EVERY Tank & Healer SHOULD be using these FFXIV macros!

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hi buns healer intake macros are on the table and quite honestly it's a little disappointing I look scoured and searched high and low and honestly there's just not a lot out there this is widely due because we don't use a macros for battle healing or weaving since there's usually a server delay make sure to drop a like though to give me good pets on what I did find for you let's go over the Healer macros first generally there are a few that you should have when you are a Healer just to help with overall party communication General macros that you will use for all healers are the swiftcast macro this will let the party know when your swiftcast is ready most healers will wait to raise someone if swiftcast is going to be off cooldown soon also remember that these are not in place of the abilities it's an extra button somewhere on the hot bar or cross-hop bar the macro reads as forward slash party swiftcast ready in Brackets recast period swiftcast and this will essentially just put how long your swiftcast is going to be on cooldown this is great when in casual content because it'll let your co-healer know that your swiftcast is not off cooldown until X time and basically saying you will not be resting them until you have it so they can go ahead and res them instead the next one is the raised macro which is showing another healer that you're raising a party member so then they don't try to do it very important so that multiple healers or DPS don't waste their time raising or waste a swiftcast this macro reads as forward slash party race Target se.11 which just is the sound effect second line is forward slash AC raise brackets T and the third line is forward slash Micon race now I'm sure some of you have seen this in chat and while you're playing content that some go above and beyond with this macro with this insane party text and all these noises and I know a lot of people hate this I'm really interested in what you guys think about those really long and annoying ones moving on to job-specific killer macros my most used one which was in my general quality life video macros is the cardia sage Macro for this one particularly you want to have your party set up where the tank is going to be number two on the party list and the macro reads as forward slash Micon cardia forward slash party you can put anything here I just put a little hello forward slash AC cardia brackets too this I find is so useful for Dungeons and trials and Casual content since you have to reapply cardia at the start of each activity White Mage has one I really love which is the ground Target macro which essentially allows you to cast asylum on a Target without having to position it which is great for controller users this macro reads as forward slash Micon Asylum forward slash AC Asylum brackets T so now I only have to Target the tank which is the number two and cast and then boom there goes the bubble this is the same macro for Scholars Place bubble as well which is sacred soil and you just of course replace the words these are essentially the only healing macros I use if you have any others that don't break the rules of macroing in battle then leave them in a comment in the description box let's move on to tanks there are a few helpful ones that I personally like in a big thank you to Monkey in my Discord for providing these making my life way easier the first one is for warrior which is a self-targeting home gang this is important because if you tether an enemy and that enemy dies then you lose your invulnerability with this macro you're able to tether yourself instead and get the full use of home game this reads as forward slash mirror off second line forward slash AC home gang brackets me you'll copy this up to 14 times and then forward slash Micon home game in order to have the icon as the home game the next one is for Dark Knight with the effect of Dark Knight and its invulnerability it's good that you have the Healer ready just in case something goes awry that's Ford slash Micon Living Dead forward slash AC Living Dead weight one and then at the very end for forward slash Living Dead used save swiftcast for the res in 10 seconds aside from these you honestly should have a notification for all your involes just to allow your healer to adjust for when it's active and not waste any of their healing spells when you're not taking any damage anyway this one is one of my absolute favorites I shared this in a previous macro video but it fits here as well which is the tank Macro for turning on tank stands for any tank and saying hello in the party chat for casual content I like to let the Healer know that will be wall-to-wall pulling at the start of each dungeon so there's no misunderstanding but most of the time it's fine without having to say anything this macro reads as forward slash mirror off forward slash P hello all healer I'm wall-to-wall pooling FYI forward slash Royal Guard forward slash Defiance forward slash grit forward slash Iron Will these are all the reasonable macros that I tend to use personally but I know some try to macro more than this but generally it's not okay for gcds and other stuff I always strive to bring you all the useful helpful guide content sometimes I nail it and other times I do lack but I always strive to be the helpful pillar of the Final Fantasy Community if you want to support the content then please limit breakthrie that like And subscribe button and a huge thank you to all my patreon and YouTube member supporters as you're all the reason I'm able to make this content regularly I have a vast library of video guides and tutorials which you can find in the main playlist in the description box or on my channel if you want to watch more Final Fantasy guides and content then you can click here
Channel: Bun Boss FFXIV
Views: 37,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a realm reborn, heavensward, stormblood, shadowbringers, endwalker, ffxiv, ff14, ffxiv healer macros, ffxiv tank macros, ffxiv healer guide, ffxiv tank guide, ffxiv macro guide, ffxiv best healer macro, ffxiv best tank macro, ffxiv macros for healing, ffxiv macros for tanking, ffxiv can you use macros for healing, ffxiv can you use macros for tanking, ffxiv raise macro, ffxiv white mage macro, ffxiv scholar macro, ffxiv holmgang macro
Id: XpwbytlzOUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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