Understanding Spiritual Dreams!

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hello to god's most wonderful people on this beautiful tuesday i'm so glad you have joined me and today i want to minister on something that i just feel strongly in my heart i must talk about again dreams and visions god is really speaking to many of us i'm one of them frankly through dreams and through visions and i want to show you why and what to do when these things happen because the lord may be showing us something good coming or something that the enemy is planning that we need to pray against and stop it so this is the day truly of a tremendous visitation from heaven on many many lives so get ready to hear the lord get ready to see a vision or a dream i'm telling you i'm saying this to prepare you the lord is going to speak to you possibly through a vision most likely through a dream and i want you to be prepared maybe you've already had some dreams that you're wondering about and maybe trying to figure out what to do well that's why we're talking today so thank you for being my wonderful partner i'm waiting till you all come on and please share this teaching with many because it's really really important now i taught on this a long time ago but there's so much happening you know happening today in the world that the lord is speaking to us in a fresh way so father we come in the name of jesus and i pray you'll use this teaching lord to minister strength and clarity to your people so lord those who've had dreams or visions will understand them as a result of the teaching today or will begin to understand them and those who have not that you will speak to them lord soon in visions and dreams for your glory and honor as you promised you would do amen and god's people said amen because you know it's the promise of god acts chapter 2 let's just go to acts 2 we're going to look at verse 16 because that's the promise that we see in acts so verse 16 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel it shall come to pass in the last days which were in it said god i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams now this doesn't mean that only old man will dream dreams because we see in genesis 15 where god spoke to abraham in a vision and a dream later and so it's possible god will speak to all of us in visions and in dreams now in most cases in the bible yes we see it happening where young people will see visions and old people see dreams but not all the time not all the time i mean recently i've had myself i've had two dreams and one vision that the lord gave me that really spoke to me about something going on in my in in my own life that i had to watch for be careful of and pray against in one case so we really need to keep our eyes open now so father i pray in jesus name speak to your people lord make it so clear make it so clear amen all right so the promise of god is very clear in acts 2 that because of the outpouring of the holy spirit that began in the book of acts 2000 years ago but god says in the last days now they saw their days as the last days we're seeing the last days in a bigger way frankly these are not only only the last days these are the last hours okay we are living in the last hours of this generation and god is about to speak to us all in glorious ways lord i give you the praise for it now let's go to genesis 15. you know yesterday i shared with you what god showed me from psalm 40 that so touched me and i'm sure has blessed you today and now we are uh today is uh it's september what their chat today tuesday huh 14 14 okay so here here we are september 14 2021 so much is it's happening out there that we need to kind of get clarity on and i think god wants to give it to us now watch what it says in genesis 15 verse 1 it says after these things the word of the lord came to abraham abraham in a vision saying fear not abraham i'm your shield and you're exceeding great reward so here he speaks to him in a vision later in verse 12 he falls asleep which means a dream now it says when the sun verse 12 when the sun was going down a deep sleep fell upon abram and lo and horror of great darkness fell on him and god revealed his plan for the children of israel going down to egypt and then coming back to the promised land so something i think that's really very very important here here we see that visions reveal god and his nature while dreams reveal his plans and purposes so in that how you like that didn't you hallelujah yeah chad enjoyed that back there he's in the control room sitting here talking talking so i can hear him so in genesis 15 1 what was god doing he was revealing his nature and himself it says and the word of the lord came to abram in a vision saying fear not i am your shield i am your reward well that's showing god and his nature but if you look at verse 12 and from from from on from there on god says no of a surety that your seed will be in a straight will be a stranger ellen in a land that's not there so what do i see from this i see that in genesis 15 and where and in verse 1 god reveals himself and his nature i'm your shield your exceeding great reward in verse 12 of the same chapter and verse 13 and and on he is revealing his plans so often when we have and that's why i said to you i think most of you are going to actually see a dream because god reveals his plan and his purpose in a dream so we're going to look at a lot of that as we go on but notice something about both visions and dreams in a vision you see abraham for example in that same chapter genesis 15 verse 2 where he talks back to god and he said lord what will thou give me lord god what will thou give me seeing i go childless and the steward of my house is this early israel so in a vision people can talk to god but also in a dream and when it happens in a dream that's what god reveals his will through what the individual says in that dream example if you look at genesis 20 verse 3 god comes to abimelech amazingly god gives dreams to the righteous and the