Designer Portfolio Reviews— Young Guns Ep.2

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moment of truth hover over it welcome to the young guns hi my name is Alan Chema I'm from New Delhi India and I'm 22 years old I don't know Spencer Fred I am 17 I'm from Simi Valley California my name is Teddy Phil call me 23 years old and from Cairo Egypt I'm Connor Fowler I'm 22 years old and from the UK a small town called Ferrum on the south coast of England my name is John Campbell I'm from Williamstown New Jersey and I'm 18 years old what's up everybody this is young guns episode 2 I'm here with Emily and we're gonna be reviewing the working world I'd be scoring the five young guns no Emily we're not going to tell each other how we score this work but I want to tell you guys as we're reviewing the work from the young guns there are four main categories are going to talk about and how we're gonna do this is one is social media marketing how are you doing in terms of putting your name out there are you consistent with the work or you're getting good engagement are the images high-quality and what else are we looking at are you consistent person actively updating though does it look good is there some kind of theme are you looking at it from an editorial point of view the next up we're gonna look at the presentation of the work itself the quality of the work this means do you have creative work is a professional this'll look good are you if you're doing photography is a professional a shot with good lighting good mock-ups right and does it feel like it's complete and it's professional next up is clarity of service meaning did you describe what you do do you have focus and do you have evidence of you doing that thing so this is where we're looking to see if you're taking a scattershot approach or if you're like the laser focus and if you're more focus and you can back it up with your work you're gonna score higher and last but not least we're going to consider the personality of the person how can we determine this well we want to know your story what's your bio like does your headshot look fun cool is a professionally shot and what are your activities and interests and hobbies outside work want to know who you are that's it so we're gonna rank each person from one to five that will both be keeping score and we'll see who does the best in those categories five is the highest one is the lowest score you can get first up we're gonna review a runes work what makes me unique as a designer is I actually understand people I have this intuition that when people say something I noticed them how they say it and then I'm able to convert that into something that they actually born I'm going okay drivers so when you first open up a runes website you don't see his name instead ec scientist X designs mm-hmm so I think he's branding himself rather as a company that as a individual individual mm-hmm right let's dive in okay okay so we're looking at our runes work scientists X so he's got a company brand and those of you guys have listened to Eli Altman's episode on naming aren't one of our podcasts he believes it's beneficial to come up with a fictitious name now this is kind of early on in your careers to become able to fictitious name but his benefits as he stated them are that what happens when the company grows beyond just you what happens if you sell the company well you don't your your name forever be attached to something that you're no longer going to participate in so scientists X is an interesting name because it starts to hint at his thinking in his philosophy I think so there's something in there that there's a methodology and the X is the X Factor so he's trying to write both things and I like it yeah it's cool and I like its logo - it's like a hourglass of some sort and it says X s n XX s X okay so he opens up with can't visualize your ideas this is very interesting so he's opening up his site with a thought-provoking question all right there's some spacing issues there yeah feels like Auster fee and the T yeah I don't know what's going on there and he says I can help you in visualizing your branding Marketing okay so you want you to get in touch right away let's keep going down there's a short file of him and examples of his work okay should we look at it yeah sure let's look at the first one okay the arrows are kind of hard to see yeah where's your back arrow back arrow I think you can only press the dots - oh they're right here okay so there's a problem there with contrast so we need to fix your navigation arrows in the carousel itself carousels are cool because you can cycle through lots of things without having to scroll down but let's look at it okay I think this particular typeface has a problem with letter spacing because every apostrophe he's using has too much space after the apostrophe okay let's look at the body clinic project okay so I'll let you do all the driving mm-hmm it's a branding project named project there's like a slogan objective process you can see some of his sketch work how he came up with the logo using open sans free google font is it right I think so okay all right some mock-ups so far pretty good showing process talking about the objectives it seems like a very thought-out brand identity now when people say branding because he said branding project I want to see more than just identity pieces so this is where I want to see other things like messaging like what is the tone in the voice of this and he's probably pretty young to be able to be able to craft messaging but it's something you want to think about what's the personality like aside from the visual part right I think a lot of people do get branding and identity system mixed up yeah I think what they think of branding they think it's just visual identity system so I think they should differentiate between that so pressure make sure yeah perhaps change of diet is a visual identity system design okay yeah visual identity system design that is a mouthful Emily how about identity design is that okay visual identity