Prayer in the life of Jesus!

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hello hello to the most wonderful people on earth you know i say that to you almost every day because it's the truth that's what that's why you're god's wonderful people thank you for joining me today this lovely thursday and i'm going to wait till you all come on you sweet people but i gotta say you know what we're having a blessed week this week a prayer this is our week of prayer we are believing together for god to intervene in your situation that god would bring your loved ones to him that he'll meet your needs every one of them and please sweet people don't miss tomorrow tomorrow we're going to have again another live prayer service at 7 00 p.m and this will be a few people there with us in the audience we're going to all pray we're going to all pray tomorrow for you that god would meet your needs on monday you know i focused on some nations tomorrow i'm going to pray for the church again but then i'm going to really focus on you tomorrow i'm going to focus on your needs and many of you have sent prayer requests on email continue to send them please pastor benny tomorrow the majority of the time as we pray will be for you for your needs i'm going to read some of the emails from you and we're going to believe god with you tomorrow so please be a part of that tomorrow 7 00 p.m east coast here so thank the lord for what he's doing it's been a great week so far and i'm going to teach on prayer again today and continue because i want to encourage you it's going to be wonderful you know the problem is almost over that son that daughter that you've been praying for they're almost at the door things are just gonna happen i just believe that for you i really do you know why because i believe the word god said if we ask we will receive it's going to always happen on time father we come we come with all our hearts in the name of jesus to the lord my sweet wonderful partners your dear children your people whom you love so much we all come together lord today in faith in high expectation believing that every need in our life will be met every need lord for you said in your word if two will agree it shall be done it shall be done yes lord we believe your word thank you lord for your promises we give you the praise you know today i was reading in luke how the lord in luke 18 was talking about the importance of not fainting not giving up when you pray you know and he talked about the lady who went to that wicked judge and she you know came and he would not give her uh her request he won't answer he ignored her but he said you know what she's going to wear me out i better give her what she wants and the lord said listen to that wicked judge how much more our heavenly father who loves us will not grant our needs will not give us what we're asking for and and and there's a one precious truth that it says though he bear long though he bear long that you know means clearly god is always on time because we always wanted like now but god knows when the best time is that's why we cannot give up because see we don't see the full picture we we we we just see our need you know we have one need here and we focus on it or maybe one or two more whatever but god sees the whole picture and he does it just right what it will have the greatest effect big plus for your life and destiny too so just don't give up i'm talking to somebody who needs to hear this because god almighty is going to meet your need i'm telling you this sheila there's a lady named sheila who's been praying with desperation god has heard you i'm telling you god has heard your prayer just let him do it let him do it and never give up let's listen to what the lord said faint not and i'm talking to a lot of you right now not just here i'm talking to a lot of people who may be in that place to say when when will it happen i've been praying for years well it's almost upon you it's almost there because now we're coming closer to the coming of the lord and i'm telling you things are going to start happening very quickly because god says he'll do a quick work in the last days so our responsibility is to continue calling james 4 2 ye have not because he asked not and remember what it says how god wondered you know in isaiah 59 16 that there was no uh intercessor so let's not cause god to wander again please let's believe god yes lord we were standing upon your word and you know i said in the car yesterday whenever we pray we are inhaling the life of the lord and exhaling our life and every time we pray his life is poured into us and the flesh begins to die and on and on so let's just continue from yesterday where you know i left off because i talked about james 1 27 how it's important to take care of the poor but in the book of acts they they they saw prayer more important than that in the book of acts and remember cornelius prayed and because of cornelius and he would not give up years here is a gentile praying and god answering his prayer and bringing the gospel not only to him but to the whole world all the gentiles received that miracle called salvation now i want to talk to you about perseverance because that's what what i've been talking about never giving up we cannot we cannot we absolutely cannot give up because giving up means we lose and so in luke chapter 11 just one more time real quickly and i'm gonna start reading at verse five it says which of you shall have a friend and shall go on to him at midnight and say unto him friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine is in his journey has come