Prayers for Divine Help in Your Time of Need | Dag Heward-Mills

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so today we are in our eyes unto the hills from your hands to the law we are with you close to you today is the end of that what represents [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for cases proper cases put in my heart respect this is the spirit of the fear of the Lord yes mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help Amen my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth so the quest the thing that we probably don't realize so much is that we need help how many need help alright it says I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help my help comes from the Lord Amen so when Jesus was with us he when when he was about to go away he said I will send a helper so you can see that Jesus could see that the main thing that we need is help and that's the main thing that you need you need help you need something to help you go a step further then your own efforts are helping you and something to help you go higher than how you are all right so without help you cannot usually do well you can't do well in any area of your life without help I'm sure of it why because the effects of Satan and the devil and the sin in us in our lives has affected our character so much that we are lower than we should have been in some research people have said that we are using just a small percentage of the brain that we have so ladies and gentlemen I want us to pray for help divine help god help me help me help me let's turn to our feet we are praying nobody should think of anybody else we are praying for ourselves and we are praying for the help of the Holy Spirit I will lift up my eyes to the hills the hills is figured figurative of up there high up there something up there beyond the skies amen where God is lift your hands up ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Cibola stored up in the castle of accommodate many bestow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] doumyouji yeah call help us Lord yes help us we lift up our name of Jesus to you from our help cometh from the Lord yes Lord send us help Sara Vega thank you in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus you may be seated second Kings chapter 6 verse 25 there was a great famine in Samaria and behold they besieged it until an ass's head was sold for Foursquare fourscore pieces of silver and the fourth part all right was sold for four score pieces of silver and the fourth part of a cab of doves dung for five pieces of silver all right so when the Dove to push it was sold like people were buying it now there's a serious difficulty are you there yeah how many have seen serious difficulty even at your age only fourteen people more of you okay now as the King was passing by upon the wall there cried a woman unto him saying help Lord my lord o king help okay now this is what the King said and he said if the Lord do not help me when shall I help thee how am I going to be able to help you out of the bank flow out of the winepress in other words can I help you from above brushy market or from Malcolm or from which other shop there's nothing in any shop we had that in Ghana sometime ago there were shops but there was nothing in the shops just empty shells and then best 28 and the King said unto her what aileth thee and she answered this woman said unto me give thy son that we may eat him today and we shall eat my son tomorrow so we boiled my son and did eat him and I said unto him the next day give thy son that we may eat him and she have hid her son it came to pass when the King had the words of the woman that he rent his clothes and he passed by upon the war and the people looked and behold he had sack loss within an upon his flesh all right no verse 31 then he said God do so and more also to me if the head of elisha the son of shaphat shall stand on him this day because your head is standing on you but Elisha sat in his house and this soldiers and the elder start with him and the king sent a man from before him but before the messenger came to him he said to the elders see how this son of a Mitra has sent to take away my head look when the messenger cometh shut the door and hold him faster the door is not the sound of his master's feet behind him and while he had talked with him behold the messenger came and he said behold this evil is of the Lord why should I wait for the Lord anymore best second Kings chapter 7 verse 1 then Elisha said hear the word of the Lord tomorrow by this time salad measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the case of Samaria in other words things are good there'll be so many things that they'll be cheap things only expensive because they are in short supply then a law on whose hand the King leaned and said the man of God and said behold if the Lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be and he said behold thou shalt see it with our eyes but thou shalt not eat thereof the prophecy you believe is the prophecy that you are going to experience and the one you don't believe you'll not see it that's why there are many prophecies in the Bible and they are not happening in people's lives because they don't believe it they don't believe and that is why I have prophesied many things since I've been in the ministry too many people but they don't believe because a lot of the preachings and the teachings are prophecies you see when somebody teaches the word what he's saying it it is we have apostles prophets pastors teachers and evangelists alright these are 5 now the reality is that each one of these preaches and each one of these teaches so a teacher teaches a pastor teaches an apostle teaches a prophet teaches a ribald evangelist