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I just want you to listen very carefully you need you need to listen to the tapes because good for a long time sometimes and just listen to it and then put it down for some time then one day take it up again and then you'd be surprised how the Lord will tell you amen all right now the main thing is that you've got to meet God and the Moses met God and the cons Moses met God he was so changed and so different and so blessed and this is what we need if more of us could meet with God I think I mean me to be different they understand because instead of being concerned about what people think we'll be concerned about what God thinks and I do think that when we are really concerned about what God thinks I mean we are going to really do well what do you think yeah you'd be a better feature if you had a better 7 you'd be a better lover you'd be a better person publicly privately I mean in every way because you're thinking about what God things basically and God is God and God is good so if you are trying to please God you'll be worried about eating your booty's you know that you are doing the right in other words by even the right thing whether the butit is right and if the motive is also wrong one day officially I was praying about something and I remember some things that I talked some time ago about the church growing and then the Lord said to me that those principles have not worked because you have those principle for the wrong reasons they are good principle by the doorway or they have no ways because they are good principle but with the wrong motive you were trying to apply them and they were principles for church growth and a lot was telling me that if I had rather had a heart or a vision to care for the people that he died for do you see those principles would have went you get it rather than having a motive to have a big church I don't see the difference so it's like is this good principle and it sounds very good but it's like the reason the underground reason for everything I mean is that the church should be big mega church and a lot of things that he died for some people he loved these people he cared for these people he came to die for them do you love me feed my sheep you love me send my sheep do you love me care for my sheep do you care for them even if they are three even if they are four easy so suddenly you realize that it's a good but that's why you know about two days ago I began to confess my sins to the Lord I confess my sins from the morning to the evening I didn't finish confession because I prayed and I said lord I want you to judge me now you understand I want you to judge me you understand yeah so I began to end as I began to confessor I tell you especially from the heart so I will ever have to do this to see how I can stand before the judgment throne and stand into nothing yeah everything will go up in smoke I tell you oh you'll understand what I'm saying yeah because the god he looks at the heart why are you doing what you are doing about what you are doing good oh that is that is one level that was good or bad but a point why are you doing this good thing that you are doing that could be but what I usually and it's like the bootys Ezra for instance there are people who are working as lead people and in a lot of money and really supporting the church do you see and that's what Rick Joyner was trying to get he and a lot of money and there's a lot said to him by the lottery by he the Lord was offended by that thing that he was doing Ellie doesn't relie the brain to the church because the reason why was is that he did not trust the law to be able to look after him so even though is a very good thing to help and the support that I not be abandoned the motive or the reason behind it was wrong so it's like I started coaching anymore I don't know if you join when I'm trying to a lot of our things they just fall through because what is anger is wrong and it says good thing with the wrong reason are you listening to what I'm saying so it's very very important that we really work on our hand and when we talk about meeting with God I wish you bit God how many wants to be God we will really change if you really listen if it's all about updating but we haven't changed because we are harder than Moses yeah somebody should get me a rod level get me a rod we got me a web this one get me a road this afternoon all of you should get this monies method if you are not around what is it about what what I don't know the title what was once the Wang's diet not their worm dies not and the second service the third service was what the wages of sin I want you to listen to it okay but I brought a way to check for people to see a web that died has not but now I want a rod that you need see and believe amen so the message very simple very I don't know if it's short but it's simple and it's entitled the backside of the desert the backside of the desert hallelujah now in Exodus chapter 3 we are talking about missing god yes now look at this rod this is a rod now supposing I come back from missing with God and so what could you have this and how do you know that God is with you I watched a film about Moses which I recommend for all of you to watch when he's got Jethro his father-in-law he told aside I know that he had met God and so on I move aside immediately believed and Jethro was encouraging saying look you've really let God then move this to in the film Moses took the rod and threw it on the floor and nothing happened to it he because it only changed there and it changed