Prague Christmas Market Adventure

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[Music] welcome to Prague's Old Town Square as you can see the Christmas market is roaring which is good because we need some roaring fires here because it's pretty cold to the left is the Christmas tree it's massive on the square the old town square look at this pan up and I believe that that's is that City Hall our city halls over there what's that building yeah old monastery and it feels festive here greetings from another continent how you doing this is John John is gonna be our and this is Suzanne and they're gonna be our co-pilots because the Wi-Fi is in John's pocket thank you John for the Wi-Fi I did not think we'd be able to do a live stream but guess what we're gonna try our best we're gonna take you around one of the most crowded markets and that I've ever seen in my entire life I thought it would start here from the stairs cuz you get an elevated view Prague is beautiful it's absolutely stunning guys I see nosh is here our moderator good gave it clean out their holiday spirit everybody I could smell like grilling meat sweet meats cinnamon wine ah it's an amazing smell in the market we're gonna follow John and Susan to where we're Kanaya is on the other side of this massive Christmas tree this part of Prague 1 which is the center part of the city is also the most touristy and they say because they live in here in Prague they say this is the most touristy crowded place in the entire country maybe even in all of Europe who knows I don't know but we have a small meetup here and we have I think five or six people hey your luck we're live everybody hey there's Kenai are you staying warm good it's a little cold it's just a little bit a little cold I have so many layers on right so how do you like Prague can I how many stars do you give frog out of a hundred a hundred out of a hundred how many stars out of five five sometimes the number is different I have to ask you never know you never know but you walk around Prague I don't know how many of you have been there Tokyo of course has a lot of history to it but because of World War two a lot of it was destroyed you have to travel in the country when you go to ground Kyoto you can see some ancient things things are made of wood in Japan here they're made of stone and these these buildings these castles these even the roads the cobblestone that we walk on it's just such a big contrast to Japan that's why we love it we love it because it's different we love it because it's different we're gonna walk around the Christmas market together you guys want to show it show everybody the cards I gave you because because you found me that's right you guys have proof look at this everybody got one oh it's already in a case look at that right actually I've told you where I was gonna be so it it helps right in front of the I'll be in front of the nativity scene by the Greek Christmas the big Christmas tree and it is really nice to see to see that to see III think people take the Christmas markets pretty seriously and you're about to see that um do you guys want to introduce yourselves to the worlds we have a growing audience hello I'm John from Brack I'm Helen I'm from the States which state currently Rhode Island Rhode Island the smallest of them hello I'm Jacob and welcome to rock oh I'm Jonah and I'm from frac hi I'm John and I'm in Prague that's right well said can i all right where where where does it turns to go first here where would I go first probably yeah right so let's get some some maybe some spiced wine at a ridiculously expensive price I said it's not too bad it's not too bad it's not too bad it's not too good either how much is how much is is how much more expensive is it in Prague ten in your hometown well it depends if you if you mean a tourist a tourist or it's really expensive like three times maybe a three times more expensive yeah Wow but it is a big city I guess yes but if you take some other part of other part of Prague yeah it's really similar it's amazing yeah wow I love it just even despite the fact that most of the people here are tourists you have the Christmas music in the background it feels so different and where else in the world Europe is just so wonderful with the Christmas markets you hear that in the background susannah we're following you mostly now finally junkies yes yes the Wi-Fi [Music] and there's page on there are like these these devil looking people there's like there they're dressed up like Devils they look very evil and they picked up a Korean lady and scared her and she was crying yeah Sam st. Nicholas this develop and enjoy and just ask if you are polite and etc yeah nice the devil takes you so that devil is that that devil is not Saint Nicholas right or is that Saint Nicholas okay good just worried about that so the devil takes you to hell and he's walking around here and that poor Korean lady she was picked up by the devil second America you might get sued progress is a tradition it's tradition like that that was awesome to watch her can I went behind me to protect yourself like a lot of good that my scrawny arms will do those guys are huge I'm wearing the devil's masks let's if you do see if we do see them run just let me know in advance a tow thank you will wrong look out for that and Matthias Hey hi from the train to Nuremberg I'm with ice is going going to going to Nuremberg tomorrow hey guys there is the the astronomical clock it's astronomically cool I'm not sure why it's an astronomical clock are we gonna see you stay with Johnny hey guys Oh it's really crap there's some Christmas hats somebody grab it [Music] do you see it up there inglorious super-wide we're now in the most crowded area of the Christmas market but thankfully we're