wicked now let me say something powerful here visions only belong to the righteous dreams belong to the righteous and the wicked remember god spoke to abimelech in a dream pharaoh in a dream and so on so dreams come to everybody because god loves all and he wants to you know keep him from going into sin and getting into bondage and things like that so here abby may like i'm telling i just said something powerful here that dreams belong to all but visions belong to the saints and isn't that amazing of the lord to actually speak to the unbelievers through dreams trying to bring them to himself i bet you millions of unbelievers have had dreams think about how many muslims have had dreams of jesus that you hear about still all the time so god is revealing his plan and purpose for them and many of them are getting saved but look what it says it is so so powerful in in genesis 20 beginning at verse at verse 3 god came to abimelech in a dream by night said to him behold you are but a dead man for the woman which you have taken meaning sarah she's a man's wife but abhimela cannot come near her and he said lord will you slay the righteous also will you slay a righteous nation he declared him himself righteous meaning you know he didn't do anything wrong not that he was righteous he just said i didn't really touch her said he not to me she is my sister he repeats all that to god in the dream he's not awake he's asleep talking to god and as he's talking god is revealing to him what to do and so god said to him in the same dream as they're talking back and forth i know you did not do this uh you know you you didn't do anything wrong yeah i know that thou did this in your in the integrity of your heart and god says but i'm the one who held you back from sinning against me therefore i didn't suffer you to touch her now restore the wife to the man he's a prophet he will pray for you and you will live but if you don't restore her to him you'll die so god is revealing through that conversation his plan for abimelech and his kingdom if he doesn't know what god is saying to me that's absolutely amazing that god will allow you know where you know his plan for your life by the things you will see yourself saying in the dream sometimes you'll be saying things in a dream not realizing it's the lord who's revealing his plan like example example you know when i had like i had two dreams so far in the last few weeks it's amazing one of them when i saw myself go to heaven and walk through a very narrow beautiful white way and as i'm walking through i'm saying to myself this is the tabernacle this is what the old covenant talks about and god was was showing me that through the old testament he's gonna show me things and then i saw the lord and so on i think i shared that with you and then i saw another dream when i saw myself flying over water with fish underneath and i saw myself in this fortress right afterwards and then i wanted to get out of the fortress but there was a massive dinosaur outside to to devour me and so i kind of walked away from it and i knew exactly what that meant back when all this began with the virus i was in england preaching the gospel then the lockdown came that's the fortress then i had to come you know begin traveling again but there was something i had to watch for out there okay so it's very important that god shows us this and then we need to to ask him lord what does this mean now i know what what it means when i was flying over the lake and the fortress i didn't know what the dinosaur was all about till i prayed and guess what what happened a man that i called that has a great anointing on him told me enough to explain what the dinosaur was and that was all i needed to know which was to me amazing how god but i to pray as the lord revealed to me what did i see what is that dinosaur i saw because sometimes we don't really understand what god shows us till we pray so i saw myself talking in the first dream i know what that meant in the second one i didn't see myself talking but god revealed it later as as i prayed so it's not always that we see ourselves giving the answer in the dream sometimes we have to look for it and i think somebody here i just feel to pray right now that god almighty will really somebody really needs an answer you've had a dream and you don't know what it means father in jesus come on let's pray lord in jesus name reveal to them the answer give them the answer like you gave me a few days ago for your glory and honor i give you praise god's people said amen amen now look at first kings with me chapter three dear lord i feel the anointing here just talking about this because god is talking to you and we'll be talking to a lot of you that he that you have not heard from him yet in gibeon the lord appeared to solomon in a dream by night and god said ask what i'll give you and then of course he asked for wisdom but the amazing thing here to me is god was revealing to solomon what to pray for and what to look for as he's praying because he starts in verse six and he said you've showed my uh your servant david my father great mercy and so on and so forth now i'm the king and and then i'm in the midst of your great people verse 8 there are a great multitude give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge your people and it's so remarkable god was pleased with the speech but it was god who gave it to me in the first place and solomon prayed something that god put in his heart to pray in the dream because he wasn't awake and god says because you've asked this i'm going to give you what you haven't asked for i'm going to give you a long life riches and so on so how amazing that sometimes god reveals his will to us by the things we say now there are times there are times where god will come and speak to us look at job 33 this is to me absolutely amazing job 33 verse 12. it talks about how the lord sometimes will will will talk to us more than one time because sometimes we don't understand why a dream happened we may have more