into the snake in front of Pharaoh these are the two personalities so in between is a normal road so he's through it nothing happens and in fact death you say I told you that's nothing too easy to observe imagining things if the way you reach the Bob it looks so clear go get a rod eternity snake stretch away your college Clare you're going somewhere you know what you are doing and so on and so forth you get it so when you want to clean in real life you realize that even as Moses was going it's going to ferret holding the rod what about when you get to Pharaoh the understand and it's like you are standing with before the most highest power on earth and the highest power with spears and thoughts and companies all around and you are saying let my people go now what you mean by let vertical versus now it's not time for you to put this word which you'll be working with all along you'll be working with now to throw it on again and what about if it doesn't change we are finished I've come to see that working with God is everything it's risky to follow God and if you are not professed to have the risk then resign now so some of you use medical but only that the thing you use this for firewood this chop it into pieces and use it for firewood and you say you have a mess cause you would dream it was a dream all your relatives have been able to convince you diapers as a mental it's a mental problem hallucinations that have led to that so you've left it so that you haven't made call you blessed if I look at the truth [Music] that's the end of your calling finished gone forever so today I showed you the message very short very simple now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock of God to the back side of the desert and came to the mountain of God even to Horeb and the angel of the Lord appeared unto Him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the push was not consumed Holy Spirit thank you for igniting heatwave in our heart today in Jesus name thank you for your presence here Lord amen now the desert itself is a quiet place now the back of the desert or the bad side of the desert is worse than the desert the other Sun and something has moved roses to get to such a place the backside of the desert what do you think now it is bad that he met with God now last week if I am basing all the wrong things on a prophecy that came lastly I believe it was last week or whenever as I was ending I began to prophesy and then I had the Spirit of the Lord saying when you are coming come alone I don't know if anybody remembers a thing when you are coming come alone you want to really know somebody come alone you think you know me you know the way you do me alone yes where you are coming come alone is because of that prophecy that I'm sharing what I'm sharing because it is a prophetic word for all of us when you are coming come alone you can even give that to be the title of the message when you are coming come alone what could take Moses out of his condition of being the Pharaoh's son Pharaoh's boss's son and so on what could separate him do you see that some of us have to be admitted at a hospital do you see because when you are on that mission you will be alone some of my best times with God have been times when I've been sick and I can't move how many of eliezer before that you were sick that is when you began to find God when you are coming to come alone if you won't come I will bring you and I will bring you in when you are coming come alone have you seen this before whether you go to see somebody you want to talk about something but like there are people there so it's like you do easy stuff what do you think have you seen some before sometimes even a close person around but the presence of the closest word ad-supported visit those like no we've changed this topic yeah when I was proposing to my wife and he came to [Applause] you have to not have to change the topic and he could not understand the revelation that I have to leave [Music] [Applause] no honkies when you have a visitor you want him to go in so cannot see that is not touching that revolutional look it becomes to feel happy they're asking for mineral I took you aside you see an athlete looking he's not hot all the signals so that boom are we [Applause] are you there yeah for the highest form of relationship with somebody you need to be alone this get smaller as a group gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller their closeness increases so if you like size or group is inversely proportional to closeness other size of the group get smaller the closer goes up that is why these days when I'm having comes I restrict that in life I restrict the attendance see every preacher he may not terrible when you see certain faces certain messages come so some people when they come to the camp this invoke several messages you have to now try to stop what is your life why why you must work for God who are you coming to talk about other people but the presence of that decision then who loses oh he has been dragged from somewhere they said the whole message so a lot of the message has change what is your life we do that your life is a zipper it will appear for a while and vanish away and the message has changed so I have learned that it's not just having a lot of people but sometimes even reducing the number of people when Jesus was speaking to the 12 disciples he said much much much more than he said when he was presented not he preached without explanation and let them to their confusion because these are the inside to spin which is look when you watch