teaches the way we teach and they preach using but it can now therefore be an apostle who is preaching a pastor who is preaching a prophet who is preaching a teacher who is teaching or preaching and evangelist who is preaching or teaching so depending on the office of the person it has a different meaning because the the words that are being said are prophecies so if you look at camp meetings well where the mechana is you'll find out that when we have come meetings see it is what God has used me to build a church that the churches have been built from camps that's what people don't realize even if you want to start a church or have a chat if you don't have a pasta to be there you can start a church so the first step in building that is used to build people and those people were built in the camps and the Bible says that the foundations of churches is built on the apostles and prophets so that is why the mechana is different from other teachings even Sunday teachings and that is why you'll find that even in the macaulay many people that I use even just as examples what I was used as an example was actually a prophecy if you didn't watch the videos you see many things you would think that it was just something that was being said but it was a prophecy and even in church you see that many times there are things that look like examples but they're actually prophecies and there are actually prophetic things because a church is built with an apostle and a prophet if I was not an apostle we wouldn't have 4,000 churches yes not and if I'm not an apostle that what is an apostle you see what I'm saying and if I was not a prophet what do all these things that have been said and that are happening and have happened practically and ask people how but you see as people despise the prophets the prophetic words they don't do well they just don't do well because you think oh isn't it's whatever how can it be so bad except tomorrow by this time they'll be I mean you don't know you know that the level of crisis people are boiling sons people about their sons so it's not a small problem yes so when we are saying certain things people just discard them they just disobey but in the end you'll find out that they don't do well like this man he didn't do well that's all he did he never enjoyed the prosperity that was coming in 24 hours it was not ready for our miracle if I prophesy to you and I said by 31st December this should be some people say just you know what is it what we just they are just saying wait it's fine if I said to you this if you cross this line you'll be cast so it's nothing but what people don't realize about cases is that a cast starts with a small step yes I was talking to one young man and he was telling me how he and his brother or his brother took a Cutlass to fight his father so I said that is I said you are doing your brother and you okay so I told him that this this ecce so that was asking him about his education I said oh he now he doesn't have money because he's no more staying with his father because after that father I seem to go so what I was explaining to him was that I guess it starts with a small step I do not know that I guess I started to be implemented because now it's just one small step I used to stay if I stay here step one number two I should have continued my education to do let's say masters or whatever it was but now no so I'm doing something else so your life has started changing but it's with two small steps the first step is where you stay and then the second step is that a certain going to do this is not happening now something else is happening it doesn't look very much like a case after all if you work you've got a job but not that you are doing masters or whatever course you are doing it doesn't look like a case bye see you touch you already your life has already started going down yeah and you see by the time a cases in full bloom you understand the English that I'm speaking full bloom do you know what is full bloom like it is working fully at a time it's working for you you don't even relate or connect the words that were spoken and the full bloom look at even how we are you know somebody wants come and say that he he read a book and he thought that coming from a case Ghana for he died I don't know if it's true because of how he was overthrown I don't know you you you you are you are you are ed I didn't do history so I you know everything what cause did you do are you not add students as I saw the body yeah or even the case of ham when it's a servant of servants Allah be nothing happen just move to stay everybody went his own way and so on but I tell you if you see if somebody tells you that we have two hundred billion dollars worth of bauxite in Ghana in one mountain in one forest one small for I saw it myself and you cut it that's that's only bauxite not not gold not gold not go we are the largest producer of coal in Africa today we are current the countries don't forget now I suggest that we go back for that name yeah we are covered with gold covered with oil somebody was telling me that there's oil in family a geologist the soil in family we pay there's oil like oil that you get in Saudi Arabia we have it even if the bottle like this oil under it's amazing and we have something like dooms oh so what I'm saying is that you you must respect don't have proper respect for blessings and cases this is the thing that's what I see that cases remember it starts with a small step it has begun when you will not not even noticed because they step it that is happening between you and your father is a step that's happening with almost a lot of people's parents are also having the same thing or stay here stay here well stay with your mother stay with your auntie stay wherever you