what do you think why do you think I came with the 21 people that I came with I'm trying to kill them of glaucoma symmetrical coma so they shouldn't have and now some of them only know something small in Ghana but they should also know like yourself like they should also know something else where you know cuz the world is not only gather as of only West African ISM East African ISM as well and southern African ISM there are Zambia Zimbabwe that was a beacon there are missionaries there's tons of things apart from this more one that you know so troubling is so important you know you change the whole ministry change I went to Korea you got be invited and not just what I say but they pay for me to fly there they paid me to pursue Venezuela to here to to to to Colombia to what a body bike while traveling that I traveled here while I was in Korea everybody came together I'm inviting you to South America here from then I was invited every year they begged me Wow so what I'm explaining to you my dear friend is that your failure to travel widely and to travel for God is actually a sign of not know face value see I'm not teaching traveling as a product of widely your knowledge but I'm picking up a sign of faith you see that the faith thing everything that you do buys it has a very good reason behind it but it is st. when you don't know the reason and you are doing it that is when it is faith i with me it is faith when you don't know the real good thing that is going to come like I say heaven like I hear that heaven is far beyond what we can imagine I hear when you get there you want to run back and do certain things quickly but you can't come back you know what I'm saying but so faith is like to do those wild things I saw you beat it there you've seen it you know it and then you are just operating but it's like you've never seen it before yet Jesus was to appear together tell me certain things to do in the ministry also so much more confident he hasn't so at this point but that gives me a special reward have you heard of Stevie Wonder I just called to say I love you yeah that guy somebody told me when he came touch as he came to play the piano we're having chats and he played the piano in the church and somebody explained to me say that he's not such a good pianist but because he cannot see and he's playing is fantastic that is apart from everything that he is good at doing yeah the fact that you can't see by can play the right notes and play live at a concert when Michael Jackson died he played he played life I mean for a long time he played a long song is at Michael Jackson's funeral I tell you thinking of his always fresh and plain and sink in a play or skills or those who is this have ties to see when we play the skill this is if you pull off hey so the greatness is in the doing of the thing when you can't see that's not the fun I'm trying to make so your faith is great like to travel when you can't see why but later on you may see why like I'm giving you original I travel ad not even increase my ministry yes he did increase your ministry and then many other things which I would say that is has done for me like just one travel so don't be a leader laura's of our people who cannot let them travel don't be a leader of such people they might but leader if the thing you cannot make you look at the people are made to travel and I told them if you're coming you pay for your whole hotel you pay for your own dis your own everything day come and let's go you should see how they are dying to come me because I don't have money to pay for all these things for you paying let's go when you go a pale hotel you pay this you play everything let's go yeah yeah I excite that you come this is it is beneficial to travel I I can make people travel even though their baby for themselves it's a blessing yeah if it is for one hour yeah and you cannot come from here to here with a car oh oh my be what is here from Bindra son Olivia from Vidura this having dry ice waters from Harare sit down brother Saul arrived yeah you should have been more than this okay who are those I came with from Ghana ah sit down so I can be from Ghana oh so now down the back there they are the birthday those are the back come to the front so they see that you are more yeah much more than Harare those those who came from a rarest and I'll se you are more than more than us Harare people see where we are more than you sit down sit down sit as you know probably it's a sign of faith everybody says taste don't think about what you're going to get think about the space part of it we'll get something I can't see don't let me entice you with money or entice you with earthly things to make you feel like traveling the shop said when he travel he prospered Bishop said when he traveled he had this which was the way he covered and he was a Mitchell said that you always always need to see understanding here as in a setting where before you will be always that's what you have loved it and you are not getting greater in the kingdom Fela number one is traveling pillar number two is communication the Bible says that this woman when she came out all right she cried she cried you see your cry is a sign of your face your communication asking a question let's say you are going