Petrus Anointed as Pastor

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and I think after a lady ends with my family me and my wife's gonna do I think this is a good night to do it thank God for the way he's raising up our children thank God for the house they grew up in and the word that was implanted in their lives thank God for the way Petrus has picked up the drums what he does in the church is really do a lot of stuff out of our hands doing a great thing integers the one with the worship with his voice and his tenants and the anointing thank God good his ways just stood up the last two months and started preaching the beginning of the year my wife and myself spoke about it but I think after this message it's a right time gonna lay hands on cookies jr. and anointing as co-pastor in history [Applause] with annalisa myself that's already basta seen yourselves having this time as a prophet teacher [Applause] [Music] Johanna's worship leader in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth be anointed tonight to be the man of God that God intended you to be recall the man of God forth in your life to lead millions and multitudes in worship all across the world not only by television but by great meetings in stadiums and open fields he blessed beatriz our son thank God for his life same gods how he raised he month and now to be the true men our God that God anointed to be also a true prophet of the most iron to minister the power and the presence of Jesus lay hands on your son we say be blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus be blessed when he care daughter tonight really hands on Europe we call the woman of God forth in your life you're standing with your man of God both of you gotta be used in the presence of the service of the most I am you call the woman of God forth music be blessed now father focus in Tracy it's not your we want to anoint you must go faster prophet of God Edward ministries pray that his lips will be anointed his ears to hear the voice of God hands to touch multitude tonight son we call forth the man of God thank for your life and we say son be blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus be blessed be blessed be blessed we bless Beatrice be less funny in Jesus name my wife father we anoint Annalise as the woman of God that you called her to be to preach with greater power greater revelation knowledge in your word in the book of Revelation and Daniel to spring up greater revelations we anointed tonight we call the woman of God for the great peace shall be a portion we say analyse the best in the name of the Lord Jesus replaced be blessed be blessed be blessed there's a natural progression taking place in the supernatural God's favor is upon each and every one of you but as a very unique design and call on each and every one of you individually this word is coming from God to you Annelise God is expanding your ministry internationally and you'll be booked for years ahead you'll not only preach I know I don't know I don't know if your face is great on Facebook but the West has been a very good place for you to start and God has put you like my wife just said there as a springboard in the West but the East is gonna up in tremendous way for you as well God is opening up globally nations for you to minister and to spread the word there's a very strong anointing from your husband on your life and that same anointing will increase like Paul increased in the power of God before God released him that same anointing will increase and you will increase in power and authority and God's Dominion will be executed for your life bondages will break other people's lives because you know you can feel people you can feel people you can really feel their pain you can feel their struggles you can feel their challenges and it's just like God has given you that you meet um unique ability and gift to tap into their hearts and to just to I see you like it's like a funnel a pipe that's just pouring in power deliverance into the spirits and into their minds as you speak the word you're tapping into them you've got a unique ability received by God from them you prophesy in between the lines into their lives as well you are very strong in the word of and you must never doubt yourself okay God is sending you out in creating and create a platform for you like you've never experienced before this is and it will increase it will increase in all ways your Hannah your coming and going will beat will increase as well yes it will increase as well God is setting you up for unique ministry to go and minister in churches and in conferences but God is also wanting you to tap more into the prophetic I don't know if God has spoken to you lately about the prophetic or stirring in the prophetic as that happened is God stirring your hearts about that it's from God okay God has really truly Albertina Terry what do you say oh you spoke about that yesterday so what God's anointing easier knees really ministering to the family now but you're coming and going will increase okay God setting you up as a minister that will be traveling the future will not become immediate but it's going to happen more frequent okay God's creating your niche in which you will move but God singing out as a prophet to minister with music okay that's what God has always been planning for me that's always been God's design and plan for you okay and God's Spirit is in you but you will not only prophesy unique between individuals your prophesy over nations so I God has given you you've been a tract use it's like there was an interest that's been birthed the last few months or maybe even a year ago two years ago I'm not sure but I see an interest that is being birthed that you follow prophets of God especially like a Kim Clemens coming to mind Kim Clemens coming to mind I see and it's like you kept it for yourself it's like you held it close to the heart of God and you just spoke to God about it and no one else am i okay with that okay but it's being revealed because it's fine and you should not doubt yourself okay but the Spirit of God is on you this family I can truly say all of you has been called for full-time ministry all of you have been has been called for full-time ministry and God has set you apart for that but say to yourself right make your plans according to what God has already been showing you allow God listen to what I said when I started this there's a natural progression in the supernatural taking place there's a natural progression in the supernatural taking place okay God's with you is your second one coming it this guy's saying that prophesy that processor yeah whoo yo yo it's not gonna take long anyway anyway and at least there's something that God just dropped in my spirits about what I need to tell you on a lease god say to me you made a promise to you that you will not experience one day of lack in your life you'll always look after me it always has just said that to you you always look after you you never you should never worry about that you will have more than enough that's God promise to you I mean Beatrice yes is like my yoke I can cynic that's her bootie uniforms to diannemurray reveille image to dear you are called to walk with your brother for a long time stop listen to what I'm saying you are a teacher God wants you to study the word intensely you are walking with your brother that's what I'm seeing and God has placed you together and you just know each other's hearts you work very well together okay and there's something in your heart that God has placed there that's so