FFXIV Tank Cooldown Compendium, Mitigation Management, Rotating & More (FFXIV University)

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hello friends and welcome back to another tanking video in this video i would like to go over the tanking cooldowns at your disposal when you're playing a tank i know i've pretty much been over this in another video but i felt like i missed some important things out so i'm actually going to mark that video as outdated when we finish this video off and if you're here from that video then welcome to this video which should be a lot higher production and better explained but without further delay let's just dive right into what we're actually talking about first let's go over some terminology that i believe will be helpful for you to understand while watching this video keep in mind that some of this terminology might be my own personal terms and not everyone outside of this video will understand but maybe one day we can make these terms a reality for the rest of the community let's start with active mitigation to break down what active mitigation is let's first go over the two different types of active mitigations first we have the cooldown based active mitigation this includes warriors blood wedding dark knights ablation and gun breakers halve corundum and then we have the other type which is a resourced based active mitigation and this includes paladins holy sheltron and dark knights the blackest knight or better known as tbn we will break down each and every one of these once we get into the job section of this video for now just keep in mind that these are typically easy to access mitigations and probably the strongest mitigations in the game next let's go over mitigation pairing or cooldown pairing and this is when we pair two or more mitigations together to further reduce the damage we take for example rampart plus our active mit plus reprisal and just as a disclaimer i know i went over in a previous video how mitigation loses value when you pair multiple together this is true but you shouldn't let that discourage you from mitigation pairing it's still very much a valid strategy when it comes to tanking sometimes a single cooldown mitigation just doesn't cut it it could be too weak on its own or a tank buster could be coming up which deals heavy damage we ideally want to pair mitigations in these scenarios to avoid lethal damage that could kill us and lessen the burden of the healer i'll go into this a little bit more in detail when we go into the specific active mitigations along the way when we are talking about them in their specified job category so for now just keep this in mind this is what active mitigation is and what it does next we will talk about cooldown rotating this is a very important skill to have as a tank and it varies tank by tank and fight by fight but we will go over some basics to create you a good starting point of how to correctly do this with some rules to follow but let me explain what a cooldown rotation is first a cooldown rotation is when we rotate our cooldown so we always have mitigation up for upcoming damage so for example in a water wall pool in a dungeon pool or a tank buster in a raid or trial instance it isn't limited to those things for example in a trial instance we should be getting the most of our defensives even when a tank buster isn't going out using our cooldowns on auto attacks is perfectly okay and i highly encourage it as long as you have a cooldown for when a tankbuster comes out then you should be fine you will get a feel for this over time though and on a fight per fight basis sometimes this isn't always the case though as some fights can contain tank busters back to back with enough time between them with your current cooldown that you just bought for a previous tank buster it's gonna run out and then another tank buster comes out and this is gonna force you to use another cooldown so just be wary of this and make sure that we are rotating our cooldowns accordingly on a fight per flight basis right next we have cooldowns that are shared across all the tanks right so these are cooldowns that are either homologized or they're the exact same and there are four of these cooldowns in particular so let's start off with the homogenized ones which are are 120 second mitigations these will always reduce damage taken by 30 and they always last 15 seconds and of course they're always on 120 second cooldown and these include sentinel which is from paladin warriors vengeance dark knight shadow and gun breakers nebula all of these do the exact same thing with the exception of warriors vengeance which has an added effect of a reflex so when you get attacked with vengeance up and it's a physical attack then the warrior while they have vengeance up they will reflect that attack as a 55 potency attack back to the attacker so a little bit of a cherry on top for warrior when it comes to that buff it's pretty cool little added bonus for more damage then we have rampart this is shared across every single tank it is on a 90 second cooldown and it reduces damage taken by 20 and lasts 20 seconds then we have reprisal reprisal is a debuff that applies to all enemies in a small aoe around us when we use it and every enemy affected by this debuff will deal 10 less damage for 10 seconds and this is on a 60 second cooldown and then finally we have arm's length this will give us a six second buff and any enemy that attacks us while this buff is up and those attacks are physical attacks they must be physical attacks they will get a debuff on them which will slow them for 20 and what the slow does is it's going to delay their auto attacks by 20 and it's also going to increase their cast times by 20 so this is great mitigation on dungeon pools this does not work on bosses low so when it comes to trial and trade instances keep in mind that this effect does not do anything but when it comes to trials and raid instances it has a anti-knock back prevention so when you use it this will prevent most knockbacks from knocking you back when you use arms length so just keep that