to employ somebody you're going to take a decision I'm not going to move the test from this hall to that whole your face that you are a sheep you believe that you I see that you have except it will even make you ask a question but because you don't believe it because you don't believe you don't obey you are not you really think so you don't even think you need advice you don't even believe in the man of God as somebody who has an input to make it anything that you are doing that is why when you are going to do something maybe ask your pastor or even suggest or even mention it and then I think comes up your does your old man on your own isolated in a pool never communicating never asking never cry out yes Jesus here you are you look at this expression here that you can you hear I'm like the guy whether here are you use then if you ask them like that some of the ashes will come and beat you don't ask it just be quiet you know how they are no ha yes I hear you yeah the one green if it isn't a shot at a few mind that we don't even ask she cry she cries I want your contribution in my life mr. Jesus man I shall be healing another house and I'm here I said I did not particularly like yeah but double who has no fake and has an evil mind whenever I hear from him I said passenger use healing somebody here here somebody there you see boy where's my now you see what you see let her pass we don't know how they choose the people who day here I don't know how they choose those who they here I hate doesn't like win it I always have us our only Babel all that point is our bed we were buried in a little like yeah it is only death no over anything there's no teaching work Wow if you you look text you not fax you not was up you're not boxer you know email you know Veda no space time will not Skype you not call not Instagram not tweet you not Facebook and and what I get is there tango those Twista nothing my gosh - I hear that yeah I hear and you like whispering like whisper you like talking and that tool don't want to be head rather when you speak you'll be noticed and you'll be taken seriously you know sitting there restraining Zambia whispering to yourself in Zambia knees in bubbly see making comments so I went person II was here we were better off when this was here this was that when Pastor sue and Sue was here there was this you sit in there whispering whispering st. is making comments instead of crying out for the the most important person to hear what you are thinking she cried out Jesus son of David have mercy on me these are all silly they're whispering to your friend we spring the holidays that Daddy Khanna Christina creating darkness and fullness of discussing evil memories and disputing cry out the bathwater yes don't be with me under Tony I hate people who with talk undertone I hate it computer I like he dances so always come to the window how are ya I love that always have something quietly same talking quietly under very tacky and evil things so a leader if you see a few people who speak that muscle I don't want to hear what you are saying yeah them she came out of the coasts and cried unto Him go down to heaven say come miss young you know that son of David my daughter she cried to him the kindly neighbor your house your husband your wife or your friend with spring when Jesus is himself but yes they are disciples Jesus always with people she made him here huh shame on you shame on your whisperers shame on your undertone talking's and your undertone comments you see spiritual things I preach also you may not say to my head but I feel it and I perceive it in my soul and my spirit oh yeah one day I was a leader of a group you know they voted for me and made me gay leader it was it was a vote it made me the leader of a group by a vote after I was voted in and I started to take decisions I led off somebody who was appointed who had been dead before I came I laid her off I changed the location of the office I said move from here we are not going to pay this rent I took decisions like how I take decision to improve things and improve their finances and I took certain decisions they immediately I saw that the people that were there before me when whispering about me one day I went for a program and I never I saw them coming they were all and I could really see that they were talking about me I could feel it I never had even aware that I could feel it yeah we're into it I said man I said to myself I had been a leader for some years this is not that time of my life to believe in people who are whispering about me and membrane for me and I took my letter and I resigned after I've been voted in for some years I resign within a few weeks accepted I don't I cannot leave people who whisper who disgust me what complain who are not happy I will not be your leader I refuse to be your leader yeah that is why we suck if I in that case I suck myself but it is my sketch I will suck you I'm not such myself I'll suck you down so my church so I stuck myself so the Bible says s corner is Tamil doesn't believe me that's why it's whispering and saintly but our true identity to do that but that s kanai's mocking doesn't greedy what yeah although you are saying also say something in a head or no be what you are saying oh and the