How to make Ground Beef Empanadas | Views Recipe

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[Music] hello and welcome to the views club if you want to learn how to make ground beef empanadas please keep watching the ingredients we're gonna need for our ground beef empanadas are gonna be ground beef 1 chopped potato 1 tomato 1 white onion 1 full Enel green pepper it's the one that has the darker green some chopped Ceylon throw and this is optional cuz I know a lot of you guys don't like it we're gonna need some mass a cup which I have in here if you guys don't have my second you guys are able to get fresh masa when you ask for the masa let them know that it's gonna be four tortillas so you can use fresh masa or you can use moussaka we're gonna need about half a can of tomato sauce half a teaspoon of garlic powder half a teaspoon of onion powder a pinch of turmeric you guys know that I add this to a lot of my dishes if you don't have it you can do what thou half a teaspoon of salt 1 egg 1 clove of garlic if you are a garlic lover my little vampires out there quite thoughts it's alright umm you guys can add more garlic if you interested some Mexican oregano this is gonna be optional I have 1 teaspoon of cornstarch and 1 tablespoon of water so let's begin making these delicious empanada I want you to pick your pen the one that you adore the most because these empanadas are gonna taste better if you're happy and you're enjoying your process so to our pan we have it on a medium heat and we're gonna be adding some oil that's about a tablespoon tablespoon and a half of oil I'm gonna add my garlic okay so I'll start breaking apart your ground beef you guys already know how that goes can be here about a minute or two breaking it down and this is where it's gonna be up to you guys and whatever you feel comfortable for me you guys know that I adore chicken bouillon so I'm gonna be adding one tablespoon of chicken bouillon to the splint but did you guys see first salt you can add you can start off with about half a teaspoon and then gradually add the salt to your liking [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what I'm going to do is I'm going to continue to just break this down for another minute or so and I'm gonna keep this on the medium heat I'm gonna put a lid on it and I'm gonna let this cook for about seven minutes you're good between 7 to 8 minutes and I'll see you guys then okay I've been here for about seven minutes and the seven minutes are pretty exact to when your meat is gonna change a different color so as soon as your meat looks cooked and the pink goes away that's when you want to go ahead and add your potatoes okay so I'm gonna put my lid on here and I'm gonna let this cook for about three minutes and I'll see you then okay friends so that's been about three minutes all right so what we're gonna do now we're gonna add our seasoning so here goes our garlic onion powder tumeric [Music] and this is gonna be optional I love cooking with cumin cumin is good for you it promotes digestion and it's rich in iron but a lot of people don't like the smell or if you're allergic keep it out and that's why I kept it over here but if you guys are interested cumin is going to bring this dish together so else I added one teaspoon of cumin okay and once you've mixed it around with all your your spices then you want to go ahead and add your veggies [Music] give it a good mix and we're gonna leave this sauteing with the beef combining all the flavors and spices together and we're gonna cook it for another four minutes the best part of this meat is that if you make too much because you'll see that banana filling doesn't handle that much of the filling inside it depends on what size you make them you can freeze the other half or you can eat the rest over ice and it's just amazing a burrito and you're set so I'll see you guys in just a few minutes okay what we're gonna do next is we're gonna be adding a half a can of 8 ounces so about 4 ounces of tomato sauce and you want to add 1 cup of water I still have all of this at a medium heat give it a good stir so once you've added your tomato sauce and your water give it a good stir and you're gonna continue to cook this for another 4 minutes so you'll be good between 4 to 6 minutes and I'll see you guys in okay so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna be adding cornstarch to this blend if you don't have cornstarch at home you can still make your empanadas with this filling but I like mine to be thicker because when you're rolling your empanada and I'll show you guys when you have less of the juice that drips out because we want it to be nice and juicy and flavorful and we don't want our juice to spill out so this is a reason why I'm gonna be adding some cornstarch so use your cornstarch your water you can use anywhere from 1 tablespoon to two of water and it's regular tap water I have it on a medium low setting just so you guys can hear me better but at home keep it on a medium heat pour it in give it a good stir and you're gonna see that it's gonna thicken up on its own okay once you've stirred everything together and it's combined well you want to cook this for another four minutes that's about how much time my potato needs it depends on what size you cut your potatoes on how long you're gonna cook it for this next part so just keep an eye on your potatoes get a fork poke it and when they're soft and goes through smoothly then you're ready to turn this talk all right guys I'm at about four minutes and what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna add all of my cilantro if you guys don't like cilantro you can use green onion you don't like onion you can keep it out skip the step guys well once you have the seal on that I'll smell that it asks some freshness to this blend and it's just perfect once you've turned