mind that does have value inside of raids just when it comes to being a cooldown a mitigation cooldown it only sees value in that department when it comes to dungeons now that we've gone over all the terms and we've gone over all the cooldowns of the tanks share let's move on to all the unique cooldowns and self-sustain that the tanks have at the disposal in this part of the video i will explain every single unique cooldown to all the particular tanks like i just said and i'm going to go over how to fully utilize them and you know give you some tips and advice on how to do it and then once i've broken down all of that i'll quickly run you through how you should be doing this in a dungeon instance for raids and trials i cannot tell you exactly how you should be doing this other than just follow the advice i've given you along the way because i can't tell you exactly how you're going to map your cooldowns out on a fight per fight basis because this change is on a fight-pro-flight basis and it's something you're just gonna have to get used to by yourself but don't worry as long as you have this knowledge and you've watched this video and you've listened carefully then i'm sure that you will be able to map your cooldowns accordingly and you'll have absolutely no problem with that kind of stuff so without further delay let's actually move on to all the cooldowns that each tank has at their disposal and we'll start at the top of the list with paladin paladin's active mitigation is holy sheltron holy sheltron is a resource-based active mitigation and the resource that we will be taking from is the oath gauge on paladin the oath gauge will get filled up gradually throughout the course of a fight because it gets filled up by five for every auto attack the paladin deals quite a slow build up and honestly not a huge fan of how it works but this is just how it is and what we have to deal with as a paladin but let's move on to what the ability does so it costs 50 of the oath gauge it's on a five second cooldown so the cooldown is pretty much irrelevant to think of just keep in mind that the oath gauge and it is a resource based mitigation and this is going to block all incoming damage for eight seconds on top of that it's going to grant an additional buff called night resolve this is going to reduce damage taken by 15 4 4 seconds so basically what this is saying is for the first four seconds you're going to have an additional 15 mitigation on top of all the blocks that you will have an extra added effect is night spin addiction and this is going to give us a healing over time effect and this healing over time is going to last 12 seconds and it's going to restore 250 cure potency for every tick okay let's quickly go into how we should be using this so in a raid or trial instance we should ideally be pairing this with another cooldown when it comes to taking a tank buster when it comes to using this as a standalone cooldown i would use this for auto attacks when auto attacks are consistently going out as this is going to block that damage mitigate the damage and give us a healing over time effect which is just great self sustain and it's great mitigation overall so highly advised that is how you should be using in a raid and trial instance those are some rules to follow for dungeons i typically tend to open up a pool if i'm not going to use hallowed and i'll go over that in the dungeon part of the video but if i'm going to open a pool i will open a pool with holy sheltron way out the first four seconds and once the first four seconds are over i've lost that 15 mitigation i will then pair it with a cooldown so for example rampart and then maybe also throw in a reprisal as well that will cover holy shelter on low let's move on to paladins and vulnerability paladin's invulnerability is hallowed ground this is on a 420 second cooldown and it makes you invulnerable for 10 seconds quite a long cooldown on an invulnerability but it is a pretty decent invulnerability as it has no strings attached all it does is you press it and it makes you invulnerable for 10 seconds that's literally it that's the cooldown this is fantastic to be used on the very first pull of a dungeon for example that's typically what i tend to do and then you can use it later on in a dungeon on a later pull maybe after the second boss of a dungeon you can use it on the first pull or the second pull of that particular dungeon for a raid and trial instance just like all in vulnerabilities in the game i would typically tend to use this on a tank buster when i can get away with it this can cheese tank swap mechanics it can make you take a double tank buster intended for two tanks on one tank there's many uses to invulnerabilities when it comes to tanks so just keep that in mind that's genuinely how we'll be using hallowed ground in a raid or trial instance and also how we'll be using it in a dungeon instance let's quickly go over the self sustain that paladin has as i feel that is important to go over as well holy spirit and holy circle are going to restore 400 cure potency every time we use them don't use these without requires cut low please for the love of god don't do that but this is a nice little additional effect to paladin this isn't something you have to think about at all by the way it's just worth mentioning that when you're in your requiescat combo and you're doing your holy spirits or your holy circles in a dungeon then you're going to have some self sustained by healing yourself as well so just keep that in mind typically when i do a dungeon pool i will start with requiescat and holy circle spam this is gonna heal me if i don't have hallowed ground up and it's just better sustain overall and it's better damage overall so that's typically what i'll tend to do in a dungeon as well so keep that in mind as for raid and trial instances i wouldn't worry too much about it you'll probably not be tanking too much as a paladin but when you're off tanking and maybe actively taking damage it's a nice added bonus but nothing more than that as for clemency try not to use this unless