to me and i have nothing to say before him and he from within shall anger and say trouble me not the door is now shut my children are in bed i'm not gonna rise and give you anything though he will not rise and give him because he's his friend yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs and i say unto you jesus says and i'm telling you ask it shall be given to you seek ye shall find knock it shall be open this is our week of doing that we want to ask so we can receive we're going to seek so we can find we're going to knock and knock and knock and knock till the door opens for all of us and we've been doing it and tomorrow we're gonna do it again that god will hear our prayer and answer our hearts cry yours is mine because i have needs to just just like you we need to call upon the lord now isaiah 62 i want to show you something from isaiah 62 god is faithful saints he will not keep you waiting long i promise you thank you jesus for your grace thank you lord for your mercy i have set watchmen upon thy walls o jerusalem which shall never hold their peace day no night ye that make mention of the lord keep not silence ye that make mention i'm talking to you the lord's talking to you he that make mention of the lord keep not silenced give him no rest now here he's asking israel to give him no rest till he establish and make jerusalem a praise in the earth but he's saying the same thing to us give me no rest till the miracle comes so prayer is the only power on earth that commands the part of heaven commands the power of god think about that prayer is the only power on earth that commands the power of god i mean that's that's a massive headline and you know i've said before prayer can do anything god can do prayer then is omnipotent so only as we pray we're going to see the part of heaven on on our life so the power of our heavenly life the power of god himself saints his very in omnipotence his very power is waiting for you and waiting for me to release it as we pray think about this the power of god himself the part of our heavenly life the very omnipotence of god waiting for you to be released as you pray and when you do the bible says this is that the only kind of power that will cause god to hear us you know even jesus when he became flesh and he was as much men as though he was not god you know when he was on earth think about this he was as much man as though he was not god yet as much god as though he was not man all at the same time but let's remember he was as much man as though he was not god when he lived on the earth on the earth it says in hebrews 5 7 who in the days of his flesh when he became flesh when he had offered up prayers he had to pray even the son of god had to pray and he had to pray with perseverance and strong crying it says who in the days of his flesh when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him this is the prayer of perseverance this is that strong prayer that will not give god rest you know tears unto him that was able to save him from death and was heard in that he feared though he was a son yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered he learned obedience through praying he suffered and only prayer saved him in fact it was prayer that saved him from death itself it was his own prayer life that brought him victory when he was on that precious cross it says for the joy that was set before me endured the cross that joy came on the cross as a result of prayer the reason he could stand there in front of caiaphas and not answer a word such peace flooded his soul while they were accusing him such peace and joy flooded his soul how prayer that's what did it such joy flooded his soul as young on that cross it says for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross he endured the pain of the cross the joy that filled his heart how did it come prayer prayer prayer only prayer takes away fear you know we've all experienced that in some way here and there i remember when the news media came against me and it was a scary time for me but i decided to pray and that same after afternoon paul and jane karach had asked me to go and do behind the scenes for them i was so full of joy i was so full of peace that a pastor called me and said how can you do it tonight they will destroy you on tv i said no they can't destroy me and he was stunned that i was so joyful and so peaceful but i had been praying that day you think when i grew up on that on those platforms in those crusades when i was so joyful and peaceful i didn't have problems oh yes i did one time in a crusade i never shared this before one time i was sued by somebody and they came to the green room before i stepped up on the platform and gave me the whatever i had to be given so i can appear in court you know the summons i think it's called whatever and did it affect me no i walked out on that platform with such peace and joy knowing the lord already took care of it took care of it that's what prayer does saints and god did take care of it within days it was all you know just fizzled out we all have moments but i the lord gives us such amazing comfort when we read look at this what he had to go through which we never have to go through dying on a cross he was able to have peace and joy because it says he offered up prayers and supplication with strong crying and tears onto him that was able to save him from death and was heard meaning he had peace and joy in that he feared though he was a son yet learned the obedience by the things he suffered and being made perfect think about that that kind of prayer brought perfection