than one dream about different things but god is talking to us through every one of them about one thing i'll repeat god will talk to you sometimes in different ways maybe in different dreams they're not all the same dream they're different dreams but he wants you to do the the one thing he wants only one thing so god is trying to keep you from doing something and wants you to do something different so he will come to you in different ways it says watch what it says behold verse 12 job 33 you've got to say this with me it's amazing behold in this thou art not just i will answer thee that god is greater than men why does thou strive against him so sometimes when people are fighting god's will god has to speak to him for the giveth not account of any of his matters for god speaks once ye twice yet men perceive it not in a dream or in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men god speaks when they're falling asleep slumbering in their bed then he opens the ears of men and seals this their instruction he gives them the instructions why that he may withdraw man from his purpose that he may pull him back from what he wants to do that god is not pleased about or it's not god's will and high pride from men sometimes when someone is very arrogant god will give that someone dreams to keep him from destruction because of his mercy he keeps back his soul from the pit his life from perishing by the sword so god he doesn't want anyone to end up in bondage in a pit he doesn't want him to get killed in some way so he comes in dreams he comes in visions he comes when they're half in half out they're not too you know fully asleep or just halfway in i just had that happen to me only days ago when i was half in half out and i saw something that god was trying to prevent in my life not that i was doing something but god saw something coming my way and i got on my knees and prayed and it was canceled i was amazed i really really was amazed but god doesn't want us to perish in any way all of us as children and then it says if we don't listen it says he is chastened also with pain upon his bed and the multitude of his bones with strong pain so sometimes sickness comes because people are ignoring what god is trying to show them in a dream or a vision so that his life abhors bread it's soul dainty meat in other words he gets so sick that you know he or she doesn't want to eat his flesh is consumed the way that it cannot be seen he starts to lose weight his bones now stick out his soul his soul draws near to the grave his life to the destroyers who are they devils because demons want people in the pit demons want people destroyed but sometimes god out of his love will speak to us to say here is what the enemy is planning if you don't pray it it's going to come if you pray it it won't and it says so in proverbs chapter 12. it says god sometimes will will show you something to keep the evil away from you but you have to pray it many of us have had dreams or gut feelings as we call them or sometimes we actually can see things when we're trying when you know half in half out of sleep you know we will see something that god is trying to show us don't do that or be careful something is coming and then we pray about it and god keeps us safe but if people don't listen and you know look look god doesn't speak just because somebody is living in sin he was because the enemy is always planning something against us in this case it talks about you know someone who's who's not paying attention who doesn't want to obey the lord and so god has to speak once or twice and so on and then he opens their ears seals up instruction to withdraw man from his purpose and pride from him from his heart that's not always the case but often it is what god has to intervene and say listen don't don't go your way don't do your thing but they don't listen but there are many times that something will come or the enemy will send it and god gives us a dream like he did in my case just only days ago where god just wanted to warn me it happened to king david it happened to abraham it happened to joseph don't you remember joseph when when when herod wanted to kill the lord he warned him in a dream go down to egypt not because he did something wrong but the enemy was trying to hurt and destroy the lord when he was an an infant a little baby so and and it says something powerful uh here if there be verse 23 if there be a messenger with him an interpreter one among a thousand to show unto men his uprightness so sometimes when you don't know the answer pray that god sends you a messenger or an interpreter that's what happened to me only days ago i was talking to chad i said is there someone you know out there that that god can use and he gave me one man's name that god has used in his life and that man gave me the answer i was looking for so it says if there be a messenger with him or an interpreter one among a thousand because there's not many of them but if you pray god will will send somebody to explain that dream to you wow then he's gracious to him and says deliver him from going to the pit i found a ransom wow and that's in the case of the man who was rebellious and proud that you know if he did not obey his he's gonna end up sick and die but if he does obey then there is deliverance for him but i am completely amazed i'm totally amazed how many times god will speak to us to to keep the plan of the enemy from touching us okay let's look at job 36 verse 5 and then i'm going to pray with you and there's a lot i want to share with you i have not had time today it says behold god is mighty job 36 verse 5 and does not despise any he's mighty in strength and wisdom he preserves not the life of the wicked but gives right to the poor he withdraws not his eyes from the righteous with kings are they on the throne he establishes them forever and so on if they be bound in fetus if there's bondage in their life then he shows them their work and their sin he opens their ear to discipline he commands that they return