balance is cast out this corner Casa don't meet have meetings cut him out sack him sack them remove them wipe them out wipe Osama bin Laden up we have to make our own life absolutely / wipeout wipeout result wipeout boy artist let's make some toilet paper for a sublet aisle wipe out those who pretend those who forget wipe out those who are disloyal [Applause] but them are yeah those who are take your son's wife you can less when you come from manageable by one Tula true this is very nice who lost loyalty toilet paper swipe them out look all these things can be felt yeah they can be sounds Amen when you believe you see people who pray believe that God listens so that's why a man of Prayer is a man of faith but if you don't believe God can do I will do that why you talking to get out of the movie and start doing things so it takes faith to pray so you see a man of Prayer not knowing that it's actually a man of faith a mama prize a man of faith no here it believes the belief it believes the belief Wow so now I'm giving you the four pillars of faith pillar number one is what traveling is it not is it not is it not true that when you travel that you believe there's something that's why I was going for and then communication or the second pillar yeah is it not if you believe you speak the eye you believe I'm a good person we not ask me you know stop let your Bishop can i whatever whatever I do you think I'm a bad person you justice or ego I guess whenever I hear that listener yeah not a bishop is all gonna you know what is a white man good eye so Wesley yes that's how people talk this is evil yeah Wow so yesterday when we were going to close for lunch we said we're going to close for one hour then we asked you from here should it be whatever and as soon as some people said though we need two hours because we are going to the other side as soon as I said ah that was the end of it oh yes two hours before runnable Johanna's wait which would be what do we do it it will be okay [Music] step back step out and sell flowers at all that's all nothing else to it there's something else away what's your problem just communicate just a priorities because if you're left for talk to the person who is important [Applause] did we say that those who set up for the water to other evil people have we have item Vedic religion don't you say that say what is the price you there's nothing radical around that is why when you watch whispering cell with our food the bleeding lead artificially will be completely due to visibly - your silence is a revelation of something wrong with you it's a revelation your luck for you you didn't lack faith in the person who sent you that he's kind you don't believe that his guys don't believe that he sees this is a good Priscilla here that's fun you bility doesn't a Sonny listen you don't believe you you believe in some way you is a wicked man we lie he said either food it's a body that I understand what is going on on the ground the typical person wow that's a minute of your silence that's the meaning of your whispering that's the many of your little we do business is good to little bigger pillars of faith was a pillar number one travelin pillar number two pillar number three humility yeah this woman said that Jesus is sorted the woman you see you see you see when you hear preaching you can take it as an insult you see when you say the docs are what it is not right and what is about giving an analogy it is not right to give that just as well to the dog I mean I don't know where you come from back in my village somebody will buy all these kind of places you are calling us dogs today are you calling us at all is that what you call us you can't be a dog because I came to your church because I came to ask for pity structures or feeling you call me a dog is calling a dog he says we are talk everybody listen he doesn't respect I he says we all talk they all talk yeah talk gr set your healing set your technical assistance or service yeah ha ha ha [Applause] check your healing you tell my dog technically I came to ask you for whatever day you saw me a dog is that how to talk is how to talk or you see somebody that you do know why I came from in my house rocket I'm also important and they put us at times I don't why I canceled instead of Alicia they call me Madame then you kid about that because I can't be see you use your coffee for my father Swahili yeah check your healing just your services take your everything is that's not what I don't know in your village they also talk like that in my village that's how they talk in your village I'm sure you also speak the same way I just got me a talk I suppose you realize you got five friends they think you something how can you call yourself a man of God oh you're such a member but I say that I need that you say and they talk it's a high plus I should talk where were you trained rubber you attained sorry pastor should talk don't let me show you I'm a man of God and you I call you I say I want whatever I look at what you what you are saying how to talk as a pasta nurses here take your healing [Applause] but the woman said I'm a dog I've accepted it but please I still need your helium that dog if it's one because I like it I like it at the dog but I was English you