Getting Hold of God!

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and to jesus be the glory and the honor and the praise and god's people said amen a man and a man say hello there chatty hello hello we're on the road again i'm going to uh do a few things i need to do today here and we're in the car on our way and uh it's always lovely to talk to you in the car and i know you enjoyed too so thank you and thank you for your response to the teaching i just did and thank you again for being my wonderful partner i really mean that i don't just say that just to say it uh i i don't say that just to say it i'm just so grateful to the lord for you and lord i pray you'll bless us today as we look again at your wonderful word i pray you will minister your word with power today in jesus holy name and god's people said amen all right today i want to talk to you about prayer again because i really believe that not only that you know faith comes by hearing so every time we hear the word faith is is born in us and it's risen in us but this is the time to really know how to pray because of the times we're living in we need to call upon the lord and not give up because our miracle is only a breath away from us i'm telling you our miracle is only a breath away as we call upon the lord god would answer that prayer and i want to encourage you if you have been waiting for a miracle it's on the way just don't do not give up asking do not give up asking the bible says in in james 4 2 ye have not because he asked not which means that our receiving is dependent on our asking our receiving is dependent on our asking and in isaiah 59 16 which i showed you a few days ago god wonders when no one prays like he really wonders why are not my people getting the message that only through prayer miracles happen and then in isaiah 64 7 there's none that calls upon your name that stirs himself to the hold of thee god is looking for a people who will just shake themselves from the dust i mean you know and take hold of god and call upon his name and not give up till they receive from heaven prayer is the most heavenly and most spiritual function of our spiritual life i'm going to say it again prayer is the most heavenly and most spiritual function of our spiritual life every time we pray we literally inhale the life of jesus and exhale our life hallelujah every time i pray ever every time you pray you inhale the lord you inhale his life you inhale his power and you exhale yourself and as believers the lord jesus is our life he is our life but his life is breathed into us according to our surrender to prayer according to our surrender to the lord in prayer so every time i pray the lord fills me with his life so the life of jesus is breathed into us on the same measure as the measure of prayer i'm telling you i've experienced all that so have you so the more you pray the more his life uh kind of moves within you isn't that right i mean you've seen it in your own life and you've done it in your own life his presence becomes real his power becomes real his peace becomes real everything that god gives us becomes real according to the level of prayer so our prayer level determines the level we can go to in god in his power his presence and so much more so please do you know don't forget that if we pray little we receive little of god's power little of his presence or his peace and comfort as we pray more we'll receive to that level so and and you know like like i said we we we exhale our own life we inhale his life in prayer that's why prayer is so important because prayer makes jesus so real in our life and his reality is seen in people's lives when they pray and we show it to the world every time we pray and to the church our brothers and sisters every time we we pray they see the lord in us and so i think it's important to also understand that every time i pray the flesh dies every time i pray and i'm in the lord's presence the flesh dies every single time i pray because when the flesh dies the lord lives you see that his life manifests when the flesh dies so um the bible says in luke 11 13. the lord said if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will the heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask so everything we receive we receive because we ask we pray jesus said ask you'll receive seek you'll knock as i should say seek you'll find knock it shall be opened and it's truth to you you know i mean i you know i'm i probably said it uh because it's true when you do seek you do knock later but what i meant to say is when you seek you'll find but knocking is the next step where we pursue in faith and we just don't give up at all now when the holy spirit was poured on the day of pentecost why it was because it says they continued in prayer acts 1 14 they continued in prayer so i want to talk to you about the importance now of persistence so it's not good to just pray one day and say you know what i've i've touched the throne i've i've i i sense the power of god his presence is real now in my life but i've learned years ago there are no leftovers in the kingdom no leftovers jesus said day by day give us this bread every day we seek the lord because it doesn't stay overnight and it doesn't last till tomorrow just like the manna in the wilderness so persistence means ongoing pray without ceasing now pray without ceasing doesn't mean we pray 24 hours a day because nobody really can but prayer without ceasing means continue to pray don't give up day by day go back to the throne room pray without ceasing don't stop don't faint don't give up there are times and it's happened to all of us as we pray and we begin to sense god's holy presence and we stay longer in prayer there is a lingering season after that where we cannot stop by we cannot you know really stop but we keep talking to the lord worshiping the lord loving on the lord for actually sometimes for many hours later but then you know we