design what other identity is there let's give up okay do we need to let's take a look at a couple of more projects so why don't you pick something else and then I want to scroll through a little bit more of this site we won't be breaking everything down like this nyow solutions okay he's pretty consistent here he does an introduction what he did and I like that it's very clear let's keep going so if there's some pop-up banners here whatever those are called can we click on one of these images that make him bigger no we can't okay so here's the thing I'm looking at your website and this is a fairly medium resolution monitor we're looking at and I want to see the image is bigger yeah I want to focus in on the details and I can't do that I don't know why and why not if you take the time and energy and effort to make a good mock-up I think you should have the ability to zoom in and look at it it's like half of this screen size it is go ahead you're - why not and it is a brochure Flyers Flyers looks good yeah PowerPoint presentations nice okay let's scroll through a little bit more so we've looked at the work let's look at the about and the services oh oh okay so no services right now right so here's what I'm gonna suggest if you have a link that's dead and not working just grayed out in the menu don't make me go there or just remove it out all together it's got about a little bit about me hello my name is Arun um it's a premium design service by me to help people in creating branding and marketing visuals with meaning and clear intent I've been working with startups small businesses and individuals for more than four years which gives me the ability to approach design promise methodically and intuitively hence the scientists ex parte methodology and the intuition I like it I think first off the paragraphs are just way too long I you're patient enough to just read through that but I wouldn't I would just skim through it and be like okay mate mm start at design and made 2011 and then left this place and they did that okay would you be able to read all of that I just did we all know like all of it you read the first paragraph oh well you know what to be honest if I'm into the about page at this point I really do want to know more about him because if the work hooks me I need a little bit more information but I think you should try to write shorter punchy or sentences and if we're not copywriters and a lot of us aren't actually writing more can hurt you just give me the the pertinent details and the need to know bits of information that's it and that that way you can make both Emily and myself happy this is a good picture of him he seemed very happy cool looks good I I also think that if you're going to go ahead and brand yourself as a company versus as a person yourself as an individual you may want to change the language so it seems like scientist X believes in X Y see I'm the founder and so that what why not just continue the illusion that you're bigger than you are and there's no there's nothing wrong with that not being deceptive there so that threw me off a little bit a little bit about us versus a little bit about me scientists X was founded by arun sharma great alright so i think that's kind of good enough here okay so there's multiple ways of reaching him okay fine so a little chat bubble here Wow it's like yeah that thing going on yeah okay I assume that works we're good let's look at his social media how's he doing he has 411 followers and 53 post okay let's look at some of the posts so this has how many of you 75 views quick tip on how to quickly change your fill and Stroke on illustrator [Music] let's look a little bit more so he's got roughly 10% engagement right there which isn't horrible it's not mind-blowing let's keep looking down so he started his new series teaching people how to use illustrator okay shortcuts and then his older posts are about his logo designs let's hover over him and let's look at the numbers he's getting 21 loves okay keep on 21 that's not a lot given that he has 400 followers there's that's actually quite low oh okay there's this one with 256 likes okay there whenever you see a an anomaly where you get a lot of attention I would suggest that you make a great effort to try to replicate and duplicate the same things so that you have this kind of success I think people generally like seeing process and I'm not sure because I think his work was featured on a channel before so maybe a lot of people came on it and that right that in there okay so let's scroll down and see if there's any other anomalies this is about social listening so if you see something that you get a lot of attention on I would continue to produce that Wow okay five hundred twenty two likes right no you guys don't know this but these are sponsored posts like he boosted it okay so he paid some money to have more people look at it so there's pros and cons of doing this is that once you stop boosting your post your audience drops off again and so that sounds pretty evident now that I remember that okay now now we know where it's going okay and he's including a lot of different kinds of things illustrations mock-ups are different things so social media page it's kind of all over the place right there's like sketches and there's like these outlines and very rendered post and there now there's logos know there's tutorials so he's still pretty early in his career obviously he's still exploring like what his audience wants from him so we're gonna have to keep an eye on this usually I can tell if somebody has an audience that they bought like if you follow for follow like you follow somebody they follow you gentlemen speaking your engagements really low you didn't earn the followers so if you're getting less than 10% engagement from your community it makes me very very suspicious as to how you grow and we can also see very clearly he had this massive spike of engagement and it fell right off the map so again that kind of seems super suspicious to me now there's nothing wrong with boosting your post