you're in a progression instance or you can save someone's life with it don't break your back over using clemency but i don't want to discourage you from using it also if you feel that you can heal someone and save someone's life with this let's quickly go over what it does it's going to heal a target or yourself for 1000 kilo potency it's going to cost you 2000 mp and if you use it on another target member so another party member it's going to restore 50 of the health that you restore to that target onto yourself so when it comes to i don't know you're doing a dungeon and you've got yourself in a dps alive and you're like oh god how are we going to do this right just just clemency you have a dps for example if it's just you and a dps and it's going to heal you a bit as well so in these sort of clutch scenarios that you can maybe save a run save a pool whatever then just keep that in mind clemency is it's good okay it's not a bad ability it's just trying not to use it when you don't need to use it only use clemency when you need to use clemency rely on your healers for the most part that will go over the self-sustainable paladin low and pretty much all of the unique active mitigations and mitigations that it has at his disposal let's move on to how we will be doing a trash pull in a dungeon when we're on a paladin so i'm going to quickly go over this as a paladin i will open the first ball with hallowed ground once hallowed ground is over i will pop a holy sheltron and i'll wait the first four seconds of the holy sheltron because i want to get maximum value out of this remember cooldown pairing and maximum value and all that sort of stuff so once those four seconds are over and it's just the block rate i will then proceed to pop a rampart and a reprisal this is further going to mitigate the damage that i take and by the time all that's over the dungeon pool should be dead if it's not dead maybe throw in another holy sheltron on the second pull of that dungeon i will then again open this pole up instead of hallowed ground because it won't be up i will open this pull up with a holy sheltron instead and for the first four seconds i won't pop anything else once those first four seconds start over i will then pop a sentinel and i will let that sentinel play out once the sentinel is down i will then use a reprisal on arms length and if i have another holy sheltron then i will pop another holy shelter on if i have the gauge for it once the arm's length and reprisal has ran out on all the enemies and all that sort of good stuff then i will proceed to use rampart if it is back up if it's not backup i'll just use a holy shelton by itself but if it is up then i'll use rampart and holy shelton and then by the time those are all over the dungeon pool should be dead on bosses i don't worry too much and this is a reoccurring theme for all tanks don't worry about mitigation too much and bosses just mitigate accordingly of course when it comes to bosses and you know keep in mind that you do have mitigations there at your disposal but for the most part bosses hit like a wet noodles and you don't really need to worry about them too much after the first boss you will then notice that you don't have hallow to open the next pull up with this is fine all you do is just repeat what you would have done but without hallowed so open the pull up with holy sheltron and then once the first initial four seconds of holy sheltron's mitigation is over you still have the four seconds of block rate but once that's over you then will have rampart back up so pop that round part and also reprise or pop that reprisal after the ram partner appraisal is over hopefully the trash ball is dead if not throw in some holy sheltrons and that should last you until the pool is dead on the next pull same as we would do on the previous second pull open the pull-up with holy sheltron once the first four seconds are over use sentinel once that's over use reprisal arms the name holy sheltron and then once that's over we can move on to another rampart and that is how we will be mitigating dungeon trash balls as a paladin and as i've said just keep in mind of everything that i've noted and all the advice i've given you along the way and how to really use your mitigation for raids and stuff like that you're gonna figure it out by yourself don't worry you'll be fine anyway moving on next let us move on to warrior warrior is pretty easy when it comes to mitigation you can't really go wrong but let's cover it anyway as there might be some important things that you could have missed first let's go over blood wedding blood wedding is a cool down based active mitigation remember we went over active mitigations in the two different types this has a recast of 25 seconds for the whole eight seconds is going to reduce damage taken by 10 and during this buff it's going to also restore hp with each weapon skill successfully delivered so this is gcd's only every time we hit a gcd it's going to give us 400 kia potency an additional effect is it's going to grant stem the flow stamina flow is going to reduce damage taken by another 10 4 4 seconds so for the first four seconds of this buff we basically have 20 mitigation on top of that as a little cherry on top it also grants stem the tide this is going to create a barrier around ourselves that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 400 poetry and that's gonna last you 20 seconds it'll probably be gone in a blink of an eye but it's a nice little cherry on top and it's great for tank busters as well so let's go over the usage of blood wedding as you can see quite the amazing ability when it comes to raid and trial instances i will use this more or less off cooldown to sustain myself but make sure that i always have it up for tank busters as well when it comes to tank busters and raids though i will always make sure to pair it with another cooldown surround power vengeance and remember these you want to be using just before the tank buster goes out or at least no longer than four seconds before it goes out because you want that 10 extra mitigation