see Sadie cisterna posting great face if actually she sees him so great and herself solid is it when you see yourselves more there are two ways to make something great like if you want if I want a stylist to be a giant prefer Silas to be a giant you see no yeah okay one of the ways is I can put him on the chair yes I can put him on a chair then it's getting bigger isn't it it's getting bigger as iris color stung by him you cumbersome on him but another way to make him very great okay so come back to normal life so let's just stand by him no no stand by him here this is this is normal life now I want to make him great and powerful two ways one is that I make him go you go up low you up for this Stan on yeah it's great that's one way okay for him to be great that you can't believe you believe in him he ministers to minister to him powerfully minister to him [Applause] Wow [Applause] okay okay now another way to make him great is for you to become small good and small yeah small you see like when you humble yourself you become very small below that says that becomes very great now minister trips again yeah it's a new way of player you blow it you a hundred to powerful huh yeah [Laughter] [Applause] Wow so in two ways a person can be great enough to be a blessing to you one is either peasant making himself very great about the other ones you can very small below see so this woman demonstrator made Jesus very great and made him powerful and big and and that should had great belief in that he was so great I'm yeah big dog I'm not more than a dog it's true I'm a dog you know and also that when you are not offended it shows you have faith like if I see if I suck like I don't shout that everybody but there are some people that if I feel like shouting I will shout because of the belief that they have in me of what I am to them so my shot at them within whatever would it be much of a problem when I started like a father has started at you you have to just I mean that is fro me better close your smile should come immediately and you're smashing tell me Delia you split your face should be straightened but when I don't say that I have that bliss from you I will rather take my time with English words and careful protocols not to shout at you or to make a mistake of yeah so it is when I came to this camp and they were firing with the guns I told the people challenge don't fire with the gamma the way the people looking quiet you don't know the belief that they have yeah Ross in our village we recover we fire out before easily so we don't know that believes that they'd be yeah so I said be careful because to somebody to be our friends go to the beach go to a conference they deport I do know that amount of man I used to do my hair before I figure as I've done my eyes come here I will children and we children come and then you tell you are speaking I'm listening to what you said you just get up and you just come in for what down or what's on this and I was so sleepy also judge my Bible I think if I'm sleeping I see the first over that I'm a big to the world a bit too many conferences no and if I followed anything on my rights to sleep other right to scream if I want to sleep you can't about the child but it's our body kindergarten just come in just to what are you me Wow haha they shot your belief that your faith in me and in what is going on is less so I have to be careful with you yeah so for Jesus will subscribe dogs where I am a dog honey talk as you see this but I beg you to hear their dog truth at that dog if needed if it dog have vet and I also did my addictions yeah even dogs have been so that people who are often the middle believes module so all those of you who are here this small picture we are preaching well offended so I said it shows your faith is very small because I tell you we are all Africans if you can make a statement like this that you don't give the children's bed to the dogs traced away it has no big deal only one meaning say I am a dog be fun and you just pick anyhow you don't like it from where I came from coming the king of keyboard everybody is a king of kids in his house and a lot of rocks it is garden and a path of ceremonies it is that room yeah everybody's activities in his house and a lot of loss in his garden and a muscle ceremony it is that roof yeah you just can't get up and start calling people talk just get up and start a lot of large bar and the King of Kings and I'm not some ceremonies so as I come here maybe you have been rebuked ha no rebuke you ivana rebuke your process yeah but your face is revealed in the fact that I rebuke cannot point you by rather you say yes we would have said we are nothing we are self we are we are supposed to rise up I mean some people can be annoyed with the soul such a kill with their soul they say that you are working day for us to finish over us this is a pretty nice day for us the preachers our staff recut active before they can be out got us already [Applause] who is that all right sit down Wow do you want to hear that song again are you sure you want to hear the song again is it uninstalled it is talk to you [Applause] [Applause] Pacific [Applause] haha [Applause] hey let's of faith pay less of faith face a great piece quickly traveling communication