want to still every rental house it's a small step so you know recognize I guess has begun so it is important I with me for us to have respect for all these things and these are the things that are working and that is why we need God's help amen and we need to pray go you don't know what is working in your life hello people working hard please don't start working hard things here instead of praying we should work yeah you know how hard I work do you know how hard people work that's why it was so we are going to ask yourself what is where your feet begin to speak Adela mom Barra da son Dava me know yeah chacabuco know Cody kabob Alya Mamba and ando bon bon de la mala layer cast Ola Rama VI rava Sora me a vaca stoma March combo Vina Rima Ranocchia Zora Bianco manchala many phenomena so maluma kevanna para DNA [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] holy hands to the Lord holy hands to the Lord father helped me helped me to rise above the kiss helped me to rise above the cast up little rise in my life come it will rise financially spiritually help me to rise against myself in the rise in the [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] Hey [Music] amano-san believe anger [Music] [Music] [Music] I am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if the Lord does not help thee who shall help thee how many can look up and down at the same time try looking at try doing it use your right eye to look down and use your left eye to look up try can you work so you cannot look to God for help and at the same time be looking for man to man so today we are telling our eyes I will look unto the hills from whence my help cometh lift up your hands to the Lord Kanha so father we are looking towards you now divine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] holy hands lift your holy hands father our eyes are looking up we are looking to you for help yes help us long stretch out your hand intervene intervene intervene in the name of Jesus step in law step in help us law lift us law rescue us lord save us law send your angels law send your angels law send your power Lord help us law rescue us Lord in every situation in every crisis in every problem in every situation send your mighty power send your mighty power in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of I want us to pray for financial help Jesus help in your holy hands father we thank you for [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well provisions to help us thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] you may be seated someone 21 to my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and F even if your anchor doesn't help you the Lord is going to help you amen verse 3 he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber now today one of the first attacks of the enemies that he wants to move you he wants to move you yes the Bible says he will not suffer thy foot to be moved and one of the first places the enemy wants to move you from is the house of God yes there is always pressure to move you out of the house of God I mean we can have a hundred reasons why you leave the house of God you see behind the end you come back to the house of God because your help comes from the Lord if you don't have God what you have yes so he shall not suffer thy foot to be moved that's why is not easy to see church members who have been church members till their 50s they started in their 20s and their teens and they are members in their 50s 40s 60s you know because we are human beings and so many things come that you you think should not be the case you feel oh why and you know complaints and memories it's not because something bad is happening we have two types of complaints self generated complaints from an internal complaints is a complainant there are people who are always unhappy yes one sister was telling me I don't feel my father's care and love and I don't know what else and I said yes school fees and a yes paid all my school fees my everything but I don't think how many have seen fathers who don't pay fees and don't do raise your hand they don't pay no needle yes so there that many of us no matter what is done because you are complaining like a guitarist or a pianist or whatever Allah complain list we don't need to do anything to provoke you if you are being paid you will say do you know what I was being paid when I was working at Unilever I used to work for live our brothers I used to work for a kebab you know what I was being paid so already even though if you calculate or whatever if you are a be blessed you see that a complainant always complains so when you have any employer complain it is important to relief in soon complain is a good enough reason to be sucked one day I was going somewhere and I saw someone who has been employed by someone and when I saw his face I said no this person it's not a kiss that's what Julius Caesar said about Brutus or Cassio's hungry look and what hungry lean and hungry look in such men are dangerous and he was a lean and hungry I will say that I have fired people more for being complainants and for having that look than anything else yes this is a number one thing that's the number one reason why it was like the children of Israel so I've changed my mind I have changed my mind what's the use of your mind that you cannot change huh yes I've changed mama so God wants to us to pray against being movie says my foot shall not be moved these are no suffer thy foot to be moved why because there is a snake at your foot trying to push you everyone you see this that you know you you to that you are moving away is it not true what about represents a snake that is by your foot trying to move you from your God keep in place and your God keep in position it is cast