getting we're getting taken away from here soon someplace maybe that where things aren't I'm putting the camera up here just above I guess I guess people are waiting for something something to happen what's gonna happen did you guys see oh we're gonna see in ten minutes Wow should we wait here for ten minutes okay what happens at the you'll see it's really a surprise surprise you've been in Prague seven times and you never seen a Strumica pot no I just walked by it I said where these chairs - yeah they're probably lost or something I just kept walking oh yeah we should whatever I was in Prague I was just walk around throw up around the city and just the streets and when I found food I would eat it and that was it I never said I've never been to the top you can go to the top check it out do you see up there you could go up there but I've never been up there and the reason why is because it's always - it was too crowded and actually when I was here in 1996 for the first time I don't think I think it was under construction or not open it I think I wanted to go up there I just couldn't I was just just a boy back then but if you look back we've walked walked across isn't it just beautiful with the Christmas tree at the holiday season it's just so much better because it's it's got this smell of warm spiced wine so you're gonna want to stick around because we're gonna go and get some I've got to it's part of the Christmas tradition but look at that big Christmas tree that's where we walked from we were at that Christmas tree now we've crossed the market and we're waiting for the astronomical clock to do something apparently it does something no other you could you could google it and see it right now if you wanted to on YouTube but we're gonna try then watch this live I think hey Danny's here how you doing Danny good night Danny says hello it's very dark is this way and we stay last time Kenai and I came here before we got hitched we stayed at the brewery hotel hotel the you med Nick gift fish it's good it's like a hotel that was founded in the year 1412 like the 15th century it's crazy and the rooms are have gotten the rooms are good but it's a little but it's gotten like double the price as the last time over here it's just because there's a lot of tourists and demand is high and this is the high season everyone's being product Christmas market it's just really really beautiful the thing is there's so many Christmas markets here this may be the one to avoid shaking his head yes it's the one to avoid we'll skip it next time but I figured that this would be the easiest for for us to find because I know where it is and I started this meetup kind of late kind of late like this morning really tomorrow by the way Nuremburg we're gonna be a number we're taking the bus at 9:30 in the morning and then we get to the station around 1:00 p.m. check in the hotel and we're gonna be walking on the market but so I don't know if you are in town you can just you can try to hit me up and then meet in the market because tonight no I'm just gonna be walking around the market all day probably eating drinking being married like something good that's a pretty good plan alright this area's gotten really crowded John I'm I hope this signals good John's signals was blazing fast we had like 10 10 megabytes per second office are you sure it's unlimited yes I'm sure you're sure we're gonna play to the test I think it's streaming at 720p right now so not to worry it's not as big if it was 4k my god that would be the real test yeah so guys we're gonna go we're gonna go around and maybe I'll have a warm spiced wine or something but first but first we've got to wait for the astronomical clock it's this something's gonna happen nobody will tell me and I have not actually seen this live ever despite being here for seven times this is not this is only in Japan in Prague everybody so if you if you think this is some city in Japan and you're tuning in right now you're wrong this is Prague Czech Republic a beautiful country do you know can anybody out there how about this can anybody out there name four countries that surround the Czech Republic and you and John you you cannot participate John hungry you guys no live here cetera Austria Austria that's right Germany one more so I really Luxembourg no yeah ah Slovakia yeah check so lucky I Slovakia yeah how many okay then the next question is how many do surrounds Czech Republic really you need time to think you don't know how many how many countries surround the Czech Republic 5 well Poland Poland yes aha that was what does another beautiful country that I went to in 97 was the first time almost no tourists so all of the Polish students would come up to me and try to make conversation because they had never seen foreign tourists before Poland 97 was just kind of newly opened yeah it was a stranger in the you even the youth hostel I stayed in where Polish travelers were there and I was too foreigner and there was a guy named nickname not go from Mexico but he's the two Brown guys in a Polish youth hostel we stayed there for like four or five days in Cracow incredible experience and then we met two British guys David they were the fourth people and it was a nice experience it's what that was 22 years ago and a lot of things have changed in Poland of course same here in the Czech Republic Prague is just it's just beautiful even despite all the tourists it just has that charm and I hope that Tokyo is the same way because Tokyo as at like that elastic point I know the city of Tokyo is always gonna be growing its elastic of course it can take in those people but how will it change in Prague isn't a good example despite having as many tourists as residents right I think there's always everyday there's as many