How to Enter the Presence of God!

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today i want to talk to you about how to enter into the presence of the lord i have just had the most wonderful time with god today and i just want to tell you how to enter into the presence of god simple so father we come we come in the sweetest dearest name of jesus and lord i pray you'll show your people today the simplicity and the beauty of finding you and your wonderful presence in our life in our hearts we give you the praise well i wanted to share this with your friends i usually say my hellos you know on days like today let's get into the word and let's look at psalm 42 verse one through six i wanna i wanna show you what i did this morning but i wanna show you from the word you know as the heart pantheth after the water brooks so patented my soul after the oh god yeah you're hearing some beautiful worship in the background but that's just to help us all just focus on the lord today my soul thirsted for god for the living god when shall i come and appear before god he asks because that's our desire all of us my tears have been my meat day and night while they continually say unto me where is thy god the enemies are saying to david you're wasting your time he's not going to show up why are you praying and waiting and then he says when i remember these things i poured out my soul in me for i had gone with a multitude i went with them to the house of god with the voice of joy and praise with a multitude that kept holiday in other words i'm i'm attending church i'm going with the people of god to the house of god even though i can't find him yet i go to the house of god with the multitudes i'm even praising with the multitude but he had a problem verse 5 why art thou cast down o my soul it's possible to be with the crowds in church and yet your soul is cast down why allah cast down on my soul why art thou disquieted in me hope thou and god for i shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance oh my god my soul is cast down within me therefore will i remember thee from the land of jordan and of the hermenites from the hill bizarre which always symbolizes the presence of god by the way mount hermon and then he says deep calls unto thee call it unto deep and the noise of thy water spouts [Music] all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me so he learned the secret here that the only way you're going to find the presence of god not with the crowds when you're by yourself when you're alone with the lord himself because he said i went with the crowd you know i'm hungry for god i can't find him i went with the crowd to find him i'm still cast down and then he says now my depth began calling out my depth deep call it unto deep and at that moment things began to change so to come into the presence of god we have to find our quietness first how do we find that well i believe the word of god is the instrument of quietness when you get into the word and you just focus on the word like i did today i'm reading the book of romans oh what a blessed book what a blessed book yesterday i read from chapter one to about chapter nine [Music] today i went from chapter nine to the last of the of the book chapter 16. and i as i'm reading that blessed calmness filled my soul that's what gene guyon used to do years ago mighty woman of god she would just let the world kind of bring her into that quiet place and then things begin to change [Music] because this is when the flesh really gives up you know it says in psalm 46 10 be still and know i'm god i think the quickest way to be still is through the word i don't think we can be still just you know being quiet quietness is spiritual quietness is not something you do mentally or physically that's not real quietness do you remember when elijah came to horeb and he was in the cave and he came to a place where surely you can be quiet quite naturally i mean there's no one there in the desert but even there he could not find quietness and do you recall that he even missed god because he thought god came in the earthquake you know god came in the fire and so on so and the winds but god wasn't there sometimes we're always looking for something in the natural and it doesn't happen and these things are all natural whether it's the fire or the wind or the earthquake they're all natural things but then he came to that place where god was and he was quiet enough that when god came he didn't come in the earthquake and the fire and the wind he came in that still small voice that speaks to the heart rather than to the mind and i think what we think of quietness when we think of quietness we're thinking of mental quietness no mental quietness is not spiritual anyone can be quiet mentally and yet be involved in the demonic and in the world it's a lot of quietness thought out there think about people who do things that are demonic out there or people that do yoga and whatever they do well that's mental that's all mental there's nothing godly about it nothing of god in it it may calm the mind but that's about it in some cases it may open up the mind to the demonic in fact but the word of god that's our key you know god's word produces quietness that is holy and precious and then when that quietness is produced the flesh submits immediately and so when the flesh gives up you know here's what it says of course we all know it but let me read it be still and know i'm god i will be exalted among the heathen i will be exalted in the earth it's amazing you know i'm reading this and i'm listening to sweep over my soul my rest is complete when i sit at his feet i didn't realize he's gonna be playing that song while i'm talking about this how precious sweep over my soul how the word and when the word begins to work in us and we need to read the word really quietly you know not rush not just fill our mind but let that work penetrate our hearts so today when i read romans 9 you know [Music] and paul begins by i wish i would be accursed for israel that they might be saved and i was struck by those words of love out of his heart that he loved israel so much he was saying lord remove me from the book save them then he begins to talk about israel in chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11. and then he goes from chapter 12 and on talking to the church about our own conditions you know and by the time i was done i was like you could not have shaken me if i if an earthquake took place i was just completely at rest and then things began to happen what isaiah 57 verse 10 says happened to me just not long ago today thou art wearied in the greatness of thy ways yet said it's thou not there is no hope thou has found the life of thine hand therefore thou was not grieved so here is an individual who is working so hard to find god he is wearing himself out you are weird in the greatness of your way you just you know it's like people who fast and pray and beg and shout and god is nowhere there because it's all flesh there's no word doing it because they're trying to do it you know when when