humility and before I give you the last point I want either to sing the song and see what I find sex by the song go into all the world and preach the gospel until you're my new son if you love me obey the state permission we'll trust this everywhere in every town every province ever existed a freakish abuses [Applause] tell me how long give it all away for you - Oh baby I have a feeling that I waited for you - oh baby yeah I have a feeling that I'm waiting for you to do file with up I gotta wait in vain for your love I'm gonna waiting babe love my god away I got away do you prepare for what I told you I told you build up their culture I do have a per division and your business must be big but on you do we does not leave your church grow your mind is what other thing oh I've been thinking myself I'm wasting time of you oh I wanna change change a position replace you as break yourself as hell because I've a feeling that I'm aware this way for you - Oh baby I'm feeling setup boy today for you do my will oh he's asking is he gone away is he gone away for a long time I'll be forming up for you there's always an excuse a bad press a bragger sir you always have asked you for a barbecue [Music] perfect beyond all things things that you love me your heart will help rare L [Music] forgive you lovely way if you love me hey you go baby you would work much harder than but you know I have a feeling that up pay for you to always be waiting for you to do my we forgot about thank you if we gonna waiting for Jana if we gonna wait for your if we go away for your is we gone away your love if he gonna see call that is he gonna be gonna if the gutter don't just take the song yeah [Music] think about it a little while if we gonna be Ghana is together God wants to know is he gonna be gonna easily gonna give it away [Music] how long how long is it gonna wait for you feel better if they run away we got a wedding we got a fish taco if we gonna you gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta wait thing [Applause] ah so you are not arguing a song [Applause] bill another form of great face I'm giving you pillars of great face tell another one is what traveling amazing villa number two is what communication pill on a battery is what humility humility is the sign of great this is like facing the creature equipped and pillar number four persistence don't give up don't give up the face that's all like that huh yeah don't give up I never give up yeah never give up hey we are more determined than I like turns out that gray Hey the woman was not prepared to give up based on install sample custody situations and other racism nothing good mujer yeah she didn't buy the racist card those who are not from here you got what you are saying about me racism card shoot him dice and no don't talk that way now this over Jesus tribe mi tribe some of you once more in orders my tribe my people your people that people dis Ghana yes that hey and also I can imagine our commissioners Zambians our dogs I mean that young dogs they should not be given a bread from oh I will take four tops is that we have dogs how'd you come from color to color baby a dog are you mean hi - not easy at all and this woman say look you can call me you dog what I am an Alsatian or a Google bubble what is a single on the two Batman or Chihuahua dog or whatever I like my dearest Lee yeah she was for not real ready to listen to anything just like Publius Crassus types with young [Applause] Luciano's also prepare to hear anything hey patellar chale gaye protector we removed a shot of the fur remove you are lucky like it I was at a woman how do they fit in a fat mortal self look I want you to know I am more depending the church is in bamboo in every town is about Bulawayo very big Dora wherever a mug sir anywhere with buildings Sultan itself is all building the building is the public yeah we saw how the church right here Victoria Falls on this side Livingston on this side Wow we are 40-something some other people 4700 it is not that we are going to start construction in Zambia Zimbabwe if allowi in cocoa we are going to see practically with your eyes you see Spain practically practicality sees your eyes take a picture of your eyes at this eyes of today we'll see what until you see you see the caffeine you think a pickup in Blanca and Lilongwe in Harare in Ventura in Bulawayo is Victoria Falls Shivani Bugattis hometown everywhere these are birth hospitals everywhere and it is now that we are going to start all those who thought they were discouraging us you should have tried to discourage somebody oh yes we are here to break till bit and keep it called situations and enemies yeah look Alexander the greater he was fairly determined yeah positive with that was a positive with that practicing positive with God family in a positive way yeah and when he went to fight pager Terios head of dario's him down yeah what buddy had done it before I said I will fight them they need fought came Barrios the one in the Bible and they run away and he said will fight you again with a smaller army he went to fight a bigger army ah and when he was fighting you see eye to eye commander the smaller and here are the patients when they said take that is to start Janis tan Ready Steady Go