today in the language rise up today car NASA began to pray listen pray for yourself Marathi Bharat Bhushan acaba [Music] the Vipers head layman Ptolemy Avena Caston dairy and Oh gasps Oh Lucretia bachelor Menengah righto many Buddhist Mamola plays lombarda Stora Rekha Lamaze a lychee mean evil Oh Fran Davina Cosima yeah ku mana be Rambo Nintendo same bamba' la Gazza Shamala visa Soria Paco Chambal Elia ramanamma Yemenis yota Rocco mess Santa Liga topology say Laura mucho reminisce auliya r.a tamina tamina so rec Evalia man Paul O'Neill and Anna Sewell waka cello Bolsa Chica sahaba ripple alia Mehta newsa non-marine ozone Barina shambolic oh sorry nama sivaya rockabilly Miata loss Amira Bronto - ah la ribera tina xenos mentioned earlier Kazuma rappin ottoman as L grew up on Oneonta we are coma bina loss America so cheap al Akua Mantinea with allamani Romina sonam PO cheap a linear brocco see Melinda Rompin Ellen esto res Amina Julia Renea Rock ammonia metallus rambha nasal a dredger Minako Tony ma rich simona mainittu nazim a column oh my chela Dunamis Tanana samba lizard Ayatollah kaya do hace que llamo Tofino sorry Bala Chander limo raffle aghast a rebel as Yama Manik restaura it Allah Musa y'know more serious a Black Talon and Oh Rico salaamu de Italia more Mandela's Baba Shalom Oh Braco Salamanca limo scammony ramp arena chicka Bow Salaam o NASA Catherine de prata beyond a safe aluminum cheeky ATO hoteles oh ma Loomis eco Lackawanna more Syrian below machaca it's her anymore Samba Liana Romani Allah tell Amanda who Jamuna chalamaiah voluma Pecola xalapa its Hollow Mahal it's allamani my Adela Syria van Tony cerium Amina Sola zhenya Machado male zhenia m'appelle anima a zhenya McCown says economist a Chia bullosa from aliento michael ammos nicola Mottola movie sanam madhava celebrant Oh chica la Mona it's Hollow Paco saurian Wrangler rambly Cimino Prix de la Sekulow me shakaal Amanda Munoz say Brad you know se como los cover los caballos como los [Music] [Music] he keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is thy keeper the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the Sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by lights the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil they shall preserve thy soul shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time for lift your hand [Music] [Music] [Music] my god father we thank you yes that you are our keeper yes you may be see that for a minute now Genesis 27 verse 8 now therefore my son obeying my voice according to that which I command thee go now to the flock and fetch from me from thence two good kids of the goats and I will make them savory meat for thy father such as he loveth mmm and those are bringing to thy father that he may eat and bless thee before his death and Jacob said to Rebekah behold Esau my brother is a hairy man and I am a smooth man have you noticed some people are hairy like you can sit on the legs and said you know some people are hearing me some ladies are hairy is in it you can see on the arms there are some places so that's what we mean by a hairy man or a smooth man it did not understand what I'm explaining yeah my father peradventure will fill me and I shall seem to him as a deceiver and I shall bring a cast upon me and not a blessing and his mother said unto Him upon me be die-cast my son only obey my voice and go and fetch them now Jacob was Isaac was 132 years old and here he was already five years older than his mother Sarah is what I was Sarah you know that Sarah's had only one child Isaac this one they are already past 8 so he knew that I mean you can die you know what I'm saying yeah now I'm saying why we need help because he said you see we have three people here yes Rebecca she doesn't fear cases oh I hope you get what I'm saying it is it is temerity or tameria's nice jacket temer arias you can't you don't know how to spell it yes can Mario's this is the word for today temer arias unreasonably adventurous rash has strong reckless reckless interpretation presumptuously daring or mobility leather case come to Mario's or temerity yes reckless so I'll Drive up 190 kilometers there always that's nothing happened all the IBI way tomorrow see before it says temerity of temporary oh no says what despising danger yes mario's oh and you are recklessly talking with something that can affect you and that is how Rebecca was she was temporary oh when it came to the case oh did you come is nothing whatever but you see this is why people's lives take the step down step step step because of a camera Rios cattitude towards cases reckless Oh nothing will happen we can handle it what waiting Milosevic upon me bid I guess my son so I'm asking us to pray because I think we are temer areas also with lies and deceptions you see Jacob Jacob said lest I be found to be a deceiver and then I guess comes upon people are reckless with lies how many I said that you have been tamarillos with lies raise your hands yes it's like oh I will tell a lie and nothing is going to happen yes huh and you see just say no way you should say yes it's nothing but you see that's why people are not blessed we are laying hands and praying for things that cannot rise yes you know one of our pastors went to do some business in the business he bought day-old chicks you know they used to bring them in the airport born just for one day they arrive at the airport right do you buy them when you buy them you do your family and you feed them now with farming by a certain time you have to sell because every month you buy every month you buy and when you sell all the chickens together you should get more money than how much you bought the day Oh chicks plus all the food you've been buying plus the vets and plus the salary of the