as everybody here was the passion have you watched it though you need to watch it over again you can see that when Jesus was saying that you hate me you hate me because you hate my father discipline it's real as I read many people in this area who hate us only the album called a chance to manage no matter how many disliked or whatever you do the hatred the day as if they get the chance I do not even Jesus said it he knew what hatred was as a Dutton is dead and they have two choices any time you reject something you have chosen something else any time you say I don't want this official so by refusing deserve the chose Arabic and pilot there is no the scissor we do only sister no Barnabas issue we need them this man out with him that's all Dexter that's why I believe water to explain the messages that's why I didn't whether to give understand it and these people I can explain Emilio sir they will never really believed in me no matter whether if I do every miracle they will not believe you do not believe in striker than me I didn't believe it because of the waxing doesn't we'll tell he doesn't try so as a good get smaller more things I said then the twelve disciples get even smaller to the three who goes to the Mount of Transfiguration then the goodness it is smaller to pick up and you see Jesus as now words to Peter when you said to Peter you ever work and when you saw Peter do not maybe that is not it's not something how many you love me bro do you love me do you love me if you love me this is what it means me and you you get a pizza and you didn't say that to the other he's ready to pick up do you love me you love me do you love me now it is not a personal thing so as we get smaller and smaller we are hearing more thing that you don't hear as a group gets bigger even three four five we are reducing the things that can be said and the things that will be said to say anybody here meet with God is to say the somebody's wound alone goes to God alone to the backside of the desert another the desert bus alone anybody here who that is why when we come to that we all sing we all do this work by you personally moving God having both quiet times this is so quiet I am quiet I'm by underground by time I love those quiet times I wish I can get that song again quiet time you see and what you call yourself a pastor and you don't have those five times you are a powerless preacher yes and it is a for speaking what is a seminar or whatever you speak when there's no power there's no real wherever you stir through so you and I need to know that to meet with God you got to come alone and you need to meet God and Lord no matter how I preach you and how you are blessed there's something that we have to do for yourself you have to know how to be alone and ask you know how some people like to be with people me I like to be with people but I also like to be alone I have the - well son as a nun with what you think that I always like to talk I'm always happy to see people but there are also times that I want to be alone and I don't need people around are you listening to me how many have decided to meet with God alone yeah when you go you meet him Amen when you do you are going to find God and find a great blessing that comes only from go into the back side of the desert how many I bless you to this message have you had enough why not it's a good message good question okay now I just want to end my message by showing you three things that were happening that Jesus said will happen in the backside of the desert when you come along when you are coming when you are coming and you come alone three things you will analyze that as the backside of the desert how many want those three things and are you sure very good then we need to Matthew chapter 6 I got to read some best time three things well now prayer the first thing you do is pray where's our prayers thou shalt not be as the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men verily ICL's you they have their reward but now without read enter into thy closet which is the famous enter into the backside of the desert and when the hot tub by door pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly amen this is the first great blessing amen secret prayer private private privately free nobody knows about your prayer or decision without prayer they are freezing free fast and giving these three Jesus pray the whole of Matthew chapter six explaining that these are three privacy is not perfect we will all set this is privately you do [Music] [Applause] [Applause] private I mean I'm go surprising one because I'm going to fight it there enter into by grouping and I follow with fear in secret there is a vendetta lesser well don't get all of this trace the backside of the different goal the sixteen manga we'll discuss business as a hypocrite of the sub-continent for the disfigure their faces that they may appear to live uses publicly with a mercy that you various tells you they have their reward but thou when thou fastest anoint thine head and wash thy face the dark we are not ultimate offer that unto thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret sorry will be open when casting and giving the believer we bring you very close God I will chose you and I'm showing it before happy that you do not your alms before men to be seen of this otherwise you have no reward of your father which is in heaven death hell when I guess I am we must sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory of men very I tell you they have their reward but will God do it and let multi lesson know what