to the work that he had done for the lord for his father he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him hallelujah lord i give you praise so here we see an amazing miracle the lord understood the power of prayer said and he understood it so much because in luke 3 21 even though i shared this monday i think i need to repeat it in luke 3 21 he began his ministry in prayer when he was baptized he was in prayer that's why the holy spirit came in the shape of a dove because jesus was praying and god spoke this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased he was praying in mark 1 35 it talks about how the lord understood the power of prayer that he would he would get up and pray you know every single day and that's what kept him and maintained him it says and in the morning rising up a great while before day mark 1 35 he went out and departed into a solitary place we must be alone we cannot see the power of god if there's a lot of activity around us and there he prayed prayer kept his fellowship with god strong and sustained him and think about what it says in luke chapter 6. i want to read these for you because it's so powerful luke 6 verse 11 you know i hope you've been enjoying these daily teachings i've been doing with you because it's so wonderful i'm loving it to be honest with you and they were filled with madness and communed one with another what they might do to jesus because he had healed someone on the sabbath it came in those days that he went out into the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer they were planning to destroy him prayer canceled their plans and later something else happens in verse 13 it says and when it was day he called his disciples and chose 12. so not only did he cancel the plans of the pharisees he was able to know who to call as an apostle all his decisions made in prayer and because of prayer and only because of prayer god's plan was saved in john chapter 6 verse 15 it says that the plan of god was saved it says when jesus therefore perceived john 6 15 when jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king he departed again into a mountain himself alone to pray because it wasn't time for him to be king yet and the quran was forcing him to be king by force they wanted to put them on the throne but prayer destroyed and canceled all that because it wasn't time so think about that and later that same prayer time saved the the life of the apostles themselves because it says very very clearly let me just read it to you it's so wonderful let me go with you to uh luke chapter luke chapter in fact you know what i'll just read something here because i i this is i think so precious okay it says he walked on the sea right after he had prayed a storm hit and in verse 22 well verse 21 says they received him and immediately the ship was at the land where they went so not only did god save his plan god saved the life the lives of the apostles because the lord had prayed at the same time and then when when you go and and read luke chapter 9 which i was going to take you to do also and you see the life of peter saved himself but not just that it was because of prayer like i shared monday it was because of prayer that the holy spirit revealed to peter who jesus was because it says in luke 9 18 it came to pass as he was alone praying his disciples were with him and he asked whom do people say i am he was praying in matthew it says peter said you are the christ the son of god and jesus said flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you but my father in matthew 16. but what caused peter to say that the prayer of jesus in luke chapter 9 verse 18. so the lord praying brings a revelation to peter that jesus is the christ that's powerful and later we see the life of peter the apostle saved because jesus had prayed for him too it says in luke 22 31 and i want to pray right now that god almighty i'm telling you i'm feeling faith in my heart for this that god almighty will cause such a spirit of prayer to come on you that you will see miracles you've never seen before in your life luke 22 31 talks about him and the lord said simon simon behold satan has desired to have you that he may sift you like wheat but i have prayed for you that your faith will not fail and when you've been converted strengthen your brothers so when did jesus pray in luke chapter 9 i just gave it to you earlier and verse 18 because he says i already prayed for you so not only did it save the life that not on the boat it also saved peter's life from the devil wanted to to destroy him because jesus that time remember in matthew 16 he said i give you the keys of the kingdom so the devil couldn't do anything with that could he he he he could not stop what the lord said to peter because right before that the lord prayed for him in luke 9 verse 18 and then he said whom do men say that i am who do you say that i am so he had to pray for him at that time and then he said the devil wants to sift you but i've already prayed for you oh the part of prayer so if jesus knew the power of prayer so omnipotent so glorious how about you and i well father in the sweet holy blessed matchless name of jesus we come and we believe that you will give everyone listening to me right now lord that amazing anointing for prayer lord stir them up on the inside anoint them with such an anointing that they will call upon your lord and not give up till they see the miracle they've been believing for in jesus holy name lord i pray as we pray together tomorrow thousands of us all over the world that you will save loved ones that