have to go back to the valley and do the work that we have to do and keep living our life you know in the natural i mean but when you go back into god's presence the next day because you you haven't missed a day that that wonderful flow continues there is no like waiting uh long waiting uh as when people go the first time they sometimes have to wait upon the lord a little long before we are quickened but if we if if we go daily that waiting uh period gets shorter and shorter and shorter so in acts 114 it says they continued meaning persistence now please realize the work of redemption was complete the lord already had given the promise the holy spirit would would descend but that was not enough please hear me out even though the work of redemption was done chad hear me and all of you sayings even though the lord promised that he would send the holy spirit they had to pray to see it all happen so even though the lord completed the work of of redemption on the cross shed his blood rose from the dead give the promise that he will send the holy spirit what if they did not pray would they have received the promise no they would not have received the promise that's powerful so it shows you even though god makes the promise and the work is done if we don't pray we just won't receive because why james 4 you have not because you ask not they and they understood that the apostles understood only by prayer and so jesus said do not leave jerusalem tarry wait for the promise and what did they do they prayed how long 50 days think about that one now they prayed over a month how many christians do you know that pray in over a month with intensity now you know i don't know many i'm sure they're there but think about it intense prayer like that continual prayer like that fulfill the promise of god think about how many promises god has given us you you and me and sometimes those promises do not come through because we just will not give the time to really pray them through till god fulfills it so persistence is so so important and uh in acts 4 for example uh they prayed again with persistence because they were threatened if you remember by the pharisees so they went back to the upper room and prayed again longer and they said lord behold their threatenings and the power of god fell again in verse 24 and it says great power now came not only great grace but great power so we see the importance of continual persistent prayer i know it's tough to do that but that's the only thing i know that will will bring the miracle will cause the amazing part of god to fall now in acts chapter 6 they had a problem the problem was that the early believers uh from the hellenistic side meaning the greek the greek side and these were jews who were greek by by citizenship from greece and the hellenistic uh influence was very very powerful in those days that's why they all spoke greek that's why the new testament was written in greek so the local jews were taken care of when it came to food and help and clothing and uh taking care of the widows and the fatherless and so on but the hellenistic believers jewish believers from the greek culture they complained they said listen you're not taking care of care of us we are looked upon as second-class citizens so the apostles said listen we will give ourselves to prayer and the minister of the world you choose men you choose individuals full of the holy spirit and let them take care of that problem let them solve your problem so uh it's important to take care of the poor it's important to take care of the fatherless it's important to take care of the widows but what they were saying is wait a minute prayer is more important than that we will give ourselves to prayer and the minister of the world we will not you know give up prayer to serve tables we will give ourselves our whole life to prayer that's why power was so strong i i remember years ago i said something in occ i said if you want apostolic power you must have apostolic practice if you want apostolic power in your life you need to have apostolic practice in your life and they practiced prayer and the ministry of the word so in james for example chapter 127 it says that pure religion is where when you take care of the poor so taking care of the poor is so important to god and to us but what is more important is prayer prayer is way more important than helping people who are in need think think about that because we think you know prayer may be less important not to god no because when you pray god will bless the people to have their needs met if there was no prayer the church would not be blessed to take care of the orphans and the widows and the needy and the poor so the reason now let me give you another reason why pray think about this one too will you why did the holy spirit fall on the gentiles so we we we know he fell upon the 120 because they prayed and he continued to bless and fall upon the early believers because of prayer but why did he fall upon the gentiles remember cornelius so god already had promised that the gospel would go to the gentiles and the prophets in the old covenant the early believers did not believe that they would not at first even accept it so god almighty had to had to give peter a vision in jaffa when i was born the same city i was born in and i'm you know like a block away from what i went to school that same place the house of some and the daniel ev every time i go there i think about this it was there that god had to convince peter that the gentiles are accepted in the kingdom because now he saw a big sheet with all the animals and he said lord i'm not gonna you know even touch what is unclean and god said don't call anything unclean that i have cleansed meaning the gentiles and now the holy spirit has to speak to him and said i'm sending man don't question it don't doubt go with them he walks into the house of cornelius and cornelius gives him the secret of why the power of god