from blood wedding to last you the tank buster and maybe an auto attack afterwards as well for dungeons you can use this by itself literally by itself for the whole eight seconds why because of the heal that it has for each gcd that we land we get a 400 pound seed heal as we've gone over and when we use this in a dungeon we can literally use it by itself and then every aoe that hits an enemy is going to heal us for 400 potency each so this is absolutely bonkers and it just pretty much heals us to fall for more or less every aoe we do it's it's incredible it's insane i won't go over damage but let's quickly go over the damaging abilities that will make this even stronger so for example inner chaos and chaotic cyclone always because they always these will always give us critical heals so this always gives us critical heal from blood wedding as well the same for primal random warrior always critically hits so it's always going to give us a critical heal on blood wedding further making this ability even stronger so yeah when it comes to dungeons i literally can use this by itself and that will last eight seconds and then you can use other cooldowns afterwards four raids and trial instances as i've said i will use this for self-sustaining myself along the duration of a flight and also make sure that it's always up for tank busters next let's move on to warriors self-sustain we have thrill of battle equilibrium and storm's path storm's path i won't think about too much this gives us excel feel but it's mostly tied to damage it's a nice little addition when it comes to our self-sustain but i'll go over what it does anyway as you can see it's part of our main combo and it will give us a cure currency of 250 nice little added bonus but don't think too much about this but let's talk about throw in equilibrium first thrill of battle this is on a 90 second cooldown and it's going to increase our maximum hp by 20 and restore the amount increase so even if we are 100 hp we can use this and it's not going to overheal because it's going to heal the amount of hp that we've just increased our maximum hp by so this can never be used wastefully really it also has an additional effect which is going to increase all the hp recovery via healing actions on ourselves by 20 so any healers that heal us during this is going to increase that healing output and this goes for gcd heals and ogcd heals by the way this cooldown lasts 10 seconds now keep in mind that additional effect because it is nuts as i've said why is it not as i've said it scales with literally all your healing abilities this goes for equilibrium by the way equilibrium is on a 60 second cooldown and it restores 1 200 cure potency if that wasn't enough it also gives us a healing over time effect for 200k potency per tick and this healing over time is going to last 15 seconds so this can be further buffed by thrill of battle which is just insane by the way so keep that in mind if you're getting low you can use for the battle equilibrium but for the most part use it preemptively in a dungeon pool used for a battle and equilibrium at a specific time we'll go over that in the dungeon example though but when it comes to a tank buster you can use for a battle before your tank buster comes out then once the tank buster has hit you you can use equilibrium giving you a super buffed healing over time effect and pretty much self-sustaining yourself at a very comfortable rate i should also go shake it off real quick mostly a utility ability but when it comes to dungeons we can use this on ourselves and basically what it's going to do is it's going to give us a shield for 50 percent of our maximum hp it does dispel threat about our vengeance and blood wedding so make sure that if you are going to use this for that shield make sure that these effects are pretty much about to run out before you use it you can kind of cheese the effect by making sure the blood wedding thrill or vengeance is like one second and then using shake it off and this will still dispel and it will give you that additional two percent for each of the effect removed so you can choose your cooldowns to make this stronger in a way it's it's actually a very good and valid strategy to use shake it off for takeoff lasts 15 seconds and it's only 90 second cooldown along that it's also going to restore hp of yourself and nearby party members by 300k potency now don't use this as a cooldown for yourself in like a raid or trial instance but when it comes to dungeons it is perfectly viable to use this as a cooldown for your personal usage so that pretty much summarizes how to use shake it off really not much more to go into it we then have hom gang probably the strongest invulnerability in the game this is on a 240 second cooldown and it lasts 10 seconds when we use this ability we cannot drop below one hp now you might be wondering why is this the strongest invulnerability in the game that is because its recast is insanely short for such a strong invulnerability and it has no real strings attached to it it simply makes you not be able to die when you use the buff that's it so a bit like hallowed ground there's no extra quirks for this ability it does what it says it gives you invulnerability just to a different degree you cannot die typically in dungeons you probably won't be using this too often use it in a clutch situation if you catch yourself getting really low sure that's a good time to use home game you're getting really low the healer's struggling to heal you use home gank keep yourself alive for 10 more seconds maybe by that time you have some self-sustaining backup and you'll be able to get yourself back up to life four raider instances again just like hallowed ground but if you skipped to this part of the video and you only want to know about warrior then we'll quickly go over what this does you can use this two cheese tank swabs you can use it to just you know simplify a tank buster you know die to it but don't actually die to it and then self sustain yourself back up to life or you can use this on a shed tank buster that's intended