thy right hand doing that I found me reinstated as Eliza with fear in secret in structure we would be openly through the successional private activity surface a subscriber activity and giving we will people and say free they are done privately mia private what I want to do other private reason you don't like my message matter what you squeeze your fish these are three private things yes yeah it's very stupid of you for completing and blessed is your prayers are all public prayer and few reward don't listen is watching is over okay your circle is only the fifty one day for the ten days of the seven days that's not private view and go nobody knows you are fasting in cinah resently oh now you're giving so it's also a public only the Highlander there are private giving to try this giving me no one knows about it only you and God they didn't offer your mother but you have to assume anything your left hand you should know what your right hand is doing raka Roka Linda you're right cybot I right hand in the will set you what no one left attitude these are the three things that can invent something special on your life in a way of meeting with God when you look at fasting the fasting of Christ you see that he was personally fasting in the wilderness alone with God yes how come you never had a nice Tesla is my method I've finished I hope your series is so clear there are so many that are softly and you know what it means to you so I mean what you want me to say there are modules I can't report to our bus that God has spoken to you already yeah everybody knows when you are fasting what if only the church fasting that you do and I'll say that if he was especially little God and by specialist acting like you are fasting without too much to do I need some ik somebody so I'm on 21 days dry I'm on 21 on my 17th day immediately description comes to Newton he had not as reward he said that his secret doing in secret at your father may reward you openly there's lots of immediacy somebody comes over I wrote a check for the check yesterday I would say 10 million check where I gave this money I did this no I went to bless the man of God with this and this and that and that everybody knows when I'm doing 21 hours prayer so up with the first 17th hour I'm doing 40 hours prayer for the change 120 hours for the ministry to be establishing certain things Adam you know I'm working on an abyss interceding in the realms of the spirit and dealing with developing policy I'm dealing with drones and everybody knows everybody knows what you do hmm like Aegina everybody knows and what I'm trying to say is it look all of you are mine when we move on if you try to have sex and there are like a lot of people have come to watching anything you can't have an erection if I don't want it to be mythical are you find it difficult to understand this message there's a feeling as difficult [Applause] how can you wouldn't have this what you call it Genesis because as soon as there are people involved it's like a axis power seems to be gone out of the routine if somebody is there is it you've got a running sum up or you've got wearable decisis it is what you for incidents like there are people outside the door officials catalyst [Applause] because my people [Applause] [Applause] you don't fully get a message to people behind the door it's like you sight through that you know within the descent of the one day I was with a group of people that be and a lot told me to take my jacket off and put it on one of them was a group of people on somebody but I wish I saw everybody went and they were just two people there and I took my jacket I put it on and I said the Lord has anointed you but I waited till everybody wouldn't are you understanding what I'm saying it's what happened without people there he will speak where there are people there he will hold it up so everyone is gone - hold it - hold it I tell you everybody shouting laughing this is about he will wait till you come at that line said to me to tell when does the title of my measure when you are coming it's all happen when you come with somebody there is something about congregational prayer congregation of a strange group fasting group prayer it is one chapter of your Christian life but there is the best not something you can that is the god meeting part of your whole life has been missing god time because other reason was anybody to see what I was doing it wasn't sighs what's under the most entity to do this is and I said it in my spirit but it's not for other people even if they are they all have to start it soon okay you know the Bible says that clothes were taken from this and that it was anointed sometimes carried in what you call it in materials or in coats and in the dementia of Elijah and a sidekicking explanation accordingly so why this person and not this person this person and that and that and that so many things that's because there's somebody else there the whole thing has changed when you are coming come alone hallelujah she wants to beat you alone he wants to talk to you alone when his acai was dying of a sickness 2nd Kings chapter 20 he prayed alone and in those days has the car was sick unto death and the prophet Isaiah some of emos came and said unto him that says the law step dyeing house in order for thou shalt die and not live then you stand his face to the wall and prayed unto the Lord thing as beseech thee O Lord remember now how I have walked before thee in truth with a feather hat and I've done that which is good in thy sight and Hezekiah wept soul he pray listen to the prayer second