to get people to look at it but then you have to make sure when they get on there that you're going to earn their follows and their their eyeballs and then engage back with them and engage with them okay so so far so good anything else well let me see if he has other social medias going on okay yes Facebook Twitter and Instagram okay I'm thinking for the sake of what we're doing we're gonna keep it to Instagram and face IMing his website but he's young for hands I don't believe so it only says Facebook Twitter and Instagram okay that's why that's good enough why don't we take a moment now to score him on the four categories that we talked about once again its marketing social media marketing which what we just looked at quality of his work the presentation the creativity the aesthetics all that kind of stuff craftsmanship mock-ups clarity of service it wasn't clear what he did and did he back up his claim and losses his personality his Biola's story that shot activities and interests okay so I'm gonna score so each one of these things score one to five all right you ready we're not gonna reveal the scores really not yet okay well real it at the end so it'll be a little bit of a surprise except we're gonna talk about Spencer's work I want to become a designer because I love making things also just because I love seeing the impact it makes on the community I found graphic design and I just fell in love it's just what I want to do let's dive on in this is his website it looks really good at the first impression uh-huh I see there's a little star next to this is this is like a bookmark a featured post or something this is an unconventional menu system that he's got it takes a lot of space it's like an old-school way of doing the menu okay so we've seen typography here okay this is a series of layouts for a yearbook about transfigures okay so they're essentially like the same layout okay people yeah the next project is called maybe Nami Nami walks oh it's a it's an acronym for National Alliance of mental illness mental illness okay Nami oh he said he tells what he's doing right here he didn't do this on the last project do you didn't have any descriptions or anything but this one's very thorough he said were he created what program he used and how long he took to make this poster mm-hm I guess maybe that was part of the parameters of the project usually don't tell people how long it took to do something yeah but it's cool to know that yeah people don't usually do that okay hey he's done a nice job with that mezzo 10 thing the stippling effect something we struggled with before during competitions okay he's done a good job of taking one design and showing us lots of different parts and pieces to it from the typefaces that he used to different mock-ups while holding with a hand one laid out and then a crop it was just a sunset so you can really see the rendering that he did on it so it's a nice way to stretch them a project let's keep going this is a logo project there's a before and after okay Simi Valley okay the way that was presented it looks a little funny yeah usually it's like left and right but this one is like top and left yeah usually when you do it before and after you want to be very matter-of-fact and place them so that they're the easiest to compare before and after there's a sense of scale here that I think the logos are too big for me like I would like to seem smaller so that I can see both of them side by side I see a pattern here he's pretty good at blowing something out dissecting stuff mmm making something look more than it is love it color palettes how I do these things thick and thin the rule so you're pointing out all the parts so this is I have to commend you I mean when he's doing this it allows him to basically present his portfolio to strangers while not being in the same room these are things that you might point out to somebody and you don't have to since you've done a good job of detailing it I already see some problems with this logo the color palette is so similar that this little pin drop on pathways on the hexagon if you squint your eyes it just kind of all blends together you want to make sure there's great contrast the other thing is the outline around the hexagon is very similar in value to the blue sky and it's all kind of getting muddy to me right we need more contrast but again here's another nice mock-up where the page is turned over and it's got a nice corner it looks really good it looks well lit and photograph even though I'm pretty sure it's a mock-up but the fact that we don't know for a hundred percent it's good okay we're reviewing a lot of his work should we just like quickly scroll through this which is we looked at to Arryn's project I see and now we're seem to be favoring I think if she goes after the end of the project there is a next oh that's a nice user interface for you there's nothing else you can do because I want it to go to a bow and I think you can't do that until you press this thing okay to go back does that annoy you um I would say that 5050 some tiger you would you do want to go to the next project but sometimes I'll be over and I would want to you know know who are you or you know go to your about page and I don't know how to do that unless I press and look for that other button I have a theory you probably not annoyed if the work is really good because you just want to keep going down the rabbit hole yeah and there is a benefit to not letting people think and just letting them see the work whatever the other so you're designing a very specific like seven-course meal it starts out with an appetizer and it moves bouche then you get into the salads and then you get into a main that dessert and coffee and all that kind of stuff so as long as the work is really compelling and it looks good you can keep diving deeper but I have a pretty good sense of his aesthetic and his portfolio at this point okay is there any other information we can find out about Spencer okay he's a graphic designer illustrator creator so those are films okay good