for two tanks but only on one tank and you can use one gang and just take it by yourself so many uses for this again on a fight profile basis so just learn the fight and as you go you'll know when to use hong gang and you'll know when to get full usage out of this again let's quickly go over some dungeon examples of what i would do as a warrior when it comes to a dungeon pool so the first dungeon pool and every single dungeon pool from here on out i would open the pool with a blood wedding i would then proceed to aoe spam get my surging tempest buff up with overpower and mythal tempest i would then infuriate and use a chaotic cyclone with blood wetting up this will give me a critical heal for each and every single enemy i hit and that will just pretty much top you up to full health it's pretty stupid i would then use inner release and maybe use a primal rend and then again this will probably give me another heal and by that time the blood wedding might be over by then if not just keep airwing until it is over when it is over pop a round part pop a reprisal pop a thrill of battle when you're getting low pop in equilibrium you're gonna keep yourself alive so easily as a warrior it is a joke if your blood wedding comes back up and you want to use it use it if you want to wait until your cooldowns are gone then wait until you have a cooldowns are gone because you're free or your rampart your appraisal your equilibrium healing over time effect will probably last you until the dungeon pool is dead if it isn't there as i've said use a blood wedding and finish the pull off next pull we will do the same we'll use blood wedding in a release get those critical heals off again and once blood winning is over we will then go into a vengeance once that vengeance is over we can use a reprisal arm's length and if blood wedding is back up which it probably should be then we can use another blood wedding there and by that time the pool should hopefully be dead if not maybe use a thriller battle equilibrium keep yourself alive and then you know if the ball is still not dead by that time then you probably have worse issues but again use another blood wedding and you'll be fine so that's how we'll be doing mitigation in a dungeon pool as a warrior again as i've said for paladin i cannot tell you how to tank as a warrior on a fight per fight basis when it comes to raid and trial instances other than follow the advice i have given you about these cooldowns and just use them accordingly and appropriately blood wedding is great self sustain when your main tanking is a warrior and you probably will be maintaining as a warrior through the majority of your time so make sure you're using blood wedding and getting that self sustain off for our fight and never having to have the gila worry about healing you and that will just about cover warrior let's move on to the next tank which is dark knight okay let's go over the active mitigations that dark knight has it's got two types of active mitigation it's got the blackest knight which is a resource based active mitigation this is only 15 second cooldown and it creates a barrier around ourselves or a target totaling for 25 of the targets maximum hp so it scales with the hp of the target the more hp we have the stronger the blackest knight is although you don't really have to think about this too much as we get better gear the bosses will start to deal more damage anyway so don't really think about that part too much it also grants dark arts when the barrier is completely absorbed which allows us for free usage of edge of shadows or flood of shadows it costs 3 000 mp so that's the same amount of mp as an edge of shadow or a flood of shadow but do keep in mind that you can use this to sort of reserve an edge of shadow and a flood of shadow four raid buffs of course usually when it comes to a raid it will only be an edge of shadow extra usage but yeah it can be a dps increase but this video is not about doing dps although it is important to note that not having your tbnb broken is pretty bad because you more or less just wasted 3 000 mp and you don't get your free edge of shadow or flood of shadow so this kind of blows and you should aim to always break your tbn which is what we call the blackest night by the way so how would i use this ability i would use it on of course dungeon pools and when you do a dungeon pool use this literally every time it comes back off cooldown you always want enough mp for this in a dungeon pool of course when there's only a few mobs left probably don't do this because it might not break but when you're doing a water wall pull typically you will pop tbn and it's going to break pretty quickly but it's additional mitigation and that is a very important so just make sure that you are using this for raid and trial instances make sure we always have a tbn up for tank busters that's pretty much all there is to it for auto attacks and raven trial instances you can get away with tbn usage but make sure that it actually breaks because if it doesn't break then that kind of sucks we then have oblation ablation is more of a cool down based mitigation this is only 60 second cooldown and it reduces damage taken by 10 for ourself or a target party member it lasts 10 seconds and it has two charges a bit like tbn use this on dungeon balls whenever it's up really and use this on tank busters as well maybe pairing it with a blackest knight which leads me into a side note about blackest knight when we use blackest knight it's perfectly fine to pair this with other cooldowns but when it comes to stuff like tank busters most tank busters it will break but just be wary to not over mitigate with the blackest knight because if you over mitigate the ex trials are a good example you can over mitigate these ex trials and you do run the risk of your tbn not actually breaking which again as i've said it sucks so just aim to not do that do not over mitigate your tbm when it comes to ex trials for example as these do tend to hit a lot less than savage raids although savage raids this can happen as we get better gear as well