people who are treating the chicken and the water bill and the light bill and everything do you understand the business yes I'm explaining to you different business now he started to fade feed the chicks first month you see I know some businesses Rick one day about that you wrestle turkey somebody brought me the bill of how much the food is for one month and I when they bought me the bill I said no let them walk around let them walk around I cannot pee I have not paid that they should walk around God will see them anyway so he started to feed the chicks first month after one month chick which has eaten in a magazine some people who never grow fat [Music] no matter what the idea stomach is flat [Music] no matter what reacts too much nothing go you anymore eating butter the butter is in of you you fried egg with butter butter in young butter in potato butter in rice everywhere butter but cannot grow fat so this chicks the act for one month the way like this you can fill my second month he fed them and there was a Lebanese man who was waiting to buy the chicken in his restaurants when they grow bring out by all but after 2 months you see there is something beyond what you know he cannot develop it is called failure to try failure to thrive failure to thrive so those of us want a malaria you see less I be found a liar and I shall see as a deceiver and I sorry ok but most of us are reckless and Tamera's and you see that your life would be like that chick who receives the word receives the prayers receives your father's help receives many input receipts whatever but failure to try it is true what I'm saying is real it's recklessness but checkup was not like that Rebecca was reckoned to marry Rios but Jacob also know if it does how come he became so blessed so today what song did I give you check some 120 put some 120 on look at it in my distress I cried unto the Lord and the boy he had me best to deliver my soul from what lying lips and from what a deceitful tongue because it's dangerous to be near somebody who is like that best three what shall be given unto thee or what shall be done unto thee thou foster what should be done to a fourth time that's four shot arrows of the mighty with coals of juniper that's hot cause this this what shall be done for a fourth time and meanwhile you are hilarious because you don't fear God and you don't feel his weight sharp arrows of the mighty with coals of juniper so from today every form of amaryllis nests in your life especially in relation to deception tell whatever say sorry this is where my discussion has ended I need to go to the toilet Baba and you go to toilet that's all you have to respect but is it what I want to say why are you eating here what it is what it is what are you doing here why are you sitting in chat if you don't feel good I don't even understand what you are doing here actually remember that you can why don't you go home and watch Kuching Baba what could you bother going what season 4 season 4 be in the house and versus you if you don't respect God if you are reckless for sending all the things in the Bible oh man what a film why do you bother to sit here we have so many seasons to what you have only recently we have up to season 17 and one season three oh man what's your season four why do you bother to come here why do you bother to be in change if you don't reach you don't feel and have the proper fear for such things that's all I'm asking so you see that's why things come down by front I can see steps Ghana did not become like this overnight yes from 1957 when we took over we have somebody making it so gala our beloved country is free forever then they started sinking I'm Nkrumah where's everything you know you said you give up freedom these are the same and so on and we had that song the song starts with coming promise voice oh I thought it was a political I mean it was I thought it was even Independence Day but I realize yes today was no independence what we are we are in November stand up to your feet please any temporary Ausmus with deceptions and lies let it come out of our souls from today in the name of Jesus begin to pray for yourself that is [Music] [Music] yes yes yes in the name of Allah because [Music] [Music] - yeah in the name of [Music] [Music] Sadam you know one day there was a pasta he hadn't Arango in his one of his branches and he said by Sunday if this pasta who was in the branch steps in the puppet he will not live past the Sunday he gave a date either for the preaching and then the day that this guy would die and actually I even knew of that date so the pasta refused to back down but we are taking over the church he refused to back down so Sunday came the day of the case and he went to church and the pastor preached and close the service Sunday continued Sunday evening Monday Monday the pastor said you see nothing has happened you get what I'm saying you see Nadia has happened until Allah he said that if by Sunday this and this and that this is what is going to happen and it hasn't happened you see that is tameria sness yes where people recklessly handle cases and such ways now when God told Adam and Eve in the day that you eat you shall die let's say the 8:00 on Friday on Saturday they were around somewhere and maybe it was telling Adam you see you didn't die you see you didn't just look at the human race and if you can ever describe death that has befallen us was beyond death during the September 11th there was a man who was involved his name one of these Arabic names skips my mind now but when he was being taken when he was him on trial in New York he said if I have a chance I will do it again because you know the September they will be tried on the same tower they try to some years before and he didn't push in about