let's go to the map page okay there's a resume on his um about page hmm so there's clients specialization skills elsewhere so here we can find out where he's gonna be at so let's go to Instagram and then demands okay so we're on Instagram now let's write down the number how many does he have 761 yeah and he's posted very little considering how many followers he has 47 posts unless he went through deleted lunch things ahead of this episode yeah the problem here with your things your posts here is it's not designed to be viewed easily on Instagram let's go back to the top it's very thin it's very light I don't know why there's so much space there's - there's too much type that I don't need to see to be honest we don't need to see that it has to be a visual thing you have to draw my eye let's see if his more design things do better in terms of 72 let's look looking pretty consistent roll around at 60 70 80 yeah like a right around hovering around 10% Oh 116 why hmm I can't tell why because of the work that you've posted so far maybe this one is sponsored too because we're not sponsor is a sponsor page we don't know let's see that one got 260 sakura that's actually pretty cool look at mark I don't know what it is but it looks like sushi sushi unravel maybe it's a like a lowercase as a script s kind of on the side maybe I don't know he's got 260 but no comments right oh there's three three oh if that's the comment okay that's not a ton of comments for 260 likes there's one that seems like it's from his friend go to bed oh that's not a good comment okay so a lot of friends here okay there's the thing here that you guys want to pay attention to if you're going to write and you should write something for this for these pieces of design try to tell a little bit of a story and give your audience some context as to what the heck we're looking at the least you could describe is what it is it's for this is a market created for a Japanese restaurant that prides itself on X Y & Z and these are the benefits did you do that no no oh this is a date 18 logo challenge okay let's just keep looking so there's a bunch of oh yeah and I recognize the sharp a knives the pizza the bookworm I get it okay he's very consistent okay never mind what do you mean I was scrolling down all the logo works and I thought oh it's a very consistent feed like if I click on this profile I know I'm gonna get logo design work from him mm-hmm but then I scroll down and there's photography let's look at the phone photography how's he doing ninety 360 yeah so this is this is pretty typical when you're starting out and especially if you're a young person you use your cameras take a bunch of pictures and then you have an Instagram account that's fine as you progress into becoming a professional person whether you're a freelancer or an independent business owner this is where you gotta you're gonna want to cycle this stuff out if you don't want to be hired for photography and chances are you don't because there's a lot of competition in that space what I would do now is go in and delete it it's gonna create some emotional pain for you because you don't wanna delete anything but I would strongly suggest that you delete this because when somebody finds you want to see more of what they found and if they see it's all scattered chances are they're not gonna follow you or they could just create another Instagram account you can have one personally for your friends and you could keep uploading those do you picture I don't mean either so I mean it's a good theory to try to grow and manage to Instagram accounts while you're still going to school while you're trying to do freelance work I think it's tough and I think there's a place for you to share images socially and with friends and family maybe like Shutterfly come on ho people use it these are young I'm sorry this is wrong episode I thought this called old guns no we're gonna have a new show called abusers we're gonna talk about MySpace Shutterfly and using all this freehand or something like that okay let's get through this all right put your thumb together keep your personal stuff somewhere else you're trying to grow a business you're trying to create value for people and the rule of thumb is inform or inspire so if you're an amazing photographer you want to build a photography site cool otherwise guys I'm telling you I've done this myself I posted pictures of me doing dumb things and it got an initial following and then afterwards I removed all of that and if you want to take a page from Peter McKinnon's but Peter McKinnon has over a million followers or subscribers on YouTube in his initial career he would do vlog style videos and nobody cared and then he created a couple videos like camera hacks how to shoot how to take better photos and then he got a massive following once you have the following then people care about your personal stories and now he's going back to vlogging again and I think that's how you need to do it it's just my two cents so if you have a professional-looking Instagram it's okay to post kind of like your daily life and your Instagram story in your Instagram story you can do that because those are very ephemeral and they can disappear you can set them to expire and but I'm just saying that if people are really loving you they're gonna love you for your work for right now your artistry your illustration your craft and then you can do the personal stuff inside of the story but thanks for that reminding me very good okay we got an idea of how he's doing here okay I'm gonna score him and dance he has a behind page so let's just quickly look at that to see if it's any different oops okay Batman's page that's not a good thing okay let's score him now let's take a minute marketing presentation clarity of services personality next up we're gonna look at Sharif's work i've been freelancing as a graphic designer for seven years now i've always loved doing design then I finished my degree in architecture and urban design this is what I've studied to become and this is what I