fell why the angel came at first and why even that god's amazing power fell later that peter saw it and we all see it it says cornelius prayed a man who feared god prayed think about the prayer of a gentile man who prayed with intensity that god used that to fulfill the promise of salvation to the whole world to the gentiles isn't it amazing how powerful prayer is that the reason the holy spirit fell on the gentiles because one man prayed so that just shows you the power of prayer it is in much prayer that we bring god's will into our lives if you want to always live in the will of god only prayer will do that for you only prayer think about how many people if i can just be real and wrong i made the wrong decisions in life whether to do with marriage or buying a home in the wrong in the wrong neighborhood i remember someone i knew really well uh they bought a home here in orlando and they never asked god about it they never prayed about it and when they got into that house they began to be harassed by demons nightly finally they had to leave the house leave a house they paid for didn't sell it for a long time and had to go to a an apartment because they they couldn't live in that house my wife and i we were when we looked for a home one time in california we always we always pray i every single time i ever look for a home i always pray lord show me if this is your will and i always always depend on suzanne and she depends on me on what are we sensing about it and this home we walked in and both of us said no it was the perfect home in the natural perfect location perfect everything but the atmosphere was evil in there and so and and soon i said no way this has happened to me many times prayer saved my wife and i from having homes with a devil in it or problems with it so people make decisions think about all the people who have married the wrong husband or wife because they rushed into it without praying without waiting upon the lord and really knowing god's voice prayer prayer prayer so important what i'm telling you is so important so when we pray in much prayer please write this in much prayer we enter into the will of god for our lives we begin living the will of god when we pray much and finally then i'm going to continue tomorrow do you remember in acts 12 when peter was in prison and it says prayer without ceasing was made unto god for him and he was set free by an angel of the lord and it was prayer that killed herod later their prayer when they did not pray king herod killed james the brother of john then they woke up and said you know what we won't allow that again we have to pray because when he when he took peter to prison the church said no you won't oh no you won't and they began praying and they prayed hard in the house of john mark and we all know the story in in in acts 12. so i want to encourage you today how very important it is we just don't give up and and maybe i'm talking to someone today that is feeling like you know what it's not working oh yes it is working just don't give up if you give up the answer will not come don't ever give up on god never give up on his promises never lord in jesus name i pray you will really speak this to every heart let them know lord your word is is certain your word is true we give you the praise and lord as they pray and not faint and persist that the miracle will come quickly and lord i pray now it will come it will come whatever the miracle or the need is it will come whether salvation for that loved one whether it's a financial problem or whether it's something else whether it's a healing for their body do it lord for your glory in jesus name amen so today we're not going to give up we are not of the of the people who give up never never never i'm going to continue tomorrow you're going to really be be blessed again a lot more to show you from the word of god and then i'm going to show you how prayer in the life of jesus saved his life more than once before he went to the cross how his prayer saved the life of the apostles and peter's life from being sifted by the devil himself you'll see so much about how the lord understood the power of prayer himself and if the son of god prayed like that we need to pray like that all right it's time to give to the lord's work god's word is clear honor the lord with your substance with your money and the first fruit of all your increase that means you're tired so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses will explode with new eye hallelujah god's gonna bless you financially you know the people that pray are the people that give and the people that give are those who prosper and will have no lack in their life no matter what is going on around them see so i want you to give now to the lord's work and just expect it expect a financial breakthrough and god is always on time i promise you the lord just spoke to me [Music] wow someone has been praying for a new car you'll have it in one week i just felt that this is just just like that you're gonna have that new car in one week the car you have has been breaking down on you and you've been praying that god would give you a new car and god's going to give you a miracle with that a miracle with that you'd be amazed what god will do with us when we pray and when we give because giving is a big part of it so if you're looking for a new home a new car something you need in your life just pray about it and then so since the lord i i expect it and it will happen all right you can sow your seed right now to benefit ministries right there on the platform or go to our website or simply you can text bhm45777 much blessings to you have a wonderful day i'll see you tomorrow much love shalom you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 16,776
Rating: 4.9582939 out of 5
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Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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