case of the 20s best three when I thou left then has a car now down a scribe to the Lord privately and he said no I wish listen he said his friends to the world and friend unto the Lord sing a be fifty or not remember my how I have not be heavy in truth and a peppered heart and I've done that with his good in thy sight because Hezekiah have really organized a revival they are closed example before he became the king when you can hear you open the temple organised pray I organized money for the priests o people brings title and the three should be encouraging the West that they are doing the work we organized the whole church so he sa Kai was not calling on God based on these activities you know and has a come West so and he says the pastor's are for I would me in the set before I died a for as I was gone out into the metal that they happened the last came to him stay in Canada and tell her the car the custom of my people does have the lobster as David's I father I have heard thy prayer cyndaquil before I was using on the third day God some call us Angela after the Lord and I was unsure died days 15 years and I was delivered be and distantly out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city from my own sake and for my servant David thing is a holy miracle ahead of Isaiah dream and Isaiah said take a lump of freaks and they took it and leave it on the boil and he recovered and has a capital trial what shall be the strength of the Lord will heal me and that I shall go up into the house of the Lord s ad and I thought the distance that I have of the Lord that the Lord will do the thing that he has spoken now the suburb is over 10 degrees or go back 10 degrees and Hezekiah answered if it's a lightning for the shuttle to go down 10 degrees may let the sudden return that works 10 degrees and Isaiah the prophet cried unto the Lord and he brought the shadow 10 degrees backward by witches have gone down in the dial of a hell a lot of miracles were happening in Isaiah's ministry you see the shadow when the Sun is going down the shadow goes down to each other it's very difficulty for the shuttle to gonna let it go back that the Sun should go back is where the shuttle would be 10 degrees backwards but look every kind now down and pray to God and within living if a dispatch that is correct everybody who prays with the mimic Godhead in heaven and afterwards on do we talk about all the officials are happy I have it one like that in my LLM you hear a voice in your ear mara is the direct or do this thing he had the wind wealthy the Bible says and the words of the Lord came unto him saying is something that we hear in their ears you know Kenneth Hagin would say one time he wasn't he was in a car he had broken his arm and we're rushing into the and as he was grey said the weather the Lord came in the car and told him this sickness this the handle is broken is because of something and that I'm going to heal you and if that would be a sign the next morning the Lord walked into the hospital room to talk to him about three hours but I was going to the car the word of the Lord came in his ear directly that this was before hot when go to the hospital as soon as I hit the country as I was going home in the middle course and also said let it from way from the sitting-room to the veranda to the outside before you go out of the gate it was in the veranda the middle court when the was an instant because when they tell you are going to die the understand that he cries a lot have mercy on me remember what I have that lastly always one hardest and the third color be brave and especially on you for your Friday prayer it says God will reward you openly that thing would be different when you come alone Jesus fasted alone in the desert waiting of God seeking God many years ago when I was on campus I used to go alone to the Guardians to pray that there were some people are now criticizing me and this and that and that and whatever sale all sorts of bad stories about me and I remember that my wife and her roommate at least that's what then they used to sit on the Spanish stuff of the Spanish Department they will be lying there at ten o clock in the module see me passing with my Bible to the garbage alone and they will learn and they will go they used to buy kebab and going to use it to basic you so the web a kebab then they will go to the our menus to make stew today good luck dudu everything will be happier they will come back to land in the absolutely late afternoon then they will look after the we'd reduce this coming from the north from the garbage the man who came to pass in the morning is now returning I went to find him on my own alone when you are coming on alone you always meet with God if there is no grateful for your life and there's nothing about you that is from God it's a strength go be below body twists and means patata you know papa just imagine what you think it is that's what it means I also don't know what it means you go Adam says just praise America one day I was a hit aboard ready tomorrow several America I said what does this mean it is first spotting the ball Amory possible a greater than people Amory first preached everywhere am i referring to we was genuine anointing America was a monkey and that it was reaching come alone when you come to fish he will hear you and then when you are giving I want to come along come along we see these two things I mean prayer fasting I don't think I have to stay so much to show you how it makes you meet with God but they be giving you didn't know how giving makes you meet God you see we