want to do this is what I want to do for the rest of my life alright so we'll start with what does he have he only has a Behance page okay in honest man's Daisy only has one project that's putting a lot of weight on one project is there anything else but he's got a lot of project views here apparently he must have deleted some of his older projects yeah because there's almost 5,000 views and then there's only one project at 200 views something happened to the 4,800 other projects or things don't be scarred he's like I do all this stuff knowing these we have a channel occasionally from Cairo Egypt country from another country my brother from another mother let's look at it this better be good just saying because we like on one thing I look at we are always with you find babysitters and tutors nearby and it's called a poor guy work guys he did the branding creative direction and a graphic design for this ok challenge this outcome scope a project okay oh my gosh the old logo the new logo oh my gosh I can tell the difference it's a little curvier on the fin okay this is weird old icons and it looks like a iteration of the old logo look to the untrained eye if you mix these two up I couldn't even tell which one's old the new one in this case not a good idea to show the old and new logo just put the logo on there just say updated or something like that you can see a much bigger difference in the iconography now they're much more homogenized they're linked together there's a look to them old wait pattern new way pattern boy I mean the waves look better now than they used to so he's crafting the narratives he's showing sketches that's good so we talked a little bit earlier about having bigger images so he's having bigger images here and it's just the end of his project you know there's still even more but um should we try and break the system turn off the audio and let's just hit play and see what happens okay live-action video I'm not sure what we're looking at okay let's stop maybe the audio will tell us the whole story but let's keep going down the countdown liftoff so some mock-ups here okay all right some mobile screens something like that or goes online some web design credits okay yeah I like this pattern he's got yeah that's nice mm-hmm Thanks okay Sherif all right let's look at how Shrieves doing on social media all right okay how many followers yeah 685 okay 317 posts he's also following lots of people too but not quite as many enough follow him I kind of scroll through this a little bit his photography is beautiful okay this is one of those instances where I say your photography is really good so maybe it's okay for you to post photos but engagements really well a lot of engagement yeah why is this one so many this one with a woman on the rooftop 104 there's no description see there no description no hashtag wow you're right interesting no comments okay let's see what is higher engaging posts just keeps going any other spikes do you see numbers always what dwell okay okay this one's a video and the original plays 271 okay that's fine I know this campus okay so Cherise got a really good eye I think he must be some kind of budding or spying photographer here's where I think he needs to integrate this photography with his design I've introduced this concept to some of you guys before it's called super stacking it's about trying to align as many of your hobbies and skills and interests together as possible and right now they seem to be two different worlds so when you're in two different worlds you compete with all photographers and then you compete with all designers if you can integrate the two use some of your original photography and integrate it into the design now you can do what few designers can do which is take amazing photographs and you can do what photographers can do which is to add typography and design elements that makes you stronger it also says that he's a designer photographer and an architect so that might be one of the reason why he has he's posting photography there's just too many things in there all right let's score him let's do this okay so next up we're gonna look at Conor's work Conor Fowler my favorite type of work is definitely logo design but I do really enjoy and have started really getting into the idea of packaging and how to incorporate that with different patterns and whether you can extrapolate and take out different bits of a logo design and apply that in a different manner so not just creating the logo design but then building on that even further Conner Fowler's website is under construction but we can look at his Instagram okay yeah actually he has a triple and B hands so maybe you can go through his bare hands I like the way he said that oh my gosh is such a cute dog out there oh my gosh yeah but Behance account so he's broken this into four categories animal logos logo archive symbols and shoot - pick one of these things to look at symbols okay okay very nice it's not as you like all right don't worry that voice back okay was that a badger nice Oh Japanese Matson Tony right keep up the devil lotus flower hmm he's pretty good yeah if you enjoying the series hit appreciate he's even telling you what to do don't tell me what to do I will want to only hit appreciate it for once okay the Fox was all that clear hey so he has some illustration skills yeah nice all right let's click on the first one animal look what is this are you know that was the logo archive this is the animal okay so we're seeing some overlap in the portfolio here oh yeah what's the point of having two sections that they're gonna be the same I think if it's already going to appear in the animal logos I don't know if you should put in the logo archive I want to see different things in different buckets all right cool okay he's trying lots of different styles here all right cool let's see how many appreciations he has and all that kind of stuff okay 666 projects this is less than meets a Sharif Street has 5,000 and he has 666 so Sharif must have deleted ton of things here maybe he just