people go to a prayer meeting i've been there with them and it's so noisy i've had to walk out a few times as they do this is not really a pre-meeting this is just a shouting match a true true prayer is is born by the word of god you really want to find god's presence let the world bring you there let the world do it so here is what it says thou art weird in thy in the greatness of of your way and you're not saying there's no hope in this like you know i'm trying all this whatever but i'm not finding the lord is not hope because you found the life of your head you're trying to do it with the hand of the flesh in other words and yet you know you're not even grieved that you're not finding god so how do you find him not by the life of your hand not by wearing yourself out in quietness which is produced by the word of god and when that happens now hosea [Music] i love this and i love what i'm hearing it's almost like the songs i'm listening to are the exact thing i'm saying to you well [Music] wow i'm almost wanted to sing the song but ah help of the helpless abide with me the hymn abide with me abide with me wow so he says in this beautiful verse ah this is precious i'm reading hosea chapter two so precious and in solitude is when we find the lord and this is what god had to do with israel so he says i will have mercy upon her children wow and zechariah because god talks about the fact that he will bring israel into the wilderness into into the desert and you know i don't have time to read every word there because i want to put as much in as i can but i love this one be silent zechariah 2 verse 13 be silent o all flesh before the lord for he's raised up out of his holy habitation and suddenly this amazing quietness brings us into union and the second we come into union we experience this psalm 59 verse 9 because of his strength will i wait upon me for god is by defense so the word brings us to quietness quietness brings the flesh on the submission because in quietness we find strength remember they that wait upon the lord renew their strength so because of his strength now i'm waiting and this waiting happens literally i mean when you read the word you just kind of take a pause as the word is literally filling your soul you know this morning i'm reading the word and just i went into this depth and suddenly this quietness took over my soul that i wasn't even able to keep reading i just went into communion with the lord because you cannot how shall i say it when you get deeper things in the spirit slow down i i'm not sure if i can explain that part i'll try [Music] when you begin receiving the word and it quiets you down and now the flesh submits where the flesh is not interrupting the flow of god in you the flow of god in you kind of slows down it's a deeper flow it's a deeper [Music] experience where every word now matters i was reading experiencing the the depth of jesus christ by guillaume a few weeks ago and that's what she talks about that you can't rush in the presence of god because the word brings you into the presence and now the presence takes over the word i don't know if i can say it any better the world brings you into the presence and the presence kind of takes into the world in a deeper dimension because at first it's mental when quietness takes over and the flesh submits it becomes spiritual reading not mental reading you're not reading the bible anymore you are living the bible you are oh i don't think there's an english word for it or any in any language you begin experiencing the word you begin getting into the word and i don't mean mentally in and this is where god takes over this is where we begin uh experiencing the pulling in power of the holy spirit i i've got to say that again because i you know it's it's hard to put into words spiritual realities jesus said in john 6 44 no man can come to me except the father which had sent me draw him it's a pulling in it's a drawing in quietness that brings submission to the flesh the second the flesh is submitted by the part of the word that has now brought silence you are pulled into a whole different dimension of prayer or waiting upon the lord but it's a different world it's not mental anymore you actually are led into the presence you're not you're not on your own anymore you are pulled in all right not one of us can walk in we are drawn in is that making sense chad like you know when when when i began today i entered but i i came to a place where god no longer wanted me to use my own abilities to get in he began pulling me in and when god pulls you in he pulls you at his speed not your speed is that making sense to you sweet people because that's the only way i can say it and you feel like you are on a you know those things when we go to the airport and when we don't want to walk we we go on that belt thing that takes you it's just like that but god's belt moves a lot slower than our feet i i'm trying to explain something that is so difficult to explain because huh our efforts become cheap become useless yeah exactly so because he's been there too our efforts you know like i just said from isaiah you you you've weird yourself in your own effort self effort is swallowed up by the presence of god self effort comes to a place of stillness you can't even think about using self effort so this is i think this is where oh god [Music] ah i i don't know if i can share this part i i don't know if i can but i'll try you know i have communion and right before i had community in prayer all i can tell is i saw blood i i i couldn't get away from seeing the blood of the lord maybe maybe that's what paul meant by the fellowship i was suffering i don't know because in in philippians 3 he talks about how sufferings begin and i think the presence of god the first place he takes us to is the sufferings of the cross i don't know why it's not something we you walk into the fellowship of joy or that comes later but the sufferings of the cross i think is the first station of the presence of god because i don't think we can enter i don't think god brings us any closer to himself till we experience the power of the blood of jesus and it says so in hebrews it says we come through the blood through and living way and i think people think when when the bible says that that we come through some natural ability you know what we're applying it you know we're applying the blood to enter it i don't think that means that at all i think god himself if i can say it god himself in the spirit brings us the revelation of the blood and now we enter in through revelation rather than through mentally saying i apply the blood i cleanse me by the blood because all that is flesh it's the flesh saying it i i pray i am explaining that to you and maybe you know maybe you've been there already i pray that you have but i had an experience today that was i don't think i've had such a such an experience in a while and often i see when i'm in prayer i i've never talked about that i see the lord's head bleeding in prayer often i just see like the crucifixion i see the crown of thorns on his