so just keep this in mind try not to over mitigate tank busters when you have tbn up of course mitigate them and pair it with cooldowns but do not over mitigate just learn the fight as you go you'll know when too much cooldowns is too much and when too little is too little anyway i've talked about that too much let's go on to dark mind and dark missionary dark mind is our personal cd for magic vulnerability it's going to reduce all magic damage taken by 20 for 10 seconds and this is on a 60 second cooldown has its uses it's great on tank buses that are magical damage if a tank buster isn't magical damage it's kind of useless but if the tank buster is magical damage make sure that we are using it as that's the most value it's gonna get when it comes to dungeons and trash low make sure that we are using this if we see that a mob is doing magical base damage and the way to see this is pretty easy you'll see that it is puffing at you in a way sometimes mobs do this it's really weird or you see them casting right then they're probably doing magical damage so use a dark mind there also a bit like warrior dark missionary is our rage utility but when it comes to dungeons we can use this as a personal cooldown when you see these mobs again using magical damage so just keep that in mind if you see mobs doing magical damage pop dark missionary as well not much more really to it just the extra mitigation that you can contribute to and our last thing is living dead living dead is our invulnerability and it is on a 300 second cooldown it is probably if not the worst in vulnerability in the game but let's go over what it does when we use it it's going to grant us a buff called a living dead and when we die with this buff up it's going to take the buffalo way of living dead and grant the debuff walking dead instead walking dead lasts 10 seconds and it will allow us to not die when the debuff is active the only problem is while the walking dead the debuff is active if we do not get 100 of our hp restored in those 10 seconds then we will just drop dead by the time the debuff expires this makes living dead one of the most quirky and awkward in vulnerabilities in the game but it's the same for all-in vulnerabilities you can use this to choose tank swaps you can use this to choose tank mechanics so say a tank buster requires two tanks then you can just use living dead and make it only have one tank for example and also just flat out make a tank but a little bit more trivial as long as you have the healer resources required to make it trivial a little note about living dead as well is the 100 hp restored is not you have to be 100 hp at the time you have the debuff up it just means a total of 100 hp needs to be restored so say if the helo restores you for 50 of your hp in the first two seconds and then they want to wait out the debuff for i don't know two seconds of it and then they restore the other 50 even though maybe you've dropped one hp again this will still cleanse the walking dead debuff so it's a total of 100 so just keep that in mind it would be even worse if you had to be 100 to cleanse the debuff trust me so for living dead as i've said i would use this in raid and trial instances just coordinate it with your healer make sure you're both on the same page when it comes to those kind of instances when it comes to dungeons load try not to use this try not to bait its usage out just use it in a clutch situation a bit like hom gang if you catch yourself getting low maybe use living dead prevent yourself from dying instantly and it gives your healer a chance to recover you and if not then you die and well it is what it is moving on let's talk about how we would mitigate a dungeon as a dark knight shouldn't be too complicated what we will do is we will open a pool and we will open the pool with tbn and oblation as soon as our tbn has broken i would then proceed to pop a rampart and reprisal and if you see the mobs doing magical damage don't hesitate to pop a dark mind and dark missionary and also as a note continue to pop tb ends when they run out as soon as it comes off cooldown pop that tv and always make sure that you have mp for your tv ends as this is just gonna relieve a lot of stress from the healer having to heal you trust me i've healed dark knights who don't pop tbn and it is the worst thing ever so as a dark knight just make sure you're popping those tbns as they really help a bunch and really make up for the lack of mitigation that dark knights have once your ramparts ran out the pool should probably almost be dead by then if it's not don't hesitate to pop another oblation and again more tbns by that time the pool should be dead in the next pull we want to again open up with tvn an oblation and once that tbn is gone we then want to pop a shadow wall once the shadow wall is gone we then want to pop a reprisal and an arm's length if we have another ablation i'm not sure if we will but if we do pop another ablation and if we don't then hopefully by the time those buffs are over then we want to pop our round part again and by the time that buff and debuff the reprisal and arms length has one off we'll then go back into our rampart again we want to continue to tbn spam throughout the entirety of these dungeon pools and that should honestly last us the entire dungeon pool and you should be good as a dark knight again for raid and trial instances just follow the advice that i've given you and you'll be fine and you'll probably mitigate the damage in a raid on trial instance and you'll learn this kind of stuff on a fight per flight basis so don't worry too much about that let's move on to our final tank gun breaker okay let's start off with gun breakers active mitigation heart of corundum this is a cooldown active mitigation and it's on a 25 second cooldown and what it does is going to reduce damage taken by a target party member or ourself by 15 but this is mostly about our own personal mitigation rate and that effect is gonna last eight seconds it also has this additional effect when targeting your party remember what under the effect of brutal