a few people died buddy nothing happened and these guys were arrested and when he was convicted he said I would do it again I believe in this checking his alibi job and they sent him to prison seven feet by 11 feet the whole size of them four walls if no human contact now even the ability to kill yourself it's not there recently he started to up it was eating food he is not allowed to see anybody they pass it through a tunnel and give it to him and his there one two three four concrete's one day I saw a security man I saw that he was not happy he has been there from morning to evening that's a security money how much more inside a jail with the concrete walls there's nothing so you may say that you see I'm still alive you say nothing has happened be careful tenor arias one day my mother told me something but I would not tell you what she trooping what do you like stories too much but something happened to my friends parents and but she knew the parents when they were younger she so she just made a comment when they were younger this I couldn't believe my ears my mother she has a lot of things a lot that she has said this one I believe so every form of recklessness in you in fact all our prayers if it me type that thing you see God that is what made jacob jacob he had a proper respect when they see a blessing say can see was i back down if i dishonor my father is a kisser i do not i don't care I wonder him if he said a lie I'm not lying and he's bringing a case I don't like it stand to your feet if you don't get anything from this prayer time if it's only this one lift your hand up a la cara a proper respect yes for cases proper cases what in my heart respect yes you're wet this is the spirit of the fear of the Lord yes the spirit of the fear of the everyone hey hey yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] Sayaka Donna Menifee no yes [Music] [Music] listen yes how many people realize our people don't fear God hey hey both of you go let us pray for you see that's why the holy scrutinize eye level s2 is the spirit of wisdom understanding of the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] receive the spirit of the fear of the Lord we seek the spirit of the fear of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] party money [Music] see man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ha Sumana Jolanda my to my logic lagana me now no man who say Minako yeah come on Sally now butcher them Anita my nah Oh Donna junga junga come on [Music] jolly cop - my side to myself [Music] son [Music] [Music] yeah timed a [Music] he died good God Champa Chameli Lord yes Lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord you see that for a moment now you know one of the ways which this prayer is helping you is that it's not just praying to find Devils which will say huh you know I came here you know that demons are the implementers of cases demons implements when a word is spoken is legal they are demons which can implement and they that's why they come and they never go now when Jacob finished he was not a mario's about cases he there him he had cases ba and blessings so when he came happily even though they find they may find out I his he's a smooth man or he's actually he doesn't even care because mother has taking the case am I the way after this the next thing was Rebecca said I'm weary of my life that was the next if you you can google it yourself and see the Nexus you are aware of my life if my son goes to take a daughter from these people yeah look at it and after that she was not having even when she died her name was not mentioned it has helped her her mates name was mentioned and I have made was by she's not messing with that she was buried yeah and when you go to Israel today you see hey tone Rick Rebecca's tomb Rachel stone Rachel is who Jacobs wife yes that the mother of Israel but not Rebecca so even had her even when she died is not mentioned its know if you mentioning the any Hebrew history so now Jacob is ready for blessings back to my scripture Genesis 27 and he said come I smell my son is the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed those of you don't smell nice it may affect your blessings because if you don't smell nice you get it and people who can't see well they are more sensitive with what they smell and what they hear so he smells something nice that's why the physical leads to the blessings after he had eaten not fast at eating and he felt blessed he was in a good mood then he said God therefore because of this smelling nice perfume I'm smelling those of you don't have perfume receive grace to get perfume from your life [Music] God give thee the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth most more words and plenty of corn and wine let people serve thee and nations bow down to thee be lord over thy brethren let thy mother's sons bow down to thee Cosette be everyone that cassadee and blessed is he that blessed thee that's all these words simple words cassadee's he that curseth thee and blessed is he that pleasure D that is why when Hitler was killing six million Jews again to marry us Jews when they were killing Jesus and Pontius Pilate was saying Pontius Pilate was saying I find no sin in this fault in this man now just shut up and say we find a fault or whatever and he took water to wash his hand they tell me rain mostly says let his blood be on us this is a usually I have said it that's why I'm telling you to be careful because that's what you see is controlling things let his blood be on on us but this one he and they answered all the people was the best before 24 when Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing he took what I was his hand before them I said I'm innocent of the blood of this justice see to