started maybe maybe just for this thing okay let's close this down and let's look at the Instagram how Connors doing whoa snaps he's got twenty two point one thousand powers whoa oh my Instagram page you'll see a lot of logo design identity design and I like to do as you can see it's going through a lot of different types of images focusing on the process and where it starts and where we finish all right Connor C Fowler design 220 post inner 64 following that's a good ratio now true test drumroll how much engagement does he have do you predict he has more than 10 percent or less than 10 percent of his followers I would say more than 10 percent what gives you that feeling and why are your finger on your face I don't know I just some B's part or something whatever you think more than 10% why do you have that feeling I'm just curious it looks really professional summary images there's six images you're just moved by the number I feel like you're impressed by that number it's true or false maybe a little bit but I do think the first photo that we see the Panda like he strategically plays the pen here and here you know love with erasers and stuff like that you like that moment of truth hover over it ear drums Emily kill Amir okay what does he have nine nine eleven twenty nine so by my math 22,000 that's like 5% percent not great let's keep looking what am i saying I probably horrible number myself people don't go check out my my stats you guys okay let's keep looking it they're fairly consistent around seven two hundred to a thousand right ending blow up yet if there's something that's gigantic numbers when you look at it but you can see it's very consistent he shows process he's always sneaking in a lead holder pencil pencil sharpener that's a totally the wrong pencil sharpener by the way how many different pencils does a man need to use you've got the regular number-two pencil and the opposition yeah it's usually between 700 to 1100 but they're clean they're simple they're very vibrant whereas Shareef no I'm sorry whereas Spencer showed sketches you couldn't even see he show like really bold sketches that you can see in a well photograph and I think that's a big thing he's look how prolific this guy stuff all the time and I can see some challenges that he's doing in here all good stuff thanks it's not like really well organized in terms of like thinking in terms of threes but that's okay Who am I to say he's got 20,000 followers do Oh 30,000 plus I would be embarrassed right now I got four okay so we looked at his Instagram with looked at his bands decides under construction let's grade the work okay let's do it marketing presentation clarity personality okay last but not least number five in the young gun series is Sean a few years ago I found design I just fell in love with it and it's it's a way for me to like combine my logical and math - side with something more creative and my problem-solving skills and use them as well I love it and so being able to do something I love them tonight is a career that's just kind of like the dream right let's look at Sean's work okay oh I spot a problem right away ' not a prime mark Sean Campbell breaking in typographic world right there use a real posture fee please I design logos and identity systems I like it so clear for startups no this didn't say branding or visual communication Digital blah blah I design logos and identity systems for startups small businesses and solopreneurs super clear it's clear joining it so now let's see if there's proof there mm-hmm I believe Sean is our youngest of the young guns okay so some sketches and some process some hyper Sharia grids no no an arbitrary he's showing you the how the picks and bins I'm showing you that the consistent weights it is a real grid excuse me don't try to write the new barber supply so he has a horizontal lock up and a vertical lock up good and just thinking through things this looks like a legitimate job that he actually did for somebody right okay it's like a very thorough very thorough process mm man it's almost like some of these kids are watching our show and taking my advice good job guys good job that's how they say in Korea okay Keep Calm so there's some sketching okay some of the photos are not great I think there's too much of the same thing I think so yeah well we want to do is we want to tell a story but we want to beat them over the head there's too many versions of everything yeah cut it down but good that you have this material okay I like that that's playful look one and creating this pattern out of that yeah it's like a worm or something like Morse code yep okay the last one we're gonna look at one our challenge oh oh these are need did all this in one hour each logo one hour one hour each set see that's very good yeah that's really good I think we have to just judge them though ultimately if they're good or not not that you took an hour so there's a problem here the video is currently unavailable guys make sure your links are good before you submit whoa assistant because I did not record my process I would just say take it out wait check it out yeah why would we have busted links and stuff oh it's not a busted link it just says because I did not record it's just a placeholder does that make sense yeah why you put plates all are you gonna record it later that's what I'm saying just get rid of it is actually very disturbing to me all right so some of them he recorded the process and some one he didn't I don't think you need to show every single piece of process I would pick your favorite one or two at most and just present this as a grid and just keep it really simple right okay or maybe cut them together and make just one scene like a montage very good idea okay let's go to Instagram or by Handsome here is he's got four thousand nine hundred so he's had his the hands page up is the same body work so it's consistent he has something about himself in um P hands right everybody guys so Connor had it too but that can't be the only place people learn about you got decent looking headshot