shell that effect is also granted to the target and let's quickly go over all brutal shell does sorry to make this a bit confusing but brutal shell is our second hit in our initial combo and what this does is it's going to grant us a 200 potency cure and it's also going to grant us a shield for the amount cured as well so that's pretty cool a little nifty thing about gun brake and why it's a little bit better as a main tank to other tanks over the warrior it just adds to its self-sustain and stuff it's not too much to think about but i've noticed when i'm doing dungeons and the healer dies and it's just me and maybe myself and dps then i've actually caught myself doing one two one two it feels awful by the way but sometimes it's the only way to keep myself alive as a gun breaker it's not a self-sustaining as warrior but i've managed to keep my party alive by using her condoms on them and auroras on them and keeping myself alive with one two spam with brutal shell it feels awful and it feels like i'm just being bad at the game but it is a way to keep yourself alive don't do this unless you know the healer's dead and it's like oh my god how are we going to clear this just you know that that's what i tend to do as a gun breaker it feels bad it really does feel bad but it is a last resort and sometimes that is how it is anyway i'm sidetracking here let's continue back onto the heart random so we went over you know the initial 15 mitigation which heart of corundum has and we went over the brutal shell effect which we'll give to a target party member and that's also going to last for a second so if we use on another target i remember that's a great little additional effect that we have it has the additional effect of clarity of corundum this reduces damage taken by a further 15 for four seconds so for the first four seconds of the buff you're gonna have more or less 30 mitigation and then once that's ran out you'll have the last four seconds just be 15 and then we finally we have kefarus of corundum and this is going to restore hp when we drop below 50 or when the effect expires and the hp effect is 900 kia potency for 20 seconds i don't know if i said that right by the way and i don't really care to know either but that is a nice little effect it's basically like scholars x cog but on a tank it's brilliant so how am i going to be using this exactly how are we going to be using this in a dungeon instance i will open a pool actually with heart of random and what i will do is i'll wait the first four seconds out and then once the first four seconds are gone i will then pair it with another cool down when it comes to a raid or trial instance i'll use heart corundum on filler damage like auto attacks and the likes and when it comes to a tank buster i'll make sure to always have heart random ready and up and use it just before the tank buster goes out and pair it with an additional cooldown as well and this is going to mitigate a lot of damage at a very comfortable level and completely stress free for the healers we also have aurora i may as well go over this because this is a self-sustain and this is going to grant a regen effect to ourselves or any other target it's on a 60 second cooldown and it has a cure currency of 200 for every healing over time tick it lasts eight seconds and it has a two charge to it so pretty good overall really good self-sustain when we're actively tanking make sure that we are using this on ourselves and if there is another tank who is tanking at the time then make sure we throw this on that tank to keep them sustained and to help out a little bit as well let's go for camouflage now camouflage is on a 90 second cooldown and it's going to increase power rate by 50 and it's also going to reduce damage taken by 10 and it lasts 20 seconds this to me is like rampart light edition typically in dungeons i will pair this with rampart in dungeon pools and when it comes to raid and trial instances i'll usually actually use this for pretty much exclusively filler damage like auto attacks and stuff like that i won't really pair it with many cooldowns the reason for this is because i don't feel like it needs to be paired because it's quite weak but at the same time it's pretty good for like auto attacks that are non-magical because parries will only work on physical attacks so the fact that it has that little parry rate on top of that for damage reduction and it's just an extra cooldown that we get as a gun breaker is a nice little addition and i am quite the fan of this so that's personally how i do it camouflage on filler damage in a radar trial instance and when it comes to dungeons i'll just pair it with rampart let's go over super blind now probably the second best invulnerability in the game in my opinion it's a close competitor for home game for sure this has a little quirk to it but what it does is it's on a 360 second cooldown it's gonna reduce our hp to one but it's also gonna make us invulnerable to most attacks for an entire 10 seconds so a bit like every other invulnerability in the game when it comes to raid and trial instances i'll use this to have chiefs tank mechanics cheese tank swaps make a tank buster do absolutely no damage to me or just take a double tank buster that's intended for two tanks but only on one tank again there's many uses for this and i cannot realistically go by the users on a fight-pro-fight basis but i can tell you that much for dungeon instances i'll usually open up people with super blind which means i'll then have it for a further pull into the dungeon which we'll cover in just a moment now that i've covered super blight let me just quickly cover heart of light this is our utility ability again this does exactly what dark missionary does it reduces magic damage taken by 10 for ourselves and all nearby members for a dungeon instance i can just use this on myself when i see enemies doing magical attacks on me quite simple it's just going to reduce further damage but in a raid or trial instance i would never use this as a personal cooldown and save it for the raid but i feel like it's