it I mean you should have just been quite so - underground no comment we don't have anything further to see but then I'll send all the people his blood be on us and on our children I mean one of the children got to do with this this thing you should have mentioned the children in the thing I understand in temerity and on our children it's us being followed by centuries of harassment for Jews especially on the sin that they call the sin of daily side we have homicide to kill somebody suicide to kill yourself and they decide to kill God deity are you listening we are coming to the end of our prayer but I want you to respect how many of developing a good respect proper respect for spiritual things yes he said he said be he that can save you now when Hitler was also fulfilling this case there was also a blessing in it as a 65 I think was 12 so he says that don't destroy because there is a blessing in it don't destroy it because there is a blessing in it as a because there is a blessing in it so when the Jews were being harassed there was a man among the Jews have you found my Scripture as our 65s 8 yeah he said destroy it not for a blessing isn't it there was a blessing in Jacob so you can't you can't destroy them even though you are destroying can't destroy what there's a blessing so there was a man are you listening to the press yeah we are coming to the blessing and after that we are going to take an offering that is going to neutralize cases because one of the ways to neutralize when when the case was in the earth Noah offered an offering and God when his mother I won't do this again it ended the case now when they were killing the Jews the case was being fulfilled God remembered his web and so many Jews were transported to America including no other than Einstein Einstein was a German but a Jew hmm imagine not oh the man who had the formula to make the new club on which the man in the male energy 4595 it was ready Einstein so when they were 20 started harassing I'm 19 that is something when Einstein was put on a ship and exported out to America the one with the formula is equal to MC sweat do honest honest energy is equal to mass like if you take a kick a small kick like this it has enough in it to be a nuclear bomb that's what it means if you can accelerate the kick just a kick as big as this as big as this the microphone you can accelerate it you can accelerate that atoms to a certain level it will give a type of energy which is so fast so the energy that can be produced from this red cake I'm holding is equal to the mass of this times the speed of light times the speed of light again C squared huh I'm sure even the art students can understand what I'm explaining so if you can accelerate it if you can move it if you can move the atoms in it just make them move at the top speed it will turn into this amount of energy that's the secret of the Ottoman that's why the atom of the two men carry it like that they put it in a car in a plane the name of the plane I forgot you the name of the plane that carried the first atom bomb but he had ever written the name on it they just carried a put it in it was enough to wipe out the whole of a crowd everybody knock out that the two people ocarina is just a cell is a mass but if you can accelerate the atoms yes move them very fast do you see it would turn into energy so he was saying that the theory of relativity that Energy's mass mass like you the amount of nuclear power that can come out of a human body if we can accelerate that the atoms within the human being to a certain level it will release a atomic model wiper from here to soon that's all that it means and the man who had this theory is equal to MC square is the most famous scientific formula of all time the man where this formula was a Jew and he was in Germany then we brought him out and that was it there is a blessing in it don't destroy it so I'm saying to you some of you don't feel cases you don't feel lies you don't feel a lot of things but from today you fear it and you fear blessings amen so when God said to him I bless you check out that I bless you I bless you he started his life started to change yes he went into something for 14 years he was also deceived because remember he was also a deceiver the signals are often deceived he ripped for 14 years hard labor see you be careful temerity are you ready to finish the prayers let's tandem finish is equal to MC square a blessing on somebody had that formula and it is able to make a bomb a different kind of bomb yeah it's able to twosome to accelerate a small kick that the atoms in it would move so fast into turn into energy and intensity like a crab four million people everybody dead in within two minutes everybody be dead can't believe you guys multi- they carry two two people just carrot and put it in and they they took out the the key so in the middle of the air when they got to Hiroshima then they went in under the plane and then fix the key in the same and remove the key that it was now because you can't carry something [Music] and they had aeroplanes with cameras to photograph they were just coming for cameras to see what will happen and only one bomb so they drop it and then this to watch Hiroshima and they were photographing the whole city vanished I'm so there there is a blessing in it destroy it not lift your hand and pray for the blessing of your life I asked for a blessing yes I want a blessing yes everybody now we are Abbas Ali Chauhan and say Lord bless me god bless me now is a good prayer to pray Lord bless yes [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] do I [Music] zoria by the Chiana a tsunami [Music] [Music] my zoria Mariano [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you Lord for this blessing yes lift