let's expected a war a less than the degree took a few neat soldiers and setup look at Dario's at the birthday let's move him Wow I went to defecate the King of Kings Darius himself it was shots he himself hey there what was able to run away laughing time yes I mean it's just to price everybody it was very determined yeah very very determined yeah and after seven years he suggests we're tired they said we want to see our wives we want to go back to Greece they have trouble walking for today yes I've gone far to India please so when they returned said we want to go back he said okay let's go back out on the way any booty we see that magic oh yeah okay he's been going back on the way home to see their eyes and he saw a second term which was world called Molly Molly a when is and here ahead of everybody the commander and climbed the wall a Glenda what jumped into the people's town so he loved them and he was alone all your soldiers were outside you haven't okay he was how are you I would think I walk okay you hey in the Bible he discovers a goat very fast-moving yeah before they do attack so he was seriously wounded before his other so just gave enjoyed him so they say he was seriously wounded in the wound that took a long time to recover before he even died he didn't die from them died later but not long after that yeah Kevin okay you so don't lose your energy your persistence you'll feel you get it no matter what is happening to you even if it looks like you're going down your silicon now you're gonna win so here in Zambia here is the Babri Malawi Togo it is now and it is now that you're going to see something hi and why would you persist you only persist if you think that you believe the belief and I lent it I'll end up for my father yeah one day I was with my father in London with walking in the streets of London and we got to a shop when my father said he wanted to buy a book for and I forgot what the book was for my dad for me or for a book when we went into the shop a shop has several flaws they said there is this book is not here and I said I want to see the manager of this shop and I thought to myself this man is embarrassing us from Africa we have come to London the white man say that the book is not there now you say was it that magnetized on the spot florists also said I want to go to the photo we working to the left to go and see the mixture when ya for what he wants when we put an out I remember in my head saying that process is not necessary it is even embarrassing and why do you have to pause a scene in every shop and good in every shop you go to there is a whole scenario set up there when he told the manager what he wanted em as I said wait I was dead to my amazement what the book that he said that they said it's not there that he went for flaws that he went to see the manager we got the book physically physically walk out of the shop yes yes so when we are following a determined command that you can easily be in your mind discouraged and say that what are you doing too much about it's over the 10 is not is too Matt is unnecessary it's extreme Wow that is what is life when you are following a dependent leader assistant amount of faith is a man of persistence it is not persistent that you believe sell them I change my mind I said everything is possible yeah any when I was coming here the the hotel I was going to say the zetas no no I said let's go let's go the one we called and said they only give us up to this day so you let's go and we are there you know how we do here we are here like the I if you've not work with somebody we send it to pieces then you would you you you don't land it when you walk with somebody say later passes after sometime you realize that when he says try again you go quiet check he said there is no double check the way you are not used to this great the question is it is a bonus I shall do it ability to believe it either beautifully done ee ee ee visitor I realized that that data I learned that from my son and I let it all up a shoe language most of us are not determined and most of us are not persistent so when you meet a persistent person all you are underrepresented you are surprised that is causing the scene it's been an embarrassment he is caught in a stair his thesis is it's over and he doesn't want to accept that it's over so learn to be flowing with editor when I said I want to build a cathedral in room uber she keep watching with your glass [Music] ooh buzzer less practical there will be light healthy living to the lighthouses be careful when they run yeah that quarter will be between buildings when I think that without them practically the two churches will be quarreling because they will always be fighting over lot of our members when there is a program is like we should host it and they'll be saying the Zambian side is nicer than the Zimbabwean side and as it bubbles it as they publicize our understand our lighthouse members will be coming here for honeymoon and there will be asking are we going to their Zimbabwe size others Zambian side to be a powerful Sun far L and we will have to step into separate damages stop this Coralie now huh you hosted last year and this year somebody is hosting Wow do you believe it to happen practically first sector is