tourists as are our residents in the city of Prague the city still retains the charm to it and that's really that's really great and despite all of the pushy tourists here people are still pretty friendly most of the time the service that the restaurants is not as good but I could be aggressive you know there's a little bit of New York in me Dmitri can attest to that one of our discord discord moderators he also is from New York can push two minutes seems like an eternity so how many people can they fit up there 200 yes Wow if it was Japan I bet you we can get four hundred we really could fit in you've seen the subways in Tokyo and morning oh yeah it's not comfortable but we could fit you in there you can fit you in there we never know what in two minutes I don't know just just a clock gonna just open up and free beer is gonna squirt out everybody opens your mouth I know to crow to you I could see the crowd is really increased look at this if we look around we are in the middle and a pretty good spot to a ton of people there are hundreds and maybe thousands of people and they've all come to talk to us this is the only Japan Meetup hey everybody how's it going high five everybody no no yeah everybody goes where do they go oh it's happening oh okay for the next couple of minutes please enjoy the astronomical clock in Prague it's got an axe [Music] it's pretty neat [Music] the bells are ringing on the side of the clock here a skeleton [Music] is it gonna strike eight times because it's 8 o'clock [Music] is there more gonna is it where's the beer that's it that's it that's it what what are we that was pretty cool but I don't know where's Mickey Mouse does he poop okay I'm happy I'm happy Wow just for that all these people are all these people came just for that are they elemental so wait I guess so so I was not wrong to just walk by it and and that know that this existed I was not wrong all right well thanks thanks for showing us that guy's now where can we get that that hot wine to refer get what we just saw let's walk this way okay that isn't the queue so this is the only different meetup only in Prague we did not I did not know we would be doing a livestream it was just super cool and we're in our extremely crowded area John here has has the Wi-Fi yeah so I have to I have to follow him stick to him we're like prison buddies handcuffed it's got the signal I've got the camera it's extremely crowded place everybody I can't smell anything except for people now just not not as pleasant as at the Christmas market a little while ago but good night actually I'm the one who gets lost usually I'm the one who gets lost can I can I see someone who knows where to go oh look it there's some Christmas spirit right there I follow John yeah I can't believe all these people are waiting for that they were waiting there for 30 minutes for that some of the people oh look at the Christmas trees do some more [Music] walking in winter without snow wonderland no snow I thought it would snow doesn't it's no John it's so cold you think it would snow I'm - in three weeks on Christmas Day how Santa gonna get here if there's no snow I always ask are you see Susanna okay good Susanna knows where to go all right that's how much is it it's okay oh no no it's good Conine doesn't drink booze but guess what I do so then I guess technically I would have to drinkin eyes she has allergy to alcohol she's a designated driver that's why she got a license oh well that's all the way to the top do you realize how strong that this is that's that straw okay that's good that's bad wait it depends on how you do it not strong is that good or bad I'm gonna say oh these are called chimneys I don't know why Kenai loves these things about chimneys tonight you on a chimney all right all right how do we say kanpai in check knots travi travi and nos Travie to all of you out there want some of mine no okay Oh driving driving yes good oh it's strong stronger than fear because it's wine my head is if there's a cube no it's nicer to stay warm yeah stay warm can i his warm her heart is warm she's a warm person naturally warm I'm cold hearted I need all the wine I can get mulled wine yeah Oh [Music] can I do you need a hot coffee or something so are these these things these breads are they very Hungarian they're Hungarian yes but i'm darian but they're everywhere in Prague crazy chimney cakes or or treadle Nick hot kettle Nick the old bohemian speciality they say bohemian because that includes [Laughter] bohemian also would include hungry so they get on a technicality it was really weird because it wasn't that long ago we were in Japan at the YouTube FanFest they were giving me this award for 1 million subscribers and they told me that I had to do a pose or they said on the red carpet please stop and stand there for 10 seconds and do something interesting then walk towards the stage and they laid this out on me in the morning and I had no idea what I was gonna do if you try to be silly you know that never works you have to be yourself but you can't you can't just be yourself you have to do something so what do you do so I did a a hands folded pose and then I did and then I did a James Bond pose and I figured oh no guns would be de monetizing so I put my finger gun away shrug that I went towards the camera walk slowly but the energy of the room took control it took control of me like The Exorcist and I started to high-five random girls that were screaming their hands are very warm and soft like pillows and they were screaming like I was a Beatle you know like Paul John Ringo and Paul John Ringo who's the fourth the fifth Beatle John and and George George George live-chat good George yeah poor George yeah I felt like it was one of the Beatles they were screaming like like like