FFXIV: The Optimal Guide to Dungeon Tanking

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what's up boys my name is lynx in this video i'm going to be going over all of my tips my tricks and everything i do while tanking dungeons to hopefully make you the best dungeon tank that you can possibly be now before we start the video i just want to say a big thank you to all the support you guys gave me on my last guide i was really not expecting that type of response i was expecting maybe 200 views but you guys blew me out of the water with the support and i really really appreciate that it gave me a lot of motivation to make this video specifically and that's awesome i'm really glad you guys are enjoying this uh all the comments all the likes everything has just been so overwhelming and i really appreciate it and i'm definitely gonna try to make more content for you guys so without any further ado let's just jump right into this guide now this guide is going to assume that you know a few things about tanking before watching it this is going to be focusing mostly on end game tanking but it can definitely be trickled down to early and leveling dungeon tanking you should know the basics of your class and how enmity works in ff14 if you don't there are many great guides on youtube about the basics of tanking however i'm going to be going over the more advanced and the more high level thinking and how to optimize your tanking further beyond than just being a good tank we're going to make you a great tank the first thing i'd like to start off with is your role in a dungeon and that is to make the dungeon go as fast as possible now this might be controversial to some of you that enjoy slower dungeons but when you're doing random roulettes with random people nine times out of ten they just want to go in get their tombstones get whatever gear rewards they want from that dungeon and then get out so by going slow by enjoying the scenery that might be fun for you but you have to realize this is a team game and most people that are doing the end game dungeons just want the rewards out of it and don't care for the dungeon experience if it's your first time in the dungeon then i can understand going slow but from the second time onwards you need to realize that your role as a tank is to make the dungeon as quick as possible this includes things like wall to wall pulling which is something i'll reference often in this video what that basically means is you are pulling as many mobs as possible before the dungeon stops you there are going to be points in the dungeon where you cannot progress forward until the enemies in front of you are dead and that just means you want to pull all of them at once and get to that next part of the dungeon as quick as possible when you first enter a dungeon the most important thing you want to do at the start is look at your party and see where they are in terms of gear this can easily be done by looking at health pools and seeing how high it is in comparison to the best in slot of that current dungeon this will require some knowledge of gear and hp levels but in general if someone's hp is just drastically lower than other people's in the dungeons that means that they're lower geared and they're not able to put out as much as possible this is especially important for healers if your healer has very low hp therefore meaning low gear then that might limit your ability to pull everything in the dungeon at once there are many times i've seen unexperienced tanks just go crazy because they saw a video that said that they should do wall-to-wall pulls without properly analyzing their party first at the start here when you're waiting for the dungeon to unlock look at their gear see where they are and then use the first pull in the dungeon as a test to see what your healer is capable of and your dps as well on that first pull in the dungeon you have every cooldown available so you should be doing a wall-to-wall pull and then checking what your healer is able to do if your hp is low if you're getting low and you're popping cooldowns efficiently that means your healer is not as experienced and you need to slow down that very first pull will determine how you tank the rest of the dungeon if it goes well if things die quickly and your hp is fine then you do another wall-to-wall pull if it doesn't go well if people aren't killing things quickly if you're getting low on hp then that means you might need to go slower throughout the dungeon it's completely fine to slow down if your party can't keep up you're still doing your best as a tank to make the dungeon go as quick as possible you just need to be aware of everyone else's skill level in that dungeon now on that topic it's very important to know that being low hp does not immediately mean that you are in danger a lot of healers these days have gotten aware of the idea of dps meta and will do a lot of damage while your hp drops that's because healers have many recovery tools and emergency heals and instant heals to top you up in an instant so your hp getting low is just efficient for their damage just because your hp is low does not immediately mean that your healer is bad you just need to be aware if they're able to heal you back up if you're staying low and you're in danger and your healer's not doing anything about it yeah that might be a problem but if your hp is just sitting low and you survive the pull then your healer is completely fine and is just optimizing their damage if we look at this clip here you can see my tank starts to get low and i just have so many tools able to burst heal him that it doesn't even matter how low his hp got in the first place because i can keep him alive now on to a really controversial topic and that is the mentality of you pull it you tank it and more specifically why i think it's a terrible mentality to have as a tank it's no secret that tanks and ff have a huge ego problem and when i've tried to discuss about why you pull you tanking is bad i have gotten so much backlash it's insane people just cannot understand the idea that they are not the almighty powerful god that controls the dungeon when you are in a dungeon you are just another person on the team and everyone say in that dungeon matters equally if you don't think you can do a big pull and you don't and someone else does and they pull for you then you should take that on as a challenge as hey maybe i can do this maybe i can push my limits maybe i should pull more at once 99 times out of 100 times that i have had someone pull mobs on me it has been completely fine and they knew that they were able to take care of it for me and that i could survive we really need to confront this ego problem that tanks have that if someone else pulls for them that they're just immediately below them if someone runs ahead of you