practically yeah yeah Wow so don't speak to believably - when I walk in behind a persistent man of faith I start giving up is not going home unless I'm an executive cause I will go home I'll build a road in the seat do they think you've ever seen they see with a wig and green water dream if you can't be black you can see below and love you bye rocky disappear so bring another one another one I'll tell you come up to top the second road as a young boy we want to say carry on hey it's a halftime I'm time to conquer you and I will cocaine God has given us time I said God has given us time we are not going back to the house oh we are all out it's a sign of faith big thoughts stressing you with pain because by Stace you are going to have a good report and a great blessing is going to come over your life lift your hands father thank you for this wonderful camp-meeting and all that you have showed us and bless us with for these four countries that are represented here today we pray for the Church of God to be established there and to be built series of cathedrals and churches [Music] send an appointee subs Lord raise up seven reserve workers give us the act of leadership the earth of shepherding the odds of following the odds of hearing the earth of knowing you long and working closer with you we thank you Father in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I completed churches and the pastors who are here into your heart unlike them use them Lester tell them to increase in the body black it has forged mighty way we are grateful for he who began a good work in Zimbabwe and Zambia Malawi Congo shall surely bring into a perfect man we thank you Father for what you have begun to hear I want all the pastor's to come to the front pastors of the Damned beyond the four countries is your pasta appointed at the pastor come to the front set out your hands father thank you for these pastas as we lay hands on them we pray for strength bless them Lord in fact your spirit of wisdom impart your greatness because without you we are nothing we can do nothing Thank You Holy Spirit and pray for them my god do something wonderful in Malawi build your church thank you for your healing power that is wonderful receded blessed raise up Lord giant I pray for giant spirit of spiritual giant component Michael let it be powerful let your mighty be real in a special way thank you for grace for this way thank you for Greece help that is not to dead I pray for it give yourself on screen give them the upper hand the wisdom the art of hearing the art of following the art of leading the art of following ice-cream the grease or the apathy - thank you thank you my God my God thank you that wife Alicia of everything that stands completely build it establishing do it long do a great thing I ask for it thank you that you have not finished what you started but you will finish it because you are the author and the finisher of our faith we praying for the invitation of your grace your message your power a low desk top the regular Brazil hasta la jolla if no breeze still be a little valve educated emulation a distillation Jesus name burrows da la da da da da da vast and Allahabad father thank you for beginning in for finishing thank you for blessing my car my god hey ho Santa lavash Andale Arriba what you have done is break their back so please let's give what we don't have and know it's done with what we don't have as it is you will instead be thank you in the mighty name of Jesus we pray everybody leaves you hurt in thank God sancorp optician Africa thank God for the harvest the ministry of the sower who went out the source and God bless the scene at the seat group and it became half 1993 of Hamilton and the Lord increase you multiply you then you become a great rock then you become a great multitude for the Lord then you another Lord with Souls Souls he died for so he sent His Son Jesus to die for the Lord bless you keep you pressing you and deliver you from evil we cancel all paths use of this diocese and we cancel all values from this area we have both accidents and Subject Tests and all forms of tragedies we catch them and refuse them in Jesus name let the covering of the blood of Jesus be over each and every one of the servants of the Lord thank you long one shall grow the immature one shall mature and whatever is deficient here you have corrected it you have stricted every past love strict in every crooked ways and fills every valley we ask for it thank you practically for churches building people Thespis draw souls we are giving you thanks and we are praising everybody thank God in the name of Jesus Christ David Alaba Alaba relevance hallelujah if I go back to asleep [Music]
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 7,937
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Keywords: 2014, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, VICTORIA, ZAMBIA, MISSION AFRICA, THE MINISTRY OF THE SOWER, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Evangelist Dag, Dag Heward Mills, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: ULoJrK91VG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 41sec (10541 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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