did more not giving mixing me God when you give God will reward you don't be about that maybe to you there was a second man in Siberia Cornelius a Centurion a development one that feared God with all his house and he said much harm to the people in pretty God away and he's shown a vision of God for such a vision about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming into him and field and 16 Cornelius I went in look on him he was afraid and said what is it Lord and he said to him sighs where else I'm out come up for a memorial before God now and then to super a striker one time on whose sandal is Peter he loaded with one frame on eternal who founded by the feet right and he says tell thee what thou oughtest to do and when the engine specs on too familiar for the product he got to a powerful sermon and a debug tools out there that we don't do continuously and when they are declared all these things onto them different them to topple what make the angel come their friend and they are armed they're giving I didn't chase and so first how many like an angel to come to you we do like an angel to come to yeah it's there it's not something I'm making up as something that that you're free and you're giving has come and asked of an angel to be sent from heaven to you giving and green other this please any such is something that is private and the more private the more public the blessing of God giving to the man of God it's something that people you people must really learn it you must really learn it you see anytime I see somebody who has learned that thing I realize that the person has lent a secret of ministry you see when you are giving to the church often you are supporting in a general cause but when you get to the place where you accumulate the grace of God which is coming to you and where is this coming from you start to zero in on especially where you can actually now see that this is where something is happening to be from most most Christians don't know it most crittendon is even that Oregon voters image because that the traditional people who are bringing a prophet offering the way this is somebody who has been touched by God anything after I didn't presenting the offering to the man of God you actually presenting the offering double suited up tightly is standing between you and God like what Iran said and what was the stood Aaron listen I see what he would be to your mouth and you will be doing instead of God he was in others he will be to you instead of God that's an exodus exodus chapter 4 and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses and he said Exodus for best 14 you know he was complaining and listen Beth 11 you know it's a better I'm used to memorizing vessel Evans about it starts to help me to become a preacher and the love startled to him who has mid-month mouth or who may get the dump or death or the theme or the blind have not either left know therefore go and I will be with thy mouth and please do what thou shalt see and he said all my lord the stretches I pray thee by the hand of him who not offend let's put in the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses and he said it's not Aaron the Levite I brother I know a little speak well and also below he can afford to meet thee and when he clearly he will be glad in his heart does a pickle to him and put wet in his mouth and I'll be with thy mouth and with his mouth and will teach you what you shall do and he shall be thy spokeman unto the people and he shall be even he shall be to be instead of the mouth and those are big lips instead of God I'm not getting this something that Wow that that's okay I said let that cook in let us that is why sometimes when you violate the patient has got a scent to you you're actually believing God because it and he shall be to you instead of God come on okay look eternal God is the one he will be with instead of God this instead of God this what you have to instead of God instead of God so when you come with your offering you have given it instead of because people think God loves me he is to you instead of God instead of having seem to God himself this what you are so what you would have done to God I mean whatever you double to God instead of God that's all you have different role he shall be to you instead of God that is that is why we get into so much trouble when if the person is like weak the person is problematic the president is did the persons that like if he has said that he sub it to you instead of God the answer of being able to give God the money already how many really want to give both money to Bob how many want to give the money to the Lord instead of giving the money to God instead of God these are BTUs instead of God yes many times people have come to the devil you give you an offering because it is only stretcher people who do such things most of the time I sense in my spirit how the pessimist approaching the Lord unfortunately I'm the person here I mean instead of God and the person that he has to meet fortunately unfortunately I mean I don't know so when you are insulting God instead of inserting bodies Resort in Surat in Stockton instead of God volcanism would be people instead of God you've insulted him directly the very one thing how do we would like to give it you had that Jesus was moving around the body wouldn't you want to go there and bless him recently headed a certain man who had been a blessing to me had come around and I wanted to see him because olive is my whatever scheme was to to get him an offering I didn't want you to preach the rules it didn't because