attached to your brother and no one can break that there's a bond day and it's just the way God called you just the way God has placed you but you are a teacher and you need to start seeing yourself as a teacher teach God's Word with authority don't doubt when you stand behind that pulpit you must not doubt yourself you must preach it and teach it with authority when your brother asks you sorry I'm just I'm you I probably booty when your brother asks you to prepare something put everything in it because God has put us placed the anointing in you to bring the Word of God accurately to people's lives teach God's Word though this effect amen don't hesitate I mean you're you've got a way to bring things up but I see you walking shoulder to shoulder with your brother and for what God is doing in this ministry you need to fulfill that assignment you need to fulfill that assignment because the call is greater than these forms okay you need to understand that Kobus yes growth is coming increase is coming but with discomfort and with challenges but it's coming God is sending the people that will see with Nulty area motives and they will be serving you and they'll be running with a vision whether they get paid or not paid they'll be here because God instructed them to be here when I started working for God and then say how much God I did it because God called me to do that and that's the hot attitude that God will see those people to you amen and you are you people are places or you just want a place you want to bless you give everything away as well that's your heart you'll make yourself short to bless others but God is sending you people will celebrate and I'm not saying people celebrate your gift and people celebrate you as pastors but the people that will join this family will strengthen this family okay and strengthen the call that God has placed on you this church is called for more than what you see within these four words what you experience in your heart for what you doing in Pretoria that's the first one you'll be one church different locations that's what God has spoken to you in your heart and you just run with the vision God will take care of what needs to be taken care of in within the four walls as well amen praise God [Music] saturday is a very significant day and I want to ensure that there's no blockages that the world can flow from the head and cover every part and you can expect some changes in spirit would I take that word I take the prophecy I bring it on father what you want bring it on and we want to be open for the spirit to use us we want to be open for the spirit to do what's supposed to do now if you watch that prophecy yarn right now he's in America he's doing worship conferences that's the word my mom is in Canada right now God is using her there and you saw Beatrice they're attached to my shoulder we are here and we're gonna do what God called us to do we're gonna take over we're gonna see his kingdom come here amen so I'm gonna anoint Petrus but just before I do it I need to share something I like what she's very serious I take signs of God very serious now for me if I start talking about this guy's eye this is kind of God testing me you know me personally for other people watch this is not that big deal for me it is other people a it like my couple I don't know what I like watches and God has spoken so much to me about what true watches the first time I met only William 1d I gave him the first experience of watch I bought with my own money and we've walked a really long road together already you know and so there's a lot of significance when it comes to watches last year I gave a watch away there was a hundred thousand rain somebody blessed me with it watch and God said can I now ask you to play somebody else with that were just really Jesus you know what he carries a lot of significance for me reason why I showed these two clips he's after the first Club theatres came to me he had an old tag heuer and after that he gave me that tag you and he said I support you as a man of God and I'm running with you I had a tag that my dad gave him and said when I get back I'll take I'll get it back from you and he's been wearing that one for three in office I gave all my watches I've got a safe for my watches it's empty so after the second clip after the dear prophesied he gave me attack right and while I was in Korea God really spoke to me so I had to use my credit card to get him attack bitterest [Applause] Monique comes Tony so you know but we're gonna anoint him as Co pasta in spirit what we need to do it right we need to do it as the Bible says we need to anoint me in front of everybody and shift him in position and I believe it's gonna flow over to every other part of this ministry into the Bible school the music the school every pot God has called us if you say ah just another fun Rheinsberg you know missing God completely cuz I can remember a time when me 1 and Beatrice had to clean the toilets before service times we had to pack the chase right I remember when my dad used to minister out and this was where we got a lot of hidings one was on the piano pictures on the drums and I was playing it off boy that was it and we had to clean the church off to it you know and those things matter to God I've been in this ministry 34 years and I can't wait to see what God is about to do in US and through us and everybody that's standing with us and today we're gonna anoint Petrus co-pastor here that's his position would you stand with me we anoint him today we're gonna anoint him for this position and hallelujah Tsubasa Thomas come come son come so on him and Monique with him and you know the enemy has tried let me tell you this the enemy has tried everything to bring the vision into this ministry to this family but we don't stand for it we're also praying for Johan as he's making the ministry bigger that side and my mom thank God that they are stepping into that ministry and right now we anoint him everybody stretch out your hands father we thank you our hearts are grateful we thank you I know in Pietrus it's the man of God that you called him to be for that training that we went through as children father I call him forth now as the man of God to stand for the things you want to do through him the blessings that supposed to come our way through him we unlocked that door right now everything that wants to rob him of his confidence in his boldness I cursed it to the root the spirit of fear I say leave you're not welcome I declare you are a man of God I declare you are a man of God we thank you Father for what's about to happen father we anoint moneka standing with Beatrice and nothing will come against them nothing will work its way in between them every plan of the enemy we cancel it now in the name of Jesus and we thank you Father for what you're about to do innocent to us amen I Love You Man [Applause]
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 10,692
Rating: 4.8561153 out of 5
Keywords: swm, spirit, word, ministries, spirit word ministries, kobus van rensburg, anointing, anointing someone, anointing someone with oil, anointing someone's head with oil, anointing oil, anointed men of God, prophet kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg prophecies, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, pastor, petrus van rensburg, pastor kobus, van rensburg family, didier tison, september conference, kobus van rensburg 2017, anointed, prophecy
Id: 7lPKE5h0WbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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