that I'd never had anything like that happened to me in my life this was amazing and then I just was going too fast and then at the same time there were two Japanese guys like DJ's I guess just talking about what I do but because I was running and going so quickly they didn't have time to really say much at all although that everybody who was watching was going what's with the hieroglyphics cuz everyone was writing a Japanese so my our viewers were like a little bit confused but I got out what stage and I just I do what I do and then I took I took the plaque it was gold and heavy just I think it's just a chunk of wood and they they wrapped gold around it hockey hockey mean hockey hockey Keane was one of the big sub youtubers there he handed it to me I turned to the camera made sure I looked at the camera to get a picture cuz I know that that's how it works then I held it up in the air and I screamed in my samurai pose remember from Osaka Castle works went behind me behind the stage it was a pretty unique experience there that YouTube Japan fan fest has actually cut that up into just that part so you can see just the people get any awards that was pretty it was a pre-need experience and I thank all of you for that how you doing how you doing good yeah yeah all right we're gonna see how much bandwidth John's phone really does have how far we wait 30 minutes in we've seen the astronomical clock do something astronomically not that amazing but actually it is pretty amazing cuz it's really old right right that's an original yeah okay yeah yeah good it's old and new yeah now it's controlled by bluetooth right somebody it has Bluetooth inside says oh it's time again look at all the people he pushes the Bluetooth button and it operates it now but when was it built does anybody know the history you guys would be awful youtubers seriously this is your city when was it built what year precisely no do you know a ballpark figure maybe within a hundred years maybe within a generation no nothing oh I won't know I look before now you know how hard it is before I do the livestream I try to memorize all this random facts 14th in 1410 or détente that's when they started the brewery hotel we're staying in around that time so I guess all the workers after they finished this they constructed the brewery hotel I start making more beer 14:10 that's before Columbus sailed to America that's before America was even America there was no America 1410 crazy Idol ages like that before the plague I believe there's got to be a massive line there's no way Johnathan's know it can you do something we're residents we just let us up there's a special elevator for you know your friendship weird tonight you can charm them can I smile do ballet pose can you do a pose a kick no it doesn't work all right can I see arm goes only so far it does not extend too far out of Tokyo it worked on me in New York yeah so this is probably actually like this angle really a lot inside there the Christmas market it's so crowded I keep bumping into people extending their arms to take selfies I feel bad I've had I like oh I'm so sorry oh oh and yeah there's no direct route through there you have to you have to do s-curves because everyone's taking a selfie you don't wanna get in the in the selfie so you do an s-curve right so we left like 30 minutes and we were going all the way around sure to avoid people to get to the spot and then the true somebody kicked the cord out of the Christmas tree the lights went out and now it's back on there it's on there is I guess there's something over there right so we can let's go a little bit further and then we'll we'll end the livestream because we want to have John some data I wish this isn't limited it's a limit I you know I I the reason why I couldn't do a live stream on my own is because Vodafone I got my sim card from Vodafone Germany and I cannot charge it in Vodafone Czech Republic their enemies frenemies maybe and they're the same company so I can charge it tomorrow when I go to go to that I'm a mom so happy that Matthias is going these stands looks so clean and so modern I I wonder if all right do it mechanize going for going for something that's so nice all right we got it we'll take care of John Hey look does it there's a Czech Santa kind of scary is this the Czech Santa oh no looks like a serial killer the way he's grasping that Bell like he's used it as something to blunt instrument have you seen this man here's from the profile have you seen this man before call us [Music] [Laughter] Astacio do you like it oh wow safety first so that's not the checks it that's not the check Santa Claus that one looks like I thought he looked like a serial killer I was I wanted to get away from him he looks scary a little bit maybe it's just his face he's like really hard like he's done some time it looks like he's done some time I bet he's got some tats underneath that underneath that red coat of his eye I would like an imperfect Santa Claus I think Santa Claus should have done some time and he's he was rehabilitated and now he does some good I think that's a good story those in Hollywood take note of a script I think this would be this would actually be pretty good Santa doing some time before the pre-christmas years in a medieval jail st. Nick I don't know it's this could be blasphemous I don't know how deep my sins have gone now with this story but my imagination has no balance because that Santa did look creepy I guess if you got out of prison for after like decades you'd get fat and grow beard to go live in a shack in Montana start writing letters to the government Bad Santa this wine there's something about this wine oh it's sucky strong like Japanese suck is strong all right I did bring I did bring some stuff here right I forgot