just important to go over now let's quickly go over how i will be doing a dungeon ball as a gun breaker again i cannot go over a radar trial instance as i've said it's unrealistic to go over raid and trial instances as there are so many situations and scenarios and just fight by fight basis things that can happen so for the most part if you follow my advice and fix in your own cooldown rotation on a fight by fight basis then you will be absolutely fine and you will nail it so don't worry about that but let's quickly go over what i do in a dungeon so for a dungeon pool i will start the pull off with a super blight i'll let the healer know that i'm super blighting and most healers will be thankful of that they'll actually be able to heal this very easily it's whole 10 seconds steal it and you're going to also help out with aurora and heart random which leads me on to what we'll be doing as gunbreaker so we open the pull up with super blight as i've said we'll use a heart corundum when it's about one second or zero seconds about to expire and we'll also use an aurora as we pop super bullied this will help heal ourselves back up to a healthy level as we're at that really low hp as i said once the super blight has ran out we'll have heart i can run them up once four seconds have passed with the heart of corundum when we lose the clarity of corundum we will then pop a rampart camouflage maybe do a gcd in between and then pop a reprisal and this should last us the entire dungeon pool if it doesn't then pop another heart at corundum nearly and then you'll be fine on the second dungeon pool we will open the pull-up with another heart of corundum after the first four seconds is over use a nebula and then once the nebula is over we will use a reprisal and arms length paired with a half corundum if it's back up by that time which it should be after that our camouflage and ramparts should be back off cooldown so we'll then use camouflage and rampart and that should last us pretty much the entire dungeon pool if it doesn't just pop another heart random near the end and you'll be good after we've beat the first boss we mitigated it or whatever right we won't have super blood for this ball but we'll pretty much do the exact same thing just without super blight so we'll open the pull up for heart corundum wait four seconds use camouflage ram part reprisal and then that should last the whole pool if it doesn't another heart random at the end then the second pull after the first boss will open the pull up with heart corundum then once the first four seconds is over use nebula and then once nebula's over reprisal arm's length parker random and then our round part and camouflage should be back up and the pool should be pretty much over and that should just about cover every single tank cooldown in the game including their mitigation cooldowns self-sustain and shields and all that good stuff i hope this video has proven informational to you if you've ever been any bit confused about this kind of stuff or maybe you want to get into savage raiding or whatever then hopefully it will help you understand as you tank how your cooldowns work how they function and just a bit of advice on how to use them quite a higher production video i've gone over every single tank in the game and told you pretty much how to use all the cooldowns and vulnerabilities of course i do apologize that i cannot realistically provide you examples and stuff of how to properly use all your cooldowns and mitigations and vulnerabilities when it comes to raid and trial instances because it's just not realistic to be able to do that so as much as i apologize to do it i cannot realistically do it so please understand that but i do hope you enjoyed it and i hope it will make things easier for you when it comes to tanking these raid and trail instances and even if it doesn't at least helps you in dungeon instances as well just make your dungeon experience a bit easier and that should prove at least valuable to you guys and i hope it does i do apologize my voice is probably just about to go out this is my second take of this video i had some struggle with the first take i don't know why but i wasn't happy with it even though i'm reading off the script for the most part it's still uh i drag stuff on and it doesn't make me happy so this is my second take my voice is killing me i hope it's been a good video either way and i really do hope you enjoyed it so if you liked the video please do give it a thumbs up i'd really appreciate that and if you enjoyed the content overall and you haven't subscribed yet then please do consider hitting that subscribe button that would really help me and the channel a bunch and if you think i've forgotten anything think anything important is left then please do let me know in the comments below or maybe if you just want to give an example of a good cd rotation in a certain fight just don't give spoilers out that's all i'm saying i don't mind saying uh p3s or p4s whatever just you know don't name drop the extreme trials or anything like that i'll be fine uh with those comments that's absolutely fine i'll accept that and it would be appreciated overall it would help me and it would help the algorithm notice me so if you'd like to support me further via non-monetary means i have a twitter which you can follow i have a twitch which i have plans to stream more in the summer with a streaming schedule hopefully and just a bit of a more of a branch out into twitch but don't worry youtube's still my primary focus and it always will be and also the discord as well if you want to join the discord ask some questions just hang out with some fellow ff14 players then it's there for you to join as well would love to see you in all of those so i look forward to seeing you there and i look forward to seeing you in the next video so until then guys take it easy stay safe we out goodbye
Channel: Azurite FFXIV
Views: 58,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7_S2rja70o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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