your burner off you want to go ahead and add your oregano well this combination is making me weak in the knees guy all right we have all the ingredients we have everything set here now it's time for us to go into simple our empanadas who's excited to make these Sofia's they're kind of like they're to us for them for us for real it's not that difficult if you guys master those corn tortillas I taught you this is gonna be a cinch before I get started I wanted to share with you guys my absolute favorite snack right now I've been such a good girl and indulging in these little tea cakes let me go ahead and open it on the inside so you guys can kind of see what to expect I'm at they are so worth it okay they look a little bit like this and they're they're just so delicate and lovely reminds me of opening up somebody you know you get a little gift a little fresh but it has like marshmallow something filling whatever you guys can see it there and then this bottom part let me bite it so you can see your house like a cookie I'm not wonderful if you guys are interested I purchased them at world market but if I find a link for them I'll link it in my description area for you guys with the name as well okay let me go rinse my hands real quick [Music] [Music] okay friends so let me show I found these eggs and you know I'm a sucker for a good package and this one just said hey I'm from a small farm pick me up and I thought the packaging was so pretty because I usually had a purchasing eggs from Costco so these are the eggs I'm gonna be using today it's called happy beautiful hopefully I can figure out my egg situation in my butter situation for us but go ahead and crack one egg large or small you're gonna be okay with this recipe your salt and I'm gonna spice it up today I added one tablespoon of garlic powder and one tablespoon of onion powder and you can blend your seasoning for your masa with whatever you like I have some very very hot water here so we're gonna I'm gonna start off with like about a cup and a half of water of warm water mine's really hot but I want you guys to be careful and then just go from there I know we all have comfort food and the smell of this masa just gives me so many good memories [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it seems that today with that juicy egg that I used I only used a cup and 3/4 of some water okay let me get my tortilla press and clear us out so that we can start assembling these empanadas so you want to take some of your masa to a little ball press it down just a little bit if you guys are interested in more details on how to make these tortillas with Maseca I have a video and I give you a lot more tips my tortilla press is not leveled properly I'll be on a prowl for a new one here soon okay so that's that's what we have you want to be careful when you're filling your empanadas because depending on how you chop your potato you might have some problems so I made sure to give myself plenty of problems so that you guys can learn from them and I'll be showing you guys my mistake at the end of this video if you're interested so now to fold it I usually help myself with the plastic itself and you want to fill it with about a tablespoon tablespoon and a half and I made my massage super soft so I need to patch this one up just grab another piece press it down nicely you have two choices on what you can do here you can either press it down with your fingers or you can give it a nice little design with the fork just like that hope you guys can see it and let's continue to make some more and for them panels I'm making the little ball a little bit thicker and bigger than I would for the tortillas when you're doing it at home you're gonna be like oh now I know why put a quick press right there come all around and press it down I know the Puerto Rican empanadas are made with pastry puffs and oh my goodness they're so good I remember growing up and I would tell my mom how come we don't how come our dough is different and she be like cuz we're Mexican make sure that when you tilt it over like this you pull it gently so that we don't mess up your empanada there we go as far as portions for this quantity it's gonna depend on you guys because I know I used some and I make them smaller for my babies and some are larger for the adult so it's gonna be up to you on how you want to disperse this amount of masa that you made and if not you saw how easy it is you run out you can make them real real quick if you're new with using this type of masa I suggest that you guys start slowly with the water and the more you use it the better you become familiar with it and it's it gets very easy for you I don't know if I mentioned to you guys but I have it I'm laying my empanadas on a board with a little bit of the Maseca flour on the bottom so that they don't stick to wherever I have them while I'm making the rest of them and when I make empanadas I'm always comedy on dough which means chit-chatting with my sister with my mom so much to chat with you guys I am currently super excited for a program on Netflix called the OE the second season coming out I'm gonna patch it up you'll see that when I fry it nobody's gonna notice the difference okay friends my oil is hot I've been frying it up but if you haven't fried before get a chopstick a wooden spoon if it bubbles on the outsides you're ready to fry I went ahead and made some empanadas I had I mean I've already made some in pinellas I had to make two batches of my masa to feed my my troops so this is where I want you guys to be very very careful when you're dropping your empanada okay so you're gonna drop in you're gonna push it out be very careful drop it out you don't want to overcrowd your your frying pan or whatever you're frying in because the more you add in here the higher levels the higher the levels of the oil will go so I