he has been to me instead of God directly teaching me how to preach ether of God who taught me how to preach because he stood in the stead of God to teach me okay so I needed to sing hymns which was only reason for giving what I could give him instead of God it shall be so instead of the mouth and you shall between instead of God so now also bless God instead of got a blessing on behalf and because is there you shall be to you instead of God I mean if English is there so sometimes the presence closer to you is that close enough Oh God despite that it is all got to speak to be a son of God yes now unbelievable when they merely know you don't believe it don't believe it because instead of God to speak his book and he shall be instead of God it's marleau instead of God to speak to me Kenneth Hagin spoke to me instead of God in the set of God that's why this is the fastest car becomes special but instead of God back of the tendon that was used instead of God but is it as you get closer to God you begin to realize its own organization I checked local entities and I'll finish my work I'll finish my work as I have and what is it thank you mister instead of instead of a television has blew the church and build this a building but he said I have I have work and I have kept the boss will now give it to me you know our finished and we're a brother ma I've trained them a finished at the work of God it has to do with individuals so as you see the big organizations it whittled down to one thing one person somebody always instead of God for my children instead of God oh cool instead of God to speak to them countdown this dish flaw every Sunday instead of God and be there the he is to them like God they they must they must love the masked marvel anything he says even about anything must be important and they must like it because he is to them instead of God so when we kiss like that to the man of God that God has given you have given to God let us talk in as a letter talking we don't know we are children we don't know what we are doing but as we build more and more and more the final and for this blessing you know the institution that is decision will guide by the individuals to deliver because God's Spirit works on individual when this church is no more if it is ever no more before Jesus come there will be individuals with anointing and there will be others who has taught some things we don't even know who there they are just moving in the system because the thing boost from patiently when you pray when you fast when you did come alone I'll meet you there I will bless you public everybody know you came right after when you prayed when you get when you're fine with them then you start a new message is that God alone in the closet no one fears you even your left hand and your right hand why does anybody have to know what you are doing do it just do it do it privately yes something personal that would change your life god bless you are you okay [Applause] hallelujah I love that all this is from the Holy Spirit these are not repaired method is the I think that the spirit Audrina I believe shall be to you instead of God these are things on this earth those it's not for me from him take it from him walking is from him instead of God to come to you he will come to you instead of God to speak to you he will speak to you instead of God to bless you he will bless you instead of God to listen to you instead of talking with a person instead of God but I see if he will invite you yeah instead of go to rebuke you he will reduce you instead of God instead of God instead of you having somebody even of you having God to give the thing to it would be there instead of God as used you will give me a place with anything I couldn't find God I was trying to give him this all that I have in this second side I was looking for him his telescope I brought it to you let your hands thank you Jesus thank you Jesus how costly it is when God speaks to us when God has chosen like his head to error and to Moses instead of a mouth you shall be to you instead of a man you shall be to him instead of God how costly it is all our life is changed forever because instead of God to speak he spoke instead of God to hell he cut and you shriveled and became a wicked plan because he cares look at me everybody feminine didn't you ever see God to catch him and instead of God catching him somebody can catch you you would you would you would return as the best I can say instead of God are you watching what I'm saying do it well do it privately when you come come alone that's what you've seen with your hands father instead of God thank you for those that you've given to us to believe in to learn instead of seeing God to love you love the man that God has given to you and instead of seeing all the cadmium is four [Music] instead of Oh God Balam breasts they're revealing that I cut it by the Landis [Music] just thank him right now [Music] thank you [Music] thank you what a pleasure [Music] instead of cell to head an open market you hold it in key initiative give it to you let's give the name of the site we worship the magic [Music] hallelujah
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 2,040
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: 2004, Dag Heward-Mills, Lighthouse, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Korle gonno, Bishop Dag, Dag, Dag Heward, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, The Impartation Services
Id: cEwPqVUy2KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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