the apple pie kit kats I'm so sorry they're on my sofa but I brought I brought these things did yeah yeah these are the who made the Christmas version they didn't smash up in my suitcase either this one smashed no this one's okay it's for free there you go did throw it away and save the label I like I held it I have one more in here can i you want one too what do you call those again that whom a bows my bow yeah I just like yeah oh you've got a leaning tower of ice cream right here you better eat it start looking from the other side that's how I balance it if you bite the bottom and yeah that's true it's so cold out here and won't melt but you the hole is so big on the bottom you could set the whole thing through that's what I do yeah it's pretty heavy it's a volatile vellum eat voluptuous lips you belong Balam Eunice making up some words helium India if you ever had the black ones the ones with caffeine no where do you get these do you have a dealer where do you get these from Japan okay oh that's really flavored whoa we're good I used to eat the ones that were black and inside of it there's a little teeny caffeine pellet and it's stacked so when I was teaching English at a place called Gabba Gabba like 15 years like 10 years ago 110 years ago you take those before the lessons because if you get boring and it's so bad for you we got to take a group photo we got a group photo that's right save your photo all right folks you have any questions about Prague who is your dealer arch it's well somebody there has to be a way that you got it from Japan to the Czech Republic but you know is there a store and is there where like a Japan store and then in Prague where you can get good now many Asian stars party Japan only maybe one and it has to be here in Prague it's not going to be out in the countryside and like born born o or yakiniku really so the owners Japanese cows we I can I could can I can smoke him out can I you could you could check and see if the yakiniku chef is really Japanese the testers will test his language skills oh yeah oh yeah so I'll send me in as a spy I'll figure it out I'll start off with some watashi wha like some really bad Japanese and then bust out bust out in like Kansai been you know we'll go through all the regions from Miyazaki up to Hokkaido well we'll pick out ways from make sure we know then we'll find out he's from a small town in like in Korea or something shiny all right that's how it works Wow and she you actually did she did ballet here she found a school near the hotel had a ballet lesson behind the hotel yeah well I did no exercise at all just eat and drank and slept Oh check yeah yeah the teacher speaks check okay they teach Japanese in Japanese it's an entire school okay whoa very cool yes sir there is Japanese culture is a ramen here ramen ramen ramen is it good is it good I should taste it is that that's bad you've been that you've been to Tokyo many times though you know what good ramen is I know you know you know I know you know so you know is it good ramen it's pretty girl okay that's good that's good it's really cold I'd say like it's - something right - two so it's enough if I spilled this wine people will slip on it so you don't want to spill it's true despite the alcohol it is really beautiful we're gonna take a group photo of this and we'll put it on Instagram for you to share this moment it's so cool to be able to come anywhere in the world and have a meet-up and people will show up on a day so nice I wish I'd given word of it tomorrow Nuremberg is at 7:30 p.m. on the somewhere in the center near the Christmas market and I'll put a link and all the places Instagram Facebook I connected the Facebook pretty late I got it now I got the Facebook link working now I could I didn't have this code generator so they wouldn't let me in but went through a back door which scares me because hackers could probably do that too and then backdoor oh and then we'll do a meet-up in Innsbruck and then in Vienna on the 11th before we leave on the 12th in the morning to go back to Japan so if you're in Vienna get ready Stephens plots at 7:30 p.m. I don't know if there's any markets there I just like Stephens plots now that's like to say it like a subway station that goes there and like the way that they say it announced it Stephens plots and I'm probably in pronouncing it wrong I always took teat the s-bahn and that and there's this belt he's done I love Vienna Vienna's the wonderful the first cities I fell in love with outside of the United States okay so without without further ado let's say goodbye to everybody because we've been doing for 40 minutes yeah thanks so much for coming out we had an amazing meet up here yeah hello [Laughter] the great thing the great thing with Prague is everyone's pretty friendly and probably a little bit toasted this is slightly drunk not a bad thing it's Christmas right could I it's Christmas do you feel the Christmas spirit yeah does it make you go like this with your eyes yeah this is Christmas yeah you love it Christmas is awesome and it's great in Europe and if you're watching for the United States do come to Prague and come to Europe because it's just awesome proggy especially love this place see everybody have a good day good night wherever you are we're definitely gonna having a good night bye how do you say bye in Czech good bye good bye
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 14,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, prague, old town square, christmas market, europe, best christmas market, mulled, hot, wine, food, street food, clock, night, view, experience, praha, czech, square, streets, history
Id: kKR3bi4w8DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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