usually keep mine at about three of them well just take it easy I'm not trying to fry my finger today some of you got scared on that one if you notice that your oil has too much steam when you first put them on that's okay but when you get that smoke from its being too hot just lower your temperature and you're gonna end up frying them for about two and a half minutes on each side you want to make sure that you filled your empanadas well because if you didn't see seal them properly or you didn't flick fix-a-flat on your empanadas then you're gonna get some of that juice spill out on your oil and you're gonna get pop bean everywhere and the only popping you need to be doing is on that dance floor [Music] [Applause] [Music] what does Dirty Dancing say that didn't give you more what God wouldn't have given you maracas if you didn't want you to shake that that goes for the men too and what do I mean you guys already know my bavette like he'll do a nice little shimmy and he has like this he calls it the sexy shoulder move I hope I can get him to do it one of these days you guys would laugh laugh laugh I might have posted it on IG before I post most of my shenanigans in the story and if you guys aren't following me on Instagram you should views on the road alright I'm gonna go ahead and slip mine guys I'm going to be adding in fanaa style monthly and there's gonna be different versions empanadas are just like tacos and burritos you can make them so many different ways it's all about your combination of your seasonings and your proteins that's really gonna change it up and add that new dynamic to each time you make your empanadas and I hope to share all the additions that I have for you guys [Music] [Music] okay these are ready to come out okay let me plate this up and I'll talk to you guys in just a moment oh my goodness I'm so excited I'm hungry let's dig in I really need sour cream but I'm out and it's like it's that week where things start running out in your house so I'm gonna have to hit hit up the grocery store here soon mmm oh yeah you can pair with whatever kind of sauce that you like but I have some beans and I have my special blend of cilantro rice [Music] that's all good let me show you the filling you guys already know I can eat no joke these Chile's are delicious and there's a recipe for you there's a recipe for the beans if you guys are interested is gonna be at the end of the video okay guys if you haven't subscribed to my channel please take the time to subscribe I'm still trying to get to 100k subscribers so I'm trying to show off for my kids you want to keep me a cool mom I need you guys to subscribe if you guys haven't clicked that Bell for notifications you should cuz a lot of the feeds are getting really weird I might not be coming out but you need to click that Bell in order to get notifications and to become one of my bells and if you're not following me on Twitter and Instagram you should its views on the road I share what you guys share with me in it it's actually been keeping me so happy like the views club has been keeping my energies like going like I have a purpose I'm excited and I think each video keeps getting better right I gotta bring it as I mentioned to you guys in the video I do have a variety of recipes for the empanadas so depending on how this one does I'll bring them in I'm gonna say at least once a month because there is just so much variety for a delicious infant uh so on that note thank you guys so much for joining me and I'll see you guys on the next one hey if you guys are a little bit more curious about the masa and you have a difficult time with it I have a video for the Piazza gives you more details and helpful hints so for these I made my dough a little bit more wet so I usually dip my finger to make these and today I don't need to because it's damp enough and the masa is just perfect so just a little ball and with these you don't want to make them too too thin or too thick they have to be just right [Music] you guys always ask me about how many inches that's about the thickness and the thickness you're seeing is exactly what I have going on over here there's no illusion with this camera today okay so these are brought a good size for me you're gonna put that's about 1 1 tablespoon think you're good with about 2 okay so you're gonna use your plastic to help you push it over you got to be really careful with these see that one I could have afforded to make it a little bit bigger so that we wouldn't have this kind of spillage but the other thing that I wanted to show you guys is that if you make them too thin you're gonna get your potatoes to push out so you can either just do that or get a little bit more massive and press it down and that'll just be a special one so this is how I'm used to seeing her in pinellas you press the outsides with you work and that is how you mess up an empanada now let me show you how to make it right I think that's one of the things that you guys enjoy the channel that I keep all this delicious mistakes I mean the food's gonna look messed up it's don't taste good but when you want to present to your family and kind of show off that's not what you want to do
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 204,583
Rating: 4.948184 out of 5
Keywords: Ground beef empanadas, empanada recipe english, how to make mexican empanadas, empanadas, steph by steph, easy empanada recipe, beef empanadas, empanada (dish), homemade empanadas, mexican empanadas, easy beef empanada recipe, beef empanadas dough, empanada filling beef, empanada filling ideas, homemade empanadas dough, homemade empanadas easy, empanada dough recipe for frying, views recipe, views on the road, enpanadas ground beef, how to make empanadas, easy steph by steph
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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