If you believing God for a spouse - Pastor Jerry Sethemane

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amen praise God I've got a tip how many of you love tips alright this is this goes specifically to all the people who are believing God for spouses all the people who are believing God for spouses if you're not believing God for a spouse just praise God don't believe God for a new one you're fine with that one I'll I'll give you a tip on how to to grow better with the one that you have Frisco next time alright so for the people who are believing God for spouses in their lives I want to tell you the following these are truthful I mean this this is just so true if you can just follow this and believe God for this you will see God come through for you amen because I tell is a beautiful thing that every one of us who wants to be married should be married and be married in the proper way and enjoy life I went together alright so here's the first one if anybody is expecting a blessing of marriage from God the first thing that they need to do is to really determine to walk in the fear of God the Bible in the book of Hebrews says that there were women who were commanded by the king to kill little boys of the Israelites Hebrew children and they refused to do that because of the fear of the Lord and the balance is because of that God blessed them with their own households so that tells us that when God sees a young man or a young woman fearing him especially with respect to his or her body keeping it pure and sanctified unto the Lord the Lord has every reason to bless that person with our holy marriage amen number two is that we need to understand that the Bible says also in the book of Hebrews that marriage should be is honorable amongst all should be honorable now there are certain things that people do and they another way that when you are 16 17 18 and you do certain things and you just think maybe you're playing or doing something but already you are either honoring or dishonoring the marriage that God wants to give to you now we're together how does it feel when you get married to somebody and you realized that they have not kept themselves in a way that they can present themselves to you as people who have been honoring the institution of marriage you understand what I'm saying so it's very important for you to honor marriage because marriage is an institution instituted by God so when you keep yourself pure morally and sexually you are honoring marriage don't ever allow anybody to lie to you when they want to sleep with you before them get married to you they do not honor you they disrespect you and especially ladies don't think that guy loves you when they want to cross the line the greatest honor that their men can ever give to a woman is to marry them and then take them to a honeymoon for the very first time the clap is good that's the honor you are a lady that you are carried who you are you are given respect when they say I love you but I will wait until I fulfilled everything about marrying you and I'll take you out on a the best trip called honeymoon and there I will honor you okay Amen that is on okay number three when you are looking for a mate yeah for four for a spouse in your life pray about it do not lean on your own understanding don't lean you don't know the hearts of people you don't know who you are marrying but God knows the hearts and you hear me he knows the hearts of people it's okay you have your own dreams you have your own height you have your own color skin that you prefer but do pray about it and tell God all feel stupid like Oh God has to choose for me no no no it's not choosing for you you are just acknowledging him in all your ways and the Bible says he shall direct your paths it's not old-fashioned is biblical and spiritual is being wise in the side of God amen number four wait don't panic after you have prayed wait and do not panic God is never too late he's never too early he will come at the right time and you will meet the person suitable for you you don't want to rush and make wrong decisions and find that God had something in store for you that was really going to revolutionize your life praise God don't be in a Harley hallelujah wait upon the Lord and the last one when you finally make a decision to say yes I do make sure you are led by the peace of God that surpasses all understanding the peace of God is like a referee or an empire when you have peace about that relationship God is talking to you to say is the right one when you do not have peace God won't tell you the details but he's telling you don't go that's it that is the end of the teeth
Channel: STBC Family
Views: 2,489
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Marriage., Marriage talk., Spouse., Believing for Marriage., wife., husband., couples., love., marriage tips., Trusting God., A life partner., Prayer for marriage.
Id: X6W-qkGkSGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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