your hands father we thank you for sharing our prayer today yes no your site were excited to be in your house yes we are grateful we are grateful we thank you Father in the name of Jesus amen amen listen is everybody standing let us pray finally for a spirit of Revelation and knowledge you know is equal to MC squared he just people asking how did he find out he says what's the sin a blow he just said it this is a this is the equation e is equal to MC squared does the explanation for the power in the Sun the power in stars because it's a mass and it's moving so fast that it generates energy so no human being can move at the speed of light that's why planes cannot go that fast so if you move at a speed of light you will evaporate mass times the speed of light will turn into energy you understand energy is equal to Y so [Music] [Music] thank you Father [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Oh no no see Kyle [Music] we [Music] [Music] Oh you know [Music] kastenov aha put your hand on your head and receive the spirit of knowledge and revelation receive a spirit of knowledge and revelation this week is your week of Revelation the weeks of knowledge a week of light yes the week of light and revelation in the name of Jesus thank you lord thank you thank you lord now before you sit down let's bind the devil any prayer [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus now let us bind the spirit of the Python you see it squeezes you and it says I'll never let you today it is letting you go in the name of Jesus begin to bind the spirit of the yeah okay a little table Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] acts 16 verse 16 mmm and it came to pass as we went with a spirit of is the word [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now the spirit of a viper in Ghana a pipe is called ananka it means it sleeps is that what it means it's something it's clips is quiet we are seeing some at mumbo when we started the work there is brown and the head is flat you see quietly whatever is being designed by you near you with you yes close to you today is the end of that [Applause] [Music] [Music] you remember jesus said you brood of vipers yes whatever represents a vibe professor in your life yes I catch that now we are taking on a spirit of Cobra you know what is a Cobra only does only one thing that is different from others it will raise up the retinue one day I saw somebody went to space cannot see or they cannot see well so I saw somebody Kobus little son he went behind it like this and touched the top of the headlines you didn't see well yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord yes no I want us to find we are into animals because animals are in the Bible the dragon how many are ready to take on the dragon the remnant of the trouble there are there are dragons but the common animal that you see that is like a dragon is the alligator the Cremona you see him lying there quietly but he had the strongest bite the money in Yamoussoukro who was feeling who Philbin's crocodiles he never knew that they could eat him - look he was [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the trouble the problem the crisis the situation [Music] [Music] [Music] in your life in your business [Music] [Music] nation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you come on everyone lift it up with thank you [Music] Oh come on said one more time without you Jesus [Music] we [Music] everyone little back with perky we you [Music] see [Music] you may be seated Alleluia now take out noah's offering every type of case this ends it by this offering all our temporary Ausmus is ended and I want to read it some music is playing somewhere somebody out there that's 21 the Lord smelled the sweet savour and the Lord said in his heart I will not again kiss the ground I will not again do what yes so casas one of the ways to deal with cases is to make a special offer when God spelled the sweet savor he said I will not again yes no more kiss whatever represents a kiss in your life by this offering you are giving today God is smelling it and he's saying the case I was going to kiss a game no more end of case are you ready to give a good offering that is going to you see I told you not to come to church if you don't believe these things over you should have been watching season four by now that finished form you'll be moving to season five is it not true all this time we've been praying we have been pray for more than two hours you would have been finished season four you have lunch buy popcorn and it's work season 5 and season 6 amen lift it up father those outside are you with us everywhere he says I will not again kiss no more kiss because I smell the offering father thank you in Jesus name Amen greater love Quan give your offering and go one I should be here and come on stage this is the church those of you are expecting order of service there's no order service yet they don't have hymns we don't have anything [Music] take out your offering and let's pray over it give you often and come on stage quickly great a love gospel choir though I think it's probably the best choir not crap they haven't gone for any competition but we come vote for ourselves right here greater love gospel choir it's a gospel choir yes give your fennel hmm all the griddle of gospel choir members our choir has 3000 members amen [Music] Jesus thank you for your power that is at work in every offering in every gift we give today we love you in Jesus name Amen
Channel: FaithDigital Network
Views: 33,897
Rating: 4.823009 out of 5
Keywords: 12-19-19
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 20sec (9020 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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