and pulls for you then get ahead of it get those mobs under control be a good tank and make sure that the dungeon is going as smoothly as possible the only person's time that you're going to waste is your own when you let people die to pulling extra mobs because you were too stubborn to take control of it you don't have to like the people in your party to respect their opinions and if they think you can pull more then you need to either show them that you can or that you can't so with that out of the way we can start discussing cooldowns and how to plan your cooldowns per pack assuming you're doing wall to wall generally speaking when you are in a pull you want to have a cooldown up 99 of the time if mobs are dying and getting low and you're about to run to the next pack then you don't need to pop anything but when those mobs are high hp and you're engaged in combat you want to have a cooldown up all the time this brings in the skill of rolling your cooldowns and what that basically means is you're going to use cooldowns individually and then when they're getting low you put your next one up so that way you're rolling the timer of your cool down so that when one's getting low another one comes up and that timer rolls over and you have a cooldown up generally i like to start with my two minute cooldowns first that way they get on cooldown faster and they start ticking down their timer faster so they're available earlier if you use your 90 seconds first then that means when you use your two minutes later on they're gonna be up later so i like to start with my two minutes and that generally means within the next two packs it's going to be up again so you should start planning your cooldown rotation per pack and say hey for this pack i need my two minute cooldown and maybe i'm going to use a reprisal for the extra mitigation when my two minute is about to fall off then i'll put up my 20 aka ramp part and then i'll roll maybe arm's length and reduce their you know their attack speed so that's kind of the idea of rolling your cooldowns of where you want something up all the time and that means when the timers are getting low you have something else available if you were paying attention to my buff bar in this clip then you'll see that when the mob started getting low and i had nothing available besides rampart i opted to not use my rampart and instead save it for this current pack that we're on that's kind of where you want to be with mentality of hey things are getting low the damage is slowing down i don't need a cool down here but when you're in the thick of it and the moms are hitting you over and over and over with like full hp then you're going to want to rule your cooldowns obviously it's impossible to have a cool down up all the time and there are going to be points in your rotation where you might not have something up and you're going to rely on your healer well guess what hey that's what the healer is there for um you're going to want to reduce as much damage as possible but when you can't and you are physically out of cooldowns then your healer can pick up the slack it's completely fine now let's start talking about some of the things you shouldn't do when you're tanking the first one and the most common one is pulling extra mobs when the current ones that you're fighting are low hp the reason why you shouldn't be pulling extra mobs when your current moms still have hp is because you're going to rely on your out of combat regen a lot through dungeons when you're out of combat your hp and your mp regen at a much much higher rate than in combat so that means that you want the enemies to die and then start getting that out of combat regen as you're moving to the next pack if mobs are low and then you start moving that means you're getting low dps uptime because you can't melee efficiently and the people in your dungeon have to move on top of your healers not getting mana back you're still taking damage from auto attacks and you're not regening very much and it's just a bad idea you want to sit on a pack let everything die and then move forward next up and probably the most obvious one that people get wrong is don't spin mobs over and over and over to dodge aoes you can dodge aoes moving left and right left and right most of the time obviously there are gonna be times when you have to turn but similar to my last guide where i said you don't want to turn the boss that is also the same for dungeon mobs it matters less because when you're a wing there are no positionals but there are classes like monk that are going to be putting positionals up during their normal aoe rotation anyways so just make sure when you're in a party with melee you're not moving the mobs all around you're not spinning them you're not running all over the world just keep things centralized keep them close and tightly knit and last but not least the biggest tanking sin which is more of an overall sin sometimes it's your fault that you fail don't blame other people for your failures if you messed up a cooldown rotation if you pulled more than you were able to if you did something wrong own up to it people will be much happier with you if you just say hey my bad i messed up than if you start blaming other people tanks in specific have this big issue where if they die they say where are my heels why didn't the dps do enough blah blah blah hey sometimes it's your fault that's completely fine we all make mistakes just own up to them alright boys that about wraps it up i would like to add though just quickly here at the end do not be afraid of failing do not be afraid of wiping your party it is how you learn in ff making mistakes going a little bit too far that's how you learn your limits you need to know your limits as a tank so that way you can be the best tank you can once again thank you guys so much for the support on the last video i really really appreciate it i really hope that this guide can add just as much value as the last one i can add a lot more to it i just want to keep it short because my last one got a little bit long if you enjoyed this video let me know i read all of you guys comments in the last video and it really made me happy to hear how much you guys enjoyed it but that's all i've got for now thank you guys so much for watching i'll see you next time peace
Channel: Lynx Kameli
Views: 128,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, FFXIV, FFXIV ARR, FFXIV SHADOWBRINGERS, FFXIV SB, FFXIV SHB, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, dark knight, drk, warrior, war, gunbreaker, gnb, paladin, pld, tanking, guide, ffxiv tanking guide, ffxiv tanking, tanking guide, 5.2, 5.25, 5.3, lynx kameli, lynx kameli ffxiv, lynx kameli tank, lynx kameli tanking guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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