from iniquity if they obey and serve him they'll spend their days and prosperity years in pleasure but if they don't obey they will perish by the sword and they'll die without knowledge now that to me says something quite powerful let me just say let me just actually finish it but the hypocrite in heart heap up wrath they cry not when he binds them they die in youth and their life is among the unclean so god is always showing people through dreams what to do or not to do so he talks to his children and it talks to the wicked even because here it talks about those who who are already bound by the enemy you know those who are bound in fetters and course of affliction god shows them their sin that's the wicked he opens their ears to discipline and so on he commands them to turn from their iniquity well that's that's the sinner but how amazing to me that god would actually speak to them too now i'm going to continue tomorrow talking about dreams because i want to talk to you and show you there are certain things sometimes that mean certain things so i'm going to go through a list with you tomorrow on what if you see like example i would see years ago you know crocs you know well crocs i found out later speak of traitors people who will who will betray you things like that planes speak up ministries and so much more so we'll go through some of that tomorrow because in genesis 37 and on we we see what happened to pharaoh we also see later what happened to the bikram butler and what they saw and how joseph was able to interpret what they saw and so on so there's a lot still i want to talk to you about tomorrow make sure to join me but right now i'm going to ask the lord to speak to you in dreams and some of you envisions too because visions reveal him and his nature dreams reveal his plans and purpose father in the name of jesus i pray and i believe lord that you're gonna show your people you're going to clearly show your people what to do in these days speak to them lord in dreams mightily lord i pray that we're going to be we all going to start having a lot of dreams from from heaven lord i thank you for the dreams you've given me the last few days and now lord because of this i'm talking about it again to your people because what you're doing in me i want you to do in them so father in jesus name begin to speak to your people in dreams in jesus name you said in your word in the last days i'll pour out my spirit on all flesh they'll prophesy they'll see visions they'll dream dreams now do it lord for your glory in jesus name and lord give them the interpretations for it and god's people said amen and another a man now i want you to pay attention for just a few moments before i say goodbye if you're facing a difficult situation financially maybe it's time you make god a promise remember when david had a problem one day and the bible says in the psalms he made a vow that's found in genesis sort of in psalm i said genesis psalm 50 verse 14 and 15 and we see the same in psalms 66 13 14 let's look at them before i say bye because i just sense in my heart somebody really needs a financial miracle and i think it's time you know what the bible says about making god a promise like a pledge like a vow it says offer unto god i'm reading psalm 50 verse 14 offer unto god thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the most high and call upon me in the day of trouble i will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me now if we go just quickly if we go also to psalm 66 66 13 and 14 we see something else that happened with david because he was in trouble and he made god a vow and god came through for him and delivered him from the problem he had it's happened to me quite a few times by the way i will go verse 13 i will go into your house with burnt offerings that's an offering i will pay thee my vows which my lips have uttered and my mouth has spoken when i was in trouble so if you're in trouble right now financially i think it's time to make god a pledge or as the bible calls it a vow and watch what god will do with you i've had moments like this in my life where i didn't know where to turn and i said lord get me out of this problem i'ma give you such and such a seed and i'm telling you when i gave that seed the problem left because i'm in god a promise i would do it and the miracle came almost right away almost right away i remember paul and jane crouch faced a very serious problem with tbn and paul told me he went to a church made a vow to god and the the court they had a court case and the judge ruled in favor of tbn and i believe it had to do with that vow so sometimes vows are necessary if you have a problem you just don't know where to go where to turn so father speak to them in jesus name yes lord your word says david went and made a vow and paid his vow as you got him out of trouble and you got him out of trouble we give you the praise for it in jesus mighty name and that's psalm 66 and 14 which you may want to also go read for yourself but it's time to give whether you have a problem you know or not because you know giving keeps problems away by the way financially it keeps them away so it's time to succeed in faith for the bible says a faithful man will abound overflow with blessings so the the blessings will come when we sow so do it now you can do it on the platform you are watching me on you can go to our website bennett.org or you can simply text bhm 4577 those that have a real problem you need to make a vow you need to make a pledge and fulfill that pledge and god will give you the miracle you're looking for it's his word i am only giving you his word much love and blessings i'll see you tomorrow as i continue teaching on dreams and i'll give you a whole list of things to look for too all right much love i'll see you tomorrow bye you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 14,253
Rating: 4.9633331 out of 5
Id: 18YbJAa0DOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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