precious head i close my eyes and i can see it i can't even see it now but today i just saw a lot of blood i saw his face drenched in blood i i cannot deny i saw that and i was quite amazed in that beauty and that quietness god revealed the sufferings of the son and i think that's maybe what paul meant in philippians 3 10 that i may know him and the part of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death and i think in that moment we all surrender to the lord's death we we die to self we die to the world we die to the things we want we begin to cry out from within without saying anything without even speaking it we begin to cry out for deliverance from this corruption this body and even the world around us so ah you know i've always wondered why you know and there's a reason i think for it why did god ask abraham to take isaac to moriah it was yes of course it was the revelation of the cross no doubt but i think god also in that wanted to remove isaac from the heart of abraham that he might remain unchallenged the minute our hearts are filled with the world the only way to be free from that is coming into the presence of god and when when the presence of god becomes reality we have to give up our isaac we have to say i let him go because god will not will not allow us to challenge him with an isaac in our hearts he wants us to be free from those things that become an isaac to us [Music] so frankly um [Music] the lord did not really want to kill isaac he wanted to kill abraham did you hear what i said the lord did not want to see isaac die he wanted to see abraham die so in giving up isaac abraham died and when he died what did god say to him now your seed will possess the gates of the enemy and he gave him the promise of the messiah coming the second he died wow so i'm going to say it again the lord did not want to see isaac die he wanted to say abraham die when did abraham die when he surrendered isaac at that moment he died and when he died god gave giving back isaac right now another depth now happens another depth happens and that's mentioned and i'm talking about that that uh what what what do we call that thing at the airport that pulls us in there yeah so now we we when we come deeper and god is pulling us on his own belt you know not like the in the airports we go into a deeper um place and i think it's a deeper death than the one we just saw with abraham because abraham surrendered at that moment you know so in luke 14 [Music] and verse 26 and i'm not gonna belong today but i just want you to understand all this [Music] if any man come to me and hate not his father mother wife children brother and sisters in his own life he cannot be my disciple that said that's a deeper depth that brings a deeper depth where suddenly not on not only are we delivered from the from that isaac we want whatever that is may be in our life but now god goes deeper to say give up mommy give up daddy give up children give up brothers and sisters and give up your own life and then you'll be mine that's a deeper depth and a deeper depth where jesus becomes supreme one and only in our hearts and lives [Music] sin augustine said thou has formed us for thyself and our hearts are restless till they find rest in thee marry that again thou has formed us for thyself and our hearts are restless till they find rest in thee so as we experience death that's when we experience the presence of the lord if you really want me to be blunt with you that's exactly what god's word says death brings the presence death to self to the flesh to the world and to our families now we're well the presence of god is so so real so precious and and we enter into into depth cell not revealed before not known to us before so it's like the deep things of god you know first corinthians 2 10 talks about and now to our amazement uh silence that silence that began begins to rule so it brings us into silence and now silence becomes the presence that i hope i said that right so silence brings us into the presence and the presence becomes silence and silence becomes the presence because it's a presence of silence and god talks to the spirit so god says notice when the lord said in in the psalms be still and no i am god what did he say later i will be exalted so god is exalted in the earth god begins to use you as you enter into depth to affect the world so he says be still and know i'm god and then he says i will be exalted in the earth meaning that those who experience god like that end up being used by god to touch the world if you really want to touch the world find that blessed place of silence so and it's really it's the it's the result of abundance you know i've said many times there's two reasons for silence or someone has nothing to say or he's got so much to say he can't say it when you're in the presence of god it's silence because abundance is is there and there's no way you can describe it so there's there's two kinds of silence mental spiritual mental silence you have nothing sorry mental sinus is is you have nothing to say mentally but spiritual silence is you're so full you can't talk that's the presence of god so self-effort is swallowed up in the blessed presence of the lord father in the name of jesus touch everyone now lord minister your word your grace your presence ah how blessed as i just began to pray what what is the music play spirit of god fall fresh on me melt me mold me fill me use me lord every one of them now do that in their life in the name of jesus precious holy spirit spirit of the living god fall fresh on everyone right now as they whisper the name jesus give you praise i give you praise touch your people and not your people release a fresh breath on them and a new place in them and for them in jesus name [Music] oh amen i don't think i've ever had such a a moment with you like this anyways it's been precious i didn't expect it i pray you've been blessed too it's time now to give to the lord's work out of love let's let's show that seed out of gratitude let's sow that seed out of a heart full of love for him let's give to the lord's work for he said give it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall man gift your bosom and i pray and i declare today your needs are met every financial need is met i agree with you in the sweet name of jesus every need every financial need is met that that sorrow in your heart will go because of it that trouble will leave your life you'll have peace about it in the name of jesus and all of the needs lord meet all other needs in jesus name man amen i'll tell you i think the presence of god once you come into it it's going to take care of everything so but go ahead now and give to the lord's work the information is on the screen you give to bernie ministries you can go to our website or you can just simply text bhm 4577 thank you lord what a place is jesus no bye-bye you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 47,138
Rating: 4.9351354 out of 5
Id: SAQnLGqj3gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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