let's go to Instagram ok 3260 so he's already got more followers than you right young guns you're gonna mean old geezer compared to these people all right let's look at a hundred post 191 following that's a very good racial from followers to following that's a healthy sign their logo and identity design specialist nice he's very consistent right those are highest marks 257 to none yet compared to that he's on test 10% right really close okay someone performance any anomalies in here and some they got like eight hundred or a thousand okay so the pencil sketches take a page from Connor Fowler's book here let's scroll up make it darker I need to see it darker better photography good contrast good lighting it looks like you're photographing this at night where there's my spotlight and you have this dark the kind of vignetting fall-off try to do this during the day next to window it's gonna look much much better and I imagine he probably had some color temperature problems I'm here to making everything black and white spend a little time guys crafting these images because this is the window into your world who's the contrast do whatever you got to do I can tell these are legitimate photos because they're the same pencil and protractor he's using yeah that's how you know you really did take these photos but that ultimately doesn't matter I don't care if you copy something jumped out at me right there this deejay rossi yeah everything logos and black and white no 1790s yeah that's wrong me off there this one is the one that got a lot of likes or no spinal injury okay why is that maybe it was a boosted post okay let's keep going so then these these layouts to that okay my suggestion to you shot is to clean up your stuff really just own the fact that you do really cool logos and I had any design and just be comfortable doing that I think you'll do really well you're on your way man I see some repetitive posts here which kind of bother me yeah I see some inconsistencies in terms of the way that percentage so we're seeing some black edges here that's bugging the heck out of me right now my OCD is kicking in like these two sweets logos I can't really even see the difference between it I think they are the same one is a video and one is a picture okay so maybe this is one of those times when you do a multi what did they call that yeah I have a feeling maybe prior to that I are to that yeah okay I think you want to just think through the sequence in which you're gonna post at least three at a time if not six or nine at a time it's you post one thing and you realize oh now I want to post the video version of it how does that look next to the video and and the still they just it's a little confusing to me the cool thing about this is you can actually delete all these old posts it's not gonna affect your numbers and you can repost and build it the way it's meant to be built okay putting the time and energy to do that and you'll be good but there's a lack of consistency in terms of the quality the color temperature and all that kind of stuff we have to work on that okay I think we're done right yeah okay good all right I'm ready are you ready yeah did you total your scores go talk a little quick it's simple math I mean for normal people not for designers we might need to drop the personality score because that's weighing heavily on the total score so I'm gonna see how this works out if I had changed that okay so who did you pick for the person who has a high starting score in the young guns series Sean Campbell why yeah right away when you go onto his profile or his website he was very clear about what he does he's a logo and an identity system designer and all the project they look very professional he had great mock-ups I was really impressed with this 30 logos challenge or just really impressive and all the process photos that he took okay you like that okay excellent all right this was a really close one the only real blowout here is Sharif Sharif only has one project and his social media that's a align with his the hands page he's the only person I think who doesn't also have a website right that was my outlier too yeah so he's really kind of like dragging the bottom here but I know that Sharif does good work but we can't tell from this so shreaves got a lot of work to do to kind of build out his website and to add to his portfolio it's gonna be very difficult given what you shown us to get work and maybe there's there's evidence otherwise you're getting a ton of work on that could just be word of mouth so you're not utilizing your social presence your website your digital presence to help you get work we don't know but what we're gonna have to do is just judge it based on what we see right and if you look at through the lens of somebody who was going to hire you and they're gonna look at how did I find you in the first place is there consistency in the work that you've presented is it clear to me what it is that you do is the craftsmanship and the quality of the presentation of your work up there and if it is there's a good chance I'm going to add you to the list of people to call for whatever it is that you do everybody in this group I think is in a very similar space couple of them are specialists in logo design and I would put Conor Sean in that category and then the other ones are more gentleman's graphic designers a rune Spencer and Sharif kind of worked out in that weird order so without further ado I'm gonna announce my pick that has the highest score on the next episode [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Futur
Views: 156,150
Rating: 4.9560909 out of 5
Keywords: the futur, futur brand, disrupt design education, chris do, business of design, how to, young guns, episode 2, young designers, coach, reality, series, portfolio review, graphic design, mentored, mentoring, objective criteria, graphic designers, global, under 25, international, reviews, positioning
Id: z8BuocNq1Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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