Portfolio Review: One of the Best I've Seen

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on today's episode i want to show you a fantastic portfolio of a designer student from flux academy and you're going to learn a lot by a lot of the amazing thing on this portfolio stay tuned [Music] hey everybody what is up welcome to another portfolio review i haven't done these in a while but then i saw the portfolio of stefan which i'm about to show you and i was pretty much blown away because there are so many good things in it let's dive right into it so when you land on this i love that we have big type here and an image i always tell about how important it is to kind of get the vibe of who the person is if you're a freelancer so while we have here kind of a trendy watery effect and this cursor effect so all immediately kind of trendy design it's looking good it's it's kind of up to date with what's up today um it also has a great kind of value proposition full stack designer working with startups to create growth driven products and brands so very clear who's he working with and the focus and kind of unique uh selling point of what he's focusing about growth driven and helping them with products and brands i really really like this book of free consultation so very clear call to action as you can see everything is kind of like very well treated the interaction the call to action it's not just like a regular button but it's still very visible that this is a button and then moving right down into testimonials always best to start with social proof seeing that he's worked with multiple clients they're blown away actually one of them is actually saying oh my god what a catch mind blowing but this is really great to get started with okay this guy is a pro and then he's moving into actually talking about the client's problem so instead of most designers who are immediately running into let me show you the work this guy is actually talking a little bit more about what is the problem that he's solving for people which is your website should turn visitors into engaged customers it's like having a top performing sales rep working 24 hours a day seven days a week so already talking about the problem and kind of prepping them up for the sale very good copywriting i like this um it's all boils down to understanding the user base so he's explaining about his approach and his philosophy also good typography he's kind of telling the story in the making or breaking and then we're gonna go down so this is what do i do so basically the services business strategy design sprints brand identity and then capabilities deck i don't know how useful that is but i guess some people need that and then recent project so again we've seen this kind of effect previously the image showing when we're overing over um a project pretty cool and very well done by the way did i say that this website was built with webflow really nice use of webflow now usually here if you click on the project it's actually taking you to a new website in a new tab now usually i advise against opening a new tab because you want to keep people inside your um inside your own website but there's one one place where that is actually a great idea and that is when you're not just showing images of a website or your portfolio you're actually taking them to the actual website themselves and then they can actually see how the website actually looks like because you know the best proof is just showing the work not just showing kind of art directed nicely done visuals where actually the actual website is is crap so actually showing hey take a look at the website the website itself is actually live so they did use my project it was i was able to execute it not just nice screenshot i was actually able to build this and make sure that it does look great at the end so i really really like kind of like the showing the actual proof of the actual work as a portfolio and then ending up with kind of a uh and about kind of a little bit more personal about him and and ending with an faq that is so smart so check out the first kind of question that he explores here what's the average cost of the project this is a lot of people ask me the question should i put how much i charge on the website and there's it's always not not an easy question to answer but what stefan does here is he's first he's telling the potential clients look every project is different so i can't really tell you the price that being said typically the clients that come to me and the project that you can see here they came to me with more than two thousand dollars but less than ten thousand dollars so he gives them kind of a ballpark to understand what is the range so if you only have 500 dollars that's probably not don't waste your time contacting me so by kind of setting up the expectation i think he's doing great work and also how long would it take to create the website what's the process that i can expect so he's actually explaining and setting up the expectation which just means that he's gonna get the clients that will reach out are what's called more qualified leads they have done the the work to understand who he is and how he's working so there's a greater chance of them actually being converted into paying clients and actually sealing the deal you gotta go project so this is the end call to action um this is great usually you want to end not just on kind of a footer but you want to end with some kind of a call to action to they got to the end they've read through everything now let's you know either book a consultation he actually also gives a drop in email so what's the difference this is going to take you to some calendly type yeah so this is okay so it's good that there's two approaches one of them to me booking a call directly on the site is a little bit extreme i'm not sure i would do this but it does shorten the the sales funnel because you're getting on a call with them directly but he's basically giving them although he has a main call to action um he's also giving them the action um the option for an email so i think this is really really great there's so many good things obviously you know design wise the color scheme like mainly this grayish with the red ascent really nice use of color really nice use of type really nice use of interaction done in a subtle way not kind of like trying to overdo this but i feel like i look at this and i'm confident that stefan is a good designer and i think potential clients will know this as well just from going over the portfolio without i'm not even talking about you know clicking and checking out his other work just by seeing this website i'm pretty confident that he's a great designer so i hope you took away some of the notes here about marketing structure um of a portfolio website let me know in the comments below what you liked or didn't like in this website and i'll see you on the next video bye
Channel: Flux
Views: 46,638
Rating: 4.9300227 out of 5
Keywords: portfolio review, portfolio reveiw, portfolio review web dev, portfolio review ux, portfolio review graphic design, portfolio reveiw flux, portfolio reveiw design, portfolio website, designer portfolio, designer portfolio website, online portfolio design
Id: 4QU7bd9tgY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.