you'll bring miracles and healings to their homes that you'll meet financial needs and lift up burdens lord and bring peace and joy and protect them from any plague out there you said no plague shall come nigh your dwelling lord that you'll heal your people who've been affected by what's going on today on earth and protect your people and let this thing lord come to an end let this whole covet thing come to an end in the world in jesus mighty name lord that we may be able to go back and live a normal life like we did in the name of jesus lord remove it from the planet remove it from the earth you're able to do it lord man cannot but you can we give you praise and god's people said even i believe what i just prayed that god will do it that this horrible thing out there will just disappear off the face of of of the that god will remove it somehow as he's done before that humanity will be saved from this hour and they will look up to the lord in in praise and faith hallelujah to the lamb of god i believe we're going to see one of the greatest no the greatest revival on the planet soon the greatest move of god on the planet soon as the church arises and it doesn't take many look 120 in the upper room shook the world just 120 people shook the world two men brought the walls to the bible just two it doesn't take many and think about if you and i just take that seriously and pray and continue to pray till god moves god will do it hallelujah now let's agree father every knee just say lord every need will every need will be met in my life every need would you pray this after me just say father in jesus name establish your plan in my life for my life through my life and destroy the devil's plan just say that right now father in jesus name establish your plan in my life for my life through my life and my children too and destroy the enemy's plan in jesus holy name amen and a man and the enemy is that devil and god will destroy its plans for you amen and your children and establish his plans only in jesus mighty lord's name now listen just before i say bye i want to talk to you about the importance the beauty the the the amazing miracle you'll see in your life financially financially when you obey what god says i tell you this every day but i'm telling you what i'm sensing this stronger and stronger more and more that we need to give today more than ever to secure our tomorrow i know it in my heart disastrous is coming economic disaster is on the way it's not going to affect you if you're living for the lord it's not going to affect you if you love the lord and obey his word because it says i've not seen the righteous for a second or received begging bread but what we need to do is we have to give we have to give not just pray but we have to also give because when we give we secure the future financially people today are worried about tomorrow will they have enough money to survive what's going to happen to the world economically all that the bible gives us the answer ecclesiastes 11 2 says as you give you'll protect yourself from evil that will come on the earth and what did god say he said i will rebuke the devourer for your sake i'm going to open heaven over your life and i'm going to rebuke the devourer because there's going to be a lot of devouring out there in the future for the world but god will not let that devour touch your life or finances it says he will not touch the fruit he'll not touch the harvest that god will protect your money you see and you'll not touch your family nor your vine will cast your fruit before time that's the family if you if you read malachi's it's powerful he says i'll open the windows of heaven pour you down a blessing there'll not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the nevada for your sake i will put the devil behind bars when it comes to your finance he cannot touch your money or children and god will bless you and make you a delightsome people for he says i'll make her delight some land to israel that god will use you bless you prosper you that everything you touch will be blessed in jesus name now lord as they obey you because you said we have to give lord we have to sow seed as they obey your lord bless them bless them lord i pray everything they touch will prosper lord those that don't have a good job give them a better job give them something better than what they're believing for those that are in debt lord give them enough money to pay off their house or their condo their where they're living those who have needs lord you said you will give us abundance lord you you said you'll give us houses and lands and a hundred full of blessings we give you praise that's your word we give you praise amen now as you sow just say father i thank you for your promise i thank you for what you said in your word amen now don't forget send me your prayer request for tomorrow because i'm going to read some of your prayer requests pastor benny at pastor ben that's the email password and by the way you can so right now you'll see it on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website you can mail it in the mail and the address will be on the screen for you in just a moment they are a post office box in dallas texas or you can text bhm 4577 bless you tomorrow the prayer meeting live 7 p.m east coast i'll see you then much love bye-bye you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 17,234
Rating: 4.9641433 out of 5
Id: 5whayxVUaPM
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Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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